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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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possible despite the cost. >> you need to find the money. you had since last year. they stopped traffic, why a lot of protesters arrested were released from jail today. and thousands of buildings in san francisco in danger of collapse during an earthquake. what the city plans to do about it. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. hello, i'm sara donchey. installing cameras that automatically send tickets to speeding drivers. they are set to go in the city's most dangerous areas, we went to one of the intersections where reaction was mixed. >> reporter: the idea is to put 33 automated cameras around the city in places like this that are determined to be of either high risk or chronic
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violation. the most speed violated road is harrison between 4th and 5th street. one out of every four cars is traveling at least 10 miles an hour over the posted speed limit. the limit on the five lane street is 25 miles an hour because of a school located in the mudel of the block. feeling like it is a prime location for a speed camera. >> i really feel there is a need for people to be more there the fact that they need to keep their speed down t. is not a highway, i know it is next to highway, still, houses here, apartments here, people moving all around. >> reporter: the proposal will make san francisco a part of a pilot program installing cameras that send automated citations to the owners of cars that violate the speed limit by 10 or more miles per hour. >> san francisco, they are excited about the speed cameras t. is because we are all feeling how much things changed on our streets, how dangerous it has become because so many
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drivers are pushing beyond the limit. >> not everyone is feeling that way. she trusts the instincts of the average city driver and thinks the cameras would be more appropriate on the freeways. >> streets like this i think should not be, too much control, too much unnecessary. everyone in the bay area as a driver myself knows what the limitations are, when to like speed and when not to speed. policing that is unnecessary. >> reporter: others wonder about the fines. >> you are just going to, oh, if it is, if it really helps i am all for it. but if it is just to make money on motorists then no, i am against it completely. >> reporter: and michelle anderson seems skeptical about the whole idea. >> i would end up in traffic
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court. whatever. i just think that is too, no. what is the magic number? 10 miles over? what if they are going 5 miles over? >> reporter: actually the city of chicago tried lowering the threshold of their cameras from 10 miles to 6 and the citations exploded. at one intersection tickets sored from just over 500 to 15,000. that is probably an indication of how differently people drive than the letter of the law dictates. >> director? >> . >> reporter: still, with muni's unanimous vote, san francisco seems headed to gin issuing robo tickets as a way to change behavior on the city streets. >> the issue now heads to the board of supervisors for final approval the program would be managed by mta not the police department. if enacted they suspect the first cameras to be
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up and running sometime in 2025. all right, now we turn to alameda county where district attorney pam raprice will face a recall vote. her opponents issued a signature to qualify for the ballot and they want a special election as soon as possible. >> reporter: save alameda for everyone collected 120,000 signatures. 50,000 of those were disqualified. but, they still met the minimum threshold for a recall and they say they are confident the voters will be on their side. >> we, the voters have the right to hire you but we are also the people who can fire you. >> reporter: that was the message tuesday as the group save alameda for everyone or safe announced a monumental step in their efforts to removalla meadea county district attorney pamela price from her position. enough signatures were verified by the county are registrar of
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voters. >> reporter: principal officer of "safe" says she is not concerned about the number of signatures that were invalid. many of the signatures were disqualified because the person did not list their occupation, now the focus is getting a special election. >> what is going on in the district attorney's office is directly effecting the crime because they are not prosecuting to the full extend of the law. >> reporter: citywide crime data for oakland says overall, crime is down this year. violent crimes are up 10%. it is a statistic virginia is all too familiar with. >> it is awful. it is absolutely awful because i can not grieve. >> reporter: it has been 2-1/2 years since her husband, kevin, was shot and killed in downtown oakland. since that day she has continued to fight for justice. instead of processing her husband's death. >> a reminder to me of what happened and how they speak of it, how the defense attorney speaks of the crime. it is as
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if he deserved to be shot and that is what i am really upset about. >> reporter: she says with price in office she is worried. >> these guys that did it are criminals, they are repeat criminals, they have been in prison, they have been in jail, they have done violent things, they should be off of the streets. >> reporter: pamela price's lawyer said in a statement they believe the recall is illegal. they say law requires the signatures must be counted in 10 days. it took more than a month. they also say that some signatures were collected by nonalameda county residents. in addition price's office says a recall election is a poor use of possibly $20 million. >> you need to find that moan. you have had since last year. >> reporter: election code says the board of supervisors need to accept the receipts of the signatures and schedule an election at their april 30th meeting. and it would have to happen no longer than 25 days from that meeting. so,
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november, it would be too late. >> not just in my case but other cases as well that we get justice for our loved ones. >> reporter: organizers are hoping when it gets on the ballot voters will be able to vote for a replacement da at that time as well. two jails are on lockdown places programs on hold because of inmates allegedly attacking staff. jails went into lockdown over the weekend. both the downtown san francisco and san bruno locations, the union that represents sheriff deputies wrote a letter saying staffing shortage is at a crisis level. it was up 50% from the previous year. while the sheriff acknowledged being short staffed he blamed the spike in violence on jail overcrowding. now that pandemic protocols eased. protesters accused of causing gridlock yesterday are out of a san francisco jail.
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some of them spent the night there as supporters gathered outside. they say she was not ready to file official charges so they were released. but it is not over yet. 26 people are facing multiple misdemeanors and a felony charge of conspiracy to commit a crime. today, the da said the investigation continues who did what and the proper charges are yet to come. >> i understand people are passionate about issues in the world right now and they need a venue for that. they have to, they have to express their views in a way that is safe to the public. we are not going to allow people to endanger other members of the community. >> palestinian protesters blocked part of the golden gate bridge yesterday during rush hour. some chained themselves to cement barrels to make it harder for officers to remove them. this shows them trying to free a protester who refused to
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let go. today, another protest at google's sunnyvale headquarters, they spoke out against a project. a billion dollar cloud with israeli military and government. we reached out to google for comment on this and have not yet heard back. >> reporter: usc officials canceled the speech from the valedictorian. the system expreltsessed expressed support for palestinians, she would of delivered her speech on may 10th but critics raised concern over her pro-palestinian. some call it hate speech. the university says there is no security risk to the ceremony. she says she is shocked and disappointed. >> although it is a privilege for me to speak at commencement what i see this as is the
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university caving into hatred and rewarding bigotry. some are saying she should be reinvite flood there is a lot of push back from students including myself because they are silencing a brown hijabi's voice when she rightfully earned that position. >> reporter: the council is calling on the university to reverse its decision. still ahead, certain kinds of buildings could collapse during a big earthquake in the bay area and there may be thousands of them around the city of san francisco. the city's plan to address that. and, a few weeks ago i had an adventure with 49ers quarterback brock purdy and he is finally talking about it. high clouds over head throughout the day. the time lapse from san jose this afternoon show the clouds filtering the sunshine. not blocking it. the temperatures hitting the upper 70s and we got lower 80s there in the forecast tomorrow, fill in the raft of the map in
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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this week marks the anniversary of the earthquake, historical images shows the devastation of the 7 .9 quake followed by huge fires that took days to put out. as a result many builders started using concrete. some of the buildings are still around today. while they may be more fire resistant they are less flexible and less susceptible to collapse. today, the mayor issued a directive asking departments to identify concrete buildings that could collapse and then come up with standards for them. >> the first concrete buildings are the ones without enough steel within the concrete, within the columns. you need the steel in the concrete that
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allows it to move. the other one that we have t is where the roof is attached to the walls. when you tell the buildings the roof connections are not always as strong as they should be. >> reporter: the city estimates there might be as many as 3400 of these buildings that could be in danger in a earthquake. they are typically found downtown in parts of the tender loin and south of market. talking about our weather. a beautiful day across the bay area. paul says we got more sunny weather ahead. at least for a little while, right? >> if you were just enjoying the view out the office window today, similar to what we are seeing outside of our windows right now you have a couple days to get out and enjoy the above average temperatures, this kind of weather pattern is not going to shift rapidly. just a hill of air in the atmosphere is camped out nearby. slightly to the south if it was directly on top of us we would have cloud free conditions. it is a little ways
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to the south, some of them will not be visible. they filter the sunshine. not blocking it entirely. as it shifts away. it will shift inland, the bay, temperatures will be above normal for the weekend along the coast. after one more day it will be back to the typical reality beginning on thursday. the sun is getting closer to going down, half an hour away from that. holding on to 70. 73 degrees in concord. you are a couple of the warmer spots across the bay area today. the temperatures in the lower 80s tomorrow. just patchy fog in the forecast tomorrow morning. that shows up in the bright white on future cast here. there is little of that bright white showing up. the duller gray is the clouds in the atmosphere. like those, they will filter the sunshine, not slow down the warm up to -- extent at all tomorrow morning, higher than normal jumping off point for the temperatures to warm up. lower 50s, a few spots
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dipping into the middle to upper 40s by the morning, then, the warm up is on. let's take a look at where we are, 80s, 82 in san jose, 83 degrees in morgan hill. that will be the warmest spot for the bay area, not that warm for fremont and redwood city but upper 70s, not bad for mid-april. along the coast you don't get in on the dramatic warm up but 66 in half moon bay is warmer than where you were. you will take it. temperatures above that. and into the 70s to around 80 degrees inland in the north bay as well. similar temperatures across the board on thursday. and, then, starting to cool off a little bit. for inland parts of the bay area, especially, the drop of temperatures, thursday, friday, it leaves us several degrees above average. we are looking at the 10-day outlook. you see the second drop. that sends us back to near average temperatures a week from today and continuing through the full week of april.
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that will be associated with a better chance for showers as well. we are looking way down-the-line for rain chances here. but, they do exist. so, this is the extended rainfall outlook and looking at the temperatures next week. when you are looking that far in the future, nine days out, thursday, thursday night, we will keep anite for that system. it does not really exist. just the forecast models picking up on a signal of something happening. we are not in that time of the year where we don't have any. no sense of making adjustments on that. take a look at the forecast, inland, the warmth, lingering the longest. all of the way into the beginning of next week. and that will be the case around the bay as well. the temperatures will retreat faster for bayside spots dropping down to the upper 60s to 70 degrees heading through the weekend. not fully returning to the average highs until tuesday. along the coast, one more day of, in fact, only one more day of high
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temperatures, upper 50s today, middle 60s tomorrow, then a mix of upper 50s and 60s as the marine layer, the onshore breeze, typically dominates coastal locations. >> not bad. better than the rainy weekend. baseball is happening for the kids. okay. paul, an update on a story i said a few weeks ago how i stumbled upon brock purdy filming a john deere commercial in san francisco and he also saw me and the huge coyote standing behind me. >> i suddenly heard brock scream "coyote" and i turned around and i saw the biggest coyote sneaking up behind me and my dog. my dog is huge he would have been fine. i walked down the hills and he said hey, brock purdy saved your life. not exactly but it is a good
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story to tell. >> reporter: i know there was skepticism in the comment section. i don't read the comment section. >> no, no, no, no. it is not a friendly place. i was told if you did not believe me, though, commenters, today, brock purdy himself talked about it on the air. >> i don't know san francisco had coyotes >> me either. >> i did not either. dude, we are shooting a commercial on a hill outside of the city and i see this thing trouting by. i was like it looks like a miniwolf, no one was going to scream, so, i screamed and i was like yo, there is a coyote. i can not believe it was a real thing. she walked by and sure enough she said was a news anchor. i saved her life, i it is real, i can confirm it. >> there are a lot of coyotes that live there and in other parts of the city especially parkland and even in downtown san francisco. my dog is huge. >> yes. >> yeah. i can verify this
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>> he is not friendly towards coyotes. >> that would have been interesting. >> oh, yeah. >> i would not. >> i would of bet on your dog >> i would of jumped in there without hesitation. >> yes, for backing up the story. that was the second piece. that was his commercial double you saw in case you are wonder why there were two of them >> stunt dubel. >> we need those >> yes. >> stunt double. >>
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in florida a man was surprised to find something in his home that was out of this world. it was a piece of the international space station that fell off three years ago. they suspected it would burn up in the atmosphere. he was shocked when he found the piece landed in his house. >> what are the chances that something landing on my house with such force to cause so much damage. you know, totally, i am super grateful nobody got hurt. >> i'll say. that is a big chunk. nasa says they are looking into how that chunk survived the burnup to see if they need to make changes in the future. taylor swift mania kicks
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. swifties got up early to celebrate the up coming release of her new album. this was at the grove in l.a. in the fairfax district. fans of taylor swift made it there as early as 4:00 a.m. it was a library installment and possible listening party at a pop up store. >> oh, so excited. >> i have been saying this will be my second favorite album ever. it is releasing in two days. i have not heard it but i just know it. my first is reputation. but this will be second. >> this supersedes school. >> i promise you taylor swift fans are some of the most
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dedicated you will find anywhere. her 11th album set to drop on friday. thank you for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus cable 12. see you back here at 11:00.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: welcome to the show. how are you all? ["family feud" theme plays] how you all doing? thank y'all. i appreciate that, everybo


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