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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  October 14, 2019 2:30am-2:59am PDT

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>> margaret: welcome back to "face the nation owe. we spoke yesterday with texas when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. but when my father sank into depression, republican senator ted cruz. i didn't know how to help him. we asked him about the when he ultimately shot himself, president's saying the situation he left our family devastated. in hong kong was dying down. don't let this happen to you. >> i will tell whrau is if you or a loved one is suicidal, happening in hong kong is inspiring. call the national suicide prevention lifeline. we have seen over two million people come to the streets, no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, standing up for freedom and with the right help, you can get well. democracy. standing up against the oppression of the chinese regim. i think it's very much in the united states interest to >> margaret: we could like to support the people of hong kong. bring our panel for political i'm here in all black in
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analysis. amy walter the national editor solidarity with the protesters. for the cook politic report. >> margaret: the protests are not dying out as the president jerry the exec a tiff washington editor at the washington suggested? >> the protests are full force. journal. and coverage of the white house for the washington post. i will tell what you is so also a cnn political analyst. powerful. what has happened with the nba thank you all for being here. this week. the general manager of the jerry, i want to start off with you. the news of the morning. rockets my hometown team, i'm a what we heard from the secretary of defense. the pull out of at least die hard rockets fan. he tweeted a benign tweet. hundreds of american troops from the north of the country. stand with freedom, stand with unclear when the remaining will hong kong. be moved out. the chinese communist government about lost it. it sounds like they're first they boycotted the rockets, headed to iraq. pulled them off tv in china, off unclear on the attack to counter the internet, canceled all of the counter terrorism threat. the sponsor ships. how will this be digested. sadly what happened was the nba >> it's striking how ugly this as a league began this series of turned so quickly. apologies. it was really sadee an turkish troops moving further american company, indeed a into syria than promised isis on global sports league like the the run. nba being dragooned into you have a lot of tension in the nato alliance.
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sensorring the free speech of you have a nato ally and member americans in the interest of big bucks. it's not complicated why the nba undertaking action everyone did that. television and the chinese opposes. that's a ugly picture. market is worth a whole lot of think it's striking you have money. thanks fully a whole lot of us president sayin this is an attempt to captions paid for across the ideological spectrum. by espn captioning by captionmax less shows you how seriously he i lead a bipartisan group in took the promise in the 201 congress calling on the nba to campaign to get u.s. forces out do better in freedom of speech. of the middle east. i believe they're doing a better job. >> margaret: is it really the it makes you wonder what will u.s. government that should lead happen in iraq and afghan the charge on this rather than between now and the 020 free enterprise? >> listen american businesses shouldn't be in the business of election. >> margaret: we didn't mention the fact on friday the pentagon sensorring americans. we see this pattern if it's the announced upping the troops in nba afraid of losing money in the middle east. this isn't with drawing but china or hollywood sensorring adding another 100 to saudi out content critical of the communist government in china. arabia. >> yes, i think jerry is right it's a unfortunate dynamic, how it's check the box. closer to the election he's china uses their vast resources focusing on saying i fulfilled to protect censorship. the promises i made in 2016. all of our allies are facing
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this increased aggressiveness -- the lengths he has taken about security on the border, building >> margaret: exactly. the wall, showing how many folks >> -- we need to stand up and have been ap reended on the defend our shared values. >> margaret: exactly so should border. we're now on our fifth home land those kind of protections be in a trade deal with china. security head since his >> listen, a trade deal is administrationased. function alley different. the senate formulation committee >> mgaret: the acting secretary resigned on friday. >> resigned with. unanimously passed legislation the sole focus of the position on hong kong to pressure china designed as a broader umbrella to protect the free speech and for security. right the plan security and democratic rights of the people of hong kong. focused almostcurity within the i'm a co sponsor of the legislation. >> margaret: right. >> it was bipartisan. exclusively on the southern border. margaret: you are talking the president's focus on making about legislation there. what actions we see from the sure that he can say on election trump administration of day i have been able to fulfill minorities in internment camps x, y, z. >> we shouldn't lose sight of of china are pretty limited. the fact that people will cheer at that. the china department blacklist foreign policy establishment is lifted companies. appalled there is a base of how do you stop the trump support, let's get out. administration to stop using he will tap into that. that as a bargaining chip. >> i introduced a bill of >> margaret: obviously the promise resonates to pull u.s.
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troops out of the middle east. democrats are running on that chinese companies, china using message. it's how it happens, when it in surveillance and represses, happens, if it's planned. that is what the national security establishment usually imprisonment, torture and tries to man to minimize damage. murder. just this week the trump what we heard from the deft administration announced they secretary this was decided last were implemented the core of my night. >> yes i think it was remarkable legislation, blacklist lifting what he said. those chinese technology we predicted this negative and companies used to suppress horrible stuff would happen once the turks went into syria. religious minorities -- we still stood down and allowed >> margaret: have they assured it to happen. you that won't be considered as it doesn't make it sound better a bargaining chip in to say we knew this would negotiations? >> listen, i think we can do happen. we couldn't stop them from both. it's important to get a trade doing. we have a president say america deal with china. first. i hope we do. strongest military. we have enormous economic we rebuilt the military. at the same time we can't prevent this atrocity and stood concerns. we can descend our core values. down because the turks were >> margaret: is it appropriate tkerld to go in. for president trump to tell there wasn't a plan to do once china to look into the biden it happened. now they're trying to put family. is that appropriate? together a plan. >> look, of course not. tweeting and threatening elections in the u.s. should be sanctions. there is no clear sense of a decided by americans. it's not the business of foreign
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strategy involved. we saw what happened in 2014 countries, any foreign countries to interfere in our elections. with the rise of isis and >> margaret: even ukraine? when you're talking about some putting fear in the hearts of of this, do you think that say americans and american voters. the president's personal republicans used that as a weapon against president obama. attorney. he has been tking about china if we see that reemerge and the and ukraine. do you want to hear him testify videos and images coming out of the region once again it could about this sort of shadow foreign policy. threaten president trump's >> foreign countries should sta. reelections as well. that's true forussia, ukraine, >> margaret: it's usually a. it should be the american cy'tatter to vot people deciding elections. i don't know what rudy has been saying. i do know that we should decide oe until i ds. when it looks like it is directly impacting americans our elections and the american people should make the decisions. that's when it matters. >> margaret: you want him to i think it's important to testify before your committee. understand when we talk about >> i think it would make a lot fulfilling the campaign prom of sense for rudy to testify. siss and checking the boxes. that's ultimately a question for for a lot of voters they think the committee chairman. that's one of the things they i would like to, yes. like about him. >> margaret: so the president is remember there is a whole group of voters out there who voted often talking about the need to look into joe biden. for donald trump in 2016 not if he's so concerned would it be necessarly because they liked what he was saying or wanted him appropriate to bring it to his own justice department instead to fulfill the promises but they of talking about foreign
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didn't like the other choice countries looking into his they had. now what they're having to political rival? >> i have long advocated the choose from. i think an example s do they justice department should enforce the law, investigate want another four years of a presidency where things seem to corruption regardless of party. happen without strategic >> to be clear you're not calling for the justice thinking. department to investigate the the chaos. the wallstreet journal editorial biden family. >> look i believe the j put it this way. impulsive judgment. department should investigate that is the challenge now for violations of law. if there is credible evidence of trgo a violation of law, yes they should investigate it. not -- democrats engaged. i will tell what you i called but a small slither of people for. i think president trump wisely may not of been enamored with released the transcript of his conversation with the ukrainian donald trump, but they're government. i think that was good. exhausted what is happening the a lot what had the democrats last couple of years and the were raising, an illegal qui quo prospect of it continuing. >> margaret: i want to talk about bun person running as a pro was not backed up by the alternative, joe biden. transcript. he has been linked to this i think that should be done for joe biden. impeachment inquiry because of release joe biden's transcripts the accusations of ukraine and with ukraine. his son. his son, hunter, releasing a use the same standards and let the american people read the statement and commenting on this for the first time.
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transcripts and decide. saying his father becomes president he won't be on the board of a foreign firm, resigning from the firm he serves on in china. i want to play this sound bite from the vice president joe biden. he really responded for one of the first times this week. >> we all laughed when he said he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and get away with it. it's no joke. he is shooting holes in the constitution. we can not let him get away with it. [ applause ] >> to preserve our constitution, our democracy, our basic integrity he should be impeached. >> margaret: so that public call was really the first time the vice president is putting this. >> he has been cautious about
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impeachment. this puts him th democratic base. now i think they're doing something interesting. they're trying to say essentially, president trump is trying to drag me joe biden down because he fears me the most. that plays into the joe biden narrative, i'm the most formidable candidate against donald trump. take heed and understand i'm the most formidable candidate you have to defeat president trump. that's not a bad message for the joe biden campaign to put out. >> margaret: how is the president responding? >> margaret: for a look at what americans are thinking about we can see the tweet. >> they're not much of a the headlines dome nating our strategy with the syria policy. conversations on "face the a counter impeachment strategy nation owe we turn to our cbs other than having outside news elections andreors. lawyers saying the president is anthony has two polls for us immune and shouldn't be investigated. the president doing morever today. first we look at the national poll on the impeachment inquiry. turn the 201 election. anthony, over the past two weeks have you seen a change? he will push forward language
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>> not over the last two weeks. that mayettlinto a we see hardening partisan lot of people as he tries to positions here. repub hi cans increasingly say counter the impeachment. they support the president. don't think he should cooperate there doesn't seem there is a strategy to do this. with congress. democrats strongly approving of >> margaret: how is it landing? >> i think the point that your the inquiry. important watching the polls recent pole just put forward is that the biden defense, this is differentiate against a inquiry, which there is marginal majority actually good for me. this makes me look like a front support. get the facts and learn what runner. happened. whether they think the president trump is afraid of me. deserves impeachment. isn't born out by the numbers, that's much more mixed how well they handle a ta *bgsz nationally. what i think is interesting going forward, margaret. tacks are up by over 15 points. you taupbg to the people who say i think of this point it's not they don't know which way to go on this, they say they're not ey think names and places are hard to follow. it maybe a challenge for both parties to move beyond their baset. isgaret: our second survey the first primary or caucus contest next year. according to our battleground tracker, elizabeth warren has
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extended her lead with 31% among democrats. joe biden is second with 25%. senator bernie sanders wraps up the top tier with 17%. camilla harris 1% support. indiana mayor has 5% of the voters in the 1 earlier contest and bet owo o'rourke. anthony, how is this controversy affecting the democrats? >> well the charges of the president leveled against joe biden, they don't hurt him directly. most democrats say it's not true, don't matter, haven't changed their view. it's biden's response to the charges that is generating a lukewarm response from the early state democrats. they say they're somewhat satisfied with the biden response, but noty sfied with it. we ask when t candidates, w well fend offe
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attacks from the president. surely they're coming. only half of people say they think biden will do that very well. you contrast that with elizabeth warren. her numbers are higher on fending off attacks from the president. i also notice a strength from joe biden is what people perceive as hissy hrebg ability. the fact he can beat donald trump among democrats, that is down this week. i think it maybe when you talk about electability it's not just demographic groups but how they handle the campaign. >> margaret: you said elizabeth warren has had a good month. what is behind that. >> she's up across the early states. >> margaret: we close today with her leap inow andxt a look at the situation in syria syriabs foreign correspondent withting a candate who . >> even bef the announcement
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her electability numbers are of the with draw of u.s. troops the kurdish allies stood little where they were. she is better than joe biden as being perceived as fighting for defense against turkey's onslaught. people like you. u.s. military presence was the >> margaret: that is one of her only thing stopping turks from slogans. >> yes. attacking in the first place. i think that maybe resonating. now there is no holding back. a lot is too not just on policy turkish backed militias and seen as specific which she penetrating into northeast syria has been in previous polls. further than before are bold en she seems to under cut joe to broaden ground defenses. biden's argument gaining steam. this video shows their gunman >> margaret: the other front executing kurdish soldiers on the road side. the syrian democratic forces say runner, bernie sanders is facing they have been betrayed and health problems. is that impacting the perception abandoned. of him. >> we have asked in previous the senior commander. >> what is your message to polls if folks thought age was a president trump. >> we fought be side his concern for older candidates. soldiers for many years. the numbers who say sander's age we were brothers in arms. is a concern are up this week. he promised he would protect the we followed up and asked what kurds. he has done nothing. >> the u.s. estimates more than specifically is concerning. it was those folks who said it 130,000 kurds have fled the was, said they were worried he may not be able to do the job of fighting. >> ma is your message to
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president and all that it president trump. requires. >> why did you leave us alone, there phaoeb some indirect impact on that for sanders we were your loyal allies. having said that. the support he does have, the you turned our back on us. >> the kurdish forces are not folks who support him are among the strongest, the strongest in only america's most loyal allies their support of any other in the fight against isis, but candidate. >> margaret: the passion factor. >> indeed. they protected us during that margaret: aanthony, thank you. fight. all of the results from both >> with forces redephoeud and u.s. troops largely out of the surveys are on our website pig tour a resurgent of isis has and we will be back in a moment with our panel. be began striking back anyway they can. >> the emerging isis threat can not be exaggerated. they used a car bomb in an attempted jail break not far from here. hundreds of isis families and supporters escaped from a boss: it's a big responsibility. detention shelter after it was employee: oh, it's huge. i know, it's huge. boss: and the salary... shelled by turkish forces. employee: oh my god, yes. i was literally about to move in with my parents >> margaret: reporting from tphorpb syria. that is it from us today. and right before... thank you for watching. yeah, so this saved me. thank you to the jones day law boss: i really believe in you. firm for the use of their you know? facilities here on capitol hill. employee: thank you.
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it's nice to hear that from someone. until next week "face the nation" i'm margaret brennan. boss: these are cool. did captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh where did...
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the invasion. turkey at this hour stepping up its assault on u.s.-backed kurdish fighters. president trump is now ordering all u.s. troops out of northern syria. >> deliberate withdrawal. >> the new concern about fighters who have pledged their allegiance to isis. by the numbers. elizabeth warren is gaining support on the campaign trail. joe biden tonight is losing ground. what's causing the dramatic
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shift in the polls? deadly encounter. in texas, a worried neighbor calls police, but when officers arrive -- >> put your hands up. show me your hands. >> a white police officer kills a black woman inside her own home. the growing outrage from the community. >> a record-breaking performance on the ma how sone bil
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