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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  October 17, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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the president of the palestinian authority, mahmoud abbas. the house is scheduled to vote for its next speaker today. congressman jim jordan of ohio is the republican nominee, but he' got some convincing to do. enough republicans still oppose jordan to block him from winning the gavel. a small collectible going for a big price. a miniature x-wing star fighter used in the original "star wars" sold at auction for over $3 million. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm jarred hill, cbs news, new york. it's tuesday, october 17th, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." show of solidarity. president biden heads to israel today as the country continues its punishing air strikes on gaza as troops on ground get ready to invade. breaking overnight, new
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developments in the terror attack in brussels. a suspected gunman has been shot and killed. and will jim jordan be the next speaker of the house? the ohio republican scrambles to flip some skeptics in his own party ahead of today's vote just hours away. captioning funded by cbs good morning and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. 11 days into the fighting, and this is the deadliest of the five gaza wars for both sides. more than 4,200 people killed, the bloodshed shows no signs of letting up. the u.n. warns the humanitarian crisis is worsening. all eyes are on gaza's rafah crossing into egypt still closed as negotiators try to reach a cease-fire that would let aid in and let trapped foreigners out. the israeli military now says hamas is holding 199 hostages, more than originally thought, but hamas puts that number even higher.
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and 2,000 american troops are on notice, preparing to be deployed in the region. ian lee is on the ground in tel aviv. ian, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, anne-marie. the clock is ticking down to israel's expected ground invasion. this morning the head of israel's military put out a statement to the troops preparing them for the battle ahead and reiterating why they are fighting. this comes as president biden is set to visit the region. as the violence in the middle east enters its second week, president biden is set to land in israel tomorrow. >> he's coming here at a critical moment for israel, for the region and for the world. >> reporter: secretary of state antony blinken who announced the visit while on his second trip to tel aviv in less than a week says the president will be briefed on israel's war plans and will coordinate efforts to release hostages held by hamas. president biden is also expected to work with leader on plans to
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get humanitarian assistance to gaza. >> no supplies have come into gaza since the 7th of october. nothing. no fuel, no food, no water. >> reporter: the united nations says more than a million palestinians have fled from the north to the south in the past two days and continuing israeli air strikes and troops prepared for a ground invasion. crowds gathered at gaza's border with egypt unable to cross, hundreds remain stuck on the palestinian side. let >> palestinians are in need of help and aid. they cannot pay the price of hamas barbarism. >> reporter: fighting is also continuing at the israel border surrounding hezbollah. president biden has warned iran pand other outside factors are
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not to take advantage of the conflict, a warning he'll repeat when he arrives tomorrow. iran's foreign minister yesterday has warned that preemptive action is possible in the coming hours if israel launches its ground offensive into gaza. he added that this would involve what he calls the access of resistance, which includes iranian-backed hezbollah and militias in syria. anne-marie? >> ian lee in tel aviv. ian, thank you. well, the head of israel's interior security service is taking the blame for hamas's bloody october rampage saying despite a number of actions, they were unable to create enough early warning to prevent the attack. holly williams traveled to southern israel to report on the massive military buildup ahead of the expected invasion. >> reporter: israel's military released this chilling video, cl it says was found on the body of a dead hamas militant. it appears to have been edited.
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the gunmen hunt their victims inside a kibbutz, stalking civilians in their own homes until finally the militant's killed. israel says it's also discovered documents in the aftermath of the attack, including this handbook with instructions for blindfolding and executing captives. today we were taken to an israeli military base to see this cache of weapons seized from hamas. so here we have hand grenades. over here we have anti-tank bombs or ieds, and over here we have anti-tank missiles. this really is quite an arsenal. israel's military claims some of it was made in iran and north korea. >> we knew that they were getting more sophisticated. we knew that they were getting funds and training from iran, but this is -- this is something else.
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>> reporter: he is a dual u.s. is rah i will citizen and a reservist who's come from his home in new york to join the fight. did you want to go into the gaza strip to fight? >> i personally would like to sit on the beach and sip a gin and tonic. unfortunately we don't have that option. well, breaking overnight officials in belgium say an expected extremist accused of killing two swedish soccer fans on the streets of brussels has been shot dead by police. authorities had been searching for a tahitian man after yesterday's brazen attack. a taxi driver was also wounded. the attacker fled on a scooter. in a social media video, though, an arabic speaking man claiming responsibility said he was inspired by i.s.i.s. after the shooting, a nearby soccer match between belgium and sweden was suspended. 35,000 fans were kept in the stadium for more than two hours as a precaution.
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back here at home the justice department has launched an investigation into an alleged hate crime in illinois. the victim, a 6-year-old boy stabbed dozens of times. his mother was also wounded in that attack. authorities say it was tied to the war in israel. jeff pegues has the disturbing details. >> reporter: at this mosque near chicago, prayers on the pavement outside. standing room only inside as hundreds of mourners remember 6-year-old wadea al fayoume. the little boy was brutally established to death on saturday alleged by by the family's 71-year-old landlord joseph czuba. his mother was also stabbed. she was able to escape and hid in a bathroom, unable to reach her son, who police say was stabbed 26 times.
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>> when he was stabbed, he was less worse than his mom. he said, mom, i'm fine. >> reporter: prosecutors say czuba targeted the family because they are muslim and because the ongoing conflict in the middle east. >> when this individual said you muslims must die, this was a message not to the boy and the mother. this was to all of us. >> reporter: czuba was charged with multiple counts including first-degree murder and hate crimes. >> we will protest quietly, but there's a lot of anger building up. >> reporter: with tensions high across the country and threats on the rise, the fbi is most concerned about lone wolf-style attacks. >> these things are going to be very tough to stop. at least, though, we can try to discourage them. >> reporter: prosecutors say the suspect became increasingly agitated and concerned about his safety after regularly listening to conservative talk radio.
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wadea who just celebrated his 6th birthday, he was born here in the u.s., and his parents came here years ago for a better life and to escape the violence in the west bank. jeff pegues, cbs news, bridgeview, illinois. well, russian president vladimir putin is in china this morning. putin arrived in beijing overnight. he's attending a gathering of world leaders to mark the tenth anniversary of china's push to build infrastructure and to expand its global influence. he's scheduled to meet with china's xi jinping tomorrow. the trip is also meant to underscore the political ties between china and russia. the house is set to vote today to try and elect a new speaker two weeks after kevin mccarthy was ousted. republican nominee, ohio congressman jim jordan, met with colleagues yesterday, trying to shore up support. several lawmakers flipped positions and now say they'll back jordan. >> look, i felt good walking into the conference. i feel even better now.
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we've got a few more people we want to talk to, listen to, and then we'll have a vote tomorrow. >> but several republicans are still refusing to vote for jordan. he'll need almost every gop lawmaker to back him in order to get enough votes. jordan has been a staunch defender of former president donald trump who is supporting him. speaking of donald trump, he'll be back in a new york city courtroom today for his civil fraud trial as it continues. the former president and his businesses are accused of inflating the value of their properties on financial statements to obtain favorable bank loans. he denies any wrongdoing. meanwhile the judge overseeing his interference case in washington imposed a limited gag order on him. judge tanya chutkan barred trump from making public statements targeting prosecutors, possible witnesses, and court staff. trump reacted during a campaign appearance in iowa. >> i'll be the only politician in history that runs with a gag
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order where i'm not allowed to criticize people. can you imagine this? do you believe this? i'm not allowed to criticize people. so we'll see. we'll appeal it and we'll see. >> the judge said trump can criticize the department generally and claim the case is motivated, but says he cannot conduct a smear campaign against prosecutors and court personnel. so coming up, code of conflict. justice amy coney barrett speaks out about the high court uholding an ethics code. and a bear with a taste for italian food. what the bear found when no one was home. this is the "cbs morning news." choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours
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unexpected refrigerator raider last week in connecticut. the hungry animal then escaped through the window with the tasty homemade meal. no one was home at the time, thank goodness. the black bear had broken into the house through a screen door and spent about 30 minutes in the home before finding the italian meal and leaving. the supreme court is allowing limits on so-called ghost guns, and there is a settlement involving thousands of migrants. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. "the new york times" reports lawyers representing thousands of families separated at the u.s./mexican border during the trump administration reached a court settlement with the federal government. it allows thousands of migrants to live and work legally in the u.s. while they apply for asylum. if granted asylum, they could become american citizens. thousands of children were separated from their parents in 2017 and 2018. a judge still needs to sign off on the deal though. npr says the supreme court stepped in to leave a federal ban on so-called ghost guns in
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place. the guns can be assembled from individual parts, kits, or printers. last year the biden administration ordered disassembling of gun parts for serial numbers to track better. it also requires anyone buying them to have a background check. and the "associated press" says supreme court justice amy coney barrett expressed her support for a formal is supreme court ethics code. during a speech at the university of minnesota yesterday, barrett said it would be a good idea for the high court to adopt a formal code of conduct, but she said the nine justices already agree they should hold themselvs to the highest equity contact standards possible, but several justices have recently come under scrutiny. well, still ahead, a warning about the rising cost of the auto strike. what the ceo of ford is saying about the economic impact of the walkout. aying about the economic impact of the walkout. i was surprised with the golo plan, i was not hungry. thanks to release, i don't feel the need to
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don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. years ago, we used to just fall asleep with a full face of makeup. don't regret, just reverse. no7's new future renew with a world-first peptide technology no other skincare product has. even those that cost 10 times more. reverse visible signs of skin damage in 4 weeks. even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice than lysol disinfectant spray. to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful and try incredibites, just for small dogs. here's a look at today's forecast in many some cities
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around the country. the ceo of ford calls for an end to the autoworkers strike while issuing a warning, and if you run out of halloween candy on halloween night, do not fear. there's a reason for that. jarred hill has your "moneywatch" report. u.s. stocks rallied monday after a shaking week, driven by worries about war in the middle east while oil and gold prices fell. the dow gained 314 points. nasdaq up 160, and the s&p 500 picked up 45 points. the chairman of ford says america's economy is on the line as the autoworkers strike drags on. in his first comment since workers walked out last month, bill ford said the strike will devastate local communities. analysts say that the industry has already lost $7 billion. uaw president shawn fain says talks are moving in the right
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direction, but they haven't reached an agreement. more tech layoffs. linkedin announced it's cutting 680 jobs. in may the company cut more than 700 jobs and said it was reducing business in china, citing client demand. if you're worried about running out of candy, m&ms is swooping in to help. m&ms just announced the rescue squad. visit the rescue squad on october 131st and they say they'll deliver free mars candy wherever go puff delivers. if you have any extra, you can send it right over to me. tat's your "cbs moneywatch" report for this tuesday morning. i'm jarred hill, cbs news, new york. >> what if you just like candy? up next, better late than never. an overdue book is returned to the library over nine decades later, and you won't believe the late fee.
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big tea drinker? yeah. there's a podcast about tea. he knows and he wants you to know too. i was listening to a podcast on if dogs know they're dogs there's a podcast about that? just like he'd want you to know about allstate. there's a podcast about fly fishing... ...called why is that person doing that?'s called tea-rrific. are you listening to a podcast? yeah, it's about multitasking. some people just know there's a podcast about that. those are the people who know you're in good hands with allstate.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. well, most of us have probably returned a library book a little late, but this one takes the cake. the new york public library recently received a package with a book inside that was checked out 90 years ago. turns out a virginia woman found
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it when going through her late stepfather's belonging. in case you're wondering, the standard 20 cents a day late fee would come out to about $6,400, but the library has a maximum $5 fee. former president trump's truth social platform has an unlikely new account, president biden's presidential campaign. he poked fun at trump with several posts including one that says, well, let's see how this goes. converts welcome. the biden campaign noted the move on x with a post that said we just joined truth social mostly because we thought it would be very funny. we'll be right back. joined truth social mostly because we thought it would be very funny. we'll be right back. without dyes or perfumes. y will softs the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. remember the things you loved...
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thanks for joining us. it's tuesday october 17. >> let's get started. >> he is coming at a critical moment. >> a critical moment and pivotal visiesent biden making war time trip to israel. can u.s. force save lives and bring peace. we're live. israeli grad student leaving the bay area to defend his country. you never know what's going to happen


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