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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  August 14, 2022 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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back here for a full hour of news at 6:00. > >> up next, cbs weekend news, we we will e you tonight, violent threats. the fbi and homeland security warning federal law enforcement agents are the target. following the search and seizure of former president trump's mar-a-lago home. >> i'm elise preston. the threats include a dirty bomb and calls for an armed rebellion. >> also tonight, why the former president says the seized documents should be returned to him, and washington weighs. in. >> i just want to get to the truth. that's it. objective truth. >> it's a problem. it's a major problem. also, zelenskyy's warning. >> i'm charlie d'agata in southern ukraine. ukrainian president warning any russian troops firing on or from the country's main nuclear power plant will be targeted. and to the rescue. behind the scenes of the humane
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society's biggest mission. here is to ladies night out. >> a nearly century old brand fights for survival. >> just like one other there. this is the "cbs weekend news." >> good evening. jericka is off. i'm lilia luciano. tonight federal law enforcement is on high alert after an unprecedented number of threats circulating online, including the names of two fbi agents who searched former president trump's florida estate. in washington, workers placed fences and protective barriers at the fbi headquarters ahead of any possible protests. cbs' elise preston is in new york with the latest. elise? >> lilia, the threats warn for the potential of violence against all levels of law enforcement officials. the threats are mainly occurring online, and fbi officials are
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concerned about their agents and staff. >> reporter: a joint fbi homeland security memo sent to law enforcement across the country warns of growing threats against them, including a threat to place a so-called dirty bomb in front of fbi headquarters and general calls for civil war and armed rebellion. the uptick follows the august 8th search of former president donald trump's mar-a-lago home. the memo stating "the fbi and dhs have identified multiple articulated threats and calls for the targeted killing of judicial, law enforcement, and government officials associated with the palm beach search." that's alarming to former fbi agent turned pennsylvania congressman brian fitzpatrick, appearing on "face the nation." >> i myself have been notified by the bureau that my life was put in danger recently. by some of these same people. >> reporter: the bulletin also cites last thursday's attempt on the fbi's cincinnati field
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office, where an armed suspect failed to breach the facility and then led authorities on a pursuit and prolonged standoff that ultimately ended in his death. >> this is beyond politics. they're simply doing their jobs, and we have to let them do their jobs. >> reporter: now the memo says statements made by public officials that incite violence could also drive threats, and there is growing concern as we head into midterm elections. lilia? >> elise preston, thank you. the white house has said it had no previous knowledge of the fbi search of trump's home, but in a social media post this weekend, former president trump questioned that claim. cbs' christina ruffini is covering the president in john's island, south carolina. christina, what's the latest? >> good evening, lilia. the white house said today it would be inappropriate for the president or anyone else to react, but lawmakers are reacting, and so is the former president.
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>> i think we still have a lot of unanswered questions. >> reporter: republicans today had mixed reactions to the fbi search of former president trump's mar-a-lago estate. >> clearly, no one is above the law. donald trump is not above the law and attorney general garland is not above the law either. >> reporter: on his social media platform truth social, trump alleged agents knowingly acknowledged that they violated. texas congressman mccall called for the fbi to release its justification for the search. >> the affidavit and support of the warrant will give you the probable cause to try to understand what is going on here. and i think the american people deserve this. >> reporter: but democrat adam schiff, chairman of the house intelligence committee, says the unsecured documents potentially posed a national security threat. >> the fact that they were in an unsecure place that is guarded with nothing more than a padlock, or whatever security
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they had at a hotel, is deeply alarming. >> reporter: and anyone in unauthorized possession of such material should be looked into. >> anyone in the intelligence community that had documents like that today would be under serious investigation. >> now cbs news reached out to the fbi about former president trump's allegations that the fbi took privileged documents. the agency said it had no comment. lilia? >> everyone after that affidavit. christina ruffini, thank you. police say they want to know more about the man who shot and killed himself after ramming his car into barricades at the capitol. the man's car then burst into flames. they say he got out of the car and fired several shots into the air before he turned the gun on himself. no one else was hurt. and today author salman rushdie is on the road to recovery after he was attacked on stage. his agent says the 75-year-old was removed from a ventilator and is able to talk and walk. on friday, a man stabbed rushdie
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at least ten times in the neck and the stomach as he was about to give a lecture in western new york. the 24-year-old suspect is being held without bail. his mother told reporters he became radicalized after a month-long trip to the middle east four years ago. and now to the war in ukraine, where president zelenskyy is planning a new offensive and warning russian forces targeting europe's largest nuclear plant. cbs' charlie d'agata is in nikopol, ukraine. >> reporter: ukrainian forces bear down on russian targets. military officials tell cbs news troops are preparing for an all-out assault to recapture kherson, the only regional capital the russians have conquered since the invasion began nearly six months ago. on a frontline position we can't reveal, we spoke with combat medic sergei zeitsev. can you describe what the
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situation has been here for the last few weeks? can you describe the situation? "over the last week, the russians intensified the shelling," he said. but he added, "because of the supply of high-precision weapons from western allies, the russians have not advanced at all." commanders credit american-supplied himar weapons for destroying ammunition depots and supply lines deep into russian held territory. but they haven't stopped the russian military from raining rockets down on towns and cities within easy reach. the indiscriminate shelling of residential neighborhoods is a tragic reality for frontline towns like this one. what makes this strike different is where the attack came from. just across the dnipro river, not more than a few miles away, lies the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. residents here on the opposite bank tell us they have come under intense nightly bombardment launched from the russian-held facility, accusing
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putin's troops of using it as a shield. the deputy mayor. what time does the shelling begin? "today we heard shelling at both 1:30 and 4:00 in the morning." last night president volodymyr zelenskyy warned every russian soldier who shoots at the plant or uses the plant for cover will become a special target. but nobody is backing down. the battle rages on, putting not only the plant, but the entire region in peril. charlie d'agata, cbs news, nikopol, ukraine. >> terrifying. now to egypt, where today a church fire killed 41 people, including 15 children. more than 5,000 people were gathered at the church in giza when an electrical fire broke out. officials say the fire blocked an exit to the building, which led to a huge stampede. several people climbed out of windows and jumped from the top floors to try to escape. and several americans were
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shot and wounded in an attack near jerusalem's old city. police say the palestinian gunman who opened fire at a parked bus has turned himself in. a total of eight people were injured, including a pregnant woman whose baby did not survive. a family of four from new york was also injured. officials say the father is in critical condition. and today the u.s. government is warning americans to reconsider traveling to tijuana and other border cities where gang violence is escalating. thousands of mexican troops have been deployed there to keep the peace. cbs' tom wait is in los angeles with more. tom? >> good evening, lilia. tijuana is a major drug trafficking corridor, and the popular tourist spot is also becoming a major battleground for cartels. mexico's national guard soldiers are patrolling the streets of tijuana after a weekend of gang violence paralyzed one of the world's busiest border cities.
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tijuana's mayor is blaming drug cartels for terrorizing residents by setting fires throughout the city and on public buses. the violence also had visitors rushing to find safety. >> it was terrifying. >> reporter: carina who is with our cbs san diego station has family in tijuana and goes every week. >> we couldn't go back home. literally, people were on the border line to go back home to the united states, and their cars were getting lit up. >> reporter: the criminal gang set fire to at least 15 vehicles and used some of them to block off streets, according to mexican authorities. more than 300 troops arrived saturday to bolster the thousands already on the ground trying to restore calm in other cities across baja california. similar scenes of violence also played out along the texas border. in ciudad juarez, officials say at least 11 people were killed and multiple businesses destroyed. more than a dozen arrests have been made. meanwhile, mexico's president is considering bypassing congress
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in order to give the military the power to take over policing. lilia? >> especially concerning for asylum seekers awaiting in mexico. tom wait, thank you. officials in southeastern michigan say it could take up to two weeks before a water main break that left more than 1 million people under a water boil advisory is fully repaired. the governor has declared a state of emergency. tonight more than 100,000 people are still under the advisory. that's down from the more than 935,000 people saturday, including those in flint, who are still recovering from the water crisis in 2014. straight ahead on the "cbs weekend news," a report from afghanistan one year since u.s. forces ended their 20-year-long war there. also, what's described as one of the largest animal rescues in the u.s. and a place where chocolate is more than dessert. it's a link to the past.
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one year ago this mont one year ago this month, the united states ended its military presence in afghanistan after 20 years. more than 2,400 u.s. service members and approximately 70,000 civilians from afghanistan and pakistan were killed in the war there. the mission cost the u.s. close to $840 billion. cbs' imtiaz tyab has a look at how the country has fared since the u.s. withdrawal. >> reporter: the taliban's grip on afghanistan is tighter now more than ever following its rapid takeover one year ago when its fighters seized the capital kabul after two decades of brutal war. it triggered the collapse of the western-backed republic and paved the way for what they called the islamic republic. but one year about and the taliban's control of afghanistan appears to have some limits. earlier this month, president biden announced a u.s. drone in
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kabul killed ayman al zawahiri. the taliban spokesman for the ministry of foreign affairs says an investigation as to whether zawahiri was even in afghanistan is still ongoing. if it's determined that ayman al zawahiri was living here in kabul freely, what will the taliban leadership do about this? >> we will wait for the facts to come out before making decisions. >> reporter: but it is a problem if you do have the leader of a foreign terror group living within your borders, isn't it? >> that is absolutely a problem that the sovereignty of a sovereign state has violated. >> reporter: zawahiri's apparent death is a serious complication for the taliban leadership, which is asking for international recognition and access to global financial systems. following last year's takeover, the country's economy collapsed after the u.s. froze billions in assets, triggering what the u.n.
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calls the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. and yet the taliban's emirate seems more focused on controlling the lives of its citizens, especially women, who have seen so much of the progress they've made over the past 20 years disappear. on saturday, in defiance of taliban laws, dozens of afghan women took to the streets of kabul to demand their rights, chanting "bread, education and freedom." but instead were met with bullets as taliban security forces fired live rounds into the air to try and disperse them. on the one-year anniversary of the taliban takeover of afghanistan, few afghans are celebrating as they struggle to feed their families and find themselves living under increasingly oppressive rule. imtiaz tyab, cbs news, kabul. still ahead on the "cbs weekend news," 4,000 beagles looking to start a new life in a forever home. home.
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with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. the humane society of the united states is carrying out its largest animal rescue ever. 4,000 beagles are being removed from a virginia breeding operation that's accused of violating animal welfare laws. now they're in desperate need of homes. cbs' manuel bojorquez reports. >> here we go. >> reporter: one by one, they're
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carried out of this van. nervous, yes, but finally in the arms of volunteers at homeward trails in fairfax station, virginia, who want to nurture them. >> there you go. >> reporter: and its executive director sue bell says let them just be dogs. >> having their feet on the grass for the first time ever. >> reporter: the first time ever? >> the first time ever. these dogs have not touched a surface that hasn't been rubber since they were born. >> reporter: the day includes assessing the dogs' health and needs. the inspection reveals the series of letters and numbers tattooed inside their ears by the breeders to identify them. >> the puppies that were born, they would stay until a certain age and then be put in plastic crates and sent either by truck or by airplane to research facilities where they would then spend their life in a cage undergoing any number of medical or scientific research projects. >> reporter: video taken during a months-long undercover operation by people for the ethical treatment of animals, or
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peta shows the cumberland virginia company. the department of justice sued the company alleging it was failing to provide humane care and treatment to the thousands of beagles. in a settlement last month, the company agreed to shut down the facility, though it did not admit wrongdoing. >> these beagles are the lucky ones because the conditions were inhumane enough to warrant this intervention from the department of justice. >> we are moving the approximately 4,000 dogs in batches. we're picking them up on a rolling basis, 300 to 500 at a time. some of them come to the humane society of the united states care and rehabilitation center. some go directly to shelter and rescue partners. >> reporter: like the ones brought to homeward trails, where sue bell hopes the attention the beagles are getting helps bring people to shelters full of other dogs in need. >> most people are just looking
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for a really good family dog. >> reporter: and there are more beagles on the way. that's because volunteers are only halfway done removing them from that facility. so there are hundreds more dogs to go. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, fairfax, virginia. >> safe at last! next on the "cbs weekend news," a chocolate lovers's delight with a rich history behind it. chocolate lovers's delight with a rich history behind it. new astepro allergy. no allergy spray is faster. with the speed of astepro, almost nothing can slow you down. because astepro starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. and astepro is the first and only 24-hour steroid free allergy spray. now without a prescription. astepro and go. ♪ ♪ this is the moment.
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thousands of people filled the streets of manhattan today in celebration of the national dominican day parade. it's the 40th anniversary of the event. dominicans are among the largest latino group in the u.s. finally tonight, a story to honor that very heritage. the chocolate brand founded in the dominican republic and puerto rico now served up at a bar right here in new york city. making sure that no matter how neighborhoods change, deep roots and big pride keep the island's flavors alive. >> reporter: tucked away in the south bronx, chocobar cortes celebrates the puerto rican and dominican cultures that have shaped the neighborhood for generations. >> cheers to ladies night out! >> reporter: a fourth generation
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cortes, carlos runs the choco bar. >> this space, the design was very much inspire by old san juan. >> reporter: chocolato cortez nearly 100-year-old brand behind the restaurant is the largest chocolate manufacturing company in the caribbean. it's a household staple in puerto rico, where most of the food is imported and where it's nearly impossible for local brands to flourish beyond the island. >> a lot of them disappeared because of giant corporations. you know, american companies, tax incentives, things like that. >> reporter: now this symbol of resilience, and a little piece of home for so many is here to represent. >> one out of every two people in the bronx is puerto rican or dominican. but where are the brands? where are the spaces? where is that representation? at least in terms of business. >> reporter: in the kitchen, head chef maria martinez, who left puerto rico about a decade ago digs up family recipes with a chocolate twist. >> i feel home. i finally have a kitchen that i can cook like my grandmother showed me. >> oh, yes, my grandmother
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always had chocolate cortez with queso de bolan. like the cheese on the bottom. oh my god. >> reporter: the restaurant pairs nostalgia with a modern flare, transporting customers right back to the islands many left behind. >> this is really, really homey. and it just feels like puerto rico. >> puerto ricans, dominicans, we're amazing. we have so much to offer. it's not just salsa music and bad bunny. it's not just j.lo and lin-manuel. we're communities that have suffered a lot of hardship. and, you know, we want to share everything with the world and make sure that spirit stays alive. >> we sure do. that's the "cbs weekend news" for this sunday. "60 minutes" is coming up. i'm lilia luciano in new york. we thank you for watching. good night.
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>> live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. >> get ready for a temperature spike with a heat wave approach. wave approaching. > >> being paid to attend college, why some colleges are shelling out cash to students. > >> details in the case of a missing teenager, the piece of evidence that search teams are looking into. > >> thousands of mental health workers expected to walk off the the job. > >> later, a lifeline for studens for students who cannot afford school supplies, meet the woman who went from helping hundreds of kids to over 100,000, good evening, thank you for joining . joining us. >> starting with a warm spell making things toasty in the bay,
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bay area, looking from the san mateo bridge to oakland temperatures are climbing tomorrow spiking the most in ony one county and smoky skies. we will be under the air-quality advisory tomorrow with smoke from the six rivers complex fire fire drifting into the bay area, area, the fire torched over 60,000 acres in humboldt and trinity counties, notice 17% co, 17% contained, tomorrow we could could smell smoke. we have been tracking the air-quality and th. the heat. >> the north bay could smell it. it today. we might mortise notice that more so tomorrow but but the heat is the bigger deal. deal. we have started this warmth over the past few days, concord is the example, you will will feel this the most in inchr in incher contra costa county, over the last few days 89 friday friday which is average for this this time of .


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