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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Sunday 6am  CBS  April 28, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. a heartfelt gathering in oakland. as crime victims and their families meet to show their stories in the hopes of feeling.
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in oakland, a renewed crackdown on the world's oldest profession. some locals say they don't think the new policies will make much of a difference. on a much lighter note, rare coins are available for the taking later today in san francisco, if you can find them. will talk with the main organizer and a live interview of a scavenger hunt designed for grown-ups. good morning and thank you for starting your day with us. today is sunday, april 28th. i am max darrow. crime is a reality , a hot button issue in the bay area right now. we hear a lot about it from specific incidents to conversations over perception versus reality. we typically hear us about the people affected by violent crimes. the survivors, and those who have lost loved ones . on saturday evening in oakland, the community did just that. crime victims and their loved ones gathered at lake merritt to
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show their stories and to foster a network of support. amanda harry was there. >> reporter: dozens of people gathered to tell their stories about how crime has impacted their lives . the idea behind it, is that when survivors speak, change happens. >> i have to remind myself that is okay. >> reporter: like this 15-year-old. >> i have been through emotional and physical abuse with my mother the past. >> reporter: her mother was an alcoholic and said she grew up in fear, but now she is finally safe. living with her aunt, going to high school, and focusing on getting into a good college. one of her favorite hobbies is writing spoken word poetry. >> survive for the day but thrive for tomorrow. >> reporter: she started writing and sharing her poems to help her process her trauma. >> at first there was a way to get my feelings out but then it became something that was dear to me.
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>> reporter: she said it was especially special, sharing it during this healing vigil hosted by californians for safety and justice. >> it is nice to know i am not alone and i and we are all healing together. >> reporter: her night , is the east bay chapter coordinator for californians for safety and justice. she says, she decided to host the event in oakland, because of her connection with crime in the city. >> i chose oakland because it is personal for me. when i was 16 i mom was murdered from domestic violence here on the streets of oakland . and when i got old enough to have children, both of my kids father's, chad and hunter murthy and kennedy was murdered here on the streets of oakland. >> reporter: she says in addition to helping people heal on an individual level, the vigil called on city and state leaders to do what they can to help . >> basically, by more trauma
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recovery centers, more funding and afterschool programs . more funding geared towards helping individuals that have been through trauma. be able to process what they have been through and be able to start taking the initiative to heal. >> reporter: she said she has a message for anyone who may be the victim of a crime or lost a loved one. >> it does get better. ultimately , it does. you may not have that mindset right now and going through hardships right now, but as long as you keep going and pushing through, focus on your main goal and it will get better. the next californians for safety and justice are continuing their fight just beyond the seabed. they fight for criminal justice reform all year-round. the latest numbers from oakland police show crime was up 18% in 2023 in all categories across-the-board. many cities across the country saw spikes in crime during the pandemic, but the trends have ended were reversed. unlike those cities from oakland has not started to come down you.
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cities of similar size saw a 6% drop on average , in their overall crime rates. in oakland, community members are urging city leaders to do something about illegal prostitution and sex trafficking. the gathered on international boulevard to talk about potential solutions. da lin was there. >> we have seen progress, but not enough . >> reporter: as elected leaders talk about plans and solutions, across the street from the stage, 26 workers waiting for customers, on the busy international boulevard. >> we see this every day. it does not cross her mind, this should not be happening here. this is oakland. this is regular. >> reporter: this high school senior and many neighbors say it has become normalized. sex workers walking in see-through tops. >> me and my frederick about it. that is all normal it is. >> reporter: community groups invited elected leaders to this town hall meeting on 13th avenue and international boulevard on saturday morning. they demand authorities to go after the john's. since
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officers on allowed by state law to arrest sex workers, officers are driving around to scare the john's away. >> these member of the district attorney say we will work with the community because it will take all of us. that has not happened before. >> reporter: oakland council president , represents the area hardest hit by illegal prostitution. she believes the partnerships will improve street conditions. >> we are committed to solutions. i have been committed in terms of environmental changes. >> reporter: last year the city added barricades on a portion of east 15th street to stop illegal prostitution. and neighbors say it worked. but it only pushed the sex workers back to international boulevard. >> turn it off . that is really rude. >> reporter: many families that live on international say they feel like prisoners in their own homes. children have to walk past the sex workers to
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get in and out. >> the city allows it to happen. the city and the county and everybody that is involved, that has power to do something about this , by not doing it, it is allowing the business to flourish. >> reporter: she shared on stage that last year someone in a large van tried to following kidnap her while she was walking to a store in the afternoon. a good samaritan help her and i called the police. she believes the crime was related to sex trafficking. >> i cannot walk around my neighborhood freely. i am looking behind me and i always have to bring pepper spray. i had to buy a taser. >> reporter: elected leaders made promises , but she said talk is cheap and she believes the results. >> i was not optimistic that this issue would get stopped but i hope it gets better. >> reporter: elected leaders say they are working to deploy new programs and could take time to see changes on the streets. in piedmont, officers arrested a man they say attacked the police chief . it happened muir beach elementary school. investigators say they
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were the process of chasing the man for hitting a homeless person when he jumped on chief jeremy bowers car and attacked him. officers took the man into custody. both of them were taken to the hospital. chief bowers has been released , but the suspects condition is unknown. we have mostly clear skies this morning. a little patchy cloudiness along the coast. and perhaps a few patches for part of the east bay shore. but it does not last long. more sunshine today than anything else. daytime highs will climb back to where they were yesterday. you look at numbers in the low to mid 70s for some warmer spots. mid to upper 60s in the bay. it will be windy again. when we get together in the complete first alert forecast, i want to talk about sunday afternoon winds . that we look ahead to a noticeable warm-up. some universities across
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the united states have moved to shut down as pro-palestinian chemists continue. protesters are calling for their institutions to cut financial ties to israel and to divest from companies that they say enable the conflict in gaza. at washington university in st. louis yesterday, hundreds of protesters refused to leave campus. local news outlets reported as a result, more than 80 people were taken away by police. eyewitnesses at the protests say the event remained calm until police came in. the university said everyone who was arrested will be charged with trespassing, and some of those folks may be charged with resisting arrest and assault injuries to campus police. at columbia university at new york where the encampment movement began in the united states, protesters have engaged in negotiations with administration. the university released a statement saying an impending lockdown or evictions on campus, is not true. even though the school has repeatedly set and pushed back deadlines to remove the encampment, they told soon as that bring back police would be counterproductive. closer to home in the bay
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area, protesters continue to camp out at uc berkeley. this encampment you see has been outside of sproul hall for days. protesters are demanding the university divest from companies involved with the israeli government. >> we will not stop until they are addressed. we hope they will be addressed. we don't hope to be a long-term. maybe personally you can put pressure, if whether you are running a business, importing things are exporting things and government, everyone's voice matters. >> reporter: in southern california, tensions was yesterday after pro-palestinian protesters returned with tents to usc's alumni park. 93 people were arrested on wednesday. protesters showed up again with signs reading, stop funding genocide and things like, we are all gaza. on social media last night university announced it had close the campus due to -- to the public due to a disturbance. the los angeles police department issued a tactical alert and deploy dozens of squad cars. it did
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not escalate more than that, however. police dropped the alert later in the evening. usc announced this week it is canceling the main graduation ceremony this year, due to safety concerns. protests continue for six today at cal poly humbled . the compass is now enforcing a hard closure. people including student's, are not allowed to be on the campus without the university police is authorization. on saturday, cal poly humbled released this email to notify state has about the campus closure. it states, anyone on campus without permission is subject to citation or arrest. it is because of the ongoing occupation of siemens hall and nelsons hall. as part of the pro-palestine protest that began on monday, almost a week ago. as part of the enforcement, police assisted facilities in placing concrete areas to prevent vehicles from entering the areas of campus. >> it feels threatening to receive a closure at a threat that i could be potentially cited or arrested. it felt largely unnecessary. and antagonistic.
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>> student's will only be allowed to enter dining facilities and within the halls of their dorms. nor the parts of campus are open to student's. hamas' released another video of another hostage. this right here is keith siegel, taken from his home on october 7th. while the video was released on saturday, cbs news cannot confirm what it was recorded or what sort of pressure was being put on him by hamas. this follows the release earlier in the week of another video showing berkeley born hirsch goldberg :. he has dual israeli american citizenship was taken hostage in october and video shows one of the stanzas missing. his parents released a video of their own in response. >> we are relieved to see him alive but we are also concerned about his health and well-being , as well as that of all the other hostages, and all of those suffering in this region. >> if you can hear us, i am telling you, we are telling you, we love you. stay strong. survive.
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>> the family has called on the negotiating parties, including cutter, egypt, the united states, hamas and israel, to work harder to cut a deal to end the suffering. israel says hamas is still holding 100 hostages. on saturday, thousands of people took to the streets in tel aviv to demand the return. commissioners also say they are against israel's handling of the war in gaza. hamas and on saturday they were reviewing a new israeli proposal for a cease-fire. the gaza health ministry says israel's military has killed 34,000 palestinians since the start of the war. 6:12 on the sunday morning. coming up, powerful tornadoes leave a path of destruction in the midwest . what we are learning about the extent of the damage in nebraska and in iowa. let's bring you live outside , here at home in the bay area. a beautiful look at san francisco on the sunday
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morning. we have a lot to cover throughout the show. we will be right back.
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welcome back. it is 6:15, on this sunday morning. here is a live look at san jose. beautiful looking start to the day. as severe weather ramped up this weekend across the country, residents looking at the pieces after multiple tornadoes ripped through parts
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of iowa and nebraska. here is a look at some of the devastation. in omaha, nebraska. at least 150 homes were reported destroyed or damaged. when building collapsed with 70 people inside , three people were injured. authorities said they are all expected to be okay . according to meteorologist, one of the tornadoes that made his way across nebraska was a ef3 which can bring winds of up to 100 625 miles an hour. although the weather threat has passed, there are still people in the dark. fire crews say they are facing multiple obstacles right now including gas leaks and unstable structures. in iowa, much of the same kind of damage . houses, businesses, flattened. this is a look at midday, iowa, about 100 miles west of des moines. reports from local tv station say nearly half of the homes in the town were destroyed. county
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officials confirmed four people were injured as a result of the storms. the national weather service said according to preliminary reports, at least 10 tornadoes touched down in central iowa. this sunday it will feel a lot like saturday. i think if there is any difference, maybe the wind is a little lighter but not significantly. i think the wind is a bigger factor on this day. let's look at the details into the afternoon. as we get to 4:00, right about the time of day where we would be hitting the daytime high , but the winds are strong enough that we need to alter our perception of what the daytime i feel like. this is the wind gives you a wind-chill factor. it is real windy on the coast at 40 miles an hour, but if you look at the rest of the bay, it is not nearly that strong for the overwhelming majority of us. it is still windy enough, 20-25 mile an hour gusty wind and coming down pretty much directly from the north. that means when we look at the daytime highs in a second, you
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have to bring the numbers down in reality in terms of the way they will feel. on monday, we will do it again. same story. 40 mile an hour gusts off the coast. it will help keep things relatively cool. by the middle of this week , and especially by the end, we are not doing this anymore. it will be noticeably warmer. there are 80 degree days coming. we are not there yet. if we look at sunday afternoon, keeping in mind gets breezy through the afternoon, let's take some numbers. if we go to 69 in oakland, it will feel more like low to mid 60s. you can do the pretty much for just about any location. i don't think the wind will be as big a factor for some inland valleys. it is much stronger the water. certainly stronger near the bay where the wind is squeezing in through the gaps. for the inland valleys it should not be as big a factor. in terms of wind chill. let's do a little comparison for daytime highs. if this is sunday , we will switch to thursday and you see the day and timestamp will change from sunday to thursday. watch what happens as we do the
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transition. did you see the numbers? instead of low 70s over here like today, these are low 80s. a lot more orange coming in over from the central valley. noticeably warmer . even in the city looks like we will get to 70 degrees on thursday. thursday, friday, these are the two warmest days in the whole seven-day forecast. you will see that in a minute. once we get past that warm-up , is there any possibility for rain , considering it feels like was a fairly active winter. we came in just about average for rainfall. most people are probably wondering, are there any more systems coming? for the next 10 days, no. watch the accumulated rainfall through may 7th and there is plenty the shows up across much of the region. but not here. we are out of the rain game for a while. we will focus on the warm up. oakland you go to the mid 70s by thursday and friday and you cool down to the mid 60s by the weekend. let's pull
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in a couple of the microclimates. north bay valleys you will be near 80 friday, in drop to 70. san jose from 83 on friday, down 11 degrees the next day. to 72 on saturday. as nice, sunny, and warm as the end of this week will be we cool down pretty much right back to average by the weekend and there is some perspective on that. we are only cooling down to average. it is not a cold snap. it is the warm up that stands out more than anything else for that thursday and friday. coming up, the sacramento river cats see a lot of green and gold in the stands, as a spans bring their posttests to the teams soon to be temporary home. ahead in sports, giants looking back to .500 and had a chance at a second straight walk off. plus, nine is busy on day three of the nfl draft. getting deeper at one controversial position on the roster.
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. the giants were looking to get back to .500 on the year as they hosted the pirates. there were coming off one of the most exciting winds thanks to the walkoff on friday night. they put themselves in a similar situation on saturday. this dog is all decked out for bark at the park night. pittsburg with runners at second and third, jordan hicks, strikes out jack's. scoreless in the six
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until wilmer flores doubled into the left-center gap and brings in the first run. the pirates tied the game in the seventh and we went to extras. bryan reynolds takes taylor rogers deep to put pittsburg up 3-1. and two pitches later, pays, just over the left field wall. it gives the pirates a three run lead. bottom of the inning, he demolishes this pitch , near the top of the bleachers and left. 433 feet. two run shot pull san francisco within a run. the giants to the tying run on but he strikes out to end the game. pittsburg winds, 4-3. san francisco unable to get back to the .500 mark. a's in baltimore. oakland's first base coach, had to get out of the way. orioles fans had to watch out for home run balls. baltimore's powerful lineup put them up 3-0. he was not
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happy. next pitch, he makes it back to back in left field seats. he celebrates taking a drink out of the orioles hydration station. baltimore winds, snapping the a's two-game win streak. day three of the nfl draft the niners had plenty of selections as they round out their 2024 roster. san francisco drafted six more players on saturday. and he also got through the draft without trading away brandon aiyuk or deebo samuel. two players who heard tons of trade rumors over the last week. >> with a 135th pick in the 2024 nfl draft, the san francisco 49er select, jacob kelly. wide receiver, arizona. >> he is the second receiver taken by the niners in the draft after they took ricky in the first. last season calvin was the only white out of the country to catch 90 passes and scored 12 or more touchdowns.
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san francisco use their first pick of the day on wake forest cornerback. with the third pick of the fourth-round they selected a running back out of louisville. and finish the draft with usc offensive lineman. and for the state linebacker. -- and florida state linebacker. they did sign terrell owens son, as an undrafted free agent. very exciting. that will do it for sports. have a great morning. a coalition of fan groups from the bay area beyond showed up at the river cats minor league baseball game sacramento on saturday. that is where oakland has agreed to play their home games for at least the next three seasons while they wait for a new stadium in las vegas. >> we are coming up here and make your presence known and we are introducing ourselves to the home of the a's for the next three years. it is an opportunity for fans of oakland to come up here and bring the protest here. >> it is not against
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sacramento. it has nothing to do with river cats. i have been to the stadium and it is a beautiful ballpark. but major league baseball does not belong here. >> ownership says the team will not be called the sacramento a's, while playing at sutter health park or even the las vegas a's. it will simply be, the athletics, with no city name attached. 6:26 on this sunday morning. demonstrators persist at college campuses in the united states against israel's conduct in the war in gaza. coming up live report on negotiations and arrests. gaza war protesters also show up near the site of the white house correspondents dinner. the message they wanted to send, as president biden spoke inside the ballroom. let's take you live outside . this is a beautiful look at san francisco. on the sunday morning. we will be right back.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. it is 6:29 on the sunday morning. thank you for joining us. i am max darrow. of the war between hamas and israel rages on, students wrote on their tents. pro-palestinian supporters called on institutions to end investments in companies that support or profit from israel's military actions in gaza.
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as pro-palestinian protests continue there were more arrests saturday. as some universities seek to close their gates to outsiders, but the movement is getting a lot of traction and cameras are spreading. cbs's bradley blackburn joins us with the latest. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. the way that started in new york city at columbia university has spread across the country. even to some campuses around the globe. universities are confronting the question of how to protect free speech, and enforce campus rules. >> reporter: at northeastern university in boston saturday, more than 100 demonstrators were arrested. in indiana, state troopers in riot gear arrested dozens of protesters who ignored orders to take down tents. and in los angeles, saturday night, the university of southern california closed its campus to anyone but residents , after protesters with returning to those will.
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the lapd issued a tactical alert. at campuses across the country, pro-palestinian protesters continue to call for universities to divest from companies that do business with israel. the images have spread worldwide. in gaza, these messages seen written on refugee tents saturday. but many jewish students say they are accounting and the semitism. >> i, like many students, feel that the extremist rhetoric could at any moment become real violence. >> reporter: at washington university in st. louis, hundreds chanted to free gaza. >> you think hamas should release the u.s. and israeli hostages? >> to be honest i think that is like a little bit -- i emotionally agree with the framing of the question. >> reporter: at cal poly humboldt where students continue to occupy administered of buildings, the school says it is now enforcing a hard closure of campus and at columbia university, the administration band one student protest leader of the video surfaced of them saying , "zionist do not deserve to live. an encampment remains up on the lawn were commencement ceremonies are still scheduled for may 15th. graduation season
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is putting pressure on many of these schools. usc has canceled its main announcement ceremony over what they call safety concerns , and of course, many graduating seniors left high school in 2020. meaning the traditional walk across the stage did not happen. because of the pandemic . >> we know that many protesters, especially some locally here at stanford and at berkeley, they want their universities to divest from companies that are doing business with israel. so far, have any of the universities agreed to this , publicly? >> we have not seen that on a widespread basis yet and several universities have signaled it is a firm, no. these protest certainly don't speak for all students or for all alumni, for that matter. many of them support israel. universities have a lot of stakeholders to consider when they are receiving these demands from protesters. >> thank you for your reporting. live in new york this morning.
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we are looking at mostly clear skies this morning. a little bit of patchy cloudiness along the coast. and perhaps just a few patches for part of the east bay sure but it does not last long. more sunshine today than anything else. daytime highs are going to climb right back to where they were yesterday. you will look at numbers in the low to mid 70s for some warmer spots. mid to upper 60s in the bay. it will be windy. when we get together in the complete first alert forecast, i want to talk about sunday afternoons winds will be a lot like saturday and we will look ahead to a noticeable warm-up. normally a night of jokes and lightheartedness, protesters may their voices heard just outside of this year's white house correspondents dinner at a washington hotel, the hilton. inside, no mention was made of it. journalist, politicians and celebrities gathered in the nation's capitol. president biden gave a speech about what he believes is at stake in this year's election against former president donald trump. he opened his worst thing on trump, calling him , " sleepy
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ron. >> agency thing we have in common. my vice president actually endorses me. i had a great stretch since the state of the union. donald is that if you tough a slightly. you may call it, stormy weather. >> his remarks lasted about 10 minutes. he did not talk about the israel-hamas war or the growing humanitarian crisis in gaza. back outside the building, hundreds of protesters chanted slogans, holding been is directed at the guests arriving for the event. some urge journalists to boycott the dinner. president biden was greeted by a smaller group of protesters, as he walked through the back entrance.
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for democrats in a presidential election year, 2024 is starting to feel like 1968. a divisive or, campus protests, and unpopular incumbent, and a summer of a political convention in chicago. president biden is facing all of that and donald trump, as well. natalie brand has more from the white house. >> we are willing to do it. monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night or friday night on national television. >> reporter: spending the week not on the campaign trail but on trial, trump said he is ready to debate president biden. this, after the president said he is open to the face of during a radio interview with howard stern. >> i am happy. >> reporter: the president told stern he condemns the former president's actions on january 6th and trump's campaign promise to boarded individuals convicted in connection with u.s. capitol attack. >> it was derelict, almost criminal . he did nothing. she sat there and watched what was happening. out a single -- now he wants to that she calls the
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patriots and victims. >> reporter: trump's federal election interference case remains on hold and could be delayed until after the november election. as the u.s. supreme court ways presidential immunity and whether the former president can be prosecuted. >> this is a day we have all been sitting in this courthouse. >> reporter: a first for a former u.s. president as trump attended week one of testimony in his criminal hush money trial in new york. he has denied wrongdoing and complained the courtroom has sidelined him from the campaign trail. trump is scheduled to return to key battlegrounds of michigan and wisconsin on wednesday. >> this past week the federal judge in author e. jean carroll's civil defamation case against trump, was upholding the verdict and the $83 million judgment denying his motion for a new trial. the biden administration now taking steps to make sure transient americans have access to healthcare. health and human services said they will expand
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safeguards. the river some trump era regulations. the new rules will bar health providers and insurers receiving federal funds from discriminating against people seeking care based on gender identity or sexual orientation. it comes as gender affirming care for transgender youth has come under fire. more than 20 states have attempted to restrict teenagers access to this type of care. coming up. it is 6:37, on the sunday morning. if you are still figuring out your sunday plans, perhaps there is a scavenger hunt in san francisco you will want to add to your schedule. the recent the reward and so much more, coming up after the break.
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a scavenger hunt has people in a frenzy, trying to find rare and valuable coins that have been scattered throughout san francisco. >> it is like the coolest thing ever. and it is so like , it looks pretty cool . >> this lucky person found a coin at the palace of fine arts friday. it was one of the 11 coins hidden across the city. this coins value about $1100. the treasure hunt was put together by a company called with her coin and they say
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eight of the 11 coins have been found. another hunt, is planned for today. new clues will be released on instagram page around noon. and the owner -- chief coin nerd. he joins us live in studio. this has been an exciting weekend for you guys. did you expect this much? >> not close. it is national coin week we are excited to promote this with a scavenger hunt. we had no idea it would be this much of a friendship -- much of a frenzy. >> art on an educational at the same time. san francisco, you told me has a really rich history in coin creation. >> max, we are the king of coins. san francisco has three different myths. the first from 1854, second, 1870 and current 1938. i want to educate the citizens of san francisco and the bay area we are masters at making coins. i am local but i
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love coins. the people you meet, it is a lot of fun and i am lucky to do something i love. that is the key. >> your passion came across when we saw the story earlier this week. the people were so excited and that was something that jumped out to me. a scavenger hunt for adults, tell me about how this is going to go down today. >> it was such a frenzy and we could not confirm what was found or not found. i went out late last night and put out of the sky so nobody would follow me and i actually found one of the coins. because it was not found i will behind it today and here is what it is, a five dollar gold coin made in 1906. at the san francisco mint. iconic year. earthquake gold coin. i will behind it today and if you check on instagram page, witter coin, i will release clues. because i was so in love and so exciting, i will hide another coin for my personal collection. it is a dollar from 1877 made at the
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san francisco mint. two more coins to find today. >> throughout san francisco. >> only in san francisco. i know we are doing you are trying to get some hands, but no. it will be on instagram page today. >> what are you hoping that people who participate will gain out of this experience? >> number one they have fun. there have been so many people and i took my daughter out and explore san francisco and families to get out and have fun. hopefully they find a coin or it intrigues them what do you mean a trade dollar? or a $20 gold coin ? and heavily they discover this. -- and hopefully they discover this. >> there is a reward for finding something and there is a financial reward. >> there are two coins found worth $2500 each. no strings attached . you can do what you want with a coin. it is cool you can look and get out and find some real money. >> the self-proclaimed chief
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coin nerd, what is it about the coins in san francisco that gets you so enthusiastic ? >> coins itself. there is this history in your hands. countries and governments, they put the things they respect most on the coinage. people or ideals. you can hold that treasure, gold, silver, copper. it is fascinating. when you study coins, san francisco is like the 1984 san francisco, 49ers, like the 2015 warriors teams. we dominate. it is the extra thrill. >> i feel like i'm learning something this morning. thank you. of us the quick faq for today. how will he go down and how many coins are people looking for, and what should they expect? >> you will be two coins that will be hidden in the city of san francisco. hands are posted at 12:00 today on instagram page under witter coin. that is it. you check it out and i will go hide the coins and let's have fun. good luck to everyone. >> thank you for joining us. forward to it and looking forward to getting an update on who finds these coins.
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>> thank you for having me. this sunday, it will feel look a lot like saturday. i think it there is any difference, maybe the wind is a little lighter but not significantly so. i think the wind is a bigger factor on this day. doesn't get the details into the afternoon. as we get to 4:00, right about the time of day where we would be hitting the daytime high , but the winds are strong enough that we need to alter our perception of what the daytime i feel like. this is the wind that gives you a wind-chill factor. it is windy on the coast at 40 miles an hour but if you look inland at the rest of the bay, it is not nearly that strong for the overwhelming majority of us. but when the enough. 20 to 25 mile an hour gusty wind and coming pretty much directly from the north. when we for daytime highs, you have to bring the numbers down a reality in terms of the way they will feel. on monday, we
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do it again. 40 mile an hour gusts right off the coast. it will help keep things relatively cool. by the middle of this week , and especially by the end , we are not doing this anymore. it will be noticeably warmer. there are 80 degree days coming. but we are not there yet . if we look at sunday afternoon, keeping in mind it is breezy through the afternoon, let's take some numbers. if we go to 69 in oakland, it will feel like low to mid 60s. you can do that pretty much for just about any location. i don't think the wind will be as big a factor for some inland valleys. much stronger on the water. certainly stronger near the bay, where the wind is squeezing in through the gaps but for the inland valleys it should not be as big a factor. in terms of wind chill. let's do a little comparison for daytime highs. if this is sunday, we will switch to thursday and you see the day and timestamp will change from sunday to thursday. watch what happens as we do the transition. did you see the
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numbers? instead of doing low 70s over here like we are today, these are low 80s. a lot more one coming in over from the central valley. this is noticeably warmer. even in the city looks like we will get to 70 degrees on thursday. thursday, friday, they will be the two warmest days in the seven-day forecast. you will see that in a second. once we get past that warm-up, is there any possibility for rain, considering it feels like it was a fairly active winter and we came in right about average for rainfall. and most people are wondering, other any more systems coming ? for the next 10 days, no. watch what happens when we look at the accumulated rainfall now through may 7th there is plenty that shows up across much of the region. but not here. we are out of the rain game for a while. we will focus on the warm-up . for oakland you go to the mid 70s by thursday and friday and you will cool down to the mid 60s by the weekend. let's pull in a couple of the microclimates. north bay valleys near 80.
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friday. you dropped to 70. san jose from 83 on friday , down 11 degrees the next day. to 72 on saturday. is nice and sunny and warm as the end of this week will be, we do cool down pretty much right back to average for the weekend and there is some perspective. we are only cooling down to average. it is not a cold snap. it's a warm-up that stands out than anything else, for the thursday and friday. 6:48. coming up, a north bay county is making a push to invest in its trees. new guidelines protecting them, and stiff penalties for taking them down.
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in sonoma county, the board of supervisors recently acted to protect more trees and mitigate the effects of climate change . they approved an expanded version of sonoma county's tree protection ordinance which dates back to 1989. the original ordinance protected 11 tree species with trunks nine inches in diameter or greater. under the updated ordinance, 31 kinds of trees with trunks six inches in diameter or greater will be protected. if someone was to remove those kinds of trees in unincorporated parts of the
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county, they will now need a permit to do so. and the fees for removing detected trees will be much higher than they were in 1989, a maximum of $3500 per tree. and environmental expert with the county said this move will help increase climate resiliency and support forest health. >> we have very beautiful for system in sonoma county in the trees provide a lot of benefits. whether that is shade , recreation. soil stability, water quality , improvement, carbon sequestration. >> reporter: wildfires since 2017 have dramatically impacted the counties oak forests. oak trees will now be considered a protected species. there are exceptions to the updated ordinance of that includes removals for public safety, defensible space and basic property maintenance. as for enforcement, violations will be investigated by the code enforcement division , the new
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ordinance will likely take effect at the end of may. in san francisco, japantown's piece plus is about to get a makeover. congresswoman nancy pelosi and mayor london breed shoveled dirt to break ground on saturday. this renovation will beautify the plaza. the design envisions more seating, more trees and a bigger stage.
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it is six 155 . the time
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for a look at this morning's top stories. surviving crime victims of the families of people who were killed gathered at oakland's lake merritt for a vigil on saturday. was hosted by californians for safety and justice dozens told their stories about how violent crime has affected them. organizers say they want to create a network of support and when a survivor speaks positive change in happen. community leaders gathered on international boulevard urging top officials to tackle issues with illegal prostitution and sex trafficking. they want police to go after clients. officers cannot rest sex workers. protests on college campuses continue over the war in gaza. more than 80 people were arrested washington university in st. louis after they refused to evening can't meant. they want their school to cut financial ties to israel because of israel's conduct in the war. cal poly humboldt is enforcing a hard closure after protesters occupied two administrative buildings. police and school staff installed concrete barriers to prevent people from entering
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school grounds without authorization. hamas' released another hostage video. keith siegel, in her israeli-american was abducted during the attacks on october 7th is a video last week showed a berkeley born man, hirsch goldberg:. israel said hamas is still holding about 100 hostages. we are looking at is 70 forecast with a bit of a warm-up for thursday and friday. 75 for oakland and 10 degrees cooler than that, city five by saturday. north bay valleys will do the same. near 80 on friday and back to 70. san jose goes from 83 to 72 on saturday. you see the same swing for the inland east bay. it will be a beautiful day today for sunday . just a bit breezy. 40 mile an hour gas near the coast, 25 mile an hour gusts for most of the rest of us and that means the numbers will feel a bit cooler than the actual forecast high would have you believe . two major road closures
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this weekend. for repaving work stretch of the 680 highway, southbound lanes between the 580 connector in pleasanton and cooperman road in signal. in the north bay, highway 37 also remains closed for repaving. both are expected to open tomorrow morning in time for the rush hour commute . thank you for joining us today. "cbs sunday morning" with jane pauley is coming up next here on kpix. the local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. from all of us here , enjoy the rest of your sunday. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine.
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