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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 16, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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store now at 11:00, from stopping traffic to clashing with cops, dozens arrested in disruptive protests around the bay. >> i think we need to draw a line. >> this is just, to be honest, ridiculous. >> we're just going to keep saying no, we're still here. >> why their own careful planning may come back to bite them in court. what's worse than being hit by a train? nearly being impaled in the process. and a new nba hero rises by thinking twice about winning the game and more about winning the crowd. from kpix, this is the late
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news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. depending on where your commute took you this morning, it might have felt like an exceptionally long day, hours longer than normal, after protesters shut down two major bay area freeways to draw attention to the war in gaza and attention they got. their closure of the golden gate made national headlines and then this later this evening another protest in the south bay got tense for a few moments. that was outside the tesla factory in fremont. protesters there caravanned as part of a nationwide day of action demanding a ceasefire in gaza and an end to all u.s. aid to israel. >> we're just going to keep saying, no, we're still here. you can't just turn your eye away from this.
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>> but the larger and more disruptive protests happened during the peak of rush hour. today hundreds of protesters shut down 880 in two different places. some were even using chains and barrels filled with concrete to block the road. we asked one of the protesters today there about their message. >> they want to say that they're condemning what's happening, what israel's doing, saying they want israel to be nice exer kill fewer civilians. at the same time they are giving them bombs and money. >> the shutdowns lasted bo the afternoon before chp was able to get the lanes re-opened. some commuters were stuck in their cars for more than four hours. >> at the beginning i was kind of afraid. i didn't know what was going on. i was afraid for my life. >> this is not fair for a lot of people going to work. you know, they're trying to, you know, make some money, and look what happened. >> so while chp had their attention there on 880 another
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group took over the golden gate bridge. our wilson walker talked with commuters who had no choice but to wait it out. >> i'm sympathetic, and i understand the cause. i do. and i just wish i'd have left 20 minutes earlier, i'd have missed all of this. >> reporter: just short of the bridge and a sea of cars going nowhere, one driver trying to reach family on the other side. >> i'm going to try to get through. my daughter needs me. she got four little ones there, and i'm supposed to be helping take care of them while she's working. >> yeah, yea, i work over the bridge. so you know, not many other options. think about the ferry. >> reporter: the hours dragged on. people started walking their dogs and striking out for supplies. >> yes,s the an uber, and he's lovely. >> our poor uber driver. >> reporter: and amongst the crowd a constant chatter about the protest that had stuck them all there. some were
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sympathetic. >> like, yes, it's an inconvenience, but it's also inconvenient to be a human being in gaza right now. >> stop arming israel, which i think we should stop arming israel, so i'm in support of that. >> reporter: there was also plenty of frustration. >> my thing, civil liberties should be protected, but there is a limit. and when you have this level of a disruption to our whole transportation system, i think we need to draw a line. >> attempting to shut down or block a state freeway or highway for a protest is unlawful. it's dangerous. >> reporter: the deterrent, they say, should be aggressive prosecution, thus the extensive charges. >> and 236 of the penal code false imprisonment. >> reporter: but protest organizers were very clear that this action was not the last. here is a spokesperson talking about what comes next. >> we're going to keep pushing until people pay attention. we
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know from our history that people's actions work, and they won't listen to us unless we hit them where it hurt, which is in the economic region. and so we're going to keep pushing, and we're going to keep disrupting. so maybe you remember this video. last month a group that shut down the bay bridge late last year were met with cheers outside a san francisco courtroom after they avoided jail time. the so-called bay bridge 78 cut a deal for community service instead of jail after they shut down traffic for hours in the middle of the apec summit. lauren toms is here now. so lauren, i understand this group that we were talking about today is actually facing stiffer charges than groups we've seen previously. >> yes, sara, there were 38 people arrested today on 880 and the golden gate bridge for unlawful assembly, conspiracy, and false imprisonment for all those people stuck for hours. we haven't seen that charge
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before. now, it speaks to just how carefully these protesters prepared to make sure they were as difficult to remove as possible. like using those heavy chains and cement barrels that we saw today. >> yeah, so we watched those scenes for hours earlier today as chp was trying to undo all of that and get traffic moving again. that seemed to be what was taking so long in terms of getting people out of the way and getting traffic flowing, could this be alerting experience for chp because i think a lot of people were wondering, hie, why isn't it moving faster? >> i asked one of our security expert, and he told me that law enforcement is always trying to monitor people to get ahead of disruptions just like this. the chp was quick to get in position on the bay bridge during all of this, but as for how proactive they can reasonably be, it all comes down to manpower. >> every single law enforcement agency in california is shorthanded. and the more that we put these folks in a position where they're sitting idly on a bridge, the more they
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can be doing things more productive elsewhere. so that's sort of a double edged sword and a personnel manpower challenge that they have to deal with. >> special agent jeff harp, he was one of the countless commuters caught up in the traffic today. he says another thing that makes these kinds of protests tough to get ahead of is that we're way past the days of planning things on facebook. it's all happening on encrypted channels these days. >> right, as opposed to where law enforcement could easily monitor those things. you mention the bay bridge, then being proactive. we didn't actually see shutdowns there. let's get back to the charges for a second. so false imprisonment sounds serious, i guess the question is is always is something like that going to stick? >> one defense attorney i spoke with who worked the bay bridge 78 case says he finds it all to be pretty excessive in what he finds to be a first amendment
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case. >> of the bay bridge 78, which i was a part of, charged each of the 78 and two bystanders with five misdemeanors, which is more charges than i have seen in all of my years working with the national lawyers guild. >> now, of course, there were similar protests across the country today, and law enforcement experts tell me the charges we're seeing here are still pretty lenient compared to what we're probably going to be seeing elsewhere across the country. >> wow, interesting perspective there. a lot of people wonder, okay, we saw what happened today, what's the next step and that answered a lot of those questions. just like lauren said, it wasn't only the bay area. we saw protests elsewhere, like at seattle's airport and the brooklyn bridge, new york city. in chicago, a protest outside o'hare forced travelers to get out of their cars and walk just to make it into the terminal. as for the cause this is all about, there are reports israeli military is delaying its planned invasion into the
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southern city of rafah. an estimated 1.4 million palestinians are sheltering there after fleeing fighting elsewhere in gaza. meantime, idf says there will be a response to iran's drone and missile attack over the weekend but president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the u.s. would not participate in that. back here in the bay area, we learned tonight pamela price's opponents collected enough ballot signatures to lead to a recall effort. they needed about 73,000 of them. the registrar told us tonight they got close to 675,000. no word on when the recall will happen, recall election, rather. price's opponents accuse her of being soft on crime. no comment tonight from the d.a. or from her team. a bay area women's prison so troubled it was nicknamed the rape club is shutting down, but tonight we still don't
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know if the closure is temporary or permanent. it comes days after a court-appointed special master came on board to oversee reforms. last month the fbi searched the prison as part of a years long investigation into sexual abuse of inmates by guards. at least eight prison personnel have been charged with abuse. five pled guilty, two were convicted, another case is pending, along with dozens of civil rights cases filed by inmates. >> people were subject to, you know, forcible sexual assault by officers, were subject to officers forcing them to conduct strip shows at the facility. and they would do things like that using their methods of power. so you know, saying that they will issue a disciplinary order if they don't do these sexual acts. >> all 600 inmates could be moved to other facilities by friday. the prison employs just over 200 people who may have to relocate if they want to keep
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their jobs. it wasn't the golden gate during rush hour, but the latest oakland sideshows caused plenty of chaos over the weekend. >> make them pay. we paying. we suffering. make them pay. >> the mayhem that unfolded after the cops came to break it all up. plus, the driver of this car has a crazy store troy tell after dodging death in two different ways at a bay area railroad crossing. plus, it looks like it could be one of the nine circles of hell. the storm chase who are got caught up in a tumbleweed tornado, paul? nothing like that around here. clouds this morning, but that gave way to plenty of sunshine this afternoon and a spectacular sunset this monday evening. the sun's going to stick around. we're going see temperatures warming up. how long will the warm spell last? what the warriors are saying about the win or go home tuesday game at the kings. and tonight, the biggest
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name in the college basketball game was on display tonight. >> all right, vern, thank you so much. also, can you help police unveil this guy's identity? he's wanted for ruining a bay area bride's big day by stealing her wedding dress from her front door.
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driver who survived this wreck in the south bay has photographic proof in case their friends don't believe them. the caltrain that hit that car near the san martin station also pushed the
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guardrail right through the front windshield of the car. the driver made it out of there with only moderate injuries. oakland police cited 52 people and towed 21 cars, made 3 arrests after this, another round of incredibly chaotic sideshows. da lin shows us things only got crazier after officers got there. >> reporter: from west oakland to east oakland, sideshow participants took over at least six major intersections early sunday morning. police say people spun donut, fired shots into the air, and even set a couple of cars on fire. some of the participants mocked parents with this sign that reads drive like your kids live here. but the real fireworks happened at the intersection of high street and foothill bowl hard around 4:30 a.m. as drivers were burning rubber and laughing at the cops, dozens and dozens of officers were coordinating and
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blocking off all the escape routes. it all unfolded in front of neighbor debbie wilson's house. >> i applaud them. i applaud them. they need to arrest them and keep them in there. >> reporter: the 65-year-old says the shows hurt her health. she recently had a stroke. >> i take seizure medication. i've been having strokes and seizures, so this kind of chaos i don't need around me. it terrorizes me, and it scares me. >> reporter: neighbors say its dangerous for everyone. >> they crash sometimes really close to our house. like for example, the neighbor's house, they crashed into the gate and made a big dent in it. >> reporter: as police started ticketing participants and spectator, some drivers found a narrow pathway out of the blockades. officers used a patrol car to block that route. a short time later one driver drove a white infiniti into two
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police cars to leave the area. he wasn't done. that driver returned to challenge the officers. one officer appeared to fire some kind of nonlethal projectile to scare the driver away. other participants tried to leave but didn't get very far. officers arrested several drivers and cited a lot of spectators. they also impounded a number of cars. >> make them pay. we paying, we suffering. make them pay. >> what impressed me is they not only came, they cited those that are in the middle of the sideshows and they arrested other people. >> reporter: councilman noel says typically the cops disperse the crowds and let them go. >> the response i get is we don't have enough officers. we don't have enough money and overtime. >> reporter: police say it can be very dangerous, especially when they're outnumbered by
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the large crowds. aside from hitting police cars, some participants set two cars on fire, likely stolen. as for debbie, she says shut them down, for her health and the health of the city. >> i'm old school and i'm from the south. they want to shoot and fight somebody and want to drive crazy, send them to the army. give them an ultimatum. >> that was a crazy story. okay, look at this, become a storm chaser, they said, it'll be fun, they said. this looks like the opposite of fun. a storm chaser was working along route 66 in the arizona desert when he got caught up in what can only be described as a tumbleweed tornado. paul, i realize that meteorologically -- can you try that for me, say it, paul, open his mic. >> meteorologically speaking. >> i'm going to let you say that word every single time. i get that that's not what that really is, but -- >> just a dust devil that managed to pick up a bunch of tumbleweeds, but those things
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hurt if they hit you. something you don't want to be a part of. we didn't have anything that dramatic over the weekend, just additional rainfall adding to the surplus we've been running for most of the bay area so far in the rainy season. now at 116% of normal rainfall to the middle of april for both san francisco and santa rosa, 132% of normal rainfall for san jose and almost exactly average, just 1% short in livermore. the entire seven-day forecast is dry. it's high pressure taking over in the upper levels of the atmosphere. that means a hill of air is going to be camped out nearby. the weight of the atmosphere on top of us suppresses the development of significant clouds. once we see some high clouds stream back in on thursday and friday, they're not substantial enough to drop any kind of moisture on us. the dry weather will continue, and warmer weather takes over as welch clear skies overhead and temperatures dropping off at a decent pace. low to mid-50s across the board. not going to fall too much farther tonight. not seeing fog on the horizon
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just yet, but some of that is going to be possible as we head towards early tomorrow morning. it's going to be very patchy, shouldn't have any real impact on the morning commute on tuesday, and what little fog there is should dissipate by 9:00, 10:00 at the latest. high clouds moving in during the midday and afternoon hours. they're not going to have any impact on our temperature, which will start off near normal. in fact, everybody within a degree or two of what's normal to begin the day on tuesday. temperatures in the 40s across the board. then temperatures warm up to four to eight degrees above average by tuesday afternoon. temperatures reaching up into the upper 70s in the santa clara valley. 77 or 78 degrees on a widespread basis. similar in the east bay. fremont and redwood city in the mid-70s. not as warm along the coast. low 60s for half moon bay. five degrees warmer than today. just closer to what's normal for this time of year.
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and temperatures in the north bay not quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area but still above average reaching into the low to mid-70s. tomorrow's not the warmest day we are going to experience in this little stretch of above average temperatures, that is going to happen wednesday and thursday. san jose topping out around or above 80 degrees far couple days. temperatures still running above normal through the weekend and dry weather is going to prevail over the weekend. there have been 15 weekends so far in 2024. i think maybe four of them have been dry. we'll add a fifth one of the list this weekend. back to near normal temperatures as we head into the middle of next week. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. we will start with inland temperatures across the bay area, which are going to be warmest for the longest. even the ones we drop off a little bit friday, saturday, and sunday still in the middle portion of the 70s into the beginning of next week. temperatures around the bay aren't going to get quite as warm, and the warm spell isn't going to last quite as long. near average temperatures after
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a couple days in the mid-70s wednesday and thursday. back to normal friday, saturday, and sunday. along the coast, mid-60s for a couple day, wednesday and thursday. right on back down to 60 degrees or thereabouts for friday and over the weekend. vern? all right, straight ahead in sports, both bay area baseball clubs in play under the lights. and the big ticket? the i-80. win or go home nba matchup. it's eve of warriors at kings.
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i know you're going to say this is a stretch. i know you like to dance to our music. >> i do. i love that music. >> i know you going to say this is a stretch, but there's got to be a cross section of fans that are hoping the dubs beat the kings just out of principle for the sake of the a's. >> not if you're up in sacramento. those fans are going to collide. >> mm-hmm. >> yeah, yeah. it's -- >> there's got to be some crossover dubs/a's fan, right? >> by the time i talk to you this time tomorrow night, you might be talking to me through a little window there. i'll be on the floor at the golden one. >> oh fun, can we trade? >> well, no. >> okay.
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>> what's your hunch? warriors take care of business, move on to a friday game, or will the kings say adios? this play-in format has got some meat to it, especially with the whole i-80 northern california rivalry. it's survive and advance. so let's play with numbers. despite being a ten seed, golden state won two more games this season than last. and even though it will take two wins in this play-in tournament to make the playoff field, coach kerr somehow is more confident in this squad making a deep postseason run than he did a year ago. >> i do really believe in this group, and i believe in karma. i think this group has earned some good karma. as a coach you can just kind of feel it, and i've been very frank. i didn't feel it last year. so this year i felt it. doesn't mean it's going to happen. doesn't mean we're going to win, but i think we have a better chance of, you know, really making a push this year
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than we did last. oh, the setting, oh, get the sun block, let's go. giants baseball in miami. let's look at kyle harrison for the g-men. bad things at bad times. ball got away from michael conforto. two runs scored, 3-1, marlins. but that was all harrison gave up. giants trail 3-1 going into the seventh. now 3-3. pinch-hitter wilmer flores, a two-out single to center. nick ahmed scored the go-ahead run, and san francisco won it 4-3. fourth come from behind win this season, and they raise its record to 7-10. a's and cardinals announcers respectively in oakland. hey, sonny grey, struck out seth brown here with two on in the fourth. grey punched out six in six shutout
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innings. 1-0, cardinals. willson contreras doubled into left field to the corner. that brought home a run, but the red bishdz on jackie robinson day went on to win 3-1. just the third loss for oakland in their last nine games. dawn of a new era for caitlin clark. the iowa superstar was the wnba's number one overall draft pick today by the indiana fever, and she's already made an impact on more new team. the fever will have 36 of their 40 games on national tv. and with the second overall pick, stanford star cameron brink was selected by the l.a. sparks, the highest a cardinal has been drafted since 2014. sara, i know you're an athlete, would you take 6'4"? would you like to be 6'4"? >> i'll take 6'2". >> okay. >> also, i just want to say,
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caitlin clark head to toe in prada, brink looked amazing. these girls stepped out full fashion head to toe. >> oh, they dressed out for tonight. >> they did. they did. there needs to be more hype about wnba draft fashion. >> okay. >> i think they outdo the fellas big time. >> note to self, let's work on the fashion okay.. >> 6'4", yeah, i'll take it. >> you'll take 6'4"? >> i'll take it. it's up there, that's okay. i'll find a date. >> you hear that, guys? >> vern, thank you so much. a bay area bride needs help nabbing the porch pirate who took off with her dress. he was caught on camera thursday night stealing the $2,000 gown from her home on adam street in redwood city. to add insult to injury he took a few other packages as well. okay, a philosophical question for you, you're a pro athlete, maybe you're 6'4", what's more important? putting points on the board for your team or winning the crowd free lunc
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i put a cough drop in so i could say meteorologically. >> meteorologically. >> i said it, okay. the cough drop had nothing to do with it. it's not often that you get cut any slack from the opposing team in sports. but sometimes it's about more than the game,
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it's about freed food. what's really important. it was on the line at the rockets/clippers game. >> fans are getting excited here. there might potentially be some free chicken on the board if he misses the second free throw. some of the fans are getting a little floppy. >> he's putting it on the ground saying you want chicken? he gave them chicken. he's a man of the people. he's a man of the people. >> you think he did that on purpose some. >> he did. he gave them free chicken. >> that was the rockets center missing the free throw because if the visiting team miss two in a row the entire arena got a sandwich from chick-fil-a. the game wasn't high stakes. the rockets were moving on. >> they were locked into their spot. >> exactly. >> why not? make people happy. >> hasn't everybody known by now we're all motivated by
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food. us dudes. >> who are you talking to here? >> if she was a


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