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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 14, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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if i hadn't done invisalign i probably would be dreading the wedding photos, which is not how you want to feel going into your wedding day. ♪ ♪ today is tuesday, may 14th. >> wide awake everybody. let's get started. >> i'm looking forward to working with you and with the members of the community to make oakland safer. >> another new police chief in oakland. his first day and the hopes of a community for the year ahead as businesses close and robbery numbers climb. as hard as it is and it's still hard but there's just like this light at the end of the tunnel. oakland gave me my dream and made my dreams come true. >> not all is bad in oakland and in fact, in some ways,
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things are rough. how cell phone data informs where and when the big east bay city makes a bounce-back. this community has become increasingly outspoken and also influential politically. >> roots and resilience. our aapi month stories define the importance of the asian vote in the bay. and artificial intelligence bosses in the bay area today, the talk of keeping technology in the health category and the work to keep it from harm. no ai here. we are for real. for better or for worse. good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan and nice to have you with us. >> i'm max darrow and gianna franco is off today. it's really great to be here again with you. reed. >> nice to be here with you my friend and let's talk about the weather because it's another day of just eww right. >> probably may gray. live outside on this tuesday morning. right now. this is a look from the mark hopkins hotel cam and you can see the fog rolling into the bay area. pretty typical. believe it or not, there's the transamerica pyramid behind the layer of fog there and starting the day off now is jessica burch to tell us all about it. absolutely, good morning to
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everyone waking up with us. right now as we head out the door, yes, it's another day of may gray out there. it's not impacting surface visibility that much right now. over the golden gate bridge or the bay bridge. but we are keeping a close eye on that especially in the next couple of hours. this is going to be on repeat for us the next couple of days. more may gray in sight. a quiet weather pattern for us with cool brisk mornings and all the fog rolling in along the coastal areas and it pulls back along the coast as we head into the afternoon hours. just like yesterday. leaving us with sunny skies all throughout our inland areas and anywhere from concord all the way up into wine country. down into santa clara valley but you know yesterday was still gloomy as can be along the coast and near normal highs in the next couple of days. let's start off with today alone. here's what we expect this afternoon. san francisco today topping off at 60 degrees. upper 50s along the coastline anywhere from half-moon bay up into pacifica. another day of 80s all the way near antioch and so that
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temperature spread is very noticeable. if you live in the east bay, but you commute to san francisco for work, make sure you grab the jacket and it's going to be a little bit teasing of course. when you have all that beautiful warm weather over there and you have to cool down a lot. just within that what? 30, 40 minute drive with or without traffic. once we head down into the santa clara valley, 70s in the forecast for us today. it's a beautiful day to get out there and get some fresh air once this fog starts to pull back. we'll have more on what you can expect for the rest of the week coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, reed. live images from the bay area starting off at the golden gate bridge. for those of you leaving marin county, coming into san francisco, the roads are clear. but it's a little bit foggy both north and southbound lanes not experiencing any delays because of it. so it's a nice smooth drive if you like kind of a moody move over the bridge. and a nice drive coming into san francisco if you are planning to take the bay bridge within the next hour. that will change you know, metering lights, they get turned on and that's where things get gummed up over the next 30 minutes. so we'll see
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those conditions start to develop. so kudos to you. star for you early risers this morning. in the south bay we see a new campus encampment, this one is at san jose state university. protesters there calling for a ceasefire in gaza. message persistent there and at we're bay area campuses and in fact we're told there will be rallies today as regents meet with the california leaders at uc merced for three days on a hot button issue. so let us know what you think of this. should professors and staff be barred from posting their views about the war in gaza on campus websites? with university officials fating criticism by members of congress for not controlling hate speech against jewish students, those officials now feel the pressure to set boundaries on political speech that could appear to represent the university's official stance. that's not the only agenda item today for the regents and also talk something called cal moeny. you might have heard that term. what is it? well, it's a phrase describing ucla's
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divorce from the pac-12 to join the big 10 and a plan for them to write a check to cal for $10 million a year to help cal shore up its athletic department after that sports divorce. max? continue to try and find ways to get into -- people into downtown areas. that are still struggling to recover during the daytime -- the permanence of hybrid work is a major issue. but at night a change for the better that maybe you have noticed. yesterday, we showed you it is still quiet during the workday on weekdays in downtown san francisco but at night a lot of restaurants are seeing solid foot traffic. and cell phone data really does back those two realities up. so this morning, we take you to oakland. here's a live look at the town today. like san francisco, downtown oakland is still a shell of its pre-pandemic self during the daytime. while it is getting busier there's still an absence of people who work there in the work hours. however, different picture of oakland's recovery unveils itself in the evening that
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shows some promise for the town. but it comes with some big ifs. with another day of work at her oakland office complete, monique rans is headed home to san francisco. >> yeah, i have worked downtown almost two years now. >> reporter: like many people who work downtown, she's a hybrid worker and makes the commute a few times a week. >> yep, we're in tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays and then work from home mondays and fridays. >> reporter: her office attendance recently increased up from two to three days a week. >> it's still not the most bustling downtown i have seen as far as cities go. but it seems -- it seems to be getting a little livelier. >> reporter: but it's still pretty slow downtown. with hybrid work the norm, there's still an absence of people during the day that once kept the town busy. >> there's a few restaurants that have closed since i have worked here. yeah. so it does seem like things are not the best for businesses nearby. >> reporter: by using cell phone data to get a complete picture now, rather than just
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office vacancy rates the university of toronto school of cities has been tracking downtown recovery rates for several years. of the cities they track. oakland's downtown is on the slower side when it comes to recovery during the monday to friday working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. it's at about 63% of pre-pandemic levels during the day. but per the cell phone data, downtown activity jumps at night. hovering around 100% of pre-pandemic levels. >> we have 21 on the books today. >> must be a show. you want to check on that at the fox though. >> reporter: which is why chef and his team game planned for what would be a busy night at his restaurant sobre mesa which started to become the norm again as of lately. >> lot of positive energy in oakland right now. let's keep it going. coming out of the hole and coming out strong and just going to keep on going. >> reporter: chef nelson noticed started to pick up a few months ago. >> still not perfect of course. there's still people not enough people walking the streets. but there's an uptick
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slowly. i wish it -- was happening a lot earlier. when people were -- other businesses that were amazing were still around. >> reporter: he believes some of the changes due to investments in making downtown oakland safer though he says more does need to be done. >> definitely has helped commercial in this area having the parking garage outside at 19th street having a program only $5 at a secured lot. after hours. that has made people feel a lot safer. >> reporter: the restaurant business is never easy. but during a time when many have either chosen to or no choice but to leave oakland. chef nelson says he owes it to the town to be part of the comeback. >> as hard as it is. there's this light at the end of the tunnel. oakland gave me my dream and made my dreams come true. i'll always be indebted to the town. that's what keeps me going. they've given me so much, i have to give back. >> i feel like it does get a bit of a bad rap. >> reporter: while she enjoys
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being in downtown oakland, the days she's in the office, monique does see how the permanence of hybrid work creates a major challenge for downtowns as they come back or really come into a new version of themselves. >> i think it does make it tougher for cities with people just commuting in and not staying and frequenting businesses locally as much. aside from work. >> reporter: so when people are downtown, she hopes they'll think to support local businesses first. so they can help move the town forward. >> well, there's more after-hours activity happening in oakland. crime really does remain a serious concern for a lot of folks there. despite his positivity about the town the chef nelson recently dealt with his own share of problems and he has another restaurant and that one was broken into multiple times recently. monique's employer by the way has brought in more security to make people feel safer when they go to and from the office which she thinks has been a good move. oakland prognosis, dr. karen chapel at the
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university of toronto's downtown recovery project says oakland has a unique set of challenges. >> even though our data showed that it has great after-hours activity, i think a lot of that is changing actually in the negative direction. i'm seeing a lot of recent restaurant closures, a lot of store vacancies. i think oakland is going to need a little bit more of a boost to come back. >> but the million dollar question there, where exactly will that boost come from? by the way, reed i did get a text from chef nelson after the break-ins before the story aired today and he said that you know, he was pretty upset. obviously you know, we heard from him yesterday. >> sure. >> but he said it was the community that helped pick him up and he loves this community. he is really hoping to find good solutions so people can continue to thrive once again
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in oakland. >> been one of great joys of my job here at this news station is going into the communities and getting to know people and i have to say oakland has a heart and it's a heart that refuses to stop beating. and really to me, that's the light. that's the fire that you throw gasoline on. and i also love the findings about the cell phone data. i think it's fascinating to see both in san francisco and in oakland. where there's juice, right? >> absolutely. we'll take you to san jose tomorrow morning as well. >> you are keeping the road hot. good job. all right, time right now 5:10 in the morning. we do hear a lot of times from people on the ground that crime is a major concern in oakland. businesses say they struggle because of robberies that max just mentioned. but enter a new police chief working under a da and a mayor both facing recall attempts. tricky waters for the new guy and the hopes of those who need his help straight ahead. plus the power of the asian vote in san francisco. coming up the accomplishments of a group that felt unheard and where they will go from here to get their voices heard. and on this tuesday morning, let's take you live outside. here's a view of san
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francisco from treasure island. you can see the top of the bay bridge right there. not totally shrouded by fog just yet. but a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet!
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can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at all right, good morning, to you. it's 5:14 and looking live at oakland this morning. another day of introductions for oakland's newest top cop. we're talking of course about floyd mitchell starting his daddocking to oakland's newest officers he will lead. here's
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what he told them about law enforcement and its role in his life. >> it's given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people and to see really truly what -- human nature and what the impact we have own human nature as law enforcement officers. >> mitchell knows the honeymoon phase will be short lived and he has a tall order to reduce crime and increase the sense of safety in oakland. here's his first message to a public that's anxious for change. >> i'm looking forward toworking with you and with the members of the community to make oakland safer. >> there's another reality here. get this. the mayor and the county's da both face losing their jobs if recall campaigns are successful. we talked to those who hope to work closely with the new chief whose job could last longer than the mayor and the county's top prosecutor. >> unfortunately, you know, so -- our situation is so needed of him. especially our business community. so he has to hit the
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ground running. >> i say one guy with a proper attitude will always make a difference. always takes that one guy. >> he says he hopes that one guy is the new chief. even though robberies are still up by 6% this year, overall, crime is down in oakland compared to the huge spike in oakland we saw last year. max? bring you live outside this morning with a look from mount diablo on the tuesday morning. it is shaping up to be a fairly pleasant day here in the bay area. but let's get over to jessica burch now with how some fires in canada are causing health concerns for many folks a across the united states. >> absolutely. it looks like a foggy day in the video behind me from canada but that's actually just a blanket of smoke and you can barely see the skyline in calgary right now. dozens of active wildfires are burning in alberta and british columbia. sending thick smoke across the border even into the united states. now there's also air quality alerts on both sides of the border in america and in canada. minnesota officials actually issued the state's
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first air quality alert of the year with parts of wisconsin and iowa also facing air quality issues. we're going to continue to keep a close eye on this because this is still developing. and i actually want to start off this morning with showing you the concentrated smoke on our virtual reality -- actually not even on the virtual reality map. just behind me you can see the smoke plume that pm 2.5 level continuing to billow its way just into the states. we're keeping a close eye on this especially in the morning hours for all the loved ones and family and friends over there. now back here in the bay area, we do have a blanket of fog. this is not smoke, this is just that may gray. that thin marine layer that's kind of thicker along our coastline. but it's just kind of floating its way down into the inland areas like the east bay down into the santa clara valley too. this is a very staple piece for us here in san francisco. and all throughout the bay area for that matter. and as we head into the next couple of days we'll see a similar trend in the morning hours. it pulls back just around lunchtime along our coastline. but cloudy skies along the coast, splitting the peninsula in half. and then leaving us with
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sunny skies once again into the afternoon hours. allowing us to actually warm up into the 80s and 70s for our daytime highs. that's going to be a beautiful setup for us as we head into this afternoon. high pressure sitting just offshore and it's not moving too much. so we're really not going to see too much of a change in our weather patterns. as we head into the next couple of days but better than that let me show you for today. 75 today in november toe and 73 santa rosa and heading off into the east bay, once again in the 80s all the way over into antioch. for our friends who live along the coastline, we know the drills during this time of year. 50s, cool, cloudy. a little bit breezy. that's exactly what it's going to look like for us today. we'll see that again tomorrow. and the day after that too. down into the santa clara valley we go, 77 for our daytime highs near san jose. this is what we're waking up to just above me i have the live cam from san jose. kind of showing that blanket of clouds just hovering over us. through the next seven days this weekend's forecast, we do have some promising sunshine in the
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afternoon hours. but it's still partly cloudy throughout those morning and late morning hours. now as we head all the way over into the bay it's a similar trend. continue to open coo you updated but for now over to you, reed. thank you so much. a look at the drive time at 5:18 in the morning. first of all overview look at the roadway conditions right now. as you see right there pretty quiet. a lot of you will have no issues as you plan to head out the door within the next few minutes. going to be a good tuesday everybody. one of the main trouble spots at the moment, for our friends over the altamont pass. this is by and large a typical hotspot for those of you who come out of tracy every morning. but we add to that reality that the chp is reporting a crash. it's blocked two lanes eastbound 580. not affecting your drive thankfully but just give the chp the room they need to work on that. westbound drivers, you will experience bumper-to-bumper traffic so be patient as you make your way into the bay area. in san francisco, construction is officially under way on a project aimed to make so ma safer and more accessible to cyclists and
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pedestrians. folsom street will undergo major renovations between 2nd and 11th streets and same type of work also planned on howard between 4th and 11th. city crews will be adding protected bike lanes with planters separating them from the roads. they'll also put in raised crosswalks and a dedicated public transit lane. officials expect the construction to finish in 2026 and for howard street they plan to break ground next year. the goal of finishing in 2027. all right, time right now 5:19 in the morning. think everybody in las vegas wants the a's? think again everybody. the major effort to stop the team and how a loss in court forces a change in plans for the a's' opposition. and here's live look outside on this tuesday morning. from the mark hopkins camera right there. you can see a little bit of the san francisco skyline shrouded by the fog and may gray expected to be seen today. when we come back, we've got some sports to go over. stick around.
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tournament, we're expecting an even bigger drive. and the player right here behind me, many of us are waiting to see play. indiana fever's caitlin clark will make her first start today against the connecticut sun. ahead of the game the sun announced their home opener -- against clark is a sellout. take a listen to what clark said she's excited about this year. >> i'm excited to experience it for the first time and it will be cool and special for me to go around to all the you know, wnba arenas for the first time and experience each one. it's special like throughout my college years to kind of check the box of playing there. and that's what it's going to be to start my career. so. >> clark was the number one pick of the draft this year. for good reason. she broke all-time scoring records coming out of the last year in college. to baseball this morning. the a's were in houston last night. but some of the attention was caught off the field. that's a's broadcaster to the right with her daughter and making her play-by-play day due for the astros is on the
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left. morales already been in front of the camera for the astros telecast since 2013 but this was the first time two teams playing against each other had all female play-by-play announcers. the a's lost the game 9-2. >> pretty great to see people breaking barriers. let's talk about what's going on in las vegas. as it relates to the a's. not everybody in nevada wants to see the a's move to sin city. really. there's a big and very influential group who hates seeing any public money pay for any portion of that a's new vegas stadium and in fact they've been fighting it in court all the way to the supreme court in nevada. well, here's a headline. yesterday they had a loss in the effort to take the issue to voters because they felt like the public would say no. but the nevada state supreme court struck down a ballot referendum that would have allowed the voters to decide whether to use $380 million of taxpayer money to build the ballpark. schools over stadiums got the bad news yesterday but they're not giving up. they'll fight on
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and plan to refile the petition next year to get this back on the 2026 ballot. here's what you need to know here in the bay area. nevada's education system is notoriously underfunded. and so teachers who have to buy their own materials in classrooms have packed crowded classrooms, hiring problems within the clark county school district, that's in the southern part of the state of nevada. they say we're already cash-strapped enough. why are we building a stadium and that's why they're getting organized. >> absolutely reed. this is just again seems like every time we get an update, there's some kind of hitch. this is the least smooth process that i have seen. in a long time. >> right. well, look, we saw the raiders move to las vegas. we saw the golden knights rise in las vegas. we've seen this before. both max and i worked in las vegas. it was a lot smoother than this one. for some reason, this one whether it's the educators who say no way, whether it's what's going on at the tropicana and stay informed on that. one to watch. not as easy and seamless and i don't think the a's are going to have the welcoming committee that maybe the raiders or
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golden knights have. >> we may have a few years until we see that though. all righty a live look at san francisco on this tuesday morning. the giants they host thedodgers again tonight. whennen on the bump to face gavin stone. the giants are looking to bounce back after yesterday's less than stellar start to the series. the outfielder goes yard after high curve left hanging from dodgers' no, ma'am moe toe. l. a. would tie it in the 7th. this game is going to extra innings and think we know how this one ends. will smith doubles to center field and he puts his team up two. l. a. hangs on and defeats the giants, 6-4. >> that one hurts. time right now 5:27. welcome to our visitors, talking ai safety in the bay. what they think the very real risks are for the world of artificial intelligence. and it's been a source of
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frustration for neighbors in half-moon bay. the political pressure mounting to
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site,
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muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. i love the great outdoors... shivering, fever, and upset stomach. [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong! it's 5:30 in the morning and good morning to you once again. the bay area delivering kind of a soupy skyline there. just a perfect day to get that steamy latte. maybe a london
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fog right jess? >> ooh my gosh i still need to go grab one. i think starbucks makes them though. a quick look at what's going on outside on this foggy morning here in the city and all throughout the bay area, waking up down into the santa clara valley, we have such a beautiful sunrise. if only we could see it. we're underneath this marine layer right now. all throughout the bay. and as we head out the door, it is may gray in full force. that's our first big weather headline right now. it's cool and it's cloudy right now as we wake up and head out the door. and to add to that we're going to continue to see daytime highs warming up into the 70s and 80s throughout our inland areas. but it's still city staying chilly and cool and breezy along the coastline into the afternoon hours with 60s and 50s in sight for us around the corner. so it's a quiet weather pattern as we head into this week's forecast. we'll continue to see may gray stick around for us as we head into the next couple of days and to add to that into the afternoon hours, just like yesterday, that may gray starts to dissipate and we're left with sunnier skies all throughout the inland areas and it's still staying cool and cloudy along the coast. taking a look
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at the pollen count we're remaining in the mild category right now. high pressure is sitting just offshore. we're not seeing any rainstorms come in anytime soon to give us a big washout event. so for the most part, things are staying pretty stagnant as we head into our forecast this week. 60s near san francisco as we head into this afternoon. we have 70s in the forecast for us all the way into redwood city. continuing to run just along 101 down into the santa clara valley. we'll hit the upper 70s this afternoon. and that marine layer and that cloud layer actually is going to start pulling back along the san jose close to around actually around 10:00 this morning. so it's going to look a lot different as we head into the next couple of hours and time that out for you more coming up though in just a bit. for now over to you, reed. let's get the friends out and object to the roadways. it's 5:32 right on the nose and conditions in the east bay from the san mateo bridge camera right there. more of you are headed westbound on the 92. you see the brake lights once you approach the upper deck as traffic after the toll plaza pretty much remains open. good morning to all of you.
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approaches 880 is also clear and so your drive over to highway 101 looks at least for this time little bit of a breeze. a live look right now for the drivers going over the richmond-san rafael bridge. it's always kind of sleepy in the shot -- a few cars so often they're appearing to make their way to the westbound 580 easily although clear conditions for eastbound commuters. max? it's the talk of the town in half-moon bay. ahead of the vote tonight that's put the city in the spotlight. even california governor gavin newsom is closely watching what happens the controversial farm worker housing project. the deadly mass shooting last year exposed the poor living conditions of farm worsers in the coastal city and photos showed some people were housed in storage sheds. with no running water. half-moon bay has been under pressure to build more affordable housing ever since. governor newsom is threatening the city with legal action even for delaying the approval of the housing project. the 40 unit project would be built in downtown half-moon bay on kelly avenue. here's a look at that. and different map there on the
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screen but that's okay. that would be near downtown. the hearings that will -- have happened and have had some public comment over whether the project is the right fit for downtown half-moon bay. so our len ramirez spoke to locals about the debate that's now under scrutiny by the state. >> reporter: the project to turn this property at 555 kelly avenue in half-moon bay into a 40 unit housing complex for retired farm workers has become a source soft frustration for neighbors like jeanette chang. >> this is getting railroaded and passed through because of the urgency. and because of what happened here a year and a half ago. and what they're proposing on that piece of land there i think is too big. >> reporter: disagreements over the size of the project and parking have caused delays and a postponement of a vote to approve the project by the city's planning commission. >> i need to spend a little more time thinking through this. >> reporter: but now the political pressure on half-moon
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bay to act just got worse. governor gavin newsom issued a statement saying quote, last year a deadly shooting brought to light the squall of living conditions of farm workers in half-moon bay. rather than do the right thing and approve badly needed housing for the workers who feed us, a 40 unit complex for low income seniors is being stalled by local officials. new n gladded the state could take legal steps to hold the city accountable. state senator josh beck who are represents the area says this about the need to move forward. >> all see now the conditions some farm workers have been living in. i have worked to secure a $3.2 million from the state along with the assembly member mark berman and we need housing built. really hopeful that the community can come together and find a project that everyone can agree on. >> reporter: pierre beatty also lives near the proposed site in half-moon bay and says this project is one of many that have faced delays. >> well, there's always been a
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problem with getting stuff done in this town. money, politics, some of the locals have told me that they're concerned about parking and traffic and noise. and this and that. but, you know, you get that everywhere. i don't think it's a problem. >> reporter: the city's planning commission will once again take up the housing issue at a meeting on tuesday night. >> today, governor newsom will provide an update on the effort to transform the state's mental health care system. the goal accelerate support for seriously ill and homeless californians. on friday he acknowledged the close call barely passed has put ad and light on the challenges the state is facing. around 2,000 registered nurses in san francisco could go on strike. today is the first day the san francisco department of public health nurses will vote to authorize the strike. this is due to a short staffing crisis leaving nurses burned out and underpaid. reed? well, members of san jose's buddhist community are
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hurting after a fire ripped through parts of their temple. four who live at the meeting space near 680 and alum rock escaped after the fire started before 6:00 last night. they are without a home though this morning while fire investigators today work to find a cause. dead willly collapse in baltimore and another day of explosions to try to take down the bridge and open up the crucial waterways. watch. that's just one of more than a dozen small blasts breaking apart the large chunk of the bridge that's still resting on top of the cargo ship that crashed into it more than a month and a half ago. those waterways have stopped essentially some pretty crucial deliveries to many shipping ports on the east coast. demolitions clear that so business on the water can continue. we do have an update this morning on the hush money case against former president donald trump. trump's former attorney michael cohen testified yesterday but today, he will get a grilling from trump's
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defense team. the jury hearing cohen's testimony yesterday about his involvement in payments to two women to stay quiet about alleged sexual encounters. donald trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records but says he's innocent. he faces the possibility of jail time if the jury decides he's guilty. sentencing though would be up to the judge. well, just as ukraine's president zelenskyy fires a top bodyguard over a reported assassination attempt, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in kyiv for a surprise visit. blinken delivering word a new u.s. weapons package will help ukraine beats back invading russians. back here at home researchers confirm to cbs news bay area that they've put a climate experiment on pause that began about a month ago in alameda on the uss hornet. the first experiment happened on april 2nd with a device that shoots a plume of water and tiny salt droplets across the deck of the aircraft carrier. scientists at the university of
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washington are investigating if one day aerosols like these can reduce global warming by reflecting sunlight back into spac but earlier this month the city of alameda instructed the group to pause the experiment, pending independent safety review. the city says at this time, there's no indication that any of the earlier sprays presented a threat to human health or the environment. results of the review will be made public at the city council meeting on june 4th. for more details on this experiment as well as the meeting agenda, you can head to reed? time right now 5:38 in the morning. it can listen, look and talk. and is it an update of a game changer for san francisco's openai? plus, our proud asian bay area population unites in the world of politics influencing votes at the ballot box. they're causing some pretty important interactions and conversations. those who want the keys
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most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. welcome back. it is 5:42 on this tuesday morning and time now for the money watch report. multiple u.s. airlines are suing the biden administration over a rule that requires airlines to disclose all fees along with their ticket prices up front. they claim the rule exceeds the department of transportation's authority. department of transportation responded in statement saying that it will defend their rule
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to quote, ensure travelers can see the full price of the flight before they purchase a ticket. well a big announcement from a san francisco based artificial intelligence company. as the race the develop ai powered products heats up especially here in the bay area. at the openai conference in san francisco yesterday, the technology company announced gpt 4.0. what is it? apparently a new model with the ability to interact with live speech and it listens to you. instead of just transcribing the speech first which apparently cuts down on some response time. brings a lot of concerns about ai and businesses were there to address the concerns at the conference. >> our team has been hard at work finding out how to build mitigations against misuse. we continue to work with different stakeholders out there from government, media, entertainment, all industries. >> by the way the u.s. and china will also hold talks today on how the two countries can work together to safely
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deploy these ai technologies including developing these computer chips. that will be also a talk also i'm sure during election season for sure. >> absolutely. i think so many reasons where we need to -- make ai a little more accessible. just basic understanding of it because it is you know, it's like the wild west and feels that way at least. >> still trying to figure out the car's radio, programming that. ai? well, look at this. two sky divers proved that red bull does give you wings. something that's never been done before. if you watch closely they are about to fly right through smack dab in the middle of london's famous tower bridge. there you go. >> that's quite a feat. this -- austrian free fall duo trained for a year for the flight. you just watched the whole thing basically by the way. a year went into this. part of the training included flying between two cranes set up to match the dimensions of the tower bridge. >> oh, yeah. >> finally.
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>> a well deserved celebration right there. that's a hug of a lifetime. the feat took only about 45 seconds. what a moment though. wow. they practiced the jump about 200 times to figure out what the best height was to leap from. >> you know, jess, what they were really working on and all of their training was to make sure that london bridge didn't fall down. >> i was waiting for that dad joke. it had to be you that said it too. [ laughter ] that was a good one. that was so awesome i love watching all the red bull videos and gets addicting just scrolling and seeing all the amazing feats. well, back here in the bay let's take quick look at what's going on all throughout the bay area. we are waking up to that may gray and oh my gosh it's sticking around for quite some time as we head into in week. start off with the weather -- you know what? that wasn't the button i was going for but we'll go with this. a quick look at what's happening for the daytime highs today. 60s in the forecast for us later into this afternoon. near san francisco. this is very similar to what we just had yesterday and the day before. we're going to continue the
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see this repeat this week as high pressure sitting just offshore kind of keeping the weather pattern relatively calm and no complaints. we don't have any big storms coming in or out anytime soon here in the bay area. we just have 70s down into the santa clara valley which right now is covered with a whole bunch of clouds as beautiful sunrise just above it. but later today, that cloud layer will pull back kind of like a blanket just along the coastline. sunnier skies later this afternoon and areas like antioch and concord. just like yesterday, and we are going to continue to see warmer weather up into the inland areas like petaluma and santa rosa into this afternoon. here's what i was wanting to talk about just a second ago but i didn't know the right button to push clearly. high pressure is sitting offshore and it's keeping us relatively calm for the weather pattern this week. we're not seeing too many day-to-day changes if anything, we might get a little bit warmer in certain microclimates by thursday. just by about two degrees or so. then it cools down a little bit more as we head into this weekend with 70s widespread throughout the inland areas and we're also going to see some 60s and 50s along the coast. it's also a little built breezier along the
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coastline too. notice how as i advance the clock the marine layer pulls its way back along the coast just like yesterday. exposing everybody else with beautiful sunshine from napa all the way into concord down into the santa clara valley. and that's going to look very similar as we head in the next seven days. this is that time of year where thing start to get repetitive but that's okay. this is a great opportunity to get out there and stretch the legs and get some fresh air and find a new outdoor activity whether it's mountain biking or heading out along the coast. no matter what you do beautiful conditions in the next couple of days and we have to get through the cloudy cool mornings first. reed? i just say cue up a play list that's down right moodiment lot os green on the roadways as we check traffic right now at 5:46 this morning. lot of you are waking up on a tuesday morning to see there's really no need to rush. at least just yet. as traffic begins to pick up within the next 30 minutes. main hotspot we have reported is for all of the friends over at the altamont pass. westbound 580, drivers are conspiraciing kind of the worst of the drive right now for the morning. chp still working earlier accident for
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eastbound traffic. if you are driving into san francisco, look at this. metering lights have been turned on at the bay bridge. and that's what we see every day is just kind of what we see. slow traffic as you make your way across the bay bridge. looking life at that beautiful san francisco skyline, we know there in san francisco, asian americans make up 33.7% of the population. despite representing one-third of the city the group was never really considered an important part of the political landscape. but that all changed in 2022 when the asian american voting block woke up and decided to flex their muscle at the ballot box. this morning, we're looking at the two issues that sparked this and how politicians have taken notice. this story told by ryan yamamoto. >> when lily ho walks through san francisco's chinatown, she sees power in numbers. >> the aapi community is 38% of
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the population of san francisco. so -- if it's not important, it would be a really big problem. >> reporter: and when hate became part of the problem for the aapi community, it was lily who other community members who became part of the solution. especially during the rise of attacks on elderly asian seniors. >> it was anger. it was frustration. hopelessness. it was -- shock. like -- how can this even happen? >> reporter: at the time, the community felt their concerns were being ignored by then district attorney boudin. >> nobody is representing the victims. >> reporter: they believe was not doing enough to protect them. >> it was outrageous that we were seeing it and thenyling it to happen. >> reporter: in 2022 the power of the asian vote led the charge to recall the former da. and that was just the beginning. because during the same year that same voting
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block of asian americans frustrated with the direction of san francisco's education system. >> actually incited the entire chinese community. >> reporter: sent a clear message by recalling three members of the school board. >> education and public safety were two things that the aapi community rallied behind. what happened was we succeeded in winning historical recalls against four elected officials. >> reporter: hahn li covers both the aapi community and now politics for the sf standard. he says the school board and district attorney recalls changed the political landscape. forcing city hall to take notice. >> this community has become increasingly outspoken and also influential politically. >> reporter: candidates from mayor london breed to those looking to win her seat at city hall, you can easily spot them at asian american functions, courting the asian american vote. and behind the scenes, their campaign teams have become more diverse.
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>> very intentional that they will look for chinese speaking staffers who are familiar with the community to do the community outreach. >> reporter: other candidates are taking it even one step further. >> [ spea king in a global language ] >> for example, like -- who's running for district 3 supervisor which includes chinatown right? he's learning cantonese for years and now in some of the campaign events or political debates he's showing off his cantonese speaking skills. >> reporter: as for lily, helping to organize the aapi vote may be an awakening of her own. this past march, she recently won an elected position on the democratic county's central committee. >> still a lot of voters in the community that aren't engaged and that aren't voting and that aren't registered to vote. >> reporter: inspire today step into the political arena with more work to do to highlight the power of the asian american vote. >> the community recognized that elections are extremely important to those things that they cared about.
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>> reporter: but also to amplify the power of representation. >> so when we say the power of the asian american vote, we should note that considerable power lies within our chinese community. represent 180,000 of the nearly 300,000 residents in san francisco's aapi community. and that power was on display earlier this year and in fact in february, before the lunar new year, mayor breed proposed to put in a homeless center in chinatown. that made headlines because it was right near the north beach border. the mayor got quick backlash from the chinese community and considering it was before lunar new year, and an election year, she backed down. max? let's give you a live look at san jose on this tuesday morning. a new monument is in the works at the city's vietnamese heritage garden. san jose has the largest vietnamese community of any city outside of vietnam. and take a look. this was the ground-breaking ceremony for the new thank you america monument at the garden. it will be life-sized statue of
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two soldiers one american and one south vietnamese in honor of the soldiers who fought side by side in the vietnam war. it was a long time coming for the ground-breaking yesterday. the project was funded back in 2019 but was put on hold during the pandemic. >> san jose is yours and you deserve a place just for you. somewhere with reminders of where you have been and where you have yet to go. >> and the statute is just the start of the big plans for the garden. the space once completed will host performances, educational programs, and other community events as well. and we have all of our aapi stories celebrated on you can watch our hour long aapi heritage month special as well. it's called "roots and resilience." that airs on friday, may 24th at 4:00 p.m. mark your calendars. >> right there with you max, allergies. a little boy fighting cancer got a very special escort to school. showing the power of community. we all need
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8-year-old colby annis a second grader in maine. after two months of fighting for his life with brain cancer, colby returned to his school and his classmates in style. look at this. on a city fire truck. >> giving a lucky brave young gentleman a ride to school this morning. he really deserves it a hero's welcome to school. >> he knows that the people out there love him. they praying for him. and -- they're hoping for the best. >> we join you in that hope. mom. his classmates have been counting down the days until his return and look at that. look at the cheers. very special celebration cheering him on in his fight. i love the energy that happens when we cheer for each other. right? >> fantastic and even though he's there in maine we'll send great positivity out to him from california. >> that's right for sure. all righty, this tuesday morning our bay area cities dealing with different realities in their recovery from the pandemic. latakia to oakland this morning and why the time of day really matters.
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here's a live look outside before we head to break. this is the view from treasure island. we'll be right back. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business.
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thank you for joining us this morning. it is 6:00 in the morning on tuesday, may 14th. >> so let's get started.


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