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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 10, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. thank you for joining us this morning. it's wednesday, april 10th. >> so let's get it started. >> she was cat called by one of the residents living here in -- >> we don't really have a
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place to go. >> parents worried about theirkids at school but some homeless say they're out of options and now the city of san jose might step many: i know a number ofpeople who will not bring their children to this main librgas stations as people need -- still indagation and i mean we don't have -- all of us don't have the opportunity to get electric cars. >> bold action to protect the environment in the east bay. but is it fair to all drivers? and the end of an era at stanford. take a bow, tara vanderveer. college hoops all-time wins leader leaving the sidelines with praise all across the country. what a jacket and what an illustrious career. i'm nicole zaloumis and 38 years, reed. >> right you turn to powerhouse in the dictionary, tara's picture is there and i'm just so proud of her right? >> yes. congratulations. >> yeah and you just wonder what's next for her right? >> needs to write a book and go on a speaking tour and tara, book us for your first appearance. hey, thank you for joining us this morning. let's take a live look outside. open up the windows and doors on
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this beautiful wednesday morning. we always start our wednesday saying you are halfway through the workweek but we know we're little further into the workweek than you are. we've been up since 2:00 this morning. however, we're just sort of like a preview. and jess, good morning. we are halfway through the workweek and we're cheering everybody on. absolutely. here's the preview for the forecast and it's going to look different in the afternoon hours and we're waking up to a little bit of mix of clouds and cool conditions anywhere from the santa clara valley stretching north into areas like the bay bridge. where we wake up head out the door things are still pretty cool and brisk out there. i want to show you what's going on this afternoon. because wean though we're starting off cool and mild we have a really big warm-up this afternoon and about to show you the reason why in just a minute. the daytime highs today are sitting about seven to 15 degrees above average. based on where you live and which microclimate you are at. if you live along the coastal regions we're probably going to hit the upper 60s or lower 70s like san francisco
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into this afternoon. even warmer once you head across the bay bridge over into oakland. 75 degrees today. 80s anywhere from antioch. concord all the way over into the north bay. and down into the santa clara valley too, so the quick look at the numbers that reflects a very warm day for us throughout this afternoon. we're going to be seeing daytime highs sitting in the upper 70s and up in the north bay and low 80s the more east we are go. a dry setup for us too and the pollen count is relatively high and i want to mention that as well. so just keep that in mind. a dry, mild day for us today. and along the coastline, a lot warmer for our friends in theindians in, the next couple of days that's going to change quickly. watch what happens as the area of low pressure moves its way in from the north. this is another cold front approaching us and you can see it depicted right here, high pressure has been keeping us dry but this is going to change allot the rest of the week. this trough of low pressuremoves in. it's another cold front sweeping in into the weekend forecast and that's going to take the temperatures from the 80s all the way down
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into the 50s right around the corner. more on that in a bit. for now over to you. all right, a live look outside for your morning drive time at 5:00 in the morning. different view around the bay. starting at the bay bridge. metering lights are off right now. no buildups at this time of morning. those typically turn on around #:35. if you want to miss them. get out the door. over at the golden gate bridge very few cars from marin county has we get a live look there. just sort of sleepy right? great conditions so far this morning. and good morning those of you who are taking the san mateo bridge from 880 to highway 101. no brake lights there, smooth drive so far on the bay area bridges this morning. taking you live to stanford's campus where legendary women's basketball coach tara vanderveer announced the retirement after a whopping 38 seasons at the school. she led the cardinal to three national titles and 14 final four appearances. not to
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mention her teams have played in the ncaa tournament every year since 1988. she was inducted into the basketball hall of fame in 2011 and even coached team usa in the 1996 olympics. earlier is this year, in a win over oregon state, vanderveer passed former duke coach mike krzyzewski to become the ncaa's winningest basketball coach and finishes her career with 1,216 victories under her belt. we mentioned those three stanford championship wins. this one you are seeing on the screen is her most recent in 2021. when her team beat arizona by one point. her first came in 1990 against auburn. that year the cardinal had a 32-1 record and then two years later, they beat western kentucky. so let's go over her resume again. over 1200 wins. three championships. five-time national coach o■f he year awards. 14 final four appearances. and 27 pac-12
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regular season titles. vanderveer said she she was spoiled to coach one of the best for four decades and we have been spoiled by you, coach. so now the big question. who is going to take the mantle? well, stanford announced negotiations have started for assistant kate pay to take over. she just finished her 17th year as an assistant with stanford and also won a national championship as a player back in 1992. stanford also announced that vanderveer will remain with the program in an advisory role. for now it's all about celebrating vanderveer's legacy. tom careen said the only thing more bucket list for me than seeing a tara vanderveer practice before the final four in the indy was her in the conference room talking basketball. a lot of passion there. the people with the biggest award in all of college basketball the naismith awards lauding vanderveer with this, most wins of. and senior
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"sports illustrated" writer pat ford wrote what a career, what a class act. what a loader and teacher. hopes she keep swimming her laps. by the way we're going to hear from her at 1:00ed the. this is the end of the winning era and your community station we are there online and on air and streaming on cbs news bay area. she could just not write the book on how to coach women's sports and basketball. i mean there are so many things in store for her. she is going to stay on in that advisory role. and i like that they're keeping it within house. you know. that they're taking a former player who's been with her for i think 17 years. so maybe hand picked to -- >> keep the culture going and keep in fire burning. what i also love is a high -- i mean look at viewership for college women's basketball. at an all-time high. she really has made history and so proud. >> yeah, i'm glad that you brought that up because on sunday we were at disneyland and my son actually had the women's national championship game on his phone. >> isn't that cool. >> it wasn't prompted at all. like mom this game is on. and i
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think he actually watched that over the men's game. so you do bring up a great point. >> yeah. excellence knows no bounds. amazing. congratulations to tara. more throughout the morning. hey, uc berkeley is getting close to getting a new chancellor a special meeting of state education leaders starts this morning. whoever takes the helm does so at a really crucial time for the school. that school seeks solutions to safety issues in and around campus that have plagued that area in recent months. well, let's talk politics now. before the deadline the two men tied in the race for silicon valley's district 16 house seat will see a ballot recount. but something really interesting here. the recount request did not come from joe simitian or evan low. it came from somebody else. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and evan low both finished in second place with the exact same number of votes. so big question this morning. who requested the recount? we now know dan stick nick of san mateo county and padilla of
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santa clara county. it's interesting about that is that padilla is the former finance director for none other than sam liccardo who worked on the mayoral campaign in san jose for him. the party requesting the recount has to pay for it by the way. so we reached out for reaction and evan low's campaign told us that this move is using his terms, a page right out of trump's political playbook. using dirty tricks to attack democracy again the words of evan low to cbs news bay area. months after the death of a california political trailblazer, the ring con center post office on stewart street in san francisco could see a name change. senators alex padilla and butler introducing a bill to name that location after the late senator dianne feinstein. nicole? well, school safety is top of mind for a group of san jose parents. they're fighting to put some extra space between their kid' campuses and homeless encornments. as katie nielsen reports they say it's time the city steps in. >> for the past year and a half, we've been involved in
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some advocacy surrounding our school safety and security. >> reporter: alfredo hernandez is a senior at kip and says some o of the people living in rr vs. have scared his class mates. >> she was cat called by one of the unhoused residents living near and neighboring our school and that really -- that really made me realize how severe this issue has gotten and how we need an immediate solution. >> reporter: he says the rv started parking around the school during the pandemic and that's when the problems really started. he says he met with san jose's mayor matt mahan to talk about the concerns. >> they were walking past rv encampments. sometimes being harassed on their way on and off-campus. or having break-ins on campus. even found needles on their picnic tables and they asked us what is the city can we do. >> reporter: the answer is apparently two new ordinances, one to prevent tent encampments within 150 feet of a school. and the other would allow oversized vehicles and rvs to be towed if they posed a public
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safety risk which includes being parked near schools. >> this is her house she says. >> reporter: for those like anna who lives in an rv parked next to the school, she says she started parking here a few weeks ago because she was out of options. >> [ speaking in a global language ] we're here because we're struggling. we don't really have a place to go. you know? because there isn't really places where you can park. >> reporter: anna says she wants to go the one of the county's safe parking sites but her rv has been ticketed in the past. to the point she can't renew her registration without paying all those past due parking tickets and she can't park in a county safe parking lot until she gets her rv registered. >> [ speaking in a global language ] just trying to survive. just trying to survive. >> we are not advocating for the criminalization of our unhoused neighbors. we are advocating for a solution that benefits both us, the students and our safety. but also advocating for a solution that benefits our unhoused residents. >> the ordinance sailed through
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yesterday's first reading with unanimous support. and there will be a second reading later this month ahead of a final vote in mid-may assuming it passes. enforestment will begin sometime after that. time right now 5:11. there's a ticking clock to free a whale in the waters off the coastline. the big operation under way this morning. and later, getting back on the streets. cruise's next steps and their homeful return to driverless operations. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. this is the view from our salesforce tower and it's one of my favorites, reed. why? because the ferris wheel and its new location and it just makes me so happy. we hope that you >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you.
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>> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ well, you got to see this. it's a sad sight. this gray whale off the pacific thornton beach had a really hard night as you can see right there there's the whale and then its tail is tangled in the fishing net dragging several hundred feet behind. that's drone video showing that whale dragging that load and apparently the boys on the end of it have been dragged for 400 miles. and we know this because ocean experts spotted and tracked the whale last month over near laguna beach. the president of the pacific beach coalition says it's really amazing the whale has come this far. listen. >> this particular whale is very lucky because it's able to pull that along. sometimes they get dragged down and they
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can't get up. or they get -- you know, that buoy would get stuck on something and now they're trapped and so they're -- paddling and not going anywhere and losing stream and then they have to breathe. so if they -- you know, they run out of steam and they can't breathe, they're gone. >> so super concern there. and the whale is tiring out. this is a closer look at the gill net as they call it wrapped around its tail. now the race to cut it free from the net is on. it's really risky business for both the whale and those who want to help the whale. >> you are literally in a little boat going up to the whale you know, diving into the water. makes a whale that could kill you with one swipe of its fin. and literally cutting the rope off the whale. >> there's a big responsibility for us to -- to do everything in our power to help them. >> so many good people out there wanting to help this animal. no timeline yet for
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when the whale could swim free. in the north bay, sonoma county deputies caught two suspects in a burglary bust. and found a piece of evidence that they probably dent want to take back to the station. they found a live snake in the trunk of a car at a rohnert park home. officers caught the two suspects in the same garage that this snake was lurking. but the department says it wasn't anyone's pet. it just happened to be there. houseboats don't usually stray from the dock but the two story homemade a move across the san francisco bay. our chopper caught a curious kayaker checking it out. san francisco standard reports the home was being towed to san rafael after years long legal battle that forced a community of house boats to relocate. well, now taking a live look outside on this wednesday morning. it's 5:17 in the morning. and you can see the twinkling lights there. san francisco and then just over the water to our friends in the
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east bay. good morning to everybody. and let's bring in jessica burch to talk about the weather and jess, i know that you are a pilot. i want to give a shout-out to had somebody over in the east bay. mike harrison in the --mont view neighborhood. you remember the plane that flew past the eclipse we showed yesterday. he says it's not kem australias. it's contrails. so it's so good because i said look, we all need each other to help us to be better. so mike harrison of the montclair neighborhood. thank you so much for watching. >> well. that's really sweet of him. nice quick correction. and i mean we're all human and we all say things right and sometimes i make mistakes too but let's take a quick look at what's going on outside on a day like today. go fly and it's a beautiful day to go out there and get some fresh air. the reason why is because we're seeing one of the warmest days on record -- actually this whole year so far happened this afternoon. here's what's going on. high pressure is sitting just offshore and that's keeping us dry and warm into the afternoon hours today. we're actually going to hit the 80s in the east bay. down into the santa clara valley,
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70s into san francisco. but that's going to change drastically as we head into this weekend's forecast. the reason why is because we're experiencing another cold front right around the corner and that's going to sweep in just like last week's system bringing in cooler temperatures. these 80s quickly going down into the 50s by saturday and luckily there's a quick recovery after that, but it's going to be very noticeable and also going to see gusty conditions and some rain in the forecast too. but that doesn't come until late friday night, early saturday morning. so today and tomorrow, we're just noticing a mix of sun and clouds and thursday's forecast it's a very similar trend. but just offshore, you watch that area of low pressure start to trough its way in. and as that system comes in, it's bringing in that first band of rain into the overnight hours on friday. you can see the circulation sitting just offshore. that will continue to bring in more moisture in from the south throughout our saturday forecast. and we'll keep you updated with the rainfall totals as we get closer. right now it's looking like we're going get a half inch on average throughout the bay but let's take a look at today. before we get there with all the rainy skies into the stat forecast, we have to get
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through today first and like i said it's one of the warmest days so far this year. we're experiencing 80s off near antioch and upper 70s in redwood city. low 70s into san francisco. a beautiful day to get out there and exercise. and here we go all the way down into the santa clara valley, 83 this afternoon. just near san jose. but watch what happens into the next seven days. we'll see the exact same forecast tomorrow. more sunshine in the forecast. more 80s in the forecast too. but then once we head into this weekend, those 50s are going to hold on tight to us at least for saturday so if you have outdoor plans keep that in mind. sunday into the afternoon hours it starts to clear up and it's these early morning showers that are going to kind of linger around. not only in our inland forecast but for the bay too. but luckily by next workweek, monday into tuesday,ing that when we see more sunshine right around the corner or at least partly cloudy skies along the coast. reed? the morning drive time and lots of green out on the freeways this morning so we are off to a pretty decent start. right now, it is busy for those of you coming in from tracy getting on to 580 there. we can see here those slow speeds as you start the make the drive
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through the altamont pass. but then it picks up right? and you wake up every morning with us and you will also know this one is one of ongoing hotspots every weekday. so if you are making that long drive to the bay area this morning, always be prepared to sit in that heavy traffic spot. take a live look at the richmond-san rafael bridge. smooth conditions as you make your way over to marin county. drive safe everybody. right now 5:20. notice anything different here? look close. okay. >> i don't know why you'd say that reed. >> what's going on with the giants' mascot? we reached out to the team and -- we are -- getting accountability. we have -- oh. >> is that a dance? >> this is what i look like when my alarm went off this morning. >> i feel like you should do that dance here on set. >> we'll be right back.
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watch how easy it is to put on new hands free skechers slip-ins. i just step in and go. sitting? doesn't matter. i don't even have to touch them. ooo, gangsta. in a hurry? there's not a faster, easier way to put on shoes. they know a 10 when they see it.
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(♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had
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a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. welcome back. starting with the nba the warriors with three regular season games left, they'll squeeze into the play in tournament as the tenth seed in the western conference. for now. they still have a shot at the ninth if they win the rest
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of their games. and last night, they showed they were hungry to get back in the playoffs. the dubs didn't sweat much against the lakers especially with davis out with an injury. steph curry had 23 points and he was perfect 6-6 from three. and check out these dime passes, a beautiful thing to watch. draymond green, even tied his career record for most threes in a half. we see you draymond. in total the warriors drained 26 threes for a 134-120 win over the lakers. to another bay area team on the road. the a's in texas taking on the rangers and what a homecoming for catcher shea langeliers. the bailor graduate went yard in the 2nd inning. a deep shot to left field. do it again? yes, he can. langeliers. solo center field shot in the 7th. but wait. he's not done. just warming up. down one in the 9th langeliers, barrels one for a two run shot. that is a
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three bomb night for the 26-year-old. a's hang on the win 4-3 the final. the giants hosted the washington nationals last night for the second game of the series. kyle harrison on the mound showing what he can do when he is on point but run support is struggling point-blank. harrison pocketed eight strikeouts and five of which came in the first two innings. the giants had two bases loaded opportunities in the 9th and squandered it. first a chopper to washington's kyle fin began. he threw it home to prevent a run from scoring. new giant matt chapman grounded into a double play. nats beat the giants 5-3. san francisco ranks in the bottom ten in the league in runs. batting average and on base percentage. reed? all right, serious investigative journalism here. look closely at your screen everybody. giants' fans you are scratching your heads aren't you? that is not what you are used to seeing, that's
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lucille and head stands then flat on his face. then some twitching. it appears that this one is kind of an inflatable version of the mascot. so let's now compare again investigative journalism here. let's compare the lucille we know and love. right? clearly not the same. so we asked the giants has the real lucille been replaced? and a team rep tells us inflatable lou does not replace old lou. the blowup one they say is just better for doing stunts. it's the same for me. blow up one is just better for doing stunts. >> i'm just going to leave that comment. so here's a fun fact i went to university of san francisco and when i was in college, i did a story with lucille. we got in a kayak and we were frying to get barry bonds' home run shot into the bay there. and i learned about mascots at the time that there's more than one lucille. people need days off. >> they have to cycle them through. >> i don't think anyone's job is in jeopardy but i like in furry lucille better than the inflatable. we're dividedden that. >> there's a person inside the
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inflatable? >> yes. >> okay. >> i mean, someone needs to operate it unless we're like that advanced now. that -- you know, remote control. >> in there or is there -- i have to so many questions. >> maybe you should do a story and you should get inside the inflatable suit. and then we can put it on the show. >> i'm not standing on my head. [ laughter ] all right, time now 5:27. it's a movement spreading in the bay area. we're talking about banning gas stations. the newest city joining ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪
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♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. i would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. now my stomach is flat. i'm happy with how golo has made me look, but what's more important is how i feel. i feel like i can walk the runway. i just--i want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping...
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in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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let's get our steps in this morning. climb to the top of the mark right there. looking west. good morning, everybody. it's 5:30 in the morning. and it's a little hazy outside. i saw it when i came down the north. what was it like for you coming from the east. >> it was clear and fine and the big i have jessica, i know you have been forecasting rain, a sunny day today. >> we do. there's going to be some passing clouds at times but with the heat you are going to experience over in the east bay, you are going to forget about the clouds and this is what i mean by that. we're sitting above average all throughout the bay area as we head into this afternoon. for our daytime highs. and we're already waking up to mostly clear conditions for example our friends down into the santa clara valley. mild conditions right now. cool temperatures are going to quickly warm up into the 70s and then 80s as we head into this afternoon. anywhere from antioch over into concord and down into the santa clara valley as well. and that's thanks to high pressure sitting offshore bringing in
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mostly dry conditions for us. and mostly clear skies. but like i said you can see a passing cloud today or so. once we head into the next couple of days, low pressure moves its way in into the weekend forecast. and that's going to bring in our next cold front and once again more showers of course there's a lot cooler temperatures and lastly some gustier conditions around the corner but we're not there just yetment focus on today and tomorrow. today and tomorrow are very similar in the books. as we take a look at the daytime highs, we'll hit 70s near san francisco. putting us seven degrees above average. into concord we go. just drive the 30 minutes in the east bay and you add about ten degrees to the forecast pretty much anywhere. so about 15 degrees above average today near san jose. it's a really big difference. but that system of high pressure is really helping us out heading into this afternoon. once we head into this weekend here's that cold surge moving its way in from the north. this is very similar to last weekend's event if you remember. bringing in a series of showers and those chilly temperatures with gusty conditions ahead of the cold front. for now over to you, reed. all right, let's check traffic right now. getting out on the roads this morning.
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5:32. we are looking at slow conditions over on highway 92 for those going to half-moon bay this morning. you can see some brake lights here going both directions. westbound 80 over in the richmond area, jumping the map there going to highway 4 you are also seeing some slow reactions there. not much of a delay to your traffic time. but we're watching this one if the traffic gums up a little bit no major hiccups though for anybody traveling around the bay area so far this morning. even all approaches to the bay bridge look a bit clear as you head towards there as well. nicole? well, reed, crews announced it's taking steps to get its fleet of cars back on city streets. in a blog post the company sid it will resume manual driving in phoenix, arizona. no word yet on when or if operations will expand to other places like here in san francisco. for now, the next steps for the company cruise include mapping out and gathering road information in certain cities. then it will begin supervised driverless car rides. the company says going forward, it's focused on
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improving safety and performance. if you recall back in october, the company suspended all operations after one of its cars dragged and pinned a san francisco pedestrian. east palo alto police are searching for the suspect in the city's second homicide of the year. yesterday, an officer found a victim with a fatal injury along newell road near the four seasons hotel. no arrests have been made and initially were unable to determine the cause of death. east palo alto recorded zero homicides in 2023. a major achievement for a city known in the early '90s as the murder capital of the u.s. despite spending billions, california is getting a failing grade when it comes to addressing homelessness in the state. that's the findings of a new audit. it found homeless numbers jumped 53% in the last decade. with an estimated 180,000 people unhoused in california. that's despite the state spending more than $20 billion to stop it. local
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taxpayer group we spoke with isn't surprised. >> unfortunately, this was a very common situation in california as well as other places. both at the state level and the local level. people will throw money at a problem and wouldn't it be nifty if we did this and no one keeps score. >> cal works and project home key are working which converts hotel rooms into housing. all right. developing this morning in arizona, that state's supreme court has ruled an abortion ban dating back to the civil war is still enforceable this morning. it was a 4-2 ruling. the state court upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions except to save the life of the mother. doctors who defy the law we are told face up to five years in prison. so here's the what's next part of the story. the order is on hold for two weeks pending challenges in lower arizona courts and already this morning, signals of signs of a fight. the
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state's top prosecutor vows to not enforce the law. and arizona's governor is calling on state lawmakers to repeal it altogether. we'll be watching that one. let's go to the war in gaza right now. president biden telling the world audience israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to call for a cease fear and is quote, making many mistakes. this as families of the 133 hostages held by hamas met with vice president kamala harris yesterday to push for their release. you know, for weeks the u.s. has urged netanyahu to not go forward with a planned ground invasion of a place for more than a million palestinians have taken refuge. it's called rafah. as of this morning, netanyahu signaling there is a date now on the calendar for that offensive to begin. so a lot of people are wondering who's going to protect those who are living in tents and the refugees there in rafah. it's a big concern by top leaders in washington. here's jake sullivan national security advisor. >> any kind of plan to protect civilians in a serious way in rafah, that's something we have yet to see be presented to
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us. and so our concerns continue. >> so by this morning, there is a full-scale humanitarian crisis. in fact, defense secretary lloyd austin warning israel might be creating future terrorists in the young by not allowing for more aid and work to get the palestinian civilians help. san francisco library workers are demanding increased security at local branches. they rallied yesterday on the steps of the city's main library. our amanda hari spoke with the workers about the dangers that they've had to face while on the job. [ chanting ] >> we were not trained to do this type of work in library school. >> reporter: library workers across the city. every day they're the ones making sure the libraries are safe. nicole germane has been working in the san francisco library system for more than 30 years. she
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says over the years somethings have become worse and she fears someone is going to be hurt. >> we could field a whole library with the incidents. >> sr. she brought a stack of incident reports with her all from the past month and she works as a branch manager at the children's library. she says they bargained for a guard back in 2022. after they had an incident that could have become a tragedy. >> i have nightmares about this one to this day. i will never forget it. >> reporter: she says it was a normal day after school let out and the library was filled with small children. >> i saw a half dressed man clearly mentally unstable. wielding a weapon. he was walking around the library. cussing at people. and threatening to stab them. >> reporter: she called library security. they were across the city. 911 responders didn't show up. the burden to get rid of the man and keep the children safe fell on her. >> i got him out there and he started threatening a large
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group of preschoolers who were sitting on the floor. and he was cussing at them and threatening them with this weapon. i feeling that strong sense of duty to protect the people, stepped between the man with the weapon and the children. i have stood between them and he was aiming it right at my chest and i said no thank you. if he had not left, i may not be standing here today. >> it's aggravate. >> reporter: jasmine is one of several unhoused residents camping on streets outside the main library. she says library workers shouldn't be specifically concerned about people experiencing homelessness. and someone in her situation who is trying to use the library should be allowed to do so. >> it's a homeless person on -- is going to the library, hey, i salute them. you know? at least they're trying to stimulate their mind. >> reporter: spokesperson with sf public library says the security incidents are down 14% from last year. and not all
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branches require dedicated security. but termny germane says the conditions on the street are keeping families away. >> i know a number of people who will not bring their children to this main library. i'm a parent. you know. and that breaks my heart. i don't want to bring my children to the main library even. >> library workers tell us that this picket isn't the end, they're going to keep raising awareness until they have the tools to keep things safe. and it's not just san francisco. other bay area libraries have been dealing with security issues. in february, the city of antioch hired private security to patrol the library on west 18th street. the county also said it planned to upgrade the fencing and security cameras. time now 5:39. the newest inflation report just released a couple of moments ago. a look at the new numbers in this morning's money watch report. plus. ♪ ♪
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oh, this take s me back to college. it's definitely going to be a musical summer in san francisco. your chance to see another concert in golden gate park. as we head to break, enjoy more of system of a down. we'll be right back. flush
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nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. toby, why aren't you eating your cinnabon pull apart? well i wanted to save the best part for last, but its all the best part. i don't know where to begin. toby, eat your breakfast. maybe i just smell it? the best part of wendy's new breakfast cinnabon pull apart is all the parts.
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it's time now for the money watch report. the newest inflation report just released this morning. consumer prices rose 0.4% in march. and were up 3.5% from last year. it's the latest sign that inflation remains high in our next hour, i'll chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about what it means for your next trip to the supermarket. the u.s. postal service wants to raise stamp prices increase as well. target is rolling out new tech to stop self-checkout stealing. true scan uses cameras to detect unscanned items and then alerts customers through audio and visual clues. it can also track people who
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repeatedly fail to scan products. true scan will be rolled out in all target stores this year. all right. we are celebrating bridge builders in oakland who saved a tiger. oakland zoo's lily the rescue tiger there she is right there, has now moved on to her forever home after getting help in a second chance. here's how the story went down. after getting to oakland in february, just eight months old, lily was in pretty bad shape and it hurts for her to walk. she was rescued from an illegal private owner couldn't climb and couldn't run and because when they x-rayed her they found ten fractures that hadn't healed properly and had a disease that limited her ability to heal. however, bridge builders in oakland took on a challenge to nurse lily back to health and look at this. they posted these weekly updates. little by little we started to see the injured animal starting to have some fun. there she is pouncing in her enclosure. splashing in tubs of water. we even saw lily
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playing with bubbles and looking healthy there. right? healing and helping hands in our community worked. and there you go. lily is now moved in a fancy container to the paws sanctuary in san andreas, more space for exploring. that's a permanent home for rescued and tigers and elephants and bears and other wild animals. salute to the good people at the oakland zoo. this morning, reed, we are celebrating the beauty that dogs bring into the world. the reason? it's national hug your dog day and in case you need another reason to love on the four-legged furry friend. they are beneficial to both of you. hugging your dog releases a feel good hormone called oxytocin. and both humans and pups. giving you and your canine a little boost as you bond and that really is a good reminder i feel like i have neglected my dog recently. there he is brady. i love brady. and we used to go on all the hikes and that's kelsey
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with brady. they're siblings and they fight like it. but -- yeah, that's my pooch and i think we have a few others i think we have yours, reed. oh. >> there's rizzo. that's our rizzo. so curious and you say rizzo and she tilts her head. we love her and there's our dog. thursday. who's named after my son wesley's favorite day of the week. >> it's too bad they're not groomed. they're not kept up. >> i actually do it myself and i can't afford to send them to the groomers so actually have learned to do it myself. >> the many talents of reed cowan. >> if you see me with -- with a bad haircut it's because i have told the anchors here on set some mornings i use the dog clippers on my hair if i was between haircuts. >> reed is going to start cutting our hair. chopper. >> can you imagine what i named him after? this is chopper. and that was his first time heading out to the blackhawk with me. out at sacramento. and he didn't really like the loud noises but i mean, after all, he's a rescue dog. i didn't really expect too much. >> look at that handsome face. >> oh my gosh i think rescue dogs are some of the smartest dogs on planet. >> she's a smart one for sure.
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>> you are such a good mom and you have like the halving bandanna. >> by the way guys, in june, it's national bring your dog to workday. so i'm going to talk to some people we're going to see if we can -- maybe bring one or two or all of them in. >> chopper will drop in from a helicopter. i'm sure. >> chopper is going to come do the forecast with me. all right guys no seriously though let's take look at the dog walking forecast on this beautiful wednesday morning. clear skies over the santa clara valley as we wake up. the sun is not up yet but it's getting close and we're off to a chilly start with a big warm-up into the afternoon hours today. so let's take a look at what the forecasted numbers are going to look like for areas like the east bay. let's head over to concord real fast. hitting the upper 70s and lower 80s into this afternoon. with just a mix of sun and clouds and meaning it's a beautiful day for a nice trail walk with dogs or an extra lap around the park. a beautiful one today but also
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tomorrow with a very similar forecast. upper 70s and loafs widespread throughout the bay area and then actually just a little bit cooler conditions along the coastal areas with 60s into the afternoon hours. now once we head into the rest of this week's forecast, we're getting ready for a cold front that's going to move in from offshore. that happens late friday night into early saturday morning. i advance the clock from now all the way until friday at 10:00 p.m. that's when we're going to get the first splash of showers into the overnight hours. then we're gearing up for some more unsettled weather and rain from the exact same storm into our saturday forecast. we'll break that apart coming up in just a bit but i want to take it a step back and let's talk a bit more about today 70 degrees today this afternoon near san francisco. that's seven degrees above average. gets even warmer the more east we go. for example, antioch and concord sitting in the 80s throughout this afternoon. that puts us about 15 degrees above average into regions like the santa clara valley. so it's a warm afternoon for us right around the corner. take sack of it but also keep in mind it's very dry out there and our pollen count is still high. we're in the medium to high category today and tomorrow. allergy season is still here.
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we're keeping a close eye on that as well. repeat tomorrow with more 80s in store for us even more sunshine too for the inland areas. and then once that cold front moves in, notice how those 80s disappear. we're suddenly talking about 50s into the saturday forecast. low 60s into sunday. and then we warm right back up into early next week with sunshine around the corner. reed? all right, let's talk about what's around the corner on the roadways. a beautiful start to the day on the roads this morning. slow pocketed areas on highway 92 going towards half-moon bay. southbound 84 in livermore. for drivers jumping on to 680. that area is also starting to pick up where you will see some brake lights. little further up the met between pittsburg and bay point, going westbound on highway 4, traffic is starting to pick up here as well. which during our peak travel hours we know causes some dense traffic. it makes it red there on the map. so have another cup of coffee. no rush to beat the traffic just yet this morning. well, it's a trend that started in the north bay. and
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now pinole has become the first city in the east bay to ban new gas stations. the city council voted last week to put the new temporary moratorium in place. it's part of the effort to reduce the city's greenhouse gas emissions. but some drivers we don't have -- all of us don't have the opportunity to get electric cars. >> all of napa county cities have passed gas station bans. fairfax and san anselmo in marin. they have also passed similar measures. a victory for california here. a federal appeals court cleared the way for the state to set its own zero emissions standards that are stricter than the government's. the court rejected arguments by some republican states that the stricter standards would drive up costs for gas powered vehicles and other states. maybe a bike is a good alternative. berkeley's mayor hopped an i e-bike to celebrate
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a big boost there. it's called a biking boost in alameda county. there they are all shiny and ready to be used. berkeley residents listen up. you are going to start seeing more than 500 new e-bikes and two dozen new docking stations in the hopes to encourage all of us to consider other ways to get around. looking for the e-bike docking stations you will find them mostly near b.a.r.t. or muni stops. but a proud accomplishment there for leaders. riders can also access them. this is easy. you just pull out the clipper card. well, live look at san francisco's golden gate park and a hotspot for live music this summer. outside land announcing the lineup for another concert. ♪ ♪ >> that's system of a down and they're coheadlining with deaf
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tones on august 17th. weekend after outside lands. a few other bands will join them. resale tickets go on sale today followed by general sale tickets on friday. the time now is actually 5:52. you can call her the eclipse baby. meet the couple who experienced a little ray of sunshine of their own earlier this week. here's a live look outside before we head to break on this beautiful wednesday morning. you can expect sunshine yet [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler
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and inspire the next generation of code breakers. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (light gentle music) your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects
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are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. ♪♪ while millions of people were looking up in the sky on monday, the excitement was eclipsed by an even bigger event for this texas family. just as the sun was disappearing, the alvarezings welcomed their newborn daughter into the world. get this. they named her soul celeste which means celestial sun in spanish and reed, her big sister's name is luna. meaning moon. both mom and dad are still in awe at their newborn's timely arrival. >> this is really surprising. i think that -- i didn't wake up that day thinking it was going to be this plus a baby at the same time. >> the fact that i have a moon already and now i have a sun
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and a moon and she was born during the eclipse. that's just ---- the odd of that is just crazy. >> chills. well, the next total solar eclipse over the u.s. won't be until 2045. but what are the odds? and look at her cute little rap. >> i'm going to propose to that family now. you need the stars. we need twins that are stars right? >> yeah, you are just going to put two more kids on the plate? no problem. >> i'm from utah affidavit all. >> they came prepared with the cute little wrap for the baby. congratulations to them. we just brought you the newest inflation report this morning. right as the numbers came out. but what does it actually mean for you? we're going to chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger to explain how it impacts your wallet. musical icon billy joel rocks the stage at madison square garden in an all new special premiering right here on kpix. coming up at 7:00, we'll chat with some of the key players that made this show a reality. this is my life on a wednesday. and here's a live
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look outside before we head to break.
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