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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 8, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm it's wednesday, march 8th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." americans kidnapped in mexico. two are found dead, the other two are rescued. how the group was caught up in a cartel shootout. oh! >> yep. that is happening. >> train derailment. another one caught on camera. we'll tell you where it happened. wall street woes. stocks plunge after testimony from the federal reserve chair. his warning about rising interest rates. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we begin this morning with latest on the four americans kidnapped by gunmen in mexico. two of them, latavia mcgee and
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eric williams, were discovered alive in mexico by mexican security forces and brought back to the u.s. yesterday. but the other two, shaeed woodward and zindell brown, were found dead. jarred hill is in new york with more on all of this sad unfolding of the story. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, it's kind of hard to really feel full relief because two of those americans are not coming back home alive. now we know where this group was found, but how is still unclear. mexican police stood guard outside of the small stash house where two of the four kidnapped americans were found alive. latavia mcgee and eric williams were given treatment and later taken to the hospital in nearby brownsville, texas. williams had been shot in the leg. the two other americans that traveled with them, shaeed woodward and zindell brown, were killed. >> we thank our mexican and u.s. law enforcement partners for their efforts to find these innocent victims. the task is ensure that justice
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is done. >> reporter: federal officials say the group went to the eastern border town of matamoros last friday. mcgee was supposed to have a cosmetic procedure. soon after crossing into mexico, though, they were caught in a shootout between two factions of a cartel. in a phone interview with cbs news, eric williams' wife, michelle williams, said she didn't know he was going to mexico before he left, and that she had spoken to him since he's been in the hospital. >> it's sad. two other people lost their lives, but he's just glad to be alive. >> reporter: mexico's president says those responsible will be found and punished. so far a 24-year-old man is in custody in connection to the attack. >> since day one of this administration we have focused on disrupting transnational organizations including drug cartels. >> reporter: matamoros is under a level four do-not-travel designation from the study,
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its highest travel warning. now again, mexican authorities think the situation was confusion, not a direct attack or that the four were involved with the cartels in any way. it's worth noting that one mexican woman was killed in the crossfire of that initial shootout, as well. mexican authorities say that she was not involved in any of this either. >> so unfortunate. jarred hill in new york. thank you. the city of memphis is expected to release about 20 additional hours of video today related to the brutal police beating of tyre nichols. nichols died three days after he was beaten in a traffic stop in january. a seventh police officer has also been fired following an internal investigation. five of the officers have been charged with second-degree murder. the ntsb is investigating another accident involving a norfolk southern train. a conductor standing outside a train car in cleveland yesterday was killed when a dump truck crashed into it at a railroad crossing. police say the truck stopped at a stop sign but hit the train when it moved forward. it comes as the ntsb announced
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that it was opening a special investigation into norfolk southern's safety practices. there have been five significant accidents since 2021 including two recent derailments in ohio. >> oh, my god. >> that's video of a train derailing yesterday at a railroad crossing near tulsa, oklahoma. officials say the cars that derailed were empty, and there's no risk to the community there. there are no reports of injuries or what caused the derailment. five women in texas are suing the state after they claim they were denied medically necessary abortions. they said their doctors feared being prosecuted over the state's ban on the procedure. here's janet shamlian. i needed an abortion to preserve my health but couldn't get one in texas. >> reporter: anna zargarian is one of five women suing the
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state of texas over its abortion ban. she was denied the procedure at 19 weeks after her water broke early. she says putting her at risk of a potentially life-threatening infection. her doctor said they couldn't perform the abortion, so she had one in colorado. >> i felt like a shell of a human, but i was like, you know, wrapped up in grief. >> reporter: the lawsuit was filed on behalf of the women by the center for reproductive rights. an abortion rights advocacy group. texas is among 12 states with the most restrictive abortion rules. the procedure is banned unless a woman's life is at risk or the fetus has a fatal diagnosis. but physicians say they're fearful even when they would typically provide an abortion as a standard of care. because of the law that criminalizes performing the procedure. john seago helped get texas' abortion ban passed. he says some doctors are confused about what the law requires. >> texas law does not require for a woman to be at death's door to get involved and actually save that woman. >> at this point in my life it's just really terrifying to think
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about getting pregnant in texas again. >> reporter: the suit comes as a texas federal judge is expected to rule soon on a case challenging the fda's approval of an abortion drug. that ruling could have an impact on abortion access even in states where the procedure is legal. janet shamlian, cbs news, austin. four people were killed when two small planes collided in midair over central florida. witnesses said the planes crashed into each other yesterday and fell into a lake near winter haven regional airport. there were no survivors. part of one plane could be seen sticking out of the water. officials said the other plane was about 20 feet below the surface. an investigation is under way to determine the cause of the crash. voters in oklahoma have said no to allowing the recreational use of marijuana in that state. the question was the only issue on the ballot yesterday. it would have legalized pot for anyone over the age of 21. oklahoma would have become the 22nd state to legalize the adult use of the cannabis.
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it was -- it, rather, was opposed by religious leaders, law enforcement, and prosecutors. oklahoma approved the use of medical marijuana in 2018. stock futures are pointing to a flat open this morning after wall street took a hit yesterday following a warning from federal reserve chair jerome powell about interest rates. the dow lost 574 points. the nasdaq dropped 145 points, and the s&p 500 fell 62. powell told the senate panel yesterday that the central bank could hike interest rates more aggressively in response to recent positive economic news and continuing high inflation. >> although inflation has been moderating in recent months, the process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go and is likely to be bumpy. >> the fed raised its benchmark rate by a quarter percentage point last month after a half-point increase. that followed four separate three quarter point hikes before that.
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the biden administration is planning to ease covid testing rules for travelers from china. a source familiar with the decision says the requirement will end on friday. it comes two months after the government said those traveling to u.s. from mainland china, hong kong, and macau had to submit a negative test before departing amid a surge in cases in china. there's been a decline in cases since then. coming up, cafe crash recorded on video. two people recording a podcast get a surprise scare during their show. and stolen gator. how authorities tracked down an alligator missing from the zoo for 20 years. this is the "cbs morning news." i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill. because i won't let uc stop me...from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and has been shown to reduce symptoms in as early as 2 weeks. zeposia is the first and only
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s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat, if you have untreated sleep apnea, or take maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels, and increased risk of pml-- a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. don't let uc stop you from doing you. if you're living with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, ask your doctor about once-daily zeposia. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hi, i'm lauren, i lost 67 pounds on golo.
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non-life-threatening injuries. there's no word on the cause of the fire. a car plowed into a cafe, and it was caught on video, and a volcano is quieting down. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "associated press" reports the latest eruption at hawaii's kilauea volcano has stopped after 61 days. u.s. scientists said there was no active lava in the crater of the volcano on hawaii's big island yesterday. kilauea began erupting in january after nearly a month-long pause. it is one of the world's most active volcanos. "the houston chronicle" says a viral tiktok video shows an suv smashing into podcasters in a cafe. >> got so quiet in here. how did i -- >> nathan reeves was recording a podcast saturday with a local photographer when the suv crashed into a window behind them.
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no one was seriously hurt, but reeves said that he had some glass cuts on his back. police say a woman driving the vehicle ran a red light before hitting another car and slamming into the cafe. and "usa today" says an eight-foot alligator was returned to a texas zoo more than 20 years after a gator egg was taken from that same zoo. video shows the alligator being returned to the zoo near san antonio. it was discovered in a woman's backyard about 50 miles away. the woman told officials she took the egg while volunteering at the zoo two decades ago. they said she took good care of the alligator but was unable to meet the legal requirements to keep it. still to come, pulling the plug on tiktok. why congress introduced a new bill to ban the app and possibly other foreign-based companies. -. . . . companies. ere foreign-based companies. re foreign-based comp. . .
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪
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and millions of users, tiktok ty could be banned in the u.s. a bipartisan bill gives the federal government the power to ban the app and other tech companies that operate within hostile foreign countries. tiktok is owned by a chinese company but says that it does not share information with the chinese government. u.s. lawmakers are still worried. >> i'm particularly concerned about tiktok's connections to the chinese communist party which repeatedly, repeatedly spies on american citizens. >> we need a more comprehensive approach to advancing and mitigating these threats. >> the biden administration is urging congress to pass the bill. last week the white house gave federal agencies 30 days to remove tiktok from all government-issued devices.
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the merger between two budget airlines is now delayed, and hershey's chocolate is offering a vegan option. serena marshall has those stories and more in the cbs "money watch" report. >> reporter: the jetblue proposed acquisition of spirit airlines for $3.8 billion has been challenged by the justice department. in the lawsuit filed tuesday, the government argues the two airlines are significant rivals, and the deal would harm consumers by eliminating about half of all ultra low-cost airline seats in the industry. jetblue counters the two would overlap on no more than 11% of their routes, and instead offer a challenge to the big four airlines. if the two airlines were to merge, it would create the fifth largest airline in the u.s. toni morrison's forever stamp is available at your post office. it was unveiled tuesday at princeton, and it features a photo taken of her in 1997 for "time" magazine. morrison wrote "the bluest eye"
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and "beloved" and became the first african american woman to win the nobel prize for literature. good news for chocolate lovers who need to be dairy free. the hershey company announcing they will now offer two vegan chocolate options, a plant live based partial government shutdown cup, and an almond sea salt bar. both made with oats instead of milk. they'll start hitting the shelves over the next two months. that is your cbs "money watch" report for this wednesday morning. i'm serena marshall, cbs news, washington. it pays to be the king. check out this diamond encrusted pendant gifted to lebron james from the los angeles lakers. the team is celebrating the 38-year-old for becoming the all-time scoring leader in nba history. the pendant features a roaring lion, his jersey number 23, and the teams he played for and a list of his stats. up next, a catty response from tom brady. the former nfl quarterback addresses rumors that he'll unretire for a second time.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪
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tom brady seems to have found something to keep him busy now that he's retired. of course, many have been hoping for a repeat like last time after he unretired. this time he tweets, anyone who thinks i have time to come back to the nfl has never adopted a 2-month-old kitten for their daughter. an australian member of parliament surprised colleagues by showing up for work looking like a rock icon. >> first, let me introduce my alter ego, tina lina turner, and this is worth a fair bit of cash. >> susan lee told colleagues yesterday that she was dared to dress as tina turner to parliament to raise money for a
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cancer charity. she called it a worthwhile cause. she later posted on facebook "the dare has been done." and here's one way to beat cabin fever. this kayak enthusiast wasn't going to let a blizzard get in the way of his fun. the south lake tahoe resident took time away from shoveling to kayak on monday. his mother shared the video on twitter calling it a first descent by kayak from the top of our house. the area has received record snowfall in recent days. you got to make the best of it. coming up on "cbs mornings," david begnaud shares the story of how a daughter's tiktok video saved her family's restaurant in the bay area. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news."
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. i should not have to feel i am in danger while walking the
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halls. >> we hear about fights almost daily and some of the bullying on campus, it is a conversation we are having with our youth. fear and outrage take over a listening session. the demand from students and parents in the wake of a deadly stabbing on campus. also, safety concerns are top of mind for san francisco, as well. the mayor rolls out a new model to protect the people she serves. some say her plan is not the only way to make the city safer. we are going to track this morning's rain and we will look ahead to the rain tomorrow which will be a little more impressive than this. the big problem is, the water here all flows down and goes right into her house. >> so this is my battle against the next storm. the broom and that drain. >> bay area residents still cleaning up. how the


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