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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  January 23, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> we have new evidence of lies in the case of republican congressman george santos. now there's an old wikipedia page that politico found, claiming, for instance, he had a role on a popular disney channel program, "hannah montana." ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert." tonight: plus, stephen welcomes: nathan lane and sam jay featuring louis cato and the late show band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! ( cheers and applause )
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( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: happy monday, cori. happy monday. that's right. good to see you. awe stephen! stephen. >> stephen: shhh! welcome, one and all, down here, up there to "the late show." thank you, sir. i am your host, stephen colbert. ( cheers and applause ) i'm sure you're asking what are we going to talk about tonight? i'm afraid that's classified, because there's an update in the ongoing story of docments being found at president biden's office and home. and i'll tell you the latest in my unfortunately recurring segment: what's up: docs! yooo-hoo!
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let me catch you up. as of last week, biden aides and the justice department had found about 20 classified documents. but that total went up on friday, when the f.b.i. searched biden's delaware home and found six additional items that contained documents with classified markings. how could america be $31 trillion in debt and, apparently, no one in the executive branch has ever purchased a shredder? apparently, all politicians just hoard classified material. i'm starting to wonder how jimmy carter insulates all those habitats for humanity. ( laughter ) ( applause ) check it out. you should check it out. ( cheers and applause ) check it out! the new documents found on friday included handwrun notes and spanned biden's time in the senate and as vice president. the senate? he joined the senate-- no lie-- 50 years ago.
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those notes are ancient. p the bop in the bop shoo sbop." of course, republicans want to say biden's situation is the same as the former president's, but there's one big difference: they're different. ( laughter ) for instance, president biden agreed to "a planned, consensual search" and voluntarily allowed the f.b.i. into his home. so he's either cooperating, or his adult children are trying to get someone else to clean out grandpa's junk. "hello? f.b.i.? yes, i'm pretty sure pop-pop's probably got state secrets in the attic. yeah, yeah, they're in there with all his old "life" magazines. could you come take all of them away? ( laughter ) still, it sucks, it sucks that they keep finding additional documents. they found the first ones 82 days ago, something like that. and they keep finding little bits more all the time.
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it's, uh, news people, help me out. >> it is this drip, drip, drip of revelations and discoveries. >> this drip, drip, drip-- this is yet another drip. this drip, drip, drip just continues. >> we continue to find drip, drip, drip. >> drip, drip, drip. >> drip, drip, drip. >> drip, drip, drip. >> stephen: thank you. ( cheers and applause ). thank you. why not. makes sense. glad you know. speaking of things i've been speaking about a lot lately, republican representative george santos-- ( booing ) seen here asking an old lady the name of her first pet. by now, it's been pretty well established that santos is a liar, and he should definitely resign. and i'm not the only one who thinks that. so does new york congressman ritchie torres. >> george santos defrauded his way into the united states congress. he has no business being a member of congress. his only purpose is to be a punchline for late-night comedy. >> stephen: i know.
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( cheers and applause ) i know. ( applause ) isn't it great? ( laughter ) let's do some now! last week, you'll recall that photos and videos emerged of santos performing as a drag queen in brazil. he denied it and called the claims "outrageous" and "categorically false." turns out, the category of the falseness was "true," as he told reporters this weekend. >> i was not a drag queen in brazil, guys. i was young, and i had fun at a festival. sue me for having a life. ( laughter ) >> stephen: oh, oh, george. no one's mad at you for having a life. they're mad at you for having, like, five lives. that's greedy. in that video, santos is walking through a new york airport, which explains his new drag name, "laguardia carousel." he also-- ( applause )
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santos also dodged a question about hislie that his mother died on 9/11. >> was your mother at the world trade center on 9/11? >> guys, look, look. this isn't how you conduct an interview. >> stephen: adding, "and i would know, or my name isn't 'the cast of the view!'" ( laughter ) that wasn't the first time santos acknowledged that he did drag. this weekend, internet sleuths found an old wikipedia page from 2011 with the name anthony devolder-- a santos alias-- in which he confirmed that he participated in drag shows as a teenager living in brazil. finally, just tell the truth. there's nothing wrong with doing drag! unless you pair nude pantyhose with an open-toed pump. 'cause, girl, there is no coming back from that, okay. ( applause )
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the wikipedia bio also delves into some delicious new lies, with "devolder" falsely claiming to have "'started' in a few tv shows and disney channel shows, such as the hit 'hannah montana.'" okay, scamming veterans and lying about your mom dying on 9/11 is one thing. but violating the sanctity of "hannah montana"? sir, you do not deserve "the best of both worlds." or a "hoedown throw-down." or a third song i did not have time to google. bottom line, this is congress, not a party in the u.s.a.! ( laughter ) ( applause ) which is-- not-- that's not hanna but that's... it does make sense he'd identify with hannah montana. they both lead double lives, they're both wanted internationally, and they're both the superstar children of billy ray cyrus. this "anthony devolder" also
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claims to have appeared on "the suite life of zack and cody." okay, i seriously doubt he was in any disney shows. though, i'm pretty sure he was in nickelodeon's "no, i carly." the bio claims santos's first major film role was in the nonexistent 2009 movie "the invasion." 'start-ting' alicia silver stone and uma turman. oh, i love uma turman! she was so good in "purp furction." ( cheers and applause ) purp? "purp furction." we also had some news from the former president over the weekend. throughout his campaign, he frequently appeared with youtube maga influencer sisters, diamond and silk. unfortunately, lynette "dmond" s g andeugy way, the formere aei
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did so much to help hisampaign.n complaints about how long the funeral was going. >> they told me, just give me a little time. i've got a lot of people waiting for me back in a place called palm beach, florida. they said, give me a little time. what do you think it'll take? about 15-20 minutes, in and out. i said 'well it could take longer.' this is a little longer than 15 minutes, right? >> stephen: okay, that's an unusual vibe for a eulogy. "losing grandpa reminds us that every minute is precious, especially 'cuz your boy here's got a 3:00 tee time. chop-chop. let's cry it out and drop that pop!" ( laughter ) during his remarks, the former president maintained all the focus and solemnity of a bumblebee trapped inside a balloon. ( laughter ) here's-- ( applause ) here's another part-- quality image, good image. here's another part of his memorial for one of his biggest supporters: >> so common sense would tell you all of these things--
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inflation was caused by energy. they stopped the energy, and all of a sudden, your gasoline went from $1.87 a gallon to 5, 6, 7-- in california, $8 a gallon. and when your baker makes his cakes and when your hospitals create heat, and all of the different things you need this for, everything goes up. and you look at what inflation has done to many other countries. it is an absolute death sentence. but your sister diamond was taken from us much too soon. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: we're jack-knifing! point is, i'm sorry for your loss!" ( laughter ) but he did eventually say a few words about the thing on everyone's mind: >> when i did "the apprentice," it became the number-one show in television, and it did well for years.
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and they recommended arnold schwarzenegger. now, arnold schwarzenegger is a big movie star, right? and he-- i mean, i said, "that sounds like a great idea. he should be able to do"-- well, i wanted to see it too well. although, i'm not that sure about that. well, he did really poorly. he got no ratings. that thing was a disaster. well, they got martha, too, right? martha stewart, she-- they put her in there. that was a disaster. >> stephen: is there any way martha stewart could take over this eulogy? ( laughter ) ( applause ) because even if she just frosted a cupcake, it would be more appropriate. the ex-prez finally gave words of comfort to the woman who had been at diamond's side for every appearance she ever made: her sister silk. >> i knew diamond, but i didn't know silk at all. i just learned about silk. you're fantastic. you're going to carry on beyond, beyond anybody's wildest imagination. >> stephen: if you just learned about silk, i'm gonna go ahead and say you didn't know much about diamond. that's like saying, "i'm a
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lifelong fan of garfunkel, but who is this simon i'm just hearing about? did they do anything together?" it's an especially weird thing to say given all. these. pictures. of. them. together. including this one of the former president holding silk's hand and looking into her eyes. what is he saying there? "i can't wait to meet you someday"? we've got a great show for you tonight. my guests are nathan lane and comedian sam jay. but when we come back, i'll tell you about the latest dating trends that you don't know about, and neither should i.
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i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms,
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stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back. give it up for louis cato and the late show band right over there!
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tonight we have two delightful guests up here. an american treasure,s a crowning jewel of broadway, nathan lane will be here tonight. >> louis: that's right, that's right. >> stephen: and sam jay is here this evening. >> louis: that's right. ( applause ) >> stephen: there you go. >> louis: yes, indeed >> stephen: folks, i love love, or as the french call it, "la bibliotheque." and i like to keep you up on all the latest trends in the world of love and dating in my sexy segment: ♪ ♪ ♪ ( sultry voice ) >> romansplaining with stephen colbert. ( applause ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome to the love den.
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first up on romansplaining: there's a new trend for folks who are already coupled up because, reportedly, non-monogamy is on the rise. really sounds like that story was written by a guy who wants to have sex with other people ( laughter ) more breaking news from the same author: "studies show key to long life is butt stuff!" ( laughter ) i'm pretty sure my writers just wanted me to say the phrase, "butt stuff. the. no surprise, non-monogamy can be complicated. if you want to try it, you've gotta set some ground rules, from the beginning, like whether or not you and your partner want to listen to stories about each other's non-monogamous encounters. and i'm guessing that's harder on whoever's had fewer encounters: "oh, so you and raul made love right there on the beach? well, i also did something pretty wild in public: i cried on a bench." ( laughter ) right over there where i could see you and raul the whole time. ( laughter )
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next up, many singles are so busy that they are falling victim to something called "only plans," where potential partners always make plans but never actually get together in person. doesn't sound that bad to me. my idea of phone sex is getting a call that says that the dinner has been canceled. "oooh, let me tell you what i'm wearing tonight: a ketchup-stained hoodie, sweatpants, and mismatched socks." ( laughter ) but for singles, this behavior can be troubling. maybe the other person's busy, but "only plans" could be a sign that a potential partner is "uncertain about whether they truly want to date anyone properly at all-- a.k.a. 'hesidating'." or maybe they just want to spend time alone, a phenomenon experts call "masturdating." ( laughter ) ( applause ) ( cheers ) next up, we're hearing about a
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post-breakup trend inspired by celebrities like olivia wilde and kim kardashian called 180 dating, where you rebound by starting a relationship with a younger, unexpected partner. of course, this has been a trend for a long time with middle- aged men, who call it, "hey kids, remember your au pair?" ( laughter ) that struck an unexpected nerve! ( laughter ) someone has an au pair. the article that made up this trend says that "180 dating can help people feel rejuvenated and re-energized after a tough time. it's often about feeling silly, spirited, and sexy again." but if you're looking for a massive age difference to make you feel rejuvenated, reenergized, and silly, why not show up at your next party with d( ug
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( cheers and applause ) at 97, that man can still sweep a chimney. ( laughter ) finally, if you feel like people are playing too many games, you'll be glad to learn about bae realing, which is the rise of authentic and true-self dating profiles where singles share unfiltered pictures, honest commentary, and play no games. that kind of honesty is refreshing. instead of a profile pic of you with a tiger, just post one of you with tony the tiger. but there are many more new dating trends out there, and we know all about them, because we made them up. for example, if non-monogamy isn't for you, try mom-nogamy, where you can't date at all because no one is good enough for your mother. ( as mother ) "i sent her home, brian! only loose women wear corduroys!" zip, zip, zip, zip!
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you know what that sound is. if you're looking to follow the latest celebrity dating trends, you should try avatar-2-ing. that's when you wait 13 years to get back together with someone, and when you finally do, you're like"thiis baldoin ( laughter ) a whale." finally, if you're not into 180 dating, you should try i-80 dating, which is when you go out with whoever you find on the off-ramp between parsippany and hackensack. we'll be back with nathan lane. that's why my doctor and i chose kesimpta. kesimpta is different. it's the only b-cell treatment for rms i can take at home once a month. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. for me, a once-monthly treatment
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12:01 am
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♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: hey, welcome back, everybody! my first guest tonight is an emmy and three-time tony award-winning actor. he is back on broadway in the new play, "pictures from home." please welcome back to "the late show," nathan lane. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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>> how about that? thank you, all, very much. thank you. p ( cheers and applause ) thank you. thank you. >> stephen: there you go. >> wow. >> stephen: please, please. i like the pin stripes. >> thank you. >> stephen: >> rainy days and mondays always get me down, but not when i'm with you, stephen. i hope it's not too late to say happy new year to you and the lovely evie. i>> stephen: not at all. >> as george santos likes to say, "whole new year, whole new me. ( applause ) and i'm getting organized marie kondo style. >> stephen: this year? >> yes, i went through the garage,s and i threw out all
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confidential documents that don't spark joy. >> stephen: it's important. everybody should do that. >> feel better. >> stephen: sunshine the last time we were together-- >> yes. >> stephen: and it's been too long. >> yes. >> stephen: that's my fault, i apologize. you won an emmy for your performance-- >> yes. >> stephen: your guest performer on "only murders in the building." congratulations on that. >> thank you. >> stephen: my understanding is-- my understanding-- and correct me if i'm wrong-- by doing so, with this nomination you set a record of some forth. >> yes, this was my first prime-time emmy. i do have two daytime emmys which as you know are filled with chocolate and not taken quite as seriously. i don't know if you know this,s if you have four daytime emmys you can trade them for a prime-time emmy. with two daytime emmys can only get fuzzy dice and a baby yoda
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chia pet. this was very exciting. amazingly to me, yes, i am now the most nominated guest actor in emmy history for this. ( applause ). >> stephen: okay, outstanding achievement in a guest performance by a meow-meow, and a meow-meow. >> yes, it was my seventh nomination. the seventh time was the charm, as they say. >> stephen: sure, sure. >> it was for the role of teddy dimas, in "murder in the building." i have a deaf son and we kuct with american sign language and i find it interesting at the time i finally won is an episode in which i was completely silent. ( applause ) all-- all these years-- all these years, the academy was just waiting for me to shut up. ( laughter ). >> stephen: well, let's talk about the next show of yours. >> oh, yes. >> stephen: and that is picture. >> yes. >> just around the corner at studio 54 here. what is it about, and whom are you? >> yes, yes. as you can guess, i'm not a cock
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eyed optimist, but audiences really seem to be loving this play. it -- >> stephen: as a matter of fact-- >> there you go. there you go. it's a beautiful piece written by sharr white, directed lie bartlett sher, and based on the photo book memoir by the photographer larry sultan. for a period of almost 10 years, he photographed and interviewed his parents, using them as his subjects to focus on issues of family, mortality, and even the notion of politicizing family, as they did in the reagan years. and it's also his way, i think, of trying to get to know his father, to understand him, and himself. >> stephen: the photos are beautiful. >> it's a beautiful book. so danny berstein, the wonderful and danny ber scene, and zoe wanamaker, play larry and the mother, jeanne, and i play the father irv.
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in order to differentiate in terms of age, and even though we're not totally trying to look exactly like the real people, just to suggest, we all have to wear wigs. now, i know you have worn wigs in past. >> stephen: i have. is this the one? should we show the people? >> not yet. >> stephen: okay. ( laughter ) >> stephen: i want to do my part. i just want to do my part. >> you're doing it very well. >> stephen: thank you. >> these wigs-- you know, wigs are-- it's not like they can just plop one on you right off the rack and go perfect. it takes a while to get it right. >> stephen: they're very elaborate. >> yes, they are. danny's was dark brown, and mine was totally white. when we first got them i looked like superman's father jerle, if he had retired to miami beach. and danny's looked like bob's big boy. which is not what we were going for. >> stephen: sure. >> but certainly a play i'd like to see. ( laughter ) i can hear-- i hear gerle speaking, "you will travel far,
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big boy. you will make my strength your own, but more importantly, you will serve classic american diner fare, at reasonable prices, right? >> stephen: sure. ( applause ). >> stephen: that's another emmy. i smell another emmy. >> so, anyway, they take them away and they dial them down a bit. and now i sort of have a jaunty, phil donoghue thing happening. and danny look likes-- >> stephen: when do i get to show it. >> danny looks like a bruno mars stunt double you. here, now you can show it. ( laughter ) what do you think? >> stephen: it's very phil. >> the thing is -- >> stephen: it looks very real. >> i had a traumatizing facialog play years ago, and i never quite got over it. so that's what my fear of hair is. >> stephen: is this? >> this is me in "arsenic and old lace." >> stephen: in high school. >> in high school. ( applause ). >> stephen: so i can tell-- i can tell the subtly started
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early in your career. >> you beat me to it. yup. yeah. and as you can see, i'm wearing-- i seem to be wearing a american on my upper lip or a small woodland creature, just happened to expire on my face. i think-- what do you think it looks like? i think it looks like i said, "take that pork chop, dip is in black ink and slap me." >> stephen: it looks like two long shoremen fighting over a squirrel. >> it looks like i'm eating a musk rat but i'm only halfway through. ( laughter ). >> stephen: it's been nearly four years since you were on broadway. >> i know. >> stephen: our good luck that you're back on broadway. >> thank you. well, thank you, my good luck. >> stephen: how long can you go without being on stage? do you start to twitch at a certain point? >> like i'm a meth addict? yeah. >> stephen: sure. >> while swallows going back to capistrano. no, i don't suddenly start obsessively bowing at breakfast
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or-- blurting out, "a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse" in the middle of the night. really, at this soo at my age, it's really about the play, the material that is touches you, that it moves you, makes you laugh, that it makes you want to put yourself through eight shows a week, because it's a real discipline and challenge. and this play did that for me. you know, it's a play about parents and mortality, and mortality has been on my mind lately. so i just thought this was really a worthwhile piece to bring back to broadway-- well, not back. it's a brand new play. and it's a very scary time on broadway. there's know-- it hasn't really come fully back. certainly not the tourist trade. and so it's a real risk to do a new play. but i just think this particular piece has great appeal and really touches people. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break, nathan lane.
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>> no! >> stephen: yes. >> no! >> stephen: but you stay here, because we'll be right back with more nathan lane. we're coming back.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: hey, everybody. we're back with the star of "pictures from home" on broadway, studio 54, with nathan
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lane. i understand you have some big news that you'd like to share. >> oh, yes. >> stephen: this is an exclusive for "the late show," from nathan lane. what is this? i don't know what you're about to say. >> this is not about my film coming out. this is about i'm the new james bond. ( applause ) ( applause ). >> stephen: wow, that was a bold choice. wow. >> now, before you start with the twitter rants, hear me out. so barbara broccoli calls me and says nathan, we want to take bond in a whole new, more mature direction. >> stephen: sure, sure. >> we think you're the guy. i said, "sure, barbara. i'd be honored to follow in the footsteps of these great actors." so she sent me the script. it's called "ox "act gennarian pussy." or-- ( laughter ) ( applause )
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or "the spy who loved metamucil." the bond is now at retirement age living in a country mainor house with his wife, pussy galore. real name mildred lefkowitz. he's a little board and gets a job in customer service at the local home depot and that's when things get crazy. there are very poignant scenes where bond forgets his apple i.d. he has to go to the genius bar, and a very, very powerful scene at rite aide when 007 goes up to the pharmacist and says, "bond, gold bond." ( laughter ) ( applause ) "well it help with my eczema?" the heart of the story is bond foyting for full pensions and benefits while trying to balance the cost of top-shelf vodka on a
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fixeds income. sadly, his libido isn't what it used to be. a bond girl offers to his hotel suite and says she's there to offer him super sex. and he said,s, super sex? i think i'll have the soup." ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: but until that comes out, "pictures from home" is on broadway at studio 54. the man is nathan lane, everybody. we'll be right back with the comedian sam jay. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) if you think all pads are exactly the same... think again.
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of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects
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include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month, and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. ♪ ♪ sure, mcdonald's breakfast is good, but getting that mcdonald's breakfast two minutes before it stops being served? that tastes even better. ♪ ♪
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in las vegas, the most popular food is broccoli. that tastes even better. yeah, that's the only food. they have broccoli smoothies, and broccoli pancakes, and broccoli ice cream, and broccoli hotdogs, and of course, they have raw unseasoned broccoli..... with stems. -daddy, i don't want to go to las vegas with you and mommy tomorrow. oh, are you sure? are you sure you don't want to go, it will be so much fun!
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♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ) >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back! folks, my next guest is a comedian and writer who hosts her own hbo talk show, "pause with sam jay." she now stars in the new film "you people." >> i don't think i've heard of a man ever who wanted to be in a relationship so badly besid ake. >> i feel like drake. i feel like i'm alone on a building in toronto dangling my
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legs off wondering what it's like to feel companionship. that's the space i am. >> i need you d in the dorge body. >> i don't have certified lover boy, drag energy now. i don't. i'm literally take care drake. if i'm being honest about our friendship, i think you're being pusher t. towards me. >> maybe your ass needs a bully right now, bro, somebody to push around. you're giving me houston atlanta vegas drake. i'm talking about big upper lip. get it together. >> stephen: please welcome to "the late show," sam jay! ( cheers and applause )
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>> is it okay that i sat down before you? >> stephen: of course you should sit down. you're the guest. you sit down first always. i never sit down before the guest does. thank you for being here. you star in "you people "with jonah hill and eddie murphy, not too habi for your first feature film. >> scary. >> stephen: how did it feel, scary? >> scary. and lauren london is in it as well. but super exciting at the same time. >> stephen: what does it feel like for you to shoot on a film set? it's totally different than other forms of entertainment. it's all done in little chunks. how did you like that? >> i didn't mind it, it was just a lot of pressure. i feel like when you walk on a film set it's so much bigger, and you're like wow, this is a lot of money that i'm probably wasting. ( laughter ). >> stephen: right, and you want to be comfortable, when somebody's going to tell you, "let's get going." did you have to audition for this part?
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>> no, actually. it was really weird how it came about. i was outside of the comedy cellar and i got a call from kenya barris, the director, and he said, "i would like for you to be in the movie." i said, "oh, man, do i have to audition, because i'm really bad at auditioning and i don't want to embarrass you." and he said, "no, if you want to do it,s it's yours. and he said, jonah hill, and eddie murphy. and i said are you serious? and i hung up and immediately felt pressure. >> stephen: did you call anybody? >> i called my girl. i called my fiance and said, ," hey i'm going to be in the movie." and she said,s, for real?" and i said, "maybe not. he could be lying." >> stephen: that would be a bad prank. somebody calls you up. >> you know how it is in the industry. you never believe it until you see it. and my manager called me and said, "hey, we have this offer for this movie." and i said it's really happening. >> stephen: it's about two different sets of in-laws meeting for the first time.
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now, you have a fiance. >> i do. >> stephen: have you met her parents? >> yeah. >> stephen: was that-- was that an intensely pressure-filled situation for you? >> like, i already kind of have known her mom. like, we had talked a lot and we had a good rapport. but i had never met or spoken to her father and that was a lot of pressure. she thinks highly of her dad. i wanted him to like me because i knew that would make her like me more. i was really, like, nervous about it. and he also has a lot of swords, so that didn't help. ( laughter ). >> stephen: i'm sorry, go back-- he has a lot of swords hanging on the wall and stuff like that? >> yes. >> stephen: honest to god swords? >> real ones. >> stephen: and why does he have so many swords? is he a samurai? >> he's just into them, i guess. and he likes them as a form of protection. i really don't know. >> stephen: not as a form of protection. >> someone breaks in and you grab a sword off the wall, they're going to be like, "this person means business." >> stephen: i might leave
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because i thought they were crazy. you're not going to cut's bullet in half. do you have collections yourself? did you share with him anything? >> we kind of like the same stuff as far as "star wars" and i have a couple of light sabers. >> stephen: that brings it together right there. >> that's a bonding space right there. >> stephen: as a stand-up comedian are you going on tour any time soon? >> i'm touring kind of right now, yeah, getting ready to shoot another special. >> stephen: do you like being on the road because it can be rough out there? >> no. >> stephen: you don't like it. it shows you're good, but the road-- >> the road, the airplanes, sitting by yourself at airports like, you know, bars. >> stephen: sure. >> it suck s. >> stephen: do you ever just get-- is it always airplaneor are you driving from city to city, too? the thing about the midwest, especially this time of year, like, nebraska, god bless it, everywhere you look, looks like just like the stubble of a sailor on shore leave because all the corn has been cut down and it's dark with a little bit of snow tossed in there. >> right.
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we do a little driving. i like grand rapids. that was a pretty sad place. you know what i mean? >> stephen: you like that? i do, too. >> it's the reality check you need sometimes. you're like, "okay, this is how some people live and it's good to know that." >> stephen: i heard you recently celebrated a birthday. happy-- happy belated birthday. >> thank you ( applause ). >> stephen: what do you do? do you do anything special? >> this was my first, like, adult birthday. i had dinner with, like, five friends. >> stephen: but you're not just an adult. you're not like 21 or 22, are you? >> no, i'm a grown-up, grown-up. >> stephen: you hadn't gone out and enjoyed your birthday? >> usually i party hard. i feel like noose a young birthday. this birthday because i'm super grown i was like i just want wine and a nice meal. >> stephen: what is the most drunk you got on your birthday? >> if i could remember, then i wasn't that drunk. ( laughter )
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>> stephen: good point. can you-- can you explain this tweet, by any chance? this is-- i've read this several times and i cannot make heads or tail of this. but this is a tweet of yours, right? >> yes. >> stephen: why don't you read it. can you read that right there? read that. this is about your birthday. >> bro, this is my second solo ( bleep ). the ability to ( bleep ) in public in peace in several states/countries should be a major selling point at soho house. this is truly game changing." ( applause ) >> stephen: so you enjoyed the bathrooms at the soho house no matter what city you're in? >> yes, they're private, they're really nice. the toilet seats are warm. it's a very comfortable experience. >> stephen: warm on purpose or because somebody was just sitting on them seconds ago. >> either way that works. >> stephen: that's true. i know how i'm spending my next birthday, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> stephen: "you people" is in select theaters now and
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available on netflix this friday. sam jay, everybody. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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>> stephen: that's it for "the late show." tune in tomorrow when my guests s aun forelnd c d captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ are you ready, y'all to have some fun ♪ on the show tonight don't you worry, baby ♪ where you come from it'll be all right >>


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