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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  May 29, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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the veterans affairs health care scandal widens. more hospitals come under investigation as a new report finds 1,700 veterans in need of care at one facility were not even on a waiting list. >> do you see yourself as a patriot? >> i do. >> edward snowden speaks. the man who spilled government secrets said he did it for your the good of the country and indicates he wants to return to the united states. and remembering an icon. a look back at the life of poet and activist maya angelo. captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, may 29th, 2013. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green.
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the investigation into veterans affairs administration is expanding. a preliminary v.a. report found scheduling delays and efforts to cover that up throughout the v.a. system. 42 centers are now under investigation. a spokesman says president obama calls the findings extremely troubling. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan, good morning. >> anne-marie, good morning. it is up to the president now. he says he wants to see the report and if the allegations prove to be true, there would be accountability. the question is does the accountability go all the way to the top of the v.a.? the inspector general's report found nationwide scheduling problems that led to long wait times for veterans seeking medical care. house veterans affairs kplit committee chair jeff miller led a tense hearing last night, pressing v.a. officials for more information. >> veterans died.
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get us the answers, please. >> i understand that, mr. chairman, and i will look -- >> that's what you said three months ago. >> in phoenix alone, investigators discovered 1,700 veterans who were waiting for a primary care appointment but had not been placed on the electronic waiting list, putting them at risk for being forgotten or lost. the report shows the average wait time for the first appointment was 1115 days. calls for veterans affairs secretary shinseki to resign are growing on capitol hill. john mccain is calling on the president. >> if secretary shinseki does not step down voluntarily, then i call on the president of the united states to relieve him of his duties. >> several democrats up for re-election are also demanding shinseki step down. they're ordering the v.a. facilities to call each veteran awaiting care to make sure they get appointments. senator mccain wants the justice
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department involved saying these problems are not just administrative, but they are criminal. anne-marie? >> susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. well, it's back to square one for the missing malaysian airliner. the u.s. navy coordinating the search says the u.s. navy's unmanned submarine finished its search yesterday and finds no signs of the plane. the bluefin-21 searched 330 square miles of the floor of the indian ocean where it was thought the jet crashed. the malaysian airliner crashed on march 8th on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing. they're still confident the plane went down in the indian ocean. this morning the ntsb is investigating a close call over the skies in alaska. an alaskan airlines jet was approaching the anchorage airport tuesday when the controller told the 737 to go around. turns out a cargo plane was taking off from the same run way the passenger jet was trying to land on.
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the two planes came within a quarter mile of each other. the alaskan airlines jet with 148 people on board landed safely. and president obama wants congress to approve a $5 billion fund to help other countries fight terrorism. the president outlined his vision for post-war foreign policy during the commencement speech at the u.s. military academy. he says terrorism remains the most direct threat to u.s. security but not every problem has a military solution. craig boswell reports. >> class of 2014, dismissed! >> reporter: president obama told the newly commissioned officers from the u.s. military academy their class will be different from those that came before them. >> you are the first class to graduate since 9/11 who may not be sent into combat in iraq or afghanistan. >> reporter: their graduation comes one day after the president announced a complete near drawdown of u.s. forces in
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afghanistan by the end of his term. >> our reduced presence there allows us to more address emerging threats in the middle east and north africa. >> reporter: he's calling on congress to approve $5 billion to help other countries with counterterrorism operations. >> we must shift our counterterrorism strategy, growing on the successes and experiences growing in iraq and after gap stan to more effectively partner with countries where terrorist networks seek a foothold. >> reporter: the president is seeking out syria where rebels have been in a war with bashar al assad. >> i don't know if you can salvage syria. i think his decisions last year has made it almost impossible to have a successful outcome. >> reporter: other republican lawmakers criticize the president's speech for lacking any concrete steps to address current conflicts around the world. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. edward snowden, the former national security agency contractor, responsible for one of the biggest leaks of
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government secrets in history says he cause nod damage to the united states. in an interview with brian williams of nbc news, snowden explained why he stole and disclosed an untold number of nsa documents and said he would be open to returning to the united states where he faces espionage charges. marlie hall has a look at the interview with the most wanted man in the world. good morning, marlie. >> good morning, anne-marie. the interview was conducted in russia where snowden has been living in asylum for much of the year. snowden says he has not cooperated with russian intelligence and says he orchestrated the leak as an act of service to the united states. >> there have been times throughout american history where what is right is not the same as what is legal. sometimes to do the right thing you have to break a law. >> reporter: edward snowden says he told the world about the
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government's massive program out of a duty of the constitution. >> do you see yourself as a patriot? >> i do, but being a patriot doesn't mean prioritizing service to government above all else. >> reporter: snowden said he joined the military after 9/11 but after leaving the army and beginning work in intelligence services he became disillusioned with the way u.s. uses and collects information. he claims he tried to go through er channels, notifying his superiors of his concerns over whether the surveillance programs were legal. >> the response more or less in bureaucratic language was you should stop asking questions. >> reporter: and snowden countered that. countered claims made by officials that his leaks have harmed the united states. >> if after a year they can't show a single individual who's been harmed, is it really so grave and so serious and can we trust the claims without scrutinizing them.
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>> reporter: snowden indicated he wanted to return to the united states where he could face up to 30 years in prison. on "cbs this morning" secretary of state john kerry says he wants to see snowden prosecuted. >> the bottom line is this is a man who has betrayed his country, sitting in russia, in an authoritarian country, where he's taken refuge. he should man up and come back to the united states. >> snowden said the only way he would return to the u.s. is if he could come to terms with a de work out a deal with prosecutors. the government has started to make changes to its surveillance methods. anne-marie? >> marlie hall here in new york. thank you, marie. coming up on the "morning news," we'll unveil new ratings for crash prevention systems in cars. >> plus, a storm chaser finds out firsthand the hazards of his job. this is the "cbs morning news." what you wear to bed is your business.
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♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ a storm chaser in south dakota got way too close to the weather. scott sheppard was hit in the arm by lightning as he shot storm video. he was not seriously hurt. well, there is more severe weather in the northern plains today. meanwhile a slow-moving spring storm system in the deep south will bring heavy showers and possible flash flooding. and in the mid-atlantic cooler air is arriving with some scattered showers and thunderstorms. and this morning the
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insurance institute for highway safety released its new ratings for highway crash systems. as alexis christoforous reports 24 cars and suvs were put to the test. >> reporter: the number of cars and suvs that offer front crash protection system which warns drivers they're about to hit something and cars that stop by themselves has doubled since 2012, but which systems work best? the insurance institute for highway safety tested two dozen new vehicles, staging crashes at 12 and 25 miles per hour. >> i want to see if the auto brake keeps us from crashing. there's the warning and the auto brake. >> the kinds of sensors that support the action of these front crash prevention systems are the very same kinds of sensors that one day will allow cars to drive themselves. >> reporter: 21 of the 24 vehicles earned advanced or superior ratings. only three received basic scores. four vehicles earned perfect
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scores when equipped with both collision warning and auto braking systems. the bmw 5 sears and bmw x-5, the hyundai genesis and the e-class. the buick regal, chevy impala, and dodge durango have tested well. >> the iihs has already seen improvements since they first launched ratings last september. alexis christoforous, cbs news. straight ahead, donald sterling digs in in his fight against the nba, and the miami pacers in a do-or-die game against the miami heat in the playoffs. do-or-die game against the miami heat in the play jauvs. get there that matters most. it's important to know the difference. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs
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los angeles clippers owner donald sterling is fighting to stop the nba from taking over his team. sterling says the recordings of him making racial comments were made illegally and the league has no right to force him to sell his team. cbs's ben tracy talked to sterling's lawyer. >> how long is he willing to fight this? >> till the bitter end. is there a ruling that says he can't talk to his lover in his own home? that's crazy? >> now, his wife shelly ohs 50% of the team and is trying to sell it before the nba takes control. paul george scores 37 points for the pacers, but in the fourth quarter, miami has a chance to win. in the closing seconds, lebron james drives down the middle and
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passes to chris bosh, who misses a the-pointer for the lead. indiana beats the heat, 93-90. game six is friday night in miami. when we return, remembering an extraordinary life. we pay tribute to american literary icon and activist maya angelou. activist maya angelou. ♪ by the chocolate all around ♪ turn around brian! ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one.
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why investigators are askin she was framed. then, a bay area man is diagnosed with 20 brain tum wait until you hear the rean why his insurance company refuses to pay for emergency treatment. people run.. to find hiddenh in san jose. we have new clues about the mystery man behind this craze. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. poet maya angelou is being remembered today as an artist, an activist, and a teacher. she died wednesday in her home in north carolina at the age of 86. michelle miller reports on the legacy of a unique american voice. >> take your time. say it.
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>> reporter: maya angelou always told the truth as she understood it, once saying she was in love with the music and language. >> peace, my brother, peace, my sister, peace, my soul, peace. >> reporter: born marguerite ann johnson in 1928 she moved to stamps, arkansas, as a child to live with her grandmother. when she was 7, she was raped by her mother's boyfriend. she would not speak for five years, eventually turning the pain of that experience into her best selling memoir, "i know why the caged bird sings." >> reporter: as a single mother angelou pursued the arts. she moved to europe and then africa before returning to the states, joining the civil rights movement.
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>> i don't know how people can see their world, whites can see a world with no blacks, blacks can see a world with no whites that's very rare. shanes can see a world with no latinos. fat people can see a world with no thin -- i can't live in that world. >> she became an actress, producer, and won three grammys. >> she knew about sacrifice and pay i paying dues. >> reporter: jazz great and cbs consultant win on the marsalis worked with maya angelou in 1993. >> with that type of fire and gentle gratitude, a rare combination. >> reporter: angelo read her poem "on the pulse of morning" at bill clinton's inauguration. >> come. you may stand upon my back and face your distant destiny. >> reporter: in 2010 president barack obama awarded her the
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presidential medal of freedom. her final message posted five days ago on twitter read, "listen to yourself, and in that quietude you might hear the voice of god." >> i am the hope and the dream of the flame and soul. there i go. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> well, among those remembering angelou was president obama. in a statement he called her, quote, a brilliant writer, a fierce friend, and a truly phenomenal woman. and oprah winfrey said, "she moved through the world with unshakeable calm, confidence, and a fierce grace. she will always be the rainbow in my clouds." well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," maya angelou in her own words. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." aya angelou in her
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own words. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." benefiber is clear, taste-free and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste
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that reminds us that life is delicious. ,,,,,,
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a 19-year-old canadian hiker is safe this morning. samurapp a 19-year-old canadian hiker is safe this morning. samuel frappier got stuck on a ledge at colorado's rocky mountain national park on tuesday. he spent the night on the mountain, wet, cold, in t-shirt and running shoes. he was able to call for help using a cell phone and was rescued by helicopter yesterday. a just released study shows that almost a third of the world's population is either overweight or obese. that's more than 2 billion people, according to the university of washington. the u.s. has about 13% of the world's fat population, greater
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percentage than any other country. researchers found that as people got richer, they gained weight. no country has been able to curb obesity in the past 30 decades. >> and 3-d printer technology has proven to be useful in the operating room. doctors in england were able to create a new hip for a 71-year-old woman. alphonso van marsh has details. >> reporter: meryl richards has had six surgeries to fix her hip which was shattered in a car accident decades ago. >> that's a good nearly two inches there. >> reporter: she hope this on rag will be her fast. doctors near london are using 3-d printer technology to give meryl a new custom made hip replacement. >> it's taking an old part and putting a new part back in again. >> reporter: layer by layer, a 3-d printer built up an impant
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with powdered titanium built on meryl's existing hip. doctors say the implant makes it a perfect hit. >> it makes my life more stressful if i've got a component that fits. >> reporter: before the operation scientists took stem cells from meryl and grew them in a lab. doctors used the cells during surgery to work as glue to help hold her hip together and eventually help her walk without a limp. alphonso van marsh, cbs news, london. well, after weeks of rumors, the apple/beats deal is nearly done. $3 billion apple is buying beats, which includes the beats headphones. they also get beats music streaming service. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on that close call over alaska. we'll speak with former ntsb chair deborah hersman. plus, the latest on the santa barbara rampage. we'll hear from a friend of the gunman's family on efforts to
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help his mental illness. >> and we sit down with tony award nominee chris o'dowd from broadway's "of mice and men,". >> that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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ses your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, may 29. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. 4:30. the weekend is approaching!
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we're a day short but go ahead anyway. >> big changes between knee and the weekend. today very nice. sunny and mild. a big change coming for the weekend. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have a possible injury crash right now in oakland in the northbound lanes of highway 13 approaching the highway 24 exit. it sounds like everything is off to the right-hand shoulder but we have a lot of overnight roadwork out there, as well. so we'll break it down for you coming up. >> all right. >> thank you. 4:30 now. > a sonoma county family is in a battle with a well-known health insurance company about a man's cancer treatment and whether it was necessary to warrant coverage by the insurer. andria borba has the story only on 5,. >> reporter: geoffrey rush already knew the news was bad. an mri found 20 tumors in


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