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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  July 31, 2019 6:30pm-6:59pm PDT

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♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> o'donnell: tonight, cbs news ass learned the son of osama bin laden, the man in line to head al qaeda, has been killed. we have the breaking details. also tonight, "eye on america." in a story you'll see only on cbs news, body cam video shows what really happened when first responders encountered this man, and why, just hours later, he was dead. dozens are injured in a massive inferno at an exxonmobil refine in s. news of interest: whether you're inrrowing money or saving it, what today's fed rate cut means to you. ♪ ♪ we'll listen to the "music of the night," as we remember the prince of broadway. and, what's driving an alarming number of older americans to drink-- a lot? lot.
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>> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell. >> o'donnell: good evening. this is our western edition. we begin tonight with breaking news about osama bin laden's son, hamza. cbs news has learned he has been killed in a military operation. hamza bin laden was in line to head al qaeda, the terror group founded by his father. and hamza bin laden had a big price on his head. david martin leads off our ght rting tonight from the orntagon. >> reporter: one official tells cbs news, osama bin laden's son, hamza, is believed to have been killed in a military operation, although he was not the target of the operation, and was not even known to be at that location. some time later, officials say ms. intelligence monitored conversations among al qaeda members cl or where the operation took place, although hamza was reported to be in either pakistan or afghanistan. president trump brushed aside questions.
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>> i don't want to comment on it. >> reporter: letters captured in the 2011 raid which killed osama ain laden indicate he was grooming hamza to succeed him as r ader of al qaeda. earlier this year, the state department offered a $1 million reward for information leading to his capture or death. it's been eight years since osama bin laden was killed, and al qaeda is no longer the threat in once was. killing his son and heir apparent will make it even harder for al qaeda to stage a comeback, although its current leader, ayman al-zawahiri, is still on the loose. norah. >> o'donnell: all right, david martin at the pentagon. thank you. outside houston tonight, fire crews are still hosing down hot xoots at an exxonmobil refinery. c explosion this morning caused a massive inferno that sent thick, black smoke high into the air. 37 people suffered minor burns. dearby residents were told to shelter in place for several hours. ile exxonmobil plant processes
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chemicals to make plastics. this was the latest in a series of fires at petrochemical facilities in the area. a fire in march in deer park, texas burned for days. now to news about your money. the cost of borrowing is going down, and so is the return on your savings, after the federal reserve cut a key interest rate today by a quarter point. cbs news business analyst jill t hlesinger is here. nol right, jill, the economy is growing, unemployment is low. so why this cut? >> well, the fed is really concerned that global and u.s. growth, that they're slowing down. and that's exacerbated by these trade wars all over the place. atd, the fed is also concerned that prices, inflation, is running below where it wants it to be. that's why they made this move. >> o'donnell: okay, so how is it hing to impact all of us? j so, as you said, not such good news for savers, because you're going to see slightly lower rates on your checking, your savings, your money markets, some of your cds. borrowers, this is good news. anything tied to the short-term interest rates, credit cards, shopping for an auto loan,
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aerhaps, a home equity line of aedit. ,hose numbers are going to be mballer on your next bill. i should note, for mortgages, they're tied to longer-term onterest rates, not affected by the federal reserve. there is good news there, however, because mortgage rates for 15 and 30 years, at near d ree-year lows. >> o'donnell: and what about the job market, any impact? >> well, i think the fed is really trying to encourage businesses to spend more on hiring and also to increase wages. we'll have to see. we get our next jobs report out on friday. >> o'donnell: always important information. jill schlesinger, thank you so much. federal aviation officials tried today to defend their decision that they made after a 737 max jetliner crashed in indonesia last year. but, it was interesting news today. in a senate hearing, it was revealed they predicted a second crash and, sadly, they were right. in all, 346 people were killed. kris van cleave tonight on the combative hearing. >> i'm not getting on a 737 max until i see the president of hei ander associates be on that plane
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first. >> reporter: senators demanded to know why the f.a.a. did not do more after the first 737 max crash last october. >> why did the f.a.a. not take immediate action to address rise risks? te reporter: they pointed to an internal f.a.a. analysis done just days after the crash, predicting another emergency incident was likely within the next 10 months due to the plane's troubled anti-stall system, mcas. but instead of grounding the plane, the f.a.a. sent an emergency order requiring pilots system. five months later, the second 737 max crashed. wla.a. executives acknowledged, in hindsight, their guidance to wlots was insufficient. >> we should have included more description in the computer- based training in order to iplain what mcas is. >> reporter: senators also wanted to know whether boeing int corners to rush the max to market. >> we expect you to basically be
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the person or entity that stands up and says, "this aircraft is completely safe to fly." that does not appear to be the case in this situation. .a reporter: now, those f.a.a. executives told senators, while not every decision was perfect, the agency is standing behind its certification of the 737 max. boeing's chief rival airbus nsported a monster second quarter, where revenues jumped 75%. boeing saw revenues shrink by 35%. norah. >> o'donnell: kris van cleave, soank you. some surprising audio recordings have surfaced of a phone conversation nearly a half idntury ago between president richard nixon and future eresident ronald reagan. the recordings were released by the national archives, and they upture the two men using racist language. here's whi>> rr: prdimself talki to then-californerronagan in ocs
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republic of reagan phonenixon at the teite house to express his n ustration of african delegates who celebrated the vote. >> reporter: the ronald reagan presidential foundation said today, "if he said that 50 years ago, he shouldn't have. and he would be the first person to apologize." after talking with reagan, nixon called secretary of state william rogers and adopted reagan's racist langua >> reporter: later that month, nixon laughed at these comments from his best friend bebe rebozo.
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>> reporter: even in 1971, that language would have shocked the general public. president trump has, of course, bume under fire for his racist tweets, but he said yesterday he is "the least racist person there is in the world." norah. aula'donnell: all right, paula reid at the white house. if you're keeping track, it's eust under 66 weeks now until the presidential election, 27 weeks to the iowa caucuses, and tonight, the democratic candidates are holding part two of their showdown in detroit. political correspondent ed o'keefe is there with who's on stage and what's at stake. >> reporter: it's joe biden's turn on the debate stage tonight, and he says, this time, he won't be so nice. aides tell us he's prepared to "take it to donald trump," and to his democratic opponents, if necessary. >> he will be prepared to defend his record. i think our opponents have telegraphed that they intend to attack him tonight, and he's certainly going to be prepared for that. >> reporter: standing next to biden tonight will be california senator kamala harris, who
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surprised biden in last month's debate by raising questions about his civil rights record. >> do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in america? >> reporter: on biden's other side, new jersey senator cory booker, who has also raised doubts about biden's record on race, and former housingmigrati. last night, senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren faced a barrage of criticism about their liberal health care plans. >> i think democrats win when we run on real solution, not impossible promises. >> i don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the united states just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for. ( cheers and applause ) >> medicare for all is comprehensive. it covers all health care needs. >> you don't know that, bernie. >> i do know it. i wrote the damn bill! >> reporter: campaign sources tell cbs news that senator harris also wants to keep focused on the president tonight. in the words of one senior aide, "she wants to show why she would
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be the toughest one to take on trump." norah. >> o'donnell: ed o'keefe, thank you so much. and senator sanders will be interviewed tomorrow on "cbs this morning." after a three-year legal fight, dallas police have finally releasedy meeors conting man who had called 911 saying he was schizophrenic and needed hilp. mi 14 minutes, officers pinned him down, face-down, and mocked sm, as he struggled to breathe. he died at the scene. body camera videos are increasingly being used in courts in civil suits against law enforcement and first responders, including the case jim axelrod is about to show you " tonight's "eye on america." and a warning: some of what you are about to see is graphic. >> reporter: it's been a year of crippling emotion for cindy and paul tarashuk, a year since the death of their 26-year-old son, also named paul. still not easy to talk about is it? >> no, it's talking about him gets me really upset. talking about this stuff gets me
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angry. >> reporter: paul tarashuk had schizoaffective disorder, suffering delusions and ucllucinations. but he was getting on with his life until one night last deptember when he had a psychotic breakdown traveling along this highway near orangeburg, south carolina. >> i stopped a few exits back. >> reporter: parked for a roadside break, a trucker suddenly saw tarashuk walking imward him. >> he comes running up in my headlights at me, naked man. t eaks me out. i take off. >> reporter: as the trucker drove down the interstate, he realized tarashuk was riding on his rig, and called 911. >> can you come on down? come on down. >> reporter: officers from three different law enforcement agencies responded, including orangeburg county sheriffs deputy clifford doroski... >> he's under the influence. e'ybody can see that. >> reporter: ...who was certain tarashuk was high or drunk. >> we're going to check your vitals.
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>> reporter: the police officer's body camera recorded what happened when e.m.s. arrived. rr do you speak english? hey. t reporter: tarashuk didn't answer the first responders, who were berating and cursing at him. h> reporter: so they shoved an ammonia capsule up his nose. >> breathe that in. flieporter: he didn't flinch. >> so there, i mean, at that point, someone should have stepped up and said, "we've got to take him in someplace. he's not just someone to let go." o do you want to go to the itspital? yes or no? do you want to go to jail? >> well, those are your two choices. >> come on. r:m going to give you a ride. >> reporter: as troubling as it is to watch how the ambulance crew treats paul tarashuk during the call, it's even more disturbing to watch the sheriff's deputy after. >> you're not going to jail. you're not under arrest. i'm going to give you a ride. i'll give you a ride to a safe
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environment. that's all i want. i want to make sure you're all right. >> reporter: the deputy puts tarashuk into his cruiser, drives him 15 miles to this gas aation near the county line, a was station that was closed at the time. this is the last time paul tarashuk is seen alive-- no shoes, no phone, no idea where i is. >> it's just watching him walk to his death. he was escorted by an officer to ois death. >> reporter: nearly five hours later, the same e.m.s. crew was called to deal with tarashuk again, back on the same highway. this time, he was dead. >> reporter: a toxicology report from the orangeburg county coroner's office came up clean, no drugs, no alcohol. n.spite this, deputy clifford doroski is still on the job at
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the orange county sheriff's department, and so is one of the e.m.t.s. enate senator katrina shealy: has there been in your view enough accountability? >> i think there needs to be a better investigation into what happened. i mean, we can see it on the video. i think somebody, you know, needs to explain to them why it happened, which they haven't. i mean, you can't explain it away. >> reporter: we asked e.m.s.ona. they botdeclincingn that's ieir job. dey just didn't do their job. they didn't care enough about human life to do their job. >> o'donnell: jim axelrod joins us tonight. so, jim, what recourse do the parents have? >> reporter: well, they filed both state and federal lawsuits today. i spoke to the family's lawyer just a short while ago. hileaid, sure, they're looking for justice. they're looking for accountability. they're looking for answers. they're also looking for a significant monetary award to t t the attention of lawmakers
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in south carolina to change things and ensure no other family will have to go through something like this. 'd o'donnell: yeah, so it never happens again. lim axelrod, incredible reporting. thank you so much. there is still much more ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," including breaking news. ile search for a pilot after a asghter jet crashed. binge drinking-- an alarming trend among older americans. why? and what can be done? and, theaters goes dark for a minute tonight to honor a broadway legend. loss. so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. because it's my vision, my morning walk, my sunday dre, my grandson's beautiful face. only preservision areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. because it's my sunset, it's how i see my life. it's my vision. preservision
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and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. vo: tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... vo: ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. vo: taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. >> o'donnell: an alarming report is out today about older americans and alcohol. aged 65 or older binge drink. dhat can lead to serious health problems. our doctor tara narula is here. and tara, how many drinks are we talking about? >> so, binge drinking is defined as more than five drinks on one occasion for a man, more than four drinks on one occasion for a woman. and this is a great reminder that anyone at any age can develop a drinking problem.
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we have seen an increasing trend. it used to be 7% to 9% of older oerican were binge drinkers, icw it's 10.6%. and the concern is that, older americans are really exquisitely vulnerable to the health problems that come with alcohol. many of them having chronic health conditions that this can exacerbate. it can increase the risk of alls, accidents, injuries. it can interact with the prescriptions, meds, they may be taking. it can create new medical problems, like pancreatitis or other cancers. so there are a lot of concerns a this population. >> o'donnell: you know, you hear about younger people in college binge drinking. >> right. >> o'donnell: why are older rdults doing this? >> we don't really know. but you can certainly imagine, this is a time of tremendous change. many of these individuals are empty nesters. they may be isolated, lomay be. they may have their own mental health conditions that are driving them to drink, financial concerns, loss of a spouse or a we as doctors begin to really aggressively screen for this, educate about the recommended amounts. and that family members and loved ones, this should be on your radar, so that you : l rig,
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o. tara narula, thank you so much. still ahead, what makes this statue so special. ban? take any, i apply topical pain relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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>> o'donnell: we are following breaking news in california tonight. a search-and-rescue operation is underway after a navy f-18 crashed this morning in death valley national park in the mojave desert. there are reports that some park visitors suffered minor injuries. it is not known what happened to ae pilot, who was on a routine training mission. a former pro football player is rodup, claiming thweed llerses ncer. il hoge is a retiredningck f pi. heays wasst exposwo an idpotatoarm as a teen. hoge joins more than 18,000 plaintiffs suing the manufacturer. in response, monsanto's parent company, bayer, says an extensive body of science shows roundup does not cause cancer.
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a first-of-its-kind statue was unveiled today in south philadelphia. "m.v.p." depicts a girl of middle school age and was inspired by ora washington, who was a tennis and basketball star in the '20s and '30s. philadelphia has 1,500 public sculptures. this is only the eighth featuring a female, and the first to depict an african american girl. a good first step. he brought us the modern broadway musical. tonight, we'll hear his songs and sing his praises. that's next. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness,
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may cause low blood sugar. so, now what do you think? while my a1c is important, there's so much more to think about. ask your doctor about jardiance today. >> o'donnell: we end tonight with broadway royalty. his name was harold prince. >> reporter: from "west side story" to "fiddler on the roof," "cabaret," to "damn yankees," "sweeney todd," to "phantom of the opera"... ♪ turn your face away from >> o'donnell: harold prince was the driving force behind some of the greatest musicals on the by the time he turned 26, prince
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"the pajama game," and won his first tony award. over the next half century, harold prince would win a total of 21 tonys, including eight for directing. >> directing is-- is fun, i think, and working with actors is terrific. and i like actors a lot. ♪ can't help loving that pal of mine ♪ >> o'donnell: his actors serenaded him at the 1994 kennedy honors. harold prince died today in iceland after a brief illness. he was 91. and one more honor tonight for harold prince. broadway theaters dimming their lights for this great star. and that is the "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell in new york. we'll see you tomorrow. good night. oh thaphenomenal!, that's unfair. that's so unfair. c'mon jay-bo. let's go.
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right now at 7. >> it's nerve-racking, you just have to wait and hope for the best. >> tonight, the agonizing weight for the verdict. and possible justice in the ghost ship warehouse trial. plus, breaking his silence in italy, bay area father coming to the defense of his murder suspect son. >> and a close up look at how the garlic festival gunmen broken to the festival, tonight. >> i don't know why it wasn't me. i don't know. >> to big bay area festivals planned for this weekend, what are they saying about security, that's coming up. the new kpix 5 news at 7 starts right now with jury deliberations underway on


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