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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  August 24, 2022 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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cell phone or connected tv. matt pieper, cbs news. wednesday august 21st, this is the cbs news morning news. vo voters decide high profile races closer to the election. 700 pages, new details about classified documents in mar-a-lago. experts warning. student loan relief, president biden could announce a plan to erase debt for millions of americans. who would be eligible? good morning, good to be with you, i'm anne-marie green. begin with primary results from florida and new york.
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voters decided high profile races with less than three months. all cbs news predictions in florida, representative charlie crist defeated nikki fried in democratic primary for governor to challenge ron desantis. in florida, val demings overwhelmingly won the primary for senate to face marco rubio, a member of senate since 2011. in new york, two veterans, selected jerry nadler over carolyn maloney. they competed after the districts were redrawn. breaking developments j overnight. u.s. government carried out air strikes on militia controlled areas of syria. strikes ordered by president biden targeted groups backed by iran's revolutionary guard. did not identify the targets,
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there's no word on casualties, say it was response to attack on u.s. forces earlier this month. new details about the type of documents kept by former president trump in home in florida. one security expert says if they got in wrong hands, u.s. would be damaged. comes after the national archives gives a sense of how much classified material was in his possession in mar-a-lago. newly revealed letter raised alarm over the material kept at former president trump's florida estate. sent to his lawyers who are making it public. initial batch of 15 boxes held more than 100 documents with classification markings, totally more than 700 pages.
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some marked top secret. >> top secret is the highest clas classification level in the u.s. government. based on judgment if our adversaries got hands on that, would be exceptionally grave damage to the united states of america. >> reporter: prompted the national archives to fbi search seizure. former presidet considering a 2024 white house run calls the pr probe politically motivated. >> presidential election is more than two years ago, this doesn't immunize him over this criminal investigation into mishandling of classified documents. >> reporter: tomorrow is the
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deadline said by magistrate judge in florida to propose redactions to the affidavit behind the search warrant. doj argues that releasing the full affidavit could compromise its investigations. judge has given trump's lawyers till friday before she rules on request for a special master to review the documents seized. president biden is set to announce plan to forgive some college loan debt for millions of americans. up to $10,000 for anyone earning less than $125,000 a year. according to people familiar with the plan. and extend the pause on loan payments to january after it went into effect 2020. more than 43 million americans have federal student loan debt.
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uvalde board is meeting to consider firing pete arredondo who came under cyriticism for hs sp response to school shooting. federal help on the way to texas. governor greg abbott signed a disaster resolution after powerful storms dropped more than 10 inches of rain in some parts of dallas-fort worth area. omar villafranca reports on the little impact of the dry spell of the region. >> reporter: second worst rainstorm in dallas history according to texas officials, inundating roads, homes, communities. hundreds had to be rescued and one woman died when vehicle became submerged.
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governor greg abbott signed emergency declaration for 23 counties, likely eligible for federal funds. >> effect of the storm has been dramatic. >> reporter: hit early monday morning. >> just woke up, should i call 911, what do i do? >> reporter: taylor had just moved into new apartment, lost almost everything. >> laptop, just keepsakes. lot of pictures, journals. >> reporter: the flooding followed a summer of no rain in the region. statewide, last four months were hottest on record. weather experts say the sudden switch from drought to deluge is tied to climate change. >> current reality is continued change, warming and increase in events in foreseeable future. >> reporter: national weather service says the flood makes
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small dent in the drought but to two years. coming up, paul pelosi pleads guilty. tell you the sentence he received in dui case.
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and top gun trilogy? this is the "cbs morning news." i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it.
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i'm so glad we did this. edward jones who says you can't get 100% whiter teeth? try crest whitening emulsions. remove 10 years of stains... in just 4 days. and it's enamel safe for everyday use. better... faster... 100% whiter teeth. crest. the #1 teeth whitening brand in america. ugh-stipated... feeling weighed down by a backedup gut" crest. miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body to unblock your gut. your gut. and your mood will follow. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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matching your job description. visit two white atlanta police officers will not face charges in connection with shooting death of 27-year-old black man. yesterday a special prosecutor said the officers acted appropriately and race did not play a role in death of rayshard brooks in 2020. officers found brooks sleeping in car of drive-through lane of wendy's restaurant. 40 minutes later in struggle caught on dashcam video, brooks grabbed a taser and fled. autopsy showed he was shot twice in the back. classes begin in colorado amid a teacher's strike, and paul pelosi was sentenced. husband of house speaker nancy pelosi pleaded guilty to
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misdemeanor dui charge in california, sentenced to five ye days in jail and three years probation. he will serve one more day in court work program. state highway patrol released video of his arrest in may after he was involved in crash with another vehicle in san francisco. negotiations to try to end the teachers' strike will continue today. walking picket lines since sunday. officials plan to start today with remote learning. teachers union says the issues include improvements to conditions inside schools and smaller classes. >> we will continue fighting until we have safe, properly maintained and fully resourced schools in every neighborhood. >> our buildings are safe. are there problems?
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there are problems, and we do know, we need everyone's help to help fix those. >> school board says the final offer has a commitment to repair aging infrastructure. nearly two months after he asked for traded, brooklyn nets star kevin durant and the team will move forward for now. met with owner and will move forward. made the trade request after the nets were swept by the boston celtics in first round of the nba playoffs. still to come, life expectancy rates. we will tell you the state where americans live the longest. thes have been hard on everyone. and teens are no exception. but pfizer has some welcome news for parents. now there is an fda-approved
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vaccine for 12 to 15 year-olds to help protect against covid-19, with protection against severe illness, too. over 9 million 12 to 15 year-olds have received it. you shouldn't get the vaccine if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. serious allergic reactions can happen. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. people with weakened immune systems may have lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the most widely used covid-19 vaccine in the u.s. our vaccine, named comirnaty, is now fda-approved for ages 12 and up. brought to you by pfizer and biontech. bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles there are bubbles everywhere! as an expedia member you earn points on top of your airline miles. so you can go see even more of all the world's bubbles. does your vitamin c last 24 hours?
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only nature's bounty does. with immune 24 hour plus... you get longer-lasting vitamin c... plus herbal and other immune superstars. get more with nature's bounty. hi, i'm denise. i lost over 22 pounds with golo. immune superstars. i've done the work. years and years of fighting and fighting and never getting the results. golo is the only thing that gave me this. it gave me back me. nurtec odt is the only medication that can treat my migraine right when it strikes and prevent my next attack. don't take if allergic to nurtec. most common side effects, in less than 3%, were nausea, indigestion/stomach pain. treat & prevent - all in one. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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some kia and hyundai horns are told to park outside because of a fire risk. seems people are living longer in the west, matt pieper has those stories and more in the money watch report. >> modest losses on wall street tuesday, dow 154 points, nasdaq down a fraction and s&p former twitter security chief peiter zatco claims there are massive gaps in the security plan required by federal trade no interest in or ability to count the number of spam accounts. several members of congress are calling for investigation and twitter calls his claims riddled with inaccuracies.
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warning owners of kias and suvs to waspark them outside and awa from homes after palisade and telluride vehicles were recalled citing risk of fire parked or driving with trailer hitch issue. no crashes or injuries but reported 25 fires or melting incidents. want to live longest? new data says head west. hawaii is number one according to cdc, combined average for men and women in the state 80.7 years old. washington state came in second. mississippi came in bottom of the list, life expectancy of 71.9 years old, followed by west virginia. that's cbs money watch for wednesday morning, i'm matt pieper, cbs news, new york. watch "top gun: maverick" in comfort of your home, available
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as digital download. sixth highest grossing film in u.s., but producer is not sure they'll do a third movie. >> it's hard when you make two movies that have captured the emotions of the world. to try to do a third one is even harder than to do a second one. >> it was produced by paramount, which like cbs news is owned by paramount global. up next, liberal arts meets pop music. fearless superstar the focus of new class of university of texas at austin. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. meet google pixel 6a. the smarter phone that can see in the dark with night sight. fix your photos with magic eraser.
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nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms,
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roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. two ukrainian soccer teams took to the field yesterday in kyiv to try and bring back a sense of normalcy six months after the russian invasion. ukrainian soccer league season began with tribute to those fighting in the war and ukrainian soldier kicking things off. some teams like from mariupol
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are still not out. serena williams, tennis great seen practicing at new york's arthur ashe stadium where the open starts next week. champ announced she will be evolving away from tennis. tomorrow we find out who she'll play with the u.s. open draw takes place. new york fair this week, sneak peek of the butter sculpture, "refuel her greatness," celebrating anniversary of title ix. sculpture pays tribute to female athletes. >> want to honor that title and women in sports. it's great thing. so as you can see, it's four different women in there. different stages of life, and they're all doing different sports. >> after the fair, butter will be brought to a farm and
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recycled into renewable energy. if you have a blank space in your college class schedule, why not try taylor swift 101. university of texas at austin is offering a class on the singer's songbook for first year undergrads. will examine the songs as introduction to literary studies and research methods. if you have trouble signing up, shake it off, try the harry stiles course in spring at texas state university. these were not around when i was in college. bill of the month, surprise discrepancies in hospital bills for the same care. what you need to know before you have an emergency. i'm anne-marie green, this is the "cbs morning news."
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>> the body of missing truck 18 kylie rodney has been found. how how her remains ended up at
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prosser creek reservoir. > >> last call at 4:00 a.m. california residents could extend bar service by keeping them open. why some are not ready to back this proposal. > >> growing concern at a homeless homeless encampment in oakland, where fires had to be put out here the message before a federal court hearing by governor newsom. > >> temperatures have dropped 10 10 degrees in a matter of two days. more in your full forecast. > >> monitoring a trouble spot along highway 13, a deadly crash crash that has one lane shut down. > >> time for a look at this morning's top stories. authorities have confirmed the body of a missing truckee teenager has been found. an auty an autopsy conducted by the nevada coroner has confirmed the the body pulled from the reservoir is kylie rodney. of volunteer dive team submerged


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