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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) thank you for joining us this morning. it is tuesday, april 16th. >> let's get your tuesday started.
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>> a pause in people's day is not as significant as not being able to find food. >> basically this is not fair for, you know, lot of people that are going to work. you know, they're trying to, you know, make some money. >> battling for a cause while also giving drivers a headache during the bay area commute. protests shut down our bridges for hours. but will these protesters face tougher charges this time around? ♪ ♪ a portola pledge. the music festival coming back to san francisco. and wants to prevent another noisy nuisance. kind of ironic just -- everything else built up to that game seven. this is technically a game seven-type of environment in the same building. so we got to do it again. >> can we expect to see another vintage steph performance tonight? the dubs' leader ready for the kings as we count down to tip-off. good morning to all of you. happy tuesday. i'm nicole zaloumis. steph curry,
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flexing on the kings tonight. >> i'm gianna franco. i am so ready for tonight's game. getting that nap in early to make sure i can stay up a little late to watch the win. put it out there. >> don't you have a feeling? i have a feeling about this. >> the playoffs. >> last year was the growing season. well, just look back at it as a growing season. i'm reed cowan by the way and still growing. taking a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and the weather is such that maybe if you are planting something it will grow as well. good morning to jess. 80s, jess? 80s tomorrow, reed. [ laughter ] we still have 70s in the forecast today. but we're getting close to the 80s just in time for any gardening activities as we head into the workweek's forecast. we have some really big news for us. i mean we're warming up and we're drying up and our daytime highs today are reflecting a little bit of a high pressure system kind of moving its way in. giving us drier weather and 70s in the forecast for us. this is above average right now. not by much. by about five to ten degrees throughout the bay area. but it's worth noting we're off to a great start this week. a dry start and a warm start and
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we'll continue to warm up even more as we head into our forecast tomorrow. 60s today near san francisco. let employee drop these real fast and let's talk about what's going on for the week. high pressure is moving its way in. just going to see some mix of sun and clouds in the forecast throughout this whole workweek's forecast. no more rain for now but been such an active season. it's kind offense with the rain chances and you see a complete zip and zero across the board. now it is going to be a drysetup for us this week lasting into the weekend. but i think it's important to kind of do a quick recap. the season has been a very active one for many of us. not only here in the bay area, but all throughout the state of california. we had over 51 atmospheric rivers hit our west coast throughout the season alone. and we're definitely seeing the impacts of it after all. i mean, well above average when it comes to our rainfall season. we're also seeing no drought conditions in the state of california. to add to that the reservoirs are high. kind of break apart how the season looked so far this year and more about the dry break we
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have here in the bay area this week. but for now over to you, g. the backup is building at bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are officially on and starting to see the slow and go commute kind of begin for the ride out of the east bay for anyone heading over into san francisco right now. looks like the delays just beyond that overpass. start thinking about grabbing the coffee and get going if your ride takes you across westbound 80 over to the bay bridge. other than that the roadways are fairly quiet. we have reports of an accident on 880 southbound in hayward. as you work your way from there down into union city. tracking a few brake lights. so likely that could impact your drive as you head over to the san mateo bridge this morning. so if you are making that ride through there, definitely i would say maybe grabbing that coffee to get going. all right. taking a live look at 880. and of course the golden gate bridge. traffic flowing normal this morning on these freeways and bridges. a major reversal from what we saw yesterday during the peak of morning rush hour. you might have been caught in? right here. hundreds of protesters shut down the major
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bay area arteries and 880 oakland and the golden gate bridge. some even using chains and be barrels filled with concrete to block the road. we asked one of the protesters on 880 about their message yesterday. >> they want to say that they're condemning what's happening and what israel is doing. saying they want israel to be nicer and kill fewer civilians. at the same time, they are giving them bombs and money. >> well, the shutdowns lasted into the early afternoon before chp was able to get all the lanes reopened. we know some of you were stuck in your cars for more than four hours. >> at the beginning when i was kind of afraid and i didn't know what was going on. i was afraid for my life. this is not fair for, you know, lot of people that are going to work. and you know, they requiring to you know, make some money. and look what happened. >> now while the chp had their attention on 880. another group took over here. the golden gate bridge. highway patrol said they thought something like this might happen but they
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didn't know specific plans. protest organizers were very clear this action was not the last. a spokesperson told us what's expected to come next. >> we're going to keep pushing until people fay attention. we know from our history that people's actions work and they won't listen to us unless we hit them where it hurts which is in the economic region. >> and as the hours dragged on, people had no choice but to wait it out. although some were sympathetic to the protesters' actions, some were also frustrated. >> like yes, it's an inconvenience. but it's also an inconvenience to be a human being in gaza. >> when you have this level of a disruption to our whole transportation system, i think we need to draw a line. >> chp arrested 26 protesters at the bridge demonstration and four cars were impounded and those arrested are facing multiple charges. this wasn't not the first time. >> no, the bay area became a
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national story late last year. you know, in november during the apec summit, protesters we remember this, they took over the bay and they called for a ceasefire in gaza and the bay bridge was shut down. that time, protesters snarled traffic for hours. and there were ramifications to many people who were stuck that were pretty serious. get this. ucsf transplant organs were delayed because they couldn't get over the bridge. protesters got what critics said was a slap on the wrist. watch. [ cheering and applause ] that is the sound of applause. the so-called bay bridge 78 met with cheers as they walked out of a san francisco courtroom. avoiding jail time and getting a deal to do community service. and pay some restitution money. well, 78 there. yesterday, 38 arrested at both the golden gate bridge and the 880. but this time, many say the new group will face some more aggressive charges. or at least they hope so. our shawn chitnis is live at the golden gate bridge with not only a breakdown of the charges, shawn, but sort of a look at the staffing of some of our
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first responders as well. >> reporter: that's right. reed. good morning. and as we stand here we can see traffic moving in both directions. people likely feeling extra appreciative about the chance to cross the bridge without any issue on this day. but let's talk about the charges that we know protesters are facing in this case. that includes unlawful assembly, resisting an officer, conspiracy, as well as false imprisonment and that last one is one of the new charges we haven't seen before. because they were able to keep people who were stuck in their car for hours yesterday at these various locations and it speaks to how carefully the protesters prepared. making sure it was as difficult as possible to remove them. they were using heavy chains and barrels filled with cement as we've mentioned this morning. the chp was quick to get in position on the bay bridge during all this. but experts say they can only be so proactive with their current staffing. >> every single law enforcement agency in california is shorthanded. and the more that
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we put these folks in a position where they're sitting idly on a bridge, the more they can be doing things more productive elsewhere. so that's sort of a double edged sword and a personnel manpower challenge that they have to deal with. >> reporter: that's former fbi special agent jeff harp who was actually one the commuters caught up in this yesterday. he says another thing that makes these kinds of protests tough to get ahead of is that we're past the days of planning on social media. all of this happening on encrypted channels. now there are some lawyers who are going to point to that new charge of false imprisonment and say that it is excessive. but other experts are saying that when you look at the charges being filed for protesters elsewhere, it will be seen as lenient. reed, back to you. >> all right, shawn, thank you for that. now this. and we didn't just see protesters on the bridges. this demonstration in the stout bay got tense for a few moments and
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this was outside the tesla factory in fremont last night. protesters caravaned there. also as part of the nationwide day of action. demanding a ceasefire in gaza and an end to all u.s. aid to israel. >> i see so many people i know that just keep just going back to their daily life. because they don't want the deal with it. just keep saying no. we're still here. you know? you can't just turn your eye away from this. >> it was not just the bay area either. we saw protests all over the country. like at seattle's airport and the brooklyn bridge in new york and in chicago, a protest outside o'hare forced travelers to get out of the cars and walk to just make it inside. as for the cause protesters are focused own, there are reports the israeli military is delaying its planned ground invasion into the southern gaza city of rafah. estimated 1.4 million palestinian civilians are sheltered there after fleeing the fighting elsewhere. we brought you continuing live
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coverage of the protest shutdowns throughout the morning on air and streaming on cbs news bay area. we also have continuing coverage on our website at time now 6:10. get ready for another recall of a bay area district attorney. the political fight coming soon for pamela price. and this shocking video might have gotten your attention. a side show chaos in oakland over the weekend. and now we're learning from police just how many people are being punished for it. and here's a live look outside before we head to break on this tuesday morning. it is going to be gorgeous here in the bay area. so get your tank tops and maybe your hiking boots and get your leash for your dog and head outside. we'
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice.
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woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. a new development today in the infamous scott peterson murder case. a couple of hours from now, he's set to appear by zoom in san mateo county court for a motion hearing. the l. a. innocence project recently took up his case. more than 20 years after peterson was convicted of murdering his wife laci and their unborn son. the project is saying that some key evidence was ignored. they filed motions to receive sealed court records and a dna test and other evidence.
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alameda county's top prosecutor will be facing a recall. announced last night that her opponents got enough valid signatures. they needed roughly 73,000 signatures. the board of supervisors will discuss the results at a meeting on april 30th and then schedule a special election. no comment yet from pamela price or her team. in oakland, police tell us that officers cited 52 people. towed 21 cars, and made three arrests after this round of chaotic side shows early sunday. investigators say drivers and spectators took over at least six major intersections from west to east oakland. spinning doughnuts like you see here and firing shots into the air and even setting a couple of cars on fire. well, our bay area kids need teachers but it's difficult to find housing prices that match what the salaries will pay. now there's
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word that the teachers with the san francisco unified school district could get some help. in fact, the district says they will vote today on resolutions declaring to new development sites for the employees. one is over on 7th street just north of laguna honda reservoir. and the other is located downtown on goff street between page and haight. already one site you might know about this one consisting of 135 units is under construction going up right now on 43rd. the goal is to develop 550 units for teachers and give them the keys by 2030. our bay area farm workers are a crucial part of our economy. and our community. and the life and legacy of cesar chavez really shaped their experience. and their visibility. now there's a resolution for the city of san francisco to recognize his birthday on march 31st as a paid holiday. mayoral candidate safai introduced the resolution to deepen recognition after governor gavin newsom declared the day as a statewide cesar chavez day. and in the south bay,
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drivers really lucky right here. a caltrain hit the car near the san martin station and it also pushed the guardrail right through the front windshield. amazingly the driver made it out of with only moderate injuries. now taking a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and this is one of those weeks we love here in the bay area. because it's going to be clear skies like this as the sun a rising and the sun is going to be shining and it's it's going to be warm, jessica. >> i know and the best part is, is you know, our state is not in drought and the reservoirs are high and we're well above average for the rainfall season. no complaints when we say we have a nice dry break for us here in the bay. let's dive into that forecast this morning. yesterday we were mostly in the 60s and today, we're in the 70s and by tomorrow, we're talking about 80s in the forecast for us with a continuous dry setup all throughout this week, seeing clear skies already near the santa clara valley and we're also seeing some mix of sun and clouds closer to our coastline and along the bay shoreline. so not off to a bad start and i will say this though. taking a look right behind me. our pollen count is still kind of high. so just keep that in mind as we head in the next couple
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of days a and all the temperatures you see on map are above average. and we're going to continue to see above average temperatures all throughout the rest of this week. we're already sitting in the upper 60s near san francisco with upper 70s from san jose stretching over into concord. so off to an amazing start to there. and we're going to continue to get better weather into the forecast tomorrow. with 80s around the corner. now i mentioned the drought. and i also mentioned our rainfall versus average. and as we take a look at the map throughout the bay, we're 99% of average off near livermore. so we're really close to that 100% mark there but we're well past that anywhere from santa rosa down into the santa clara valley. keep in mind, this was a very active weather season and we talked about it earlier. we had 51 atmospheric rivers hit the -- not only the california coastline but all throughout the west coast actually over the season and as we start to see a drier setup throughout this week, that's something to kind of look back on and think okay. good news. our reservoirs like i mentioned are high and the snow pack was above average for the year up in the sierra. and of course this is just one season alone. compared to a
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decade's worth. there's lot of changes. but nonetheless, this has been an amazing season. now as we take look at what's happening for us this week, this is a great way to go out there and enjoy the hills and go check out some nature and find a new trial to go explore with the flam. maybe later this week. we have sunny skies this weekend's forecast. and our inland areas and we're flirting back and forth with the 70s and 80s all week long. now if you are probably thinking to yourself okay, you are a little too ambitious jess. i don't plan on going outside that much this week. still it's a dry setup. if you have to do any outdoor activities or just get the groceries stone or no matter what it is. this is the week to get some things done around the house. outside too. it's beautiful and it's dry and it's a stunning forecast for us and we're also seeing 60s and 70s along the bay shoreline. we'll keep you updated on the forecast but for now over to you, g. >> a good week to maybe do some stuff in the yard. taking a look right now at traffic. so far we're not seeing too many trouble spot on the roadways. 880 starting to get just a little bit busy thickening up just a little bit
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going southbound right around paseo grande but overall, it's a pretty normal commute for a tuesday. we do have some brake lights we're tracking out of hayward and southbound 880 working over to the san mateo bridge. that will affect the ride this morning. and the bridge is okay right here and slows down just a little bit and you will be tapping the brake lights as you get closer to the 101 side as you head into foster city. so this is the commute direction here westbound commuters, more volume and more traffic headed that way. once you are on 101 itself though, headed northbound maybe to sfo. good too go. southbound, no delays there. in fact overall we have a pretty good commute with the exception of this. this is getting busy, this is the bay bridge but this is to be expected at 6:19 in the morning with the metering lights on. nicole? time now 6:19 as you mentioned g. about to be 6:20 right now. taking a live look at chase center. the dubs won't be home tonight. but you will still have a chance to cheer on your warriors. a live look outside before we head to break. 6:20 in the morning. morning alcatraz. tourists, we hope you
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(gentle music)
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one of baseball's most underrated pitchers and former athletic ken holtzman died this weekend. he had two no-hitters under his belt and he helped propel the a's to three world series championships in the '70s. the lefty finishes his career with a 174-150 record and a sub 3.5 e.r.a. and also owns the distinction of the
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winningest pitcher of jewish heritage in mlb history. he actually had nine more wins than sandy koufax. the a's posted a statement on ken's passing and they said they're saddened by the two-time all-star's passing and that holtzman helped create lasting memories for the franchise. he was 78 years old. and look who was at the mets' citi field yesterday. rachel robinson. rachel was married to jackie robinson. she was in new york to help celebrate the 77th anniversary of jackie breaking the color barrier. every april 15th, players don number 42 on their backs in remembrance of robinson. now we take a live look at chase center. the warriors on the road tonight but thrive city will be rocking. a watch party starting at 5:30 for the play in. fans will enjoy live music bier the game is streamed on the video board. tip-off is 7:00 tonight against the kings. win or go home for the northern california rivals. the winner
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will then travel to the loser of the lakers and pelicans' game to see who makes it into the playoffs as the eighth seed in the western conference. and today is just another day up the road in sacramento fortunately second straight season for the dubs. >> so you remember the warriors beat the kings in the first round of the playoffs last year. so we've got some history here. vern glenn has the dubs' path to the postseason this year. >> i believe in karma, i think this group has earned some -- good karma. ♪ >> i'm sure there's plenty of teams over the course of the nba history that felt like karma was coming to them and it didn't. >> reporter: the warriors believe they will have more than karma on their side. they also have steph curry. >> he's that guy, you know? he's him. i think austin reeves said it. >> reporter: the last time steph played an elimination game in san francisco, scored 50 points and led the dubs to a game seven win. >> kind of ironic just -- everything else built up to that game seven. this is technically a game seven-type
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of environment in the same building. so we got to do it again. >> reporter: but he shouldn't have to perform a solo. instead, it will be a familiar trio leading the way. >> this team is about -- steph, klay and draymond. >> reporter: steve kerr credited klay thompson and draymond green for the team's turnaround after the all-star break. >> first half of the season, neither one was right. emotionally. spiritually. however you want to put it. and once they turned the corner, it affected the whole team. because that's how it works. >> know we're capable of going and winning some road games and when this team's back is against the wall, i like how the group shows up. ♪ >> all right, i like what steve kerr is saying right now. he said emotionally, spiritually, they're talking about karma. all things working you see draymond there. with his wise man grasses and nice sweatshirt. they're good and comfortable going into tonight.
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>> the new draymond. the sweater and glasses. >> hitting a hot streak too right at the right time. i'm excited they got here. just you know, it's all good from this point forward. so fingers crossed and go dubs. get excited. >> the kings have lost five of the last seven. so like you said, they're holt when it matters most. time now 6:26. are you tired of your soaring utility prices? we can promise you, you're not alone. the push to stop con standly raising your rates. and slowing down on the streets, speed cameras might be here before you know it in san francisco. the decision today in receive ma t's
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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almost 6:30 in the morning. and you can see the glorious golden gate bridge peeking up over the fog there. and that layer of clouds just showing us hey, mother nature is still in charge. hopefully with the temperatures rising we can burn that fog off. let's bring in jess right now to talk about that. good morning. jess are you there? >> i am here, have you ever done that drive across the marin headlands? as the fog is coming in. >> magic. >> it's magical and feels like a disney ride you know when the like log foggy conditions are coming through the ride. so beautiful up there and that's what we have this morning. coming in from the north bay kuip in mind visibility at
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times could be impacted by that. enjoy the view in the city you are going to be seeing more clear conditions this afternoon. and we're starting off down into the santa clara valley where i want to show you a beautiful yellow sky as we wake up right now. 70s right the there in the forecast in los gatos and 70s today near oakland and all the way across the bay bridge into san francisco upper 60s this afternoon. now as we head into this afternoon, one thing i want to mention it's dry out there today. if you are feeling a little bit of a scratchiness in your voice and rubbing your eyes, maybe it's because the pollen count is still high. so just keep that in mind as we're dealing with the dry weather. no rain in sight for now. it's dry as can be and temperatures are sitting just a little bit above average today and we're going to continue to warm up as we head into the rest of t this week. today we're in the 70s from oakland into concord. but heading into the rest hof this week, we'll continue to warm up and we're going to continue to dry up too. which it's totally okay. we've been talking about it all morning
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long. we're well above average for our rainfall versus average so far this season alone. and taking a look at areas like livermore. we're at 99% of average which still there's time to improve that number but this has been a great season so far. i mean, last year we had 17 atmospheric rivers impact just the state of california. this year, the whole west coast is seeing 51 and we definitely got our fair share of rain here in the bay area but now the fair share of dry weather thanks to high pressure just offshore and talk more about this weekend's forecast coming up in a bit. for now over to you, g. let's talk about the roadways right now starting off with the live look at conditions here on 880 at paseo grande. starting to get just a little bit busy for that nimitz commute. but this is the area you would typically see brake lights on a workweek. southbound out of that 238 connector area into hayward. and just south of there into union city. getting a little bit slow there morning. so if you are commuting through there or maybe even southbound 680 out of the pleasanton into fremont. a few brake lights
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we're tracking. westbound commuters heads-up at the bay bridge. things are getting crowded over to 101 and at the bay bridge toll plaza, it's busy. it's backed up and it's slow and go heading over into san francisco. metering lights are on. and pretty typical for a tuesday. well, traffic is moving much smoother this morning but it was a very different story yesterday after gaza protesters caused a major blockage on the golden gate bridge and on i-880. 38 people were arrested. and facing a variety of charges including one charge we have not really seen when it comes to demonstrations. false imprisonment. protesters were clear that this action was not the last. and that they'll keep pushing until people pay attention to gaza. we brought you continuing live coverage of the protest shutdowns throughout the morning on air and streaming on cbs news bay area. we also have continuing coverage on our website at well, gianna, after a barrage of weekend attacks by iran in israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu promises his
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war cabinet will respond with action. all options we are told are on the table. this news comes at the time of growing international pressure to de-escalate. and really the hopes of preventing wider conflict in the middle east. which is something president joe biden has told benjamin netanyahu he needs to avoid. the case involving the deadly shooting own a movieset in new mexico. the weapons supervisor on the alec baldwin movie "rust" sentenced to serve 18 months in prison. judge really threw the book at her, hannah gutierrez reed is her name. the maximum sentence allowed. that supervisor found guilty last month in the accidental shooting death of the film'scinematographer. baldwin's trial begins in july by the way for involuntary manslaughter. all right. to the donald trump hush money trial. no jurors selected on day one. once again back in court for another day trying to find impartial jurors. here's your update this morning. more than half of the 90 potential
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candidates told the judge they could not be fair or impartial so they were thanked and excused. trump faces 34 felony counts of over payments to former adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 election. well, you know, former president trump and current president joe biden face controversy we know this. going into this 2024 election. trump's on trial, biden a facing criticism for his support for israel. so we want to know what you think. polling suggests that voters are apathetic about both candidates which really begs the question whether voters will just stay home. with less than six months to go, natalie brand checks in with independent voters who many say could help decide this election. >> reporter: inside this northern virginia coffee shop of blended views, almost everyone we spoke to had the same feeling about the impending presidential election. >> i'm not super excited about it. >> reporter: ben matthew, who describes himself as independent, says this year could come down to voting
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against a candidate instead of in support of one. >> if you're not running towards something, you are kind of running away from something in some ways. >> reporter: diane lester says in 2020, she couldn't bring herself to vote and doesn't know what she'll do this year. >> just feels like really daunting and really, like, difficult. >> reporter: it's a sentiment reflected in cbs news polling. at the same time, cbs news director of elections and surveys anthony salvanto says most voters still view 2024 as important. >> i think it's going to be an interesting but important question to see how each campaign does at motivating their supporters to turn out. because there may be very few persuadable people. >> reporter: rebecca leekway says she's committed to voting. >> personally don't love the candidates. but i -- i know who i'm going to vote for. >> reporter: but she worries a contentious election cycle will turn off younger voters. >> i hope that they realize that it's important either way. and sometimes choice is not a
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great choice, but you still live in a country where you have the power to make that choice. and you should take advantage of that. >> reporter: voters who spoke with us also have a message for the political parties. >> both sides need to have more empathy and understanding for the other side. and be willing to compromise. otherwise, we don't move forward. >> we need to make sure that we have a leader in office that's going to represent all the people. >> reporter: hoping a future with a little less polarization could restore some enthusiasm for the next presidential election cycle. all right, so all that said, the cbs news elections and surveys director says so far, more than 90% of each candidate's 2020 backers say they are sticking with their candidate. the bay area women's prison rocked by sexual abuse scandals is shutting down. it comes after a court appointed special master arrived at fci dublin to oversee the reforms. you see it behind me. now this prison was
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known among inmates and workers as the rape club. because of allegations of rampant abuse. len ramirez reports hundreds of inmates could be moved out of the prison in just a matter of days. >> reporter: it was not business as usual at the federal correctional institution in dublin known as fci. guards set up a blockade where visitors usually drive into the facility and prison buses could be seen moving into parking lots and driveways, although no inmates appeared to board the buses just yet. >> we were notified today that the prison is going to be closed by the bureau of prisons. and we didn't have any sort of notification prior to this morning. >> reporter: amaris montes is an attorney with rights behind bars, an advocacy group that represents inmates and sued the prison over numerous sexual abuse and civil rights violations. she said the shutdown came as a surprise just days after a court-appointed special master came in last week. all 600 inmates could be moved to other
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facilities by friday. >> their recognition of the fact that they can't meet constitutional requirements now and find the solution is closure is very telling. and, you know, maybe that is the best step. >> reporter: last month, the fbi searched the prison as part of a years-long investigation into sexual abuse of inmates by guards. since 2021, at least eight prison personnel have been charged with abuse. five pled guilty and two were convicted and another case is pending. also pending are 50 civil rights cases. >> people were subject to, you know, forcible sexual assault by officers. who were subject to officers forcing them to conduct strip shows at the facility. and they would do things like that using their methods of power. so, you know, saying that they will issue a disciplinary order if they don't do these sexual acts. >> reporter: it's not yet known if the shutdown is temporary or permanent. inmates and their
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families are concerned about where they will be sent next to serve out their sentences and montes hopes some non-violent offenders can be credited and have their sentences reduced. >> we hope that the bop can take meaningful steps to release people and make sure that, you know, they aren't further harmed throughout this whole process. >> the prison employs just over 200 people who could be forced to relocate to keep their jobs. fci dublin is one of six women only federal prisons. and the only one west of the rocky mountains. last year, a former warden of the prison was convicted of sexually assaulting multiple women and lying to the fbi. he was sentenced to 70 months in prison. well, happening today, sfmta will be voting on proposed speed camera location throughout the city. this map slows the potential 33 spots in san francisco that could get the new technology by the 2025. now these cameras are located
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near schools, senior centers, and along the city's so-called high injury network. the distribution of the cameras is part of the pilot program governor gavin newsom signed into law last year. motorists driving more than 11 miles over the posted speed limit will be fined. at this point, we don't know how much those fines will cost. time now 6:40. it's already hard enough to get by and your utility bills could still be skyrocketing. what's being done about it. the message being heard loud and clear. plus. ♪ ♪ well, that noise might bring back some bad memories for some people. portola music festival's pledge to turn it down. let's get a live look outside on this tuesday morning. the sun is up. the sky's awaken and you kn
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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it's time now for the money watch report. the "wall street journal" reports the department of justice could be preparing to bring an antitrust lawsuit against live nation, parent company of ticketmaster. the company came under increased scrutiny after november 2022 meltdown of ticketmaster's website during the presale of taylor swift's
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eras tour tickets. ticketmaster is estimated to have market share of more than 70% of the u.s. ticketing industry. h&r block says a computer glitch has been fixed and now it temporarily blocks some taxpayers from filing returns for yesterday's deadline. the tax preparation company said there was a problem with its downloadable desktop software. h&r block says the vast majority of its customers who use the online version of the filing tool were not impacted. well, if it feels like pg&e is constantly raising your rates, you're not alone. a central california congressman agrees with you. democrat josh harter has introduced a new bill that would prevent utility companies from raising rates more than once a year. pg&e has already raised rates twice this year and requested a third. time now for a look at what's coming up later on cbs mornings. also i'm dieing to ask you about cowboy carter and
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your favorite song. good morning. >> i know. and american requiem and blackbird. the miley cyrus cut and i could go on and on reed. i love this album. good to see you. here's what's coming up on "cbs mornings." the historic hush money trial of former president donald trump is under way in new york city and i know you guys are talking about it too. cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman will join us with what we can expect in the coming weeks. we're also taking a look at whatimpact the trial may have on trump's presidential run. plus the author salman rushdie is out with a memoir about his attack. the brilliant writer will be here in studio with his wife, poet and author for their first joint live interview. a love story too. and tanner adele talking about country carter is a rising country singer. you may recognize the voice as it's featured on two songs on beyonce's new album "cowboy
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carter." what it's like to be hand picked by queen bey herself. it feels pretty good to be picked by beyonce. we'll see you at 7:00 a little over ten minutes from now. >> i think you say it perfectly. i'll beed if i can't slow dance with you beyonce making a way for new artists. i love it. good morning. >> yes. >> well, a new bill to ban tiktok could be up for a house vote this week. it's different than the one that passed last month with strong bipartisan support. this time the ban is tucked into a package of four foreign aid bills to lure democratic votes. three bills have aid for ukraine and israel and taiwan. the fourth includes the tiktok ban. lawmakers say they're concerned tiktok's chinese parent company bytedance is a national security risk. about 170 million americans use the platform. so banning it faces a lot of opposition. >> you are voting against my small business. you are voting against me getting a slice of my american pie. >> this is where entertainment
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happens. this is where they -- the commentary and analysis of entertainment world happens and this is where education happens. >> that has some of the things with regard to the loan -- lease option and the reproact and some other sanctions on iran and some other measures we've been talking about. >> the white house is pushing for a senate aid package that does not include a tiktok ban. happening today, gianna, governor gavin newsom announcing partnership with the crown prince of norway on trying to head off climate change. no details right now. but on cbs news bay area at noon you can bet we'll have more information on what this means for you. let's talk about a major milestone in california's push to go green. pretty cool here. nearly every day for more than a month now, our state's energy grid has been fueled 100% by clean renewable energy. we're talking about wind and solar and hydropower. in fact, environmental advocates say the fact that clean energy is fully powering our state's grid at all is historic. listen.
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>> the idea of getting all the of our energy from clean renewable energy felt like some fringe farfetched futuristic notion. and today, it is our lived experience. >> joanna there says state legislators set a goal for 90% of the state's energy to come from renewable energy by 2035. this tuesday morning we're going to see some beautiful temps today. even more so tomorrow. but wow, let's just pause a moment and look at this gorgeous, gorgeous view of the sun coming up over the bay. of course jess will have a look at your local forecast. but first, there's some other perspective and some pretty wild weather to talk about that happened in the southwest. >> oh, yeah. storm chaser was actually working along route 66 in arizona when he got caught up in the desert with what can only be described really as a tumbleweed tornado. now in the storm chaser footage you see right here, we actually get a look inside the dust devil. and you can see debris swirling all around him. now the dust devil
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typically lasts only about a few minutes. and it doesn't usually cause damage. but what a sight to see down in arizona. let's head back to our beautiful state of california. where at max, our highest wind speeds this morning is actually let's take a look at the map real fast. 4 miles per hour. really. nothing to write home about. dealing with light wind this morning here in the bay. and beautiful, beautiful sunshine into this afternoon. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds this morning but taking a look at the wind speeds. a 5-mile-per-hour wind gust at max. light winds across the bay area into this afternoon it gets breezier with the onshore flow closer to around 10 miles per hour. but it's a dry week for us this week here in the bay. not necessarily desert-like considering the fact we had an amazing rainfall season but worth noting if you have any outdoor plans, this is the week to do it. now too add to that our daytime highs are sitting a little bit above average. high pressure is moving its way in. daytime highs are sitting about four degrees above average near san francisco. putting us in the upper 60s and we're seeing low 70s all the way over -- excuse me upper 70s actually over into
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concord. and it's a beautiful forecast for us this afternoon. the sun a starting to rise just over the bay bridge. and we'll continue to warm up into the afternoon into the upper 70s close to antioch and all the way down into the santa clara valley, with 60s just near half-moon bay. now we're going to continue to warm up this week also into the 80s right around the corner. so this daytime high setup is looking lovely for us. i want to show you the next seven days. we are going to be dealing with dry conditions and light winds throughout this week's forecast. if you have outdoor plans, this is the week to be doing it. and taking a look at the long-range models we still don't have any rain in sight. we'll actually hit the 80s for our inland forecast and wednesday and thursday. we'll still see a mix of sun and clouds don't get me wrong but for the most part that sun is going to be shining through a lot more in the inland areas. compared to our friends along the coast. and along the bay as well. so let's take a look at the bay forecast. you notice we are flirting with 70s and 80s for our inland areas. we're going to be flirting with the upper 60s lower 70s heading into our weekend forecast. so a little change there but partly cloudy skies nothing to write about home. beautiful week for us all throughout the bay for now over to you, g. all right, jessica, thank
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you. let's talk about the freeways right now. because we are definitely tracking a few brake lights and as we inch a little closer to the 7:00 hour, that's when things really heat up on the freeways. here's a live look at one of the caltrans cameras situated along 880 this morning. and this is near paseo grande. it's getting crowded especially in the southbound direction. which is typically the commute direction in the area. now if you are traveling north of here, say into oakland, that's where you will see some pretty good speeds overall. we don't typically see that area back up until a little closer to 8:00. so san leandro looking pretty good and hayward though, we are seeing some pretty slow and go conditions down towards that san mateo bridge commute. which is right here and you can see how crowded it is for westbound commuters heading over towards 101. so grab that cough knee and grab that tea and hop in the car and get going. definitely getting a little bit busy out there. live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you know, overall it's pretty typical. no crashes. but you have got the slowing as you head out of the east bay and getting over into the city. and our travel times looking pretty hefty on the altamont pass as well as the westbound 80 commute. nicole? all right, gianna. well,
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the portola music festival that you see right behind me here is returning to san francisco for a third year. and it's promising neighbors to be better about the noise complaints. ♪ the electronic music festival will be at pier 80 on september 28th and 29th. the promoter golden boys put out a letter saying they're going to focus on better noise control measures this year. if you recall the event drew complaint from both people living in san francisco and in the east bay. reed? okay. biggest blue catfish ever caught and how does that sound? bragging lights for an ohio teenager we're talking about jalen parker set a state record for reeling in the fish tipping the scales at nearly 102 very healthy pounds. that fish back in the habitat this morning and it has a new name. it's bobby the blue cat. and bobby is being set free right there. >> do you know anything about catfish. >> nothing.
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>> okay. you do. >> please because i don't. how are you fishing for them? >> i don't remember how you fish for them. but i remember seeing their heads cut off on fence posts in east texas. yep. >> do you eat them. >> the things the barbs can actually cause injury. catfish is super good. i have eaten a lot. >> how do you prepare it. >> at a restaurant, you eat it. [ laughter ] >> order it and served warm. >> cook it and -- >> fire and make that. and then maybe some sort of a pan. and okay. >> i have had catfish gumbo and just throw everything in. i lived in east texas. >> wow. >> that sounds good. >> accent kind of. >> i hear it. >> reed has lived so many lives in his 50 something years. wow. >> it is -- wow. hi. >> i'm 35, what are you talking about. >> 6:54. >> i know. right? it's a dream come true for so many women. it was one of the most anticipated wnba drafts in years with the stanford star
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it's great because they're like such role models and i want to be like them one day. >> you love to see that. the women basketball stars inspiring the youth. this first of all was just one of many fans at the wnba draft last night in brooklyn, income and no surprises at the top of draft, iowa superstar caitlin clark. was picked number one
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overall by the indiana fever. and she's already made an impact on her new team. the fever will have 36 of their 40 games televised nationally. >> honestly like -- i'm just excited and i'm happy. i think you know, obviously whether i knew or not, going into tonight, i think like once you actually see your name on the board and the commissioner says your name and you get to enjoy it with the family. it's a whole different feeling and just a lot of pride. like getting to share that with them and just thankful. >> with the second overall pick, the l. a. sparks took stanford star cameron brink. the highest a cardinal player has been drafted since she went number one back in 2014. the 6'4" brink was a two-time national defensive player of the year. congratulations to all of these amazing women. i love to see how, you know, women's basketball is just getting so much more love and attention and they deserve it. >> it's great to see the draft there. and for them to dress up. i mean, absolutely stunning. and one of my favorite moments when you are
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watching caitlin clark and she performs so well under pressure. you can see that she's nervous. in that moment. i mean, she knew she was going first overall. and you know, the expectations were high for her. but she still you know, a fierce competitor that has some nerves there. >> yes. all eyes on her. and it is -- it is time right? it is long time coming. >> yeah. for sure. >> all right. meanwhile guys the 49er faithful have a new way to show off team pride. the team has launched these niner themed california license plates. the design features the team logo, colors and a slogan faithful to state parks. now that's in reference to the state parks and youth programs that some of the money will be allocated to. the 49er owners have agreed to pay for the remaining 3,000 or so preordered plates needed for the dmv to agree to print them. so that means gianna, listen up here. you can get one for free. all you have to do is go to the website for the promo code there. and you have already gone right? >> that's a cool gift too. for probably a big 49er fan.
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>> wonder if you can customize it like niner niner or something. >> already been taken. >> i'm sure it would. >> niners fan. >> number one fan. >> right. yeah. [ laughter ] well, i'm a fan of this. tony award-winning musical "hair spray" is back on tour with a stop in the bay area. coming up at 8:00 we'll be chatting live with the stars of the show about the musical. good morning baltimore. >> oh. >> good job, we're looking live at in san mateo courthouse. where convicted murderer scott peterson is set to appear by zoom in a couple of hours from now. we're tracking this story all morning long. and why don't we take a live look outside on this beautiful tuesday here in the bay area? we hope you come on over an join us. we'll see


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