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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay area, with elizabeth cook. the hope of finding survivors is growing dimmer by the minute. what we know now about the bridge collapse in baltimore. and, could something like that happen here? join me and robert s kennedy jr. in the healing of america. >> the bay area attorney who has never held a look at office is now in the running to be vice president. what she brings to the table. >> this afternoon might be the last meanly dry afternoon we get for almost a week. coming up, we are talking about not just one, but two different storms towards the bay area.
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>> thank you joining us, i'm anne makovec in for elizabeth cook. six people are missing and presumed dead this afternoon after a cargo ship hit a bridge in baltimore, causing it to collapse. this is a live look at the collapsed francis scott key bridge in baltimore. you can see some of the sections of that bridge are in the water, and the cargo ship is still there. two people have been rescued from the water, and the search is underway right now for six construction workers who were believed to be on the bridge when it collapsed. this all happened early this morning, at around 10:30 p.m. our time. a youtube channel caught the moment when the large cargo ship rammed into a support column of the bridge, bringing it down into the river. before the collision, the crew aboard the ship notified state officials of the vessel had lost power, and that hitting the bridge was possible. >> yo, what? oh my gosh. >> that witness also caught the moment on camera as the ship rammed into the bridge. a
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crane operator at the port also felt the impact from his nearby home. >> like the aftershock of an earthquake and a loud explosion. >> maryland's governor declared a state of emergency, same crews are doing everything they can to look for any possible survivors. >> there is not a single resource that we will hold off on deploying. i have already authorized deploying everything from air, land, and sea resources, to make sure that the search and rescue operation is carried out to its fullest extent. >> the aerial view gives you a better idea of the extent of the damage to the bridge. 12 million vehicles crossed baltimore's key bridge last year. the ntsb says it is leading the investigation into the crash. here's another live look at the bridge and cargo ship. u.s. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says
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he is supporting both the governor and baltimore's mayor. the president says he plans to go to baltimore as soon as he can. here in the bay area of course, we rely on several major bridges to get around, let's take a live look right now at the richmond san rafael bridge, bottom right of your screen, that is the closest to the baltimore bridge in terms of crossings every day, it serves about 36,000 cars daily, earlier, i spoke with the civil engineering and construction management expert at cal state east bay, and asked him to put this incident into perspective in terms of safety. >> the bridge was not very old, it only opened in 1977. so, it is not an infrastructure maintenance issue, you know, if you fortify these bridges and peers too much, then you are blocking the passage of ships, and traffic. so, it's like putting a guard rail in the middle-of-the-road. the lesson is, that we shouldn't be overly traumatized, by an
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accident. in other words, every minute, feeling like, you know, something is going to happen, because these are very rare. >> of course it gives you pause, there have been a couple of bay area bridge crashes back here in 2013, an empty oil tanker caused minor damage when it hit the base of a bridge tower on the old bay bridge. the overseas remark headed into the tower after heading out to see, and in 2007, another container ship, had a run-in with the bay bridge, spilling 52,000 gallons of oil. crews spent months cleaning up the damage. the ships pilot and two shipping companies responsible for that spill paid $44.4 million in a settlement. another live look in baltimore, now, where that cargo ship hit a bridge , this
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morning, causing it to collapse. we will continue to update you on this story on aaron on our website,, and streaming on the free cbs news and extract other headlines we are following right now at 3:00, firefighters rescued somebody from a house fire on san jose on fourth street near st. james park before noon. crews say the fire was threatening nearby homes and an apartment building for the flames moved to an house next door, where one person was saved by firefighters but two homes were destroyed and no one else was hurt. organizers of the 420 festival in san francisco have just canceled this year's event. this is video from last year, you can see, very popular. organizers blame city budget cuts, and challenges securing sponsorships. the event has traditionally drawn thousands of people to golden gate park to celebrate canada's culture. first alert weather, now, one more try day, and then we get ready for more rain. meteorologist paul deanno, you may remember he is on loan from
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our sister station in los angeles, looking ahead to our unsettled weather pattern. >> today will arguably be the nicest day to get outside that we will have over the next week. let me show you what is going to happen. today, we get some sunshine, wednesday, light rain, and thursday, scattered showers, between weather systems but then we get the second storm coming in, and friday and saturday looks soggy, that may linger on until sunday, and then we get into monday, where to be the next mainly dry day. it is a long walk, between today's dry weather and next week's dry weather. that is going to be a while before we finally get to see calm weather returning. baseball game will be pleasant outside , but it will be play to hard to play baseball games later on this week. it will be breezy at first pitch, par for the course and stadiums and cisco, mid-50s when the
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game will be wrapping up. with look at the allergy report, the allergy report is interesting, because this may be the one element that gets better when it rains. washing allergens out of the sky. pollen count is very hard today. medium to high on wednesday, thursday night and friday, we are back down into the medium-range. sometime this afternoon, some of you in san mateo or santa clara county may get less sunshine than your friends in the north bay, and none of us gets unsigned tomorrow because the storm is poised to move in. we will enjoy the dry weather today, this is futurecast, hopefully what our clouds will look like for the next few days. by wednesday morning, late drips of rainfall in the north bay. the northbay will get most of the rainfall until again about this time tomorrow. things get more organized then, with yellow and orange on the map here. rolling through wednesday evening, that is when the rain stretches out into the east bay, and also the south bay. rain is coming, and not leaving for a while. with afternoon temperatures, that will be in the mid-50s, redwood city 55.
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glitz at the one. nevada 57, petaluma also in the mid 60s. two storms are coming, the first one gets here tomorrow. the second one on friday and saturday. several opportunities for rain once we are finished with a dry day today. a new face in the vice presidential race, and she is from the bay area. robert f kennedy jr. announced his running mate today in oakland. >> i am proud to introduce to you, a former vice president of the united states, my fellow lawyer, a warrior mom, nicole shanahan. >> nicole shanahan is a lawyer and tech entrepreneur based in sentences go, and she grew up across the bay in oakland. she does not have much experience in politics, but she does have deep pockets. >> it is so good to be here in
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oakland. this city will always have a special place in my heart . as you probably know, i became very wealthy later on in life, but my roots in oakland taught me many things i have never forgotten. the purpose of wealth is to help those in need. that is what it is for. and i want to bring back -- i want to bring that back to politics, to. that is the purpose of privilege. >> shanahan went to st. mary's high school in oakland and graduated from santa clara university law school. she contributed $4 million to the kennedy super pac, and was involved in coordinating the production of a campaign ad which aired during the super bowl. robert f kennedy, the nephew of the 35th president, john f. kennedy, will be running as an independent and needed to name a running mate
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before getting his name on most state ballots. so, how will the kennedy shanahan ticket affect the overall race for the white house? coming up, we talk live with sonoma state political science professor, david mcewan, for so
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with a third-party candidate solidifying his name
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on the president shall ballot, a lot of questions this afternoon about how this could affect the vote for president biden, and former president trump. joining me alive now, political science professor david mcewan. thank you for being with us today. obviously, robert f kennedy jr. has a significant name recognition, what do we really know about him, though, and he's now running mate? >> if you look at rfk jr., this is someone who has been staunchly proenvironment, that is how he made his rotation, but also someone who has been at the forefront of many anti- coded -- or, anti-vaccine conspiracies around covid. he is someone who has been very popular on reddit, very popular online. it's an interesting mishmash of different ideologies. obviously, kind of a left progressive on the environment, but also a bit of a libertarian philosophy about what you should do with your body, your family, yourselves, what you should be doing in your communities, and this mishmash is something that
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allows him to draw from republicans and democrats, somewhat disaffected democrats, particularly underrepresented groups, and libertarian minded republicans, all of that will present some important challenges to both major parties and probably cost democrats a bit more than are publicans, that is him to watch, particularly in states they are trying to get on the ballot for, and the running mate he picked today is also someone who is a huge donor, but also someone who knows a lot about artificial intelligence, another element of rfk jr.'s political philosophy is forward leaning and forward thinking as well. >> she mentioned her age is one of the deciding factors, trying to appeal to younger voters, but as you mentioned, we know he also has a lot of money. how do you think that could have played into this choice? >> a huge amount. i mean look, it's not just that rfk jr. 70, and the eight elements related to biden and trump, this is someone who can help him get on the ballot, because she used to be married to one of the
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cofounders of google, and one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, that allows him to get on the ballot in states beyond utah, where he is formally qualified and also has signatures for nevada, hawaii , and he is trying to get on the ballot in georgia, and arizona, michigan, all states , as you know, michigan recently had a primary that really pushed back with a bunch of younger voters in particular, who were upset about what is going on with gaza. so, with those seven states, this provides 62 electoral votes but that's a big chunk , and that would come at some cost to major party candidates, particularly joe biden. that is something democrat have in mind, because they are reminded of 2016 . >> that would be my next question. i don't think anyone is predicting that rfk will actually win in november, but how could this skew the race? you mentioned that it could take away votes from president biden, but i'm hearing
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conjecture that it could take away votes from former president trump. >> right now, if you look at polling, third-party candidate polling is always problematic. 's support is not that high on election day, but if joe biden is somewhere where he is facing some headwinds, because he is the incumbent, and donald trump is in and out of court every day, and tops out about 46% or 47%, it is going to be a close race. a third-party candidate who can pick up a couple of percentage points here or there can really mess things up in a state like nevada, or is it like arizona, or in a state like georgia or michigan. if you take just those states, you're talking about a difference in 2020 of less than 65,000 votes. so, every vote will matter in this particular november, that is where rfk jr. can play and important role, mostly in states that democrats only picked up slightly in 2020. he
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will draw from donald trump, but he also draws at a higher level with disaffected democrats, particularly african-american men and younger voters and those key battleground states. that will be very important in states like georgia or michigan, for example. >> i have to ask you, so many people are fed up with the two-party system, what are the chances, in our lifetime, of a third-party candidate having a shot of the presidency? >> not under the current rules in the way things work, some of your viewers will remember ross perot in 1992, that third-party kind of goes away. third parties are important, rfk senior was hugely important in 1968. democrats held convention in chicago, just like this year, that is going to present some interesting fireworks, with rfk on the sidelines. very interesting to watch that juxtaposition, and history in the making.
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>> a lot of good insight, david mcewan from sonoma state, thanks so much. still ahead, a point of pride for one bay area hospital, the long line of women in one specific and here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs
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and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good.
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it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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as we mark women's history month, we are highlighting how a hospital in the peninsula is helping to fill a major shortage in the healthcare industry, with a proud legacy dating back decades. in 1908, sutter health milton medical center was created with the philanthropic help of elizabeth mills reed, then in 1953, mills peninsula created a tuition free school of diagnostic imaging, and over the years, there have been hundreds of graduates. max darrow shows us, the majority are women. >> reporter: sabina conducts medical scans , and teaches future radiologic technologist the tools of the trade. she
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is an instructor at the school of diagnostic imaging at sutter health peninsula medical center. it is a tuition free school, where students get hands-on and real-world job experience, guided by professionals on the career path to becoming tax. >> when they graduate, they are ready to go, they are confident. >> reporter: she knows that firsthand. >> this is my graduating class. >> reporter: she graduated from the program in 1993. >> remember how happy i was to graduate, just being super excited to start my career. >> reporter: 30 years later, she continues to share that passion with the next generation of technologist. >> if i can instill a love of radiology into them, and also, the care for patients in our hospital, i am so happy to do that. >> reporter: her graduation photo is among 60 others on the
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wall since the school's inception in 1963. if you take a quick scan of the photos, you will notice, the majority of the 400 graduates are women, that is something that director cynthia payne takes a lot of pride in. >> if you are a young woman, you can be self-supporting. >> reporter: she says often times, medical imaging is what allows dr. to see. techs perform ct scans, x-rays, ultrasounds and more. and, she says they are especially in high demand right now, throughout the medical world. >> there is a big shortage, across the country, of technologist. >> reporter: and women play an important role. >> mammography is a big deal. for screening purposes , to prevent advanced stages of breast cancer. >> deep breath in, blow it out. >> reporter: will marry hopes to encourage more women to follow in her footsteps. >> we go to high schools,
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career fairs, career days and just encourage young girls who may not have the opportunity to go to a four-year college . >> reporter: she has been able to pursue a career path which has proven to be fulfilling and rewarding. >> it is just a great way to give back to the community. >> reporter: one image, and in her case, one student, too, at a time. >> the school is funded through philanthropy, and other organizations. they are still taking applications for a few more days. it is a two-year program. you do not need a four-year college degree to be considered, and when you are finished, graduates are eligible to take the state and national certification exam. some graduates report starting salaries of $50 per hour. we will be right back.
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, we are here in baltimore, on the pepsico river in front of the francis key scott bridge, you can see it is totally gone. there is an active search and rescue operation going on right now, with a number of people still missing. we will have the very latest coming up on the cbs evening news. coming up at 5:00, the bridge collapse in baltimore prompt questions like what if something like that happens here in the bay area. we will look at how local agencies are prepared to respond. that story and more coming up at
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5:00. finally here at 3:00, we are in the thick of march madness right now, the ncaa tracker shows zero perfect brackets remaining on the men's side and just for on the women's side, the women's tourney has seen very few upsets so far, but there is no shortage of monumental moments. caitlin clark set the single-season scoring record and is leading her iowa hawkeyes to the sweet 16. on the men's side, the sweet 16 is looking choppy as well, except for the 11 ceded north carolina state wolfpack , the only double-digit team remaining inside the nba , host ernie johnson says they are trying to repeat the yukon cinderella run from more than a decade ago. >> back in 2011, connecticut 125 games in five days to win the big east and propelled them to the national championship. you have a team in this year's tournament, nc state, trying to do the very same thing , they were number 10 in the acc, 125 games in five days, they are trying to get to the national
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championship. >> the huskies are the number one overall seed this year, and have dominated in both of their games so far. the tournament resumes on thursday for the men and friday for the women. you can check out how some members of the cbs news bay area team are doing on their brackets by going to our website, as nora said, the cbs evening news is coming up next year on kpix, live from baltimore. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. >> the entire key bridge has fallen into the harbor. >> norah: the catastrophic bridge collapsed in baltimore. >> yo! what the -- >> norah: tonight, the search for answers and the missing as a construction company says six of its workers are presumed dead. what we are learning about the ve's


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