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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  May 29, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. this afternoon: parents of e isla the memories of their son are going to be very difficult to have any loving memories of him. >> guilt and confusion. this afternoon, parents of the isla vista shooter are expressing remorse for the victims and contempt for their son. good afternoon, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone.
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i'm frank mallicoat. more than 1,000 people are expected at a candlelight vigil for 19-year-old george chen among those killed in the santa barbara massacre. he will be honored tonight at leland high school in san jose where he graduated from two years ago. 20-year-old david wang from fremont was another bay area student killed in the attack. his high school fremont christian is planning to create a garden where teachers say he spent so much time with his friends. kpix 5's cate caugiran is live in the newsroom. >> we are hearing how the parents of the shooter actually tried to stop him. >> reporter: the family is in seclusion. a family friend said he showed me signs of violent before the rampage. on the night that elliot rodger brought death to the streets of santa barbara his parents raced to stop him. john blackstone sat down with a family friend. >> in each car they are listening to the radio and they
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are hearing that at least been a massacre in santa barbara. they then talk about a black bmw and elliott has a black bmw and peter said to me during that drive he knew that his son had caused this. >> you had met elliott? >> yes. >> you knew him? >> yes, i did. he was a boy that was unbearably removed. he hardly joined in conversation. and when he replied to something, he looked startled. i thought he was the loneliest person i had ever seen in my life. >> i have been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires. >> does the family themselves feel a sense of responsibility? >> inwardly think we must do when something like this happens. but i think where they should be at peace with all this and it's the truth is that since he was 9 years old, they have
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tried to help him. they are mourning more for the innocence that didn't return on friday night than the life of their son. >> reporter: last month, the shooter's mother alerted the santa barbara sheriff her son may be a danger. the deputies determined there was no reason for concern. >> do they blame the sheriff's department for not being more aggressive? >> no blame. i haven't heard one word of blame. eliot fooled everyone for a very long time. and, you know, ultimately, that is what he did with the police. eliot in his writings expressed this hatred toward women. is that more of how he fooled people? >> i asked peter about that and i think he was in search of a girlfriend. >> i don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me but i will punish you all for it. >> it had shocked peter to hear of that aggression toward women or even the way he must have looked to women in his household. he did not know this side of
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his son, no. quite seriously, they are unable to string a sentence together. the memories of their son are going to be very difficult to have any loving memories of him. >> reporter: going to be painful forever? >> forever. forever and ever. and hence, their in a way irreparable grief. >> reporter: cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> astaire says rodger's parents spent years trying to manage their son's mental illness. new at noon, for the first time we are getting a look into the workforce demographics at google. as anne makovec reports, the tech giant struggles with diversity. >> reporter: watch any episode of hbo's program silicon valley, and you'll see four white men techies and one pakistani-born programmer. a look at the new numbers released by google shows that picture is all too accurate. the company is dominated by white men. 70% of google's workers are men and 61% are white. in google's tech sector, men
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dominated even further at 83%. and at the leadership level, almost 80% are men and 72% are white. asian workers are the second most populous demographics at google. blacks are only 2%. >> shame on them. >> reporter: that's the reaction we got from some google users. >> when do you a search, it just pulls up all sorts of information. so the mindset of people that, okay, they cover all the bases. >> reporter: internally are they covering all the bases? the group code 2040 works to bridge the divide. >> a lot of it is unknown by us. they don't know they are doing it. >> reporter: google admits, we're not where we want to be when it comes to diversity and it is hard to address these kinds of challenges if you're not prepared to discuss them openly and with the facts. >> they are lower than average but i think other companies that they reveal their numbers will give us more realtime stats so we can work together to find a solution. >> reporter: facebook now says it is looking at disclosing its
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demographics data but first wants to share that information internally. in san francisco, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> google announced it will partner with caper center for social impact to improve its workplace diversity and just a few minutes ago jesse jackson commended google's decision to release the report. you can take a closer look at google's numbers by going to our website, some developing news at this hour. san francisco police have arrested the driver of a car that struck and critically injured a pedestrian in the richmond district early this morning at a gas station at geary and 24th avenue. the man trapped underneath the car for as long as 20 minutes before being freed by the rescuers. he was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. police are now investigating what led up to that accident. happening today, a pitch to get george lucas to build his museum along embarcadero in san francisco. the "star wars" creator has already been offered a prime spot for the museum in chicago, where his wife is from.
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san francisco is sending lucas a proposal today to build on a site across the embarcadero from piers 30-32 where the warriors once planned a new arena. and investigators in australia say malaysia airlines flight 370 didn't go down where officials have been looking for it. a u.s. naval robotics submarine has finished its search in the southern indian ocean. and it found no trace. the search coordinators will take a two-month break and search a wider area using more powerful equipment. ♪nsa leaker edward snowden says he is more than just a contractor. >> i was trained as a spy in the traditional sense of the word. i lived and worked undercover overseas pretending to work in a job that i'm not and even being assigned a name that was not mine. but i am a technical specialist. i am a technical expert.
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>> snowden is charged with espionage and is in exile in russia. he said he would like to come home someday. secretary of state john kerry said snowden can come home anytime he wants and face the music. outrage grows on capitol hill as a report confirms allegations of delayed care at va hospitals. i'm craig boswell. the story is coming up. >> plus, the new restriction facing teens who want that perfect tan before they hit the beach this summer. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow. we are at olive school in novato. are you ready for vacation? >> yeah! >> i bet you are. we are going to check on that weather forecast coming up next. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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affairs hospital in phoenix. ...something the president is "extremeley troubling" c reporter craig boswell with heated calls for t a preliminary investigation says allegations of delayed care of veterans hospitals in phoenix that the president says
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is troubling. craig boswell with the calls for the agency to resign. >> reporter: more lawmakers are calling for va secretary eric shinseki to step down. >> it's time for secretary shinseki to step down. >> reporter: a preliminary va inspector-general's report found 1700 veterans who requested a primary care appointment at the hospital in phoenix were not placed on the electronic waiting list. the investigation hases expanded to 42 facilities where scheduling managers may have manipulated wait times to boost pay and bonuses. at a late-night hearing on capitol hill, lawmakers expressed anger at not being more forthcoming. >> get us the answers please. veterans are dying! >> reporter: lawmaker outrage is growing and inspectors
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general report both congress and the va have known about scheduling issues for almost a decade. the ig wrote, since 2005, the va office of the inspector- general has issued 18 reports that identified deficiencies in scheduling. >> we discounted the oig reports and patient concerns as exceptions not the rule. >> reporter: the white house says president obama found the report extremely troubling. craig boswell, cbs news, capitol hill. >> so far, president obama has stuck by the secretary saying he has confidence in the former army general to fix the problem. some of the biggest names in entertainment may bid for the l.a. clippers. potential dream team of owners could include david geffen, larry ellison and oprah winfrey. just to name a few. owner donald sterling is fighting to keep the team following his racially insensitive comments. next tuesday the nba's board of governors is scheduled to vote on whether to force sterling to sell that team. new at noon, the fda is now requiring tanning beds and sun
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lamps to include skin cancer warnings. the agency is also warning anyone under 18 to not use the machines. manufacturers will now have to meet certain safety and design requirements and they must include the amount of radiation the devices can release. mobile weather on the run this noon. lawrence karnow is there at olive elementary school. >> reporter: we are here with a great class in novato. and you know what? we have been talking weather all morning long. >> i learned more about how air pressure affected the warm and cold fronts. >> that's impressive. do you like to learn about the weather? >> yes. >> what was your name? >> olivia. >> everybody is going to be asking for your autograph today, olivia! are you excited? >> sure. >> she's just used to fame. want you? what did you learn today in weather school. i learned about warm fronts and cold fronts and how the air moves all around and the high pressure and the low pressure. >> and the high pressure and
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the low pressure. are you getting excited for vacation? it was hard to study in school when it was hot. are you excited? >> yeah. >> what are you going to do on vacation? >> i don't know. go to the beach a lot. >> of course you need the sunshine and warm weather to get to the beach. we scan check the temperatures around the bay area anytime of day. it looks like nice weather outside now. we're going to see plenty of sunshine as you head out the door. some very, very nice weather indeed. looks like the temperatures are already heating up. a lot of 70s in the valleys, 80 here already in novato. so some great weather ahead today. probably the nicest day of the week. high pressure is sitting off the coastline but still we have a lot of sunshine and then it looks like beautiful weather ahead. so with that in mind, some fantastic temperatures today. some of these numbers warming up very nicely in the afternoon but there are some changes coming our way. we have some low clouds and fog likely to return to the bay area as we head into tonight
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and tomorrow morning. it may be thick enough that we are looking at some of those temperatures being a little cool. in the south bay 70s and 80s. into the east bay, some of those temperatures warming up into the mid-80s in the hottest spots. and then as you work your way into the north bay we'll see beautiful weather just like this. so if you are headed up in this direction, lots of sunshine and beautiful weather. we are looking at great weather coming up as we'll see plenty of sunshine coming our way today. tomorrow some big changes on the horizon. low clouds and fog making a return. are you guys excited for vacation or what? >> yes! >> when do you guys get out of school? june 12th! >> you guys aren't counting the hours, are you? >> no. [ laughter ] >> not at all. all right. that's the latest from here on mobile weather up in novato today. back to you in the studio. >> lawrence, weather or vacation? i think i'm going to give it the vacation. >> i think you're right. >> that was great. okay. thousands of cyclists are planning to pedal to stop diabetes. kpix 5's roberta gonzales is in sunnyvale with some of the
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riders who are about to embark on a "tour de cure." >> reporter: yes, good afternoon, everybody. i'm here with the cycling team from lockheed martin. >> yeah! >> reporter: lauren is community relations here at lockheed martin. tell me about the cycling team. >> we have about 175 participants so far. we are always looking for more and we are excited about this upcoming ride on june 8. >> reporter: who is this guy? >> our team captain lido. >> hey. >> whoo! >> reporter: how much money have you raised so far? >> we are approaching $100,000. >> reporter: this is all for the american diabetes association awareness and also prevention. right? richard is here with the american diabetes association. how much do you expect to raise on june 8? >> $1.3 million for diabetes. >> reporter: we are going to stop it and you can, too, by visiting us online at and click on "links and numbers." and you can register to ride with all of, right, gang? >> yeah!
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whoo! [ applause ] an oakland attorney knows what it takes to run a good race. how he has been giving people the tools to compete in life for 35 years. ,, ,, gridlock. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller,
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to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller. ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood.
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right here. my parents were immigrants. and they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. i earned a scholarship to mit. and worked across party lines to get things done. i'm alex padilla. i'll protect voting rights for everyone. and make it easier to start a business. so we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. what should we order? (announcer) alex padilla. secretary of state.
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s-c-e-n-t, gloss he is end. >> correct. >> he's good. that perfect spelling advanced bay area contestant neha konakalla to the finals of the scripps national spelling bee. the cupertino teen is one of 12 students who will compete in tomorrow's final round. she was the winner of our local bay area spelling bee. a successful oakland attorney credits much of his academic development to the role high school sports played in his life. so he is giving back with an event that highlights the best in oakland young people. kate kelly introduces us to this week's jefferson award recipient. >> reporter: if thomas broome looks at home here, it's because he competed here as an oakland high school student. >> we ran on dirt. >> reporter: the kids competing today on this beautiful all weather track and field don't know they owe a great deal to this local attorney. >> we were looking at the plight of the schools not having the facilities they
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needed to be competitive. >> reporter: 35 years ago he and three colleagues all track enthusiasts started the oakland invitational relays not just to raise money for equipment and facilities, but to give oakland students a chance to compete on a bigger stage. >> expose these youngsters to kids from all throughout the state. >> reporter: it's become an annual premier track and field event attracting thousands of boys and girls from across the state including several olympians. and all the money raised benefits the oakland athletics league. from starting blocks to hurdles and the state-of-the-art climbing system, broome's ah event event raises thousands. several former participants remembered how it opened their world. >> that exposure gave me a lever to go on to college and compete. >> reporter: former world class sprinter jeff lanes got a track scholarship to usc and credits mr. bromase vent with
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increasing his vis ability. >> this is where you can go from here. >> reporter: she ran in the first invitational and now helps run the annual event. >> it takes discipline, focus and commitment both on the track and in academics. >> reporter: for thomas broome it's always been about the students and the link between competitive sports and academic success. >> that's what sort of kind of fueled me and kept me going but also, seeing many of them go on to be successful. that's what keeps you going. >> reporter: so for supporting thousands of oakland youth in their race to success, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to thomas broome. kate kelly, kpix 5. brad pitt is attacked on the red carpet and we're learning his attacker is a bit of a celebrity himself. we'll explain next. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
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three our four ingredients including sausages. >> that works out nicely. >> great sausages.
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>> we have here beautiful beefsteak tomatoes. a good trick that you taught me today is that you peel them when you cook them in the sauce so they are nice and soft especially with beautiful broccoli. >> so we have that going here. we steamed the broccoli with a little bit of water and, of course, some garlic and extra virgin olive oil. >> that cooks off. all we need to do is heat it up. >> we already cooked it. add a little olive oil. give it some texture. red pepper fairfax, shaved pecorino romano. and here we go. that's it. perfect. thank you. hearty. ciao. coming up tonight at 5:00, students shocked to open up their high school yearbooks. the surprising photoshopping that some are calling humiliating. that and more at 5:00. the man arresting for brad
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pitt is notorious for harassing celebrities. vitalii sediuk rushed up to him at a movie premiere in l.a. check out what he did to another actress this month. he put his head up her dress! it was the same person who got slapped by actor will smith two years ago as he tried to kiss him. >> me thinks he has seen the last red carpet, the reporter. >> hopefully. >> i would hope so. have a great afternoon. captions by: caption colorado
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>> bill: all right, i know this sounds absurd. it's a beautiful day, but you're sure there's no rain coming? >> aadila: i'm sure, sir. >> bill: not even in the realm of possibility? >> aadila: that is a very large realm. however -- >> bill: what about sandstorms? i know sandstorms kick up out of nowhere around here. >> aadila: not forecasted. but we do understand. you want everything to be just so. >> bill: yes, i do. this is the biggest and most important day of my life. i'm marrying brooke, and i want everything to be perfect. >> brooke: [ sighs ] this time, i know.


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