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tv   KPIX 5 News at 630pm  CBS  May 25, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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we are live from the cbs bay area studios. this is kpix5 news. >> we talked about killing his roommates while they slept. tonight we learned the
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first three victims of elliot roger's college killing spree were all from the bay area. good evening. cbs reporter david bekno is live in santa barbara county tonight. david? >> reporter: and we are just getting word and confirmation as you said that the last three victims who died are, in fact, from northern california. their names are 20-year-old chang hong from san jose, 19- year-old george chen and 20- year-old wang from fremont. again, those are the final 3 victims to be identified of the 6 who died. the police searched the home of a hollywood film director who happens to be the father of the suspected shooter. they removed boxes but they did not say what they were looking for or what was removed. there was a report from the los angeles times that took a lot of people by surprise. it is this. the times is quoting a family spokesperson as saying the
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mother of the suspected shooter got word early friday night, got a manifesto from her son when she was able to read it in frightening detail and based on what she read she called her ex- husband and then she called the authorities. at that point, the family spokesman says the parents of the suspected shooter got in the vehicle and started heading towards santa barbara to see what they could do if it was true and if they could stop him. on their way they got the first report that the shooting just happened. at that point they suspected their son may have been involved. the police yesterday the question. did the young man suffer from mental illness and the sheriff made it clear, based on everying that she had seen there is no doubt that this young man had mental issues. >> in reading this, 141 page
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ram bling it is apparent of the severe extent of how disturbed mr. roger was. >> the sheriff said today of the 6 victims killed in this murder rampage here, all of them were students at the university of california, santa barbara. reporting live tonight. kpix5. >> thank you, david. we have continuing coverage on air and on line. stay with kpix5 and for the latest. well, after a week of unrest. involving a police involved shooting, today. a peaceful protest in salinas. >> they are determined to send a positive message of peace after a tense and violent week. this is the normal for people
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to get shot and killed and not even make it through the justice system. >> reporter: she is talking about carlos makia. the man seen waving garden sheers at two officers. accused of breaking into a woman's home and threatening her. after tazing him did not work. they opened fire. this fired up community, many accuse the community of racism and brutality. things turned ugly at a demonstration on wednesday. they came all of the way from arizona to rally with the crowd. >> you know, what they are doing. killing their own people, you know. >> along this 3 mile stretch. protesters went through the shooting. there were three since march and two of them this month alone. >> a good father, a good husband. >> reporter: his brother-in- law was shot by cops who brandished a handgun at the them. >> what does justice look like you. >> >> no more killing. no more killing.
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and maybe to teach the cops not to be so quick with their guns. >> reporter: they are working to fix that broken relationship and the trust in the community. >> there is still a lot of hard feelings, a lot of hurt. that is going to take some time. going to take us working through that mediating. >> reporter: back to you. >> the salinas police chief decided not to patrol the march after being assured that the protesters would not cause trouble. the police are investigating a suspicious death in fremont. this morning the officers were called to the home on royal palm drive. when they got there, they found a 13-year-old woman dead inside. the police say she lived at the home, the detectives are now interviewing family members to try to figure out what happened. a chp police officer is hospitalized tonight with two broken legs after a woman driving home from a casino collided with his patrol car.
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the officer pulled over the driver for a traffic stop on highway 101 in santa rosaa this morning. the officer was looking at his computer in the passenger side of the patrol car when the car was hit by a mitsubishi. the woman driving the mitsubishi suffered moderate injuries, no word yet on why she lost control of the car. chp says they ruled out drugs or alcohol. but, there are a lot of drunk drivers out there on the road right now. the chp made 822dui arrests statewide by 6:00 this morning. that including 147 arrests in the bay area alone. caltrans says the construction that shutdown a portion of highway 280 in san francisco this weekend is moving along on schedule. caltrans workers are replacing bridge hinges and installing larger and stronger ones. it allows them to accommodate expansion and contraction with the movement caused by a earthquake. 280 is closed southbound from 6th street to highway 101. so far it will open on tuesday
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morning at 5:00 a.m. still ahead, teachers quit, parents are protesting, tonight, the diocese gives its side of the clause debate brewing in east bay catholic schools. why the agency running the state's sex offender registry is pushing to take names off of the list. we are looking live towards golden gate bridge. as the sunsets, the temperatures are sinking with it. we will talk about the forecast coming up, after a break ,,
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wants to take names off the list. the group claims the regists a state board oversees sex offender registration laws wants to take names off of the list. the group claims that the registry is too big and it does not show between those that pose skpreufbg those not likely to reoffend. only high risk offenders like kidnappers and violent predators should be required to register for life. as outrage grows over a morality cause in east bay catholic schools, the die die is speaking out to defend it. we have more on the gray area driving teachers, way. at least five teachers have quit. online petition has more than 3,000 signatures and more protests are being planned.
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all in response to a change in the contract of 1200 teachers. it requires them to pledge to practice church teachings in their personal lives. >> there has been always the requirement for teachers to vote in the classroom and out of the classroom. model behavior that will enrich their students lives. >> reporter: the die die spokesperson spoke on kpix5 sunday morning about what is called a morality cause, put in place under the diocese new bishop, michael barber. >> he felt there was a need to reinvigorate the language in the contract. >> reporter: it does not say what will not be colerated. being gay, living a gay lifestyle would be allowed with one witness test. >> does your lifestyle come back into the classroom and effect your standing as a role model for these young people? >> they are saying it is the church that is a bad example.
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>> calling on bishop barber to stop his intolerant, his hateful -- >> if it goes through and teachers are fired we will be looking for another school for our daughter. >> reporter: with vague wording leaving a lot of gray area, brown is trying to stop the outrage. >> it is an individual school by school administration by teacher discussion that could be had or not had. >> some parents and teachers are now planning a protest at the high school. and, at the office of the diocese of oakland on friday. in the news room, kpix5. at last check more than 3200 people had signed the petition asking them to pull the clause from the teacher's contract. it took six months and $2 million but some say the big renovation project at the coit tower overlooked an important detail. my favorite word is actually -- [indiscernible] >> from the lion king?
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>> she can say it and spell it. the bay area's queen bee getting ready at her shot at spelling bee super star ,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] now get more of what you deserve. visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase.
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[ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. seven months of renovations but it looks like a lot sti needs to be done on the out. particul t. coit tower reopened after seven months of renovations, it looks like a lot needs to be done on the outside. especially the parking lot. check out the overgrown trees. they are blocking some of the breathtaking views of the city. and, the city's park and recdepartment said it would be too costly and environmentally dangerous to do anything about it. there are talks about replacing the trees over time to create what is called view corridors. well, you could call her
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the bay area's queen bee. queen of the spelling bee that is. now, the 8th grader is getting ready to compete this week in the scripps national spelling bee. she has a pretty impressive training regimen. >> type graphical. >> we have a winner. >> reporter: the last time we saw her she had won the kpix- sponsored cbs bay area lockal spelling bee in march. this week, the 8th grader from cupertino is ready to compete with the best in the nation. >> i want to go further. further than last year. >> reporter: last year she missed the semifinals by one point, this time she feels more prepared. >> how many dictionaries do you have? >> just these 2. >>but they are both about 10 pounds each. >> yes. >> reporter: for months she has been studying the dictionary 30 to 40 hours a week. she does not waste a minute. >> i tear pages out of this old
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dictionary and take it with me wherever i go. if it is restaurants or a family gathering. >> reporter: since 4th grade she made it her goal to make it to nationals but try not to -- tries not to take herself too seriously. my favorite word is actually. [speaking in foreign language] >> lion fish. >> reporter: next year she will be too old to compete. her parent's advice? >> what we have been telling her, have fun. >> i want to have fun in my final year. >>and she will finally put the dictionaries down. >> reporter: back to you. >> she will compete in the preliminaries on tuesday through thursday. the finals will be thursday night. >> yes. >> she will be too old to compete at the ripe old age, i think, of 13 or 14. you are too old to compete in the national spelling bee. good luck to her. let's get right to the headlines for memorial day. we are looking for a typical summer day in the bay area. this kicks off the unofficial start to the season and dead on
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queue, the numbers are low on monday. and the low 90s inland. the warm spots, nice day tomorrow. for the art and wind festival. the temperature there, in the 80s. 8:00 tonight, numbers inland will cool down in the 70s. and the middle 60s around the bay and by the coast, in the 50s. >> gusty winds tonight, high pressure that is over northern nevada keeping it through 35 miles an hour by the airport. low pressure off shore, at bay, one more day. we get warm again for memorial day. after that, the low will sink south. as it does, ushers in milder weather. so, powerful sea breeze is going to kick in by tuesday. meantime, memorial day looks very nice. and, the heartfelt thanks to all of the veterans, everyone who served our country. that is what it is about. >> one more warm day for us. looking for things to cool down on tuesday. then, a nearly normal week ahead. in regards to weather. with the temperatures getting back in the typical range.
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tomorrow, still a bit warm. 72 at burling game. 74 degrees in san mateo. 84 for san jose and campbell. even at the santa cruz beach and boardwalk, 87 degrees for a high tomorrow. 92 down at gilroy. over in the east bay, 83 degrees, livermore is at 89. 90 degrees at antioch. and, across the strait in the wine country, we will be looking at temperatures in the upper 80 degree range. fairfield, 91. 82 for napa. and, a nice day on the north bay. looking at numbers mostly in the low 80 degree range away from the bay shoreline. get closer to the shore. 72. 68 degrees, the extended forecast. looking for sunshine, most of the week. low clouds along the shoreline. aside from that. not bad. the temperatures do cool down on tuesday. but, not to the cold range. we will be down in the low 80s
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by wednesday, thursday, friday. weekends, back in the middle 70s, a beautiful week ahead and a great memorial day. the best weather, how about sports, an stph-rbgs. the a's in a a -- the a's in a bit of a funk. 5 runs left one more in the week. they are high and then low. history. who was kissing the bricks at the end??? toss to dennis... ,, man: you know, it's funny, this baja quesadilla burger doesn't really look like burger. man 2: grilled beef patty? that's burger-esque. man 1: yeah, but the flour tortilla is, like, quesadilla-y. man 2: it's both, okay? you happy? man 1: dude, it's four bucks. i am definitely happy. [ding] waitress: welcome to denny's.
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right here. my parents were immigrants. and they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. i earned a scholarship to mit. and worked across party lines to get things done. i'm alex padilla. i'll protect voting rights for everyone. and make it easier to start a business. so we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. what should we order? (announcer) alex padilla. secretary of state.
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the indy 500 is known as the american racing, but its be since 2006 that an american actually won it.. the indy 500 is known as the greatest spectacle in american racing. it has been since 2006 that an american actually won it. mostly's clean race 10 to go, bringing out the red flag for cleanup. now, ray, the leader when the race resumed. but, with 5 laps to go, he tapped him on the inside. a lap later. hunter ray, dangerous and gutsy move nearly clipped the unfield lap. passing hunter ray and gets the lead back. so, white flag comes out just in time for hunter ray to
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retake the lead for the final time with his girlfriend looking on. hunter ray and davis come to the finish line with ray out in front by 6/100th of a second, the second closest in the history of the race. denied 4th career indy 500 win and for the american, ryan hunter ray. >> i am so excited right now, i can not even think. we did everything right today. that is what it takes to win this race. i have watched the race for years. my son did today. i am thrilled. >> it is a great fight. i tell you what, it was a great, great tv -- i was having a great time. unfortunately, he is -- it is -- it is good but 2nd sucks. [ laughter ] >> definitely one of the greatest finishes in the history of that race. the last time minnesota visited at&t park, they allowed 8 runs
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in less than an inning, the worst start of his career. after three years he got his revenge. after this weekend the twins wanted out of town fast. bottom 1. pablo, you know, when you are hot, stuff like this drops in. rbi single. 1-0 giants. he struck out joe three times. now, bottom of the 3rd. 2-1, giants, taking the minnesota team, deep, 6th home run, 3-1. sanfrancisco. in the 5th. the bases loaded for michael moore. four in. getting the sweep. and major league high, 32nd win. he just loves the home cooking. >> after you cleared the basees. like you had a moment. were you just taking it in?
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>> i don't know, man, just awe. some the fans here, the best fans in baseball. >> they prove it every day coming out to the park. and support us so much. and moments just like that. you know, makes you feel humble and happy. >> trying to avoid a sweep. a year ago that the toronto starter was hit in the head by a line drive. he comes back strong. now, he had not allowed a run in 18 straight innings. in the 4th. ending that streak. a bottom in the upper deck at the roger center. taking the lead. the bases loaded. 5th inning. and that is the base hit off of johnson, 1 scored. now, a strong throw, nails him at the plate. oakland escapes the inning, having allowed just that run. now, donaldson takes one halfway to buffalo.
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cutting it to 2. they score 5 times in the series. now, dodgers, philliess, josh beckett, an out away from the no hitter. >> now on 3 and 2 to utley. leading on 2nd. here is the pitch by beckett. call, strike 3. no hitter. josh for the 21st time in dodger history. a no hitter. the first no hitter in his career. 128 pitches to get it done. 148 pitches to throw that. first in dodger history since 1996 when nomo hit it. jason and adam scott, in a play off picture. the second play off hole from the edge of the green. this for birdie. going to a third sudden play off hole. and on the next hole, scott, he
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gets the 1st in the world over tiger woods. tonight on "gameday" if you have not seen that interview with newberry you need to see it. it involves the lawsuit against the nfl. he is frank and open. stunning allegations about what takes place in the locker room. and hunter ray, ray, from the indianapolis 500 on the show tonight. >> great,. >> thank you. "60 minute" is next. thanks for watching it. >> good night ♪
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captioning funded by cbs and ford >> now, i volunteered. i don't blame nothing on anybody. i don't blame nothing on myself. i don't blame nothing on my leaders. in fact... >> pelley: we have seen a lot of stories about veterans and post- traumatic stress disorder, but tonight we are able to show you new therapies that are changing the lives of vets and their families. after eight weeks here, how are you doing? >> how am i doing? i don't know yet. that's an honest answer. but i know, deep down inside, things will work themselves out. >> stahl: we all know that sex matters, but we are now finding out just how much sex matters when it comes to medicine and science.


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