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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  March 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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>> reporter: his mom decided to take the kids to this popular park last april during spring break. >> there were kids all over. kids at camp and kids without parents. >> little did they know a highway patrol special task force had already made what turned out to be a fatal decision to serve a planned high-risk search warrant to an armed felon at a public park without clearing the park or notifying local police. >> i just really don't understand why they chose this park, that day. >> multiple shots fired. the suspect is a while male. >> reporter: they had been surveilling the felon. instead of serving the warrant at his home, they chose to wait until he took his dogs to a busy park. >> and then we see cops. >> reporter: and officers confronted the suspect who began shooting at them. >> gunshot wound to the hand and chest. >> reporter: firing back as they ran towards the batting cages. >> that's when we got on the ground. >> and then gunshots were fired. roughly 20.
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>> reporter: bullet holes near the batting cages reveal how close the children were to being shot in the cross fire. >> it was terrifying. >> reporter: jim mckeegan and his sweetheart were out for walk. they just celebrated their 50th anniversary. it would be their last. as local police swarmed the park, jim was killed, and jabril used patty as a human shield. >> i was thinking they would shoot me. >> reporter: park staff rushed kids into the library, where they had to hide under tables to avoid the windows. >> he was too scared to go to sleep. >> reporter: a year later, the community is still desperate for answers and accountability. >> i would ask chp if they would make the same decisions if their kids were playing at the park. >> reporter: keep in mind, chp is the governor's police force with jurisdictions across the state. >> it could happen to anyone's family. >> reporter: chp won't answer questions or acknowledge any policy changes when serving a high-risk warrant. >> it feels like they are trying to cover it up. >> reporter: we have been searching for answers through
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public records including video from that day, which appears after he was killed. >> the suspect is in custody. >> reporter: the sheriff's department hasn't released their coroner's report. but they say it is inconclusive on where the fatal shot came from, meaning it is not clear who fired it. roseville pd, which took over the investigation, says its confident the suspect fatally shot the victim, but refuses to release their full body camera video releasing just four 39-second editing clips. which appear to show officers shooting at each other amid the chaos. but provide little transparency or context on what went wrong that day. the risk to the children, the mckeegan's, and to officers. state law requires agencies release any recording that relates to a law enforcement shooting or critical incident. san francisco pd hosts its ovidios on the city's youtube channel. but roseville is now attempting to rewrite state
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law. instead of what depicted the incident involving the discharge of the firearm. they claim they only have to release the video of the discharge of the firearm. >> the video is public property. >> reporter: phil ting wrote the law that roseville is trying to change. he's worried their interpretation could prompt other agencies to start withholding video, stressing the public pays for the police cameras and the servers they store that video on, so the video belongs to the public. >> when you drafted this legislation, did you intend to define the critical incident as only the moments of the discharge of the firearm? >> absolutely not. that would have been written into law and in order to provide transparency. you need to know what's happening leading up to the confrontation. >> reporter: in california, if the pub luck agency refuses to release that public record. your only option is to sue. >> and i imagine that will be a court decision on this. >> reporter: the consultant supports the transparency, but they also support roseville pd
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in this case. >> we are not going to abide by the law. we will sue you to get this video and they need to foot that bill. is it fair? >> if they believe they are on solid ground doing the right thing, i would say let that other branch of government make that decision. >> we have now filed our body camera lawsuit, awaiting his trial. >> escape from the hospital. >> now facing additional charges for escaping about a month after the shooting. and in a twist of fate. >> i found it at grandma's house. >> he was found hiding in the creek just feet from sawyer's grandma's front door. >> i know 911. >> reporter: they learned a lot over the past year. >> but i don't have a phone. >> reporter: maybe more than any 7-year-old would have to. >> but i do have a plan. >> reporter: hoping the full body camera video would shed light on chp's plan that day. >> and dodging and dodging the gun shoots. >> reporter: providing answers and accountability. >> then i would hide. >> so other kids don't feel the need to plan for the e next chp shootout.
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>> to be clear, the purpose of fighting for this video is not to air the graphic or sensational images, but provide context and clarity and closure for a traumatized community. and the purpose of this lawsuit is to prevent one agency from effectively rewrite state law. >> and they responded, julie watts. we have much more on our website at marin county has allocated $500,000 to help tackle sea level rise. under the plan officials will work together to come up with a unified structure and prepare more than 110 miles of coastal and bay shoreline from rising tides and extreme storms. well president joe biden announced tighter restrictions for the new cars and the trucks, all in an effort to make them greener. the new rules will require them and the emissions across all light duties makes and models. the epa says the changes with save drivers up to $6,000 over the
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lifetime of their vehicle. >> over time this rule is actually going to eliminate the carbon pollution that is more than what we actually emit across the country in a single year. >> they reject that battery powered vehicles could make up more than 15% of the vehicle's market by the 2030s. still ahead here at 5:00, don't let your bracket get busted. how to avoid scams during march madness. and how a game developer is working to break the gaming boys club by supporting more women developers. and think you know who's going to win the march madness tournament? want to win $1,000? head to and join our bracket challenge and play against our team.
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welcome back. more than 30,000 people expected to attend a game developer's conference in san francisco this week. >> that's a lot of people. as they show us an increasing number will be women. >> i don't blame them. >> reporter: she loves video games and has made a career out of it, attending the game developers conference this week in san francisco to help highlight the work done by women just like her in the industry all over the world. >> it wasn't until i was a teenager when i realized that it was seen something that may be illuminated when i went to the first video game store of my neighborhood, i was the only girl there. >> reporter: today, she's the
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cofounder and ceo of the studio in uruguay. even in 2024, there aren't too many women like her in this industry. a survey of developers this year will show more than two-thirds are men. they say that number only increases outside the u.s. and she estimates that only about 3% to 5% have leadership roles like hers. >> it is really important for them. they are making video games to the cultural impact. >> reporter: while only a third of developers are women, lia says they make up about half of the people playing video games. >> it is important that women are well represented, and they actually look and talk like real women. >> reporter: she is also the president of the game developers association and works to get more women in the industry throughout latin america. >> we used to have very little representation. and sometimes it was oversexualized or made to be in the male gaze instead of something that actually represents us. >> reporter: as a woman running
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a video game studio, she can have a direct impact on the characters we see in games and how we play them including this one she helped create. >> we don't ask you what your gender is. you can choose the way you want to be perceived. for example, the girl in the tutorial is to know i'm in this dress and they are helping you. and these are small little things that will change the perception of how people see video games and how they perceive the world. >> reporter: that's the progress that will keep her going. excited to see more women in gaming reaching new levels of the industry. >> the video games will have the power to change the world in the way that we would perceive it. yes, i think it's super important. that's what keeps me here. >> 30,000 people. that's a lot of gamers in town. >> yeah. >> 30,000 people that are coming to one conference. >> come to san francisco. so while the gaming conference is going on in san francisco, san
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jose is hosting the nvidia conference. a lot of hype around march madness. how do you know what deals are real and what is just too good to be true? coming up, the better business bureau has tips on keeping your information safe during the tournament. ahead in sports. nothing like filling out that march madness bracket. i took to the streets of san francisco to ask the people who are you picking? and plus it is not a drill. it is happening. t
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march madness tips off tomorrow, which means thousands of sports bets are tipping off along with it. >> big events like the big dance or when hackers look to score the biggest scams. >> it usually means more buzz around the office, more e-mails, more updates, more alerts, which security experts says they allow a cyber criminal to blend in a scam offer. we talked to an expert about what you can do to protect yourself. >> the first thing is to look for, you know, turn your spider senses up. if it's a crazy offer. these things are too good to be true and they are too good to be true. so the number one thing, really look at the firsting e-mails the phishing e-mails that are coming in. >> it is much smaller business
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than here at kpix. i think that there is still time that you can go on our website and register to play against us. and $1,000 is on the line. >> liz is kicking in the other night. >> a million dollars. >> and she keeps winning in this league. >> eventually it's going to run out, right? is this the year? it's a leap year. >> i didn't win last year, so there you go. >> okay. >> there is one down year. it's a comeback though. >> and a lot of upsets this year. this year i'm hoping for more steadiness. we'll see. >> i'm sure our best plans will be ruined by midday on friday. >> no question. >> and usually by day two. >> exactly. >> as we get ready for march madness, felt like one more full day of spring. dry weather is still in place for one more day before the storm system will send in a good chance for rain, cooler temperatures, breezy conditions into the bay area to finish off the workweek as we would head into the
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weekend. today was nice. the range of temperatures experienced over the past few days. to the low 70s, farther inland. most of these numbers closer to the water and very close to normal, but still several degrees above average. and that will be the case once again tomorrow. after we start off mostly in the mid to upper 40s to around 50 degrees. these numbers are very close to typical for late march. high temperatures tomorrow, again, one more day. it is a very similar pattern that we've seen, where temperatures have reached the low 70s in the santa clara valley and inland in the east bay. but closer to the bay, mostly 60s. half moon bay will be slightly warmer tomorrow and still above 60. low 60sin san francisco and the mid-60s for oakland. the mid to upper 60s as well. just a little bit cooler in other parts of the bay area where they will be thickening through tomorrow evening. ahead of the next storm system, which will send a good chance for the bay area and as we would wind the clock forward and show some moisture trying to sneak in to
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the coast tomorrow and that will fall apart before they make it. the storm system with a good chance for rain into the north baby mid-morning on friday. spreading across the rest of the bay area. that's the first wave. there will be another round of off and on showers in the forecast on saturday. it's not going to rain everywhere all the time, but be flexible with any outdoor plans over the weekend, and the rain is going to pick up as well. the wind outlook from 11:00 on friday through 5:00 on saturday shows breezy conditions. again, saturday afternoon and evening, all the orange shaded tiles will end kate 20 to 30 miles an hour gusts, not strong enough. no significant power outage threat. but it is certainly going to be breezy and make it feel cooler. this will be a snow maker for the sierra. the winter storm watch goes into effect on midday friday. seems early to me because they will not add up much snow. but after that point, they will be talking about a foot or two of snow for most elevations above 5,000 feet. so the winter storm watch is in effect through
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early sunday morning. something to keep in mind if you're be heading up to the sierra. then things will get tricky by the back half of the weekend. for the back half of the weekend or around the bay area, talking about lingering showers on sunday continuing into monday. a dry day on tuesday. and then yet another round of rain will be heading our way on wednesday. so we're going to get back into this active weather pattern that's going to be with us off and on for the next several days as we head into the last week of march. after one more day of near or above average temperatures tomorrow, it's back to below average with highs back to within five degrees of everyone else. well along the coast, you're farther inland, running well below normal. guys? >> basketball watching weather. time for a check at what's ahead at 6:00. >> thank you so much. it doesn't get much tighter than this. the race to represent silicon valley in congress is now down to one vote. yes, just one. that's right. so now the critical race for anna eshoo's seat could come down to somebody's mistake on a ballot. so we're going to take you inside,
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behind the scenes, as they try to sort all of this out. plus tensions over free speech on campuses, a bay area high school student says her article was censored for being critical for israel. the school's response and how it is highlighted a dilemma in the classroom. and we are at st. mary's for the gaels send off to the big dance. the news at 6:00 coming up in ten minutes. let's go over to matt. hey, matt. >> hi, jules. nice to see you. it's officially official. snellzilla coming to san francisco. blake snell met with the media this morning. the es his former team, the padres, who decided not to sign him by the way. okay, it's hard to find anybody rooting against long beach state in the ncaa tournament. i'm calling them america's team. after what they went through last week to get to the big dance, it's hard to root against them. firing long-time head coach dan munson last monday, but he wanted to finish out the season. so he went to las vegas with his team and they won the
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big west tournament. and now as munson joked, he is coaching for free in march madness. >> you guys see the seinfeld, when george costanza was trying to get fired, still going to work every day. that's me. >> i want to walk away with the people saying wow. now that guy got canned. >> next week i got a car payment, how payment, and i don't know how i'm going to do it. but don't really care. >> that's america's team. the beach play a no. 2 arizona tomorrow morning. there has never been a perfect march madness bracket reported by the ncaa. in my opinion, the weirder the bracket, the better. so i hit the streets of san francisco to fill out the people's bracket. >> clemson, new mexico. >> awe man, new mexico. >> why? >> man, they got defense, bro. >> northwestern. >> reporter: what do you like about the style of their play? [ laughter ]
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>> reporter: there were some experts, i guess, roaming around the bay. others who definitely didn't realize what month it was. wisconsin, james madison? >> is that college? >> yes. it's march madness, man. >> i don't really know too much about college. >> want to help me with my march madness bracket? >> i don't know anything about sports. >> reporter: it was great. introducing san franciscans to march madness. this is the first time you've ever filled out a bracket? >> i have no idea what's happening. >> reporter: some people came in with bracket strategies. >> no. 2 is out of the first, second round. >> reporter: feels like discrimination against the two? >> it's second best, right? >> oh no, oregon got eliminated. >> by who? >> i don't know, someone in the mission. how do you feel about that? >> that's the cutest name. >> sanford is a cute name.
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>> no. >> reporter: our bracket was really coming together. st. mary's verses baylor to go to the final four. >> i have no idea. >> you got to pick one. this is the gaels and the bears. >> baylor. >> i don't know what that is. >> you don't know what the final four is? >> seriously? >> i'm serious. >> it's march madness. >> no clue. >> all right, you're making our final four pick. uconn, baylor? >> baylor. >> reporter: baylor verses gonzaga. >> how much college basketball do you watch? >> none. >> reporter: so you're the expert for this? >> i'm going gonzaga. >> why? >> because it's got a cooler name. [ laughter ] >> san francisco, it's got a better name. this town is full of basketball wisdom as you just saw. these people just chuck full of it. i love this bracket. this is the perfect bracket, guys. >> that might be the winning bracket. >> it might be the winning bracket. i'm submitting it to cbs and to i think i'm going to win $1,000 and then the $1 million bracket
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challenge. i'm very proud of this. >> i love that you're owning it as your own. these are your people. >> the man of the people. >> simply that. >> i love the folks that didn't know what you were talking about. >> it was concerning how many people just don't know march madness, like who, what? >> thanks, matt. still ahead here at 5:00, we'll show you the journey of how a little known american story went from a children's book to a musical theater production whose
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march 31 is the day we honor cesar chavez and the work he did to unite farmworkers. little do people know the man who stood by his side was a filipino american. >> yeah, his name was larry, and it is a little known story about to get amplified with their own theater stage production that first started as a children's book. i had a chance to go behind the scenes during the rehearsal as the cast, crew, creator of this musical. but the finishing touches on what they call an american journey. >> reporter: you can feel the tension coming from them as they watch the cast and crew. tweak and fine tune her creation. bringing it to life on stage. >> so this is kind of like the real stressful time because we're crunched up with time. >> reporter: it is a journey that began five years ago when
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gayle, along with her friend wrote a children's book. telling the story of immigrants who arrived in america >> he wasn't sure if he would ever become a lawyer, but he could still help people get justice. >> reporter: and the larry she is talking about is this man who organized the filipino farmworkers, starting in the 1965 grape strike and joining forces with cesar chavez, co-founding the united farmworkers. >> i think this is a story for anybody who is an american. it is essential to america's identity. this story, filipino americans should also be central to who the united states is and what american schools teach. >> reporter: and now the story will go from the pages of a book to a theater production on
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stage called larry, the musical. the show will debut in the mission district. for actors, it is a chance for them to tell an authentic story about their own history. >> what it means to do this show about philippine american history is very rare because not many shows are done with filipino actors. >> feels like we're very much doing this with our ancestors, with our community, with our people. we are not alone in doing this. >> reporter: for the cast and crew, the best part will come on opening night. where they hope the tension of rehearsal will turn into a moment of reflection. >> i haven't had that moment to sink into a chair, watch it. just wonder what happened in the last five years. i haven't gotten there yet. i don't know what that will look like. i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: looking forward to
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seeing her creation come to life on stage. but more importantly, looking forward to an audience watching, learning about a true american experience. >> he is now playing in the bravo theater to preview audiences and opening night once again is this saturday. >> it looks fantastic. well that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thanks, guys. one vote, yes. one of the most critical elections in the bay area to replace congresswoman anna eshoo is now down to just one vote. so what do you do when it is that close? well, we have a behind-the-scenes look at the race to fix the ballot mistakes. and also a shootout in pleasant hill is now claiming two lives. what we have learned about the robbery targeting a cannabis delivery worker that took a deadly turn. and plus tensions over free speech on campuses of bay area high school student wants to know why


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