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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  October 16, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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inventions, technologies and surface that will advance the greater good. >> the berkeley space center will be at flaysa aims center including state of the art laboratories for researchers an companies, there will be classrooms for uc berkeley students. what a cool place to learn. cbs news evening news is coming up next right here on kpix5. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:0 ♪ ♪ 's be on tonight the new reporting as president biden considers a trip to israel. and american troops are put on heightened alert to be ready to deploy to the region. plus the growing humanitarian
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crisis. here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ thousands waiting to get out of gaza. stuck at the border with egypt. appeared to be u.n. tonight warning that the middle latest is on the verge of the abyss. >> [speaking non-english language] >> norah: to the north as raley's and 28 villages on the border of lebanon are ordered to evacuate. the ivf releases chilling new video of an attack on his an israeli kibbutz. and here from hamas. >> here we have hand grenades, we have iuds. and here we have antitank missiles. this really is quite -- >> norah: israeli defense minister warns of a long war. charlie d'agata is with israeli troops. >> when it comes to sheer firepower, there is no contest. israel has one of the most advanced, well-equipped, and best trained armies in the
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region. hamas may not have the firepower to access is really things like these, but the question is how useful heavy weapons will be on the tightly packed streets of gaza. >> norah: america's top diplomat returns to israel to secure the release of american hostages. the funeral tonight for a 60-year-old palestinian american boy. his mom recovering in a chicago area hospital after their landlord is charged with a hate crime for allegedly stabbing them. >> there is a mixture of anger and grief as a little boy was killed. >> norah: and americans coming home from israel by plane and by sea. >> i'm very happy to be back. >> the people there are incredible. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us. tonight we learned that thomas took even more hostages that we knew, so the races on to find 20
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people before an israeli ground invasion. and world leaders are working to get aid in and foreigners out f gaza as the conditions worsen. much of gaza is already in ruins and the humanitarian crisis is getting worse by the hour. and there is breaking news, israeli defense forces say it killed the head of hamas' general intelligence. secretary of state antony blinken back in tel aviv today to push for more diplomatic efforts to address this ongoing crisis including efforts to open a civilian and humanitarian line quarter door from gaza to egypt. the border of egypt is still closed, thousands trying to flee the war zone. a number of people killed continues to rise with more than 1400 and israel in nearly 3,000 and gaza. and more american troops are on standby tonight preparing to be possibly deployed to the region. in an interview with 60 minutes, president biden endorsed
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israel's goal of destroying hamas, but also warned israel not to try to reoccupy a gaza, saying it would be "a big mistake." cnn news has learned that the president is considering a trip to israel this weekend show of support. he evacuated americans from israel underway tonight, thousands leaving by air and by sea, using prudish ships. we have team coverage from israel, and inti has tide will start us off from east ruse liam. good evening. >> reporter: norah, good evening to you, as thousands tens of thousands flee from gaza, we have learned that theye bombed the city in the south with hundreds of thousands of strikes, nowhere in gaza is safe it seems tonight. israel strikes on gaza are laying waste to entire neighborhoods. the northern refugee camp is a
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hells gate, after israeli air strikes had 700 buildings across the palestinian territory. if they gather what is left of their broken lives. israel's evacuation order of gaza's northern half has urged a exodus. the u.n. says that more than a thousand palestinians have left their homes, nearly half of the strip's entire population since the hamas attack. as the death toll approaches 3,000, many are coming here to the border crossing with egypt, the only way out of gaza by the crossing remains closed after it was damaged by repeated israeli air strikes and because of restrictions leaving foreign passport holders as many as 600 americans trapped in gaza. >> this is like a -- they think there is not people here. >> reporter: from michigan is one of them. he says there are people living here, this is not a life.
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hundreds of tons of desperately needed aid from several countries also remain stuck on the egyptian side. secretary of state antony blinken flew back to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, where he met with several arab leaders. to prevent humanitarian crisis in gaza from plunging even further after israel blocked food, water, medical supplies, and fuel from entering the palestinian territory. the u.n. is warning that the hospitals powered entirely by generators will be out of gas within 24 hours. as doctors have hundreds of patience who desperately need surgery or of being left untreated. >> they are more critically ill patients needing to go to the ors come the wounds are getting affected. >> including this little boy and his mother. now after the israeli military
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announced today that the number of people being held captive in gaza stands at 199, more than was previously known, tonight hamas says there are 6,000 palestinian prisoners, women and men who they want freed in exchange for the hostages. norah. >> norah: imtiaz tyab, thank you. sirens blared across israel today as hamas militants fired rockets targa rating -- targeting jerusalem and is israel today. and they seek shelter during their meeting. holly anderson, new information about those hostages? >> reporter: that's right, norah, a disturbing video was sent out by hamas, showing one of the female hostages they are holding we are not showing on television, we should warn you that our report contained some upsetting material. >> [speaking non-english language] >> reporter: today israelis military releases releases chilling video. which it says was to have found
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on the body of a dead hamas militant. it appears to have been edited. [gunshots] >> reporter: the gunman hunt to their victims inside a kibbutz. stalking civilians in their own homes. until finally the militants killed. [gunshots] >> reporter: israel says it has discovered documents in the aftermath of the attack including this handbook with instructions for a blind folding and executing captives. today we were taken to is an israeli military base to see this cache of weapons seized from hamas. here we have hand grenades, over here we have antitank bombs or iuds. and over here we have antitank missiles. this really is quite an arsenal. israel's military claim some of
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it was made in iran and north korea. >> we knew they were getting more sophisticated. we knew that they were getting funds and training from iran, but this is something else. >> reporter: shy as a dual u.s. israeli citizen, and is in the israeli military who has come from her's home in new york to join the fight. do you want to go into the gaza strip to fight? >> i personally want to sit on the beach and have a gin and tonic, but unfortunately we don't have that privilege. this is our only country, this is -- we have nowhere else to go. >> look at his smile. >> reporter: israel is a country in agony. or it mirrors 21-year-old son was at a festival when hamas gunman made partygoers their prey. they killed at least 260.
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but al mogg was apparently taken captive, appearing in this hamas propaganda video. >> i recognize him from the beginning. >> and how did you feel at that moment? >> terrified. terrified. >> reporter: today the head of israel's military service said that he was personally responsible for the lack of early warning before the deadly attack nearly ten days ago. according to israeli media reports, several hours before the assault, officials noticed unusual movement in the gaza strip with the signs that were largely dismissed. norah. >> norah: holly williams, thank you. turning to the anticipated ground invasion. israel's defense minister warns that the ongoing battle against hamas will be a long war and the price will be high, but it's a war that israel will win. cbs's charlie d'agata is in tel aviv tonight.
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charlie, explain some of the challenges that do lie ahead. >> reporter: yeah, norah, we visited and israeli tanking units not far from the border with gaza. they say they are ready to go, just waiting for the order. but hamas must have known that israel would invade after what happened. and will be waiting. >> the israeli military says its bombardment of gaza is less about retaliation and more about precision strikes on known hamas targets. the israeli defense forces her face going in on the ground to hunt down hamas militants amid a population of 2.3 million. gaza city is a labyrinth of streets and alleyways where they can hide themselves and their weapons among civilians. when it comes to sheer firepower, there is no contest. israel has one of the most advanced, well-equipped, and best trained armies in this
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region. but ground assaults in urban environments are extremely risky for any fighting force. reserve major general has led troops into battle in gaza many times during his military career. can you describe what it is like to fight there? >> it is one of the most dense places on earth, and you have gaza on the surface, you also have gaza on the center ring. >> reporter: hamas claims to have built a 300-mile hidden network, showing fires emerging from holes on the ground to launch attacks. in 2014 we were shown a tunnel dug by the group that led all the way to the israeli side. many of the nearly 200 hostages are believed to be held in this underground maze complicating further and all out assault. previous grounding encourages like in 2014 saw israeli forces invade and withdraw within a
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matter of weeks. this is likely to last much longer. is that even possible? >> two years, three years, five years, does not matter. we are going to protect our civilians. >> reporter: and on another front we are lending tonight that israel has evacuated 28 towns and villages from the north amid concerns that hezbollah may attack from lebanon. norah. >> norah: charlie d'agata, thank you. back here in washington, president biden was invited by israel's prime minister netanyahu and we are told by considering the trip. today he met sent many calls, hoping stopping the conflict from expanding. weijia jiang reports from the white house. >> reporter: president biden spend the day huddling with national security advisors considering a high-stakes visit to israel as tensions in the region continued to rise,
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threatening an expansion of war front of israel does not stop bombing. declaring iran cannot stand idly by and watch the situation unfold. on "60 minutes" sunday, the president had a warning for tehran. >> don't. don't, don't, don't. >> don't come across the border, don't escalate this war? >> that's right. >> reporter: the pentagon is reinforcing that message, 2,000 u.s. troops have been put on a heightened alert to be ready to deploy to the region. anna support noncombat role. a second aircraft carrier has been ordered to the eastern mediterranean where it will join the uss gerald ford. each capable of carrying more than 60 aircraft. meanwhile secretary blinken has appealed to arab leaders in the region to come down the hamas attack and support humanitarian efforts. but egypt's president criticized israel's bombing campaign.
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and saudi arabia's crown prince mohammed bin salman on after making blink and wait many hours before meeting said israel must first stop the siege in gaza. administration officials have said that there are no plans to deploy u.s. troops to rescue american hostages in gaza or to join the fight. the 2,000 now with heightened alert would provide communication support and others would beef up security at u.s. installations across the region. norah. >> norah: weijia jiang at the white house, we can hear some of the protests out there, thank you. the fbi is warning attacks in israel are leading to more threats of violence right here in the u.s. the news comes as the justice department is investigating alleged hate crime in illinois over the weekend. a 6-year-old palestinian american boy was killed and his mother was wounded in a stabbing attack that authorities say was motivated by the war. cbs's jeff pig gaze has the
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disturbing details. >> reporter: today at this mosque near chicago, surveyors on the pavement outside. standing remotely inside as hundreds of mourners remember 6-year-old would dia elf volume, the little boy was brutally stabbed to death on saturday, allegedly by the families 71-year-old landlord josip hsu above. >> the landlord killing her baby with a knife. >> reporter: the baby's mother hana shane was also stabbed. she was able to hide in a bathroom, but unable to reach her son who police say was stabbed 26 times. >> he was stabbed, he was with the last words to his mom, mom, i am fine. >> reporter: they targeted the family because they are muslim, and the ongoing conflict in the middle east. >> this individual said to you muslims must die, this was a
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message not to the boy and the mother, this was to all of us. >> reporter: today charged with multiple counts including first-degree murder and hate crimes. we will protest quietly, but there is a lot of anger building up. >> reporter: what tensions high across the country and threats on the rise, the fbi is most concerned about lone wolf style attacks. >> these will be very tough to stop. at least we can try to discourage them. >> reporter: prosecutors say the suspect became increasingly agitated and concerned about his safety after routinely listening to conservative talk radio. would dia who just celebrated his sixth birthday was born in the u.s., but to norah, his parents came to the country for a better life years ago and to escape the violence in the west bank.
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>> norah: jeff, thank you. european capitalism on high alert tonight after a possible terror attack, the details are coming up next. ♪ ♪ she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one.
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and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. >> norah: tonight belgium has raised its terror alert after a deadly attack in brussels. two people were shot to death in a video posted on social media, an arab speaking man claimed he shot them and was inspired by isis. the victims were from seed when. that country's soccer team was supposed to play the belgium
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national team, the game was suspended and fans were told not to leave the stadium with the gunman still at large. one in the nation's biggest drugstore chains may be closing many of its stores. that's just ahead. ..starts getting old. at prudential, we think you should ask it when your birthday opens up a new chapter. like, when you realize you've got the rest of your life to look forward to. ask "now what?" here's what: you tap into the insurance, investment, and retirement expertise of prudential and get everything you need to help ensure the best is yet to come. who's your rock? speak to an advisor, or visit wolf: don't mind me. i'm just the flu. (coughing, sneezing) i'm quite harmless, really. and when people ask, “but aren't you linked to dangerous flu complications... ( coughing, sneezing.) pneumonia, heart attack, and hospitalizations?” (coughing, gasping.) ...i just say, “but i'm just the flu.” (sniffs) (elevator dings) it's him! who? i'm just the flu.
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>> norah: your local drugstore may be closing. one of the country's largest or most chains rite aid has filed for protection. ballooning depth and opioid-related lawsuits have led to a drop in the stock price of more than 80% since the start of the year. expected to close some of its 2,000 stores as a rose structures. we remember a tv star and fitness entrepreneur suzanne somers next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evening news," you can listen. subscribe where ever you your podcasts.
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(bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. >> norah: finally tonight we want to take a moment to remember after, author, an entrepreneur suzanne somers. she lit up the tv screen and three's company. >> this is typical getting a woman pregnant, only a man would do a thing like that. [laughter] >> norah: she was a fan favorite and got some of the show's biggest laughs. she was later fired after asking to be paid the same as her costar john ritter. summers later earned hundreds of millions selling the dye master
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and publishing dozens of health and wellness books. she told "people" magazine that her heart goes out to suzanne's family. barry manilow says she was the sister he never had. suzanne somers died of breast cancer surrounded by friends and family on sunday. it was the day before her 77th birthday. and it is tonight's cbs evening news. i am norah o'donnell. good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: a nanny goes into debt for her client. >> judge judy: you said she made you a gift of how much? >> $2,000. >> she kept making promises, so i believed her, and she was like, "i'm gonna pay you," and then it never happened. >> judge judy: i see that there's a loan in collection. >> announcer: now, this mother's choices are limited. >> judge judy: either you are a miserable person, because you took advantage of someone who is probably a little disabled, or you owe her $2,000. >> announcer: "judge judy."
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you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution nanny michelle kachin is suing her former client kristen thomason for a loan to send her daughter to cheerleading camp. >> byrd: order! all rise! ♪♪ this is case number 416 on the calendar in the matter of kachin vs. thomason. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. kachin, you used to work for ms. thomason as a nanny. >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: and how old was her daughter? >> she was six years old at the time. >> judge judy: according to you, there came a time when her daughter wanted to go to a cheerleading camp. >> yes. >> judge judy: how old was she when she wanted to go to a cheerleading camp? >> i believe eight. >> judge judy: were you still working for her as a nanny? >> yes. >> judge judy: were you doing any other work? >> not at the time. >> judge judy: how much was she paying you? >> $200 a week.


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