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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  March 27, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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said. i still don't remember. "the cbs evening news" is next. thank you so much for watching and remember, w ♪ ♪ the air with breaking news, we are learning new details about the victims of today's mass shooting at a private christian school in nashville. three adults who worked at the school and three kids all just . here are tonight's headlines. terror in tennessee. young kids from preschool to sixth grade evacuated during the chaos. what we are learning tonight about the shooter, a 28-year-old woman and former student. >> there were maps drawn of the school in detail. entry was gained through shooting through one of the doors. >> norah: the devastation in the south from a powerful ef or
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tornado, an entire town flattened. tonight, the cleanup. >> on the highway, it was like nothing was here. >> philadelphia officials say the city's drinking water is safer now after a chemical spill on the delaware river. >> safety concerns prompted a rush of people at stores picking up bottled water. >> tens of thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of israeli cities last night after prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly fired his defense minister. >> deadly explosion at a chocolate factory. all of the people missing are now accounted for. seven people were killed in that blast. >> they are going 100 miles an hour, i am going to as well. >> norah: in honor of women's history month, meet the woman breaking barriers as the first black female to lead a nfl team. >> you don't have to come from a certain background or pedigree in order to have a seat at the
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table. >> norah: good evening and thank you for joining us. tonight, a targeted attack in tennessee. a scene that has become all too common in america: a mass shooting. this time at a private christian grade school in nashville. we just learned more about the six victims, the three children all 9 years old. the three adults in their 60s. one of them, katherine koonce, was the head of the school. the other adults, a substitute teacher and a custodian. tonight police have identified the shooter is a 28-year-old woman who previously attended the school and left behind a manifesto. police confronted and quickly killed the shooter. these pictures of young kids holding hands to evacuate the school are reminiscent of the shooting at sandy hook elementary school ten years ago. this heartbreaking photo, a young girl terrified on a bus on her way to be reunited with her family at a nearby church.
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our local affiliates as those kids arrived to their parents singing. it's all a chilling reminder about the leading cause of death for americans children: guns. for decades, it was car accidents that were the main cause. not anymore. since 2020, firearms overtook crashes of is the number one cause of death for kids. police say the shooter was heavily armed, prepared to do more harm. president biden renewed his call on congress to pass a ban on assault weapons. cbs's janet shamlian will start us off from nashville. >> reporter: good evening. based on evidence police said this appears to be a targeted and well-planned attack. the police chief essay may note a motive -- they know the motive but are not yet ready to release it. this latest school shooting has shattered another community in america. tonight, the heartbreak belongs to nashville.
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moments of terror this morning at the covenant school, christian elementary in nashville for students preschool through sixth grade. >> multiple victims down inside the school. >> reporter: within minutes, national police -- nashville police and s.w.a.t. teams swarmed the school. on the second-floor authority say they confronted a woman, a 202828-year-old woman. >> and the officers got to the second level, they saw shooter, a female who was firing. the officers engaged her. she was fatally shot by responding police officers. >> reporter: the six victims are identified as evelyn dieckhaus, hallie scruggs, and william kinney all aged 9 years old. also killed school custodian mike hill, the head of the school, katherine koonce, and cynthia peak, a substitute teacher. police today revealing the shooter identifies as
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transgender. >> there were maps drawn of the school in detail of surveillance entry points, et cetera. we know and believe that entry was gained shoot through shooting through one of the doors. >> reporter: terrified parents rushed to the school. shendell brooks said she got a call that her son's goal was on lockdown. >> i felt like my nerves left me. no parents should have to receive that call. no parent should have to go through anything like that. >> just happy to be reunited with them and so sad for the families that were affected. >> reporter: president biden talking about the shootings, again urged congress to pass on assault weapons ban. >> we have to do more to stop gun violence. it's ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of the nation, ripping at the very soul of the nation. >> reporter: the shooter left behind a manifesto and authorities are not looking through it. the police chief late today said
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that the shooter initially thought about attacking a different school but then decided on this one. norah. >> norah: janet shamlian, thank you so much. let's turn now to those devastating storms that slam to the south over the weekend, at least 22 people were killed after tornadoes touched down in mississippi and alabama. these before-and-after photos from the small town overruling fort mississippi show the enormous power as the twister destroyed everything in its path. cbs's omar villafranca is there tonight. >> the deadly storms dropped golf ball size hail and left tornadoes that left a path of destruction for mississippi to georgia. this church was demolished. the pastor says their spirit isn't broken. >> god has got a purpose. god has got a plan. for your >> reporter: one person was killed in alabama. the storm pounded the town of florence, toppling trees and damaging houses. while in mississippi, residents have been cleaning up for four
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days after a powerful e ef 4 tornado tore through ruling fork tonight. tracy harding and several other people took cover in her restaurant school or seconds before the tornado struck. >> it was chaos. everything was flattened. and you just hear screaming of this one's name and that one's name. these are people that you know. and you know they were home. and you don't know where they are. >> reporter: the weekend tornado was a most powerful in mississippi in three years. it left a 59-mile long path of destruction through multiple copies and was on the ground for over an hour. >> you had -- >> reporter: jeremy grayson still remembers where his neighbors lived, even though most of the homes here were obliterated. you grew up here. >> yeah. >> reporter: 's home is now just a pile of rubble. grayson mentioned with the poverty rate in this county
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high, nearly three times the national average, he fears that a neglected corner of the country will be forgotten. >> reporter: are you worried that the state of other people are going to forget about you and you're not going to be able to rebuild? >> definitely. that's why we want you guys out here. that's why we are out here. >> reporter: three shelters are open for anyone who needs a place to stay. president biden issued an emergency declaration which should help free up money so they can rebuild homes like the ones behind me, and businesses but it will take months, maybe even years before they fully recover. norah. >> norah: omar villafranca, who has been there all weekend for us, thank you so much. turning now overseas, political turmoil is engulfing the nation of israel tonight with conservative prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing a delay in his plan to overhaul the country's legal system. cbs's imtiaz tyab reports from tel aviv. >> reporter: a general strike has been called off tonight.
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nationwide protests have reached a crescendo in the next 24 hours and set to continue. even after prime minister benjamin netanyahu promised to press pause on the bittery contested judicial overhaul. >> i will continue protesting until these reforms are completely dropped. it isn't a set of reforms. it is a coup. >> reporter: far right counter protesters call to the streets today are also defiant. i am in favor of the reform, this man says, because i want equality for people like me and not have arrogant people above us. if passed, the judicial reforms will allow a simple majority of lawmakers to override almost any supreme court ruling and let politicians appoint justices, summing that would devastate israel's democracy, says opponents. the 12 weeks of unprecedented mass arrest escalated sunday night. after netanyahu fired the defense minister.
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long simmering eruptions. protesters are largely divided into two groups, those who want a more secular and pluralist state and those who want a more religious and nationalist country. also sparking serious concerns of the growing numbers of army reservists vowing to spark if -- strike if reforms go ahead. military leaders warning their operational readiness could seriously be impacted. biden administration is welcoming this pause in the judicial overhaul. senior figures within the netanyahu government are vowing it will pass. norah. >> norah: imtiaz tyab, thank you. to my the manhattan grand jury investigating former president donald trump meant again today, this afternoon's star witness was a former publisher of the "national enquirer," david packer.% it's all related to the hush money payments made to former porn star stormy daniels. cbs's robert costa is outside the courthouse in new york city.
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>> reporter:tioncb that david pac's appearance mes alvin braight be finalizing a case. in 2016, david packer encouragei about trump fromeiirer diberati7 about making payments to stormy daniels to keep her alleged encounter with trump out of the headlines. soon after, cohen paid daniels $130,000 in hush money, later reimbursed by trump. >> pecker has already testified. his return trip is just to underscore a point he has already made and unless there is a pecker in the wings, that means that what happens now is that the d.a. or assistant d.a. asks for a vote on the indictment. >> reporter: security has been increased inside and outside manhattan criminal court
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followed a death threat to bragg last week. >> when they go up to me, they are going after you. >> trump continued his attacks on bragg and the investigation on saturday. >> prosecutorial misconduct is there new tool and they're da condemning trump's rhetoric, saying they denounce efforts to intimidate the manhattan district attorney. but such calls haven't stopped trump's allies in congress would been demanding information related to bragg's probe. >> this is about politics. this is a presidential candidate. when you look at what we believe the role of the manhattan d.a. should be, it's to fight crime. >> reporter: a trump lawyer tell cbs news if the district attorney has not reached out, possible indication that no indictment was mad today. and that the investigation carries on. norah. >> norah: robert costa with
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all that new reporting, thank you. tonight, residents of a major american city are concerned about clean drinking water. philadelphia's mayor tonight's reassuring citizens that the ri chemical spill threaten the city's water supply over the weekend. the philadelphia water department said there is no sign of any contamination and they promised to monitor the situation and notify the public if anything changes. today, pennsylvania's governor ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in honor of seven people who were killed in friday's explosion and fire at a candy factory in west reading. investigators are on the scene at the company to determine the cause of the exlosion. at least ten people were treated and released at the local hospital while two others were admitted for their injuries. >> tonight attorneys for actor jonathan majors say they their client is completely innocent of allegations trigger allegations of domestic violence after he was arrested and charged with several counts of assault and
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harassment in new york. here is errol barnett. >> jonathan majors is one of hollywood's rising stars. currently appearing in two popular films, creed 3. and ant man and the wasp: quantumania. but offscreen the actor was arrested saturday for an alleged domestic incident and charged with multiple counts of assault and aggravated harassment. the manhattan district attorney's claims that majors struck, shoved, and kicked a woman, causing her physical injury. his attorney says they have evidence showing he's the victim. they point to video of the incident as well as witness testimony and quote two written statements from the woman recanting the allegations," after what they described as an emotional crisis. >> if the defense is able to put evidence forward which would lead prosecutors to believe there is no way we can prove
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these charges beyond a reasonable doubt than the prosecutors have to drop.% they have an ethical duty that they can't move forward. >> reporter: in the meantime, the u.s. army says it's causing two new ads for its recruitment campaign that feature majors. >> none of the studios are saying they are backing away from jonathan. >> variety senior editor mark moment and is waiting for the legal process to play out. >> days before the arrest, searchlight pictures announced that his new movie which premiered at sun sundance will be released december 8. >> reporter: manhattan district attorney's office tell cbs news this investigation is ongoing but provided no additional comment. majors' next court appearance is monday, may 8. >> norah: carol burnett, thank you. overseas, prince harry, elton john the number of other high-profile figures appeared in court today on the first day at a hearing against a publisher of the daily mail newspaper.
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the duke of sussex and others are suing several british tabloids over an alleged phone tapping scandal and other breaches of privacy they go back to 1993. the tabloids are accused of hacking into voice mails, bugging homes, and hiring private investigators in pursuit of scoops for their newspapers. a driver survives a car wreck that looks like an action movie stunt. that story is next. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. known as a passionate artist. known for loving the outdoors. known for getting everyone together. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage cancers.
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>> norah: the driver of a kia survived a terrifying crash caught on camera on a los angeles freeway. a tire flew off a pickup truck last week, launching the kia into the air and flipping it. the california highway patrol says the driver escaped without any serious injuries. there was a big change today in the banking industry for citizens bank purchased much of silicon valley bank which collapsed earlier this month and rattled banks around the world. svb 17 former branch is reopened today as first citizens bank. with north carolina-based first citizens holding nearly $240 billion in svb's deposits, loans, and assets. actor jeremy renner gives hans an update on his recovery from a snowplow accident. that's next. and march 29th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales are donated to local charities.
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>> norah: lawyers for gwyneth paltrow are presenting their case and the oscar winners try over 2016 skiing accident. the retired optometrist suing
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gwyneth paltrow testifying that she sent him flying when she ran into him. paltrow says it was the other way around. her witnesses include a ski instructor who didn't see the crash but says the optometrist says he was okay afterwards. actor jeremy renner is making progress in his recovery from that terrible snowplow accident in january. the avengers star posted a video of himself walking on an antigravity treadmill. renner broke more than 30 bones in his body when he tried to stop his snowplow from hitting his nephew. the nfl executive who is breaking barriers. that story is next. you're takig a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies. so ask your doctor about adding preservision and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision.
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>> norah: during this women's history month, we have been taking a look at the pioneers of yesterday and today. tonight we head to the gridiron to meet an nfl executive making her own history as she tackles the male dominaed sport. here is cbs's danya bacchus. >> being a raider is as cool as it can get. >> reporter: not just cool, trailblazing. sandra douglass morgan is president of the raiders, the first black woman to lead an nfl team. do you feel like you have had to prove yourself in a way maybe her male counterparts haven't? >> i felt like i had to prove
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myself to myself. >> reporter: douglas morgan has long tackled barriers and broken through, becoming the first black city attorney in nevada and in the male-dominated casino industry, chairing the gaming control board. >> i think we know as moms, you can pack a diaper bag, lunch, and have everything planned and something is not going to go as planned and those skills transfer into running a sports team or organization. >> reporter: douglas morgan says she is proud to be a role model but it's not enough. >> success would not be being the first black female president of an nfl team and they're not being anymore for the next ten or 15 years. its opening doors to allow other people to have the same opportunities and the seat at the table. >> reporter: you will have people say it is because of you. >> that would be a tremendous blessing. >> danya bacchus, cbs news, las vegas. >> norah: we are cheering her
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on. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i am orah >> judge judy: i'm not believing a whole lot of what you're telling me, mr. davis. >> announcer: his ex had the same issue as the judge. >> she was accusing me of not being faithful. >> mr. davis stays constantly in contact with his pastor. pastor is his woman. >> announcer: and she loses faith in their future together. >> he gets mad because i'm telling him he's a liar. "you got up out of here. get out of my house now." next thing i know, he attacked me from behind. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution thomas davis is suing his ex-girlfriend, loretta alexander, for the return of property, credit card fees and legal fees. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 20 on the calendar in the matter of davis vs. alexander.
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>> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ladies, have a seat. >> judge judy: well, there are a whole lot of allegations here between the two of you, who were a couple for a long time. you're no longer a couple, and now, all of a sudden, there's a lot of money that is claimed owed to you, and property, and the defendant has her own claim against you for filing a false restraining order, for some legal fees and return of property. mr. davis, i know guys usually don't know these facts precisely, but do you remember when you and ms. alexander became a couple? month and year. >> it was probably 2015. >> judge judy: okay. i knew where i was going. when did you and mr. david become a couple, ms. alexander? >> july 2013. >> judge judy: and when did the two of you move in together? >> we actually move in together may 2016. >> judge judy: did you move into your house,


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