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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  February 21, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> you are so cynical. >> no. >> oh. >> i will follow them around the neighborhood. >> if i was at a zoo, i would be like hey, peacock, cool. >> you can have it in your front yard. >> i don't want it in my front yard. >> i will take them. drop them all off. paul, what is going on here. [ laughter ] >> why all of the birds >> thank you for watching, the late show with stephen colbert is next >> president biden changes course, now saying he'll shut down the border where necessary if congress votes to give him that power. but president biden's predecessor, who plans to run on immigration, urged republicans this weekend to kill the deal. trump posting on social media "a border bill is not necessary." >> this is a very interesting turn of events, because when trump was president, he really
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wanted an immigration bill to fix the problem. >> and now donald trump's infamous 2016 presidential campaign announcement updated to reflect his new opposition to an immigration bill. >> ladies and gentlemen, we don't have problems at the border. believe me. but i speak to border guards and they tell us guess what. no problem. we will put together mexico and america. it will be interestingly named mexi-merica. when mexico sends its people, they are sending their best. they're not bringing drugs. they're not bringing crime. they're not a rapist. but actually i am. that's true. >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert!" tonight... border in the court! first, stephen welcomes emma stone and dnc chair jaime harrison.
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featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! >> stephen: hey, everybody! thank you very much. how are you? ♪ ♪ a little bit of this? thanks, everybody. welcome to "the late show," everybody. i'm your host, stephen colbert. [cheering] right now down in congress, everyone is at each other's throats because it is tuesday. also, also because of the border. now, no matter what your views are on immigration, there's no denying there's been a border crisis for decades, and recently, it's gotten ven more serious.
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in december, border crossings through mexico reached nearly 10,000 migrants per day. that number's risen more than fourfold compared to the 2010s. but then again, who can blame migrants for wanting to come here for a better life? i mean, they know our motto, e pluribus unum, which, e pluribus unum, which, of course, translates as f"we put the cheese in the crust." [laughter] ever since biden took office, republicans have been pushing him hard to get tougher on the border. and recently they've resorted to some extreme measures, like holding ukraine aid hostage over the building of a new border wall. it's a plan put forth by chief g.o.p. strategist chadimir dootin. good guy. he's a good guy. and this legislative hostage-taking seemed to work because, at the end of last year, biden saw the writing on the wall, accepted their conditions, and the senate got to work on a big bill spearheaded on the g.o.p. side by oklahoma senator and
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bangs! [laughter] james lankford. to be fair, that's a 14-year-old photo. he doesn't look like that anymore. and we won't use it again. lankford buckled down, he negotiated hard with the democrats, and he got a deal. republicans thanked him by backing out. that is so crazy! republicans are the ones who insisted on a border deal, above everything else. and now they're backing out. are they lawmakers, or are they 5-year-olds at dinner time? "what do you mean you don't want buttered noodles? you cried all afternoon about how you wanted buttered noodles, so i made buttered noodles. you can't suddenly want eggo waffles and to deport guatemalans without due process! eat your noodles!" so why did republicans do this? the same reason they do anything. as mitch mcconnell explained, "the issue is that the nominee,
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trump, wants to campaign on immigration." "you can't take away immigration, mitch. that's my best stuff, okay? look, no, listen, folks. you take away immigration, all i can talk about is how low-flow toilets are giving windmill cancer to whales." whale! now that trump scuttled the deal, and he's saying blame it on me, scuttle the deal. republicans had to find someone to blame, and they picked bangs! sorry, we really tried not to use it again. but come on. 'cause over the weekend, the oklahoma republican party approved a resolution condemning and censuring james lankford for his role in the ongoing bipartisan border negotiations. he did what they asked, and then he got spanked for it. you can read all about it in the erotic thriller "50 shades of bangs"! now... to be fair, we made that graphic before i promised not to do that again.
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and i'm being told we made that graphic because i promised not to do that again. right now, a border bill is kind of important because -- and i don't want to alarm anyone -- we're on the cusp of another civil war. here's what's going on. texas had their own plan to deal with the border, put in place by texas governor greg abbott, seen here releasing a flock of doves to poop on migrant children. abbott introduced an anti-immigration crackdown, putting razor wire along 60 miles of the border. but the federal government didn't like the razor wire, saying it physically prevented border patrol agents from entering the area, processing migrants, and providing assistance to drowning victims, which is why border patrol had been cutting the razor wire to reach them. as a general rule, you want to be able to help people who are drowning or really in any mortal danger, not make things worse.
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that's why the fire safety signs don't say, "stop, drop, and stab." now, once the feds started cutting the wire, abbott sued, but he also doubled down, installing razor wire under the surface of the rio grande and circular saw blades between buoys. next, he's gonna change the poem on the statue of liberty from "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" to "would you like to play a game?" the razor wire case went to the supreme court, who ruled against texas in a 5-4 decision with no details or explanations provided. the dissents simply read "nay, nay, nay," and "does this luxury rv come in mother-of-pearl?" now, this really should have been a clear 9-0 decision against texas. 'cause the federal government
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has the final say on all immigration. it's in the constitution. it's called the supremacy clause and it clearly states that federal law and federal treaty obligations "shall be the supreme law of the land." for those of you who didn't go to law school, supreme law means it comes with sour cream. but unanimous or not, scotus has spoken. it's been decided, right? wrong. 'cause greg abbott is plowing ahead. after the ruling, the texas national guard ignored the supreme court decision and abbott continued construction along the border, claiming that he doesn't have to listen to the supreme court because the biden administration had "broken the compact between the united states and the states," a reference to an archaic idea called the "compact theory and nullification." that theory states that states can ignore any federal laws they choose. it was used to justify secession by the confederacy and was originally championed in the 1830s by vice president, notorious racist, and guy who
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just got spun around in the barber chair and does not like what he sees, john c. calhoun. calhoun opposed a tariff back then designed to help northern manufacturers, and he convinced his home state of south carolina to pass a law nullifying the tariff in their state. well, that did not please president and pantene-american, andrew jackson. president jackson threatened to invade south carolina, so calhoun backed down, and the state repealed the nullification act. jackson never forgave his vice president. when asked about his time in office, jackson replied, "i regret i was unable to hang hn c. calhoun." hang his vice president? so trump has no original ideas. [applause] now... we're cooking along here. we're humming.
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now, abbott says that nullification applies here, because the rush of migrants at the border constitutes an invasion. but that argument was struck down in 1800 by james madison, who, it's worth remembering, wrote the [bleep] constitution. he said, "invasion is an operation of war, and the removal of alien friends has appeared to be no incident to a general state of war." what he's saying this isn't an invasion because we're not at war with mexico or anyone else. these migrants fall under the category of "alien friends," alongside mork, e.t., stitch, and tilda swinton. [laughter] now... how much time do i have left? what time is it? can i keep going? okay. now, some maga citizens out there are taking things into
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their own hands, including a group of qanon-world influencers and antivaxxers who have organized a "take our border back" convoy headed to texas. organizers said they were expecting 700,000. but as of yesterday afternoon, the convoy was just a few dozen, predominantly men over the age of 60. so it's less a convoy and more a denny's at 10:00 a.m. sounds good. sounds good, actually. very close. here's a picture of the caravan, which calls itself god's army. wow. does god need more funding? 'cause it doesn't look like god's army could take on the salvation army. but i, for one, certainly hope that this all stays peaceful. because this is the way to start a civil war. not with a whimper but with bangs! we got a great show for you tonight!
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my guests are emma stone and dnc chair jaime harrison. but when we come back, "meanwhile"! join us, won't you? ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by audi. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. ♪ ♪
11:48 pm
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11:49 pm
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11:50 pm
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11:51 pm
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. say hello to louis cato and "the late show" band right over there, my friends. there you go. [cheering] very exciting show. thank you, everybody. very exciting show for everybody tonight. before i get to that, i just want to encourage everybody to stick around after our show to watch "after midnight" with taylor tomlinson. fantastic show tonight. folks, i spend most of my time right over there rinsing the day's finest duru baldo news rice, then simmering it in a topical story milk from anatolian yerli kara cows,
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adding demerara sugar and rose water then baking it in ramekins to a delicate brown crust so i can serve you the light yet exquisite turkish firin sutlac that is my monologue. but sometimes, sometimes, folks, after failing to properly file the serial numbers off of stolen refrigerators for a thai smuggling syndicate, i'm thrown into the khuk pit where i boil the gelatin out of mouse bones in a puddle and toss in some flaking masonry grout to sip on the hostage's ditchwater pudding of news that is my segment... >> "meanwhile"! >> stephen: poetry! it's poetry is what it is. and a lot of people do it. a lot of people do it. meanwhile, after a pretty wild accounting error, tom holland's bonus check for the "avengers" movie was accidentally sent to british actor tom hollander. i think it's only fair that tom holland gets some money, tom hollander gets a bit
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more, but the lion's share goes to tom hollandest. he's a good guy. meanwhile, there's a little drama surrounding one of italy's best selling souvenirs, a calendar depicting handsome young catholic priests, popularly known as "calendario romano," or "the hot priest calendar." here's the scandal. here's the scandal. calm down. here's the scandal. because the photographer admitted that hardly any of the cassock-wearing hunks are really priests. mama mia! i can't believe they're fake! we're talking this hot priest, this hot priest, and most shocking of all, this hot priest. what? wait a second. oh, jimmy! jimmy! how did that get in there? and another one? how embarrassing. meanwhile, a man admitted to stealing the "wizard of oz" ruby slippers from a museum
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after being approached by "an old mob associate," offering him "a job." really? the mob? what was that conversation like? "look, i need you to steal somethin'. i can't tell you what it is yet. let's just say i'm a friend of dorothy. wait, that's not how i meant it! not that there's anything wrong with that. i just love shoes!" the thief, who himself has a long criminal history, claims that he accepted the job as "one last score." oh, sure, you think you can stop after stealing dorothy's slippers, but pretty soon you're running off with the scarecrow's hat, the tin man's oil can, and the cowardly lion's porn collection. [laughter] step lines? it was cut from the movie. it's in the book. but they cut it from the movie. meanwhile, in fast food employment news, chipotle is hiring 19,000 people for its busy burrito season. in a related story, chipotle is
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also hiring 30,000 bathroom attendants. i don't know why. meanwhile, scientists have revisited our assumptions about veneral disease and are now asking, did syphilis really originate in the americas? and more specifically, did it start with rick? meanwhile, news from the high seas, because royal caribbean hired a golden retriever as their newest crew member. 'cause there's nothing in the rule book that says a dog can't get norovirus. the pup is there to improve morale and make customers happy and has been named chief dog officer, and apparently has already made herself at home. that's right. herself. 'cause it's 2024 and dogs can be women now. we'll be right back with emma stone!
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as they may interact. tell your doctor if you've had liver problems or mental health concerns. if you have a rash or other allergic reactions, stop apretude and get medical help right away. serious side effects include allergic reactions, liver problems, and depression. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions and headache. you must receive apretude as scheduled. ask your doctor about long-acting apretude. and prep without pills. save at what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating... ♪♪ [stomach noises] gas... or abdominal discomfort... help stop the frustration and start taking align every day. align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists
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to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. when you feel the signs, (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. i'm a parking gate. and i'm all out of whack. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out of here. and if you have cut rate car insurance, this could leave you all bent out of shape. no...ahhh!
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so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... me. uh, someone! that's broken to pal... hahaha. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. that's broken to pal... hahaha. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: welcome back,
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everybody. please. ladies and gentlemen, my first guest tonight is an academy award-winning actor you know from "the favourite," "cruella," and "la la land." she now stars in "poor things." >> these two were fighting and ideas are banging around in bella's head and heart like lights in a storm. >> you're always reading now, bella. you're losing some some of your adorable way of speaking. >> i'm a changeable feast. as are all of we. apparently according to emerson. >> come, come. just come. >> you're in my sun. >> what? >> stephen: please welcome back to "the late show," emma stone. [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: there you go. >> emma: well, thank you. thank you very much. >> stephen: emma stone fans here tonight. >> emma: wow. all right, how much do i pay you? >> stephen: lovely to see you again. so nice to have you here. >> emma: nice to see you. thank you for having me. >> stephen: congratulations on the oscar noms. 11 oscar nominations for this film. that's extraordinary. for you, this is your fourth nomination as an actor in your first nomination as a producer? >> emma: yes. >> stephen: that's a nice feeling. that's good. >> emma: it's very exciting, just for the entire crew.
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it was many years in the making. and we're very, very excited. >> stephen: how many times have you worked with yorgos lanthimos? >> emma: four times. this was our third time. we made another film. >> stephen: we have worked together four times. >> emma: four times. this was our third and we made another one last fall after we made "poor things." hasn't come out yet. it's called "kinds of kindness." [clapping] >> stephen: he's here. yorgos is here. >> emma: what's up? it will come out later this year. >> stephen: your character, bella. it's wonderful character. she doesn't experience shame. what was that like to play? did you enjoy being in that headspace? >> emma: are you kidding? it was the best. it was so impossible to sort of understand. i guess not just shame. but because she doesn't judge herself at all or her impulses
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or really judge anything as a positive or negative experience, it's all just a part of life and it's all meaningful. and all just interesting to her. that was an incredible thing to do. i am always like "this is a good thing. this is a bad thing. this makes me worried. this makes me happy." so to try to strip all that away. >> stephen: would you want to live like that if you could? >> emma: oh, my god. no. can you imagine? >> stephen: i don't know. the ramifications for acting in a way that society doesn't expect. >> emma: that's true. that's why this whole movie is fully a metaphor and not an actual -- if you see the movie, it's something that couldn't actually happen, so it's completely kind of a very twisted fairy tale. there is something very, very exhilarating about people who really don't kind of subscribe to all the ideas of what you're supposed to be. >> stephen: it seems sort of
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like the eden before the fall. like, your character hasn't bitten the apple of the knowledge of good and evil. she doesn't know. that's wonderful. >> emma: right, she gets to just sort of live in this paradise of her own making. it's really incredible. i mean, paradise and not. but she learns so much and evolves so quickly that it's like a rapid development. >> stephen: you're also in a wonderful show called "the curse." >> emma: yes. >> stephen: created by nathan fielder and benny safdie. for people who don't know, would you tell them the premise? >> emma: i can try. it's about a couple who live in a town in new mexico, that they are trying to constantly -- consciously rejuvenate. that's their wording. by building these very eco-friendly homes that have mirrored exteriors to blend into the environment.
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there's a curse that happens in the first episode on nathan's character, asher. and you sort of watch their relationship devolve through the course of the series. benny safdie who also created it with nathan plays this incredible wacky reality producer named dougie. it's a one-of-a-kind thing. >> stephen: yes, yes. none other than christopher nolan says it's without precedent. >> emma: wow. i mean... >> stephen: he would know. >> emma: i mean, that's a very nice thing for him to say. >> stephen: he didn't have to say that. >> emma: he didn't have to say that. >> stephen: no. >> emma: he didn't have to say that. nobody forced him to. >> stephen: how did you get involved in this? i've seen nathan's work for years. didn't automatically think he'd be working with you. >> emma: i know. he texted me to ask me. because we have known each other. we have a lot of mutual friends and we had hung out a couple
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times and he texted me one day and he said "hey, do you want to do this show that benny safdie and i have created? no pressure." whatever. i just wrote back within like 30 seconds "yes, i love it. i love the concept. i love the character. the premise, wow. yeah, i'll do it." like, he hadn't given me any information, so i thought it would land as a joke. it didn't apparently because he was like "oh, great. okay. sounds good. let's get on the phone." then i got on the phone with benny and him and they would like, you know nothing about it? you know absolutely nothing? we have to explain this to you? i was like, yeah. it's a good example of when a bad joke that doesn't land gets you tied into a ten episode series. >> stephen: you couldn't get out of it? >> emma: not after that. i mean, have you ever had a joke fall flat? >> stephen: never.
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[laughter] because i have an editor. >> emma: no, i loved it. i was very excited about it. >> stephen: i understand there's a curse feel might be on you. >> emma: broken bones, you mean? >> stephen: this is what it says. broken bones. "breaking bones." >> emma: i've broken seven bones in my life. >> stephen: that's a large percentage of your bones. >> emma: it's a large percentage of bones. i don't know why. it's clearly a bone density issue. >> stephen: do you have the bones of a sparrow? >> emma: i was told by an endocrinologist to get that tested because she was like, "that's a lot of bone breaks." something's up with you. >> stephen: same bones? >> emma: different.
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my pinkie toe i've broken twice. but all different. it's when i am really excited about something. i'm not that steady on my feet. i don't have grace i think it's called. >> stephen: i saw "la la land." you do have grace. >> emma: oh. editing. [applause] >> stephen: but honest to god. but now things are going great for you. and you're excited. >> emma: full body cast. any day now. >> stephen: i hope things go really well for you. >> emma: oh, lord. >> stephen: i understand and this is something that i heard. i'm a little jealous. >> emma: what? >> stephen: what? you seemed genuinely nervous about what i'm about to ask. >> emma: what are you jealous of? >> stephen: that you have a family tattoo. >> emma: yes. >> stephen: this is your siblings and your folks. >> emma: my mom, my dad, brother and i all got the same tattoo. in 2010. now listen. i don't want to speak ill of a stranger.
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but i went to get this tattoo at kind of a random place. i just sort of walked in, didn't know what i was doing. and i don't think this guy really cared about the craft so to speak. so over the last now 14 years this drawing was pencil thin. it was drawn with a ballpoint pen and now it looks like this. >> stephen: can we get a shot of this? >> emma: can you tell what that is? you guys, ballpoint pen. i'm talking fine tip. that's like a sharpie met a magic marker and it just keeps bleeding out constantly. >> stephen: that's one of the dangers of tattoos. what is that? chicken feet? >> emma: they're blackbird feet. it's very sweet story. my mom beat breast cancer and her favorite song is "blackbird".
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and i've been introduced to paul mccartney and i asked if he would draw these bird feet when she was done with her treatment so we could get these tattoos as a family and he did, beautifully. again, in pen. >> stephen: you showed it to the guy. >> emma: i showed it to the guy. he was like "okay, whatever." like "see ya." i was like "bye." everyone else in my family has these very fine tattoos and i have to keep my covered for work every day. i don't mean to talk badly. i love the tattoo. >> stephen: the rest of your family has a better execution. >> emma: night and day. my dad wears a watch and he says i can barely keep it on my wrist, the line is so fine. so simple and beautiful. >> stephen: i love the family identifier. >> emma: it's very special. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break. we'll be right back with more emma stone, everybody. stick around. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing!
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>> stephen: hey, everybody. we are back here with the star of "poor things," oscar nominee emma stone. i understand that you're a huge fan of "jeopardy!" and that you have applied to be on "jeopardy!." >> emma: yes, the online quiz. you can take the online quiz. >> stephen: that puts you in the line? >> emma: it doesn't tell you how you did, so you have to wait and see if you get an email within 12 months. >> stephen: why don't you do
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celebrity jeopardy? >> emma: i don't want to do celebrity jeopardy. >> stephen: i have bad news. you're a celebrity. any "jeopardy!" you're in will be celebrity jeopardy. >> emma: no, that's not true. if you know you applied and you took the quiz and got on the show through actually having the brains to be on the show, not that celebrity jeopardy people don't have the brains because i've seen some really impressive candidates. however, i just want to know i passed the test. it might be because i didn't really graduate from high school and i didn't go to college, and i like knowing i passed the test. >> stephen: so this is it. this is your degree. >> emma: this is my degree. >> stephen: we have prepared a "jeopardy!" quiz for you. >> emma: oh, boy. now you're going to understand why i haven't gotten on the show. >> stephen: all of these are "late show" themed or ed sullivan theater themed. are you ready? can we get a little "jeopardy!" music? [plucky instrumental music] we can't afford
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the "jeopardy!" -- >> emma: reinvented but i like it. >> stephen: our sound alike. emma stone, welcome to "jeopardy!." all right, first question, stephen colbert is such a fan of this author's work, he aired his concerns with peter jackson about the elves of mirkwood. >> emma: who is the author of "lord of the rings." tolkien. >> stephen: yes. for years, americans had two events each sunday, church and the show hosted by this man who brought many new artists into their homes. >> emma: who is ed sullivan? >> stephen: this is correct. ed sullivan. it was rumored that the crime rate dropped dramatically during their february 9, 1964, for appearance on "the ed sullivan show." >> emma: who are the beatles? >> stephen: yes. the beatles. they did their thing. these are all actual questions that have appeared on jeopardy. >> emma: oh, exciting! >> stephen: i know. it's not an italian white wine. it's a cute italian mouse often
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featured on "the ed sullivan show." >> emma: who, what is... pinot grigio? >> stephen: i'm sorry, it's who is topo gigio. on "the tonight show," it was mycommands standard intro. >> emma: what is, here's johnny? >> this singer's hip gyrations on the ed sullivan show in 1957 were not shown because they were deemed too sexual. >> emma: who was elvis presley? >> stephen: yes. on january 30, 2024, emma stone appeared on "the late show" in support of her outstanding performance and oscar nomination for this film. >> emma: what is being here
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with you tonight? >> stephen: oh, i'm sorry! we were looking for "poor things." "poor things" is in theaters now. emma stone, everybody. thank you, emma stone. we'll be right back with dnc chair jaime rrison. she'll be right there. body math proficiency,uestiont would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong! to help protect from hiv. i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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>> stephen: hey, everybody. welcome back. folks. my next guest is a south carolina native and chair of the democratic national committee. please welcome back to "the late show," jaime harrison. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ good to see you again >> jaime: it is great seeing you. >> stephen: let's talk about this saturday. this is a little controversy because this is the first time that south carolina will be the first primary for the democrats. new hampshire happened last week, two weeks ago? can't remember. the new hampshire primary has already happened but that's not official. okay, so who do you think's going to win? >> jaime: well. >> stephen: dean phillips coming on strong. the dean machine. he's almost at 1%.
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>> jaime: stephen, i think the people of south carolina are going to win, and this is why. >> stephen: that is the most political answer. >> jaime: listen. but it's the truth. >> stephen: go ahead. >> jaime: think about this. for the entirety of my life, i'm 47. i'll be 48 next week. for the entirety of my life, iowa and new hampshire have always kicked off the presidential primary process. great state, great people in those states but those states aren't reflective of the diversity of this nation or the diversity of his party. and the thing about south carolina, south carolina is a state where 40% of enslaved people came into this country through the port of charleston. 90% of african americans across this countryancestor to south c. it's a state -- robert smalls. all these great people. brown versus board started with briggs versus elliott in south carolina. the progeny of those folks, the progeny of those enslaved people
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who've been relegated to the back of the bus for most of their lives will now be driving the bus. they will be -- for that state and those folks will get the opportunity for us to pick the most powerful person on the face of this planet. that's a big deal. it only happened because joe biden, joe biden said "i see you, black folks in south carolina. i hear you. and you matter. you count. and i believe that you and the voters in that state should be first." and that's a big deal. [applause] >> stephen: well. let's talk about your counterparts in the reublican party. for a long time -- >> jaime: bless their hearts. [laughter] >> stephen: i'm from south carolina. i know what that means. i know what that means. one criticism of the big tenet of the democratic party is that it's such a coalition of
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disparate interests that they are always infighting. these people want green but maybe that didn't please the unions for green energy or green cars to take over. strong support for israel but that's upsetting the palestinian americans or muslim voters in michigan. there is conflicts within the party. there always have been conflict within the democratic party. are you surprised to see so much conflict within the republican party right now? because they managed to keep everything separate for so many years. there was basically national security, military republicans. there was low-tax business republicans and then social conservatives in the republican party and they didn't really get each other's way. now you have people like tommy tuberville saying no, i will not pass the military appropriations. i won't allow people to be promoted in the army because of my stance on the social issues." you've got to people who won't give money to ukraine because of troubles at the u.s. border. what do you make of the fact
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that for the first time you're seeing this kind of clash internally in a party that used to be lockstep. >> jaime: there was never a whole lot of diversity in the republican party. at least in the modern-day republican party, but now the diversity you have is the sane which is that minority and the extreme which are the majority. when you think about the maga republicans. think about this. in this party where a former president said mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. you have the marjorie taylor greenes, who are the biggest cheerleaders for putin. donald trump believes putin is his best friend. bff forever. >> stephen: one of the craziest things. the party of lincoln is talking about secession. they are killing a border deal so they're for open borders and they are pro-russia. >> jaime: and they don't know that slavery was the cause of the civil war. sometimes you wonder. like, did they miss history? did they go down to the bleachers and just smoke up a few cigarettes or something?
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or something. those funny cigarettes. that my grandma talks about. >> stephen: your grandma talks about the funny cigarettes? >> jaime: those young kids smoking those funny cigarettes. >> stephen: yeah. you got a pretty hip grandma. what about nikki? you know nikki haley. >> jaime: i do know nikki haley. >> stephen: how do you think she's going to do in south carolina? there hasn't been a ton of polling on this. her terrible worst numbers were actually a while ago. what do you think? >> jaime: "terrible" is a good definition for nikki haley. for those of us who know her. >> stephen: whoo! them's fightin' words. >> jaime: this is a person who allowed her home town hospital to close. she signed the most restrictive abortion ban in this country. she blocked 250,000 people from getting health care in south carolina because she wanted to own barack obama. stephen, when you think about
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it, all of those maga apples are rotten regardless if it's nikki haley or donald trump. [applause] this is what we are going to do. regardless of who comes out of it and it likely is donald trump, the dnc under my leadership, under the leadership of president biden, we are making historic investments to make sure that we have the boots on the ground in all the states, that we have the messaging mechanism. that's how we beat back the red wave. a lot of people were like, oh, the red wave, red wave. they are a bunch of red tea-ers. ronna mcdaniel and the folks at the rnc. we built back with the infrastructure to have the best midterm election for an incumbent president since 1934. right? i want folks to know, no hand-wringing. this is a no hand-wringing zone. you might be nervous about
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the election. we all are. we should be. because so much is at stake. this is about progress versus chaos, it's about hope versus fear, it's about one president who wakes up every single day thinking about how to make life better for all of america's people and you've another president talking about, who can i get revenge on when i become president again? right? so the stakes are high. it's about protecting our freedoms. i hope, folks, get a plan. go to figure out how you're going to vote, but in the end, make sure you go and vote for joe biden. >> stephen: jaime, thanks for being here. dnc chair jaime harrison, everybody. we'll be right back.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> stephen: good night! ♪ ♪


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