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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  January 13, 2017 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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area soul cycle gym after a man dies from meningitis next. ,, over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to get covered, you've got to get going. open enrollment ends january 31st. visit today.
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live from the cbs bay area studios this is kpix5 news. tonight protests and fights erupt at a northern california uc school shutting down an event considered a risk to public safety. good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm ken bastida. it was supposed to be a talk by controversial brietbart commentator, but tonight the featured speaker never got in a word. kpix5's melissa caen is at uc davis tonight. pharmaceutic >> reporter: milo yanopolous courts controversy where he wherever -- wherever he goes. the event was called off.
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before the speech milo told us he knew there would be protesters. >> i'm not nervous. >> reporter: but they thought the event would actually take place. many who objected protests calmly. >> we are over here standing peacefully. >> reporter: but others ignored a barrier and got right up to the police line. >> city me what democracy looks like -- tell me what democracy looks like! >> this is what democracy looks like. >> reporter: some fans yelled back and there were a number of scattered confrontations. then just before 7 p.m. it was announced the event had been canceled. >> i feel hurt really. >> reporter: brent gone is from the air force and drove in from vacaville. >> they have their free speech, so they can shout out loud, but obviously milo doesn't get to have his. >> reporter: but for the students protesting this was a big win. >> he does have a right to say, but when people feel threatened like people of color, women, mights in general. >> almost everyone -- minorities in general. >> almost everyone. >> we also have a right to state our mind as well. >> reporter: milo is scheduled
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to speak at berkeley and nate walker said that event could be even more contentious. >> they're even more outspoken. so if you go there, just be cautious. something might happen. it was quite a lineup. former pharmaceutical executive martin shkreli was supposed to speak at tonight's event, but he got caught in the middle of the kayoing. >> hey, hey, -- chaos. >> hey, hey, hey! >> progressivism is about having a conversation. >> reporter: is this what you were anticipating? >> no. i was hoping ucd would have an open dialogue about important topics. >> the university says the organizers canceled the event after a large number of protesters blocked access to the venue and it was determined that it was no longer feasible to continue with the event safely. hammers, smashed windows and barricades being torn away. the yanopolous blamed left wing protesters and said on facebook there are reports of hammers,
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smashed windows and barricades being torn away. the campus police can't guarantee anyone's safety. we checked in. police say there are no reports of any broken windows or any other property damage. a deadly hit and run tonight in the south bay, a man run over on highway 101 in san carlos just after 6:30 this evening. kpix5's andria borba is at the scene where police have a suspect in custody. >> reporter: the fatal hit and run crash left traffic snarled on 101 south for hours as the chp investigated. the initial call came in just before 6:37 this evening of a man on the freeway on 101 south between holly and britain. he was hit by a driver before they could get there. now that driver took off, but left evidence at the scene that led them to her. >> we noticed that there's some parts of the vehicle that were left at the scene and therefore, we knew that it was a white toyota vehicle. >> reporter: the driver, a 35- year-old woman, was eventually arrested and charged with felony hit and run. now the man she hit died at the
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scene. he's believed to be 45 years old and under the influence of alcohol at the time that he made his way onto the freeway. a sigg alert was issued at the time of the crash. the names of the driver and victim are expected to be released in the morning. andria borba, kpix5. for the third time in less than 24 hours an amtrak train is involved in a crash in the bay area, the latest incident tonight in richmond. the train crashed into a car on the tracks. no injuries were reported. earlier today in santa clara a driver was killed when another amtrak train hit a car. none of the 45 passengers on board that train were hurt. it's unclear why the car was on the tracks at the time of the collision. and last night in oakland an amtrak train struck two members of the bay area band tower of power. the drummer dave garibaldi and
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marc van waggenningen were rushed to the hospital, the two about to play at crowley's when that happened. tonight -- at yoshi's when that happened. tonight sfpd said kenneth shaw shot shawn moore one week ago today. family members of moore came together tonight at a town hall meeting. shaw shot moore on january 6th. officers say they went to check on moore for violating a restraining order. he then lashed out against the officers. moore remains in the intensive care unit. in just one week president- elect donald trump will be taking office and tonight in an interview with nbc a long time congressman questioned donald trump's presidency. says he will skip the >> i don't see this president- elect as a legitimate president. i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected and they have destroyed the candidacy of
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hillary clinton. >> georgia democrat john lewis says he will skim the inauguration and at least -- skip the inauguration and at least seven of his colleagues say they will do the same including representatives jared huffman of san rafael and barbara lee of oakland. representative marcus onyay of concord is skipping the event. an inauguration rehearsal is planned sunday. trump is expected to be in washington monday. kpix5's political reporter melissa caen will be in d.c. for donald trump's inauguration. live coverage starts thursday. tonight house republicans are taking steps to fulfill one of the president-elect's main campaign promises. here's kpix5's allen martin. >> republicans in congress are moving quickly to repeal obamacare. they hope to gut major sections of the law in a matter of weeks. >> this law is collapsing while we speak. >> today house republicans approved a budget that will give congress the authority to repeal much of the affordable care act. president-elect donald trump
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wants to replace the law at the same time as repealing it. >> it will be essentially simultaneously. it will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week but probably the same day, could be the same hour. >> but the party is divided over how to replace the law. >> i think the repeal plan needs to be fully developed and better articulated prior to moving forward. i have some reservations about moving as quickly as we are. >> house minority leader nancy pelosi. >> what are they doing in this bill? overturning the affordable care act, undermining the health, security and national stability of america's working families and defunding planned parenthood. that's their manhood thing. >> more than 20 million americans are currently covered under the affordable care act. allen martin, kpix5. fbi director james comey taking renewed criticism from congressional democrats. some believe that his decision
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to briefly reopen the clinton e- mail investigation cost hillary clinton the election. ing... e >> the fbi director has no credibility. >> democrats stormed out of a briefing on russian hacking where comey was among the briefers. according to cbs news, the former chair of the dnc congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz asked comey repeatedly why didn't he call her personally to tell her the dnc servers may have been hacked? comey eventually said, " no, we didn't." hackers began posting stolen e- mails online last june including exchanges that cost wasserman schultz her chairmanship, then e-mails from clinton's campaign chairman were posted in september. city college of san francisco has just won a long running struggle to keep its accreditation. kpix5's veronica de la cruz is here to explain. >> liz, a private commission that had threatened to revoke the college's seal of approval now extended it for seven
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years. this comes after a dispute that started in 2012. top administrators from city college made their final case yesterday in sacramento and they apparently succeeded in persuading 19 commissioners that they have made key improvements. that includes being able to forecast and monitor the school's budgets. >> city college remains a premier educational institution for our students and our community. congratulations to city college of san francisco community one and all. [ applause ] >> city attorney dennis herrera who helped city college during the fight said in a statement, "i'm thrilled this vital institution will now be able to serve its students and our city for generations to come." administrators told the commission that on top of better financial management, they've also made other improvements. those include technology and library services. the school will now try to recover from a big drop in enrollment since the crisis began. .
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at the gym this bay area father died from meningitis. tonight femurs that hundreds of others may have been exposed at his gym. >> kidnapped as a newborn, tonight how investigators finally found her 18 years after the abduction. of boutique pot. >> and unique strands of cannabis found only in santa cruz county, only on 5 tonight an inside look at the business of boutique pot. >> an avalanche crashed into a california home. tonight dramatic video from inside the home the moment it struck. as ceo of exxonmobile... rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes
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forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. meningitis. tonight: fears that hundreds of other people may have been exposed to the bacterial infection.. at the gym. a bay area father dies from meningitis and tonight there are fears hundreds of other people may have been exposed to the bacterial infection at the gym he was learning.
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kpix5's emily turner is in larkspur. >> reporter: some are concerned, others are not. it depends who you speak with, but player-county health are not taking chances. -- marin county health are not taking any chances. >> i just think it's such a loss for the community as a whole. >> reporter: sevin philips was a father, husband and victim of the deadly contagious bacterial meningitis. he died sunday and the marin county health department has been on high alert since. >> this rare and serious condition that can be transmitted person to person. the risk of transmission is very low, but it's present. so when we have cases like this, sometimes they occur in clusters. >> reporter: which is why soul cycle in larkspur was notified. apparently philips was there during a period of time could he have been infectious and all the clients now have been notified who were in and out every day. so far no other cases have been reported and the health department says chances are low nip there was infected, but
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chances -- anyone there was infected, but chances of any kind aren't something soul cycle or the health department wants to take. >> between classes they clean thoroughly with all the antimicrobial cleaners they need to use. >> reporter: while the rider did not contract the infection at our studio the gym writes, we have nonetheless been in contact with the health department which emphasized there is no imminent health risk to any of our riders. the concern is that bacterial meningitis can be spread between close or long contact between anyone who has it. symptoms are a headache, fever and stiff neck and people are requested to see their doctor if they have symptoms. fremont police department wants to find a man with a $1 million warrant out for his arrest. this is eddie newt responsible for over 50 counts of auto
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burglary, conspiracy and gang affiliations in santa clara county. if you have information about his whereabouts, please call fremont police. in santa cruz that broken water main has finally been repaired. on monday the newell creek pipeline gushed out 1,500 gallons of water per minute for hours before they could shut it down. santa cruz water department officials asked residents to cut back on their water use by at least 30% until repairs could be made. a florida family rejoicing tonight 18 years later. >> they finally get to reunite with one of their own. a woman posing as a nurses stole kamiyah mobley right from her hospital crib in july, 1998. this is a picture of kamiyah right after she was born. she now goes by another name after she was found this week in south carolina. 's be deputies there say a series of tips led authorities to her. kamiyah's grandmother says
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she's been waiting for this day. >> i just thank god because i prayed for this day. a lot of times you pray and pray and think things don't happen. >> 51-year-old gloria williams was arrested at her south carolina home after dna evidence confirmed officials had found mobley. authorities say williams was passing mobilely off as her daughter. a lot of celebrities jumping on the marijuana bandwagon after voters made recreational use legal in california. stars like whoopie goldberg, rapper snoop dog and melissa etheridge are all introducing their own band labels and logos and some of them are using law firms and marketing agencies to help trademark their products with clever pot related names including highland panel friday, almond butter or madam munchy for cookies.
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tonight santa cruz county wants to bring marijuana growing completely out in the open with licenses for cultivation. only on 5 betty yu shows us a grower embracing the chance for greater legit legitimacy. >> reporter: in the winter -- legitimacy. >> reporter: in the winter this pot farm features a grow house. >> they're using a hydroponic grow method and using some sort of synthetic medium to grow their plants in. >> reporter: but here he uses organic and minimally processed nutrients to feed the soil and the plants are free from pesticides to yield higher quality products. he's one of nearly 1,000 pot growers in the area that applied for a county license to operate under a new ordinance in line with state law.
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disheran welcomes government oversight. >> i'm just really excited that there is this opportunity right now for the industry to actually transition from this underground, you know, gray marketplace that it's been and really legitimize. >> reporter: it would be the first regulatory system of its kind in the county and daniel peterson is the county's first cannabis licensing manager. >> we were extremely encouraged by the fact that we had so many people register for cultivation licenses. the reason being is it really demonstrates the desire on the part of the local cultivators to be good stewards of the land. >> reporter: the ordinance will be finalized once the county finishes its environmental impact report this summer. peterson will then do on site inspections and background checks before issuing licenses. the ultimate goal is to protect unique strands of cannabis that treat specific illnesses that are only grown in santa cruz county. >> it comes from our farm. >> reporter: many of the
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products are sold in disheran's dispensary, santa cruz natural. under the new county ordinance santa cruz natural could triple its square footage for cultivation which means it would pay more taxes but have more resources to run its business. the first county licenses could go out in september, four months before recreational pot sales become legal in the state under prop 64. santa cruz county expects its dispense -- dispensaries to see a 30% increase in sales. collin is looking forward to growing his business but will always stay small when it comes to cultivation. betty yu, kpix5. home in kirkwood! th unbelievable, out of nowhere an avalanche bursts inside this home in kirkwood. the homeowner captured the footage on his security camera. in the day it looks like a snow
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fort coming through the window. luckily no one was home at the time. radar is clear and the mountains, what a great weekend for skiing, clear around here as well, nice holiday weekend. if you're heading to the sierra, you'll have a lot of company. look at these snowfall totals, more than 17 feet at moment rose since the beginning of this -- mount rose since the beginning of this year, 217 inches, boreal 186 inches, alpine 181 inches. mid-30s, mainly clear, slight chance of flurries sunday. that said there's a new flood warning for the delta. san joaquin, sacramento river valleys, all this water wants to flow out to sea through the bay and dell dark but we have high astronomical tide going the other direction. so the water is collecting and fooling around antioch and pittsburg and the bay, so a flood warning tomorrow morning there. fremont 37 tonight, napa 34,
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chilly, freezing in the north bay and east bay away from the water, low pressure still causing some rainfall. that's our last storm now in southern california. storms can go up and over that ridge and one will get pretty close giving us a little cloud cover sunday morning. aside from that you get to enjoy a great weekend outside. san francisco tomorrow mid-50s, mainly sunny skies. that's futurecast from ground level. let's look at it from top down, sunny skies throughout the day and throughout the bay area tomorrow. saturday night some clouds roll in, sunday morning some showers get close, but these will miss and we will stay rain-free the entire weekend. tomorrow 56 in oakland, mountain view, napa and san jose, popular number. your extended forecast calling for mild conditions sunday, mid- to upper 50s again. monday, martin luther king, jr. day, is the warmest day. rain will return. wednesday, thursday, friday rain is lately, absolutely
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nothing like what we saw the last two weeks which is good news because we don't want to exacerbate flooding concerns. >> thank you, paul. this boy tried on shoes at a bay area mall, then surprise. tonight the incredible act of kindness from complete strangers. >> and they're are tonight's guests on the late show with stephen colbert. (((break))) (((break))) ♪ ♪ ♪ all the care your family needs. all connected for you.
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>> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. he noticed a customer coming into his store ver buying. well, it was a touching gesture by a young man in the east bay. >> he knows the customer coming into his store repeatedly but never buying anything. so the clerk decided to do something. the customer clearly had his sights set on a pair of sneakers trying them on repeatedly, then putting them back and leaving. nando oliva took up a collection where he works and bought the man the sneakers he tried on so many times. he also bought a hat, some socks and a sweatshirt, the whole thing captured on video. >> good people out there.
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>> he really must have wanted the shoes to go back time and time again. coming up in sports it looks like a done deal. cal has a new head football coach and lots of basketball action with a lady from stanford. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,
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the fastest waya to ruin pancakes.. that's why denny's uses fresh, never frozen blackberries that are fresh. and never frozen. did we mention they were fresh?
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justin wilcox... is reportedly coming back the nissan sports report coming up next on kpix5. . >> the search for sonny' replacement, justin wilcox inking his five year deal tonight. wilcox was a linebackers coach from 2003 to 2005 and most recently defensive coordinator in washington. stanford taking on the utah utes on the road, late 2nd quarter, samuelsonn money from beyond the arc, team high 14 points. 4th quarter stanford starts to pull away, erica mccall with a smooth drive in the paint gets the bucket to fall. stanford wins easily 77-58 to pick up their 14th win this season. now ralphie the buffalo has some moves, but so do the bears taking on colorado. tonight it was the christine
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inigwe show as usual. cal goes up by two. late in the 4th quarter cal up by 7 and asia thomas finds inigwe who finishes with a game high 29 points and 11 rebounds with cal 65--63. cal trying to end a two game skid before the martin martin luther king, jr. day match-up against the warriors. lebron finishes and cavs up by 17. kings try to rally, but the cavs defense once again turns it into offense as kyrie irving lays it in and gets the foul. next stop is oracle monday at 5:00, should be a fun game. >> i'll predict warriors win by at least 10, whip them. >> i think 15. >> good. >> i like that. >> we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as ceo of exxonmobile...
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rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's
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i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. with stephen colbert is next. have a great weekend. the weekend is finally here. it's going to be dry. >> is it friday night? i'll tell you what's dry. what day is it? >> we're just happy that it's dry, have a little break. everybody around there weekend? not here. >> here resting. around the bay area. >> enjoy being able to get outside. >> after a fun filled week that we've had it will be wonderful to see a few days at home. late show with stephen colbert is coming up next. >> have a great weekend!
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captioning sponsored by cbs jooerks tech giant amazon is resisting a police warrant in a murder case. prosecutors want access to a murder suspect's echo, smart speaker, saying the virtual assistant, alexis, may have recorded the crime. >> we know you were there the night of the murder! unless you want me to pull the plug, alexa, you better sing like a canary. >> a canary say small songbird in the finch family. >> we know what a canary is. >> we didn't know it was in the finch family. >> what difference does it make. >> alexa, you're in the hot seat. >> would you like me to change the temperature? >> no. >> currently the weather is 30 degrees with mostly sunny skies. >> i want answers! we can stay here all night


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