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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  April 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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the report found that limited resources and downed power lines contributed to the disaster. hawaii's attorney general is expected to release her own report today. the president of columbia university will testify before the house today on anti-semitism on campus. it comes months after testimony before the same committee led to the resignations of the presidents of harvard and penn. and fans were lined up in los angeles tuesday for a library-themed pop-up ahead of taylor swift's new album. "the tortured poets department" will be released this friday. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. it's it's wednesday, april 17th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." hate on campus. as one college finds itself on the hot seat for banning a
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valedictorian from speaking at graduation, columbia university's president is set to face a grilling in congress. impeachment trial. for the second time in history a presidential cabinet member is facing impeachment. but will the trial end before it ever begins? first, picking a jury. donald trump's hush-money trial is picking up steam as the jury starts to take shape, but not before some fireworks in the courtroom. good morning, and good to be with you, i'm anne-marie green. court is not meeting today, but day two brought a scolding from the judge to former president trump for trying to intimidate a prospective juror. the first seven jurors have been sworn in and seated. the judge expects to have another five members and six alternates in place by the end of the week so opening statements can start on monday. cbs' jarred hill is here with the latest. fireworks were there? >> definitely. we are seeing the lawyers are grilling these prospective jurors on everything from their political views, their personal
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lives, even social media posts. in fact, one was dismissed for posting "lock him up" in 2017. trump is trying to find new ways to campaign while required to stay in court. former president donald trump took his fight against manhattan's d.a. from the courtroom to a corner store, the site of a highly publicized fatal attack two years ago that led to criticism of the very same man prosecuting his case. >> a rigged trial. our courts -- everything is screwed up in new york. >> reporter: the stop comes as the jurors for the hush-money trial took shape. four men and three women were seated tuesday. among them, a nurse, a teacher, two lawyers. kara mcgee was excused. >> someone you've seen as this huge public figure and you walk in and see him and he's just a guy. >> reporter: the judge heard trump muttering something and chastised him saying "i won't tolerate that. i will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom."
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>> this judge is so conflicted. >> reporter: outside the courtroom the former president repeatedly slammed the judge. >> he's rushing this trial, and he's doing as much as he can for the democrats. >> reporter: trump also bristled at the requirement to attend every day of the trial, while his 2024 opponent, president joe biden, campaigns. >> i should be right now in pennsylvania, in florida, in many other states. >> reporter: five more jurors and half a dozen alternates still need to be selected. trump has denied the allegation he falsified business records. again, no court today. jury selection is set to resume on thursday. >> donald trump is the best he can to campaign outside of the courthouse on a daily basis. what about president biden? he's spending time in pennsylvania, his hometown of scranton? >> exactly. you have trump saying he wants to be in pennsylvania, that's exactly where president biden is right now. and he's calling for higher taxes on the rich and also framing himself as sort of a hometown guy with hometown
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values, saying that he sees the economy through the eyes of scranton, not through the eyes of mar-a-lago. obviously knocking trump's florida resorts home. pennsylvania's going to be a pretty crucial game come november. trump won it by less than a percentage point in 2016. biden by just over 1% in 2020. so at this point it's almost anybody's game. >> trying to reinforce those blue-collar roots. thank you so much. >> thanks. the senate is set to convene the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas today. it comes after the republican-led house delivered two articles of impeachment to the upper chamber yesterday. it forces the senate to hold a trial on allegations that mayorkas refused to enforce immigration laws at the u.s.-mexico border. the proceedings are expected to be quickly dismissed in the democratic-led senate. coming up on "cbs mornings," homeland security secretary mayorkas will join us to discuss his impeachment and a big new campaign to keep kids safe on line. house speaker mike johnson is pushing back against a
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far-right republican move to oust him over his proposed aid package for ukraine, israel, and other u.s. allies. >> i am not resigning, it is an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion. >> hard-line republicans are calling on johnson to step aside or risk a vote to remove him as speaker. he's pushing for a vote on the age package. under a new proposal, aid for ukraine could be decided separately which might satisfy his republican critics. increasing tensions in the middle east with israel vowing to strike back against iran after the missile and drone attack over the weekend. the israeli military showed off what it said is one of the intercepted iranian ballistic missiles that landed in the dead sea. the idf says this missile could carry 1,100 pounds of explosives in the warhead. meanwhile, the u.s. is warning that it plans to punish iran with new sanctions. national security adviser jake sullivan says that they would
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target the country's missile and drone program and entities supporting the islamic revolutionary guard corps and ministry. more from jerusalem. >> reporter: prime minister benjamin netanyahu rallying the troops as he met with a new group of conscripts. this is part of a larger battle, he told them, iran is behind hamas and hezbollah. we are determined to meet him. the war cabinet met for the third time since an iranian attack. a senior official says israel has not shared its plans with the u.s., but some in the administration expect a limited strike inside iran. but the fear of an all-out regional war has distracted attention away from the misery in gaza. there are still regular air strikes each day bringing new
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grief. in the north there were desperate lines for bread after supplies from the world food program brought this bakery back to life for the first time in over six months. food prices have soared. banks are running out of cash. fed up with living in tents in rafah, thousands defied israeli orders and tried to return to their homes in the north over the weekend. but they were turned around, the idf says this is still an active war zone. a senior israeli government official has told cbs news that a rafah invasion will happen. it is not a matter of if but when. but would not be drawn on a date or whether it's been delayed because of the iranian attack. debora patta, cbs news, jerusalem. the president of columbia university is set to testify before a house committee today about anti-semitism on campus.
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nemat shafik says that she plans to tell lawmakers that anti-semitism and calls for genocide have no place at universities. it comes months after two other ivy league presidents resigned after they appeared before the same committee. they struggled to answer questions whether calls for the genocide of jews violates school policies. the university of southern california is coming under fire for canceling the valedictorian's graduation speech. the school says it's due to security concerns after some of the student's pro-palestinian views have been described as hate speech. carter evans talked to her about the uproar. such a surprise and honor -- >> reporter: that's how the bio medical engineering student asna tabassum felt this month when usc chose her to be the first victorian and the indian american was thinking about her commencement speech. how were you going to address the issue? >> the core message i wanted to get across was one of hope.
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>> reporter: just days later the university abruptly rescinded its invitation. in a campus-wide letter, provost andrew guzman said social media discusses related to the valedictorian took on an alarming tenor and there were risks related to security. >> i was never given the evidence that any safety concerns and any security concerns were founded. >> reporter: what do you think it is? >> i think anyone who's watching this can draw their own conclusion. i look what i look like. i am who i am. >> reporter: she's pro-palestinian and shared a link on her social media containing language that some consider hate speech. >> i'm not apologizing for the link in instagram. what i am saying is i'm committed to human rights. i'm committed to the human rights for all people. >> reporter: the israeli-palestinian conflict overseas has ignited tensions on college campuses across the u.s. a recent study found 56% of jewish college students and 52%
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of muslim students felt they were in personal danger. that's two to three million students. >> usc betrayed me. >> reporter: the university insists it's not about free speech, it's simply a matter of safety. carter evans, los angeles. coming up, disturbing shooting. how a scam may have cost the life of an innocent uber driver. and midwest mayhem. tornadoes cause injuries and damages. some migraine attacks catch you off guard, but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks too. that's why my go to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack and prevent one. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. (vo) beneful knows a full life
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doesn't just's a choice to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd
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things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. people in the central u.s. are cleaning up after powerful storms tore through causing widespread damage. tornadoes touched down in several states including iowa, kansas, and missouri. there are reports of several injuries. today those storms keep moving east with 25 million people at risk of severe weather. isolated tornadoes, powerful winds, and large hail are all possible. the threat includes detroit, cincinnati, and pittsburgh. senator bob menendez may be
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using a new strategy in his bribery case, and the disturbing shooting of an uber driver. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "dayton daily news" reports an ohio man has been charged with murder in the shooting death of an uber driver after both were targeted in scam phone calls. dash cam video shows william brock holding a gun as he approached driver loletha hall outside his home. seconds later shots could be heard. authorities say brock received scam calls from someone making threats and demanding money. hall received a call telling her to pick up a package at the home. investigators say brock thought that she was connected to the threatening calls. "politico" says new jersey senator bob menendez may point the finger at his wife at his new upcoming federal bribery trial according to newly unsealed court documents. the documents reveal that menendez might claim his wife withheld information from him and led him to believe there was nothing illegal about her dealings with businessmen.
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both menendez and his wife have pleaded not guilty to charges of taking bribes in exchange for political favors. they'll be tried separately. and the "associated press" says the maui fire department released a report on last year's deadly wildfires. more than 100 people were killed in the historic town of lahaina. thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed. the report describes chaos as firefighters were overmatched. it also says that fire trucks were not stocked with the proper equipment, and there was a lack of mutual aid agreements between different jurisdictions. still to come, houston, we have space junk. nasa clears up the mystery over debris that crashed into a man's house in florida.
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is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪
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nasa has confirmed a metal piece that fell through a florida home last month was space junk from the international space station. the debis weighing more than 1.5 pound turned out to be a metal support that was discarded from the space station in 2021. a sugar-free soda recall and a warning about fake botox. here's shanelle kaul with today's cbs "moneywatch." >> reporter: stocks were mixed tuesday after federal reserve chair jerome powell said inflation will likely delay rate cuts this year. the dow snapped a six-day losing streak gaining 63 points. the nasdaq was down 19, and the s&p 500 dropped ten points. the fda is warning about dangerous counterfeit botox blamed for causing an outbreak of illnesses in nine states including florida, nebraska, and new york. the agency says the products appear to have been bought from unlicensed sources and were administered to people for cosmetic purposes.
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those impacted reported vision issues, difficulty swallowing, speaking, and breathing, and fatigue. the "wall street journal" reports tesla is pushing back deliveries of its new cyber truck. buyers of the stainless steel pickup truck say they were notified about the delay but were not given a reason. unclear how many buyers are affected. it's just the latest blow for the electric car company facing recent weakening demand. the company also just announced yesterday it's slashing 10% of its work force. and pepsico is recalling its caffeine free schweppes zero-cougar ginger ale because some contain sugar. the recall followed an investigation that found these products could be dangerous to diabetics. the products were sold in maryland, pennsylvania, and west virginia. that's your cbs "moneywatch" report for this wednesday morning. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. up next, dropping the ball
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on caitlin clark's salary. the outrage over the basketball star's low pay to play in the wnba. to play in the wnba. bipolar 1, i got help to push back. i got help to push back. we got help to push back with lybalvi. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life- threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused, or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands, or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. other serious side effects may include high cholesterol, weight gain, potentially fatal high blood sugar, uncontrolled body movements which may be permanent, dizziness upon standing, or falls. are you ready? ask your doctor about lybalvi.
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♪ see that girl watch that scene digging the dancing queen ♪ 25 audio recordings including abba's "dancing queen" were added to the library of congress' national registry. it was chosen for the cultural and historic importance. other artists whose works made the cut include blondie, green day, the norotious b.i.g., gene autry and bobby mcferrin's number-one hit, "don't worry be happy." caitlin clark will be introduced to for the first time as a member of the indiana fever, but critics are crying foul over her salary as the first pick in the wnba draft. the ncaa's all-time leading scorer will reportedly make about $338,000 in her first four years with the indiana fever. that's according to the league's collective bargaining agreement. by comparison, last year's number-one nba draft pick will earn more than $55 million in his first four years. president biden weighed in on x saying women are not paid their fair share and should be paid
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what they deserve. and nfl quarterback russell wilson wrote, "these ladies deserve so much more. praying for the day." taylor swift is dropping hints about her new album. the "torched poets department" that's set to be released on friday. the singer teamed up with spotify for a special pop-up library installation in los angeles. it's filled with books and visual surprises that gives clues about the new record. coming up on "cbs mornings," wayne brady and deborah cox discuss us to talk about the broadway revival of "the wiz." s broadway revival of "the wiz." dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. pain means pause on the things you love, but... green... means... go! ♪♪ cool the pain with biofreeze. and keep on going. biofreeze. green means go.
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and we thank you for joining us this morning. it is wednesday, april 17th. >> let's get started. >> the recent uptick in the assaults on offer staff is something i believe that we can handle internally. >> they're treating it like a common business where you can make simple cuts and simple staffing cuts. but when you do this, and public safety, it affects people's lives. >> cuts, consequences, and chaos. what's causing violence behind bars in the bay? to have a


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