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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  February 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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crisis. if it is serving middle and low income people i would be happy.. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening, we are in first alert weather mode tonight as we speak after heavy rain and powerful winds made a mess of the bay area and it is not over yet. with more rain on the way caltrans says it will be shutting down all lanes of niles canyon road in fremont tonight. after the road partially collapsed earlier today. caltrans says it will assess the damage tomorrow morning so it could mean big delays for people returning to work tomorrow after the three day weekend. the winds brought down trees across the bay area including highway 29 in napa. firefighters made quick work of clearing the debris there which temporarily blocked southbound traffic. and, it was a similar situation in san francisco where our photographer came
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across this toppled tree on portola drive. no one was hurt. taking you to santa cruz now, the wind whipped around sea foam, look at that. it looks like snow. as powerful waves battered the coast. then, a live look outside tonight as a second round of rain moves on in. this time we can even see a few thunderstorms. first alert meteorologist paul heggen is monitoring it all from our first alert weather set. >> we did have thunderstorms earlier today. a thunderstorm warning issued for san mateo county around 4:00 the storm was rotating, not to a degree where a tornado warning was necessary. something we don't discuss often in the pay area. scattered showers onut there this evening. zooming in for a closer look. the heavier rain is coming in. that has been dropping cloud-to-ground lightning strikes over the past few hours. all of the white shaded areas covering napa counties, that is a small stream advisory. it means watch out for flooded roads on the
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side of the road, flooded intersections. the yellow box. welfare of santa rosa. is in effect for a few minutes. also heavier rain around richmond and extending down into oakland and right across the bay bridge, more shower activity in the higher elevations to the west of the santa clara valley. this activity has been falling apart as it goes downslope into the santa clara valley. off and on rain throughout the day, and we will see rain off and on tonight through tomorrow and a break in the action heading through late tomorrow night. no point is the radar going to be rain free as we head through the next 36 hours or so. more widespread rain will be developing off of the coast by midday. that will push across the bay area during the afternoon hours on tuesday. that is our last round of really widespread rainfall that we will be seeing. the wind gusts dying down a little bit. 30-40 mile-an-hour gusts out there right now. the windier spots, we had 50 mile-an-hour
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gusts earlier today. winds are starting to back off. we will look at how long the wind advisory is in effect. when the dry weather will return to the bay area coming up in a few minutes >> paul, thank you very much. now, san francisco pro palestinian protesters march on to a freeway as they call for a ceasefire in gaza. here are some of the demonstrators at the highway 101 and interstate 80 split. it brought traffic to a stand still. we spoke to demonstrator who's say they want to make their message calling for a ceasefire loud and clear. protesters are calling for a ceasefire in gaza that are filling the streets of san francisco on monday. they took over highway 101 near the entrance. hundreds of protesters made up the group. they tell us they planned the protest for presidents' day to send a message to president biden. >> ultimately we can not celebrate president biden on
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presidents' day when this genocide is happening and when he is supporting it and his administration is supporting it. >> reporter: she says being here feels like she is making a difference for those that can't. >> people from all backgrounds, all walks of life. children, families out here and, and it personally is what has been keeping me going and what has been keeping me hopeful. >> reporter: one attendee that wishes to go by sm says they are asking not only for a ceasefire but to end aid given to israel. >> at home here in san francisco. we have plenty of problems that we can use the tax money going to bomb babies to make our society a better and stronger place. and i think a lot of people feel that way. time to wake up if you want to get our votes. >> reporter: the rally started off at civic center plaza and
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turned into a few hours of marching through the city. making their ways through the high winds and rain. the group blocked several streets, leave something drivers stuck in traffic. >> i was stuck on the way here to van nuys. that is, i did not expect it. >> it was inconvenienced and thinks it being a holiday and having patient will help them >> i am from europe, we have problems 10 times or 20 times this big and we have to get around them. >> reporter: she hopes the message is clear and that president biden will hear their voices. >> it is something that you can not, you know, you can not ignore. it is something that is -- i am constantly thinking about every day. >> protesters like her say as long as the conflict continues so will the protests? >> this is not the first time protesters shutdown a freeway. you may recall, back in november, pro-palestinian demonstrators shutdown traffic
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on the bay bridge for hours. nearly 80 people arrested and charged with unlawful assembly and other charges. supporters are calling for the da to drop those charges. then, just last week pro-palestinian protesters blocked lanes of the golden gate bridge. no arrests made in that case. but, right after that protest a southern california republican lawmaker introduced a state bill that would double the fine to freeway protesters up to $five. $500. on the war front, benjamin netanyahu threatened to invade rahafa if hamas does not release hostages by the holy month. it is where more than two million palestinians is taking refuge. they report that the u.s. is preparing a draft to the u.n. secretary council calling for a temporary ceasefire. also, president biden is making a stop right here in the
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bay area just this week. he is expected to attend fundraising events in san francisco and also las altos. it comes as the president ramps up his re-election campaign in a likely rematch against former president donald trump. today, a day of remembering japanese incarceration during world war ii. more than 100,000 people of japanese ancestry were taken from their homes and sent to internment camps following the attack on pearl harbor the san francisco community gathered inside of the theater over the weekend. it was for a day of remembrance. it was mceed by our own ryan yamamoto. churches converted into homes, how california is looking into houses of worship as it tries to solve the housing crisis. all right, chuck is back at it. the latest comments about san francisco that
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- hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic.
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what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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the economy is simply not working for (truck beeps) bye. millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. - hey, guys. - we brought a truckload of magic. what would you like to make disappear? - all that stuff out there. (gasps) when you want junk to disappear, all you have to do is point. (truck beeps) bye. - [announcer] call 1-800-got-junk.
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. welcome back. churches being turned into homes. a new state law is making it easier for places of worship to build affordable housing. we went to a neighborhood in berkeley that is already seeing the transformation. >> reporter: barry is a retired pastor that shares his garden. he lives within walking distance from churches that closed over the years. >> i am interested in what something else it has become not, oh, a church closed. >> reporter: not far from his home is what was the new light baptist church in the south berkeley neighborhood that was once 70% black. data shows it is less than 30%. the church has been transformed into a sheik 6 bedroom, 3 bath single-family home. >> if it is serving middle and
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low income people i would be happy. if it is just serving the affluent i would not be so thrilled. >> he snapped it up for $540,000. >> i had no money at the time. and i had, i was looking for my first house in the bay area. >> reporter: he lived inside what he called the construction zone while working nights and weekends on a year's long renovation. >> as an architect a church being able to convert a church into your house it is really a dream project. >> reporter: some relics of the church remain. >> architecturally we tried to keep some of the details and really honor the space that it had been. >> reporter: maddock now rents it out. neighbors hope churches in distress hope to find ways
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to use their property to build affordable housing instead. >> i believe it is the role of the church to do exactly that. >> reporter: like the baptist church that sits across the street from his house. the 105-year-old church received help through public and private partnerships to build eight affordable housing unit on its site in 2022. housing invasion. >> many of these organizations are facing a revenue short fall. they are getting into housing and it can be a way to find new purpose and new sources of revenue. >> california's new law sb4 will make it legal for faith-based institutions and nonprofit colleges to build affordable multifamily homes bistreamlining the permits >> most of them don't have experience in building and managing homes on their own. so, anything that the policy makers can do to make the process more certain to remove risk it will help these
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organizations move forward on these projects >> it could help struggling churches save off cell offs and build affordable units in the midst of a housing crisis. >> even if we only see one church here and there in our neighborhoods think about the scale across the whole state and how big of an impact it could have in our overall deficit. >> i believe in the expreciouses sometimes a church has to die. that is something else might arise from that. >> reporter: it is not a leap of faith it is just one step in the right direction. san francisco state senator scott wiener was behind the bill. he said it fast tracked 1900 homes with 60% of them affordable housing. all right, let's get you back to first alert weather, damage from heavy rain left a beloved hillside chapel in southern california to close indefinitely there. cracks and shifting ground has been deemed unsafe at the chapel in rancho
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palos verdes leaving couples scrambling to rebook their weddings the santa barbara airport had to close because of flooding on the airfield today. all commercial flights have been canceled and the terminal closed. there is no word on when the flights may resume. and, then, take a look at the flooding in sacramento county. a car seen almost completely submerged in water there, the officials rescued two people from the car after they tried to drive through the high waters and then, well, you know what happened, it got stuck. a reminder to drivers, turn around, don't drowned. taking you to the sierra now. the snowpack is building. it is leading to icy roads for the ride back home. skiers and snowboarders are just happy to see powder. now, major warnings there, let's get to the head of it all telling us when to get on the roads and when to head home, paul heggen.
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>> hopefully better weather for folks wanting to get up there by next weekend and take advantage of the fresh powder. it is an unsettled forecast, again on tuesday with showers and thunderstorms likely. hopefully we will be able to avoid a repeat of today's warning. but, gradually as we head through the day on wednesday. the showers are more miss than hit. we have dry weather in store on thursday. there are more storms over the pacific that we will have to monitor those through the rest of the week. right now, first alert doppler, shower activity. one that is going to skirt along the coast of san francisco over the next 30 minutes or so. more rain moving into the north bay. prompting another marine layer there. this is the activity to expect tonight and tomorrow and downpours and a break and batch of rain with rumbles of thunder every once in awhile as the atmosphere over head is unstable enough to support the threat of thunderstorms developing. again, the clouds have to vertically. we will see
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the widespread rain taking shape midmorning through the afternoon tomorrow. again, one more round of widespread, light to moderate rain. heavier downpours going to impact the commute and then things will settle down. scattered showers possible heading through tuesday night and into wednesday. plenty of breaks in between. more radar freckles showing up on wednesday as opposed to the widespread rain we will have to contend with tomorrow. adding up the rainfall on top of what accumulated that we will show you in just a second. talking about a wide range of possibilities and the downpours and paying a visit to one neighborhood and one community and leave one 5 miles over largely dry. light rainfall amount. anywhere from a quarter of an inch to 2 inches of rain possible in the north bay where the rain is shaping up right now. you have urban and small stream flooding advisories. the wind advisory goes until 4:00 tomorrow morning, the winds are in the process of backing down. the worst of the wind energy is behind us. let's talk about
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how much rain added up through the course of the systems that began on saturday and continued over the past 48 hours, 3/4s of an inch of rain in san jose, up slope, then, 2 inches of rain there. the amounts of variable, just depending how lucky you are. just over an inch of rain over concord, down 680, danville, it has been 2 inches downtown. a few miles west along the coast adding up to an inch and a quarter. the highest amounts in the north bay, over two inches of rain for nevado and napa and 3 inches of rain accumulated at this point in santa rosa. the rainfall amounts falling within the range of what was expected. it was the heaviest downpours set up. the winter storm warning that goes until 10:00 a.m. on wednesday in the sierra. another few inches of snow at the lake level for tahoe. picking up another foot, foot and a half of snowfall, gusty
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winds making a problem there. 55 mile-an-hour there. a break in the rain for downtown san francisco. temperatures in the middle to upper 50s. the numbers will not change a lot for the blankets of clouds in place. going to the upper half of the 40s and 50s on the map by tuesday morning. in between the showers, the temperatures close to what is normal for this time of the year. a mix of upper 50s and 60s. one of the warmest spots in san jose. let's take a look. after another wet and windy day tomorrow, not what we need today but potential for thunderstorms, we are going to see lingering showers on wednesday. then, we dry it out on thursday. there is nice news to be able to deliver. friday, saturday, sunday, monday, you notice the phrasing on our forecast, showers possible, every day, the rain chances on a daily basis are going to be lower than 50/50. a lot of different ways the next storm system could go. if it gets
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closer to us or farther away. we need the current system to get out of the way before we can focus on the next one. we will be able to do that later in the week >> paul, thank you. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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is it possible to count on my internet - [narrator] the bay area's like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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. welcome back. the antioch library is expected to reopen tomorrow after it closed without a warning over the weekend. the contra costa county library system says
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there have been reported threats to the safety and security of staff and patrons. >> it is horrible. it sucks. i am not sure why you would do anything towards a library. you know it is very unfortunate that is the choice that someone has made. >> an emergency contract was negotiated between the county and library. a private armed security guard and patrol car will monitor the surrounding area. the library is working to install a safety fence and an upgraded security camera system. so, the nba all-star weekend wrapped up in indianapolis. a record-setting night of offense last night with the eastern conference beating the west, 211-186. steph curry scored 16 points in his 10th all-star game. now, chase center is on the clock for next year's game. it will be the first time the bay area is hosting the event since 2000. >> the whole bay has a lot to
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offer. san francisco, chase center, possibly some spotlights on oakland and our history there and that city as well. i am excited. thankful it will be a short drive. >> on the sidelines charles barkley could not help himself and once again took a shot at san francisco during an alternate broadcast of the all-star game. >> if you had a chance of being around a butch of homeless crooks in san francisco . >> oh. no. no. no. >> they might not let you in >> we love san francisco. >> no we don't. >> yes, we do. >> you can not even walk around. >> this is not the first time that he has criticized the city. during game 4 of the finals in 2022, he famously said san francisco desperately needs rain to clean its dirty streets. the warriors, draymond green did what he does best he defended the city he plays for. on this presidents' day the historic document, going up
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for sale, signed by democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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. on this presidents' day you can own a document signed by president lincoln back in 1865. it is believed the document is one of the last to be signed by the 16th president. the letter appointed an anti-slavery campaigner. it was signed by lincoln just four days before his assassination, the price? $45,000. on that, we want to thank you for watching the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus or 44 cable 12. for more weather coverage, stay dry, stay safe, thanks for watching
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey. steve: come to play, boy. welcome to the show. nice to see you. that's good. how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, now. i appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] well, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day with a total of $20,000, from middletown, connecticut--it's the champs-- it's the mckissick family... [cheering and applause]


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