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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  March 21, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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event for southern california. tons of rain there. but it's had a higher impact around the bay area. here's the reason why. on the radar loop you can see everything swirling around. this is the center of the storm system basically right over san francisco on the northern end of the bay. the whole system has consolidated itself into one central area of low pressure. that's what we find at the center of the storm systems. earlier today, though, that was not the case. as the system evolved, the interaction, the different areas of low pressure was part of why the season changedite trajectory a little bit. it's named the fujiwara effect. about noon, the bursts of winds were heading to santa cruz county before the severe thunderstorm warning was issued. two different areas of low pressure, with my finger in the l there. they interact with each other
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and they actually rotate around a central point. interaction of these, the one pulling on this other area of low pressure is what dragged it back up to the north towards basically the heart of the bay area. so the fact this spun out another little mini center, secondary low, is what changed the path of the entire storm system. this is not what we see with just tropical cyclones or this type of storm system, we see it in small tornadoes, a suction vortices is rotating around here other, following the same principle, the fujiwara effect. you can see the swirls in the middle, smaller areas of low pressure inside the big area of low pressure and they're dancing around each other but even entire tropical cyclones can do the same thing. this is from the southern hemisphere which is why everything is spinning backwards. two hurricanes or cyclones in
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this part of the world rotating around a central point and affecting how the other one evolves. this is not something that happens very often. but the upshot is a higher impact event in terms of wind and rain across the bay area and we're not done. we'll look at how the winds will evolve the rest of the night, coming up in a few minutes. >> in san francisco, it appears the barge has bumped into the third street bridge. you can see it on the left side of the screen with all that rust. the bridge has been shut down about 15 minutes while a tugboat tries to pull the barge out into the bay. the water right now is extremely rough because of the storm and ferry service has been cancelled the rest of the afternoon. >> >> our reporter decided to get out of the car and test out the winds. bear with him. the gusts had a little more
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power than his microphone. >> let's see what this is like. >> wow, that actually hurt. >> it almost looks like -- it must have brought you back to your days covering hurricanes because it felt a little bit like that, not as strong, obviously. >> the gusts were near hurricane-force winds so it's similar to a tropical storm with syems they're small, and
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sharp, like being sandblasteds when you're hit by that. it's a deeply unpleasant experience. it was when the core of the winds was running through the santa cruz mountains. we haven't had too many confirmed reports of the gusty winds because a lot of the equipment lost power as it went through. we had three dozen wind reports in the course of an hour. basically the emergency call systems were overwhelmed because of the problems with wires and trees coming down. the wind weakened as it interacted with land, it was still enough to cause more damage going into the santa clara valley and the east bay and the peninsula. a person can onlyptiou he to re leaning into it u. overtand 75 will just knock you down. >> good for him for trying it out.
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he's brave. now to the north bay, within the last couple of hours the wind really picking up there. this is video from marin county, the gusts whipping the trees and knocking out power to the area. around the bay area, 100,000 customers are currently in the dark. take a look at the waves crashing on san francisco's embarcadero. you can see pools of standing water and the big waves forming near the fencing there. there is a flood advisory for the city actually. storm after storm is taking its toll on farms across the state. here's more on which crops are going to be the most impacted. >> reporter: fruits, veggies, greens, pretty much anything you see on the shelves that's produced in california, they'll be impacted. that's because some farmers are on pause because of all this wet weather. >> california is "the" leading agricultural state in the united states. >> reporter: but now all the rain that's flooded farm fields is becoming a burden to the
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booming business. >> you cannot get a tractor on to your land when it's all muddy. >> the longer you delay planning, the longer you have to wait for the crops in the grorss. >> reporter: the produce expert tells cbs 13 some farmers in the salinas valley have had to restart planting altogether. >> that's the salad bowl for the united states. >> reporter: he says the rain has flooded the farms and nearby cattle ranches, forcing farmers to test the land before planting. >> because we don't want any outbreak of salmonella or e. coli outbreak later on when the fields come up with lettuce and spinach. >> the rain is also knocking off blossoms on fruit trees. >> the less fruit you'll have in the summertime and fall time. >> reporter: take tomatoes, for example. california grows 99% of all tomatoes for processed canned goods. so pastas and pizza sauces may be at risk. >> all that is grown in the san
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joaquin valley and that's going to affect prices of tomato sauce into next year. >> we need more storage in california to capture the rain when it's here for the years when we don't have the rain. >> it's not just the price of produce and veggies that will soon be increasing. the flooding fields is also having an impact on the dairy market. >> in san francisco, a local non-profit hopes to create a neighborhood green space in the tenderloin called the golden gate greenway. they want to block off the street to make it a green space in front of st. anthony's between leavenworth and jones streets off golden gate avenue. but not everyone is sold on the idea. >> golden gate avenue in the tenderloin currently looks like every other street in the area. there's two traffic lanes, two bike lanes and sidewalk on either side. but a local non-profit is looking to change that.
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>> let's think of it as a green oasis. >> reporter: he's the c.e.o. of st. anthony's foundation. he wants to transform the entire block of golden gate avenue in front of saint anthony's between leavenworth street and jones street into a permanent trafficless green space. >> that would house a lot of different things the community can do. most importantly, i think, it would be a place where the kids can play. >> reporter: he says the idea came during the pandemic when the city allowed the foundation to close the street down for a few hours every day so they could safely offer their services to those in need outside. >> we realized together with our actually that opportunity created a completely different sense of community and opportunities to come together for people that we haven't had. we liked it. >> the permanent plan would include getting rid of one traffic lane and replacing it with a park space. he says the area could be used for everyday outdoor activities
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as well as special events like farmers' markets. but not everyone is so sure building a park in the area would be the best idea. >> i'm an urban planner by training. that's what i went to school for. i believe in beautiful public spaces, especially in the heart of the city and the civic center to make it a warm, fun, welcoming place to hang out. it's what other cities do. i don't think san francisco is in a place we can deliver that with families. >> the non-profit focuses on increasing civic engagement in the city. she told me many people remain concerned about the drug issues affecting the tenderloin and worry building a park there would just add to the problem. >> unless we really get our hands around that public safety crisis, i don't see how this works. because we've already been trying this. there is a rollerskating rink down there, too, which was the idea for something fun for
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families to come hang out. i have a 2-year-old. i'm not going to hang out down there with my kid. i'm just not. i don't think anybody we work with are interested in that, too. it's a real shame but we have to make the area clean and safe first. >> reporter: he says he understands the concerns. he said if the green space is approved, they'll work to staff it with 24/7 security. >> which is a major expense item and a significant cost that will be added to it. hopefully we'll find a way to finance that. i think we should be able to. >> the project has to get full approval from the city and would take years to complete even after that. but he says he believes it will really benefit the neighborhood by, in his words, pushing out the bad by bringing in the good. >> president biden just announced two new national monuments today protecting land totaling more than half a million acres.
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one is in the mojave desert along the california and nevada border and protects an area sacred to native american tribes. it's called spirit mountain. the other monument is in the range in texas. president biden says protecting it has significance for tribal nations and the military. this is the largest land conservation act of his presidency so far. >> still ahead, a civil trial is underway for actress gwyneth paltrow after a skiing crash left a man with serious injuries. why her attorney says it's all about a money grab. >> and we will continue to track the impact of this damaging storm on a first alert weather day.
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♪♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business?
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great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. >> gwyneth paltrow was in a utah court room today.
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a 76-year-old is accusing her of running into him. >> the defendant gwyneth paltrow knew that looking up the mountain and to the side while skiing down the mountain was dangerous. >> no! you ran square right into me. and he said, "i'm sorry." >> paltrow is countersuing for a symbolic $1, arguing the ski crash was actually the other man's fault, that he hit her. >> stunning loss in the nba, especially for long time new york nicks fans. and dove
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>> let's check in with paul. you talk about the pinwheel behind you. it looks ominous. >> it looks stark even to people not used to observing these kinds of maps. it's a powerful-looking storm system, the center of which is pretty much directly over san francisco right now. it has a wide impact on the entire state. heavy winds and rains directed to southern california as well. there is an atmospheric river associated with this storm system. it's not pointed toward the bay area, it's hundreds of miles down the coast, to southern california. the high winds and rain are
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going to be a factor the rest of the evening. look at the watches and warnings in effect because of this major storm system across the state. the green are all of the flood warnings. we have high-wind warnings extending along the coast. brown shaded areas is wind advisories, one category below a high-wind warning and winter weather advisories in the high sierra, another parade of storm systems. the first full day of spring is bringing this mess to the bay area. this arc of heavy rain extends into northern napa county and santa rrosa. the parent storm system, the heart of the low pressure is drifting to the north right now. it's going to get pushed the other way eventually but right now there's nothing big in the upper levels of the atmosphere shoving this thing around. it's going to go wherever it wants to spin. it's going to spin back off the coast and head to the south, which will take several more hours. we have heavy rain falling for
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most of the inland east bay valleys and on the oakland side of the oakland hills as well. torrential rain falling for the evening commute. it's a mess out there once again. more bands of heavy rain extend into the peninsula. santa clara valley seeing plenty of rain, moderate rain in san jose with the heaviest rain falling in the higher elevations, down the peninsula and into the santa cruz mountains. you can see the funnel of moisture is going to continue surging in from the pacific. distinctly concerned about the potential for more flooding for southern san mateo county and cruz county where the terrain is squeezing out additional moisture. even into much of tonight, it's going to be plenty of lingering shower activity tomorrow morning. the whole storm system is going to be losing some of its organization as we head through the rest of tonight. these things don't just maintain themselves in perpetuity. it's still going to be strong
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enough to give us a noticeable breeze and lingering showers to begin the day wednesday. the wind will be less of a factor and even the showers should be shutting down heading towards midday on wednesday. we'll get a chance to catch our breath. there's a hint of a shower chance north of the golden gate on thursday. we'll be able to hone in on it once we get past this system. total additional rainfall, the 1 inch indicated in half moon bay is too much. we hope these forecast models are just being too pessimistic. we'll have to keep watching this. some spots may pick up closer to three-quarters of an inch. 30 to 40-mile-an-hour gusts are going to be gradually widespread. tomorrow morning, the wind is
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going to be lighter. still stirring around but the strongest gusts will be around 20 miles per hour, lighter than what we're seeing today and the winds are less of a factor throughout the rest of the day tomorrow. in sierra, to finally put a bow on this system, a winter weather advisory is continuing tomorrow. temperatures are close to the 40's in most locations. upper 50's tomorrow afternoon and the warmest spot is only 60 degrees. a dry stretch of weather from thursday into the weekend. even dry weather won't be warm weather. we'll stay in the mid to upper 50's to around 60 with yet another storm system heading our way monday night into tuesday of next week. >> thanks, paul. time for a check of what's ahead at 6. >> so coming up at 6, we're
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tracking all of that storm damage around the bay area. there's more of it by the moment unfortunately. there's new video just in where an amtrak train hit a tree and derailed with dozens of passengers on board the train. trees are coming down all over the bay area even as we speak right now. one crushed a car in san francisco and the commute is such a mess, for the second night on eastbound 580 near livermore, there's a race to repair the freeway after the ground gave way. we'll talk to an engineer about why the roads are not standing up to all of these storms, one after another. the news at 6 is coming up in about 10 minutes. now let's head to vern. >> we got nba at top. at long last, i can say it, the warriors' 11-game road losing streak is over! >> finally! >> it happened deep in the heart of texas. they took down the rockets last night, 121-108.
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thanks to 59 combined points from the splash brothers. golden state currently in 6th place in the west to carry a winning record. warriors take on dallas tomorrow night. with nine games left in the regular season, every one of them is important. >> we want to avoid that playing game obviously. it's fun. it's better than being on the other side which is not in fighting position but we are still right there, we still are controlling our destiny. >> we can say we're the champs and all those things but at the end of the day, that's why you have to play the games. >> a sad shout-out to the family of one of the nba's dominant players in the 1960's and '70's. new york knicks legend willis reed is gone at age 70. he suffered a severe thigh
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injury in a game and they thought he was not going to be able to play, but he fought through it to win one of his two nba championships. he was also named nba m.v.p. in 1970. he spent a 10-year career with the knicks and coached the franchise for two years. >> baseball, this one means something. world baseball classic, u.s.a. against japan for the title tonight. we'll have moving pictures, of course, on the late show. a couple of marin county kids are playing in the ncaa basketball round of sweet 16. one of them connecticut guard and marin catholic wildcat to yukon. he had one last year of eligibility left and took it and the family is excited. >> he's soaking it in. he just called me. the private jet landed a few minutes ago in vegas and they're doing well, getting ready to go
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to a shooter round at t-mobile, he's a kid that takes it in stride. it's quite an honor to play at this level. he understands how privileged he is and how blessed we are. >> talking to the dad today, he's so proud but he had me when he said the private jet landed. >> oh, poor guy. that must have been really hard. >> how cool, to say i played in the tournament, right? >> and he works so hard your whole career. when you're a kid like that in high school and you think about how many hours you practiced and finally doing it on the big stage. that's huge. >> thanks, vern. still ahead,
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>> 2.6 million-acre feet of water is expected to pass through the dam. it could only hold up to 1 million. normally the water goes into the san joaquin river but they have to release it into the kings river and nearby farmland. local experts say they've never seen anything like it. >> we haven't had a big water year like this since 1982, '83. this one has the potential to be the biggest water year ever recorded or observed on the kings river in modern history. >> and southern california
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taking a big hit from the high winds. a tree toppled over a home near los angeles. no word if there were any injuries. >> that's it for the news at 5. >> howling winds causing all kinds of damage on this first alert weather day. the storm is already deadly now. a live report coming from san mateo county where a tree crashed into a van, killing the driver. and major delays on the bay bridge. an overturned big rig is blocking at least four eastbound lanes. >> strong winds and heavy rain remain a threat throughout the rest of the evening with the storm system basically parked over the bay area. i'm tracking the rain and the wind speeds hour by hour in the first alert forecast. >> and, wow, the winds were once again strong enough to blow pieces of glass off the high-rise in the city. thousands of people are without power right now. another rough commute on
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eastbound 580 in livermore after the ground started sliding out from under the freeway. a closer look at why the roads are failing in all of these storms. >> the chances of failure just increase every time we see a storm. >> [realtime closed captioning provided by vitac.] >> hello, we have so much to get to. there's been a lot of damage around the bay area from this storm already. the doppler radar is very active. it's so windy out there. >> the winds along the embarcadero were so fierce this afternoon, people with are struggling with their umbrellas trying to cross the street. in fact, some people were struggling to stand upright at different points when the wind was gusting. ferry service has been suspended on the bay because of the wind, rain and the waves. major traffic problems on the bay bridge and terrible timing for that, too. a big rig has overed


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