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tv   KPIX 5 News at 530pm  CBS  October 4, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. united states is prepared to deal with this crisis. >> growing fears over ebola has the obama administration and homeland security working overtime to calm jittery nerves. good evening, i'm brian hackney. >> i'm ann notarangelo. the government says there will be tougher screenings for passengers arriving on international flights. there will be stricter guidelines as well as expanded training for local health professionals. ebola will now become part of the same safety and testing measures recommended for diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and measles. one set of those stricter measures played out today on an international flight that landed in new york. the plane was quarantined because of a sick patient. and as cbs reporter marlie hall
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tells us, the condition of the u.s. ebola patient in dallas is deteriorating. >> reporter: a passenger snapped this photo of officers aboard a united airlines flight from brussels that landed at newark airport saturday. an ill passenger reportedly from liberia exhibited possible symptoms of ebola. officials from the cdc dressed in full hazmat gear escorted the sick man and his daughter off the plane. >> we knew something was wrong when the cdc was here. >> reporter: health officials say they don't believe the pair have ebola. at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas ebola patient thomas eric duncan is in critical condition. he arrived from liberia last month and got sick at this apartment. hazmat started sanitizing the unit friday. three days after duncan was diagnosed with ebola. the four people who had been quarantined in the apartment
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will move to a private home in a gated community. >> we don't sickness increasing everywhere so they moved it. >> reporter: the cdc has identified nine people who have had close contact with duncan here in dallas. health officials are monitoring them closely along with 41 others who may have had contact. >> we are confident that none of those with definite contact had any symptoms related to ebola. none of them had fever. >> reporter: cdc director dr. thomas frieden says there are no other confirmed cases of ebola in the u.s. marlie hall, cbs news, dallas. >> the virus that causes ebola is not airborne and can only be spread through direct contact with bodily fluids. right now health is front and center for many people. there are five cases of enterovirus in the bay area. health officials are strongly encouraging people to get the flu virus. >> reporter: safety day in san
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rafael looks like a carnival but it's a chance for people to get serious about their healthcare. alexa davidson got her flu shot today. >> it's a scary thing to think about that these things even exist in our world and makes you think about your own health. >> reporter: unlike influenza when it comes to enterovirus, there is no vaccine or treatment. still health officials hope the news headlines about enterovirus will convince people to get vaccines that are available. >> we hope that people will take the news advisories about our health epidemic seriously and do their best to keep themselves and their community members protected. >> reporter: enterovirus causes serious breathing problems in many children especially those with asthma. researchers are also determining if it's the cause of muscle weakness and paralysis children have experienced in several states. like the flu, you can take steps to lessen the chance of
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getting enterovirus. >> the way we prevent enterovirus is similar to preventing influenza. we wash our hands. we make sure that if we are sick we stay away from school and work. >> reporter: every year 30,000 people in the u.s. die from the flu. if you don't want vaccine, this person puts it in perspective. >> it's like pain for a couple of seconds rather than misery for days or hours or weeks. >> reporter: in san rafael, mark kelly, kpix 5. >> that is a good point. the five cases in the bay area, two of the enterovirus cases are in alameda county, one in san francisco, and one each in solano and santa cruz counties. well, 80 and 90-degree temperatures were the order of the day today all over the bay area and for the third straight day. even here in pacifica, where people took to the beach to get cooled off, it was 80 degrees at the water's edge. hollister and the pinnacles
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were over 100 today. that's why we still have heat advisories in effect from san francisco to san diego. in the bay area looking for a warm evening with readings in the 80s. it will cool off tomorrow. always a good idea to check in with the parents and grandparents when it gets this hot to make sure they're okay. a look at highs fairfield 97, same for livermore. san jose 90. we'll have a look ahead at the forecast in a few minutes. just a few minutes ago, the giants tied up game 2 in the national league series against the washington nationals in the 9th inning. a number of fans got out of the sun and watched the game at stein's beer garden in mountain view. customers say the place feels very comfortable and homey. the giants are leading the game one game to nothing. can't show highlights until the game is over. vern will have highlights in sports. five teenagers have been killed in a fiery crash in orange county in a car that went out of control and flipped on i-5 today. three boys and two girls were killed. they are believed to be 8 and
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9th grade students. the 16-year-old driver is the only one who survived. he is in the hospital with serious head injuries. the news quickly spread through the nearby communities. >> i'm horrified. i'm heartsick for the families and for the kids themself. i can't imagine. >> the group was headed who em from a halloween event at knott's berry farm. the highway patrol is investigating and they say speed may be a factor. a few hours earlier another traffic accident in los angeles also killed five people. the three-vehicle collision happened in chino specifically. two of the vehicles caught on fire. four friends who had recently graduated from high school died in a pickup truck. the person in another car was also involved and died. the cause of of the wreck is still being investigated. police say street racing could be a possibility. a busy night last night for firefighters in san jose. they battled three fires stretching the resources of the fire department to the limit.
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the first started just after 10 p.m. flames engulfed a condo complex on delbarr court. it took firefighters more than two hours to get the fire under control. no one was hurt but five people have to find another place to live. firefighters believe the fire started in the garage because of a gas leak from a car. the second fire badly damaged the senter food grocery store in south san jose. the store was closed and no one was inside at the time. firefighters got it under control shortly after midnight. the damage to the grocery store is extensive. and a third fire happened at 3:30 this morning in the basement of a home on south first street. that fire was put out quickly. a large pro-democracy rally in hong kong. the new threat from china's leaders to make sure government workers can get to work. >> isis threatens to behead another american. the plea from the parents to
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the kidnappers. ,, ♪(themstan! ! !om cheers) hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan? can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan! gas stations. just that. where nobody knows your name. the chevrolet cruze eco. with an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon highway. it's the new efficient.
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demonstrators. (crowd shouting) hong kong's leader gave an ultimatum to protestors as citizens begin turning against demonstrators. today scuffles broke out between pro-democracy
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demonstrators and counter protestors trying to pull down barricades. hundreds of mostly student demonstrators are demanding the right to directly choose candidates for elective office. hong kong's executive chief says that police will take all actions necessary if the streets are not cleared by monday. >> there are numerous social problems to be solved. but the proper way is through rational communication, finding commonalities and not resistance on the streets that worsens. problem. >> -- caused the beijing government to take a harder line against the pro-democracy movement. more than two dozen isis militants were killed in iraq and syria during overnight air strikes by the u.s.-led coalition. this map shows the targets that have been hit since the campaign began. there were 14 air strikes last night. in total, syria has been hit 88 times, iraq 258 times. isis says it is about to behead another american. the threat comes after the
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terror group release a video that appears to show the beheading of a second british hostage. cbs reporter wendy gillette on the plea from the parents of the indiana man. >> reporter: the parents of an american held by isis released a video message pleading for his release. >> we implore his captors to show mercy and let him go. >> reporter: 26-year-old pete kassig was taken hostage last october 1 in syria. his parents say he started an organization to help syrians, training civilians and giving food, clothing and medical aid to those in need. >> most of all, know that we love you and our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom so we can hug you again. >> reporter: in the latest isis video, a militant executed british aid worker alan henning and threatened kassig's life. the militants say it's retaliation for britain joining
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u.s. airstrikes against isis. >> his blood is on the hands of the british parliament. >> reporter: british prime minister david cameron denounced the execution. >> anyone in any doubt about this organization can now see how truly repulsive it is and barbaric. >> reporter: isis fighters are using brutal tactics to capture land in iraq and syria. henning is the fourth western hostage the group has executed in recent weeks. mike wendlandt for cbs news. >> kassig is a former army ranger who served in iraq. if isis follows through on the threat, he will be the fifth werner beheaded. what are these people pointing at? the mysterious object in the sky that has a lot of people talking. >> well, a scorcher of a saturday in the bay area. we'll see if there's any relief in sight as we look live at san jose. the forecast is coming up after a break. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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the former dictator of haiti known as baby doc has died. jean claude duvalier was known for his corrupt brutal regime. he declared himself president for life before an uprising in 1986 forced him into exile. he was of the son of another dictator called papa doc. he died from a heart attack today in haiti at a private residence. he was 63. another major recall by general motors more than 60,000 cars could be dangerous to drive. pontiac g8s build from 2008 to 2009 have problems with the ignition switch. it could shift from the drive position when touched by the driver's knee. there is one crash related to the problem. another recall covers cadillacs for problems with overheating. contact your dealership for
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instructions on what to do. the california agriculture department is getting cash from pharmacy giant cvs. a settlement has been reached over claims the pharmacy used packaging that didn't accurately represent how much product it contained. it was mostly beauty products like wrinkle creams. the problem was false bottoms and sides that exaggerated the contents. it violated california's business codes as well as health and safety codes. and something in the sky is causing a stir in breckenridge. a camera captured lights in the sky. some people think it could be ufos. they say the objects formed triangles or straight lines. norad is investigating it and local police have alerted the faa. well -- >> what do you think? >> you know, just by definition, unidentified, they're flying and they're objects. so they are ufos. but beyond that, who knows?
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let's begin where we left off. hot day in the bay area today. numbers in the 90s inland and just about as warm in napa as it is in pacifica, you know something strange is going on. it's october and october in the bay area often is a very warm coastline and a warm interior. that's what we had working today and will tomorrow to a certain extent but we should finally begin to get a little relief. apparently, though, not on the approach to the bay bridge. concord now 95. oakland is 84. livermore still 96. here in the city 78 degrees. in santa rosa, it is 94 right now. by 8:00 tonight, the numbers will fall into the low 80s inland around the bay in the mid-70s. at the shoreline, we'll be in the low 70s. tomorrow morning looks good. we'll get off to a sunny start temperatures in fact 60s. low clouds but not much. nice day for hardly strictly bluegrass this weekend at golden gate park. it will be sunny about 75
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degrees. and the 9ers are taking on the chiefs tomorrow at levi's stadium. temperature will be about 88 degrees by halftime with sunny warm conditions down in the south bay. so we are expecting it to get cooler because this high pressure offshore for the past few days is weakening a little bit. but it will really begin to weaken by midweek so we'll be much cooler toward tuesday and wednesday. but we have to wait a bit for that. tomorrow is not going to be dramatically cooler by any means. as we look live out there toward the bay and alcatraz and coit tower and all that nice stuff, heat advisory through tonight. general cooling trend begins but there's no rain in sight stars as far as the eye or the computer models can see. it looks like it's going continue to be dry. forecast out of the bay area tomorrow up to 100 at redding. 97 sacramento. 99 fresno. yosemite sunny skies and 91. but you can see mendocino county and eureka are beginning to cool off. monterey bay aquarium nice 81
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degrees tomorrow. forecast still above average, 10 degrees above average tomorrow in concord. san jose 88. 93 sunnyvale. 93 campbell. 92 palo alto. redwood city 86. in the east bay the numbers are in the 90s as well with 94 at antioch, 91 pleasant hill. north bay at the shoreline it will be cooler tomorrow. 79 at stinson beach and 74 at bodega bay but still in santa rosa 90 degrees and ukiah 98. 87 lakeport. extended forecast, a degree or two-a-day. that's all we ask. and that's all we ask between now and wednesday. but by wednesday we'll be back into the mid-80s so we'll return to normal if that's possible in the bay area. but we'll have to wait until midweek to do. after that, numbers warm a bit toward next weekend but nothing like this weekend. speaking of objects, up in the air, ann? >> a baseball perhaps? oh, look at that. the annual balloon festival.
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the weather was perfect in albuquerque. hundreds of hot air balloons rose into the sky without a hitch. just after 7 a.m. this morning, among the unique balloons one in the shape of yoda, another like darth vader. all 550 balloons drifted over the city landed safely a few hours later. >> i don't see one in the shape of a giants ballplayer. >> no. they should have one. maybe lucille or something like that. >> hey, we have sports coming up. we have a lot of college sports. we are fully aware of a game going on right now on another network. we'll get to that in a little bit. but second, third, fourth ranked football teams all bumped off today. we have some eyebrow raising developments on the gridiron.
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with 5 perfectly sweetened whole grains, you can't help but see the good. look for big g cereals with money saving offers
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♪(themstan! ! !om cheers) hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan? can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan! gas stations.
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just that. where nobody knows your name. the chevrolet cruze eco. with an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon highway. it's the new efficient. anked stanford car aside from play-off baseball we have college football. eye-popping finishes and upsets. 14th raven stanford cardinal in white at number nine notre dame. kevin hogan he took it in. -0 stanford -- 7-0 stanford. it was raining, ball was wet, caused problems for ben who mishandled the snap. foiled field goal attempt. laid 2nd quarter,2nd quarter brown is running 17 yards for the touchdown. game tied at 7. it was 10-7 irish under 5 minutes left
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hogan on third down, this is a clutch catch. the drive kept alive. then on third and goal, raymond wright runs it inputs stanford up 14-10. could the number one stanford defense hold? gets away. blown coverage. receiver open to the back of the end zone. that'sirish win. unbelievable finish. time was running down. how about katy perry? what's she been doing? getting a hug from old miss black bear. less than three minutes left to play tied at 17, wallace a touchdown. the rebels led 23-17 over alabama. they drove in ole miss territory. here's the "hail mary."
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back at the end zone. take another look. is it an interception? ole miss pulls the upset. kenny hill heisman hype. setback against mississippi. up by a couple of scores bulldogs if the 2nd quarter, oh, the pass is deflected into the waiting hand of ritchie brown. hill threw three interceptions all of them to that man. and mississippi state zach prescott nine yards. wilson made it 28-7 dogs. and then in the third, a 51- yard strike. fred brown oh, nice grab over the defensive back. prescott had a couple of passing scores with three touchdowns and the bulldogs stop the aggies 48-31.
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oakland visiting texas christian. sooner leading 31-24 mid 3rd quarter. here come the horn frogs. boykin ties it up at 31. early 4th quarter, trevor knight it is picked off by paul dawson returns it back to the house. texas christian the horn frogs upset oklahoma 37-33. over to the nfl. i would guess both alex smith and colin kaepernick have had this one circuit on the schedule for -- circled on the schedule for a long time. 49ers hosting the chiefs tomorrow. smith wanting to beat his former team. kaepernick wanting to prove that the 49ers are justified in trading smith away. >> do you believe that you were the better choice? >> i mean, i'm not going to say that publicly because y'all going to try to make it sound like something else but i do feel like i'm a good player, yes. >> i'm trying to get a win. i could care less about the
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stats and out-dueling anybody. i know it's going to be a story and you have to deal with it. yeah, and going back to playing against some of those guys i played with but there's a lot of unknown, too. it's a different place, different stadium, new faces. so in some respects it's different. >> a lot of people called smith a game manager. is that a perjorative term? is that an accurate term? >> no, not an accurate term. [ pause ] >> are you telling us -- >> he is a football player. >> 49ers and the chiefs tomorrow from levi's stadium. you can see the game right here on kpix 5 and we'll be on with the "5th quarter" post-game show final whistle blows i'll be on a step stool talking to large sweaty men outside the locker room. [ laughter ] >> see you at 6:30. the "cbs evening news" is next. captions by: caption colorado ,,
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>> tonight, c.d.c. on the tarmac. health officials board a plane at newark airport to check a sick passenger and caution other passengers about possible exposure to ebola. while ebola patient in texas is now listed in critical condition. we have coverage from vicente arenas in newark and manuel bojorquez in dallas. the parents of an american hostage make a public plea to isis. >> we implore those who are holding you to show mercy and use their power to let you go. >> charlie d'agata has the latest on rewa rewaa peter kasi, threatened with death by isis. should a u.s. marine suffering from p.t.s.d. remain in prison in mexico? carter evans on the stepped-up pressure to win his release. ♪ it's thet


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