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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 29, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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(♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. >tfxw mic yeah. >>come on in. thanks so much for joining us this morning. it's monday, april 29. >tfxw mic let's get started. >svr right channel>for years. >svr left channel>new crackdowns and clashes on campuses over the israel hamas war. police in los angeles move in to make arrests. just as talks on a potential hostage deal. ceasefire resume overseas >svr right channel>again can't >svr left channel>brutal weather and destruction in the midwest after a deadly tornadoes sweep the heart of the country. what to expect there today. future 1st
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responders. put to the test. a special camp where women are honing lifesaving skills. it's small business week here what shop owners are saying and doing >tfxw mic the traffic. >anc2 mic>isn't that a pretty little wine shop there? i'm nicole zaloumis happy monday to all of you today was 1 of those days where i'm like, did i >tfxw mic brush my teeth? >anc2 mic>i know i did. ok, but how >tfxw mic did >>check monday >anc1 mic>that i >tfxw mic did checking >anc1 mic>out, >>gianna franco. thank you. thank you. both of you might stand a little bit over here. >anc2 mic>we're not good morning, jonah. >tfxw mic oh, no. oh, no, but we're safe. we're safe and it was a beautiful >anc1 mic>weekend. for sure. i blame jess. who is now >tfxw mic back. >>jess, you say it's going to get even better as we look at this live view right now from the top of the market >wxw mic>morning, friends. good morning, and yes, it is. it's going to be studying. i'm still jet lagged those, so i had to check to make sure i brush my
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teeth to >anc1 mic>nicole >>story. in taiwan for the past week beautiful. >tfxw mic no big >wxw mic>deal, guys. also, i experienced my 1st earthquake over >anc1 mic>there. >>you did. kind >anc1 mic>of wild. bring it back >wxw mic>with you, though not bringing that stuff back. no way. alright, let's take a quick look at what's going on here in the bay area as we wake up this morning, head out the door. get ready for a busy >> head out the door and get ready for a busy but beautiful week, nonetheless. here is our weather headlines. heading out the door, quiet, mild weather. it was a beautiful day yesterday as we wrapped up the weekend. sunshine in san francisco, so many people were out at the parts parks. as we head into the next couple days, working to start warming up. day by day our temperatures are going to continue to get warmer. i will show you in just a second. if you live along the coastline can experience that nearly as much. it stays breezy and cool as we wrap up this week and there is a slight chance of rain in the guest heading into our weekend but for now, let's focus on this week. daytime highs sitting in the 60s there san francisco.
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70s across the bay bridge and you can see that behind me, visibility looking great. just across all of our bay bridges. often to the east bay, 76 this after noon your antioch. livermore down into the santa clara valley to kick off this week. a definite springlike set up for us as we headed to the afternoon hours. i live look all the way down to the valley waking up this morning with dry conditions, calm conditions and beautiful set up as we head into the next couple days. we have the 70s and inland areas. it can be cool and breezy a little bit cloudier too. stretching all the way up and areas like our coastline in print san francisco, ocean beach. will be a little bit crazier this afternoon. how are the roads out there, at least it's dry. >> is such good news, jess. when anyone gets up and out the door and on the freeway, not bad. looking good. that is right around the coliseum. we are
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tracking a few brake lights and some spots like the past area and it's a little bit windy through there. i have some news to report. westbound 37, opening up those lanes from the road work over the weekend so that is good news. moving along well on that . in and around that area. if you are taking 580, a bit of a shift, you can see traffic is light. here's a look at your top stories. small towns across the midwest and south are starting the long clean up after more than 100 tornadoes flattened homes and buildings. four people were killed including a four-month-old baby. home to about 5000 people. have much of its main street reduced to rubble. in the surrounding
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states like missouri and kansas. in nebraska, a large tornado so tour through the suburb of omaha. >> i told him to go to was mom's house and i'm glad he did. >> everything be thrown around above us. it was so scary. >> the national weather service is one of the tornadoes that hit nebraska had a preliminary rating of ef 3 with winds topping 135 miles per hour. president biden spoke iphone to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, warning once again about a new israeli assault in gaza. secretary of state antony blinken left washington for his latest trip to the region. he's inspected in israel tomorrow. this will be his visit since the war began in october. >> work and i have a lab report from tina krause with the latest on the war. campus clashes continue in
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the bay area and beyond. tents and protest signs. this was the scene over the weekend in stamford. setting up her kids around cal poly humble, that is university. in the college environment and is barricaded. protesters rallying for an end of the war in gaza. in fact, they give a glimpse of the life behind the barricades. >> a lot of community, we hang out, talk, eat together. a very comfortable space to be in. down south, it is not as calm. barriers breach between the two groups. a lot of pushing and shoving to report but nobody was arrested. on the other side of the world where hostages
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remain this morning, palestinians and raw for signaling back to american protesters thanks for support by scrolling signs on the side of tense or palestinians are living in shelter during the war. closer to home as the bay area worked the bounce back difficulty, national small business week puts the focus on small businesses. oakland, despite over crime and office buildings, a study found the amount of foot traffic in the city was up by over 20% spoke to small businesses trying to get the foot traffic in the doors. >> at this downtown oakland bar, it is mine with a twist. >> women only make up 5% of the industry and people of color make up 3% and black producers make up on percent. the wind industry is a multibillion dollar industry so what i wanted to do was reverse engineer the industry and provide retail space specifically for the
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underrepresented winemakers and give them a platform to my audience. >> alicia kids has all the wines are made by women and people of color. >> i want to bring the wine country to oakland. >> opened at the corner of 13th and webster street in december of 2022. alicia says business initially got off to a very strong start. >> with the crime it has, might this business has decreased in sales but it's slowly trending upward back. >> as oakland celebrates and kicks off small business week, many owners say the biggest challenges crime. some experienced repeated burglaries and robberies. >> it has impacted my business in a sense that customers are afraid. i had to invest thousands and thousands of marketing to get customers to come. >> are working to reduce crime.
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>> during the small business week, the city will host three classes and networking events. this workshop on sunday focused on digital marketing. >> i am somebody who is getting started. i'm very new. i've tried to figure out what social media platforms to leverage. >> on my website, i want to prove my social media presence. >> it's my business, i have to do it all. >> many years ava chose to invest in the city and despite all the challenges, they still believe in oakland. >> what as color and vibrancy to the city as the small businesses and the people behind these businesses. >> alicia agrees and says thriving businesses is a reflection of a thriving city. >> increased safety. invest in security. that is number one. 50 is the ultimate concern.
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>> business owners continue to urge people outside of oakland to come shop and dine. some businesses will even reimbursed uber rides with the purchase. >> asked for how other cities are faring, san francisco visits to downtown dropped more than 21% this past february. san jose saw jump about 28% in the same timeframe. it is 5:09. sparking an interest in firefighting. berkeley's firefighters inspire more women to become first responders. >> it is time for a new mr. irrelevant in football. purdy out but spoils await, straight ahead. good morning to our
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. and cache in it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. a book about. a major push for more women to join the ranks of first responders. it's so important on so many levels area john ramos reports on the berkeley fire department held the camp to put women in power. climbing the ladder, so to speak, in the world of fire. >> they used to be firemen and now they are firefighters. when it comes to a first responder, ability matters more than gender. >> he's got it. >> i was definitely not
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expecting this. i was more expecting a class environment. >> thought she was going to spend the weekend in the classroom, she got a surprise when she found herself dressed in full turnouts, climbing a 30 foot ladder. >> i got to a point where i started to panic but i told myself i could do it and i came here for a reason so yeah. >> a rally is one of three dozen three dozen women invited to fire camp, sponsored by the berkeley fire department. the purpose was to recruit more women but the first challenge is convincing them that they can do it. >> a lot of the firefighters, their brother and uncle did it too. a lot of the times if you don't physically see it as a woman or anybody, you may not know that that is something you can do and that is what we are trying to explore here. this is doable. some of the skills that we do. this is how you can practice, this is how we can get
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better. just the introduction. >> the use of a chainsaw. proper technique for exiting a building onto a letter in basic emergency metal medicals skills including . none of it was easy, especially for beginners. the positive reinforcement from the veteran firefighters, most of them women, helped a lot. >> i think the women that are in our fire service go out to do is recruiting's and then they see the real-life example. this is another one where it's real-life example of them teaching them what to do and they are getting motivated. >> realizing could lug a heavy fire house up and down two flights of stairs, may have rekindled as it desire to become a firefighter. >> only because i got hyper fixated. that's going to be me.
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they say people come to the fire service for different reasons. for a rally, it is a desire to help people in need. that includes her own parents. >> i've learned a lot of things and i definitely learned that i want to make this. >> it would mean a lot for me but mostly a lot for my parents because they came here with nothing. >> the goal is to get more women into the firefighting academies. camps like this help them understand that yes, they do belong there. >> great story. there is still a lot of work to get recruitment up. make up about 14% of the berkeley fire department staff but i love seeing that and i love hearing their back stories. so beautiful. she wants to make her family's life better. >> that's amazing. you never know what's out there until you are exposed to that. great for bringing these young women and to say hey, you could do this and make them feel empowered to dream. >> shutting that stereotype when
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you think of a firefighter, you think oh, you have to lift a lot and you rule yourself out as a young women but the more that you see other women doing it, that inspires you. those women that we spoke to, very inspirational to see all of them out there. is take a live look outside on this monday morning. this is the view from mark op skins. we say good morning to all of you in san francisco waking up to start a new work week. what kind of temperatures can we expect this week? hopefully warm. >> it's going to be a lot warmer for us day by day in the bay area. unless you live along the coastline. we talked a little bit about this earlier but for areas like the santa clara valley, which you could see right by me, we can declare conditions in areas like the east bay too. were going to be warming up in the 70s this afternoon. take a look at our daytime eyes. 72 near san jose, 67 in redwood city. but the mountain look at the coast. half moon bay sitting in the 50s and 60s near san francisco but along our coastline, to see a way better weather pattern compared to our in-line microclimates. working at sea breeze urine
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color conditions all along the coastline stretching down into half moon bay as well but for inland areas, they're going to stay light and let me show you what that's looking like for us. daytime highs this afternoon are really reflecting this too. cool and breezy along the coastline with wind speeds up to around 25-30 miles per hour. in this afternoon and heading into the overnight hours tonight, we actually get all the way up to around 40-mile-per-hour winds. anywhere near bodega day bay. that is what part of the weather story for us. we do have a warm sweet. today and tomorrow, let's use san jose in the 70s. we can warm up into the 80s . heading into thursday's forecasted right back down into the 60s heading into our weekend. the reason why as we have another cold front just offshore and asked that slowly starts to move its way in, we see a little bit of an increase for rain chance is heading into this weekend forecast too. changes as we head into this week. let me drop this as we
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headed to the neck seven days what that's really going to look like for all of us throughout the day. if you live in our inland areas, we stick in the 70s and 80s all throughout the work week just to cool down fast into this weekend forecast. a slight chance of showers impacting us saturday into sunday. that is our inland areas. all the way down to the santa clara valley, for example. if you live along the bay, were to be sitting in the 60s until around wednesday with honey of sunshine to share all throughout our coast, inland areas and the heading into this weekend forecast, that exact same drop off her our temperatures is going to move in by saturday. we could see a slight chance of showers today as well. >> thank you, jess. let's talk about your monday morning drive. lots of good news to report, in fact look behind me right here. you don't see a ton of brake lights or issues. we are off to a fairly decent ride for most commuters making their way out of the east bay heading over in the san francisco. we know things slow down a little bit so i will let you know when that changes but overall, look at this. our areas where we see the
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bottlenecking and were things hit a little bit busier so far. we are looking good. a scale of 1 to 5 sitting on about a one for the most part. that is expected for super commuters. out of the south bay, it looks great. we are seeing some nice speeds. caulking and 60 miles per hour as you work on your way near hellyer. past that point, everything is clear the rest of the way towards sfo. it's been four years since any cars were allowed at golden gate park. the celebration took lace at peak at matawan sunday. was closed to cars in 2020 and open up to pedestrians during the pandemic. in 2022, san franciscans voted to keep the road permanently closed. read? i think you so much. time right now is 5:20 on monday morning. a community steps up to make sure students don't experience racial slurs in school. sunshine, springtime, baseball and the bay area. the pittsburgh pirates and san francisco giants met for the
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finale of a three-game series. we will have a look at some of the best moments. here is a live look outside before we had to break on this monday morning. we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding.
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that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. a let's talk baseball. starting up with the giants
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hosting the pirates. >> rookie pitcher making his sixth start of the season and he's been dominating the last few outings. completed six innings, punched out five pirates will only allowing one run. he is now only allowed one run in each of his last three starts but pitching alone does not put you on the board. thairo estrada knocks his fourth run of the year. next up, mike yastrzemski. he also goes yard. that is the first time the giants had back to back this season. camilo bohle but closes up. the giant edge of the pirates 3-2. >> the orioles knocked around . paul blackburn for six runs in four innings. thankfully, the ball was flying on both sides. set around with the first run of the day, a solo homer to center in the second. we had to answer back with two. a classic
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tug-of-war down in the ninth. orioles closer blows his second save opportunity in a row when kyle mccann hit a two run homer and a's take the win in the series 7-6. good to see baseball bouncing back a little bit. getting some rest and getting healthy once he comes back in the mix, they can even do more. >> it's good to see that the a's won. they have a lot of climbing to get to the 500 mark and the fans, despite the win, are still very angry about the move they gathered in the parking lot on saturday with signs saying cell. they are still very upset. >> still such a bummer. let's talk a little football. the nfl draft wrapped up on saturday and if you are wondering who the 49ers topic was, it was ricky purcell. wide receiver out of florida. take a look at the rest of your 2024
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draft class. they even picked another wide receiver in the fourth round, jacob cowing from arizona. >> just two years ago, the niners selected brock purdy as the final pick making that years mr. irrelevant. the title goes to alabama safety jalen kitna. the jets nabbed him as the 37th pick up the seventh round. mr. irrelevant is invited to newport beach for a trip to disneyland, a golf tournament and is giving the lisbon trophy. that resembles the heisman with one little difference. it shows a player fumbling the ball. >> it worked out so well for brock . it continues to work out for several mr. relevance. look at the list of things they get. i'm drafted, i get to go to newport beach. what else? >> it's a good start for your career, don't you worry. >> that is pretty funny. >> you are very relevant on our
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show. >> i try to be. time right now is 5:26 in the morning. lots of laughs at the dinner. joe biden took swats at donald trump and then got serious about the high-stakes election. straight ahead. we will take you there. >> a game changer for non-tesla drivers of electric vehicles. what is different and how will it make charging your car easier? >> we can take a live look outside before we had to break on this monday morning. the bright lights of the city. we are nestled somewhere in there. broadcasting for you all
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> welcome back, 5:29 in the morning. college campuses see over the war in gaza. updates from the front lines. we can tell you negotiations are happening for a cease-fire and for the return of more than 100 hostages held by terror group hamas. cbs news tina krause live from london at the start of the week. are there hopes that we could actually see some movement? >> hopes are high as secretary of state antony blinken ascot off another crisis tour in the middle east aimed at securing an all elusive israel hamas cease-fire. there is a flurry of diplomacy underway in the region as concern grows for the lives is palestinian civilians and israeli hostages in gaza.
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>> anger over israel's failure to bring hostages home is willing on the streets with israeli stepping up protest to benjamin netanyahu to cut a cease-fire deal with hamas. >> my heart breaks for the hostages, their families, and for gaza. >> antiwar clashes are continuing to break out on college campuses across the u.s.. with israeli and palestinian supporters shouting slogans and insults. secretary of state antony blinken fluid to saudi arabia this morning on his seventh fidget to the region since the war began seven months ago. arriving hours after president biden had a phone call with prime minister netanyahu about israel's possible ground assault on rough. >> palestinian president says and israeli attack on the southern city where more than 1 million civilians are taking
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refuse would be the biggest in the history of palestinian people. with famine gripping gaza, the most effective way to alleviate the humanitarian crisis is to achieve a cease-fire. israel says it is already letting more aid in. with the clock ticking on a cease-fire, there's concern getting hostages out of the hands of hamas could be an even tougher battle. >> a hamas delegation will be in egypt today to respond to israel's latest puzzle for a long-sought hostage release deal. secretary of state antony blinken says he hopes hamas will accept what he calls an extraordinarily generous offer. diplomats in the regency talks towards cease-fire are progressing. read? >> thank you for that update. we know you are closer geographically than we are to the situation. we appreciate any news. thank you so much. right now on cbs news bay area at 5:30, look at that.
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starting to see the golden glow right there as we look across treasure island and into the east bay. good morning, everybody. let's talk to jess. kind of chilly over the weekend. i wanted to be downright warm. that wind was kind of annoying because it was sunny and beautiful in the city of san francisco but the breeze , it was an inconvenience. check this out. here is our weather headlines as we head into this afternoon. were starting off calm and quiet as we headed to the work week's forecast. daytime highs day by day are going to continue to warm up until we hit the 80s and some of our inland areas and then we have a cooler set up for us coming into this we can with a light chance of showers right around the corner. let's off talking about daytime eyes today. 60s warm up into the 70s just across the bay bridge where you can see right by me from the webcam at kpix with clear conditions all across the bay shoreline. it's going to be a beautiful and warm afternoon for us in our inland areas stretching down into areas like
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livermore and into the santa clara valley with 50s just along our coastline, 70s holding on tight to the inland areas with a beautiful sunrise all the way down into the santa clara valley. let's talk a little bit more about what's happening as we head into this week because daytime eyes, like i mentioned, they're going to warm and the 80s they're not old for too much longer. we have a new system moving its way and and that's going to drop our daytime highs and inland areas down into the 60s. texting in the east bay. that is worth noting as we had in the next couple days. enjoy this little bit of a warm-up while we have a because there are big changes heading and our weekend forecast. a lot cooler along our coast and we have more of that in a bit. how are the roads looking up there? >> they are looking pretty typical is what you can expect at this time in the morning. not too many brake lights were issues. the lights are off and smooth sailing so far for that commute into san francisco.
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giving you an overview, you can see things moving along just fine 880, 101, no delay. 680 is open directions both. not seeing any brake lights in the south bay. everything moving along well. north 101 on the south and san jose as well as 280. >> thank you so much. there are concerns this morning that children in some san francisco schools are facing racist attacks. reports community advocates not only want safe spaces but they threaten they will sue if they need to do so to get it. >> school did not call me or the parent four hours. >> paulette brown has been fighting fiercely for her children and grandchildren for most of her life. in 2006, her only son was murdered in san francisco and she is still looking for justice. now she is battling what she feels is
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racism within the san francisco unified school district. >> what do we do about this school district that is continuing to fail our children? >> her grandson was kicked off a play structure and had to transfer schools due to safety. >> our children are being left behind. our grandchildren are being left behind. we are tired of it. we should not have to fight like this. >> she was not the only one. other families have their own stories to share. >> president of the san francisco chapter of the naacp says this is the fifth complaint he's heard of a racially motivated attack at schools in the last three months. we have lost over 40,000 since 1970. it is because of subtle and
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sometimes racial attacks. >> those at this meeting say it is bittersweet to know they are not alone. >> there is so much on us and we don't have a lot of support so with this happening, we can all come together as one and deal with the school district. maybe we will get somewhere. >> there is talk of filing a class-action lawsuit against the district. parents say it's critical to affect change to ensure their kids can grow and learn at school without fearing for their safety. >> we reach out to the school district that responded with this statement saying we actively work to implement antiracist practices across our schools and in our community. is time for a look at this morning's top stories. the annual white house correspondents dinner was a celebration of freedom of the press and chance to poke fun at politics. >> i am a grown man running against a six-year-old. while i
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feel great. i really feel great. i am campaigning all over the country. pennsylvania, georgia, north carolina. i've always done well in the original 13 colonies. >> with all jokes aside, president biden detailed his perspective on the stakes for the upcoming election while former president trump took to his social platform voicing his displeasure about the event and calling biden an absolute disaster. >> over the state capital where a rally is set by criminal justice reform, this comes vic three to the golden state fast food workers. advocates are calling on lawmakers to extend the $20 minimum wage statewide so that no workers left earning below a livable wage. the rally begins today at 11:45. good news for electric car owners. it just got even easier to get charge your car in california. as the
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story. >> this is our electric vehicle association. >> this was jerry's pov, showing off the numerous ev's on display at recent birthday celebration. >> there is my 2002 raven 4 ev. you heard that right. the 2002 ev. had skin in the ev game for longer than most people. >> i am kind of an environmental not. >> before more californians switching and card manufacturers. the infrastructure needs are changing substantially. >> a lot of these things are increasing the demand for charging so the supply has to rise to match that and right now, they are actually behind. there is a shortage.
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>> which is why he was thrilled when he heard about a public private partnership develops and will pump up the ev charging up the structure. >> tesla is open to get fast chargers to non-tesla vehicles. governor newsom pulled up to one and a ev to explain more about it. >> this is in an effort to build up the info structure in the state of california that currently totals 105,000 electric vehicle chargers. california natural resources secretary called the mood a game changer. >> exceeded our targets to bring on these much faster than originally anticipated, given this partnership, the future is very bright. >> if you have an electric vehicle and let's say you live in an apartment where they have electric vehicle charging as part of the parking garage or parking lot or whatever parking facilities they have there, then you do rely on the public
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charging stations. >> of the public chargers out there, tips his hat to tesla's infrastructure. >> they are in great shape. they are well-maintained, very fast. they have a lot of them in many locations. >> an important step as telephone yes urges towards and even future. >> having more charges available is a great thing. >> has a plan in place to phase out the sale of new gasoline only vehicles by 2035. the process begins in 2026 with a mandate that 35% of new cars sold must be electric or plug-in hybrids. california's high-speed rail project between san francisco and los angeles is in need of another 100 billion dollars to reach completion. it was originally said to cost about 40 billion. the projects ceo released an update. just the trains a segment between
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bakersfield could cost up to $35 billion to finish. the ceo is asking for federal funds to help fill the funding gap. in las vegas, construction started on what will be the fastest train line in the country. elise preston has that plus a look back on what was once the train of the future. >> the high-speed railing will connect vegas with existing dream services in the eastern suburbs of los angeles. the developers had it would take about two hours to go each way. that is at least twice as fast as driving from l.a. to vegas. the all new electric train will get 186 miles per hour. >> an estimated 10 million people will one day ride this comfortably on a new train. >> this $12 million high-speed system is expect to create 35,000 jobs. the goal is to
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start renting trains by 2028 when the summer olympics return to los angeles. >> and san francisco's bay area, used to be that future public transportation. >> these are the amenities that give people a new time. >> plans to always work out. the last original cars retired. in 1972, and made its debut as a spay trade system. outfitted with gold, bolstered seats, and the promise of a train every 90 seconds. but after more than five decades with low ridership, rise in crime and agent cars, upgraded and rolled out a brand-new fleet , helping californians connect. >> the cloth seats were a it was.
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it's so. great to have bart. it really does. connect. so many of our communities. and you can get anywhere in the bay not anywhere but relatively speaking. a lot of places and i wish it was. i wish more people use >anc1 mic>it. to the bridge. our series. is on our website. k p i you can see all of our stories we drill. down about what? this the entire bay area would be. like without. bart. and also the future of art as they try to get more writers. on >anc2 mic>the train. all right, guys. time now. 54. new rules. could impact some pa choice. prah. the change that are coming and how it will impact you. at the dinner table. >anc1 mic>plus, we've all seen change on the sidewalk. but not like this. wait until you hear what some people found on the streets of san francisco. he was a live look. outside. open up your windows. before we head to break. good morning. to you. who are crossing the golden gate. bridge. into san francisco. this morning. we hope you have a great week on tap. it's 5. we'll be right ba
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(♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions
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like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now— fryday. fryday. fryday. —tuesday. —fryday. —wednesday. —fryday. —friday? —fryday. get the fries other fries wish they could be. wendy's hot and crispy fries, guaranteed.
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you'll love this! centrum silver is clinically proven to support memory in older adults. so you can keep saying, you mastered it! you fixed it! you nailed it! you did it! with centrum silver, clinically proven to support memory in older adults. >anc2 mic>it. time now for your money watch. report. the usda is setting new limits for salmonella. in poll in the red. takes effect next year. salmonella will be considered an adult. and products like frozen breaded check. and stuff. rogic. chicken if they alex exceeds certain levels. the chicken products won't be allowed. to be so. trade. groups say. it will have limited impact. on public. health and could cause jobs. a
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gold pocket. watch. that was owned by the richest. passenger on the titanic was just sold. for almost 1. 0. 0. that makes it the highest price paid. for a relic from the iconic sunken ship. the 14th. karat gold, waltham. pocket watch. was owned by jacob. astor. the 4th a businessman. who passed a along with the ship. in 19. love this stuff. i mean that bag. that vintage bag with the initials on there. pay $1 0. if i i had it. but i still >anc1 mic>expect music. pete so so i tend to use music >tfxw mic stories here. take a look at some of this money. yet, isn't it? look out.
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again and again. >wxw mic>it was beautiful. it's more than that. are working off this work week. all. throughout the bay. area with clear conditions right now. are live and right. behind. me down. in the senator valley. where later. today we're actually warm. up into the 70s. just like yes. down near los gado. often in san jose. livermore. it's 70. as we head into this afternoon. but hey, if you long the coast a lot cooler. lot breezier as we head into the new oliver of our micro climates. doing their own dance. today. we're expecting cool. breezy. condense and 50s in the forecast. from half moon bay. up pacifica. 60. in this ever francisco and notice how you just crossed the bay bridge. from service go. over into oak. and you could that bay bridge right behind. me with that live cam. too. work. we're expecting. 70s and orient. areas. so oakland the east bay. can be a lot warmer for us as we head into this afternoon, but better yet, let's dive into the rest of this week. and i want to start off actually law. coast for just a smidge long because look at these winds compared to our inland. areas. we're affecting about 20 months. 13. mile per hour.
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close. to 40 mph. now. as we take a look at our data. highs. this also something interesting. to talk. about week too. all of us are expecting normal. no matter where you live in the bay, for example. san warming up into the 80s. just as we had head into our thursday forecast. upper 70s back and forth. as well. enter the next couples, too. and then we dropped into the 6 and the reason why we have a cold front. moving its way. in. heading into our forecast. and that's going to actually increase our chances shot. too. as we head into the week. but still, it's light. as of now. coaster. in 22. to 40%. throughout most of the bay area. let's talk a little bit more about what happened. and for us as we head into the rest of this week. we have 60s and 70s. all throughout the bay. area today. we warm up into the ignorance. inland areas. just win. thursday, similar trend and then we cool down. nicely as we head into this weekend. forecast. if you live close to area like concord, san jose even up in the north bay. to napa, noma that's what you're going to be experiencing, but if you live along the bay shore, relying closer to san
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francisco we're still holding out too. the 60s. as we head into our tuesday forecast warming up with son all throughout the bay area. wednesday and thursday. just called down nice. as we head into this week. with light chances. of showers impacting us saturday. lasting in sunday as of now we're just keeping those cloudy and cool. conditions on our monitor right here. but we could see some changes that we get. closer. we're going to keep you updated on this. rainfall totals. for now. or you do. do. >tfxw mic let's talk about the road. right now. now and we're starting to see the show. a hint of slower. especially at the bay bridge toll plaza. as people get up and out. them, it's 5. 50 so good look. closer to that. time where we see more cars. out there. there and there's a live look. you can see things are kind of stacking up. just a little bit, not quite too badly. quite the overpass. just yet, but those meetings lights are officially on so the game change. when you hit the roads. once so let's get turned on. you might want to think about grabbing that. coffee and out the door. all right, everyone. else. you're probably go if you're right along the peninsula takes you maybe. be towards sf. your taking too. 80. near san hill road. or maybe through loss.
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altos. you have no deal. or issues to deal with. in fact heading into san too. 80 look great. we argue. getting word of slowing. because of a crash south. 8. as you had a fremont things are so down just a little bit. looks like that. trouble spot blocking. at least 1 lane. so it starting to get a little bit busy on parts of the nimitz. reed. >anc1 mic>is 1 of them. the new california? gold rush? but had your neighbors out peaking. on the bench. and around column. searching for treasure. in the city bay. and here is a live look. as we climb. to the top of the salesforce. tower. and check out the golden glow. they're the sons. starting to pop. up we are here. with you. your police station north south. east and >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you.
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>> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed.
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you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand
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prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. >anc2 mic>why you may here a lot of businesses leaving the bay area grill in the heart of downtown san francisco is celebrate. a years. in this it is the oldest continuously run rest. in the state. community member. and local leaders. gathered at the restaurant. and celebration of such a big milestone. >svr right channel>is part of the lord. of san francisco. it is old school. still has boomed. but it doesn't dwell on
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nostalgia. it's still relevant rest. in the culinary scene. even today. 25 year in the 21st cen >anc2 mic>this april. 28th. 98 digital >anc1 mic>day. in san francisco. worth thousands of dollars. dollars. get this the owner of winter coin, shah. hit 11. rare coin. around the city. posting clues. about where to find the concert. some of them are we up to 20. bucks. the goal. really? was to get a lot. of us interested in court. collecting. alex stack. is 1 lucky person found. a hidden coin. >svr right channel>justin yesterday was able to to actually score today. with this. lovely 1877. tree. there definitely were. 22 3. people and everyone's kicking the grass and turn it over. stones and looking at the bed. >anc1 mic>it wasn't it was wet.
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stuff. pretty >tfxw mic good. there. surrounded or something. >anc1 mic>you >>have it. student mentions. going cross. posters, man. at the helm. war. war oceans. ending as a high of that. we have >tfxw mic the 4 k 12 a pop. t series. documented twists. and turns of dating. in the digital age. makes it season premiere. tomorrow. we're gonna to talk live with the host. of catfish. and here is a live look. out. before we head to break you. can see looks. it looks like san fran. is finally waking up. just a bit. of a 57. will have your cast. coming up. and hopefully it will be a bit day. it was nice. weekend for sure will be right. back. >svr right channel>yeah. months later, you met dan yeah. that was great. timing. he's will.
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to let you discover who alive it is. to happy. ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪
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show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®. if you're 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older,
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you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. . >> it's monday, april 29th. >> all right. let's get this week started.


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