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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  March 26, 2023 8:30am-8:59am PDT

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please join us when our trumpet sounds again next "sunday morning." we hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. ♪ . "face the nation" -- devastating tornados and president trump takes his grievances public in his first big campaign rally of the year. more than a dozen tornadoes tore through parts of mississippi and alabama this weekend leaving death and destruction along a 100 mile wide path. we'll have the latest. last night the former president rallied thousands of supporters in waco, texas, with his latest line of attack. >> the new weapon used by out-of-control unhinged democrats to cheat on election is criminally investigating a candidate. >> as he and the rest of the political world await action
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from a manhattan grand jury in the case related to alleged hush money payment to porn star stormy daniels. new information on that case and the bigger investigation going on in washington, where a judge is compelling key alleys of mr. trump to testify before a grand jury. we'll also look at mr. trump's increasingly threatening tone and the growing concerns over violence related to his legal troubles. >> the former president's rhetoric is reckless, reprehensible and irresponsible. it's dangerous. if he keeps it up he's going to get someone killed. >> we'll talk with texas republican congressman tony gonzales about that and the new developments on border security. plus, how do we keep the chinese government from accessing americans' information through tiktok? senate intelligence committee chairman mark warner has a plan and we'll ask him about it. the biden administration
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national security council spokesman john kirby with us llowg repeated attacks of iranian-backed forces on u.s. troops in syria. the renewed focus on the federal reserve with the minneapolis fed neel kashkari. it's all just ahead on "face the nation." ♪ good morning and welcome to "face the nation." we've got a lot of news to get to today, but we want to start with the devastating tornadoes in the south that are likely to continue through the weekend. there have been at least 26 fatalities reported, all but one in mississippi, plus there are dozens of injuries. one massive storm tore through several towns in the mississippi delta, an area that's among the poorest in the country. that tornado's path was reportedly a mile wide and lasted for more than an hour.
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president biden declared a state of emergency today in mississippi and vowed to deliver federal assistance as quickly as possible to impacted areas. department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayor ki and fema administrator criswell will visit later today. the national weather service predicting more severe weather in the south later today. there are reports this morning of a tornado touching down in georgia. we find ourselves in somewhat the same position as we did last sunday, waiting for developments in the manhattan case against former president trump. last weekend he said he would be arrested this past tuesday. he was not. at least not yet. saturday, mr. trump put out a social media post and later told reporters that case had been dropped. that's not true. a source within the d.a.'s office tells us that grand jury protest are still ongoing. our robert costa has been covering this story and joins us
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now. it's good to have you here, bob. i know we're going to have a lot of details on the manhattan case, but you've got new information about the federal case against the president and his allies. this is the one led by special counsel jack smith. it's a dual investigation. let's start with the part regarding january 6th itself. what have you learned? >> good to be with you, margaret. based on our reporting the special counsel is tightening his investigation around former president trump when it comes to january 6th, now compelling some of his top aides and allies to testify under oath about their private conversations with trump. that means there's no privilege, no executive privilege, they can cite to try to block any kind of testimony on those issues. we know the special counsel is looking into a possible conspiracy case against trump and people around him about trying to block the congressional protest on january 6th. we're going to potentially hear now from mark meadows, robert
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o'brien, the former national security adviser, john ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence and sources close to the grand jury telling cbs news they're being asked about what national security levers trump was asking about in the final days. >> significant. >> highly significant. >> on the classified documents, the documents the former president was not handling properly, there was also a key what impact will it have? >> it's so rare for a judge to say to a lawyer, you now have to testify about your client in a criminal case. that happened in this classified records investigation of trump being conducted by the special counsel, two investigations at once. evan corcoran, trump's lawyer in this case, did come in for hours on friday, he didn't just talk about his broad view, he had to share audio files, notes, details about all of his conversations with trump about how trump handled those federal requests about classified documents.
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think back to the mar-a-lago fbi search last summer. corcoran was pressed about what was trump doing during that intense time and that gives the prosecutors a prism into what really happened. >> all of these legal developments are coming up against the rush towards the presidential race, and, of course, former president trump is running again. when he spoke last night in waco, texas, the former president didn't mention that manhattan district attorney case, which was surprising to some because of the social media post he had made showing himself with a baseball bat next to the d.a.'s picture, warning of death and destruction if he is prosecuted. does this kind of rhetoric impact, at all, how the party thinks of him? is it helping him? is it hurting him politically? >> it depends on which part of the republican party you're asking the question to. donors are alarmed. she they see a possible indictment in new york, a possible obstction case mounted against
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trump on the classified documents front. his core supporter in the republican party they are rallying to him in many respects, fueled by his grievances at these rallies and trump's allies tell cbs he believes he's newly confident now he can push back the threat of florida governor ron desantis and try to solidify his coalition inside the gop at this early stage. >> it's going to be a long race. bob, thank you very much for laying all of this out. >> and we're joined by texas republican congressman tony gonzales. great to have you here in person. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to start the conversation we were just having here, because this is your home state of texas where the former president spoke last night. when he walked on stage, he played a recording made by some of those who are being prosecuted for attacking the capitol on january 6th. he alsoad footage seeming to glorify the attack that day. he's calling for protests. he said things like death and
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destruction if he's indicted. i know you have supported him in the past. do you support statements like this? >> january 6th was a terrible day. we have to make sure that never happens again. i certainly was here at the capitol keeping folks from getting on to the house floor, but it was great to have president trump back in texas and it was a reminder that trump's policies, president trump's policies worked, and right now, we're in a time where biden is failing us and so, you know, i welcome any serious presidential candidate to come to texas and see it firsthand, in particular come see the border. >> you had endorsed the former president back in november 2022. do i understand what you just said means you are also open to other candidates? >> i haven't met with president trump yet. i look forward to meeting with president trump. right now, i'm focuse on securing this border and i think that's a key part to it. >> i just want to button this up, because i hear what you're saying in terms of policy and substance, but what the former president was talking about was not policy or substance.
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don't you see some danger from lionizing those being prosecuted for breaking the law and attacking the place where you and other lawmakers work? isn't that part of it something that must give you pause? >> the rhetoric is absolutely out of control on both sides, on all sides, but i woul also see -- i see president trump, honestly, being attacked and demonized on all these different fronts. things happening to him in regards to the classified documentation, similar things happened to president biden and you don't see those things. i think a lot of people are done with the political rhetoric. they want solutions and which ever presidential candidate is going to bring real solutions to their lives is going to get their vote. >> so i hear that you still support him. it's interesting because you were such an independent voice within the republican party. i mean you've stood apart from your party on a number of things, on this program you've taken stands and supported expansion of background checks,
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the texas gop censured you because of your support for gay marriage, a bold vote, other things regarding immigration. but this is a line that you feel you can't cross when it comes to criticizing what the former president did with lionizing january 6th attackers? >> i spent 20 years in the navy. i'm a retired navy master chief, i will fight for what i believe is right and what i see right now is people are fed up with the environment that is happening. they're fed up with the rhetoric, tired of inflation, the border crisis, tired of the national security policy and they want real action and whoever delivers that for them, is going to get their vote, whether it's president trump or anyone else, so i think that's the part people are missing out on. >> including those who attacked law enforcement as they did on that day? that part has to bother you? >> look, january 6th should never have happened and those that are -- that have found wrong for doing that they need to be held to the highest standard. >> they were singing last night as the walk-on song, 17 of the
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20 inmates held in that jail were accused of assaulting law enforcement? >> yeah. look -- >> that's a walk-on song. >> there is no room for anyone that assaults law enforcement, right. similar to what happened in oregon or anywhere else throughout our country, we have to absolutely be -- surround our law enforcement. they have the toughest job. you have to get it right every single time. now is not the time to attack law enforcement. >> talk about the border and law enforcement there. in your district friday, there was this horrific case of these two migrants dead, others suffocating to death in this train. secretary mayorkas blames smugglers. do you have any idea where they're coming from? >> this isn't a new issue for any of us that live in texas' 23rd district. it happens all the time, hondo, uvalde, eagle pass, this has been ongoing for a couple years now. last week, just last week in ozona texas, small town in west texas a smuggler that came through town and killed a
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grandmother and her granddaughter. every day someone is dying. >> what's the bipartisan effort to deal with this issue at the border? republicans put forward their proposal with the budget. what are you asking for? >> a border package that focuses on securing the border and immigration package that focuses on legal immigration, both the republican party and the democratic party often get it wrong when they focus on illegal immigration. i'm going to do everything in my power, whether it's to buck my own party or the other party, to be able to say we have to have real tangible solutions. hr 29 is a prime example. this border safety and security act does anything but secure the border. so guess what? that bill in particular, it's dead. there's no way it's going to get on the floor. i'm going to do everything in my power to prevent that. in my district people are dying and we need real solutions, not political rhetoric. >> talking about political rhetoric, you said there are people who have interest rmakin
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this crisis flare up. dan crenshaw urged the biden administration to initiate military action against cartel, lindsey graham, senator from south carolina, demanded u.s. forces destroy drug labs. none of that sounds serious. that's not the republican policy option that deals with things you say are important? >> i spent 20 years in the navy, five years in iraq and afghanistan. now he what war looks like and hate war and want to prevent war. >> not bomb labs. >> part of it is rolling up your sleeves and going to work. last week i gave senator john cornyn a lot of cred, put together this congressional delegation, 12, six republicans, five democrats and an independent and traveled to mexico city last weeknd and met with the president of mexico and had a four-hour dialog, four hour discussion. that is how you solve problems. that's the state department's job and state department isn't doing their job. congress can't just point fingers. we can't place blame. we are an equal body and we have
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to roll up our sleeves and find solutions. >> we'll stay tuned and stay in touch on that. look for those solutions. thank you for coming in today. >> yes. we go now to senator mark warner, democratic chairman of the intelligence committee and joins us from king george, virginia. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> it was a pretty intense five hours of questioning of tiktok's ceo this past week. your bipartisan bill has white house support and it would deal with tiktok by giving the commerce department power to review and potentially ban technology flagged by u.s. intelligence as a credible threat. will it pass in a divided congress? >> we're now up to 22 senators, 11 democrats, 11 republicans. we've had strong interest from the house. i think they wanted to get through their hearing. clearly, while i appreciated mr. chew's testimony, he just couldn't answer the basic question, at the end of the day, tiktok is owned by a chinese
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company bytedance, and by chinese law, that company has to be willing to turn over data to the communist party or, one of my bigger fears, we have 150 million americans on tiktok, average of about 90 minutes a day, and how that channel could be used for propaganda purposes or disinformation by the communist party. >> has a white house made clear to you they want the bill to pass and intend to ban it, or is a forced sale more likely? >> i think the white house is very in favor of this bill. we give the secretary of commerce the tools to ban, to force a sale, other tools, and at the end of the day, one of the things that may lead to a ban is, the chinese communist party said they felt like the algorithm, the source code, that resides in beijing, is so important, that they would rather see a ban than give that source code up to be placed in a third country which speaks
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volumes about the potential threat this application poses. >> the commerce secretary said that the politician in her thinks a ban will mean losing every voter under 35 for. if you look at use of tiktok, just last week president biden showed up in celebrity videos on tiktok from the white house. plenty of lawmakers, including your democratic colleagues, senator cory booker uses it, a number of house progressives use it. given how important this platform is to democrats, can you actually get tiktok taken care of before 2024 when you might need it for political outreach? >> i think there's a lot of creative activity that goes on on tiktok, but i absolutely believe that market, if tiktok goes away, the market will provide another platform and at the end of the day, that could be an american company, it could be a brazilian company, an indian company. all those -- >> but the commerce secretary is saying there's a political cost
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if it goes away and that's what she fears and you're empowering her. >> i have met with gina raimondo on this issue she will make clear that tiktok is a threat as well. if at the end of the day you could end up with a for sale and that for sale also makes sure that core algorithm, the source code, resides some place different than china, that could be an outcome that would be successful as well. at the end of the day you cannot have american data collected, nor can you have the ability for the communist party to use tiktok as a propagandale. >> 60% of the company is owned by other investors including u.s. firms. is this a policy that you really need to address with americans to stop them from investing in companies like this? >> well, that's one of the reasons why i think our approach, the restrict act, says rather than dealing with tiktok in a one off fashion or a few years back it was huawei the
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chinese telecom provider or years early the russian software company, we need to have a set of tools, rules-based so they can stand up in court, tiktok would still get its day in court even under our law, that says if there's a foreign technology from a place like china and russia, and it poses a national security threat, and one of the things we also require is that the intelligence community has to declassify as much of this information as possible so it's not simply like hey, trust the government, we got to make the case -- >> i'm going to ask you since you sit on the banking committee about this rolling turmoil we are in. do you think there needs to be more regulation of mid-sized banks now? >> if it ends up that a stress test that would have been applied to the mid sized banks would have spotted this, of course i would add additional regulation. i think, though, what appears to me are two things happened. one, basic banking regulation, if this had been only a $5 billion bank, into the $200
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te fact that this management and the regulators missed basic banking 101, the interest rate mismanaged. and two, one of the things we have to look at is this was the first time we've had an internet-based run. there was literally $42 billion taken out of this bank in six hours. that's the equivalent of 25 cents on the dollar. i would like to know why some of the venture capitalists spurred this run in the first place. >> interesting topic. i want to ask you as well about your relationship with svb bank and political donations. you received $21,600 from their political action committee. nearly $6,000 from its ceo. do you feel any pressure to give those funds away? is there a point to it? >> we're going to hear the facts on tuesday and if there's malfeasance at the bank, of course, i'm going to give the money back. >> okay. senator, before i let you go, i want to follow-up on what you shared when we spoke in january when you were very frustrated
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that the administration wasn't sharing more information about the classified materials improperly held by the current president when he was out of office and the former president. you've been briefed. any more clarity on this? any further information? >> we need more information about these documents and more importantly, we need to make sure that what the community has done to mitigate the harm and we're still in conversations with the justice department. the administration's position does not -- does not pass the smell test. we've got a job not to go into the legal ramifications but to make sure that the intelligence community has done what's right, and we've got some additional tools. we can restrict some of the spending. we're in active conversations with the justice department, but we've got to get those documents. >> all right. senator warner, thank you for your time today. "face the nation" will be back in a minute. stay with us.
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we're back with white house security council spokesman john kirby. i want to start where senator warner left off. does the white house want to share more information about these classified sneerls he said it doesn't pass the smell test. >> we're fully cooperating with the justice department on this ongoing investigation. that's got to be the focus, making sure we preserve that process and so that's what we're doing. you know, of course, at the appropriate time and in the appropriate setting, we certainly understand the desire by members of congress to know more, to see more, but we've got to make sure we're in full cooperation with the justice department right now. >> as for what senator warner was laying out and giving the white house the tools to make a call on tiktok. this has been going on for years now. >> yeah. >> the review of whether to allow it. if it's a national security threat, doesn't there need to be swift action, rather than more debate? >> there's an ongoing as you
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know, review by the committee -- >> three years now. >> ongoing review. it's an independent review and we want to respect that process. in the meantime the president has already said, we absolutely have national security concerns about that application and he's banned it from government devices. we don't want to get ahead of the review. we have endorsed the restrict act, pending legislation, we would love to see that passed by the congress so that the president can have additional tools and authorities. >> we showed a video of the president on tiktok from a video shot bay celebrity inside the white house. so for the 150 million americans who use this app, how do you say to them, sorry we're going to take it away? >> it's not on government -- >> hypocritical. >> it's not on government devices. we have a legitimate -- >> totally on government property. >> we have legitimate concerns and national security concerns over tiktok. >> it's a useful political platform? >> i just would tell you, again, our concerns on the national security front are valid. we have banned it on government
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devices. we have to get through this review to see what outcome is before we move ahead. in the meantime the president welcomes congressional action on the restrict act. >> well waevlgs see when it moves and what the action will be, ban or for sale. let's take a break and i want to talk to you about syria and iran in a moment. >> okay. that ancient roman coinage? no. he's making real-time money moves with merrill. so no matter what the market's doing, he's ready. and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. i'm not a doctor. i'm not even in a doctor's office. i'm standing on the street, talking to real people about their heart. how's your heart? my heart's pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you're driving a car? you have the check engine light, but the heart doesn't have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. -there it is. -that is you.
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