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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  December 22, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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beloved donut shop has been once again hit by armed robbers. this is the third time colonial donuts has been targeted since june. >> good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm ryan yamamoto. this is surveillance video of the robbery that happened earlier this morning, an all too common occurrence for business owners in oakland and a recent survey of more than 100 business owners found 95% of them in oakland had experienced crime impacting their business. more than half say they are considering closing or relocating. da lin spoke to the owner of colonial donuts about why the most recent robbery added insult to injury. >> reporter: the donut shop owner tells me she's beyond frustrated, robbed twice in less than one week and three times since june. she was asking me how do you do business in oakland anymore? friday 4:20 in the morning as a worker was mopping the floor at colonial donuts on lakeshore avenue, two men with hoodies
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and masks walked in. a short time later they hopped over the corporate and went for the cash register. the frightened worker ran to the back. the robber threw the register to the floor repeatedly to try to break it open. >> and the kicker is they leave with the cash register and take a donut. i mean how am i supposed to feel as a business owner here in oakland? it's infuriating. >> reporter: the owner declined to show her face for safety reasons. sunday at 7:00 p.m. a man with a mask walked in. he said he had a gun and demanded cash from a worker. the worker complied. the owner says the robber grabbed at least $200 in cash and ran off. there was another robbery back in june. the same family has run this donut shop since 1989. >> the violation, it makes you so angry. my family has been here for 40 plus years and this is the worst that they've seen happen in oakland like what is going on and when can we see some real changes? >> reporter: supporters
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rallied in front of the donut shop friday morning. at the rally the general manager of noah's new york bagels also on lakeshore avenue says he was robbed twice this week at gunpoint. >> on tuesday i was going home. i parked right back here. as i'm getting to my car, these three guys with this black gun came up to me, knocked me down, took my bag. i had my ipad, my wallet, my credit cards. >> reporter: the day before on monday morning he says police did come after three men with guns robbed him in front of wells fargo bank across the street from his shop. he walked over to try to deposit about $1,000 in cash. after the two robberies he now only accepts credit cards, no more cash. >> the main priority now is to stop the crimes from occurring in the first place and conducting enforcement. >> reporter: the oakland police and mayor sheng thao announced thursday the police stepped up patrols in the overnight hours to prevent
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commercial burglaries and robberies, but critics want city leaders to declare a state of emergency. >> these are all superficial responses to what's been ongoing. we need actual solutions that are sustainable. >> if we declare oakland a state of emergency, that's a large neon sign for people to not come here. >> reporter: councilwoman carol fife says the city is getting help from the chp and the sheriff's department, but many businesses like colonial donuts say it's not enough. >> us as business owners here in oakland constant by pivoting, adjusting and when is the city going to adjust for us? >> reporter: this donut shop is open 24/7, but after three robberies in six months they'll soon start to do window service only during the overnight hours. >> as da mentioned, in recent weeks oakland has increased its efforts to encourage residents to shop local and reassure business owners concerned about crime. opd has stepped up patrols in popular shopping areas and stationed additional
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officers inside stores, including some in plain clothes. several businesses in downtown oakland are cleaning up the mess after an outburst of vandalism overnight. video of the aftermath shows smashed windows and graffiti sprayed on starbucks and walgreens. let's turn to weather and a live look outside, clear skies as well start the holiday weekend. >> first alert chief meteorologist paul heggen joining us to let us know what to expect as we count down to christmas. >> i can't believe we're saying that already, monday. can't believe it's already here. >> it has basically arrived, a couple more days to run last minute errands and the weather looks cooperative heading into christmas weekend, beautiful across the bay area today while on the other side of the state southern california was dealing with quite a bit of rain, but that's winding down as the parent storm system is moving farther off to the east sending a lot of that rain into the desert southwest. they're getting heavier rain showers now in much of arizona. with improving conditions for southern california, the
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statewide travel forecast looks pretty good, could be a little fog tomorrow morning around los angeles that could slow down travel there. any connections through los angeles or burbank may be affected, otherwise a mix of clouds and sunshine across the state with temperatures very close to normal. the nationwide travel forecast has a couple potential trouble spots, some early morning rain in chicago. that could have some delaying effects, don't think there will be cancellations, and some thunderstorms will roll towards the dallas-fort worth area late in the day. otherwise things are looking pretty good. denver will see increasing clouds and rain changing to snow tomorrow night into sunday. that's the hub that could have potential problems for the second half of the weekend for christmas eve sunday. we'll look at our forecast as we head through christmas weekend and the few days after that coming up. with the holiday monday most americans are driving to their destinations, but it's still a huge weekend for air travel. >> take a look at our bay area airports. sfo had over 200 delays today with heavy fog in the morning.
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>> now we go to oakland where our own lezla gooden has been talking with travelers. how's it going out there? >> reporter: hey, you all. again, i'm back here at oakland international airport. as of now, there have only been three cancellations and 14 delays for arrivals and departures, but that has not stopped the christmas cheer here. i talked with a family who say they're coming to visit nana. this is an drew, his wife and two kids flying in from seattle to spend time with his mother for the holidays. andrew said flying in friday was easy. >> we expected way longer lines. we got to the airport very early in anticipation of long lines, but it was a breeze. >> reporter: andrew's family missed the long lines seen
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earlier. o.a.k. tells us friday is set to be the busiest travel day during the december holiday. >> expecting over 35,000 passengers to pass through the airport today. we are running at about 80 to 85% of 2019 levels, but we are seeing a 4% increase over last year. >> reporter: to celebrate the big day, o.a.k. has a free gift wrapping station for passengers and tunes in the terminal which you can find just beyond security. ♪when the saints go marching in ♪ >> reporter: for families like andrew's, having a smooth trip and capturing moments like this with his 3-year-old make the travel worth it. what are you going to ask from santa? >> just cookies. >> reporter: and the airport did also tell me they were expecting for their parking lots to fill up today, but that hasn't happened yet and they're reminding everyone who plans to park here to be sure to reserve online. at 6:00 i'm speaking
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with another family who is telling me why this trip was so unforgettable. >> thanks. if the holiday travel rush gets too much, there's always the wag brigade. trained therapy pets will visit terminals at sfo to boost spirits of stressed out travelers. yes, that's a rabbit, not just dogs. you time it right, your furry friend could be that rabbit, a cat or even a pig. this year marks the tenth year for the program. >> it's impossible not to smile if you see a pig. >> i'm going to the airport just to see that. >> i want to see the bunny. he looked happy as could be. today is expected to be one of the busiest days on the road this holiday season. it looks like bay bridge pretty packed as san mateo looks about the same, but richmond-san rafael
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looks like smooth sailing. at 6:00 p.m. there will be more officers on the road looking for speeders and impaired drivers. a group of seniors is looking to open a new dispensary in walnut creek saying it's a much safer alternative to the powerful pain killers like opioids. >> it just helps with everything. >> reporter: what does it help you with? >> anxiety, pain, life, yeah, dealing with life, muscle movement. >> coming up at 5:30, we'll introduce you to the woman leading the charge and explain why city leaders have some serious reservations about dispensaries. also ahead here at 5:00, the city of antioch facing more trouble in the wake of the scandal that has the police department under federal investigation. and new developments in the legal battle over whether former president trump should face criminal charges in connection with the january 6th insurrection. and a warning for anyone heading to the sierra for the holiday weekend, why the drove on highway 50 might be even
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more treacherous than usual.
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the city of antioch is facing another lawsuit in connection with a scandal that has the police department now under federal investigation. the seven plaintiffs allege they were victims of police misconduct, including being shot, beaten, and racially profiled. right now about half of the department is on paid leave after nearly four dozen officers were implicated in a corruption probe launched by the fbi and the contra costa district attorney. this is the third lawsuit antioch pd is facing with a total of 20 plaintiffs. i spoke to the lawyer in this case who says there could be more victims ready to come forward. >> there's many more victims, people who have been abused by these officers over a period of time. we interviewed well over 100. many of these people unfortunately it's happened over a long period of time, so they're sort of outside the
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statute of limitations. >> the angle is to reform the antioch police department they stress. we reached out to the city for comment but have not heard back. heads up for drivers headed to south lake tahoe for the holiday weekend, highway 50 is experiencing rock slides almost every night. look at that, unbelievable. the highway reopened this afternoon after half the lanes were shut down due to a massive rockslide near echo summit right there. on tuesday night more than 90 tons of rock and boulders slid onto the highway. once they cleared the road caltrans did some preventive maintenance to make sure this doesn't happen again. crews have been working around the clock to get the road clear for the busy holiday weekend. >> when this happened a couple days ago, we're scrambling. we need to get this road up and we need two-way traffic. as you can see, it's nonstop traffic coming through here. >> caltrans says they'll be doing more prevent active work along highway 50 in the next few months. a lack of snowfall in the sierra means no white christmas in tahoe and rental businesses
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say it's been quiet, but for lots of businesses on the lake they're actually seeing more traffic. cbs sacramento andrea hobner takes us to the blue skies and good vibes in tahoe city. >> reporter: it's a warm and sunny day in tahoe city and at uncorked wine bar the drinks are flowing. >> it's been warm, some hints of precipitation, but not the big bulk we're hoping for, those big snowy storms. >> reporter: brandon is working his first season in tahoe and is seeing good numbers midday. >> a little delayed this year due to lack of snow, but starting to see a big uptick this weekend. >> reporter: a few doors down over at haven clothing last minute holiday shoppers and people popping in. owner jesse yurisec says it's a bit of a double-edged sword. >> growing up here we really enjoyed the slower seasons and
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not all the people up here, but as a now new business owner, i definitely see the other side of it. >> reporter: but the crowd is a benefit in tahoe city and it helps when the snow isn't stacking up. >> definitely still a lot to do in tahoe. there's still a lot of businesses open and hoping for people to shop, shop locally and support our economy and community. >> as for ski resorts, they did finally receive some snowfall this month after it was mostly artificial snow earlier in the season. road hazards come in all shapes and sizes, even a llama. >> what? >> that's what chp officers found on westbound i-80 over donner summit yesterday evening. you don't see that every day. this is after someone called it in and fittingly the llama is named challenger. it's been returned to its owners. >> so fit not slush, snow and ice and there are hazards on
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the roadways, it's llamas. >> how it got there in the first place, i'll never know. do you call in saying hey, my llama's missing. can you help me find it? >> dispatch will think you're crazy. >> they've heard crazier. >> that's probably true. a llama is probably pretty tame. >> too bad it's not a reindeer. reindeer would have been more appropriate. >> a little more festive. >> put a little red nose on him. >> we can photoshop that in later. >> details. let's look at what weather has in store for us heading into christmas weekend. it's looking great now looking to the west from salesforce tower, a hint of fog, not widespread tonight into early tomorrow morning. the calm weather pattern will continue. dry weather continues into early next week, some passing clouds everhead sunday and monday, christmas eve and christmas day, back to near normal temperatures, within a few degrees of average the next several days and rain chances are on track to return to the forecast by wednesday. the
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passing clouds this weekend won't have much impact on solar electricity generation. we'll do the best we can tomorrow with mostly sunny skies, but we only have about 9 1/2 hours of daylight. it's kind of a low bar. we'll see some of the cloud cover just knocking the number down slightly sunday for christmas eve and likely a similar scenario monday. you'll probably notice a little more haze on the horizon with this dry weather pattern, no rain to wash anything out of the atmosphere. we'll collect more and more wood burning fireplace smoke in the lowest levels of the amy, now anticipating moderate air quality levels by christmas day and tuesday, could get into the unhealthy for sensitive groups range, at which point a spare the air alert would be issued. another beautiful evening, temperatures still 50s and 60s. it was unusually warm. temperatures were in the low to mid-and even upper 60s this afternoon, now a mix of 50s and 60s. we'll continue cooling off the rest of tonight. temperatures will be a mix of a few upper 30s and
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a lot of 40s to begin the day saturday and while we warm up, it won't be to the extent we did today. tomorrow's forecast highs will be 1 to 3 degrees above average as opposed to 5 to 10 degrees above average that we had today. back into the low 60s in the santa clara valley, right around 60 degrees for redwood city and fremont, around 60 degrees inland in the east bay, just below 60 degrees in antioch, same thing for half moon bay along the coast, san francisco topping out in the upper 50s and temperatures in the north bay, also. everybody is within a degree or two on either side of 60 degrees by tomorrow afternoon with very similar temperatures sunday, monday and tuesday. let's talk about the approaching rain chances. we've got our forecast models side by side. we'll start things on tuesday. heading into wednesday they agree we're looking at a good chance of rain heading into the bay area. after wednesday they
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show some disagreements, nothing major thursday, but one forecast model has showers and the other dries us out entirely. then more differences, the european forecast model brings rain charging back in friday while the american model holds it in the pacific until saturday but both agree next saturday is looking generally wet. it's normal for the forecast models to have some disagreements. wednesday and friday, the two best rain chances, are days five and seven in the seven-day forecast. we're just looking at trends. we'll zero in on specifics next week. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we could rounds things off for the entire bay area because you saw the temperature map tomorrow. everybody is within a few degrees of each other, upper 50s for highs to near 60 degrees through christmas into next week. a bit of a warm-up to accompany the increasing rain chances by wednesday with temperatures hovering near or slightly above average thursday and friday. we'll add a better chance of rain to the forecast
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for friday. we'll zero into the details as we go through the holiday into next week. >> thank you, fall. still ahead, firefighters across the bay area spending the day brightening the holiday for local kids. today marks 75 years since kpix went on air. we'll take you [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions
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tonight channel 5 turns 75 years old and to commemorate our anniversary, we've unearthed some old stories. >> more than a half century ago reporting for channel 5, the legendary bella davis, the first black female tv reporter
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on the west coast hired by kpix. >> the news story? singer and activist simone visits the iconic rainbow sign club in berkeley. >> reporter: she's been given the name of high priestess of soul by her peers in the music world. nina simone is admired the world over both for her singing and composing abilities. the mayor declared it nina simone day. >> as mayor of the city of berkeley, i hereby proclaim friday, march 31st, 1972, as nina simone day in appreciation of the great dignity and uniqueness and in recognition of her exceptional contribution of the rainbow sign of the black cultural center of the city of b >> thank
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berkeley. >> thank you. i am pleased to announce to you and the world we have a proposal design to launch a campaign in this area to officially proclaim your gift to the young, gifted and black as a new black anthem. >> i can only say that i am stunned and i am pleased and i am -- that's it. thank you very much. >> our very first broadcast went out from the mark hopkins hotel here in san francisco. tonight that's where we'll be. tune in this evening to see juliette goodrich reporting live from top of the mark for cbs news bay area at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. today san francisco firefighters are holding an aquarium day for dozens of kids. it's a collaboration between the firefighters union, child protective services and aquarium of the bay. this morning about 50 kids got to check out interactive stations where they got to do arts and crafts, make lais and take part in a little hula dancing. >> my husband is in the
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aquarium industry. so my kids are really obsessed with fish. so this was the perfect way for them to have fun after us volunteering all toy season long, so this is the end cap for it all. it's really nice they have an event for the kids to come out and mingle and meet the firefighters. >> when the parents show up to pick up their kids, they get free tickets to the aquarium so each family can explore it at their own pace. >> that is a fun place. firefighters in santa clara county brightened the holidays for some local children today. they delivered toys to deserving kids at valley medical center. look at those faces. that is in san jose. tonight at 5:30, seniors pushing for more cannabis dispensaries in their hometown where they are fighting to get more access to pot. >> they have really made it difficult for us to consume cannabis the way it should be consumed, which is easy access and a lot of education. after days of intense negotiations the united nations
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passes a new resolution on gaza, how it could help bring relief to thousands of palestinians. i will take all the time i can get and particularly all the time they're happy. >> a new medicine could give dog owners more time to spend
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should be immune from prosecution. ceasefire now! >> bay area demonstrators demanding a halt to the fighting in gaza, how they're hoping to make their message heard. some seniors in an east bay retirement community are on a crusade to open up a new cannabis dispensary. >> those efforts have met resistance in walnut creek which has fought against brick and mortar cannabis shops for years now. >> our kenny choi met the woman leading the charge to open up the green door. >> reporter: renee lee isn't shy about how marijuana eases her pains. >> it just helps with everything. >> reporter: what does it help you with? >> anxiety, pain, yeah, life, dealing with life, muscle movement. >> reporter: the 70-year-old struggled to wean herself from countless prescription drugs. >> flexeril and gabap


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