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tv   KPIX 5 News at 7pm  CBS  August 26, 2022 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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, after weeks of back and forth between oakland and the state, a a ruling about the homeless encampment. hello, i am ryan yamamoto. it stretches almost a a mile long and has grown up to 200 people in the last five years. as kpix 5's da lin reports -- report this is the northern section. this is the section that authorities are most concerned about. 43-year-old has called the encampment home for the last three years. >> it is my home. >> reporter: she said that she found safety and the community at the encampment. >> i have had a section 8 voucher before. i was in a toxic toxic relationship. it was based based on drugs and alcohol. when
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when i left him, that is when i became homeless. >> reporter: she will be forced to leave soon. a judge -- the restraining order. the residence residence and attorneys workingh them saying that it will push them elsewhere. >> the judge's ruling is setting is setting the eviction process and setting the people here up for failure. >> reporter: there's been fires at the encampment since 2020 and and 12 in the last month. one fire in july forced to shut down. cal officials burn within within 100 feet of the wastewater treatment plant. they they said an explosion would be catastrophic and disrupt service service to 740,000 people from oakland to albany. cal plans to place eviction notices. they
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will give residence at least 40 hours to clear out. oakland officials say they will do outreach and provide 40 shelters with more available beds in the coming month. >> what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. >> reporter: she says that she is already looking for a job. while she is optimistic for the, she worries about the 200 residents here. >> go back to school and get a job. >> reporter: this northern section will go first. every thing goes according to plan, the camp will be gone at the earliest in seven weeks. in west west oakland, i am da lin kpix 5. > >> a man recovering in a hospital after a shooting this afternoon. it happened around 1:30. police say that man pulled pulled out a on a train and shoa man multiple times. he ran out
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of the train and ran through the the station. police are still looking for that suspect and the the victim is at the hospital ad expected to survive. police believe this was a targeted shooting. >> very traumatic. we understand understand the angst that our writers would have in places like the train. likely, through our high presidents and having more presence in our system, we are mitigating some of these issues from occurring. >> it was close for a time causing major delays, but the station is now reopened. and x air for sergeant has been sentenced to life in prison for a murder of a county sheriff. steven carrillo killed sergeant sergeant damon gutzwiller , while he was searching a suspicious vehicle. authorities authorities say that steven carrillo shot him from 40 feet
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away with an automatic rifle. he is already serving a sentence sentence for the shooting of robert alvin justus jr.. > >> as kpix 5's shawn chitnis reports, a new tactic to get the city's attention. >> reporter: they have had enough and they are taking matters into their own hands. this issue is in the spirit of their neighborhood. >> he has owned castro coffee cy for over 30 years. since 2015, he has noticed a significant ine in problems with people on the . >> as merchants, we are struggling. >> reporter: is an earlier this month to city leaders -- they asked for more beds to help people from the castro get help and for the city to have a
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better plan for when people turn people turn down services. >> if they are unable to fulfill fulfill their obligations, we are going to take action. >> reporter: >> reporter: one way to put pressure on the city is not paying taxes and the license fees needed to run a business in in san francisco. >> it is not beyond question that we might take those kind of of steps. we hope we never get there. >> i want to compare this district to the tenderloin. it is getting bad. >> reporter: they agree that it is getting worse and they are mg changes they never thought they would have to to stay safe. the merchants association tracked crime since the beginning of 2020. there have been 99 incidents, including burglary and vandalism. the cost so far is more than $170,000 in repair. in repairs.
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>> people are fed up. residents are fed up. businesses are fed up. this is not normal. this is not how the richest city in the world should be conducting business. we are looking for answers. >> reporter: the city explains that more beds are becoming available and outreach communities are doing all they n they can to step in when someone someone refuses care. >> we are waiting for the city to give us results that have tae results and are measurable. >> i am not giving up on the city. i am waiting for city hall hall to take us seriously. >> reporter: shawn chitnis, kpix kpix 5. > >> after marching to california, the farmers have taken to the capital demanding rights for farm workers. >> earlier today, dozens of protesters finished their march to the state capital. their message to bring union rights to to farmers across california. they were inspired by cesar
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chavez. >> that is the lady who stood beside cesar chavez when they won. >> we are asking governor gavin newsom to sign the new law, so they can have the right to be heard and have the right to vote. >> i am leaving a good heritage to my grandchildren. >> a letter from the governor's office stated that he does not support the bill in its current form, but he is excited to sign the legislation. > >> today is women's equality day day and commemorates the 1920 certification of the 20th amendment granting women the right to vote. it also calls attention to women's continuing efforts to equality. nancy pelosi was at usf today discussing the importance of protecting women's reproductive freedom, especially after the recent abortion bans across the country. >> let us understand, the
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assault this is on on women, women of color, lower income women, and it is an injustice that we will not tolerate and cannot stand. >> pelosi and spear were joined by local women leaders i talked about resources for women in the the bay area. > >> still to come, two women on a a mission. the lifesaving mission in the bay area after losing two sons to drugs. > >> new concerns over a popular supplement after a california congresswoman's wife dies. why experts born it can do more harm harm than good. > >> canadian geese have been makg a mess of a peninsula city. > >> fog is pushing in from the ct making its way over the bay. temperatures, a little bit above above normal midland. average at
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at the bay. below average this weekend. details coming up in the first alert forecast.
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hey, it's me...your skin. some cleansers get us clean - but take my moisture. cerave cleansers help me maintain my moisture balance with hyaluronic acid, plus 3 essential ceramides to help restore my natural barrier. so we're cerave clean. cerave hydrating cleanser.
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>> overdose deaths in the bay area happen every year. a couple couple of moms are making it their mission to save grief for other families that they dealt with with their sons. the moms and their missions. >> my own 18-year-old son died from fentanyl poisoning. >> reporter: mama, michelle leopold knows the pain of this.
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>> when trevor died, my world became darker. >> reporter: the darker world that michelle fights every day. today, she took her mission to a a parking lot to plead with customers who come to her hardware store to listen. >> every single one of these deaths were someone's child. i want to take this show on the road, start where i work. trade my team members and the community where they live. >> reporter: mom, michelle, is not alone. april's son died, as well. his name was joe. >> it was something so avoidable. thank you for stopping by today. >> reporter: they are handing out narcan and showing them howo use it. >> you push the pen, really important to call 911.
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>> reporter: just in case someone else's child ever needs a life-saving help their children did not get. >> we like to think that every person we talked to has a better better chance of avoiding being caught up in what we have had to had to live with since the loss of our sons. >> reporter: their mission, their sons story. > >> according to a recently released autopsy, dehydration and other effects from ingesting ingesting the white mulberry leaf might have led to the death death of lori mclintoch. getting getting greedy and has been used used for centuries, experts say that the supplements can do more more harm than good. >> it is not highly regulated like most medications. what you
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are getting, might not do what it is touted to do, because it does not have the scientific rigor that medications do. it is it is treated like food. >> experts say, it is better to talk to your doctor before ingesting wild supplements. > >> chemicals are using cookware, and firefighting foams. they have been linked to cancer and other health problems. the compounds are also known as psa's, and have been used in consumer products since that '4. that '40s. the chemicals still remain in the environment because they do not degrade over over time. > >> governor gavin newsom is announcing his support to keep the nuclear plant running for ar decade. currently, the nuclear plant is set for closure in 2024, but as california gets rey
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for an electric future, there s concern the state will not be able to make its power demand. >> there are two reasons to keep keep the plant going. one to keep the lights on, and it is a energy source that replaces nonrenewable's and natural gas. >> there are some good arguments arguments on both sides, but we can do without nuclear power, even though it is attractive because of no co2 emissions. >> many environmental groups say say continuing the nuclear plant plant would be a deadly betrayal betrayal of the pact. > >> protesting to save the lives of several dozen geese. as the number of geese multiplied in foster city, complaints wrapped up about the number of goose droppings. some stated that the waste caused a citywide issue.
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now, goose activists are demanding the city look into more ethical options. >> i think the murder option should be off the table. there are so many other options available that are kinder to animals. this is preposterous. >> the foster city spokesperson says the city has an obligation to protect the city from possible hazards, and if they do do move forward with the killing, it will be used selectively in conjunction to other nonlethal measures. > >> let's check in with paul to look at the forecast. it is looking pretty nice. >> it is looking really nice as we go to the weekend. tonight, e pattern will repeat itself. fog is spreading across the bay. dre across the coast. we are talking talking about trace amounts of moisture, maybe 100th of an
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inch. it is late august, we will we will take what we can get. cooler temperatures, savor it. we are back to near normal temps on tuesday and it will be warmer the latter part of next week. looking outside from the tower, the fog is spreading out. it is 62 degrees downtown. one degree warmer across the bay and midland. 81 degrees in concord. i think, high temperatures and lynn will be in the 80s as we hd through the weekend. that is nol for this time of year. fog will continue spreading into the inland valleys. dissipating quickly, by 11:00 a.m., the fog it backs up to the bay, and middle of the afternoon, we will will see the last of the fog lig around the coast. peeks of sunshine here and there. temperatures tonight dropping dn into the mid to upper 50s to 60 degrees. high temperatures from
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two to five degrees. only a couple degrees above 60. 70s down the peninsula. around the bay, 80s in the san jose. warm spots, inland, only mid 80s. it 80for the tri-valley. damages around the bay will be on the cool side. mid-60s in san francisco. upper 70s, around 80 for the mid day. 70s north of the golden gate. only up to 81 degrees for santa rosa, until you go further inland. temperatures reaching up furtheo the 80s. clear lake making it into the low 90s. temperatures will stay lower sunday night. back to average temperatures by. a few degrees above average on wednesday, thursday, and fridayl notice that mostly inland. and lynn of the east bay, you will
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be the hotspots next week, only 90s for the most part. we will stay below 100 degrees, which right is around the corner. around the bay area, it can be plenty hot. if we are staying in in the lower half of the 90s, we we are doing okay as we start te new month. i will have another update coming up at 11:00. > >> the 49ers took a beating froe texans, but the team does not seem too concerned. > >> don't forget to join us for our new 7:00 a.m. newscast. it is streaming on pluto tv and on the free cbs news app .
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loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's
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>> the 49ers got shut out by the the texans last night, but the m is not phased. we look at how quarterback trey lance is already getting amped up with the regular season. >> time now for the red, and
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gold report. not concerned with the 49ers getting shut down. he says that preseason game is like like golfers going to the range. range. he played the first three three and was under constant pressure. the deep pass was broken up by steven nelson. overall, lance finish the prese, the preseason, 11-16 for 140 yards and a touchdown. it is tie to get ready for week one against the bears. >> i am super excited to get to go. i almost got the whole put together on offense this week. we were close. a couple of guys getting healthy. the 70 days will be super important for us. >> with a red and
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- you okay? - there's a flex alert today so i'm mentally preparing for the power outage. oh, well we can help stop one because we are going to reduce our energy use from 4-9pm. what now? i stepped on a plug. oh that's my bad! unplugging. when it comes to preventing outages the power is ours.
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>> well, if you checked your social media today, you might
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have seen that it is national dog day. for puppy parents, it is the perfect excuse to post your pets. actually, you do not need an excuse. it raises awareness is on the pets that need to be saved every year. thanks for watching, the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. we will see you back here at 11:00.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! stev welcome how you all? thank you, everybody.prte t well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. [loud cheering and applause] well, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from powder springs, georgia, home of the number one dollar and number two dollar men, it's the champs. it's the shook family! [cheering, steve chuckling] and from east point, georgia, it's the stroud family. [cheering] everybody's here trying to win their chance at some cash, but somebody might ha s


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