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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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sideshows caught on camera in oakland. it kind of chaos i don't need around me. it is terrorizing me and it scares me. reports this time the police did something differently and the doves with taylor swift on their side? what they say they have working for them ahead of tomorrow's big game to make it to the playoffs. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. hi, i'm sara donchey in for juliette today. coordinated protests using chains and cement barrels shutdown two big bay area highways for hours. more than two dozen people ended up arrested. demonstrators calling for a ceasefire in gaza blocked traffic on the golden gate bridge and two parts of i-80 in oakland. it all started in the height of the rush hour morning commute. when it was all said and done, 37 protesters were arrested. chp says they are
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facing charges ranging from unlawful assembly to falsely imprisonment and conspiracy to commit a crime. law enforcement also towed five cars across three protest sites. another protest popped up in the past 90 minutes outside of the tesla plant in fremont. jose martinez is there live for us tonight. >> reporter: that is right, sara, listen, a day and it is not even close to being over right here >> fremont. you can see what is going on right now outside of this tesla factory on the south side. now, 880 here. the is collapsed at this point. this whole thing started at around 5:30 at the warm springs south fremont station. they all gathered there and started getting there around 4:30. by 5:30 they started walking towards this side of the tesla factory. you can see all of the demonstrators who have been
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part of this economic blockade. we tried to talk to some of them to understand why they decided to come here to tesla. and this is what they said. >> i think ultimately everybody just wants to go home and live in peace. that is all we are here fostering. this blockade is not to be targeting the employees the employees here will be safe. we want nothing to do with that. this is to force the economic blockade and show we will not be complicate with genocide wherever it may be. >> reporter: sara, this is what is happening live right here in fremont outside of the tesla factory. we are trying to understand why exactly they decided to come here to tesla. we will keep trying to get these details for you. right now this is what is going on right now. if you near this area you probably want to avoid getting on cata road and 880 for the next few hours. this is not looking that it is going to end any time soon. we are going to get back to you with more
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details later. >> all right, jose, thank you very much for the live update. wilson walker heard today from some of the drivers on the golden gate bridge who waited for hours while the police untangled protesters who chained themselves together. >> reporter: we saw a similar protest several months ago on the bay bridge, seeing it again now. obviously something of a contest between law enforcement and protesters to take control of the bridges. or keep control of the bridges if you are a driver, cyclist, anyone out here today you are stuck in the middle. >> i am sympathetic. i understand the cause, i do. i just wish i would of left 20 minutes earlier i would of missed all of this. >> just short of the bridge in a sea of cars going nowhere. a driver trying to reach family on the other side. >> i am going to try to get through. my daughter needs me. she has four little ones there and i am supposed to help take care of them while she is
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working. >> yes, i work over the bridge. so, you know, not many options. i think about the ferry. >> people started walking their dogs and striking out for supplies. >> yes. it is an uber and he is lovely. >> our poor uber driver. >> a chatter about the protest that had stuck them all there some sympathetic >> it is a an inconvenience but it is inconvenient to be in gaza right now >> stop arming israel. i am in support of that. >> there was plenty of frustration. >> well, my thing is civil liberties should be protected but there is a limit. when you have this level of a disruption to our whole transportation system, i think we need to draw a line. >> attempting to block or shutdown a freeway or a state highway to protest is unlawful, it is dangerous. >> reporter: the highway patrol says it thought something was coming but they did not know
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any specific plans the deterrent should be aggressive prosecution thus the extensive charges. >> and 236 false imprisonment. >> organizers were clear this action was not the last. here is a spokesperson talking about what comes next. >> we are going to keep pushing until people pay attention, we know from our history that people's actions work and they will not listen to us unless we hit them where it hurts which is in the economic region. and, so, we are going to keep pushing and disrupting. >> reporter: what happens to the charges? if you were arrested here on the golden gate bridge that case will be referred to the san francisco district attorney's office and be the alameda county district attorney's office for those involved in the 880 blockage. we came out of this with a lot of questions about how the cases would be prosecuted. a deal was struck with the protesters you wonder will there be an escalation in the prosecution as we see more of
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these protests. one question to ask as we are clearly going to see more of this in the months ahead. in oakland our chopper flew over 880. protesters there chained themselves to barrels of cement. they had to cut them free to get traffic moving again. tense moments along 880 and 7, that is where police in riot gear were blocking 200 to 300 protesters that blocked on the freeway. there is as wilson mentioned not the first time protesters shutdown bay area bridges to call for a ceasefire in gaza. dozens of people were arrested on the bay bridge back in november. that is what wilson was alluding to. that happened while president biden was in town for the apec conference just last month. the 78 people arrested there were ordered to pay restitution but they avoided jail time. today's protest were part of a
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global day of action. organizers chose tax day to disrupt the economy as a way to draw attention to the conflict. there were other protests in chicago, new york city, oregon. protesters shutdown a road leading to chicago's o'hare airport forcing travelers to get out of their cars, rides, walk to the airport with their bags to try to catch their flight. >> i am going to be honest this is -- this is -- this is the last thing we want to be doing >> this is terrible, terrible. >> are you just walking to the airport now? >> going to try >> we brought you continuing live coverage of today's local protest shutdowns throughout the morning on air and streaming on cbs news bay area. you can find us on the freeway cbs news app or over on pluto tv. oakland police announce that they ticketed 52 people towed 21 cars and made three arrests after this, a weekend full of sideshows. this is video from early on sunday morning. our reporter talked to residents and city leaders about the street take overs.
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>> from west oakland to east oakland. side slow participants took over six major intersections early on sunday morning. the police say people spun donuts, fired shots snow the air and even set a couple cars on fire. some of the participants mocked the parents. drive like your kids live here. but, the real fireworks happened at the intersection of high street and foothill boulevard at 4:30 a.m. drivers were burning rubber and laughing at the cops, dozens and dozens of officers were coordinating and blocking off all of the escape routes. it all unfolded in front of this neighbor's house. >> i applaud them. they need to arrest them and keep them in there. >> reporter: the 65-year-old said the monthly sideshows hurt her health. she recently had a stroke. >> i take medication. i have been having strokes and seizures. so, this kind of chaos, i don't need around me.
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it is terrorizing me. it scares me. >> neighbors say it is dangerous for everyone >> they crash sometimes really close to our house. like for example the neighbors house right there, they crashed into the gate and made a big dent in it. what if they crash into my house, you know. >> reporter: police started ticketing them, some drivers found a narrow pathway out of the blockades. officers quickly used the patrol car to block the route. a short time later, one driver drove a white infinity into two police cars to leave the area. >> he was not done. that driver returned to challenge the officers. one officer appeared to fire a nonlethal projectile to scare the driver away. other participants tried to leave but did not get far. officers arrested several drivers and cited a lot of spectators. they also impounded a number of cars. >> make them pay. we are
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paying, we are suffering, make them pay. >> what impressed me, they not only came they cited those in the middle of the sideshows and they arrested other people. >> the counsel man said the cops disburse the crowds and let them go. neighbors ask why can't the cops do this every time? >> the response i get, we don't have enough officers. well, we don't have, you know, enough money in overtime to pay for officers to be here >> the police say it could be dangerous. especially when they are out numbered by the large crowds. aside from hitting police cars, some of the participants set two cars on fire, likely stolen. as for debi she says shut them down for her health and the health of the city. >> i am old school and i am from the south. they want to shoot and fight somebody and drive crazy, send them to the army. give them an ultimatum. a grown streak for california. a major mile tone for our state when it comes to
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our energy grid. the warriors heading up sacramento. they need a win against their rivals to extend their season. big crowds across the bay area to begin the day. the sun broke through. now, beautiful sunset on this monday evening. warmer temperatures near store for us over the next few days, take a look at how long the warm up will
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tesla plans to lay off 10% of their global workforce. the ceo notified employees today citing a need to reduce cost and increase productivity t. comes with a lower demand for electric vehicles. meantime a major milestone as california tries to go green. nearly every day for more than a month now the state's energy grid has been fueled 100% by clean renewable energy. we are talking wind, solar, hydropower. now, this is note a 24-hour a day thing, some days
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15 minutes, other days, it has been up to six hours but they say the fact that california is fully powering the state's grid at all is historic. >> the idea of getting all of our energy from clean renewable energy felt like a fringe, far-fetched notion. and, today, it is our lived experience. >> reporter: the state legislature signaled the goal is for 90% of the state's energy consumption to come from renewable energy by 2025. you are relying on solar. sunny days are nice, paul, and it seems like we are getting a couple of them in the future. i know we have clouds, i know it is a thing but at least not widespread rain >> it is a dry seven-day forecast. the dry pattern began today. we have the clouds this morning, did not yield shower activity. and in the lower atmosphere it brings it nearby. this is the development of any substantial cloud cover and certainly keeps our rain
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chances next to zero as we go through the next couple of days. this is from the top of mount diablo. and everybody else is in the lower 60s. topped out close to average. we start warming up tomorrow for patchy fog to begin the day on tuesday. not widespread at all. future cast indicated a couple spots with slightly reduced visibilities thursday morning, once the sun comes up, the fog will be gone guy 9:00, 10:00 at the latest. with the sunshine emerging earlier in the day than today we are going to warm up to a greater extent. starting off normal. temperatures in the 40s across the board as we wake up on tuesday morning and then the temperatures warm up quickly. let's look at where we end up tomorrow afternoon. 4-8 degrees above average. upper 70s for the santa clara valley. morgan hill, the same thing inland in the east bay as well. middle
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70s, fremont, down in the peninsula, temperatures running 4-8 degrees above normal. not as warm on the coast. losing the onshore influence. the temperatures will be five degrees warmer than today. upper 60s in san francisco, right in 70 in oakland. if the fog is more persistent anywhere tomorrow it will be in the north bay valleys, the temperatures there will manage to climb up into the middle 70s and the warmest days are a little farther down-the-line. wednesday, thursday, the warmest days, though pollen count is in the medium today and medium high tomorrow and highest category on wednesday. retreating by thursday and friday. still in the medium high category. we don't have any rain chances in the seven-day forecast to wash any of it out of the atmosphere. that is kind of the only flaw in the forecast. we do get to enjoy, actually, a dry weekend, believe it or not. something we have not seen much of in 2024.
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we will start inland with the warmest temperatures, wednesday, thursday, highs close to 80 degrees. a lot of locations into the lower 80s on wednesday. even once we cool off, unland, though, temperatures in the middle to upper 70s through the end of the workweek, over the weekend and into early next week. the warm up around the bay it will kick in over the next couple of days not as dramatic and not lasting as long. temperatures once we are at friday, saturday, sunday, almost exactly normal over the weekend and into next week. enjoy the middle to lower 70s we have in store by wednesday and thursday. the temperature should warm up a few degrees into the middle 60s on wednesday and thursday. and then back to april reality. a mix of clouds and sunshine with high temperatures around 60 degrees over the weekend. eventually i think we will see another chance for a few showers paying us a visit. not quite to that time of the year where the rain quiets down entirely, but it is nice to have a dry forecast. never too early to look ahead to the weekend especially a rare rain
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free weekend, sara? >> that is our motto, we talk about it all of the time. win or go home for the warriors tomorrow >> - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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. all right, there are two
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kinds of people out there, vern. the kind that shy away from pressure and the kind that embrace it. now, normally you would think professional athletes embrace it. this is a good amount of it the warriors are facing. >> lebron james does not believe in pressure. he was quoting as saying that. >> he is also lebron james, kobe thrived in pressure situations >> this tomorrow night, this is like the ncaa tournament, survive and advance. if you don't, oh. >> nice knowing you. sacramento kings stand in the way tomorrow night. win that, and then play in game friday night at either new orleans or l.a. lose and the season is over. i believe in karma. taylor swift sang about it, are the warriors going to need some? >> i believe in karma. i believe this group has earned good karma >> karma is the freeze in my
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hair on the weekend. >> i am sure things over the nba history that felt like karma was coming to them and it didn't. >> reporter: they believe they will have more than karma on their side. they also have steph curry. >> he is that guy. you know, he is him. i think austin reed said. >> the last time steph played in an elimination game in sacramento, scored 50 points and led the doves to a game seven win. >> kind of ironic just everything that was built up to that game seven, this is a game seven type of environment in the same building we have to do it again. >> he is should not have to perform a solo tomorrow night. instead, a familiar trio leading the way >> this team is about steph, klay, and draymond. >> reporter: credits klay thompson and green for the turnaround after the all-star break >> neither one was right emotionally, spiritually, however you want to put it. and, once they turned the
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corner it effected the whole team. that is how it works. >> nowhere capable of going to win -- i know we are capable of going to win road teams. i like when the team shows up [music] >> all right, klay thompson made all five free throws yesterday to reach enough attempts to qualify for the league leaders. that means he edged out curry for the highest percentage in the nba which came as news to both splash brothers. >> did he is a anything to you today? >> he had no clue either. he is like oh, that is cool >> that is all? >> that was the whole conversation right there. he did not realize he gets a little plaque or trophy or something. i presented jordan with his when he got it. i guess klay missed that ceremony. >> the any solice you kept it on your team at least? >> no, i hate losing. absolutely not. [ laughter ]
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>> so, steph won the free throw category four times in his career. the last one came in 2018. so, tomorrow, warriors at the kings if - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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. before we end the broadcast we want to bring you the live pictures of the protest escalating in the city of fremont outside of the tesla facility there. as we reported earlier pro palestinian protesters gathered there to cause economic disruption, they say, not to harass employees there. in the last few seconds protesters ripped down a fence put there by fremont police who are now dawning riot gear and just given disbursal orders. looks like from the live pictures they are not disbursing. we will keep an eye on it and bring you an update
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doc? announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all doing? all right. how's everybody? thank y'all. appreciate it, everybody. thank you, folks. i appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody! i'm your man-- steve harvey! [cheers and applause] got a good one for you today.


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