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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00, just 48 minutes after it began, the warriors playoff run is over. >> it was total domination. >> man, it's heartbreaking. plus, a case of animal cruelty so horrifying we have to pause the video. and police say they don't think it's the first time this guy has done this. and protesters are livestreaming as police storm the google campus to shut down
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a sit-in. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. it is hard to watch a team you know is capable of greatness go out with a whimper. certainly not the fairy tale end to the season the golden state warriors were hoping for as their playoff hopes were crushed in a loss that was not close. vern is at golden one in sacramento tonight, and vern, i mean, this is -- there was always the possibility that they were going to lose the game. i don't think any of us expected it to be this way. >> reporter: well, not with three straight games decided by one point. hey, mike brown challenged his sacramento kings team to come out here and show physicality and up-tempo play for 48 minutes, and it was nothing that the warriors could do about it. for the second time in lgsz than a year, warriors and kings met here in a game win or go home decider
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and this time turned out very much different than last year's game seven. let's talk about turnovers in this game. played a big role for this one. darren fox picked andrew wiggins' pocket. the easy slam. sacramento led by as many as 16. jonathan kuminga drove in and cut the deficit to eight. warriors trailed just 54-50 at the break. steph curry scored 50 in game seven here last year. he had just five in the first half but early third quarter curry buried a three. golden state down just one. but the kings answered the run. keon ellis knocked down a triple. ellis came up big with 15 points. sacramento started to pull away in the fourth, grabbed one of their 15
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offensive rebounds. sabonis threw it down. pushed the lead to 17. the night could not have gone worse for klay thompson. little over six minutes left, he missed a three. klay was 0 for 10 and went scoreless in the game. meanwhile, keegan murray was on fire for the kings. made eight threes, scored 32, and sacramento got some revenge from last year's postseason blowing out golden state 118-94 and ending the warriors season. >> it's raw right now just sitting here. going to be figuring out if i want to watch the playoffs or not on april 16th, i guess it's unfamiliar territory. >> really blessed year with amazing players and, you know, multiple championships and finals appearances and the highest of highs and this is the flip side. this is life. this is how it works. you
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don't, you know, you don't get to stay on top forever. >> reporter: i know what you're thinking out there, is it over for the warriors dynasty? have we seen the last of the greatness of the big three playing together? i posed that question to mike brown. he kind of side stepped it like a matrix movie. that will be debated for months to come before they figure out what to do moving forward with the next edition of the golden state warrior, sara? >> vern, i think the theme we heard is it didn't feel right for this team. regardless of the season they had, this was just not an ending that fitted a once championship team, right? >> reporter: this was about veteran guys learning how to play with the younger guys, the bench, the guys learning how to play with the veterans, and at times it just did not mesh
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together. that comes with time. but the warriors maybe with the big three, they're out of time. they've got some big decisions to make. >> yeah, this story goes well beyond just this loss. vern, thank you so much. our lauren toms, you know, was with the fans at the big watch party over at thrive city where the mood changed pretty quickly as the game went on. >> reporter: disappointed fans here at thrive city who were hoping that this win or go home game would end in, well, a win. but fans stuck it out through the bitter end and their eyes already set on next season. >> man, i'm -- it's heartbreaking. you know, it broke my heart, you know. but, hey, it's still dub nation, dub nation for life. you already know, i'll be here next season. >> reporter: a roller coaster of an evening here, nonetheless, as sacramento acquires more bay area talent, some fans say a rivalry may be heating up. >> it's all about bay area
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love. sacramento is about three hours away, but guess what? kings, y'all too young. it's our turn. the lakers rivalry comes first, and then second the sacramento kings, yeah. >> i shouldn't be too surprised, but still, i'm not going to lie, i'm a little sad. >> reporter: and warriors fans tonight stayed through the bitter end, at times pumped up by the times of bay area favorite e40 trying to ease some of that nail biting tension. and as for this fan, he says that his warriors fandom is only just getting started. >> all right, vern talked earlier about questions about the roster. you can bet the fans will be anxiously awaiting the entire summer to get their answers to that. it has been a couple of days of major protesting across the bay area, and tonight we saw a different kind of demonstration. five google workers were arrested tonight while staging a sit-in inside their boss' office. they were livestreaming when the cops rushed in. it all started with a larger demonstration outside
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company offices in sunnyvale. protesters are objecting to a google cloud contract with the israeli government called project nimbus. eventually a few workers took it inside to the cloud ceo's office before they were arrested for trespassing. google told us in a statement that physically impeding other employee's work is a clear policy violation, adding the employees are on leave with no access to company systems while they investigate. more than two dozen protester who is blocked traffic at the golden gate bridge yesterday are out of jail for now. a group of supporters rallied outside calling for charges against them to be dropped. >> we are here to demanding that no charges are filed and that everybody's immediately released. >> district attorney brooke jenkins wants chp to gather more evidence before she files serious charges. however, 26 people are facing the possibility of multiple misdemeanors and one felony charge of conspiracy to commit
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a crime. >> we have to be able to attribute specific conduct to specific individuals, so what role they played that they were, one, present, that they were participating, and they weren't simply an onlooker who happened to move forward into a crowded area. >> as for the protesters who shut down 880 in oakland, we asked the alameda county d.a. what she plans to do about them, we have not heard back. >> in the past couple of hours, we have learned the san francisco sheriff's department will lift a lockdown on the main jail in san francisco tomorrow but will keep it in place a little bit longer at the san bruno jail. they went into lockdown over the weekend after reports of multiple attacks by inmates against staff. now deputies and their union are asking the national guard for an assist. katie nielsen has the sheriff's response to that. >> we don't feel that this is an exigent circumstance that would require that at this time. the recent uptick in the
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assaults on our staff is something i believe that we can handle internally. >> reporter: increased violence in the san francisco county jails is something both the deputies union and the sheriff agree on, both acknowledge the situation has gotten worse. in 2023, there were 240 reported inmate fights, a 58% increase from the year before. what they don't agree on is the cause. sheriff paul says inmates are getting more violent due to the jails getting overcrowded now that the pandemic protocols have eased. >> there's insufficient space for us to be able to spread those individuals out and create a more calm environment for people to reside in our housing units. >> reporter: but on saturday, the union president sent a letter to the sheriff requesting the deployment of the national guard to temporarily supplement current staffing levels, saying, quote, our current staffing levels are insufficient to support the well being of our personnel. according to numbers provided
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by the sheriff's department, there are almost 1,200 inmate in san francisco's jails on any given day. there are supposed to be 500 workers, but there were only 364 working. >> we don't believe that is one of the primary factors. >> reporter: the sheriff said they will be addressing the violence in a number of ways, like lockdowns as well as increased communication with inmates within the pods and continued discussion among command staff in terms of de-escalation techniques. he also acknowledged the inmate population is becoming increasingly difficult. >> those that remain in custody here in san francisco are mostly serious violent offenders who are charged with serious violent crimes and who remain in our custody for extended lengths of time. >> tonight we asked union president why there's such a disconnect on the root cause of the problem. he thinks it comes down to money. >> they're treating it like a
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common business where you can make simple cuts or simple staffing cuts but when you do this in public safety, it affects people's lives. lives are in danger. >> so he also said that understaffing leads to deputies working mandatory overtime, which in turn, he says, leads to burnout so. even the deputies who are there aren't always at their best. this guy looks like he's stopping to help a dog in distress, but the owner says she made a horrifying discovery when she checked her security cameras. plus it doesn't get mump closer than this. the miraculous escape when a backyard hangout comes crashing to a halt. beautiful weather across the bay area once again today, including another spectacular sunset looking towards the golden gate from salesforce thour evening. more high clouds but even warmer temperatures tomorrow. details coming up in the first alert forecast. >> thank you, paul. and flunking out of service dog school turned out to be a
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blessing in disguise. the k-9 now training to save lives should there be a bay area disaster.
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this next story is truly disturbing. tonight sheriff's deputies in southern california are looking for more possible victims of a serial animal abuser. we talked to the owner of one pet treated so incredibly cruelly we can't show you the whole video.
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>> reporter: we paused this security cam video at the moment a 16-year-old chihuahua named chiquita landed in the street after being kicked like a ball by a man on a bike. after leaving briefly, the same man then returns, pulls on gloves, moves the dog to the sidewalk, and repeatedly runs her over. >> chiquita was my baby. my baby for a long time. >> reporter: chiquita's owner ramona, who wants to protect her identity, says she returned home last thursday afternoon in lennox to find her dog bloodied and dead on the sidewalk with no idea what happened. >> i heard a lady screaming and said, hey, hey. >> reporter: ramona says the man seen on the bike in these security cam videos was still there, even talking with neighbor who is came to help. he was still here? >> he was still here standing and saying somebody did this. >> reporter: it wasn't until a few days later when they looked at that security cam video that they real ied what had
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happened. her granddaughter, lola, says it appeared he even had his daughter with him initially. >> the little girl just screamed like, daddy, the puppy. he was just like, come on. >> reporter: you can see right here ramona attempted to cover up some of the blood stains with dirt. they say that this attack went on for 25 minutes, that this man kept coming back to attack chiquita. >> imagine how many other animals he's done that to. >> reporter: l.a. county sheriff's detectives believe there may be other victims. they believe the 27-year-old is the same man they arrested a day after this attack for taking a woman's cat in lawndale on april 5th and throwing that animal on the sidewalk repeatedly until he killed it. detectives say diaz has a violent criminal history. >> he looks exactly the same. same backpack, same shoes. >> . >> wow. the sheriff 's office did not let diaz go this time. he's being held without bond
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tonight. all right, now we turn to a close call in virginia. a couple of dads hanging out in this backyard heard a weird sound. they thought it was a bear. turns out it was something even more dangerous. they moved out of the way just in time to avoid a 40-foot tree that fell right where they were sitting. even scarier, they had just got ton fire pit going, so the kids inside that house could come out and do s'mores. luckily they were not outside when that happened. some really incredible video coming out of dubai tonight, where torrential rains basically blocked out the city and shut down the airport. this is a look at the aftermath of the rain. some roads in the desert city are waist deep in water. experts say the city is getting about a year's worth of rain all at once. paul, it's even more extreme than that, right in. >> which is hard to believe, because we are talking about a year's worth of rain falling out of just one storm, but we can give you some additional perspective on how much rain
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fell. first, just the raw numbers. in 24 hours, they picked up over six inches of rain, technically 6.3 inches of rain. the yearly average is 3.75 inches of rain. so almost two years worth of rain fell in the course of 24 hours. and when it falls on a landscape that just isn't accustomed to seeing much rain at all over the course of the year, that has catastrophic impacts. we look at the potential for flooding in terms of what's called a recurrence interval, so how often is a specific extreme event likely to happen. a 1% chance is a 100-year occurrence interval. they picked up almost 2.5 times that amount. that is an extreme event. just everything coming together exactly right to result in absolutely catastrophic flooding. it's the complete opposite of the weltser that we have around here. we've enjoyed fantastic weather over the past couple days, seeing mostly clear skies over san jose right now. patchy fog possible tomorrow morning. it is not going to be
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widespread at all. more passing high cloud cover for the next several days. filtering the sunshine, not blocking it entirely. high temperatures remain above average. here's the most important point if you're looking ahead to the weekend already. it does look like we're going to be dry for the entire weekend, for the entire bay area. clear skies over san francisco as well. temperatures have dropped down mostly to the 50s but still low 60s in concord and san jose. those numbers continue retreating, but only down to the low to mid-50s for most locations by tomorrow morning with the coolest spots in the upper 40s. those numbers are a couple degrees above average, and then we're going to warm up to 8 to 12 degrees above normal by tomorrow afternoon. talking about high temperatures into the low 80s in the santa clara valley. 83 degrees in morgan hill. that'll be the warm spot. right around 80 degrees inland and the east bay. warmer than average along the coast. half moon bay getting up to the mid-60s. just above 70 in san francisco, and temperatures in the north bay mostly falling just short of 80
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degrees. i think santa rosa does touch 80 by tomorrow afternoon. everybody's temperatures are going to be well above normal, and similar readings for most of the bay area as we head into thursday as well. tomorrow the a's wrap up their three-game series against the saint louis cardinals. an afternoon game. looks like fantastic conditions. it says mostly cloudy, but that's that veil of cloud cover filtering the sunshine, not blocking entirely. nice weather if you're heading out for the afternoon game there as well. and the temperatures are going to stay warm as we head into the extended forecast, especially inland. the temperatures drop off a little bit by friday, saturday, and sunday but still running in the mid to upper 70s. we don't make it down to normal temperatures inland until tuesday of next week. it happens a little bit faster around the bay where temperatures are going to retreat to closer to normal already as we finish the workweek and head into the weekend. but still slightly above normal. along the coast that's the exception to all this. you get above average temperatures tomorrow in the mid-60s but then a robust rain layer returns and pushes highs back down to the upper 50s and
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low 60s. other than coastal drizzle, remaining rain free through the duration of the seven-day forecast, sara? >> all right, paul, thank you so much. i hope vern glenn is listening to this now. vern, remember when i told you that story about brock purdy saving me from a coyote? in case you didn't believe me, he just backed me up on national tv. >> yeah, man, look at you flexing. hey, straight ahead in sports, i know we're on a basketball court, but we will talk about local baseball. and well, since we're here in sacramento, well, where are the kings headed after dispatching dub nation tonight?
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chp had to swoop in to save a man who got stranded on marshalls beach in san francisco just north of bakers beach. he said he started to feel sick while he was out there and got so weak he ended up trapped at high tide. he was rescued, as you see, taken to the hospital. we are told he is, fortunately, going to be
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okay. meanwhile, the san francisco fire department got a chance to show off what they call the most effective tool in locating missing people in disasters. it's got four legs and loves treats. that's barney. he's one of four search and rescue dogs that can literally be dropped into action in a disaster situation. the k-9s can search for up to 20 minutes at a time. today barney showed off his skills and earned a much-deserved snack. >> cheese is like the highest reward we can give him. we have to be mindful of what we feed them because we don't want them looking for food rather than looking for people. >> get this, this wasn't actually barney's first line of work. he was bred for service work but he failed out of the servicing to program. he was donated to the national disaster search dog foundation where he found his new calling. all right, goes to show if you fail at something once, don't give up. i guess that's an important lesson tonight, vern.
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never, ever give up. jim famously said that a long, long time ago. anyway, hey, we have information on what's next for the warriors, and it's not a game. but first, now after the kings bumped off the warriors, the question was what's next for the sacramento kings. well, they've got one more game to play and win before entering the official playoffs. so who is it going to be? the lakers or the pelicans? let's take it down to the big easy. and focus on zion williams for the pelicans. williamson scored 30 put left in the fourth quarter with an your. under a minute to play. lakers up one, d'angelo russell buried a corner pocket three to make it a four-point game. l.a. won on the road 110-106. they'll face the nuggets in the first round of the the playoffs. new orleans will host sacramento on friday. pivot to baseball. giants continued their series in
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miami. marlins up 3-2. last year's batting champ luis arice singled to left with two outs to score two ones. miami won the game 6-3. san francisco's record dropped to 7-11. also tonight the a's lost to the cardinals. their final was 3-2. but wrapping it up here from golden one center, next for the warriors, a 10:00 a.m. press conference back at chase center tomorrow. there will be player availability and then steve kerr will talk. i guess in the corporate world we call it an exit interview, sara. >> yeah, yeah, i know. not what they were hoping to be doing, obviously, vern. thank you so much. and vern, do you remember when i told you brock purdy sort of saved me in a way? i was out far walk. >> it's buried in my brain. >> we haven't let you forget it. i spotted him filming a
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john deere commercial. i was standing watching with my dog. brock purdy was watching me. specifically behind me he spotted a huge coyote trailing me and the dog. >> when i suddenly heard brock scream coyote and i turned around and i saw the biggest coyote i've ever seen sneaking up behind me and my dog. my dog is huge. he would have been fine. but when i walked back town the hill, one of the film crew guys said, hey, brock purdy saved your life. >> he did. >> not exactly, but it's a good story to tell. >> all right, i know it was a good story to tell, vern. some eyebrows raised in the newsroom, though, so if you didn't believe me then, brock backed me up today on national tv. listen to this. >> i didn't know san francisco had coyotes, what the hell is going on over there? >> i didn't either, dude. we're shooting this commercial by a hill on the outside of the city. and i see this thing, you know, trotting by. it had a long tail. i was like, bro, looks like a mini wolf. and sure enough, no one was going to scream. i was like, all right, and so i screamed, like, yo, there's a coyote. i can't
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believe that was a real thing. but she walked by, and sure enough she says she's a news anchor. i was like, i just saved a news anchor's life from getting eaten by a coyote. it's real, man, i can confirm it. >> all right. what do you know? and you know what, vern, the thing that i noticed most about brock purdy is how loud he was in that moment. and then it all made sense. like he's got to call plays, right? the guy can project. >> well, the coyote was stalking you. it was about to pounce while you were doing this. >> yeah. no, i was. i legitimately -- i -- >> completely oblivious to what was going on so yeah, he did save your life. >> i was talking to you earlier. my dog is pretty big. i think my dog would have been okay in a fight, especially me and the dog versus the coyote, but still, it was impressive. thank you, brock purdy for, you know, substantiating my claims. and thank you, vern, for sitting through that story for
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the 14th time. you want to go home. we'll let you go home, vern. we appreciate it. okay, another animal story now. they say cats have nine
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okay, so cat videos usually do well on the internet. >> yep. >> social media. >> mm-hmm. >> even though we are dog people, we can appreciate a good cat video. >> who doesn't? >> a chicago-area bengal cat has gone viral with over 50 million views on tiktok. the michael jordan of cats. jeanne moos explains why. >> reporter: we've done stories on an enormous cat and on a slap happy cat slapping a judge at a cat show, but this blur across your screen -- >> this is the flying cat. >> reporter: meet remy a
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chicago-area bengal cat. 2-year-old remy went behind some hanging coats. his housemate lucy the cat decided to come play. but when lucy knocked a coat off the hook, remy went bonkers. >> what the [ bleep ] just happened? >> reporter: those immortal words escaped the lips of cat owner julia's boyfriend nick. the cat was fine. >> he landed on this. >> reporter: an interactive cat toy. commenters were awestruck, saying -- >> my cat has wings. >> reporter: they called him the michael jordan of cats. >> but i've never seen him get air like that in my life. >> reporter: the dog of the house, maggie, was singled out online for her chill reaction. >> just looks at my boyfriend like, there they go again. >> reporter: the stratospheric leap went explosively viral and many labeled remy the very definition of a scaredy-cat,
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but remy took being jumpy to a whole new level. like rocky, he's going to fly. >> i have to admit, i'm a little jealous. if i had those kind of skills, i would have done track and field. >> probably would have been a pretty good basketball player too. i know you can shoot, but you could have thrown it down. >> i would have loved to be able to dunk. if any cat could do it. >> did you ever do it on a kid's basketball rim? >> oh, all the time, just to lift my spirits when i'm having a bad day. especially if the kids are there. >> swat it out of there. >> there you go. >> probably said more than that. >> i did, yeah. thank you r watching, th >> this week, former president trump once again made the argument that presidents need immunity for anything they do in office. >> i am absolutely entitled to immunity. without presidential immunity, the president cannot function. without pres


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