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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now, a mix of rain, cold temperatures and even snow as an april storm rolls through the bay area. we could be seeing a chance of thunder and hail this afternoon. we are tracking it all in our first alert forecast.
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it is official. the a's are leaving oakland to play in sacramento. thank you for joining us this afternoon. i'm anne makovec in for ryan yamamoto . it is a sad day for a's fans. the team now playing its final season at the oakland coliseum after reaching a deal with the sacramento kings. the a's will play at sutter health park starting next season before they moved to las vegas. the announcement comes after negotiations with the city of oakland failed. a's owner john fischer announced the news in sacramento today. >> we are excited to be here for the next three years, playing in this beautiful ballpark, but also being able to watch some of the greatest players in baseball, whether they be athletics players or aaron judge and others, launch home runs out of this very intimate, the most intimate ballpark in all of major league baseball. >> you could call it intimate. the sutter health park can fit just over 14,000 fans. the
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oakland coliseum fits 63,000 fans. less than 11,000 fans showed up to a's home games on average last season. oakland mayor released a statement saying we wish days the best and we will continue our conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. in vegas, the a's plan to move into their new ballpark by 2028 . this is what the dugout digs would look like at the $1.5 billion stadium. things are happening fast. the a's have hired the same company that the raiders used to oversee ticket sales, even before ground is broken on their new ballpark. as you can imagine, the a's moving to sacramento was getting a lot of people talking. earlier today, we spoke with the president of the grassroots group save oakland sports who says it has been tough to see these sports teams leaving oakland over the
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past several years. >> it is devastating . it has been a tough 20 years, really, to try to get a stadium in oakland. we lost the raiders. we lost the warriors. i would hope that they would at least stay, to keep the team in oakland a few more years. unfortunately, it did not happen. it is just devastating. all the jobs lost . >> a's fans reacting to the news. we spoke with one man who actually does not mind the move. >> it is no problem. i like if they move out there for a while. >> as you can imagine, not all fans are thrilled, some of them standing up on social media. one person on x says it is heartbreaking for open pans and it is shameful that the organization did this in a way that seems to have maximized the pain and disrespect to the
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fans who have shown nothing but loyalty for generations. another person saying that seeing the oakland athletics move is kind of sad. there is so much history on that team, nine world series trophies, countless hall of famers and it is all being destroyed by a greedy, inept ownership group. another person posting, what is happening with the oakland athletics franchise is so shameful it almost defies disbelief. we want to hear from you. we posted on social media, are you willing to drive to sacramento for the a's? we would love you to join in the conversation by going to our x account, kpix tv . we will continue to follow this developing story. stay with us on air, on our website, and streaming on the free cbs news app. our other top story is the weather, a storm bringing snow to the bay area. this is a live look at mt. hamilton in the south bay. not a lot, but you can see a dusting of snow there. in the east bay, this is the snow on mt. diablo. you can see snow flurries still coming
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down. >> that same system bringing widespread rain to the bay area. it was really coming down this morning as people were getting ready to go to work and i was trying to walk my dog but the wet weather did not stop people from getting their morning workout in. we spotted a group of runners at golden gate park. let's get over to meteorologist jessica burch in our virtual weather studio. did you have to walk chopper in this this morning? >> no. i made my boyfriend do it. let's take a look at what is going on outside. heading into this afternoon, we have been dealing with this cold front holding and from offshore . we have been forecasting this all week long. such a change for us in the bay area. two days ago, 70s and sunshine. today we deal with this mess. right now, the sender of that area of low pressure bringing in all this rain is sitting offshore. as we take a look north, there is some snow just
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north of napa and sonoma and we are watching similar trends into the santa clara valley with drier conditions near the santa clara valley and monday of snowballing your mt. hamilton. as we take a look at the snowfall totals, there could still be another inch of snow expected at those peaks all the way down. this has been a very impressive cold front. today, our daytime highs in the 50s things to that system sitting just off shore. you can see the center of low pressure circulating in. give us another quarter inch near napa, a half inch over near fairfield and a similar trend into the santa clara valley. i will talk more about this storm and how long it will last coming up in your first alert forecast. the race for mayor in the san francisco is heating up. another high-profile politician wants voters to give him the job. supervisor aaron peskin told kpix that he is running for mayor. he is expected to make his formal announcement at
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a rally in chinatown this weekend. tuscan joining a crowd of people trying to unseat mayor london breed. he is running against fellow supervisors and the heir to the levi strauss fortune. today is the deadline to certify election results and when it comes to the race to represent the south bay in congress, we know that former san jose mayor sam liccardo is the front runner in the race but the question still stands, who will he be running against? the latest count for district 16 which spans san mateo and santa clara counties shows a deadlocked race between evan low and joe simitian. the two are tied for second place. as of right now, they have exactly the same number of votes , believe it or not. what happens next? it is up to the candidates to decide whether to request a recount. otherwise, there will be a three-way race in november. >> state law, basically says that when there is a tie for
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the two positions that we are talking about right now, the two will go to the november election. there will be a three-way race for the congressional seat. >> by the way, a candidate requesting a recount has to cover the cost and there is no assurance that a recount will go in a person's favor. take a look at this, but it's from a dashcam during taiwan 7.4 magnitude earthquake earlier this week. we see boulders falling onto the road, smashing into a car while drivers narrowly avoided another. in a hospital in taiwan, nurses came rushing into the room when the shaking started, later saying that they were frightened but they still chose to stay to try to protect the room of 15 newborns. all of the babies are safe and unharmed. taiwan still reeling from the aftermath of that earthquake. rescue crews are still looking for the more than
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100 people still missing and more than 1000 injured by the disaster. still ahead at noon and streaming, outbreaks of bird flu hitting several states, even shutting down the neyssen's largest -- nation's largest egg producer. why we don't need to be alarmed. here is a she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save.
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nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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there are more concerns about avian flu outbreaks.
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they have been reported appletree facilities throughout the country and america's largest egg producer also dealing with the virus. this all comes after a person in texas tested positive for the virus. >> the nation's largest egg producer shut down production and called more than 1.5 million chickens after a major bird flu outbreak at a texas plant. the number represents less than 4% of the company's flock and less than 1% of chickens in the u.s. >> the chickens will be destroyed so it is completely safe. >> this comes as six states are reporting outbreaks of avian flu among dairy cows. this week, a texas dairy worker had pink eye after testing positive for the virus, becoming only the second known human case in the u.s. texas agriculture commissioner sid miller says there is no reason for people to be alarmed.
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>> the only way you can get it from exits if you ate a draw. i don't think that will be the problem. for the consumers, eggs are safe. >> you can't get bird flu from eating thoroughly cooked eggs or poultry according to the usda who also advises you should wash your hands after touching raw poultry or eggs. >> go about business as usual. completely safe, no alarms, no need to change anything you are doing, really. >> the cdc says it is continuing its work with the usda, fda and state health departments to monitor people exposed to animals inspected -- effected with this virus. firefighters rescued a woman and a dog after a fire broke out in the sunset district on 44th avenue at around 7:00 this morning. crews used a ladder to get them out of the building. the home was majorly damaged but nobody was hurt. back to our first alert weather now, taking a live look outside. this is a look at
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oakland today. it is gray, it is rainy and it seems like we might see a little electricity out there before the day is done. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch . >> it has been such an active first alert weather day. if we take a look at what is happening, there is still a chance of thunderstorm activity. what is exciting to talk about is the snow. it is not down at sea level, it is already up into the higher elevated areas, stretching all the way over to mt. diablo where we have been watching that snowfall all morning. if we take a larger look, this area of low pressure has plenty of energy. they work in a counterclockwise direction. coincidentally, the center of it is just off shore of san francisco. there is a reason why we are seeing wet and gusty conditions. we will continue to watch these on and off showers with a chance of thunderstorm activity likely as well. here we go toward napa and sonoma. a
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little bit of a dusting of snow stretching down into the santa clara valley. it is dry right now but that was not the case about two hours ago. we got our fair share of rain and now we will continue to watch this into the next couple of hours on futurecast, showing the same trend we have right now. hit or miss showers tonight. there is that center of low pressure system moving its way off into the east. it will leave behind some lingering showers tomorrow. this is by 1:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. here we go into the early morning commute hours, lingering showers just along our shoreline. from now until tomorrow morning, we could see another half inch of rain in areas like fairfield, a quarter of into napa and sonoma. we will keep a close eye on this system because luckily it starts to move away pretty fast. then we are just left with mild conditions but, today, that cold front left its mark. we are talking about daytime highs in the 50s. along
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the peninsula, we are used to that but for our inland areas, it was just two days ago we were talking about sunshine and beautiful 70s in our forecast and suddenly now we feel like we live in the peninsula. over the next seven days, sunshine right around the corner. we have some partly cloudy skies this weekend but at least it will be dry for any outdoor activities you have going on. once you head into next week, 60s turn into 70s, 70s turn into 80s and we are left with sunshine. we will keep you updated on the forecast. helping young people become i met warriors. the woman behind this unique nonprofit and how she is hoping to inspire more children to care for our environment. it is 100% medical grade silicone patches. for years,
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dermatologists, skin experts and doctors have used these on their patients that have scars from surgeries or burns to help heal them. we take them out of the sheet, we peel them off. you can put them on the eyes, on the forehead, around the lip . when these are gone, it will pull the hydration from the lower levels of the skin to the surface. increase your blood flow and increase your collagen production. that is what will plump out those lines, give you that smoothness. we have a bundle today. it is the eyes, the lips, and the forehead. we will give you six of the i patches. they are reusable. 60 eye treatments, two of the forehead. that is 40 head treatments and then two of the ones we are going to use around the mouth. again, 40 treatments. for 140 treatments, it is on sale, $61. that is 32% off. >> how many times are you using it? >> you can use each one up to
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20 times. wash them in between with just water, no soap. always apply on a clean, dry face. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much
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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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six in 10 americans believe that climate change is causing harm here in the u.s. and that it only will get worse during their lifetime. that is according to a pew research center survey. two peninsula mothers are encouraging young people to think about how they can care for the environment. sharon chen introduces us to this week bay area jefferson award winners. >> when shirley and eileen meant years ago as moms of elementary students, they never would have predicted their shared passion would take them down a path of encouraging young film makers. >> they just inspire me. they can make a difference. >> eileen and shirley were board members of the citizens of environmental counsel of burlingame, an environmental education advocacy group and they wanted to inspire more
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children to learn about our planet outside of the classroom. >> i am sure there are some things going on but there is no curriculum right now. i thought, let's try to put on a film fest for students to share their ideas about the environment. >> they launched the first annual citizen environmental every year, students in grades 4 through 12 create their own film of up to five minutes that shows how they care about the world around them , a free workshop offers storytelling tips. winning entries received $150 cash prizes, funded by peninsula clean energy. >> studies have shown there is a major partner in crime. >> kalynn ling won a top award for his seventh grade film on the environmental impact of red
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meat. now a 10th grader, she says the experience has shaped her career goals. >> i grew really passionate about telling stories about environmental justice through filmmaking, through storytelling and i was really empowered to do that. >> someone posted a youtube link. >> today, she is a festival judge and part of the planning committee that includes members of the citizens environmental counsel, burlington high school. in the end, shirley and eileen say the young filmmakers are not the only winners. >> they learn about what is going on and the problems with wasting water or wasting food. they actually can go to their parents and point things out to their parents to take that interest, and to continue it. that is why we do it. >> for encouraging san mateo county students to learn about and care for the environment, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to shirley
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lee and eileen kim. coming up next, another drawing with no winner. the powerball jackpot just keeps growing.
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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continuing coverage of the a's upcoming move to west sacramento. what is next for fans and for oakland. could you be america's newest billionaire? we can only hope. all it takes is six lucky numbers as the powerball jackpot has bloomed up to $1.23 billion. the next drawing is saturday night. while nobody hit the jackpot, lucky players in southern california came pretty close, guessing five of the six numbers and winning more than $1.6 million each. not bad. that is it for the afternoon edition. thank you for being with us today. we are streaming 24/7 on the free cbs news app. next newscast is coming up at 3:00
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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james is a real jack in the box hater, and he's blindly trying my new smashed jack. it's very fresh. it's actually really good. it seems higher end, so i don't want to say like a mcdonald's or— oh god, you scared me! you changed my mind. try the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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>> liam: how can finn show up for sheila? >> steffy: it's important to him. >> liam: yeah, no, i know. i've heard it. she's his birth mother. but she's also his attempted murderer. >> steffy: okay. >> liam: and yours. >> steffy: trust me, liam. i feel the same way you do. >> liam: then how... are you so calm?


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