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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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help to be on the way for music and sports fans fed up with sky high ticket prices. daylight savings is under the microscope again. the effort to ditch the switch. all this week , we are showing you the dedication, creativity and heart of people trying to protect life on earth. according to the un, 1
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million species are currently threatened with extinction. >> one of the reasons is climate change. david check to introduces us to a scientist who has been following a lizard forced out of its home. >> they look like they are smiling. >> despite the size, he has a huge story to tell about climate change and the future of the planet. >> reporter: came tagging along on a hike with the doctor from the university of arizona to count lizards and document how hot temperatures are stressing them. >> this is stressing the amount. >> reporter: the lizards love the cooler mountain habitats across southern arizona that are well above the desert floor. because they can't take the heat , individual populations have been isolated
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for millions of years in different mountain ranges. just outside of his be , lizards have lived in the mountains for 3 million years. >> around here in bisbee is older than humans. we anticipate they will be extinct by next year. they may be already. >> reporter: in 2014, he and his colleagues could only find lizards in the mule mountains above 5700 feet. eight years later he went back and the only lizards that hadn't died out are above 7100 feet. that left only a few hundred feet of mountain top, cool enough to survive. a landmark roof port from the un determined that 1 million species are threatened with extinction. he believes the number is far higher.
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delivered by the gases that come from cars, factories and power plants. >> it is catastrophic. >> there was responsibility. >> a little son is helpful. >> never be easy to find on a sunny day. there does not seem to be anyone here. you have to confirm and come back a couple of times. this lineage that has been separated looks like it is gone. for mac is a
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disappointing? what is the story? >> this is what the future will look like. this is climate related extinction. >> reporter: the lizard population survive in other parts of arizona, though many are struggling. the death of this local population around bisbee shows how climate changes quickening extinction. not only over centuries or decades, it is happening now. the fish and wildlife service estimates more than 40 species are endangered or threatened in bay area counties, including the green sea turtle and california condor. the estimate is more than 100 species. coming up we will take a closer look at how powerful hurricanes are putting birds at risk. taking a live look at the capitol. lawmakers will soon decide whether or not california residents can be left out of daylight savings time change completely. the bill would allow california to end the clock changes and stay
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on a permanent standard time. the author said stopping the changes would keep residents on a time were closely aligned with their natural circadian rhythm. >> the u.s. is planning sanctions in response to a missile and drone attacks on israel. that is the word from janet yellen today. she did not go into detail but suggested the u.s. could look for ways to put more restrictions on oil exports . taking a live look at capitol hill. lawmakers delivered articles of impeachment against the homeland security secretary. they accuse him of not enforcing federal immigration laws and preaching public trust. gop lawmakers are pushing for a full trial in the senate but some say they are concerned that democrats could dismiss her table the charges instead. >> immigration is the top issue. will do everything they
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can. >> impeachment should never be used to settle a policy disagreement. >> reporter: secretary mayor chris defended the work and made the case for more funding. senators will be sworn in on wednesday. there laning to file an antitrust lawsuit against live nation. that is according to the wall street journal. live nation faced dishes in the past over the dominance in the ticketing industry. critics say they are only able to raise prices because of lack of competition but live nation claims prices are determined by the artist and then use as well as supply and demand. the company came under scrutiny after the november 2022 meltdown of the ticketmaster website during the pre-sale of taylor swift concert tickets. tesla recorded another rough day. stock dipped to a
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12 month low. now there are reports of problems with the cyber truck. customers reported deliveries have been halted. that follows reports that the accelerator pedal can come loose. regulators said they are aware of the issue and have not opened a formal investigation. elon musk announced tesla is firing 10% of the workforce due to increased competition. the industry is under a microscope after a series of mishaps. the warning sent to pilots.
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disturbing revelations from the pilot union. they're reporting a spike in safety and maintenance problems . it is telling pilots to be vigilant. the concerns are spelled out in a memo attained by cbs news. >> a type of incident among a host of concerns brought to executives. >> the spokesman. >> slow down and take your time. they are starting to increase. that includes tools
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and wheel wells. >> to pilots association said it was found last month. maintenance discovered other tools inside the wheel well and noted there were no open actions at the time. competitor united is undergoing an audit after a series of incidents. american said the robust safety program is guided by industry-leading safety management system, including collaborative programs and regular touch points with the faa and all of our unions to further bolster our safety record .
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a man got quite the surprise. the object came from the international space station. massa confirms the four-inch metal cylinder was part of the cargo . science expected the debris to burn up in the atmosphere. the small piece survive, crashing into you alejandro otero's home. >> i was in disbelief. what are the chances of something landing on my house. and then causing damage. i am super grateful that no one got hurt. >> the object only weighs 1.5 pounds. nasa said they are investigating how to survive
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burning up in the atmosphere. straightahead, the warriors and kings from sacramento. coming up , the investigation into a hot bed of illegal marijuana farms. how they are operating in rural america and the tie some
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it is shorts weather. >> let's focus on our needs. mind the uv index. let's bring this back to the forecast. we do have changes in a direction to be enthusiastic about. the warm-up will continue for a few days. patchy fog tomorrow does
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not look like it will be widespread. the warming trend will continue. the warmest day tomorrow and thursday. we will be running a few degrees above average through the weekend, except along the coast. a rain free weekend. let's take a look at future cast. the dollar shade of gray if the high cloud cover today. that filters the sunshine. it doesn't block it entirely. high temperatures made it to the upper 70s. that is along with mid-70s in santa rosa. half moon bay you felt short of the 62 degrees. it is nice to see sunshine. along the coast, the most modest warm-up. hardly any fog showing up. the
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dull gray indicating clouts further in the atmosphere. not much fog to slow down the commute . temperatures dropping to the upper 40s and a lot of low to mid 50s. then temperatures warming up to 8 to 12 degrees above average. low 80s in the santa clara valley including 83 for the warm spot. the warm spot by just a degree or show so should hit 80. close to 80 in fremont and redwood city. not so much along the coast. it is 8 degrees warmer than today. san francisco cracking 70 degrees. and upper 70s to around 80 for most inland parts of the north as well. this is a warming
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trend that persists, even as we backed down. we will still be running above average through the weekend. that corresponds with the next hint of a rain chance. no rain in the forecast for the weekend. we are looking at next week's chances which have a spike by thursday and to thursday night. there is a lot that can happen. i don't think we are entirely done. temperatures out the warmest tomorrow and thursday. mid to upper 70s through the weekend. the warm-up isn't quite as drastic but it will be noticeable. then retreating to close to the normal temperatures. the
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warm-up is shortest lived along the coast. mid-60s for temperatures tomorrow man around 60 degrees. the marine influence will be much more prevalent. that will be the case into the weekend as well. you only have to drive a few miles to find warmer temperatures. coming up , protesters arrested for stopping traffic on the golden gate bridge are out of jail. we will hear more about why the office said they need more time to build a case. the jail is on lockdown. the violence that has deputies calling for help from the national guard. live in sacramento where it is a must win game. >> hello everybody. golden 1
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center is the stage. we heard the coaches. he said we have been here before. might and the king said we have to play fast. somebody has to get the upper hand. >> reporter: all four matchups have come down to the final minute. around one went to -- . dropping 41 points and put the kinks to sleep. round 2 , final seconds. the warriors down 1. klay thompson hit with 2/10 of a second remaining. >> they are lying to you. in november, king scott payback. the warriors blew a lead and the bank stayed open
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late. he put sacramento on top with seven seconds left. >> you cannot believe you lost the game. >> another game but no heroics this time. he dribbled it off his foot in the kings held on. >> it is crazy. it is crazy. >> both look different. the kings without malik monk and kevin huerter. let's pivot to the nfl. brought purdy -- he
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has been the pitch man. remember this commercial, sarah happened to be walking by and claimed that brock purdy saved her dog from a coyote. that topic came up today when he joined this show. >> we are shooting this commercial outside of the city and i see this trodden by. >> i screamed. i can't believe it was a real thing. she said she is a news anchor. i just saved her life . it is real. >> reporter: going national.
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>> confirmed. dealing with the sniffles or persistent cough? check how to tell the difference between allergies and illness.
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many of us are sneezing and sniffling. >> they have lowered immunity, making it harder to fight off infection. >> sometimes it is difficult to differentiate infection from allergies. >> reporter: whether a runny nose or bad cough, it is that time of year when you might ask in my sick resident allergy flareup? >> it is a transitional period in terms of illness. winter is over and summer is coming. >> reporter: he said certain symptoms are critical red flags and it is time to see a
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doctor. >> with allergies there is usually no fever. that is a signal that is likely due to infection. >> reporter: in addition to fever, muscle pain, fatigue and stomach issues are key indicators that it is not allergies. there is a surprising reason we see our typical winter viruses in the spring and summer contributing to confusion. >> it is because of covid camelot townsend masking and all. >> the effect still felt today. when would be finally see seasons return to normal? >> i'm hoping we will get back to the usual patterns of transmission are in the summer we just see summer viruses and we don't see things like influenza and rsv. cbs news bay area starts now. support for protesters that caused gridlock.
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will they face consequences. the d.a. explains why dozens are being released. >> we must draw the line where free speech and dangerous safety. the san francisco sheriff expresses -- . the recent uptick in the assault on staff is something i believe we can handle internally. operation dog drop. planning to play a role in a potential disaster. more than two dozen protesters are out of jail. were released in the last two hours after the d.a. said she is not


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