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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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dream for me. anti-war protests not just students taking part. why some faculty members showed up today. backyard homes are a quick and easy solution, why one community is facing expensive roadblocks to get them built >> by the time they are, you know, i inform them of the costs up front people are often reluctant to start the process. >> there is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. let's talk bay area housing, cheaper to rent or buy in we looked into it. a question a lot of first time homeowners might ask themselves. clarity at there point in time. the report from bank rate looked at 50 metro areas and found the bay area
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had the biggest gaps between renting and buying. so, in san francisco, oakland, berkeley area, renters pay about $3500 a month. compare that to a mortgage payment of $8500. a similar situation in the south bay, rent is about $3200. mortgage is $8500. bank rate says one of the reasons for the staggering gap is low housing inventory. california has been trying hard to build up the supply. it has been a challenge. so, one of the solutions, so-called backyard homes. or, accessory dwelling units. in recent years they have been removing a lot of the red tape to build them and sell them. in one community, contractors say they are meeting a lot of resistance when it comes to building adus. it is coming from an unlikely
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source. >> reporter: building dwelling units is a steady source of income for this contractor. a new mandate, adding tens of thousands to the price tag is not helping. >> by the time they, i inform them of the costs up front people are often reluctant to even start the process. >> reporter: they require them to have new waterlines and meters for all adus rather than connecting them to the existing lines >> it is frustrating to me. a lot of people are in need for these units to have to tell them they need to pay this amount of money and do this amount of unnecessary work. >> reporter: since they established it in 2016 a statewide set of rules for legalizing dwelling units the number of adus permitted increased by more than 15,000%
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between 2016 and 2020. starting last year, residents trying to build adus had to pull more permits and pay other fees in the thousands. >> they want us to dig into the street to the middle of the street and install a pipe that roughly supplies 10 times the amount of water that we need for the adui install a new water main and a new meter. >> reporter: he says no other jurisdiction in the bay area requires this set up. it is tacking on $15,000 to $20,000 to the cost of constructing an adu. lewis is vice president of public policy on housing for the nonprofit bay area council. >> there are so many agencies in california that don't see solving the housing crisis who are making it worse. this is a good example of one of those situations. >> the water and sanitary district declined oncamera interview requests to explain why the new waterline and meter rules were put into place. >> this is currently uncommon,
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i think, in the bay area. it is a trend that i am seeing and it is a trend that concerns me. >> your feasibility depends on cost. these costs increase, you know, overall to a point it is not worth it to build it. >> reporter: there is growing demand to build more adus in the bay area. getting rid of unnecessary red tape is paramount in making a big dent in the housing crisis. state housing data shows for every adu completed in 2022, roughly three permits were submitted in the previous year, local cities and communities have not kept pace with demand in california. now, to the campus protests over the war in gaza, san francisco state university is the latest school where tents sprouted up. it is not just students taking part. we heard from faculty members that showed up to support free
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speech. >> welcome everybody to the rally with solidarity with gaza. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: the crowd of students jammed mal comx plaza. they were going to have another live in protest. >> free, free palestine. >> reporter: the student demands are now familiar. divest from israel's military, cut ties with universities and recognize the action in gaza as genocide. in the crowd was professor who is part of a newly formed group faculty for justice in palestine lending support to the student movement. >> it is beautiful. i love seeing all of the students and faculty. we have been organizing for a long time together. >> reporter: the faculty group sent a letter saying they they
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take no action to hamper the protest. they refrain from sending the police, retaliation against students and respect their right to protest on campus. still, professor martel is convinced things will stay peaceful. >> the tradition at the university is to have cops destroy everything and arrest everyone. i hope that does not happen. >> reporter: that tradition dates back to 1968. when the police engaged in a bloody clash protesting the school's treatment of people of color. it was a national embarrassment and led to reforms by the university including the establishment of college of ethnic studies. another member of today's group says he hopes it will not happen again, although the images from campuses around the country do feel like what happened before. >> in this moment as we are seeing the examples of countless universities, we felt
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better safe than sorry, come together proactively and say we are asking it not to happen and we are here to support. >> reporter: when the rally ended the protesters assembled their tents, surrounded by a line of students standing hand in hand. they seem convinced there will be an effort to force the students out. the professor would like to believe it will not happen. >> i think it is, nonetheless part of the tradition to how the left gets dealt with, bring in the cops. >> reporter: college campus is been a place for change. if it will be a place where history is learned or simply repeated.. >> the student union at san francisco state supporting the protest, giving free legal advise to student in case they get in trouble. >> supporting the demonstration, it is all on the student unions instagram page, given the increase attention they want to make sure students rights are protected. they have
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a link to a downloadable version of their flyer to hand out at demonstrations. among the tips, do not bring identifying information like business cards or photos of your loved ones. if you don't need your phone leave it at home. bring a face mask or a gas mask and don't wear contact lenses in case they deploy tear gas, hide tattoos, piercings, colored hair and scars and what to say if the police are trying to arrest you and what to do if you end up in jail including avoid leaving your dna on something that can later be swabbed t. gives out numbers for local lawyers and the aclu. i contacted the associated students association to talk about the advise and i never heard back. they posted a series of deescalation tactics like staying away from an agitated person or trying to find common ground. >> that is the key. common ground. if we can have a set of
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rules hopefully it will be peaceful. a lot of people are joining the protests and parents are starting to join to support the students >> as the war goes on you do not see them wrapping up. we will continue to watch it >> yes. appreciate that, anne, thank you. over the weekend anti-war protest ors set up an encampment, it is made up of 20 tents and everything seems peaceful. their main concern is keeping all students and staff safe. and, that is in addition to the growing protest at uc berkeley and stanford, berkeley, a protester told us they are prepared to stay through the summer as long as it takes the school to meet their demands. still ahead, quite the buzz kill. colony of bees, queens and all, missing in oakland. lovely. what happened to them? a full circle moment. meet the giant's newest pitcher who
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grew uprooting for the team. a nice start to the workweek today. the temperatures topped out almost exactly where they are supposed to be this time of the year. from the upper 50s to the middle 70s. we have a warm up heading this week and a rain chance for the first forecast
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we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep!
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there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! . giants wrapped up a winning home stand and getting ready to play was special for the newest pitcher >> bing, here i am. the giants acquired mitch white in a small little trade last week. it was a huge deal to white and his family. the san jose native is now pitching for the team he grew uprooting for. matt lively has the story from 3rd and king street. >> reporter: for just about any kid that grew up in the bay area in the middle 2010s it
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would be tough not to be a giants fan. especially true for the newest pitcher >> to put on the jersey, be in the bullpen, it is different. it is cool. >> reporter: mitch white, creating a full circle moment. >> this is like the child hood dream for me. >> reporter: white grew up a giants fan, emulating stars from the 2010s team. >> all of those guys in the bullpen were sick. lopez, romo, wilson, all of those guys, there are a million. they are cool. >> reporter: they created lifelong memories before he pro playing days >> 2010-2014 was insane. being in high school for that. and even earlier coming over, ply aunt and uncle lived up in the city, we bought a blanket we still have it at home, a $100
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blanket, just freezing in the upper decks, that kind of stuff, it is awesome. >> reporter: telling his family he was coming home has been a highlight. >> they were pumped. my mom was in a yarn store and started screaming. worked out well. they have been at every game so far, i don't expect it to change. it has been nice. >> reporter: familiar faces in the crowd he has hitting coach to lean on. the former giants slugger that won a world series in 2010. >> i did not know mitch, i am really old. but, i know it is a big thing for him. it is big for me even almost at 50 years old, so many people that i know and associate here. i am sure him, in the middle of his career to come home and pitch here. what a great story. happy for him. >> jules, can you imagine mitch white's parents? oh, my gosh, they must be chest out, strutting around, my boy plays
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for the giants >> 100%. does it have brandon crawford feels? >> it is the san jose version of brandon crawford that grew up in pleasanton watching as a kid. here is this guy. how about that? >> gives me the chills. here is a big buzz kill. oakland resident is looking to find out who stole her bees, 30,000 bees were stole friend her yard. she realized it as she was getting ready to host a neighborhood honey tasting. the theft in the community has just gone too far. later tonight at 11:00. lauren toms gives us an update on the case. now to the weather, shall we take a look at this? paul heggen standing by to fill nus on this roller coaster of sorts, is that correct? >> yes. you know, the drop is coming, that will be farther down-the-line. short term, another day of near normal high
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temperatures tomorrow. we will stay dry for the next several days. an area of high pressure way out in the pacific. it will be close enough to effect our weather. in fact, close enough to allow the temperatures to warm up getting closer to the coast. surpressing the development of fog or cloud cover and it helps to warm the temperatures up at ground level. inland readings, up to 80 degrees for the first few days of may. there is the golden gate, about an hour until the sun goes down, probably 45 minutes at this point. on our way down to the 40s across the bay area by early tomorrow morning. it is slightly below average. 2-4 degrees below normal. we will make up for it. clear skies, no cloud cover. we will be on the other side of what is normal for april. temperatures warming up to a degree or two of what is average for the last afternoon of april into the lower 70s in the valley, lower to middle 70s inland in the east bay, the temperatures
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within a degree or two of normal. upper 60s. upper 50s on the coast for half moon bay. your temperature should climb into the 60s beginning on wednesday. one more day in the upper 50s for coastal parts of the bay area. middle to upper 50s in san francisco, oakland, inland, north bay, reaching into the lower 70s by tomorrow afternoon. farther down-the-line. what is the warm up, it kicks in we will see it replaced by a cool and wet weather pattern heading into the weekend. let's take a look at our side by sidelong range forecast. we do this when there is uncertainty with how things are going to play out. giving you a look into the forecasting process. we look at more than two forecast models, it is the challenge that we are facing, pinning down the rain chance for the weekend. american rain chance model, widespread, heavy rainfall in the forecast on saturday. the european forecast model says, yeah, maybe a couple sprinkles, a passing shower late in the day. the american forecast model keeps the rain going into saturday
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evening and saturday night with lingering showers on sunday. so, again, neither of there's is necessarily going to be exactly accurate. not a matter of choosing what one is right. reality will be in between. descent chance of showers considering it is early may. we look at these forecast models running dozens of times with slightly different conditions to give us a sense of the range of possibilities, looking like a good chance of some shower activity. how heavy? that is the part of the forecast the weather prediction rainfall out look for the next several days, falling saturday, saturday night, ranges from a few hundredths to half an inch to the north bay. again, the numbers, not etched in stone. they will continue to evolve over the next several days, if you get rain, hopefully washing the pollen out of the atmosphere. the pollen count will be high. medium high
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category, wednesday, thursday, friday, the three warmest days of the seven-day forecast. let's check out the seven-day forecast. a mix of upper 70s and lower 80s. so, it averages out to 80 degrees. you see that baker's dozen degree temperature drop from friday to saturday. going to the middle to upper 60s on saturday. that is going to feel raw. the temperatures around the bay, up and down as well. not as high up. not as far down compared to where we will be farther inland. a cool weekend for everybody. even if the rain avoids us. i don't think we are going to escape a several day stretch of below average temperatures, beginning over the weekend into the first half of the first full week of may. but, at least the first few days of may, wednesday, thursday, friday, looking mild, soaking up the sunshine. >> soak it up, okay, thank you. it is considered the green noble prize, meet the california woman recognized for her work to clean dirty air. the prime time edition, half moon bay could break
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ground on new housing for senior farmworkers the project details that are giving some - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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. seven ordinary people who took action to protect mother earth were honored today in the ceremony in san francisco. >> reporter: the goldman environmental prize known as the green noble awards was just held at the war memorial opera
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house. it honors grass-roots activists from around the world. one of the winners, a 29-year-old southern californian. born and raised in the inland empire. known for some of the worst air quality in the united states. >> right now the logistics industry almost 100% runs on diesel. it causes asthma, industrial allergies, heart issues, lung issues. >> reporter: persuading the california air resources board to adopt two ground breaking regulations. they significantly limit trucking and rail emissions >> this is all of california, climate change, there is for communities impacted. >> reporter: inspiring us all, that change is possible. >> the goldman prize was founded 35 years ago by the
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late san francisco goldman. each honorary receives $200,000. to read each story, they are incredible and see what they accomplished. go to caught with a strange-looking passenger. this driver is paying for
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. highway commuters don't think about trying this one. they busted a driver who had a plastic dummy in the passenger seat of his car. the chp said they found the driver's fake friend after pulling the driver over for crossing double yellow lines. officers cited the driver for multiple alleged carpool violations. the minimum fine for a carpool violation in california is $490. if you are pregnant that does not count,
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either. if you are thank you for watching. kind my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out,
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or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i apprec


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