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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  May 17, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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>> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> tonight, the neighborhood fight affecting thousands of people about to run the bay to breakers. i'm brian hackney. >> i'm ann notarangelo. that race will take runners from the san francisco bay waterfront to the breakers at ocean beach. brian webb is in san francisco with one big change on the
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course. >> reporter: the count down is on. we are at eight hours, 59 minutes and two seconds until the start of the longest continuous run, road race in the world. but even old traditions get new rules. this year, it is a fence. bay to breakers. think of it as a 12-kilometer mini marathon meets a strange celebration where costumes and lack of them along with dancing and partying outshine athletic performance. and the runners are ready to go. some more than others. >> are you looking forward to running with all the people who are all dressed up and some are naked? >> yeah! >> i don't know about you ... >> i just lost 130 pounds so this will be a milestone for me. >> reporter: this year's party will be taken down a notch by a fence put up along alamo
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square. a long time party pit stop. >> this is such a part of the city culture and we can't keep it out of the neighborhood when our race is running through it. we should embrace the fun. i think the races are futile. >> reporter: but for some nonracers who live around here, the fence stands as a sign of freedom from partyers who know no limits and the piles of trash they leave behind. >> i live in the neighborhood so it is a bit of an inconvenience. crowd control requires some perimeters. better than than no control. >> reporter: other slightly older rules still apply. no wheels, no bag, no alcohol, and no nudity. other than that, on your mark, get it set. so there will be shuttles to take you from the finish line. live in san francisco, brian
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webb, kpix5. tonight, an eight-year-old oakland girl fights for her life after getting shot in the neck in chest. there are several bullet holes in the block of 66th avenue where the shooting happened. two men got out of a car and just started shooting. the girl got caught in the cross fire, one neighbor was afraid to go on camera but described a chaotic scene. >> i saw my neighbors running in with the little girl in their arms. >> reporter: a 47-year-old man was the likely target. the two gunmen remain on the loose. there is a $15,000 reward for information leading to their arrest. a close call on the bay for some boaters. eight people had to be pulled out of the water. the people were hanging onto the boat trying to keep it from slipping. all of them were eventually pulled out. if you had some bumps and bruises. >> the family and the community said good-bye today to a san
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jose father killed in a road rage shooting. funeral services were held for the man inside a san jose search. a police officer who has become an advocate for the victim's widow and young sons brought in almost $100,000 in money. >> i am going to try to get the northeast i can for them because we can never replace the loss of their father. >> one of the boys has autism and the family has no other relative in the united states. the killer is still on the loose. tonight, calmer weather is helping firefighters controlling the wild fires burning around san diego county. many people are going back to see if their homes are still standing. >> reporter: as fire crews put out the last hot spots in the san marcos fire, evacuees are beginning to return home. but many like gary saunders
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were only allowed to go on foot until the entire area was declared safe. >> all these people just want to go home, too. >> reporter: they are fortunate they still have home to go to. the win driven fire moved so fast, it caught many by surprise. >> how much time did you have to get out? >> we literally had seconds. >> reporter: liz and rick robert son were hosting two other evacuees in their home when black smoke filled the air. >> a sheriff came in with a bull horn at 50 miles an hour and said evacuate immediately. >> we grabbed the kids and our dog and got in the car and sped away. we looked back and saw all this dark smoke directly above our house and thought we just said good-bye to our home. >> reporter: but some people never left. this dramatic photo shows 72- year-old james harken defending his home with a garden hose.
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>> it was like it had an invitation to a cocktail party. >> reporter: an eight-foot wall of flames surrounded his house. he credits the firefighters. >> i didn't do anything. they saved us. >> reporter: the fire is still burning near marine base pendleton where firefighters are dousing the flames. many of these troops just got back from afghanistan. >> we are now coming home to fight another enemy. threatening where we live. so every time we fly, we fly over our neighbors. >> reporter: carter evans, cbs news, san marcos, california. people are trying to escape these high waters. at least two dozen people have been killed and the death toll is sure to rise. this is the devastation an the rescue efforts. >> reporter: torrential rains have triggered the worst floods
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to hit this region since they have kept records 123 years ago. bosnia and serbia. officials towned the small towns thursday. tens of thousands have fled their homes. others were rescued by heck copper after climbing to their roofs. entire neighborhoods and small towns have disappeared. >> i hope in next few days, this problem will pass away. >> reporter: making matters worse, all that water has caused more than 200 landslides. the landslides raise the risk of injury or death from land mines left over from bosnia's war in the early 90s . it swept away many of the warning signs
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around the mine fields. they are filling sandbags to hold the rivers back, but it may not be enough. another wave of flooding is expected sunday. there is now a third case of the potentially deadly mers virus in the united states. it was a man who came in contact with an indiana man. it first started showing up in 2012 here. it has since spread to 15 countries. it kills one in four people who get it. tonight, california chrome is one race away from joining some elite company. >> california chrome has won the preakness! >> the horse held off a strong challenge today at the preakness. if he wins in three weeks, california chrome would become the first triple crown winner since 1978. cbs recorder ken rudolph was at the race and he shows us how
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the northern californian horse has taken the country by storm. >> reporter: it's the party of the month at the preakness stakes and folks have come from all over the country. >> so where are you from? >> tennessee. >> from north carolina. >> i'm from baltimore. >> reporter: their homes are different, but their allegiance to one horse is the same. >> california chrome is my horse. >> i'm rooting for california chrome. >> i'm california chrome. >> tennessee? what are you doing falling in love with a california horse? >> because he is going to win. >> reporter: the little horse with the big heart and the bigger bankroll from california has captivated the entire nation and they love him for different reasons. >> he got the horse for almost nothing. >> it just seemed like he is a winner. >> because he is number one. he won the kentucky derby. it has been a first in a long
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time. >> reporter: from the show in the infield to the glamour in the grand stands, for many, the $2 bet is the maximum commitment. but others have taken theirs a little deeper. >> if he makes tout the be will mont, i'm not walking with my class. we are really going for this. we are really hoping for him to win. >> reporter: by now, everyone knows that california chrome gave the crowd what they wanted and more. now graduating senior taylor parish, california chrome and the fans are all headed to new york city. >> well, at a mile-and-a-half, the belmont is the longest and most challenging of the rices. 12 horses have gone there since 1978 and they have all come up short. today's win revealed a rift between yuba city co-owners and
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the church hull track. they opted to not go to the baltimore ceremony. they felt mistreated. coburn made this comment after the race. >> i just want to thank the people of maryland for all the hospitality they have shown us. and churchhill, you need to take a lesson on this. >> reporter: churchill downs has issued an apology. well still coming up, making buildings safer ahead of the big one. nasa's new technology to protect you in an earthquake. >> locked out and out of luck: increeks complaints about lock smiths overcharges you to get back in your house. >> well the key to our weather, that strong sea breeze keeping us windy and cool as we look live at the ferry building. we will have the forecast for you after the break. ,,,,
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upon what could be a breakthrough in earthquake >> nasa scientists are trying to solve problems with rocket launches when they stumbled into what could be a breakthrough in earthquake technology. it is called a fluid structure cuffling. it stabilizes, it can't keep buildings from swaying but it could prevent catastrophic damage. >> what you are not going to get is a huge dynamic swaying that can occur. that is what you have to avoid. you get that going, large displacement can lead to failure. >> they kind of look like sideways shock absorbersful it could also keep buildings from swaying in high winds. nasa says it could work on planes, big rigs, and ships. well it has probably happened to you or someone you know. locked out of the house and forced to pay a bundle to get
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back inside. curtis main tells us that lock smiths are ripping us off. >> reporter: after hearing horror stories. >> they are ripping people off. >> reporter: still sharp at 92, elizabeth is feisty. she says they jacked up the price to $180 just for picking the lock. that is the same price for drilling it. >> he never did drill it. i thought i was getting ripped off. >> reporter: pam says her $50 quote became $300. doug paid 92 bucks getting it rekeyed. >> once you are presented a bill, you are kind of screwed. >> reporter: so we set up a sting. >> i have locked myself out of the house. >> reporter: we asked two veteran lock smiths to show us what it takes to pick these
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locks. >> this is a real easy lock to get in. >> if they can't pick this quick set, they are in the wrong business. >> reporter: they charge between 65 and $75 bucks. >> do you have a ballpark price? >> reporter: not on the phone says the first lock smith. after checking the lock in person ... >> 160. >> i had this done before and it was not that much. >> reporter: she reluctantly agrees to the work. it takes david less than two minutes. we decide to chat with him. >> why were you going to charge us $160 for such an easy job. >> this is what we charge. >> reporter: that's a lot. >> i know. >> reporter: their phone quote, between 80 and $90. lock smith lloyd gets right to work picking our lock. in about a minute. >> what's the toll again? >> $75. >> reporter: cheeper than 80 and $90 quoted.
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now our third company. 24/7 lock smith. >> i'm in my front yard locked out. >> reporter: the operator tells our undercover homeowner that prices start at $50. after two hours of waiting, lock smith mark arrives and right away, he identified the problem. >> that one might be difficult. >> reporter: he says we have a commercial lock which we know isn't true. the cost? $185 and he may have to drill it. >> so you can't just pick it? >> i will try. like i said, this is a commercial. >> reporter: he tries for exactly 56 seconds before this happens. >> you have to drill it? oh. oh. >> how is it going? >> good. >> reporter: how are you? >> i'm good. >> reporter: why are you drilling this lock right here? >> i mean, i charge to pick it. >> reporter: i can't believe you drilled this lock. we watched a guy pick it for 5
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seconds. >> we tried for five minutes. >> reporter: mark admits his company has not given him much training and he is told to call this kind of lock a commercial lock. he would have charged us the same $185 even if he picked it. 24/7 lock smith is the same company dudley and pam used. >> they are not being honest at all. >> shut them down and prosecute them. >> when we get complaints, we investigate. >> reporter: there is an industry problem, but they cited 17 lock smiths in two years. >> we are responsible for doing everything we can given the resources that we have at our disposal. >> reporter: at 92 years old, elizabeth is disappointed. mark installed another look for us and refused to take money for the job. before he left, he admitted what he hand his company have been doing has not felt right. >> i will be honest with you. i don't think i am going to do the job anymore. >> reporter: curtis reached out to 24/6 lock smith regarding the finings, but the company
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never got back to him. if you need a lock smith, be sure to get a referral and be wary if you can't get an estimate beforehand. in the weather department, we had a windy day with some clouds floating overhead. temperatures have cooled dramatically. temperatures tumbled 20 to 30 degrees. more warm weather the latter half of the week, but first, we will look live down market street. everything looks peaceful in advance to the bay to breakers. numbers are mostly in the upper 50s around the bay area. concord, 61. san jose, 60. santa rosa, 62. winds have been a factor tonight. they are finally begining to ease up. out of the west, 10 at oakland. san francisco, 14 westerly winds. northwesterly winds. for tomorrow morning, we begin the day with mostly sunny skies except right at the coast. numbers will be in the upper 50s . and if you are running the bay to breakers.
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60 degrees forecast at race time. lit be cloudy at the coast, but okay by the way. silicon valley irish festival is also on tap tomorrow. 71 degrees, should be a nice day for that. high and low pressure are combining to produce some strong winds an a pretty good on shore push so the sea breeze is pulling what stratus there is through south san francisco and daly city. clouds will increase as the low sinks south. as it does, it introduces enough instability to the atmosphere to produce a thunderstorm or a thunder bumper. not much of a chance, but it is being put out there. tomorrow looks mostly clear until the fog and the low clouds move in late in the day. here is what is next. the winds ease up. mild temperatures tomorrow. a slight chance of a thunderstorm late on tuesday. probably not, but we have to mention that stuff. 72 degrees at mountain view.
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67 at hayward. 67, san jose is nice. 73 degrees. morgan hill, 75. east bay, mid 70s will do it. sownes a lot better than the mid 90s . ann was report on the hot weather last week and it did look hot. it was hot wasn't it? she is nodding. 73 in santa rosa. 73 in petaluma. up in the far north, ukiah has 57 degrees. we will be calling for numbers to level off, sunday, monday, tuesday, the mild side. but look what happens the latter half of the week. we are back in the mid to upper 80s by the end of the week, so hot times ahead. we have to wait until thursday and friday for that. ann, burn? >> how many heads do you see on my shoulder? are you seeing double today? >> let's start with baseball. >> we got it man. what a package. we have a league champion we are going to crown tonight. we will also address the pros.
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scott kazmir a chance to face his former team. i'll explain. the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way,... while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel. banking for the life you have... investing for the life you want chase. so you can.
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a's delivered the bottom li. but not without consequence ...for cleveland indian..n's star >> saturday baseball, we'll hit you with a high note. scott kazmir, now the as starter. not so hot in cleveland. the balls and strikes, they lose to the umpire every time. jerry lay made it an early evening. sent to the showers of an
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inning and a third. they added on in the 7th inning, josh donaldson backed away, gone? uh, no. yeah, they reviewed it. it went for a triple. didn't matter because the as just won by a final of 6-2. hey, 49ers, kendel hunter, bruce at at&t tonight. brandon hicks hits one back to the wall. missing first base. that's a mistake. sec and third with one out. lincecum, quality start if you are into this kind of stuff. angel pagan couldn't get to that one. run scores to make it 2-0. the marlins took advantage when ever they gave him an opening. giancarlos stanton powers up.
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giants shut out by the fish. 5-0. albert field, great crowd. the wildcats broke it open in the 4th inning. andrew sells. brought three of them home. and the wildcats win, final of 6-1. they are the marin athletic league champions. when we come back, mark jackson, back on the sidelines tomorrow! >> what does that mean? >> more in sports after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the horse of the hour... was near the t ab >> oh, triple crown time. there is california chrome, the horse of the hour. a mile and three sixteenth. california chrome wins the preakness. 38 have won the kentucky derby and the preakness. 11 have won the belmont stakes as well. to the ice. montreal with the rangers. i'm going to tell you about mark jackson. insert my nba story as he signs a multiyear to work for espn. he will be working a game tomorrow with the heat and the indiana pacers. nice one for mark. we'll be looking for you. let me wait and see where we are going now. how about montreal? rangers silencing the crowd.
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oh, the bell, we are going to count for gold. how about seven of them for the rangers? you can tell this is a brian chung production. a final score of 7-2. start your engines! >> nascar. kyle busch, a little spin out. a little paint swapping, that's what happens. jeff gordon, a car chases fire, we will tell you the winner of the story. kevin harvick to win the coveted million dollars. that in nascar tonight. quake nations traveling north to seattle. 50,000 in attendance. perfect placement into the net. it is john bush.
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sounders do win, a final of 1- 0. oh man. oh, the saber kittens, the cats in portland. jason willis, yeah. and the dance. cats win final of 64-27. we'll be back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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tomorrow ni >> bay to breakers tomorrow. are you running? [ laughter ] >> no. i'll be sleeping in. >> we'll be watching you. yes. have a good one. ,,,,
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