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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> absolutely. >> and that you can see it in your faces, right? it is so simple. >> exactly. that's the cut they want as opposed to the cut they think they need. >> the smiles are so authentic and so grateful to him. >> absolutely. making the difference. >> yeah. >> thanks. you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online on well patients attacking medical staff and long shifts with no brakes. just some of the problems workers are reporting at san francisco hospitals. up next their demands ahead of a potential strike. >> we're trying to alert them to some of the consistent staffing concerns and the safety concerns and the lack of resources that are leading up to really unsustainable patient care conditions. a bay area lawmaker is making a big change to a plan
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to require new cars to feature speed. the modified proposal that just cleared a major hurdle. >> and so many of us will carry a great deal of an experience. >> and that impact lingers. how the new movie shot in the bay area will aim at how
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right now at 5:30, school meal programs are headed in a healthier direction. the new rules that are headed today. maybe more common than you think. the surprising new research. a live look from san francisco where hospital workers say understaffing and security issues have become completely unsustainable. and they are calling on the city to do something about it before someone gets seriously hurt or worse. >> our jose martinez has been speaking about what they might have heard or seen. >> reporter: all to raise urgent issues playing the city's healthcare facilities. >> we are trying to alert them to the consistent staffing concerns and the safety concerns and the lack of resources that are leading to
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really unsustainable patient care conditions at the hospital. >> reporter: megan green, another nurse at sf general hospital will see 2013 echoed sediments, over the worsening situation. >> i frequently worked 12.5 hours without a break. and i can tell you as i've gotting 16,000 steps in a shift, that's a lot to do with no sitting down and handing her phone to someone to just go to the bathroom in peace. >> reporter: they say these concerns have been ongoing for months. across various healthcare facilities including sf general hospital, laguna honda hospital, and community clinics. according to a research survey by the union representing these nurses, 99% of respondents reported having been abused or assaulted at work with over 70% reporting fiscal assault over 94% verbal abuse and 10% sexual assault
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and/or harassment involving physical hayracks. >> i've seen an incredibly high turnover rate amongst my colleagues, so that you're constantly working with new people all the time. >> reporter: in response to these allegations, the department of public health issued a statement acknowledging the challenges faced by nurses while emphasizing efforts to address staffing issues. the highlighted progress and retaining permanent registered nurses, citing the addition of 135 new nursing positions since 2019. and in a reduction in the rn vacancy rate to just under 8%. in a statement they said while the priority is to fill permanent decisions, we must rely on contracted nurses when necessary to ensure safe patient care. the use of contracted nurses will currently represent just 4% of the nursing care provider. however, nurses will remain skeptical with the looming thread that was off the vote
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that they would move to management and to pay attention. >> if they force us to strike. if they put us into that position and back us into a corner where they don't respond to 60 of our proposals, and they tell us we're doing fine, then you'll see us with that strike. >> a bay area lawmaker's plan to crack down on speeding drivers has passed the transportation committee with one big change. the original bill from senator scott wiener would have required all new cars to include speed governors to prevent drivers from going too far above the limit. the modified plan would require devices to alert speeding drivers with a visual or audio warning. but not slow down the vehicle automatically. well a new effort to make school meals healthier for the first time in 14 years. performing school meal standards all across the united states. they will limit the
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amount of sugar and sodium in breakfasts and lunches served starting in the 2025, 2026 school year. by 27, 28, added sugars can't make up more than 10% for breakfasts and lunches and sodium will be cut 15% in lunches and 10% in breakfast. well just a few years after abandoning the bay area, the software giant is moving its headquarters once again. he has unveiled plans to move from austin, texas to nashville. he said the goal is to move closer to companies in the healthcare industry. it has been less than four years since oracle moved to austin in their long-time home in redwood city. a major paint company is trying to fill the shutdown earlier this year. edwards is opening up ten bay area stores and they range from san francisco as far east as brentwood. the company says
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several new locations are formerly kelly moore shops and that they are hiring exclusively the former employees. the voters have 30 days to value dade 1,278 signatures of the more than 1,600 submitted on tuesday. in order to get rent control legislation in san pablo on the november ballot. they include things like allowing tenants to file the petitions against their landlords for repairs and removing housing services. they would introduce the antitenant harassment ordinances, and just cause evictions. now on the other side, landlords would be able to file the petitions if they were not getting a reasonable return on their investment. but it's not exactly clear what institutes a reasonable return. well up next, what's lurking in the water. the surprising new data and the great white sharks off the california coast. >> what i found is that they are not that different from southern california. they're pretty picky in the
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temperatures that they would like to swim in. >> and a frightening scene at a california airport as a beg 747 comes in
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>anc3 mic>we'll check this out this new video of a hard touch and go land. at l. a x. this happened yesterday. whoa! mishap. check this out, this happened yesterday where someone was live streaming when this flight came down hard on the runway. landing successfully after they were coming in from germany. no reports of any injuries, the roughest landing they have ever captured on his stream. that will leave a mark. new research suggests that great white sharks along the california coastline are actually more common than we thought. think about that. the shark lab at csu long beach has
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been tracking about two dozen juvenile great whites. they found the sharks tend to seek out warmer water closer to the shoreline between spring and fall. just like us. >> they are not that different from southern californians and pretty picky in the temperatures they like to swim in. >> for that researchers say because the water is warmer closer to shore, the juvenile great whites are drawn to shallower waters. they found that 75% of the time they were no more than six feet deep. strange scenes playing out in the center of london earlier this morning. one appeared to be covered in some blood. turns out the horses got loose during the training exercise. they took off to the city's
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financial district. police were able to wrangle those horses. a horse, of course, straight ahead in sports. sharks made a move. something is going on with the giants two-time cy young winner. meet the
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>anc2 mic>yeah. paul. i kept hoping that i get to >wxw mic>send day. come on, a warm bright
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color for the variation. >> you brought the brightness. >> everything was gray. >> if you're in san francisco, the peaks were few and far between. we did see partial clearing, but even that will be hard to come by tomorrow. and as you get closer to the end of the workweek and we are more than halfway on the wednesday work day for you. let's take a look at the weather headlines tonight and tomorrow and possibility for coastal drizzle. maybe a passing shower tomorrow evening. huge maybe there. and the breezy conditions will be flat out windy on friday. then we're back to normal april weather as we head into the last weekend and the calm weather should continue for the first half of next week. switching perspectives. we'll look out from black mountain, hanging out there and a few peaks earlier today with the temperatures in the 60s everywhere, a couple days ago, a 26-degree difference between the coast and inland spots, the warmest locations where it's
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an 8-degree difference at half moon bay and just short of 70 degrees in san jose. with the clouds overhead. temperatures are going to drop too far. ending up slightly above average for low temperatures tomorrow morning thanks to the blanket of clouds. a lot of low 50s with the sprinkles moving in. it will feel even cooler because of those gusty conditions kicking in. temperatures only reaching up into the mid-60s in the santa clara valley. mostly the mid-60s. and except 70-degrees in antioch. the only spot we're forecasting up to 270. the only spots in the upper 50s likely will be right along the coast. half moon bay, you were lucky enough to crack the low 60s. i don't think that you will will have luck tomorrow with the low 60sin san francisco and oakland. up into the mid-60s for most of the north bay as well. plenty of clouds overhead for everybody throughout the day. let's check it out on futurecast and we will zoom in for a closer look as we head through tomorrow morning. the gray start for most of us. really, a great day overall
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with a few glimmers here and there and fewer and farther in between what we saw today and few and far in between, the shower chances with a couple of sprinkles, trying to make a run through the north bay and the hills by tomorrow evening. the extend of any shower activity. and if you do get a couple of drops in the windshield, that's pretty much going to be about it. we should be clearing out through friday afternoon. but the next couple of days will be breezy with the hour-by-hour wind gusts from 1:00 tomorrow afternoon through 1:00 on friday. so you could see 30 plus miles an hour kicking in tomorrow afternoon. a little low overnight. but then even stronger winds will begin to take shape by midday on friday as we could get some 40 miles an hour gusts here and there by friday afternoon. the national weather service is pondering the wind advisory that they have not pulled the trigger on that. we'll keep you updated in case you need to be concerned about it. and you may try to move around the road a little bit where the winds will calm down just a little bit. temperatures will return to the low to mid-70s inland.
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one warmer day further down the line and temperatures will get into the upper 70s while around the bay. the warmest day next tuesday will top out around 70 degrees. plenty of sunshine in stored over the weekend even along the coast. starting off with the low cloud cover that we won't lose the influence. you should see plenty of sun breaking through the afternoon along the coast on saturday and sunday. similar pattern next week. then temperatures will drop off a little bit by the first day of may for inland and bayside locations, but hardly any change to the coast. >> all right, thanks, paul. time for a check of what's ahead at 6:00. >> thank you. coming up at 6:00, it's hard to forget the stretches of hazy days when we were all choking on smoke. pollutions have changed the color of our skies and made it hard to breathe. well now a new report card will confirm that we have some of the worst air quality in the country as we would take a closer look at them putting people's health at risk. the age of the dying mall. a shopping center is moving
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ahead with a major transformation. the big plans for the galleria and how they could help this housing crisis. all that coming up in ten minutes. but first here is vern in sports. we've got baseball up top and the giants. well, blake snell was suppose to start for them today. but the two-time cy young winner was placed on the 15-day injured list with the groin issue. that might help explain their start and their earned run average of over 11. a freshly big start left. he finished with over 4 2/3 that became a bullpen game with the giants out and all relievers, serving up the homer, the first of two homers. they avoided a
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sweep. regular 12-14 welcome the pirates to town on friday. firing coach david quinn after two seasons. for the first time since 1992. the general manager expected a little more progress at this point of the e rebuild. >> i thought we would be better than we were and that this is rock bottom to progress and take some steps forward. >> reporter: the retirement lasted all of four months. he told the bay area news group that he plans to return to run them next season because the kids still need them. pivot to the tour, they're creating a loyalty reward program for players that chose to not join
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liv golf. they will receive $50 million. he will receive $100 million. if they had that kind of reward for sticking with them. >> yeah, anything, right? not much. i'll take 50 cents. >> there you go for your loyalty. thanks, vern. the san francisco film festival is getting underway. we'll speak to the director of the unique movie exploring how the
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? why do i care about paper so much? because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle.
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i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok. what, you don't get fan mail? a live look from san francisco from the annual film festival kicks off today. >> and focuses on math and how categorizing ourselves as someone who is or who is not a math person can have a lifelong impact. >> it could be triggering for me. >> our shawn chitnis caught up with the director of the film
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to discuss the themes and the question it poses. >> the trauma. >> reporter: the director of the documentary counted out never planned on being a film maker. when the attorney and parent couldn't help her kids with their math homework, she started to look into how the fear and trauma studied it from school affected adults. >> if only a few people will get what you need to create those technologies that influence our lives and that are shaping the experience of the world. >> reporter: for five years, they made up mostly of people in the bay area have worked on this film. finding people of incredible stories of how they changed their ideas in positive ways depending on how comfortable they were with
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that. >> you need to know enough math. but in the 21st century, we're in a different ball game. >> reporter: she did well in math, but had to take a closer look at how it was taught in the classroom. >> i want even in our audience to feel seen by the film. so many carry a great deal of shame about that our experience. >> reporter: you don't need to go back to grade school to take math again, but you should feel empowered to ask more questions in your life. >> the world that we're moving towards have that everywhere. i don't mean this like there is one everywhere kids kind of a way. and that means something concrete and kind of dark. >> reporter: the film festival is the west coast premier of count it out and the chance to start a conversation in the bay area. home to silicon valley, it's one more reason she's
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grateful to have it screened here. >> i think in order for us to identify the problems we need to solve and to come up with the greater solutions that we all collectively faced, we are going to have better outcomes if we have more people at the table in these decisions. >> reporter: rethinking our collective view of math as more than just numbers and formulas, but a language to make sense of the world. >> i knew this movie when i was in high school. well the film is screening this sunday. you can still try to get last-minute tickets by checking the sf film website. >> we'll have homework for you after the show. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. thank you so much. well the bay area gets failing grades for filthy air. we've seen smoke and pollution change the colors of our sky with a new report card that shows how much we're struggling with pollution. >> i like to go and run and
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ride my bike. on days with bad air quality, i won't do it. >> reporter: from back-to-back days of smoke filled air to the everyday pollution, making it hard to breathe. the factors adding up to some of the unhealthiest air in the country. in the age of the dying mall, one bay area shopping center is moving forward with a major transformation. >> there are attempts to reimagine what the aging mall or office parks could look like as a vibrant neighborhood. >> how the housing project could transform the galleria. an election cycle. dominated by conversations about age. she's a breath of fresh air. >> we deserve a say in how they're run. >> reporter: meet the cal undergrad making history in bay area politics. how she plans to juggle classes with her new chapter on the city council.


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