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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  April 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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and a relaunch for an oakland barbecue joint that's had its share of ups and downs, how it tells a different story about the downtown recovery on the other side of the bay. >> there's a desire to come together and be together as part of the community. >> downtown oakland gives you that feeling and it just feels better. plus tense moments on the stanford campus, we hear from protesters risking disciplinary action to join a nationwide movement. and a chance to strike gold. >> i thought it was trash for a second and it wasn't trash. the real live treasure hunt in some san francisco spots. >> breezy but more sunshine out there, a return of normal april weather as we head into the weekend and the first alert forecast. this is cbs news bay area
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with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. on a friday night a crowd of people at your business is a sign you're doing something right, staying relevant, let alone staying open. it's a constant challenge in these trying times where downtowns are struggling to bounce back from the pandemic. we have the story of two restaurants tonight, one celebrating a major milestone, the other a comeback, and how they're each a snapshot of the recovery on both sides of the bay. in san francisco it's an uphill battle for a downtown that depends on filling office buildings. the office vacancy rate hit a record of nearly 37% the first quarter this year according to real estate firm cbre. the university of toronto study found san francisco is just one of 14 downtowns nationwide in a downward trajectory. data from cell phones found visits to downtown dropped more than 21% between
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march of last year and this past february. so it is quite an accomplishment that the oldest continuously run restaurant in the state right in the heart of downtown san francisco is about to celebrate 175 years in business this weekend. we're talking abouttadich grill ranked as one of the most legendary restaurants in the world. look at the lease signs next door on california street to see that survival has not been a guarantee at all. at least two well known restaurants near tadich have closed this year including celebrity she michael mina's greek restaurant, but tadicl going strong. there's our loureen ayyoub there with the secret to its staying power. hi! >> reporter: yes. we are here at the oldest restaurant in
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californi grill. the diners loved seafood here, but the manager tells me it's really all about the customer service. it's an iconic sign for a beloved restaurant. tadich grill has been serving diners in san francisco since the 1800s. owned by the bullich family, the croatian-inspired restaurant and bar keeps the manager on his toes every day. i asked jose what the magic is that keeps the restaurant so busy and he said it comes down to one word, service. >> if you treat the customer with no respect, even the food is outstanding, there's something missing in that. >> reporter: situated in the heart of san francisco's financial district, many diners are in and out during their lunch breaks or after a long day's work. tadich is famous for their grilled children over
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charcoal specialties, their european soups, and old recipes from the family's homeland, the dalmatian coast. jose says he's proud to uphold that legacy. >> before we they take care of their customers and we came along and we take care second generation customers, third generation customers. so that's why all customers keep coming back. >> reporter: customers like duncan who spent his childhood at the restaurant. >> came here the first time when i was 12 years old. the food's great. the fish is fresh. >> reporter: that fresh fish duncan says inspired some generosity from other diners when duncan was a young law student on a budget. >> every friday at lunchtime there are a bunch of lawyers that ate here and they bought me lunch for 51 fridays in a row. >> reporter: he still can't get enough. jose believes it's not just the flavorful meals. it's the courtesy provided to every guest no matter age or background. >> i get happy if i get a
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smile. if i don't, i get grumpy. >> reporter: for jose, tadicl grill is the business of seafood and smiles. now to celebrate 175 years, the restaurant is offering bloody marys for only $1.75 all month long. >> you gave such a feel of the institution and the flavor of it, thank you. i have to do the 7:00 news. i'll see you at 7:31, okay? save me a seat at the bar. >> reporter: see you there. let's go across the bay. oakland is struggling with the same downtown challenges. nearly a third of the offices in the central business district there were empty the beginning of the year including the uptown, downtown, and lake merritt area, but the same study that found a drop in visitors to downtown san francisco in the last year found foot traffic up by about 20% in oakland. that may be a sign of oakland's efforts to
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draw people in with its culture, restaurants, and nightlife. wilson walker shows us a popular business that's had its share of struggles and now banking on downtown oakland for its comeback. >> i love you. >> love you, too. >> see you again soon, all right? precious cargo. >> reporter: tim clark came from a half hour away to get this cargo. he was among the very first customers at horn barbecue's new location which relaunched with a line at the door. >> the king, the beef rib. look at that thing. holy moly. oh, my god. i miss this. i miss this so much. it's so good to have it back again. >> we stay committed to the city and the city has definitely shown up and shown love for us, so we're humbled by it. >> reporter: it has been an up and down ride for namesake chef horn, but his barbecue and
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brand are now planted in downtown oakland where there are more than a few places to draw foot traffic. >> swan's market and it comes down into eighth and there's great food, great restaurants all around town. >> reporter: i asked you if downtown oakland might be doing better than downtown san francisco. you said increase. >> i did say yes because to me living here oakland is more homelier. >> reporter: mahogany is a 30 year resident of oakland, the most recent stretch of that downtown. >> it just seems so businesslike. everything is so rushy, rushy, hurry, hurry. >> reporter: oakland's core certainly faces challenges. like san francisco, its office vacancy rate is high. that amount of space, however, is much smaller and over recent decades oakland has placed a significant amount of housing downtown, another possible explanation for that reported increase in activity here. >> then they built up downtown.
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so that made it even better to me personally, to me. >> reporter: got more people here. >> yeah, yeah. >> we brought our michelin plaques. the other plaques we weren't able to recover, but we were able to bring it over. >> reporter: now horn barbecue becomes another destination for that foot traffic. >> we got some beef rib. >> reporter: and one more piece of what it takes to make a downtown recovery. >> there's just a desire to come together and be together as part of the community. >> reporter: cell phone activity, of course, just one kind of snapshot of what's going on in any downtown, but it is a kind of snapshot. it gives us a little more information what is happening in these areas in the years after the pandemic as we all watch changes that will continue to take years and years to unfold. >> so taking a wider look at
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the bay area, san jose's efforts to boost its downtown also appear to be making a difference. cell phone activity showed downtown visits jumped about 20's% from last march to this february. let's get to our first alert weather. if you're out and about tonight, you may have noticed the winds picking up, a little breezy, new hall park in concord. let's check in with meteorologist paul heggen what to expect for the weekend. >> definitely blustery this evening, but the winds will be calmer heading into the weekend itself. most of the sustained winds in the bay area are in the 15 to 20 miles an hour, but the strongest gusts over 40 miles an hour at both airports because of the geography where the airports are located, sfo down wind of the san bruno gap. the oakland airport is down wind of the flat expanse of the bay, nothing to slow down the wind as it makes its way over the water. most of the wind gusts are in the 25 to
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30-mile-an-hour range which are noticeable, but not damaging. we're keeping an eye on first alert doppler watching showers and thunderstorms making their way through the central valley trying to skirt the far eastern sections of solana and contra costa county, but this stays in the central valley. a lot of rain around sacramento for drive time this evening. that activity will fade as the sun goes down in about an hour and a half or so. talking about calmer conditions this weekend, also a warm-up over the next several days, details coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. the anti-war student movement roiling college campuses across the country has now shown up at stanford in a very visible way. yesterday evening students erected a tent encampment and protests continued into today. the protests coincide with admit week for incoming students. we saw one parent of a prospective stanford student confronting a protester over their views on the gaza
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conflict. >> they are brainwashing people in stanford. they have to be the smartest kids in the world. they should do the research on their own, not to listen to a bunch of lies that these people are creating here. >> the bigger risk is to stay silent. the birk risk is to be complicit in the university's investments in deep military violence. >> protesters are calling for the university to cut ties with companies that do business with israel. in a statement sent to us, stanford officials said, "these students' actions are in violation of university policy." they say the names of students involved have already been submitted and the student conduct process has begun. meantime at uc berkeley protesters have been camping out on sproul plaza for days now also calling for a ceasefire and for universities to divest from companies involved in israel's war effort. elsewhere cal poly humboldt announced its campus will remain closed and classes move online the remainder of
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the school year after pro palestinian protesters clash with police and demonstrators. a main stage graduation ceremony was pulled amid campus unrest. still ahead, searching for that treasure by the bay, it is a chance to score some rare coins worth hundreds of dollars. we go along for the scavenger hunt that is part of the fun, part of
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congressman adam schiff getting an authentic san francisco experience as his car was broken into and his luggage was stolen from a downtown parking lot garage last night meaning he was dressed more casually than he probably would have liked for his big fundraising dinner in soma. schiff posted this picture with the owners last night with no mention of the break-in. his press secretary told the
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chronicle the congressman who is currently running for u.s. senate was unfazed. this doesn't help the crime san francisco is fighting, but here's a little perspective. the city says burglaries have dropped by 35% the last year. valuable coins were scattered throughout san francisco for a scavenger hunt today. the most expensive are worth $2,500 each. so the coin collector who organized this treasure hunt tells our da lin it's a fun way to teach people about the city's rich history. >> reporter: as couples are posing and photographers capturing treasure hunters are searching at the palace of fine
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arts, dozens of people looking under every possible hiding spot for a valuable coin. there was no clue about the scavenger hunt until they saw a father and son team searching. >> they came up with a scavenger hunt during national coin week, part fun and part history lesson about the importance of san francisco and producing coins. >> i got together 11 coins, total value $10,000. they range from $250 to $2,500 and we've hidden them in 11 different neighborhoods. >> reporter: the copper penny and gold coin are worth $2,500
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each. >> all the coins are made in san francisco. we're the king of mints. >> reporter: there are clues on their instagram page at 12 noon open to the public free. at 12:21 p.m. a scream of excitement, the college student who came to san francisco for a thursday night concert. they were supposed to go back to chico after the concert. instead they got a hotel and now a piece of treasure. >> it's the coolest thing ever. >> i was convinced it was behind one of these pillars. i looked at all the pillars and i climbed over here and it was
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right there. i almost thought it was trash and it wasn't trash. >> reporter: they went to thank them and receive the history on their treasure. >> this coin was struck in 1910 in san francisco and it's called the indian $10 gold piece and it's a very famous u.s. coin design. >> these are actually called eagles. this is a single eagle. there's a $20 coin, which is a double eagle. >> reporter: the value of the coin, $1,100. bree says it more than covers their trip. >> i'm at a loss for words. i've been since i found it. this is 1,100 i wasn't expecting to get together. >> reporter: she was offered $1,100 cash on the spot to buy back the coin. she said she'll keep the coin at least a while. >> i'll let you in on a secret. there is one coin that still has not been found. the details are on the witter coin instagram page. if you miss
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out, organizers plan on doing another scavenger hunt. they'll announce the date on social media. a windy start to the weekend, but there is warmer weather in our
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let's get to our first alert weather and guess what. if you like windy, you are in luck. >> you love it today. >> it's been blustery
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throughout the day. it is going to be calmer as we head into the weekend. outdoor plans that are maybe sensitive to the wind if you wanted to do anything outdoors, you should be fine. sailing would be fine. >> i don't sail. >> would be a little choppy. >> finally saw some sunshine emerging. let's look at what you need to know heading into the weekend. we'll see the wind dying down through this evening and overnight. it's still blustery now. it will not be over the weekend. back to normal off to our east. raining
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around sacramento this evening , the sun emerging over the bay area, distance makes all the difference in the world with futurecast showing activity falling apart when the sun goes down and removes energy from the atmosphere. a few passing clouds to start saturday but plenty of sunshine to the upcoming weekend still windy now but the strongest gust are over 40 miles per hour at the moment and they will relax after sunset . 11:00, a noticeable breeze closer to the coast but inland the winds will calm down by early tomorrow morning and by the daylight hours, they will pick back up but not to the extent over the past couple of days. looking outside from san jose, a pretty view, clouds and sunshine with cool temperatures, 57 in san francisco and the warmest spot is 65 degrees in concord. we will widen that out significantly next week as the main pattern takes over as we get into early may. tonight,
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temperatures dropping down to late april, 40s and low-50s to begin saturday and we will warm up . the dog walking forecast for tomorrow , a dog you can adopt, this is bandit, looking for his forever home, a handsome husky, temperatures in the upper-60s , which means mostly in the mid-60s with plenty of sunshine and bandit can enjoy some outside time and hopefully find humans willing to take him home. tomorrow, highs, back to what is normal for this time of year , about 70 degrees in san jose with upper-60s to low-70s in the santa clara valley. not very warm in fremont, closer to average for late april with upper-50s along the coast of half moon bay. low to mid-60s in san francisco and oakland and upper-60s and low-70s inland and the north bay a warm-up for the first few days of may. let's look beyond
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that, the eight to 14 day outlook shows a warm-up short lived , below average temperature pattern settling in deeper into the month of may which will be accompanied by a wetter than normal pattern. in may talking about our average rainfall on a day by day basis being essentially zero. even a trace of right will qualify as being above-average. we will worry about that further down the line and enjoy the nice weekend with temperatures in the low to mid-70s inland and the woman stays farther down the line at or above 80 degrees by thursday and friday of next week into early may. temperatures warm up around the bay but not as much low-70s for the last day of april and the last few days of may, not bad. temperatures will warm-up even into the low-60s as we get into the coastal part of the bay area by early next week. the virtual elements have physical
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effects. >> the bay area field of dreams with the oakland bothers filling the void the oakland a's will leave behind, ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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another milestone for the oakland ballers as they prepare for their first season
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as fresh new grass being laid at the field. just one of several upgrades in the $1.6 million renovation plan for the park. they have time as he will not play the first home game until june 4th and start a new era of baseball in the town. check in on the four newly hatched falcon chicks at uc berkeley , a family of birds that nests. the falcon cam accounts as all four chicks are getting frequent meals and growing well and mother is doing her job keeping them warm. best story. thank you for watching >> margaret: tonight, severe >> margaret: tonight, severe weather outbreak. >> that's a strong tornado. lots of debris in the air. >> i have never seen so much hail. >> margaret: hail and tornadoes slam the middle of the country as the threat of dangerous weather stretches into the weekend. >> wow! okay, that's not good. >> margaret: the "cbs evening news" starts now.
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