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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  July 31, 2022 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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much. you know, so they obviously had a good time for somebody that you know, so they obviously had a good time for somebody that was in such a horrible vehicle. -- captions by vitac -- and now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbs news bay area panic and fear as the year's largest wildfire rages out of control in northern california. >> saying good-bye to a legend. we have a tribute to the nba great bill russell. >> plus fears of monkey pox and talk of cancellations did not stop the fair in san francisco. thanks for joining us. live from the cbs studios in san francisco. >> we begin with breaking news out of oakland. >> we have confirmed there was a shooting during a football game at oakland tech high school. a school official tells us they heard gunshots. we are still working to confirm how many people were injured.
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we will have more details coming up on kpix 5 news at 6:00. >> now the latest on the fire that has blown up over the weekend. the mckinney fire has grown to more than 50,000 acres. fire officials say there is only 1% containment. it is spreading west of the town close to the oregon border. evacuees say they have to travel as far as portland to find some place to stay. >> reporter: kpix 5 spoke with fire officials about what is driving the blaze. >> reporter: the mckinney fire is a beast and has torched entire hillsides and turned towering trees into kindling. burning uncontained and uncontrolled near the border with oregon. >> this one was driven by its fuels, terrain, and extremely fast moving winds. >> reporter: officially the cause of the fire is still under investigation. the u.s. forest service says several smaller places were sparked by a lightning storm in the area. whatever the cause the forest service says the fire was spread by strong wind and was
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intensified by years of drought. >> this year in particular they are landing on an extremely receptive fuel bed meaning every strike that comes in has the potential to become a fire. >> reporter: more than a thousand firefighters are battling the blaze and reinforcements are on the way. there is no timeline for containment. there is more lightning in the forecast and the combination of lightning, wind, and drought as firefighters at the mercy of mother nature. >> we are still detecting new fires today plus we are expecting more dry lightning today. so we are still in a red flag warning for that. >> reporter: kpix 5. >> is it the view from the caltrans camera, there is so much smoke and ash it almost looked like a snowstorm. there is no cars on the road and parts west of highway 5 have been evacuated. >> you look at the smoke filled skies and then turn to the bay area where we've had a chance of rain and some rain drops
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throughout the day. >> much bigger than the rain is the potential for lightning from these next rounds of storms that are actually going to try and come here to home. that fire up, the mckinney fire, was started by lightning. while we don't have anything like the kind of lightning storm that started that fire coming our way we do have a 20% chance of isolated thunderstorms going from late this evening all the way through monday and the most likely time frame is really monday morning through the afternoon. if you just take a look at first alert doppler there is a lot of lightning all over the place. the complex from the mckinney fire up here but what we're concerned about is all the lightning to our east. right now over the sierra. it's been a pretty active monsoon for the last several days. but if we put this into future cast, watch how tonight, more noticeably tomorrow morning, isolated showers start popping up here, not bringing a lot of rain with them even though you can feel the humidity out there and potentially some rain but the big concern with this would
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be any isolated lightning, especially on the hills that are higher than where the marine layer typically goes. we've been living with great humidity levels all summer long down here. the hills around the bay area have not because they're too high, higher than the marine layer can reach and the grasses, the tuition, the trees have dried out there almost as much as the rest of the state has. it will be an important 36 hours to watch. i'll have much more context coming up in a complete forecast in a few minutes. for now, back to you. >> see you soon. firefighters are getting the upper hand on the oak fire in the sierra, cal fire saying no growth overnight. it is now 64% contained. more than 180 building were destroyed by the fire. we do have continuing coverage of the wildfires and for the latest updates and information visit >> basketball legend bill russell has died at the age of 88. he grew up in oakland and played for usf. we have more now on bill
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russell's career. >> don't forget a civil rights pioneer at a time in the 1960s when players were expected to be quiet and play russell was one of the stars who spoke up. when you're talking about nba legends, and the mythical mount rushmore of the best of the greats you have to chisel him in. he had a better resume over a 15-year span than most in team sports. >> he was a winner everywhere he went. >> reporter: russell's winnings started in high school. leading to two state titles. then it was off to usf where he led the dons to 55 straight wins and back-to-back national championships. he played 13 seasons in the nba. won 11 titles with the boston celtics the last two as the league's first player coach. >> he was a leader. he was a quiet leader. he didn't yell at you. he didn't bark commands out there on the court. >> reporter: long time warriors broadcaster jim barnett was drafted by the celtics in 1966.
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he played one season alongside russell. how long was it before he actually called you jim? >> i think mostly it was barnett during the rookie season. >> russell used his platform to become a key voice for african americans and was quick to call out racial injustices like this one in marion, indiana. >> after playing the game, driving in on a bus, playing a game in 1961, and getting the key to the city, and then they go back to the hotel and they're not able to stay there with the other white players and bill russell goes and wakes up the mayor in the middle of the night at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and gives him back the key to the city. >> bill russell can reflect with pride on helping change the culture of a sport and the course of our nation. >> russell was the first black player inducted to basketball's hall of fame.
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>> we made you proud, man. >> sure did. >> reporter: the finals mvp trophy is named in his honor. and in 2017 he was presented with the nba's lifetime achievement award. >> i would kick your -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> reporter: he had the trademark laugh. until the very end. russell was 88 years old. >> the captain himself and the greatest player to ever play the game bill russell >> i got this short list of some of the great kids out of the high school neighborhood. bill russell, frank robinson, curt flood, paul silas. that's just for starters. >> wow. that's something. >> we'll see you in a few with breaking news from the 49ers. >> okay. thanks, vern. >> thank you. today we also learned of the death of actress nichelle nichols. she was best known for her groundbreaking role as communications officer lieutenant on star check.
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in addition to acting nichols worked with nasa where she helped women and minorities become astronauts. nichols was 89 years old. now to a live look at san francisco. the city has declared monkey pox a public health emergency. there are 305 cases in the city compared to 786 across the state. rising case numbers caused concern that this weekend's door alley fair would be a super spreader event. why did the organizers go forward despite talk of cancellation? >> reporter: instead of sounding the alarm on the event health experts are using it to reach and educate people about monkey pox. now, i must apologize. i am a little over dressed for this event. trying to limit the live shots and may have to blur some footage here. the up your alley street fair is a smaller version of the fulsome street fair. >> this is mine or one of mine. >> it is the celebration of
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diversity because not everything fits within a certain realm. it is very important. it's part of our identities. >> and it's fun. >> reporter: there are all kinds of kinky games and vendors selling neck collars, whips, and anything leather. >> i am absolutely loving it. i am not offended by the nudity. >> there's a lot of it. >> there's a lot of it. some of it is beautiful and some people may not think it's beautiful. >> reporter: some people stayed away this year calling the event a superspreader venue for monkey pox but organizers and even health experts say banning or stigmatizing a group of people or specific events tend to backfire. instead health officials set up booths at the street fair in attempts to educate people about the virus. >> there is a bit of a generational disconnect. the 30 and younger crowd doesn't have the same fear and respect for infections that the older crowd, who survived hiv and aids. and so i am really getting out there to try to talk to the
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younger crowd that you guys need to make sure you get your vaccine. >> reporter: most fair goers say no concerns. some say they are limiting physical contacts with strangers. >> we've all had monkey pox vaccination so that is really important to us. >> we decided to avoid indoor venues last night at some of the parties. we're both getting vaccinated as soon as the vaccines become available. >> reporter: in san francisco, kpix 5. i'm da lin. two people were injured after a shooting on an east bay freeway near the marina boulevard off ramp last night. a dodge durango and toyota camry stopped on the right shoulder. two people inside the dodge were hit by gunfire and taken to the hospital. police say it appears the people inside both cars were shooting at one another. the people inside the toyota ran from the scene. this image from the caltrans cameras shows where the incident happened. the chp is investigating a motive for the shooting.
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two people are hospitalized tonight after a shooting in san jose. early this morning it happened in the 300 block of umberger road just before 4:00. two men were shot. one took himself to the hospital and is expected to recover. the other has life threatening injuries. coming up, something is missing over the skies of berkeley. we'll tell you why the kite festival got sidelined, next.
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well, beloved kite festival in berkeley is canceled a third year in a row and this year the founder says it is for good and all has to do with a hike in
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permit fees. word spread the berkeley kite festival was no more and people showed up to fly their kites as a form of respect. for the past four decades thousands of spectators flocked over to the berkeley marina to watch. from a few thousand dollars to $45,000. >> this year is difficult. a large part of my identity is tied up in what we do and the kite festival and i believe in it passionately. >> the event was put on hold for two years because of the pandemic. we'll have more on why the city decided to increase fees so much coming up at 6:00. >> do prices ever go down? wildfires in northern california and mud slides in the south. pictures from the police, the mud slide closed highway 38 east of san bernadino. police are warning about flash flooding in the area because they've got thunderstorms big time down south. 28 people have died from flooding over in kentucky
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according to the state's governor. local mayors say they believe the death count is even higher than that. >> so hard to see. then we focus on what we have to deal with here which is the fear of the lightning strikes. >> yes. a big part of the forecast over the next 36 hours. tomorrow morning and afternoon is when we really have the chance. i showed at the top of the newscast only a 20% chance. a 20% chance of lightning when you are in a deep drought and landscape is vulnerable toward any fire starts that might go is going to become a big concern. the big picture shows you there is a lot of lightning out there. let's come in for a closer look and just get perspective of the lightning we're concerned with. this stuff in the sierra. but there will be more that develops from there as well over about the next 12 hours so we'll switch from first alert doppler, put it into future cast, and take a slightly wider view on this because forecasting thunderstorms in the bay area is notoriously difficult. it is very rare to get them. when we do get them, this is the
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scenario. it would be more likely in the summer when the monsoon starts to get pushed further west. if we just take the big picture view and come away with a generalized idea, tomorrow, 20% chance, anywhere in the bay area is just as likely. we won't get too tied into the details of timing, certainly not location, because that will change. this is the highest resolution forecast model there is and we just looked at it broadly there to come away with the idea that tomorrow through the morning and afternoon 20% chance of an isolated thunderstorm. it is interesting when this happens and just a little bit of background to what going on with this. big picture shows you what happens every summer all summer. thunderstorms, in the desert southwest. usually over the four corners. but every once in a while this monsoon, the desert southwest monsoon, will get pushed far enough west we might feel some of the influence. the sierra gets it more often than we do. to go along with that, there is a decaying hurricane, tropical storm, soon to be a depression
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frank. frank might look like it's playing a role in this. it is not. what is a bigger factor is that. there's a little counterclock wise spin right off our coast with an area of low pressure there. notice what it is doing there? pulling the atmosphere up like this, tugging on the moisture over here over the desert southwest which has already been nudged west far enough. now we've got the combination, the right steering in place in the atmosphere. and that little area, low pressure, will give us, add a little more energy to the mix here to help fire off some of these thunderstorms. i mean, all of this has to come together and even at that is still just a 20% chance tomorrow. so not highly likely but possible enough to be a concern. by the way, there's frank. still hasn't gotten here yet. that is the left over moisture. frank will fall apart and be nothing but residual moisture by wednesday and most of that will be out here. we might get some of it. you might feel the humidity go up a bit. but just to clarify how this is happening, this is being driven in much more so by the more typical summer monsoon than
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anything else. temperatures have been great. probably hadn't noticed. we're riding pretty much right where we should be this time of the year. there are a lot of 70s on there and the marine layer is still doing its thing through all of this. it's been keeping our temperatures relatively cool and keeping the humidity levels also relatively high. down below about a thousand feet where pretty much the majority of us all live. when you get above that the hills, the dry grasses, the twigs is where we're concerned about lightning. hill tops where you don't feel the influence of the steady, so far like six-week-long influence of marine layer dampness, coolness. those hills have been above it all. haven't felt it at all. so it is fairly dry up there now. if one of these stray lightning strikes happens up there, that is going to be the concern. that again anywhere not just tri valley. north bay, south valley, east. it is an equal opportunity risk we'll watch. morning lows tomorrow into the low 60s. day time highs a little warmer than today. you'll notice it will be a little muggy. you might notice that if you
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haven't already. in the seven-day forecast there is no real big change. we'll stay in the big 80s for san jose through the next seven days. temperatures don't budge at all. we get a little warmer for the inland valleys of the east bay but not significantly so. all right. over to you. >> straight ahead in sports, more bill russell thoughts and we've got breaking news from the 49ers. it looks like we'll see number 19 doing a little more than just running up and down the sidelines.
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nfl up top and the 49ers. if the players had the day off, not the front office. breaking news within the last half hour. their star receiver will be on the field with the team at practice tomorrow. moments ago, d bo samuel agreed to a three-year deal reportedly worth $73.5 million, $1 million more than the squawks receiver dk metcalf got earlier in the week. samuel will receive $58.1 million in guaranteed money. nba and the passing of bill russell at age 88. we touched on it at the top of this broadcast. the high school, usf, boston celtics. he won at every level. and raised the level of play of his teammates. game changer. reaction from around the sports
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landscape has been vast. no one player had a more dominant run in a team sport over a 15-year span than russell. mark spiers, espn senior writer was telling me stories about russell and a certain san francisco music icon who was one of those who got the best of russell. >> tells me the story that he beat bill russell in college in a long jump. johnny mathis. and so he said every time they would go to l.a. and he would hang out with russ, bill russ, mr. russell, he would say, they called him russ. i didn't. hey, let's go to johnny mathis's house. my mom loved johnny mathis christmas albums, right? they would go to johnny mathis' house and all mathis would do is give him a hard time about how he beat him in the long jump. >> a good story. a deeper dive on russell the first african american inducted to the basketball hall of fame
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tonight on game day. now it's a segue to baseball. giants, you bet, will be part of game day. they are in business with the cubs on sunday night baseball. giants have a chance to take 3 of 4 games in the series. meantime as in chicago. and the white sox. lorianno will be doing this in an as uniform after tuesday's trade deadline. first pitch of the second inning and this is how he opened the scoring. solo blast over the left field wall. the white sox responded by tying the game. later in the second, check out the spectacular play from tony kemp. full dive left to make the play. even had to tip his batting helmet on that effort. i don't think i would have gotten up if i dove. adam aller pitched six good innings with six strikeouts but deserved a better fate. seventh inning white sox kept scoring runs. jimenez did not miss this one.
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home run as he completed the scoring as the as wrapped this one final, 4-1. hello soccer fans. look at the german flags. this, the england crowd for the women's euro cup finals. over 87,000 at london's wembley stadium. poked it through out in front and the 110th minute and a celebration that brandy chastain can appreciate the difference maker as england beat germany 2-1. the first major title men or women in 56 years. pga, tony finau trying to finish off the rocket mortgage final in detroit. one last week. could he do it again? for birdie and a three-shot lead at 12. oh, he was money. not a better shot though than this one from jh kim. they call him tom. par 5 10th hole for eagle. watch it. a couple bounces.
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boom. it was all finau when it counted today. he tapped in for the win. finau dominated to win his second pga victory in consecutive weeks. how's this for a major league debut? that's dodgers outfielder josh outman. hit a home run in his first career at bat. wow. he had a three-hit day. finished a triple shy of the cycle. here's how it looked from his fiance's point of view. okay. steady. you know, not so steady. a weekend that the family will never forget. >> a dream come true, i guess. it's kind of what i've been envisioning since i was 8 years old. it's been awesome. >> we're beyond excited for him. it's his dream come true. and i was saying earlier it's, when your child realizes that dream, i mean, you don't want for anything more. >> what a day.
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it's only 5:30. so much content to get through in this stack of papers. >> we'll see
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you remember the golden girls. now you can take your friends and confidantes out to dinner at the golden girls kitchen. >> if you're in beverly hills, a pop-up restaurant celebrating women from the long running sitcom. more golden girls pop ups are
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planned for san francisco, new york, miami, and chicago. >> that's it for us at 5:00. we'll see you back here at 6:00 for a full hour f news. tonight, weather extremes. kentucky braces for another round of flooding, already disastrous and deadly. >> it's devastating. while in the west a california wildfire explodes in size, as sizzling heat heads east. also tonight, speaker nancy pelosi travels to asia, but is silent on a stop in taiwan. on capitol hill democrats revive attacks and spending packages, hoping voters reward them. >> this is a balanced approach. this is solutions america wants. in russia vladimir putin takes aim, using navy day to target the u.s. and threaten ukraine with new missiles. in georgia, police body cam video shows


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