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tv   60 Minutes  CBS  April 25, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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and ford. we go further, so you can. >> when you first heard the word "guilty," you thought, what? >> gratitude. humility. followed by a certain sense of, i'll say satisfaction. >> tonight, the prosecutors in the george floyd murder trial tell us about the defendant, the jury we never saw, and the meaning of justice. you could've charged him with a hate crime under minnesota law, and you chose not to. ( ticking ) >> the u.s. and russia have entered a treacherous phase.
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diplomats being expelled; russian troops at the ukraine border; and a crackdown on protests over the treatment of alexey navalny, vladimir putin's main political rival, who is being held in a russian prison. we last spoke to navalny in october, while he recovered from a near-fatal poisoning. you have said you think that mr. putin is responsible. >> i don't think. i'm sure that he is responsible. ( ticking ) >> it's been so long since the lights went out on broadway, and new york's other stages. in small steps-- in this case, many of them... ( tap dancing the city's performers are beginning to play to grateful audiences again. everyone desperate to get 100,000 people back to work, full-time. >> we've missed that connection. it's about connection. the human connection. ( ticking )
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>> i'm lesley stahl. >> i'm bill whitaker. >> i'm anderson cooper. >> i'm jon wertheim. >> i'm scott pelley. those stories and more, tonight, on "60 minutes." ( ticking ) not my uncle, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. itanlp yo u0 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in childre don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis.
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>> scott pelley: derek chauvin is in solitary confinement tonight, awaiting sentencing for the murder of george floyd. the former minneapolis police officer was convicted this past tuesday. after the verdict, the prosecution team sat down with us, including lead prosecutor, minnesota attorney general keith
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ellison. when you first heard the word "guilty," you thought, what? >> keith ellison: gratitude. humility. followed by a certain sense of, i'll say satisfaction. it's what we were aiming for the whole time. i spent 16 years as a criminal defense lawyer. so, i will admit, i felt a little bad for the defendant. i think he deserved to be convicted, but, he's a human being. >> pelley: somehow, i did not expect to hear from you a note of compassion for derek chauvin. >> ellison: i'm not in any way wavering from my responsibility. but i hope we never forget that people who are defendants in our criminal justice system, that they're human beings. they're people. i mean, george floyd was a human being. and so, i'm not going to ever
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forget that everybody in this process is a person. >> pelley: was there ever a time that you thought you could lose this case? >> ellison: i was never convinced we were going to win this case until we heard the verdict of guilty. i remember what happened in the rodney king case, when i was a pretty young man, young lawyer. and i remember how devastated i felt when i heard that the jury acquitted those officers. whenever an officer is charged with an offense, particularly when the victim is a person of color, it's just rare that there's any accountability. and so, there was every moment of this case, i thought, "what are we missing? what haven't we done? >> pelley: 57-year-old keith ellison represented minneapolis in congress. he became attorney general in 2019. in the chauvin case, the governor passed over the local county attorney in favor of ellison, to give the
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prosecution independence. ellison's team of 14 attorneys worked 11 months to explain nine minutes and 29 seconds. >> ellison: we never thought we could play the video and sit down. we always knew we had to put on a full case and act as if we didn't have a video. we made sure that the witnesses could carry it. >> pelley: there were 45 witnesses over three weeks, including the minneapolis chief of police... >> medaria arradondo: it is not part of our training, and it is certainly not part of our ethics or our values. >> pelley: ...and a leading authority on the complexities of a simple breath. >> d moment the life goes out of his body. >> pelley: which witness sealed this case for you? >> ellison: i think it was mr. mcmillian. ( swearing in ) >> ellison: 61-year-old guy. didn't know george floyd. and he came in there and he cried on the witness stand.
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>> charles mcmillian: oh my god. >> pelley: charles mcmillian was among those witnesses who could plainly see the humanity that never seemed to register in the eyes of derek chauvin. as you looked on the faces of the 12 jurors during the more difficult eyewitness testimony, what did you see in their faces? jerry blackwell and steve schleicher presented the case. >> jerry blackwell: i saw a kind of empathy in their faces, that they could feel what the witnesses felt. they could feel the anguish, they could feel the pain, theyar >> pelley: the dozen jurors remain anonymous. socially distanced from one another, they were never seen on camera. >> steve schleicher: they were bright, and they were taking their responsibilities very seriously. and you could see that throughout the entire trial. they would lean forward, engaged. >> blackwell: taking notes, lots of notes.
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>> schleicher: furious, yeah, furiously taking notes. >> pelley: several jurors had advanced degrees; one was a registered nurse. >> blackwell: they were overwhelmingly under the age of 40, which was unique. >> pelley: half were white, half people of color. >> ellison: two, what i would call traditional african americans. you know, people like me. there were two african immigrants. there were two folks who were mixed race, who had, i think, an african-descendant parent and a white parent. and then, the white jurors were very diverse, too. g clknow, so othem were others were very highly educated folks. >> pelley: the identity of the jurors is one of two mysteries of trial the other is the motive for the murder. was this a hate crime? >> ellison: i wouldn't call it that, because hate crimes are crimes where there's an explicit
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motive, and of bias. we don't have any evidence that derek chauvin factored in george floyd's race as he did what he did. >> pelley: you could've charged him with a hate crime under minnesota law, and you chose not to. >> ellison: could have. but we only charge those crimes that we had evidence that we could put in front of a jury to prove. if we'd have had a witness that told us that derek chauvin made a racial reference, we might've charged him with a hate crime. buwoulhaveto say that on the stand. we didn't have it. so we didn't do it. >> pelley: the whole world sees this as a white officer killing a black man because he is black, and you're telling me that there's no evidence to support that? >> ellison: in our society, there is a social norm that killing certain kinds of people is more tolerable than other
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kinds of people. in order for us to stop and pay serious attention to this case and be outraged by it, it's not necessary that derek chauvin had a specific racial intent to harm george floyd. the fact is, we know that, through housing patterns, through employment, through wealth, through a whole range of other things-- so often, people of color, black people, end up with harsh treatment from law enforcement. and other folks doing the exact same thing just don't. if an officer doesn't throw a white neurologist in eden prairie, minnesota to the ground and doesn't sit on top of his neck, is he doing it because this is a fellow white brother? no. he's doing it because he thinks, "this is an important person, and if i treat them badly, somebody's going to ask me about this. this person probably has lawyers. he probably knows the governor. he probably knows-- he has connections. i can look at the way he's
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dressed and the way he talks, that he's probably, quote, unquote, 'somebody'." and so, that's really what it's about. >> pelley: why would this officer assault george floyd? >> ellison: well, that's a question we spent a lot of time asking ourselves. and all we could come up with is what we could divine from his body language and his demeanor. and what we saw is that the crowd was demanding that he get up. and then he was staring right back at them, defiantly. "you don't tell me what to do. i do what i want to do. you people have no control over me. i'm going to show you." >> pelley: and what he showed them, he showed to 13 video cameras. could you have won conviction without the bystander video? >> ellison: i don't know. if it was just the witnesses' statements, i have to say to you
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that it was-- i think it was an indispensable piece of this case. >> pelley: the first public statement that the minneapolis police department made, hours after mr. floyd was killed, was that "the police had been involved and someone had died of a medical emergency." do you think we ever would've known the truth without the video? >> ellison: you know, i have real doubts of-- that we ever would. >> pelley: why would derek chauvin commit murder, or even assault, if he knew he was being recorded? >> ellison: i think that if he looks at history, he has every reason to believe that he would never be held accountable. there's never been anyone in minnesota convicted-- any police officer convicted of second- degree murder, in the history of our state. so, this was precedent-setting in that way. so, history was on his side.
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>> pelley: does george floyd bear any responsibility, in your view, for what happened that day? >> ellison: no, he doesn't. >> pelley: if he'd gotten in the car, he'd be alive today. >> ellison: the fact is that police officers are paid and trained to deal with people who are having problems. and if they're allowed to use deadly force on people who are just having a bad day, then we're going to be in a very, very lethal situation. we need officers who have the judgment and the ability to discern what somebody is going through, so that people survive these encounters. george floyd was not armed. he never threatened a soul. he never struck out on-- against anybody. he did everything the officers said, except he had claustrophobia and anxiety and
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couldn't bring himself to get in that car. how could chauvin justify being on him three minutes after he had no pulse? how could he justify not rendering c.p.r.? how can he justify not heeding george floyd's 27 requests to be able to breathe? "i can't breathe," he said, 27 times. how can he just ignore that? so i'm hard-pressed to find how george floyd bears responsibility for what happened here. >> pelley: jerry blackwell and steve schleicher presented the closing arguments, but they're not career prosecutors. they were recruited by the attorney general from big law firms because of their talent. both volunteered to work this case for free. >> blackwell: it meant a lot to me, personally. i mean, i have had my own experiences of being stopped by the police for no reason, being harassed for no reason. and i wanted to do my part, just as a citizen, to say that the rule of law matters. >> pelley: what does this
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verdict change? does it change anything? >> schleicher: well, we won't know, right? we're in the middle of history right now. and so, that's yet to be seen. but the rest of it is really up to the world, whether it changes, what it changes, to what extent. we're in the middle of this story. >> blackwell: i don't think that there are any inevitabilities in it, because we don't make progress on the wheels of inevitability. in fact, i think progress rolls like a brick. and so each one has to be flipped each time. so when people talk about inflection points and so on-- i'm not really a subscriber to inflection points. there's no reason to believe that things are easier going forward than they were to get here. and i think we have to make a consistent effort every day to protect the vulnerable and then to work to reform ourselves which, if we don't do, there won't be any lasting change anyway. if each person doesn't work to make the change. >> pelley: three other former
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officers will go on trial, together, in august. 45-year-old derek chauvin will be sentenced by the judge in mid-june. george floyd's family can make a statement at that hearing, and so could chauvin, if he chooses. he faces a maximum of 40 years. a maximum sentence would send what kind of message? >> ellison: i think it is important for the court to not go light or heavy. i don't know if it's right for a judge to send a message through a sentence, because the sentence should be tailored to the offense, tailored to the circumstances of the case. look, the state never wanted we just wanted accountability. ( ticking ) you're not welcome here! get out of my face! hpv can cause certain cancers when your child grows up.
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>> lesley stahl: russian president vladimir putin's political opposition has taken to the streets once again in cities across the country. they were ignited by the imprisonment of opposition leader alexey navalny, who is said to be near death in the prison infirmary, partly the result of a 24-day hunger strike, which he ended friday. last month, president biden announced new sanctions against russia for incarcerating navalny, who has become an international symbol of freedom in an increasingly autocratic country. navalny was taken into custody as he returned to russia in january after treatment in germany for a near-fatal poisoning. we spoke last fall in berlin, as he recovered. and, as we reported then, he told us he was aboard a flight from siberia to moscow when he
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began to feel very sick. >> alexey navalny: i said to the flight attendant, and i kind of shocked him with my statement, "wel, i was poisoned and i'm going to die." and i immediately lay down on-- onto his feet. >> stahl: alexey navalny was on a flight to moscow from siberia, where he had been campaigning against putin's party in a local election, when he collapsed with no pain, but knowing he was dying. >> alexey navalny: actually, every cell of your body just are telling you that, "body, we are done." >> stahl: one of the other passengers turned on his phone and captured navalny moaning in anguish. the pilot made an emergency landing in omsk, where medics, thinking navalny must be a drug treafor overdose andthe usual rushed him to a local hospital, where theyd poisoned, but wouldn't let him leave for days. >> alexey navalny: well, it was a big fight. they thought that after
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48 hours, this poison would be untraceable. and they just keep me there until this 48 hours will be gone. >> stahl: navalny is under constant surveillance. his wife yulia says government agents were at the hospital, controlling access to her husband, and she believes, calling the shots. at the time, navalny was in a coma, unaware that his wife yulia was waging a public campaign to encourage western diplomatic pressure. and did you write a letter to putin? >> yulia navalnymr, tin, my husband." >> yulia navalny: i wrote, like, "i insist that he should do it.y husband." >> yulia navalny: yeah. >> alexey navalny: it was an online campaign: "let him out!" and putin thought it would be safe for him-- just let me out after the 48 hours. >> stahl: so after 48 hours, the russian government allowed him
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to be flown by air ambulance to a hospital in berlin, known for its experience with victims of poison attacks. and i gather they suspected poison right away? >> alexey navalny: yes, of course. >> stahl: meanwhile, his team in siberia searched his hotel room, collecting things navalny may have touched, like this water bottle, which the doctors in berlin sent, along with a blood sample, to a german military lab to see exactly what the poison was. and, the answer was novichok. >> alexey navalny: they discover novichok, this nerve agent, in my blood, inside of body, on my body and on this bottle from the hotel. so, that's why we now we know that i was poisoned in the hotel. because i-- well, it's-- again, it's just pure speculation, because no one knows what-- what-- what happened, exactly. but i think that when i was-- maybe put some clothes with these-- with this poison on me,
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i touch it with the hand, and then i sip from the bottle. so this nerve agent was not inside of a bottle, but on the bottle. >> stahl: novichok is a highly-toxic nerve agent said to be ten times more potent than sarin gas. labs in france and sweden corroborated the finding: there's no doubt it was military-grade novichok. >> alexey navalny: it's maybe, it's the most toxic agent invented by the humans. so it's new type of novichok, which proves that, unfortunately, putin have-- developing new program of these chemical weapon, which is forbidden. >> stahl: the russians have said that they destroyed all these chemical weapons. >> alexey navalny: that's why, actually, they deny everything. because it means that they still have this novichok. so it means they're not just violating with keeping it. they are continue to improve it. >> stahl: and there's no doubt that russia is the only place where that could have come from? >> alexey navalny: this is
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absolutely correct. >> stahl: it's a banned substance. >> alexey navalny: it's a banned substance. i think for putin, why he's using this chemical weapon to do-- do both, kill me and, you know, terrify others. it's something really scary, where the people just drop dead without-- there are no gun. there are no shots. and in a couple of hours, you-- you'll be dead, and without any traces on your body. it's something terrifying. and putin is enjoying it. >> stahl: you have said you think that mr. putin's responsible. >> alexey navalny: i don't think. i'm sure that he is responsible. >> stahl: putin spokesman dmitry peskov says the charge is "completely baseless and unacceptable." but angela merkle of germany and emmanuel macron of france have persuaded the european union to impose sanctions over this. well, all these leaders have signed on, except donald trump. and-- >> alexey navalny: yes, i-- i have noticed it.
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( laughs ) >> stahl: is it important to you that he condemn this action? >> alexey navalny: so, i think it's extremely important that everyone, of course, including and maybe in the first of all, president of united states, to be very against using chemical weapons in the 21st century. >> stahl: but why would putin want to poison alexey navalny? when we first met navalny three years ago, he was running against putin for president. he had made a name for himself by getting his hands on incriminating internal financial documents related to high-level officials and posting them on a blog. did these documents that you got prove corruption? >> alexey navalny: absolutely. i work as a whistle blower. and i'm not afraid to announce the names. >> stahl: he says he found that the kremlin's inner circle was accumulating vast amounts of wealth and published pictures of
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multiple homes and yachts. he moved on to airing documentaries on youtube, with video of the officials' lavish lifestyle. >> alexey navalny: and, it's-- it's something very special about mr. putin, that he's crazy about money. personal money, about his family being rich. his friends-- like, all his people who was-- served him-- with him-- with him-- in the k.g.b., all of them, they are billionaires. that's why fighting corruption means for him that he's fighting me. >> stahl: you know, i'm smiling because, here you are. you have survived the most potent nerve agent there is, and you are as fiery and worked up about your-- about putin and what's going on in this country as you were when i met you a couple years ago. >> alexey navalny: well, i'm glad. ( laughs ) i'm glad that i survived. >> stahl: his blog enflamed so much outrage in 2017 that tens of thousands of russians took to the streets against putin.
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when navalny called for a second round of protests three months later, he was arrested before he even left his apartment building. he's been jailed so many times, he's lost count. he's been beaten, had green dye with acid splashed in his face, and now he can add poisoning to his resume, and blame president putin. now how can you say that? why wouldn't it be one of the oligarchs whom you've embarrassed by, as you say, exposing their corruption? >> alexey navalny: even for an oligarch, it's impossible to get this novichok. it's not something you can buy in the store, even if you have millions of the-- billions of dollars. maybe more important, you cannot use it. you will kill yourself and everyone around. because it's very difficult to, you know-- >> stahl: contain it. yes, yes. >> alexey navalny: yes. and then, this huge cover up operation. there is no criminal investigation so far. if-- if putin is not responsible, why there is no invest
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right now. like, putin with a conversation with the french president macron, he said, "well, navalny poisoned himself." seriously? >> stahl: mr. putin told the president of france that you poisoned yourself? >> alexey navalny: yes. it was just to, you know, annoy him. >> stahl: putin is contending with rounds of protests in the far eastern part of the country, with people taking to the streets for the past three months. navalny thinks the attempt on his life is connected. >> alexey navalny: despite his controlling police, judges, courts, media, and everything, still he's like, he understand that he is surrounded by protest. and it's increasing. so that's why his-- they decided to, you know, exfod-- extreme measures. >> stahl: this is what he looked like just a month ago, soon after his doctors brought him out of an induced coma. rail-thin, with a sickly pallor.
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this photo was taken the first day he saw his children after being taken off a ventilator. so you were in a coma. and then you woke up and what happened? >> alexey navalny: after this coma, i just jump to the long period of kind of crazy hallucinations. and several, you know, steps of realizing where i am, who i am. i could not speak and i could not write. >> stahl: well, how has this affected your family? >> alexey navalny: well, it was a difficult situation. but they stand it. >> stahl: including your children? >> alexey navalny: including children-- >> stahl: hacolleg stahlostough lny: right. realize that your father came close to being assassinated. did they say to you, "pop, dad, you have to stop"? >> alexey navalny: absolutely not. no. absolutely not. my-- i am very lucky man because
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i have all support from my family. >> stahl: you'd almost have to at this point. >> alexey navalny: yeah. >> stahl: navalny, his wife, his bodyguard and i went out for a walk in front of the brandenburg gate in berlin, and a phalanx of police showed up. you certainly travel with a lot of protection. >> alexey navalny: yes, i have a lot of security. >> stahl: he is under the protection of the german government because there's concern he could be the target of another poisoning. and yet, he said he's determined to return to moscow in a couple of months, as soon as he is 100%, and resume his work where he left off, campaigning against vladimir putin. you know, you used to be known as the man who had no fear. but what about your family? do you ever think that you are you're putting them in danger? >> alexey navalny: that is a toughest part, yes. i don't feel any fear, but children what is kind of really
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a horrible thought, if they will try to use this novichok somewhere around my apartment, where my children is come. and, like, you know, this door or something, but everyone can touch it. well-- but anyway, we should fight these people because they will never stop. they will poison someone else. they will poison more people. >> stahl: well, how do you feel now? are you back? totally back? you seem to be. >> alexey navalny: i still need some time to recover. and i'm working on it. >> stahl: but you do go to rehab. do you go every day? >> alexey navalny: yes, to learn from the scratch how to move, how to do some things. they-- interesting that-- i feel kind of a bit of wooden or tin man, like from the "wizard of oz," because the body lost all flexibility at all. interesting how it's work. i have no idea. it's-- now it's difficult move is for me, for example, pick something from the ground. >> stahl: what about the
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psychological effect of having-- knowing that somebody tried to kill you, came that close? >> alexey navalny: you know, i think it's a good thing. it's very useful for politician, maybe facing death once, because it's change you a bit. so maybe ironically, i became kind of more human after this, facing death. >> stahl: the biden administration's national security advisor jake sullivan, on cnn last sunday, warned the kremlin of "consequences" if alexey navalny dies in custody. ( ticking ) >> a new message from alexei navalny's wife, yulia. see it, only at: (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. (other money manager) how do your clients know that?
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the 7pm news, weeknights on kpix 5. ( ticking ) >> jon wertheim: giving new zest to the term "showstopper," the pandemic sure did a number on the performing arts-- and just when we needed them most. live music, dance, and theater help us to process collective trauma, to make sense of loss and fear. but the same intimacy and shared experience that make the performing arts so special have made them singularly awful for covid-times. there is an economic toll to putting the performing arts on mute, especially in new york, where they bring in billions, and where broadway alone sells more tickets than all the city's pro-sports teams combined. but what about the loss in value that can't be measured? as show business reimagines its role post-covid in the city that never sleeps, we consulted three
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dazzling talents at the top of their games, doing their best to improvise. meet ayodele casel. originally from the bronx, she's danced her way onto the biggest stages in the world. here she is at new york's joyce theater, performing for an online audience. >> ayodele casel: tap dancing is, to me, a genius musical way of moving one's feet and body. it's expression. it's joy. it's resistance. i think it's magical. >> wertheim: what's it like without an audience? i mean, how does that compare to the real thing? >> casel: well, it doesn't compare to the real thing. (♪ "akhnaten" opera ♪) ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wertheim: next, allow us to introduce anthony roth costanzo. a counter-tenor whose talent is matched by his range, up until
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the pandemic, he was starring in the metropolitan opera's sold- out production of "akhnaten." >> anthony roth costanzo: i was biking by the met the other day, and i stopped my bike. and i closed my eyes, and i thought, "what does it smell like on that stage? what does it feel like? can you remember?" it is such an incredible feeling, stepping onto the stage of the met, looking out at 3,800 people. >> wertheim: and finally, ladies and gentlemen, nathan lane. we asked the veteran broadway actor how he's stayed limber during the pandemic. >> nathan lane: i haven't. i'm-- i'm-- i'm like everyone-- i'm sitting home watching netflix, watching "money heist," thinking "wow, it's so spanish." everyone-- it's like a telenovela during a big heist. it's crazy. but it's so addictive. i love netflix. but, you know, enough is enough. we've missed that connection. it's about connection. the human connection.
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♪ and all that jazz ♪ >> wertheim: that connection between performer and audience stopped cold here last march 12, back when covid was still in act 1. and it hasn't resumed. those neon lights on broadway? still out. practice all you want, you can't get to carnegie hall. for more than a year now, there's been no business in show-business-- devastating to the nearly 100,000 new yorkers who make their living this way, onstage, backstage, and front of house. adam krauthamer heads the city's union of 7,000 musicians. what's the unemployment rate among your members right now? >> adam krauthamer: so, right now it's 95%. >> wertheim: unemployment? >> krauthamer: 95% unemployment. i think for people who work in the arts, we were worried that we were losing jobs, right? but my-- my fear is that we were losing careers.
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>> wertheim: did you see that firsthand? >> krauthamer: i've had members sell their homes; i've had members sell instruments. >> wertheim: there is precedent for helping artists in times of crisis. coming out of the great depression, part of the new deal funded projects in music, theater, and art. in this crisis, performers have largely had to go it alone. this, in an industry not exactly known for a stable business model. even in the best of times, a showwon't break even unless audiences fill at least 80% of the seats. how many performances have been cancelled for you since the start of covid? >> roth costanzo: i would say at least 100, if not 150. i mean, the checks stopped. and-- you-- you saw quite a stark contrast between selling out in a title role at the met, and being on unemployment just a matter of months later. (♪ "akhnaten" opera ♪) ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wertheim: ayodele casel also worried her career would lose
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momentum, permanently. what happened? >> casel: silence happened. ( laughs ) actually, worse than silence. it was the-- the phone calls, saying, you know, "we-- we're canceling. we're canceling. we're canceling." >> wertheim: this is income too, i'm guessing. >> casel: this is $30,000, $35,000, $40,000, $45,000 getting canceled. you know, that might not be a lot for other folks. but, like, for an artist, that's a lot of money to go out the window. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( tap dancing ) >> casel: and it almost took me down. i, for a quick second, thought, maybe i've had a good run. >> wertheim: you went to that spot of-- >> casel: oh, i went to-- oh, yeah, there was, like, a good month or two where i was just like, "i think--" seriously considering not-- not doing this in this way anymore. and just when i thought that, i get the call for, you know, to.o werth areatplan f the creative class. n.y. popsup, a state program backed by $6 million, is a sort of cultural band-aid, aimed at reminding the public
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about the importance, and joy, of live arts. like a pop-up store, the arts version is temporary, mobile, and socially distanced, with an eclectic mix of performers emerging in unlikely places. the sanitized setting for opening day in february? manhattan's big convention facility, a thank you to those overseeing vaccinations. >> casel: it was surreal. i'm not going to lie. it was so surreal because when i-- it's like-- i remember when i stepped on stage. how you doing, new york city? there was that moment of, like, you know, applause. i'm so happy to share my heart and my art with you. there's nothing like it. i just felt like, "oh, we're back." ( laughs ) you know, just like that. ( snaps ) (♪ "new york, new york" ♪) >> wertheim: after the stage show, jon batiste, musician and bandleader of cbs' "the late show with stephen colbert,"
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pied-pipered the rag-tag troupe through the streets of brooklyn. (♪ "somewhere over the rainbow"♪ ) >> wertheim: you have this delicate instrument. and then you've got a bullhorn rendering it. >> roth costanzo: ( laughs ) we're over being precious with opera or even these instruments. i think it's about-- now it's about the kind of fervor that exists. and after all, opera singing is just glorified screaming, so... >> casel: my people! >> wertheim: in march, ayodele casel got some rehearsal time with fellow dancers-- albeit in the frigid garage of her new jersey home. >> casel: i hadn't seen my friends in so long. i could cry thinking about it. but-- i-- i think i underestimated, you know, how much i missed them. you know, because we would stay in touch over the phone. but it's one thing to then be in the same space. that was really inspiring to me. that was awesome. >> wertheim: she took the show
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on the road with n.y. popsup, and went back to her old stomping grounds in the bronx, as well as brooklyn and queens, turning up in museum lobbies to the happy surprise of visitors. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( tap dancing ) >> wertheim: since then, new york has loosened some restrictions on live performance. audiences of up to 150 people can now gather indoors, and cultural institutions are trying to figure out how to make this work. we were there when the new york philharmonic was reunited for the first time in a year with its conductor, jaap van zweden. a smaller orchestra, socially distanced and masked, rehearsed for a virtual concert. (♪ new york philharmonic ♪) ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jaap van sweden: being a musician is not-- with all respect, it's not a job. it is something you live for all your life. and if that is being taken away. that is not easy for us.
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and so we are extremely happy that we can be back on stage. (♪ new york philharmonic ♪) ♪ ♪ ♪ >> wertheim: but pop-ups and streaming gigs are baby steps back to work, for only a fraction of new york's performing artists. the larger question looms: when can theaters safely pack them in again? >> theater usher: yeah, they'll double check that right there when they take your temperature. then you can head on inside. >> wertheim: in early april, the venerable st. james theater was the site of broadway's soft re-open. the audience, proof of negative covid test required, sat apart, yet together, one day only, to watch nathan lane, on a bare-bones set. he performed a monologue about, fittingly, a theater lover exiled from broadway. >> lane: i go on every theater website and defend every version of "merrily we roll along." because at least it's an attempt.
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>> wertheim: was there special protocol you had to go through as a performer today? special covid protocol? >> lane: yes. they hosed me down. i've been tested. i've been tested so many times. >> wertheim: were there moments today when you were up there and you sort of said, "you know what? this-- all right." >> lane: no. i was-- i'll tell you honestly, i was-- i was, like, terrified. >> wertheim: why? >> lane: well, because there wasn't any real rehearsal. it was a first performance. ( laughs ) >> wertheim: to-- to the-- >> lane: now, if you catch me tomorrow night... ( laughs ) you want to come by the house, i'll try it again. ♪ ♪ ♪ p dancing ) >> wertheim: in her lost year, ayodele casel, like so many artists, has been thinking about not just how to bounce back, but about how to lunge forward. >> casel: i would like to see what gets presented from here on in to reflect what artists look like out in the world. that there are more black people and more latino people and more asian people being represented. creatively. not just on stage, but just everywhere around and behind and in front and in back. just all over.
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(♪ "under pressure" ♪) >> wertheim: anthony roth costanzo has used this quiet period to make an album, a style mash-up with cabaret singer justin vivian bond, and it's also got him thinking he may not want to go back to the way things were. >> roth costanzo: we've decimated the arts. and we have an opportunity to rebuild them. >> wertheim: open doors, literally? >> roth costanzo: literally. and not only open doors-- to rebuild the doorway and install a new door. >> wertheim: specifically, what are we talking about? >> roth costanzo: let's reinvent the concert-going ritual. let's put it on a pickup truck tautthll, the opera house, and create new experiences. >> protesters: shut scott rudin out. >> wertheim: as broadway fashions its restaging, there's already been a spasm of, well, drama. >> protesters: hey, hey, ho, ho. scott rudin has got to go. >> wertheim: on thursday, the theater community rallied to demand accountability. they targeted producer scott
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rudin, a broadway mogul, and force behind n.y. popsup, who announced he was stepping back after reports of abusive behavior. >> lane: in a theater... >> wertheim: but the show must, of course, go on. and nathan lane has one small note. anything you'd like to see not come back? >> lane: "cats." "cats." we don't need "cats." ( laughs ) enough with "cats." they revived it. you know, we get the idea. "cats." >> wertheim: "cats" notwithstanding, broadway, and new york's main stages, are heading for a fall reopening. there's n precise date on the calendar, and shows will need time to ramp up. there will be some light bulbs to change, and some sets to dust off, and perhaps a new appreciation-- not just for the dollars and cents, but for the spiritual value in the performing arts. >> lane: it's more than just a night out. ( laughs ) it's-- you know, it's what the character says in the piece. i love theater. i can't explain it. it's just, when i have tickets
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to a show, it lifts my whole day. it's like a date with someone who might be wonderful. or might be boring. or might change my life forever. you know? i know. >> wertheim: so what's... >> lane: i thought for sure that was the end of the interview. didn't you? >> wertheim: no, one more... >> lane: didn't i-- didn't i give him, like, the best ending to this thing? ( laughs ) ( ticking ) >> cbs sports, hq is presented by progressive insurance. here in new orleans at the pga event, cameron smith and mark lease man won in a play-off. elsewhere in the sports world, beegt the celtics, and the nets defeated the suns. in baseball, the orioles beat the as to snap a 13 game win streak. this is reporting from this is reporting from louisiana.
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chronicled the insights of people with fresh ways of looking at familiar things: at baseball, wall street, college football, and finance. john dickerson talks with michael lewis about the doctors and scientists who saw the covid-19 pandemic coming, and their frantic-- and ultimately futile-- attempts to sound the alarm. i'm lesley stahl. we'll be back next week with another edition of "60 minutes." ( ticking )
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