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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 15, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. it is monday, april 15th. let's get it started. every time something like this happens, we all feel a collective sense of dread and fear. >> thousands of miles away iranian americans worry about their loved ones amid fears of a wider war between israel . >> neighbors still can't
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believe what happened on this quite street. they describe what appears to be an argument turned gunfire. >> this woman and many others are sick and tired of sideshows after a wild night in the city. this time, a response is making a difference. nobody can sum it up better than draymond green. bring on the kings. and bring on a monday, good morning. i'm holding hands with reed, we can make it through this show.
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>> good morning. >> i don't know why i'm smiling on this tax day. i did have a little vacation over the weekend. but yeah, it is tax day. so now the frown is upside down. let's take a live look outside. i'm smiling because the band is back together. all three of us. beautiful view on this monday. and will the sun be shining on this monday morning? >> over the weekend we had some really active weather , but we are finally starting to see the dry break we've been waiting for. not only dry day, we will continue to see dry conditions through this week and no rain in sight on the long-range models. after a very active rain season this is a treat for us. as we take a quick look at changes in the forecast, i want to pay attention to the temperatures. daytime highs in the 60s near
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redwood city, upper 50s in half moon bay. santa clara valley, still dealing with a little bit of that chill, later today we will top off in the upper 60s. high pressure will start to building and that will warm us up a lot. these 60s will be replaced with upper 70s by tomorrow and 80s by wednesday and thursday. in looking at the bay and peninsula, san francisco, still cold with a low of 60, warming up into the upper 60s and close to the 70s toward the middle of the week. that will be great for outdoor activities. and of course, we see a little bit of a cool down into the weekend. good morning. let's talk about the roadways. i spent a
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lot of time in san jose over the weekend. hot one day and rainy the next. not unsettled on the freeways, no delays on the plaza. easy riding to san francisco. we are tracking brake lights for the commute into the altamont pass. speed is down to around 60 miles per hour. visibility could also be an issue with the fog as well. the nation of israel winging its next move after ron launched hundreds of drones and missiles from inside iran. this attack is unprecedented. israeli defense forces and allies shutdown what was launched. the president held a meeting with the g7 nation and his goal is to try to hold off another wider conflict within the region. saying that the u.s. will not participate in
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any retaliatory strike against iran. meanwhile, protesters are calling for cease-fire. >> i think we all really want peace in the middle east. >> people are doing what they need to do to protect themselves. no one wants anything to escalate further. >> the new york police department stepped up security at city synagogues and as of right now there is no credible threat. as the world awaits israel's next move, iranians worry about the safety of their loved ones in the middle east. romaric it is not the first time that she has seen these images from the middle east, and she knows it won't be the last. >> every time something like
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this happens, we all feel a collective sense of dread. >> karina is the director of the iranian studies and it has been difficult for her not to think about the unrest in the family members living in around. >> the real suffering doesn't happen until the policymakers and government individuals that are feeling this rhetoric have the consequences felt by everyday citizens. >> reporter: it is a region where they have been dealing with conflict for decades. the iranian american community of northern california feels nothing will change until there is true democracy in iran. >> the root cause of these unrest in the middle east is the iranian regime which has been what they call the export
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of revolution. >> >> reporter: iranian americans say they need the united states' help to have change happen. they want action through diplomacy, not weapons. >> the u.s. needs to side with the people of iran and recognize that they have to confront the irg see on their own and it is a critical tool that the u.s. has in providing that support. >> if peace is to be achieved it is vital for the u.s. to set an example and be consistent with the way it observes international and humanitarian law. >> i think if you keep supplying arms to a country like israel, without holding them accountable for the way they are impacting the civilians of gaza, you cannot expect people to understand
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that you are interested in peace. >> reporter: for people living in the region and those with relatives there, they can only hope peace will prevail instead of the use of force. >> meanwhile the president has found support for israel but a new cbs poll found that only 33% of americans approve of biden's policies in israel. 60% believe he could beat doing more to bring hostages home. going into an election season we are also getting a sense of the political winds. the approval rating is at 40% with numbers slightly higher for people aged 18 to 29. but that is a 10 point slip since february. we will have continuing coverage on air and online streaming on the free cbs news app. silicon valley's historic
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congressional race is heading for a recount starting today. looking live at the santa clara county registrar of voters office, this morning, clerks will begin recounting votes for district 16 for eight hours a day. the recount will be five machine and it will take about five days to complete the rescanning of the ballots. the cost is about $84,000. the county received the money on friday to start the time-consuming process that could break a historic type. just a many in and assembly member edmund lowe both finished with the exact number of votes . a live look now at the state capital where buffy wicks is leading a new push for affordable housing. wicks is calling for bond measure a.b. 647 to be placed on the november ballot. it seeks $10 million for affordable housing projects currently lacking funding to move forward.
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jury selection is getting underway in former president trump's hush money trial. executors and defense attorneys will start questioning more than 500 potential jurors in new york city. trump faces 34 ellen accounts for allegedly falsifying business records in an effort to cover up hush money to adult film actress stormy daniels. we will have a live report outside of the courthouse at 5:30. five years since the fire caused serious damage to the notre dame cathedral in paris. now it is close to opening. the flames of 2019 ravaged the roof structure and destroyed the spire and now a new spire is visible and scaffolding around the cathedral is being moved. ever state drenched with historic rainfall this year, but recovery is far from done. there is more help on the way to communities. text day is here, what
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last-minute filers should know . a live look outside before heading to break on this monday morning. if you are ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain
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or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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police are on the hunt for
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whoever shot two women to death on riverside drive after 8:00 p.m. when police got there the police found the women lying near the street. a neighbor working on his car nearby said he first heard people arguing then heard a series of loud pops and saw a car speeding away. many in the community are worrying that this is a growing trend of young people choosing to settle disputes with guns. >> when i was a kid you never had to worry about none of this. >> the guns and drugs are everywhere. no matter where it is, they are in every city. >> something has changed here in town and people are getting more and more violent and more and more willing to do stupid things that cause people to lose their lives. >> police have not said if the shooting is getting related and they hope anyone with tips
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will call. president biden approved governor gavin newsom's request to declare a state of emergency to help the ongoing recovery efforts in nine counties including santa cruz. this will help bring in more money and resources for local communities still working to repair the damage from this winter's storms. and a taking a live look outside on this monday morning, it will be a beautiful day as we say good morning to you in san francisco. if you are making your way in to begin your work week or you are just waking up. it promises to be a dry and hopefully sunny day . >> a mix of sun and clouds for the most part, and no rain in sight. we are actually getting a much-needed dry break that will last all week long. high pressure moves in for wednesday and thursday and we dealt with
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that huge cold front that dipped in from the gulf of alaska that brought in these chilly temperatures throughout the weekend . rainy skies and gusty conditions, too. but high pressure is building its way back in, above average temperatures into the rest of this week. it is looking promising and looking beautiful. 60s today, from san francisco and widespread throughout the bay area. sunnier skies around the corner and warmer temperatures, too. a lot more springlike into the rest of this week. if you want to check out a new local area, all of our hills are so green right now in the state of california. if you want to check out a new trail, this is the week to do it. ask a neighbor, ask a friend, this is the week to do it. the pollen count is still really
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low, and over the next couple of days, 60s getting replaced with 80s right around the corner for wednesday and thursday. that is the inland were cast. for the bay, near san francisco, daly city, across the golden gate bridge, upper 70s by wednesday , partly cloudy skies lingering around for thursday and friday. along the coastline we will hold on tight to partly cloudy conditions, but inland, just sunshine and more sunshine for saturday and sunday. let's talk about the freeways. pretty mellow. a live look at the bay bridge behind me. right now, so far so good. not really seeing any issues or slowdowns as you head into san francisco. taking a look at one of our overview maps, nothing causing a lot of issues. if you are up
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early, you have the advantage . with that said, here is where we are tracking a slow ride, to the altamont pass, westbound commuters, getting onto the 580 from 205, a little windy and foggy throughout there as well. i will check in with chp to see if that is still an issue. so that is something to keep in mind if you are going through their to the castro valley line. maybe taking 880 over two 92. looking pretty good overall for anyone heading over toward 101. the time is 5:18, a northern california rematch, who is going home? the warriors won't have to travel far to play the kings, but do the doubs have a long run on them?
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, the warriors wrapped up a game at home after beating the jazz at home. steph curry and draymond green did not play so they could rest, what does all of this mean for the warriors? they finished as the 10 seed and will play the nine seed kings in sacramento tomorrow night. it is win or go home for these california rivals. tipoff is at 7:00 tomorrow night and the winner will travel to the loser of the lakers and pelicans came to see who makes it to the playoffs is that eight seed. here is head coach steve kerr on the tough road ahead. >> we've got to get out on the first weekend and win the first two and get to the first round, and we have a shot. we are excited about that. >> they want to beat the crap out of us and we want to beat
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the crap out of them. a lot of familiarity amongst the two organizations even beyond going into the many games that we have played against each other over the past couple of years. >> they are not sugarcoating that. and as mentioned, it is just another day of the road , one year after beating the kings in seven games in the first round of the playoffs last year. so they will be on the road, but do the dubs have enough in them to get this done? >> i'm going to say yes. of course you want to be positive and excited about it. there was part of the season where i thought it wouldn't work out, but here we are. good for them. the warriors are a team that flipped the switch. they turn it on when they need to and that is exactly what they are doing. the kings are down
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malik, so for the warriors, that is an advantage. and the dubs are kind of rested. >> draymond green said that the team plays well when their back is up against the wall. i never count the warriors out. when it is time to step up, they step up. and they are on a hot streak. the kings have lost five of the last seven. i'd be concerned if i was a kings fan right now. but when you look at these two teams and where they stack up, they split the series in two games apiece. i'm giving the warriors the edge because when their backs are against the wall there is just something to be said about this team. >> i agree. the warriors fans travel, there will be a good crowd. it will be fun. now to augusta, georgia,
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scottie scheffler is celebrating on the biggest stage, again. he drained his final part on 18 to win it and earn his second green jacket at the augusta national. the 27-year-old started the round one stroke ahead in the field and will hold onto that. he came in as the odds on favorite but vowed to abandon the tournament if his wife went into labor. her due date is expected within the next few weeks. here's what he had to say. >> i can't put into words what it means to win this tournament again and what it means to be a father for the first time. i look forward to getting home and celebrating with meredith. it's been a long week without her. >> that is exciting for them. the winner of the masters took home a record $3.6 million, a
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coveted green jacket and an invitation to next year's tournament. some bay area connections had some impressive wins. there were two of three golfers tied for third. and you might be wondering where did tiger woods finish, he made the record cut for 20 fort street time but finished at 16 over which marks both the worst score in his major career and second worst score as a professional. he finished last among the 60 players who made the cut. >> i think we are finally at the place where we can accept it without tiger. coming up, apple or samsung, the decision may be a lot closer than you think. trump on trial, this time it is a criminal case. we are live outside of the courthouse.
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here is a live look outside before heading to break . we will have more drive times ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. with significant improvement over time. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at
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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it'll be raining cats and dogs again. time to waterproof with gorilla. waterproof with gorilla? gorilla waterproof patch & seal. of course. spray it, tape it, spread it, brush it to stop and prevent leaks. for the toughest jobs on planet earth. teens have drama. one more minute! braces add more drama. ahh! how does anyone do this?! invisalign is better oral hygiene, and no drama.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. right now on cbs news bay area, jury selection day today in the criminal trial of former president donald trump. he will be in the new york
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courtroom every day as he paces 34 counts , accused of falsifying business records in the case of hush money payments to an adult film star in the run-up to the 2016 election. naomi is live outside of the courthouse. >> reporter: absolutely. media has been here all night long and just in the last hour or so we've been able to see some supporters of trump arrive and also some opponents. security is tight, the entire building is locked off to traffic and it is going to be a very busy warning. things will get underway in just about an hour and today is all about starting to select that jury. it will be a challenge because when you're trying to find an impartial jury that is artie hard to do when it comes to
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donald trump. picture this image in the courtroom, donald trump surrounded by potential jurors who could decide if he is guilty or not. today, donald trump becomes the first former u.s. president to face trial in a criminal case in manhattan. he paces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records including claims that he covered up $130,000 in hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels in order to hide an alleged previous relationship with daniels ahead of the 2016 residential election. >> we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct. >> trump denies the encounter and has pleaded not guilty. first up is the jury selection, legal experts say it could take weeks to whittle down a pool of hundreds of potential jurors to
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just 12 and some alternates. >> ultimately there is no one who will enter the courthouse who doesn't have an opinion about donald trump . >> some legal experts say that trump's's lawyers are likely to file a motion to try to move the trial to another city. and potential jurors will have to answer long list of questions, some of that will include are you up democrat or republican and who have you voted for. some will be asked if they follow the former president on social media. this phase is expected to last at least a few days, and the entire trial could last about six weeks or longer. so this will be a time where his team
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could potentially ask to have this off even longer. live from new york we will have all of the latest developments of the hush money trial on and streaming 24/7 on the free cbs news app . taking a live look outside as we say good morning to all of you taking your way into the city. and will this cloud cover burn off throughout the rest of the day? >> we will see a mix of the sun and clouds. it is a sunny week ahead of us, at least there is no rain in the forecast. all the outdoor activities are a go for the kiddos and everybody across the board. a mix of sun and clouds this morning, that will be the case for san jose through concord. we will continue to see the wind sweeping in from the north and clear conditions tonight with
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a mix of sun and clouds returning tomorrow. we are in this little bit of a drive break right now and to be honest with you, as we take a look at the rainfall season as of last week, we are well above average in areas like san jose stretching all the way to santa rosa. it is worth noting that we have had a very active rain season here in the bay area after another active rain season last year. the hills are green and everything is so lively within our state. so it is worth noting this drive break , a little bit of a treat for us. it will feel a lot more springlike into the rest of the week. right now, we are getting out of that cold front that just moved through over the weekend. we are still seeing 60s for daytime highs. then the high pressure will build in and 60s will be
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replaced with 80s for wednesday and thursday. still dealing with some partly cloudy skies, but into this weekend, sunnier conditions are expected in our inland areas. we will keep you updated on that forecast. let's talk about the roadways. looking at the bay bridge toll plaza . still not backed up. they will likely turn those metering lights on soon here. right now, traffic is quiet into the city, the only hotspot is the ride into the altamont pass. still quite slow coming out of tracy , getting onto 580, speeds dipping down to around 13 miles an hour. keeping our eye on transportation, the bridge collapsible tour is no criminal probe. the fbi opened a criminal investigation into that cargo ship a crash that
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brought down the key bridge last month. the probe will focus on the circumstances leading up to the collision and whether federal laws were followed. agents are aboard the cargo ship at this very hour. gunshot and car fires over the weekend in oakland. what you are looking at behind me is from early sunday morning. people say what is different this time is that it has ended with a big response from police. >> reporter: from west oakland to east oakland, sideshow participants took over at least six major intersections early sunday morning. police say they were doing donuts and firing shots into the air. some participants mocked parents with signs like this that read drive like your kids live here. as drivers were
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burning rubber and laughing at the cops, dozens and dozens of officers were coordinating and blocking off all escape routes. it all unfolded in front of neighbor debbie wilson's house. >> they need to arrest them and keep them in there. >> the 65-year-old said that the sideshows near her house hurt her health. she recently had a stroke. >> this kind of chaos, i don't need it around me. it terrorizes me and scares me. >> neighbors say it is dangerous for everyone. >> they crash sometimes really close to our house. like the gate over there, they put a big dent in it. >> some drivers found a narrow pathway out of the blockades and officers quickly used a patrol car to block
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that route. a short time later a driver drove a white infinity into two police cars to get out of the area. he wasn't done. that driver returned to challenge the officers. one officer appeared to fire some nonlethal projectile. other participants tried to leave but did not get very far. officers arrested several drivers and also impounded and number of cars. >> we are suffering , make them pay. >> what impressed me is that they not only came but they cited those that were in the middle of the sideshows and arrested others. >> saying that typically the cops just dispel the crowds and let them go. >> the response i get is that
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they don't have enough officers and we don't have enough money in overtime to pay the officers. >> it could get very dangerous, especially when officers are outnumbered by the crowd. as for debbie, she says, shut them down for her health and the health of the city. >> they want to shoot and fight somebody and drive crazy , give them an ultimatum. on the bay area beat, freeman family is without a home this morning. you can see some of the damage after an apartment fire yesterday. neighbors helped fight the flames until firefighters arrived. the family was not home at the time and no one was hurt. in san jose a fire broke out in a garage in williamsburg avenue. the crews are shown here working to put out the fire. it was limited to the garage.
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four people had to be rescued off the coast of ocean beach after their boat capsized. this is video of the efforts that was posted to the citizens app. they were taken to a hospital yesterday and are reported to be stable. the coast guard is investigating what caused the boat to flip. are you planning on asking uncle sam for extra time? it is tax day. what last-minute filers should know and what you need to keep in mind this morning. taking a live look outside over toward the house of prime rib. how did you first hear about the restaurant and why you are not the only one seeing it on social media. here is a live look outside before heading to break. we hope you
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you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. about the pfizer vaccine before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. i would always be bloated and my stomach was always upset. now my stomach is flat. i'm happy with how golo has made me look, but what's more important is how i feel. i feel like i can walk the runway.
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i just--i want to show that at this age i can look and feel this good. tesla plans to lay off more than 10% of its global workforce according to a global transportation news site. they are trying to shore up their profit margins amid falling sales and a price war for ev's. they recently said within the first quarter deliveries of vehicles fell for
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the first time in nearly four years. elon musk says it they must reduce costs. we've reached out to tesla for comment but have not heard back. text day is here and for most of you today is the deadline to file your taxes. if you live or work in federally declared disaster areas you will get more time. the irs is extending the deadline to those affected by the terrorist attacks in israel. if you fail to file by the due date the irs will issue a 5% penalty for each month you are late. if you file an extension you will have until october 15th to file your taxes. you can still send your return to the irs electronically or by mail. samsung has knocked apple out of the top spot for smart phone makers for now. a company's report shows that the smartphone shipments rose nearly 8% for the first quarter of 2024 with samsung taking over 20% of that share.
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meanwhile apple shipments dropped 10%. weed week is underway in san francisco. today dignitaries will be marking the weeks beginning at a marijuana dispensary in the mission district . related events are happening in several neighborhoods throughout next saturday. celebrating a poll day on market street. thousands arrived on sunday. it was a big turnout, this was the second parade this year. that is the sound of hundreds of kids dancing as they filled up the montgomery theater in san jose . for some of them it was their first time ever seeing a show, they were an amazing audience and afterwards they had a nice meet
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and greet with the cast and got some autographs. the show runs through the 21st. that is where i was all week. it was the most amazing thing to see hundreds of kids filled the theater and get so excited to see other kids on stage. >> and all the hours of work for them and the parents. >> the fact that it all paid off, that's got to be the best and favorite show so far. >> that is where you were all week , because falcon is in school of rock for those who don't know. how is he doing? >> he is doing great. yes, proud mom. you will be taken back because the kids are playing live instruments, and it has been so much fun. i couldn't get over all the kids chanting. it was like magical.
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community coming together, teachers, kids, camp counselors. >> and some of these actors learn these instruments for the first time. and i just want you to know, you will be sitting at the tony awards. i just know it. >> someday. taking a live look at the house of prime rib, a new study says it is among the most popular on social media within the u.s. based on its hashtags. it has more than 20,000 posts , it really is an iconic spot. and the french laundry in napa valley is also among the most viral, placing fifth in the survey with more than 26,000 posts. social media can influence over 50% of customers on where to eat out. >> i haven't eaten there.
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>> i spoke to someone from the executive team that said i can't get in to the french laundry. >> damon bruce who used to be on the show, we made a bet that , he said the only way they will go to the world series is if travis hits this clutch, and long story short, he made an amazing play, sending the giants to the world series. and he said if that happens i will take you to dinner at the french laundry. >> how did he ever get in? the closest i've ever gotten , the people of yountville will take their dishes and put them out on the street area and you can buy them for dirt cheap. but only the residents from yountville know about it. >> i don't know if they still do it.
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>> we eat at mcdonald's at our house. i thought the french laundry was laundry that you throw lavender on. the total eclipse last year plunged about 14 states into total darkness. millions traveled to make sure that they got a good view. check this out, brian hackney was one of them. to be pretty sure of good weather he had to go all the way to maine. >> here is how i did it. waited until the last minute to make sure that the skies would be clear and since god had painted clouds over much of the path of totality i had to fly to newark, new jersey, and out of all places, head for portland. driving to augusta and then i got as close to the
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eclipse as i could find a room. the next morning i knew i wasn't in the bay area anymore, not because of the snow because of the price of a gallon of gas. still, i recognize the food of my people. this older gentleman nearby didn't have a pair of eclipse glasses, but i did. >> thank you, sir. >> from agosto we had north and waterville we had west on a two lane highway , the destination is 90 miles to the west on a two lane road in a little town called jackman. and it was clearly the biggest thing to ever happen in a town of 300. they were probably 1000 people running into town and of course, there was food. >> i am from maine, this is the best. >> the big excitement was from
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the approaching eclipse and people waited and waited and waited. and when it happened , this is video i shot last monday. but it is nothing compared to actually being there. this is my third total solar eclipse and will probably be my last. make sure that in your life you see at least one. >> so, road trip in 2045? >> you will be 74? >> yeah, i will be 70 something. i will be the guy with the cane in the mcdonald's parking lot that doesn't have glasses. brian hackney will probably be there. >> let's take a quick look at what is going on. over the
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weekend it was chilly, with active weather in the bay area. what ended up happening was there was cold and chilly temperatures. but luckily, high pressure will be moving in, and that will be a treat for many of us. today, mostly in the 60s, whether in the inland areas or on the coastline. we have that big warm-up right around the corner for wednesday and thursday. san jose, we will notice a similar trend all throughout the inland areas. taking a step back, today is a dry day and we will continue to see dry days throughout the whole week's forecast. a mix of sun and clouds is expected and tomorrow, clear, waking up with more clear conditions then this morning. but the
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next seven days are looking dry as can be, and right now we are well above average for the rainfall season. let's look at the temperatures, we now know that san jose is sitting in the 60s, and that is kind of the case widespread. napa down to the peninsula, with the exception being half moon bay, the coastal breeze dropping us down into the 50s. the rest of us, 60s for this afternoon, 70s returning tomorrow and 80s for wednesday and thursday. into this weekend, it averages out , and we have sunnier skies into the weekend forecast. let's talk about the roadways. it is 5:52 in the morning on a monday. we are starting to see those brake lights. here is a live look out over the bay bridge and things are starting to back up just a little bit. not quite
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to the overpass just yet, right around the caltrans parking lot. so be mindful of that. west on 80 into richmond, also some brake lights. arising rodeo star making >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema
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to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. (light gentle music) - unraveling life's mysteries. at stanford medicine, it's part of our dna. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together expanding what we know and sharing what we discover to accelerate breakthroughs and inspire the next generation of code breakers. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (light gentle music)
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meet liesen dixon, a seven-year-old breaking barriers. she is the only black female in the state competing in bull riding. she happens to be the youngest, too. >> i know if i try again, i will always get my goal. >> guys always claim to be the toughest in the rodeo world, so when you hear about a little girl that likes to ride, it encourages others to do more. >> about a week ago she won the gold trophy. she took it home. >> she is so confident. i wonder if her parents get nervous. that is really cool. the warriors finding
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themselves in a familiar spot. things are about to get fieri tomorrow night. here is a live look outside before my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. great job astro-persons. over. boring is the jumping off point for all the un-boring things we do. boring makes vacations happen,
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most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. thanks for joining us.


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