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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  August 12, 2022 11:00pm-11:26pm PDT

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>> now at 11:00, a judge unseals judge unseals the warrant authorizing the investigation of of former trump's home. >> i can't imagine any crime moe serious that the president could could have committed. > >> hundreds of students are behd on their srabg vaccination and it's not just the pandemic to blame. > >> we just have to represent for represent for the home team. > >> looking back at this year's . we're going to have live coverae from levi's. > >> we'll take you to the popular the popular north bay fair making its return after 2-1/2
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years. > >> it's fun to see life happenig again. good evening i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ryan yamamoto. streaming on the the áf bay are. we're getting our clearest picte yet on what we saw at the was seized at tporpbler president trump's estate. >> some legal minds we spoke toy that is as serious as it gets but the former president and his his supporters say it's all part all part of a partisan attack against him. > >> the fbi took handwritten not, two photo binders, investigation investigation about the presidet of france and information about the pardoning of roger stone. se of that top secret material liky included highly sensitive commun intercepts. the warrant seeks documents related to national
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security. a possible violation of the espionage act. mishandlig classified information and siten of property. trump said the documents were declass classify and he would have provided if asked. >> that can still amount to obsn of justice. the classification issue is separate. > >> john bolton trump's one timey advisor and now local critic told cbs news. >> i thought he handled them ca. i don't think he fully appreciad the significance of the classifn procedure. >> reporter: but some say the sh was an overreach by the d.o.j. >> we're very concerned about te method that was used in the raig of maralago and the nine hours that transpired while they were in the former president's home. >> reporter: t john paul teachew at hayings and says the trump
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bases are serious if he's ultimy indicted. >> we're talking about the crimt come right up to the edge of treason against the u.s. governt putting in jeopardy our nationay and the lives of the men and women who are responsible for intelligence gathering. i can't imagine any crime more serious than that that the president could have committed. and even e january 6th riot seems to peal n comparison to what the presiden. >> reporter: sarah donci, kpix5. donci, kpix5. > >> tonight we're learning more t the armed man who tried to breach an fbi field office tomorrow. schiffe posted he was at the capital on the january sixth. after the siege in maralago he posted, this time we we have to respond with force. d he said if you don't hear from
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me, it is me who tried to attak the white house. > >> after a two day stop in the y area, , she visited the air space flight. >> we have got to update the rus because they are simply outdate. they were written for a space iy of the last century. >> meantime the politics back oh counterbe ignored. fueling speculation of a run off in 2024 2024 if president biden decides to run again. >> what harris has over newsom s she's vice president harris. shs one seat removed from the presiy if anything should happen for e.
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>> reporter: and you saw it rigt here on kpix5. excitement flooding the stands at levi's stadium as the 49ers fielded the the new squad in their preseason their preseason opener. trey lance and company did not disap? kpix5's betty yu spoke with ther faithful who were taking it all in from the game to the food. >> reporter: for many it's a fay tradition. >> these fans are proud to be bn and raised as niner faithful. >> e we lived two blocks away fm candle stick park for about 45 years. we used to sell our parking spots to fans. >> what our tradition started lt year you know right after they
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started letting people back into back into the games, and we just just got addicted to it. >> favorite player? >> nick bolsa. >> favorite thing to eat in the? >> fries. >> 6-year-old elijah finley gots chance to get some kid friendly practice in before the gates opened. that's when we saw eager eager fans running to the top of of the stairs to get inside levi's stadium. >> our first preseason game, wee out and just wanted to know what know what tr ey lance looked lie from the start. >> so far what do you think. >> so far, we look great. >> we're very excited because wt to sit close to the field. >> one of your children is mored than the others, tell me why. >> he wants to be an nfl playerd play for the 49ers when he's older. >> what is it like to be in they here, loud and proud. >> we just keep walking, smilin.
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>> at levi's stadium, betty yu,5 five. >> it was so fun to be out ther. charlie walter will join us livm levi's stadium with highlights and reaction from today's game. > >> a big push tonight to get kis vaccinated before they head back head back to school not just fo. the state health department ests about one in eight kids has fallen behind on their normal schedule for shots against things like tetanus. polio, chickenpox and measles. many because they couldn't get to their doctor during the pandemi. >> we're worried about certain s in california where people have lumped audiotape the vaccines and interventions with covid together. i don't want anything, anything, nobody can tell me what to do. and that's a real c. >> in new york city, the polio s is now turning up in waste water waste water samples. the virus was considered eliminated in th.
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in 1979. > >> and tomorrow san francisco gl will open its monkey pox vaccine monkey pox vaccine clinic on the the weekend for the very first time. the goal is to accommodate with typical workday hours. the clinic reopened this week after the city received another 10,000 another 10,000 vaccine doses. > >> let's take a live look at wan where democrats have sent a $400 $400 million bill for rising health care costs to the presids tk desk. dubbed desk. allow medicare to negotiate prescriptn drug prices and boost the irs bankroll for auditing. it also adds a 15% minimum tax on large corporations. no republican supported the bill and why the nonpartisan congressional office office does not expect the bill to help with inflation this year year or next is that it should in later years. > >> new at 11:00, as the cdc rels it covid guidance another sign
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that life is returning to norma. >> reporter: the fair is back in after a two year pandemic pauses this kids really enjoyed having the rides back again and the adults gravitated more to the food stands to get traditional items like the corn dog. all of this is great but they really enjoyed getting back together again. > >> fairgoers enjoyed the rides,e food and the entertainment. locl youth also rocked the stage as they showed off their musical talent. >> it's fun to see life happenig again. >> we are happy. we like this fair a lot. >> big name bands were also brot in while there were endless things to enjoy. it's the interaction that many miss the most. covid did a lot to a lot of people. so it's nice to see
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people again. and have things going in the community and people to get together. skwr >> it feels good. i love it. its fun to get out socializing and seeing everybody again. >> the fair has a that napa flair to it. >> we're excited to have a gathg place again. a place for people to come and see their neighborsa place for people to come and cee with their kids. >> reporter: corey oakley is the the ceo of the napa fair. he is glad they brought back more exhibits. the fair had an incredible turn out on opening night and is expected the crowd to continue throughout the weekend. >> it's just an air of e excitement. i don't think we saw saw that because we took things for granted. i think we're more appreciative of things. the fair things. the fair brings that out in people. > >> still ahead tonight, an accld
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author stabbed on stage as he began a lecture. what witnesses are saying about the attack. >> a car slams into an apartmeng in san jose sparking a huge fire fire with an endless source of fuel. >> and california can't buy a dp of water today but climate chane could one day turn part of a state large e out-of-statate cocorporationsns have sett ththeir sightsts on califofo. they've wrwritten propop 27, o allow w online spoports betti. theyey tell us i it will fund prprograms foror the homelel. but reread prop 2727's fifine print.. 90% ofof profits g go to out-of-statate corporaration, leleaving almomost nothingg for r the homeleless. no reaeal jobs arere createted here. but t the promisise bebetween our r state and d our soverereign tribes woululd be brokeken forever. these out-t-of-state c corporats don't t care aboutut californ. but t we do. stand wiwith us.
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in ordrder for smamall bubusinesses t to thrive,, theyey need to b be smart. efficicient. agagile. and d that's s never beenen e important t than it isis right. so f for a limitited time, comcasast businessss is i introducingng small businessss savings.. call now t to get powerfulul internett for jujust 39 dollllars a mon. withth no contraract. and a moneney back guauarant. all on t the largestst, fafastest reliliable netwow. from the c company thahat powewers more bubusinesses ththan anyone e else. cacall and statart saving g t. cocomcast busisiness. powering p possibilitities.
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>> font author rushdie is in the in the hospital after he was atd in western new york. rushdie was was about to deliver a lecture at an education center when a man stormed the stage and stabbg him in the neck and stomach. >> i think he barely got in goo. it was less than a minute before
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sat down. this guy rushed into the stage and the am tpa amphitheater goes nuts. we could could see him stabbing. >> a motive is unclear but rushe was the subject of controversy k in 1989 when iran's leader called for his assassination over his book. rushdie is on a ventilator with a damaged liver, liver, severed nerves and he is likely to lose an eye. > >> people are in custody over te shooting of an uber driver. 52-d kong wu phong was waiting in his his car when two people approached him. ordered him out of the car and then shot him. > >> tonight pg & e has secured as line that fueled a destructive
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fire at this apartment buildinge flames erupted around 4:00 when an suv slammed into a gas meter on calmore court just south of the 8587 interchange. the fire quickly spread to the upper part part of the building and sent one firefighter to the hospitalt firefighters is expected to be okay. no word on how many residents were displaced . > >> to southern california, hazas chemicals boil inside a rail way way car in river side county. t tanker is carrying stiring to use foam products. it's unlikely unlikely what unknown what is causing the fire inside. evacuas have been ordered for a half mile in all directions in the city of paris. right now the biggest challenge is what we're facing. waiting out the reaction reaction that's going on with the car in question. and wait to
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to see if we continue to trend in the way that we're going. > >> stiring is normally kept at . it hit a high of 323 degrees bee starting to come back down. the hope is that it will continue to to do so. > >> a new study finds mega floods mega floods could turn california's low lands into a quote vast inland sea. researchs say they found climate change has already doubled the changes of a disastrous flood in the state over the next four decadey believe it could be triggered but a river sending wave after wave for weeks if not months. es predict the central valley would would be the hardest hit. > >> this is hard to imagine. >> it's always something to wory about. >> yeah. >> it's always true. >> what's the thing that keeps u up at night when it comes to cle change and the answer is everyt. because things we don't expect e more likely. especially the stuff that's now on the fringes just becomes more likely in
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either direction. whether it's dry or floods or extreme temperature change. we do have not as much fog in the forecast as we head through the rest of . we're going to be seeing mostlyr skies to start the day on satur. temperatures are going to warm p more and more. a gradual warming warming trend as we go through the weekend. it's going to be hot inland as we head toward the the second half of the week. at this point, it looks like it's just going to come down to passg clouds in the area. just a little hint of maybe some clouds some clouds trying to form on the horizon as we look east. tes are any where from -ft áf 69 69 in san francisco to 66 in oakland. we're not going to see as much fog as we head into the early morning hours in san joset very little there is is going to to dissipate quickly. full sunshine as we head into saturdy afternoon. temperatures are going to be warm but just a few
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degrees from what's typical. tes dropping down to where we've been the last several nights. se of the cool spots dropping into the low to mid-50s. and then high temperatures warm up. about temperatures warm up. about 3 degrees above normal in most locations. mostly 70s around the the bay. mostly 80s inland but a a few more 90s beginning to show show up each afternoon as we head through the weekend. mid-6s along the coast. ranging from te upper 70s to the low to mid-80sy mid-80s in the santa clara valley but warmer and warmer as you heard farther inland from san jose to 91 degrees. mid- tor 80s in the tri valleys. temperas farther inland hitting the mid-90s for the first time in a while. right around 70 degrees in san francisco. looks like a nice saturday for the city. tems in the low to mid-70s for inland. for bay side parts of the east bay. temperatures
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inland in the north bay reaching north bay reaching the mid- to few upper 80s. close to normal but a few degrees above averaget used to it as we're going to bud more and more from it. the hottest days are going to be mo, tuesday and wednesday. and it'st going to be that hot by the bays in the low to mid-70s in san francisco. upper 70s for oakland. getting close to 90 degrees in the santa clara valley. temperatures are going to peak in the mid- to upper 90s. a couple of days for parts of the north bay as well. no change along the coast. you're going to stay in the 60s througe duration of the seven day forecast. charlie. > >> coming up next in sports. it is a crucial stretch for the san the san francisco giants if thet to climb back into the wild card wild card race. fortunately they're not playing some good team it is next couple of weekss for the main event, it was down in santa clara. levi's stadium the site. the stakes of
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preseason games but the eyeballs eyeballs were all on trey lancew did he perform? the details for years, california's non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep nunumber 360 s smart b. whwhy choose p proven qualay sleeeep from sleleep number? becaususe proven q quality slp is vital to our health and wellness, only the sleep number 360
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smart bed keeps you cool, then senses and effortlessly adjusts for your best sleep. and tells you exactly how well you slept. your sleepiq score. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. so, you can be your best for yourself and those you care about most. don'n't miss ourur weekend special.l. all smartrt beds arere on sale.. save 50%0% on the slsleep numr 360 lilimited editition smart . enends monday.y. with x xfinity intnternet, you get adadvanced sececurity that helelps protectct you atat home and d on the go.. you feelel so safe,, it's a as if... i i don't knowow... evander r holyfieldd has yourur back. i i wouldn't c click on thth. hey, thanknks! we gotot a muffin n for ed! all riright! yoyou don't neneed those c cal. can we at t least splilit it? nope. advavanced secururity ththat helps p protect your dedevices in and ouout of the h home. i meanan, can i have a b bite? onlyly from xfininity. nanah. unbebeatable intnternet. made to o do anythining so you can dodo anything.g.
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we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contraracture. surgerery is not your only y treatment t opt. people mayay think ththeir contraracture has s te sesevere to bebe treated,, but itit doesn't.. visit t findahandsdspecialalism todaday to get started.
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>> i got to be that guy, over rn number one of the preseason. the of the preseason. the 49ers may have just picked up the steal of of the draft when it comes to samuel womack the third. two interceptions for him tonight. s was the fifth round draft pweubg draft pweubg yet he's fighting for a potential starting spot as as the team's starting nickel back. let's go to the highlights highlights from this one tonight tonight and show you how it went went down in santa clara. the start of a new era, trey lance making his first appearance as the starter. aaron rogers in street clothes, he didn't play.t start for lance. he's got wheels wheels escapes the pocket side for a 7-yard gain that was his loan rushing attempt. finds a wide open danny gray, trey to gray in the bay. yes, stays inbounds for the 76-yard score.e made sure he grabbed the ball to to give it personally to danny gray. that's leadership. how about this. vern glen was
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interviewing glen warner it gets gets interrupt bid a touchdown pass. to chania ray mccloud, that is live television. it's also sufeld's first pass as a 49er. not a bad start to his time here. niners win it 28-21.n game number two next saturday at at minnesota. trey lance, here he is. we're living that touchdown. > >> for the 76-yard touchdown tae us through it. >> man throw it to the fast guyn tphráeu danny gray has been doing a great job all camp. he obviously did a great job today with everything. >> just trust and execution. >> the first play didn't have oe made a scramble. it was nice to come down with that third down play to danny. he did some good things. had a good game. wish we we would have kept him out there out there more. but got to get him out. >> big news in the world of bas, fernando tatis was supposed to join the padres soon and complee one of the best line ups


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