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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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them, they think they are above the law. >> the chase that ended in the loss of an innocent life. i felt frightened and doomed. my whole business depends on my land line. >> reporter: it is the last chance for california's plan to weigh in on at&t's plan to phase out the land lines. a burned out orange van, can it prove scott peterson's innocence? tonight, we hear from the investigator that responded to that fire and the evidence. >> i got goose bumps and the hair on my neck stood up because it is significant. it means something. >> reporter: this is cbs news bay area with you'lliet good rich. >> reporter: they are juliette goodrich.. >> it might be old fashioned but those that we lie on
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traditional phones, phasing out land lines in california. the c cpu c is holding the last 2 hearings today before it considering the request to cut the cord. a lot of people who live in more remote areas with shoty cell service are worried about getting cut off, including gina. a therapist who says without land lines her business will not survive. we have her story. >> reporter: small but mighty. that is how gina describes her land line. >> are you ready for your session? >> reporter: with the therapist found out at&t is considering removing land line services in california her reaction was fear. >> i felt frightened and doomed. my whole business depends upon my land line. >> reporter: while gina does meet with some patients in person the majority are via10
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telephone, or both. >> i work with at-risk patients, trauma therapist, i work with people who have to have their sessions. >> can you hear me now? >> reporter: taking the risk of a cell phone can be dangerous. even having a voice over ip line does not work for her either. >> i can not get a modum because modem my land line is everything. >> reporter: it is the critical connection point that enables her to provide care for the patients that she serves. i asked gina what would happen if she lost the service and she said. >> i have no idea and that really scares me. i don't know what i am going to do. i just, just praying they don't stop the service that maybe somebody else takes over the service or something. i have no plan b. >> reporter: for now, as long
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as there is a line gina says she will stay connected. >> a t&, it is as , it is t&t, say 7% of californians use their land line. >> particularly in the areas where there may only be at, and t land line &t will coming up a plan. they are going to monitor the decision and expected to come in september. now, in pleasant hill, the police are looking for the gunman after a double shooting that left one dead and one severe three injured. witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots and a loud car speeding off just before noon. they found two men liing on the ground who have been shot
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several times. >> one man was down. he was not moving at all. the other guy was bleeding a lot everywhere. when they got him up you can see him, he was, he was moving a little bit. talking.. >> both men were taken to the medical center in walnut creek where a 67-year-old man was pronounced dead. the second man is treated for injuries described as life-threatening. investigators say a wrong way crash killed an innocent driver and injured three others on 580 today. this evening the police identified the driver who caused the crash. 34-year-old patrick shakles and his accomplice, a 56-year-old from san francisco. they say the two were fleeing after ransacking a smoke shop. the theft was caught on camera. >> reporter: after this early morning break in the owner says the outlet will be closed for at least a few days, maybe even a week the front is boarded up
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and he mates it will cost about $50,000 to fix. estimates it will cost about $50,000 to fix. >> reporter: shocking video shows the moment two suspects backed a white truck into the front of the tobacco outlet. destroying the outside and thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. the suspects then spent about three minutes filling up their bags. >> it was like on a game show. grabbing what they could and running out. it was line fun and games. >> reporter: the owner did not want to show his face on camera fearing for his safety. his phone started ringing around 4:20 tuesday morning, the police quickly responded and the situation escalated. the suspects jumped back in their pick up truck and took off. the police chased them on to westbound i-80. after the i-80 merge with westbound i-580 the suspects abruptly changed
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directions and began driving the wrong way. the police disengaged and chp took over. chp says the wrong way vehicle hit two other cars, the two suspects and another driver have major injuries, the driver of a bmw was killed in the crash. omar says this loss to his is bad it is nothing compared to the innocent loss of life. >> this gentleman was on his way to work and, you know, just out of nowhere, that was it. it ended for him. he thought he was going to have a good day, go home, see the family. no, these scumbags decided it will not happen today. >> reporter: products from hear store littered the highway. he says this is the sixth major break in for the last few years and he can not get insurance. >> our business is not covered by insurance, they dropped us because of incidents like this. anything that happens it comes out of our pockets.
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>> reporter: the chamber of commerce stopped to look at the damage. he says situations like this are becoming too common. >> businesses are very, very concerned about doing business, we are still better and safer than other cities, we have a full police force solemn fully staffed. we have license plate readers around town. we are on it, fast. >> reporter: omar plans to rebuild but he can not help but be frustrated. >> i am angry. i am angry at them. i am angry at people like them thinking they are above the law. >> the owner says he wants to put up parking ballards to prevent crimes like this one. but his landlord will not let him. he has to resort to cameras and an alarm that did not detour this crime. >> amanda, thank you. roadway safety is top of mind after a speeding driver slammed into a san francisco bus stopped over the weekend striking a family of four. it
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happened out of westportal meuny muni station. >> the father and mother and their son, 1-year-old joaquin. all three died after being hit by an suv going the wrong way. the other survivor of the crash, a 2-month-old baby who is still in the hospital. the attorney of the driver, 78-year-old says she and her family join the community in the loss of life. we express our gratitude to the first responders that responded to the scene and to the district attorney's office for undertaking a diligent and thorough investigation into the circumstances that led to this tragic accident. and now, we are learning more about the plan to add dozens of speed cameras to some of san
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francisco's most dangerous intersections. schools will have cameras, senior centers and locations on the high injury network. the 12% of the city streets that account for nearly 70% of serious injuries and fatalities. unlike the 13 red-light cameras in san francisco that can take photos of drivers, the new speed cameras will only be able to identify license plates. the cameras would initiate fines for cars going 11 miles over the limit. >> the risk for pedestrians just goes up so much. >> there have been amazing results in the other cities that have used speed cameras. and, we have been advocating over and over to try to get them. we are really, really glad to get the chance. even if it is a limited pilot program. >> cities like new york have been deploying 2500 speed cameras for about a decade. here in california under a
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new state law, oakland and san jose have been given permission to install the cameras. was crucial evidence overlooked near scott peterson's home when his wife disappeared? an interest says something he found in this van bothers him to this day. >> to be fair it was not brought up in court. if it is relevant i would want somebody to say something about it. >> a beautiful sunset after another beautiful day, the fog backed up, dissipated by lunchtime, since then a si
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it is really coming down to the wire in the race to compete in the race to replace eshoo.
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listen to this, joe simitian and evan low are still battling it out. it is a difference of just two votes. yesterday it was 17 votes and today it was two votes. we will continue to follow more updates. on to scott peterson. he is fighting to prove his innocence, 20 years after murdering his wife laci and her unborn son. they are saying key evidence tied to this burnt van was ignored. ashley smart heard from a former investigator who responded to that fire and he made an interesting revolution. >> my motivation is how it always has been is let the facts say what they need to say. >> reporter: he is now a private fire investigator. christmas morning, 2002, he worked for the modesto fire department and was sent to investigate a van fire that he still thinks about to this day. >> we did not have a fire that
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would be accidental. >> reporter: it came one day after and less than a mile away from where laci peterson went missing from her modesto home. >> it was not that i thought it was connected it was that it was close enough and it should be looked at. >> reporter: the van and blood that he recovered from it are a main focus for the l.a. innocence project that took on scott peterson's case in january. >> was it obvious to you that there was blood in the back of the van? >> no. the only reason we were able to see this piece of fabric it was because there was a metal container on top of the mattress and it left a perfect circle. had that not been there this would not be happening. >> reporter: in court documents the mattress with stains that tested positive for blood. saying only a very small portion of the mattress fabric was tested for dna that was
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insufficient to determine if dna from laci and her unborn son, conner, was present. >> imagine my shock when i found out just a few years ago that it did test positive for human dna. i got goose bumps and the hair on the back of my neck stood up because this, it does mean something t. is significant. >> reporter: the significance has not been properly investigated. this started to keep him up at night. >> to be fair, this was not brought up in court and if it is relevant i would want somebody to say something about it. >> reporter: in court foilings the l.a. innocence project they say police ignored evidence that did not support their story of peterson's guilty. that included to investigate who set the van on fire >> this is not you saying you happening scott peterson is inspect. >> no, i don't care one way or
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the other if he is innocent or guilty. >> if he is ever granted a new trial he said he would testify. the next court hearing is april 16th. all right, let's go to paul now, paul, i remember covering that story years ago. scott peterson knocking on our news van before he was arrested. quite eerie. >> and now still in the nows, decades later. let's talk about weatherwise, we have a beautiful sunset out there, looking away from the sunset. towards the eastern horizon, a bit of a glow as the sun goes down. fog, not as widespread or dense as we saw this morning. still be out there for the morning commute. the dry weather and rain returns on friday. unsettled weekend. looks like the drier half of the weekend at this point. still going the other way. looking outside. a beautiful look at the sunset. the temperatures right now, 62 in
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san jose the warm spots, 65. livermore, concord, 55 degrees, the cool location in san francisco. starting to narrow down the difference in temperatures after we had a 20 degree spread from the coast to inland. seeing a similar range of temperatures after the fog burns off. again, not going to be as widespread, as dense as what we started off this morning. future cast shows it out there. burns off, 10:00, 11:00 or so, that is when the temperatures warm up. start off in the 40s everywhere to begin the day on wednesday. let's take a look at the forecast highs, inland, several degrees above average, reaching up in the 70s. 72 in san jose. morgan hill, lower 70s in the east bay as well. redwood city, and fremont, and, only upper 50s on the coast and half moon bay. lower 60s in san francisco. the numbers close to normal. the temperatures are a little
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cooler than other inland parts of bay area for the north bay. middle to upper 60s. like this morning, you will be the last inland spot to lose the fog. that means your temperatures will be trying to play catch up for the rest of the day. let's take a look at the pollen count that will be high. in fact, sky high tomorrow. rain chances in the forecast beginning on friday. the rain will wash some of it out. first weekend of spring is looking pretty wet. the best rain chances, friday, friday night, lingering into saturday. the second half of the weekend looks drier, not completely dry. there is still a chance of showers hit and miss kind of stuff and then it hooks like we catch a dry day on tuesday before rain chances head our way by next week. adding up the rain, talking about a typical spring rain event from a quarter of an inch
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to half an inch. widespread basis. now, maybe an inch to an inch and a half. over the course of several day that is not enough to lead to any potential for flooding problems even on a localized basis. a couple warm dry days. couple days the wet weather will be with a cool down. heading to the workweek. struggling to break 60 degrees on friday, saturday, sunday and again on monday. similar temperatures around the bay. pretty much everyone has the same rain chances heading into the weekend until next week. now, it is time for the other shoe to drop. the temperatures along the coast dropping all of the way down to the middle 50s for highs, by sunday and monday. now, that one dry day on tuesday to kind of catch our breath before the next chance of rain moves in by next wednesday, a week from tomorrow. >> all right, paul, thank you.
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a breakthrough when it comes to women's health and family planning. the barriers just removed to get access to birth control
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. on to the health watch. women can buy birth control on line. the fda approved over-the-counter pill. now it is available to buy at and on amazon. a one month supply cost $20. insurance might cover the cost but the sale of this drug on line is a game changer fer woman who lack access to health care >> in the past you had to see your doctor to get the prescription and we all know that sometime that is just not easy. so, sometimes women live far away. takes awhile to get an appointment, maybe don't have health insurance right now. so, this gives you a safe and effective option. >> the drugmaker started shipping opill to cvs and w
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walgreens. it is 93% effective. disappointing news, why your favorite chocolate can get more expensive thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole.
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ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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. satisfying your sweet tooth with chocolate is getting more expensive. a report from wells fargo found dwindling supply around the world is causing cocoa prices to skyrocket. the price has more than doubled over the last year. part of the supply issues have to do with climate, including diseases brought on by heavier rainfall.
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that looks good. heavier rainfall. cocoa tree farmers in west africa are dealing with dry temperatures and extreme winds from this year's el nino. look at that cookie, look at that chocolate. so good. thanks for watching, the news continuing on pix pl ,
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause]


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