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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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will they face consequences. the d.a. explains why dozens are being released. >> we must draw the line where free speech and dangerous safety. the san francisco sheriff expresses -- . the recent uptick in the assault on staff is something i believe we can handle internally. operation dog drop. planning to play a role in a potential disaster. more than two dozen protesters are out of jail. were released in the last two hours after the d.a. said she is not ready to file charges
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and sending the case back to investigate further. >> we must make sure public safety is observed. at this time, we have to wait for the investigation. >> reporter: it is ultimately up to the d.a.'s 2-way charges against 38 protesters arrested for shutting down part of add emma golden gate as part of a nationwide road test. chp suggested they could face serious charges for tactics like chaining themselves to cars and barrels. supporter showed up today. >> we are here demanding that no charges are filed and everyone is relieved. >> reporter: it was the second day of protests outside of the san francisco jail demanding the people arrested be
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released. we anticipate sending the case back to chp for continued investigation. >> reporter: the d.a. said it was the felony charge of conspiracy that required her to take action. building a case like that could take more time. >> we have to attribute specific conduct to specific individuals. >> none of those arrested were among those rep arrested last year on the bay bridge. it required those defendants to stay out of trouble and drank and sought to clear the record on the agreement. >> that was not an offer by the prosecution, it was by the judge. we played no role in that agreement.
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>> the felony charge could land at a judges discretion. jenkins said the office is pursuing the case and she even added this. >> anyone that was falsely imprisoned is urged to contact the highway patrol. >> it wasn't easy work. >> reporter: the governor addressed it today. while he said he respects the cause. >> i don't think it is helpful or responsible. i hope we don't see it again. i think people need to be held to account for actions. >> just to round out every level of government , a hearing involving a january 6 case drew attention to what is going on. what happens next, but lincoln said the further review of the case and further investigation could take just a matter of days.
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we reached out to pamela preis's office about potential charges. this group is protesting outside of google headquarters. their speaking out against the project which is a billion-dollar cloud computing contract with the israeli government. the status using ai to streamline the threat of apartheid and violence. it is a matter of employing health and safety. >> we demand they drop it now and that google protect arab, muslim and palestinian workers that are speaking out . and have been facing harassment, suppression and retaliation at work. >> we did reach out for comment and have not heard back. >> officers responded to an incident at the san francisco
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county jail. negotiators tried talking them out for almost 2 hours. they eventually did and ultimately nobody got hurt. it is one of two buildings that was put on lockdown because of a series of alleged attacks by inmates on staff. right now inmates can't leave except for quarter medical appointments. katie nielsen was there the sheriff spoke out about why deputies are calling for drastic action. >> reporter: it comes just a few days after the deputies association, which is the union , wrote a letter to leadership, asking for help from the national guard saying staffing shortages were at a crisis level. today, the sheriff responded and this is what he had to say. >> we don't feel it is a -- circumstance that would require
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that. the recent up tick in the assault is something i believe we can handle internally. >> reporter: increased violence is something both the deputies union and sheriff agree on. both acknowledge that the situation has gotten worse. there were 200 40 -- 240 reported inmate fights in 2023. what they don't agree on is the cause. inmates are getting more violent due to jails getting overcrowded now that protocols have east. >> there is insufficient space to spread the individuals out and create a more common environment for people to reside in. >> reporter: on saturday, the union president sent a letter requesting the deployment of the national guard to temporarily supplement current levels. saying current levels
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are insufficient to support the well-being of personnel. according to the numbers, there are almost 1200 inmates in san francisco jails on any given day. there are supposed to be about 500 deputies assigned but due to staffing shortages there are 364. >> we don't believe it is one of the primary factors. >> they will address violence in a number of ways. >> as well as increased communication and continued discussion among command staff. he also acknowledged the inmate population is becoming difficult. >> they are mostly serious defenders who were charged with serious crimes. >> the lockdown here is expected to be lifted tonight
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while the lockdown that sam brunelle is expected to stay in place until tomorrow. law enforcement agencies in the band nationwide have been struggling with doubting shortages and recruiting leading some to try new tack tics, bonuses and higher pay. deputy sheriffs earn between 86,130 $4000 per year. other stories, three people behind bars in connection to his shooting near downtown napa. two women were killed in a confrontation that witnesses say started with an argument followed by gunshots. one of the women died at the scene and the other at the hospital. no word on emotive. in san mateo, the first of three hearings held in scott peterson's bid to have his murder convictions overturned. he appeared to resume in a redwood city courtroom.
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peterson was convicted for killing his wife and unborn child. the innocence project took up the case. some key evidence ignored. >> fairlane background work with the preliminary motions to get the information that will provide the heart of this motion for a new trial. >> the second motion is scheduled for may 29. the third scheduled for july 19. the oakland baseball team could be closer to making improvements to their new home. the oakland dollars in city council meeting to discuss a plan to invest $1.6 million. if pass copy without a scoreboard, update the field and include seating for 2500 fans.
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a really nice day today. even warmer tomorrow. high clouds this evening. not blocking it. temperatures warmed up significantly compared to the beginning of the week. temperatures above where we were 24 hours ago. we are not done climbing. that will be the warmest days this week. beyond that, temperatures above average into the weekend. full details coming up in a few minutes. he is a critical tool and a potential disaster. we get a behind-the-scenes look at barney's highflying training. disaster search is still the best way to locate people trapped in collapsed structures. the warriors are under serious pressure. it is a must win game. into the playoffs.
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police are looking for the suspect that robbed the mail carrier at gunpoint. post office offering a reward for information. it happened on saturday. near regents in union city boulevard. the mail carrier had to be taken to the hospital. last month a male carrion oakland was robbed of her postal keys. there is also a reward for that. mail theft
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is a federal and state crime. if caught, they will be charged in both court's. the fire department showed off their most effective tool in finding people after earthquakes who also happens to love treats. behind the scenes for barney's rescue training. >> it is a scenario no one wants to see layout. search and rescue operation. the objective, finding someone trapped in rubble after an earthquake. >> we want to make sure the fire department is working to upgrade capabilities. >> includes a collaboration between the fire department and the highway patrol. the
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goal, work together to accomplish things that we couldn't have done. >> more specifically the use of the helicopter to drop canines from san francisco's agency allowing the fire department to risk bond immediately. and not having to rely on fema that can take up to 6 hours to deploy. you see the helicopter in action before but you haven't seen barney, the real hero. the fire department's most recent resource in urban search and rescue. >> reporter: despite our technology, it is the best way to locate people that are trap. >> after locating a victim, canines can't deploy over and over from location to location. it is a job well done.
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>> it is the highest for word. we also have to be mindful of what we feed . we don't want them looking for food rather than peep all. >> it wasn't his first line of work. he was bred for service work but failed. he was donated to the natural disaster search stock foundation where he got training and found his calling. the new frontier for black market marijuana. our investigation into a hot bed of illegal marijuana farms. how they are operating in the ties that some have two chinese criminal organizations. we have that in more tonight on the cbs evening news. still ahead, if you liked all the sun today, you will like the forecast for the week.
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it was so beautiful. it was nice, even in san francisco . there wasn't much of a breeze.
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>> i got nothing. the one place we were cool with along the coast. even there it will warm up. if you wanted to complain, we have improvements, even along the coast. the dry weather will continue into the weekend. in the short term, the high pressure is a of an . there were high clouds weight overhead filtering sunshine but not entirely blocking it. those will continue overhead over the next few days. that is the dull gray. not much fog over the next couple of mornings. more clouds on thursday. seeing this gray, that is the marine layer. it will be persistent. that warm up along the coast, is a one-day thing. back down to 60
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as we go into the work weekend the weekend. the high clouds should make for a pretty sunset. about 90 minutes from now is when we will see the hue on the horizon. low to mid 60s in san francisco. low to mid 70s across the bay area. that will retreat to the 50s by morning with a few upper 40s sprinkled in. we will be several degrees above average tomorrow. a big smile of approval for the forecast. the clouds just filtering the sun. temperatures reaching the 70s. temperatures staying that level again on thursday. tomorrow high temperatures will be warm for mid april . low 80s in the valley and 83 and morgan hill. that will be the warm
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spot. 20 of other communities right on your heels. near or above 80 in the east bay and 70s in fremont. half moon bay, mid-60s. you hit 58 today. temperatures should top 70 in san francisco. mid-70s for oakland in upper 70s to around 80 for most inland parts of the north bay. with the warm weather, usually associated with an elevated pollen count. that will be the case. not all the way to the top of the scale but close. it is oak, mulberry and grass pollen of the top three offenders. in mid april, there are all sorts of plant stuff floating around. there are rain chances in the forecast. the next hint doesn't arrive until nine days from today. they to 14 day
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outlook shows a chance of wetter than normal conditions for most of the western u.s. and that would also be associated with the return to below average temperatures. it will be a short-term effect finishing april into may. it is a sign that we are not quite done yet. let's look at the seven-day, inland, temperatures out the warmest for a couple of days. 80 degrees on a widespread basis and then while we cool down, still in the mid to upper 70s. a return to near average temperatures kicks in one week from today. there is still a ways to go. temperatures will back down, 60s to near 70 friday, saturday and sunday. no rain in the seven-day. we do have additional cloud cover. back to persistent marine layer thursday and continuing to the weekend which means temperatures around 60 for high temperatures. 50s by monday and tuesday.
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>> you can do that by next week. there are rules that have already been established. still ahead, the stakes are high as the warriors make a push for another title. it is the must win game against the kings.
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not to put any pressure but it is a serious situation for the hometown team. it is win or go home for the warriors. this is a live look at the golden 1 center where they will take on the kings. right now, right here with a lot of fans that came out to watch a high-stakes matchup. i have to say, if there is an away game, this is the preferred place to watch, especially when something is on the line. >> reporter: absolutely. on the line is a do or die game.
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anticipation is so high. there is only a couple of hundred people right now. we are expected the area to fill up. the average over here is well over 100 per minute. people are nervous. i have spoken with a handful of fans that came out to enjoy the beautiful weather. i asked them, how nervous they are tonight. all of them placed it at a seven. that gives an idea. overall, the fans are confident, even though they are going up against the kings. they have had a really good run. i spoke with the fan that told me he is hoping that tremont will be the key player to pull out a win.
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>> i am a little nervous but i know they will pull through. >> it is nerve-racking. i hope they will pull through. >> it is like a good matchup to see who will come. looking forward to it. it should be a good game. >> we are a little bit over 30 minutes from tipoff. the music is cranking. looked behind me, a few hundred people out here but we are expect king drive city to really pack up once it begins. they have been out here for a couple of hours enjoying the beautiful weather. we have families and dog and picnickers. everyone here is anticipating this intense game. we will be out here keeping you posted with all the reaction until the end of the
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game. >> i have a feeling, it is still tech weekly part of the work day. >> reporter: it will be a party. >> just to make sure they were there, even though it is still working hours. a must win game for the warriors. they are going on an adventure. hopefully the game goes a little more smoothly. the evening news is next. we are back here in 30 minutes. >> norah: tornadoes tear through the midwest. >> look at that funnel right up there. >> norah: major damage in the plains as severe weather threatens 25 million americans. including thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes. >> and it's coming our way. holy [bleep]. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts now.


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