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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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living there at that time and driven from homes. and can you tell us how they led to the state of israel. >> yes, there is the official british mandate for dividing palestine between jewish and arab states. and at that moment, many of the arab states did not want to have a jewish state present, so that is a part of the issue. once the mandate was declared over the british, they kind of abandoned the mandate. the jewish people at the time, they had to defend themselves against the
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immediate declaration of war by the arab states against the jewish folks and people at the time with the declaration of the state of israel. but you know, we can understand it more as the civil war that happened between the jewish and arab populations at the time with them among them both. there is this story that you would see the massacre that occurred at that moment in april. of 1948. where, you know, innocent civilians were killed. at the same time there was another massacre in may and where innocent jewish civilians were killed. you would see that they did motivate hundreds of thousands of arab palestinians at the time to flee from their
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homes. so it is important to acknowledge the jewish people at that time and that they had just undergone the worst holocaust that we have experienced in recent times. they gave rise to this, you know, this yearning for a jewish home where folks could play refuge and indigenous to the jewish people and the core element. but you know, they also have other branches too. when we would think of the
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treatment. and that territory known as the west bank. but, you know, both of them have their own viewpoints and the restrictions of important historical narratives that are important to both people that we will need to acknowledge and embrace and understand and work through to negotiate and debate. >> yeah, it is definitely a complex issue. but what happens all those years ago that is now influencing what's happening today? >> you know, there is the accords that would try to achieve an autonomous palestinian state. when they would walk away from that and
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that is one of the prime motors of that. the israeli prime ministers was assassinated. while giving some autonomy to creating the palestinian authority. but how it influences today, you know, the palestinian people, of course, it's understandable. it gave rise to winning the immediate state with full rates. so that will influence the way we would see today's violence, not to excuse it at all and led to a more radicalized regime that we have seen with hamas. also led
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to the palestinian authority in itself. there is deep discord the handling of the war as they would see them trying to hold the power, not try to address in the name of securing their power, rather getting them back. we will need to acknowledge the narratives, they are not united about how they have been prosecuted, you know, from the thousands of deaths that have occurred on both sides that they have faced. so you know, it is a complex issue. >> profess, we have to get
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going. we're running out of time, but i do agree. it's a complex relationship that started eight decades ago. thank you for giving us some insight. and thank you very much for joining us. after what their government is calling an assassination attempt. the prime minister was shot five times while greeting the onlookers outside the government meeting. they were arrested immediately. and they underwent hours of surgery with one bullet entering his stomach. he was in his third term as prime minister, against the war on russia. it looks like we are finally getting some debates in the race for the white house. biden and former president trump have actually agreed to square off in a pair of
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televised debates. take a look. >> that will make my day, pal. let's pick the dates. i hear you're free on wednesdays? >> and trump responded with his own social media post. let's get ready to rumble. the first debate would be june 27 in atlanta, hosted by cnn. the debates are not expected to have a live audience and the biden campaign wants moderators to be able to cut the mics when it is not their turn. crews are dealing with the oil spill after smashing into a bridge, pillar in the bay. the roads have been shut down as crews have started containment.
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one person was quickly rescued how much oil has been spilled into the bay so far. >> it was all part of the memorial day. they would play as they were lowered. radios were silenced for 42 seconds. >> in their final obstacles, they served bravely to keep our communities safe. >> there is a national monument to the fallen officers, the names are added every may during national police week. up next through the culture of training and practice.
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helping students connect with themselves. we take a ride where a team was giving
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all month long we're highlighting the history and culture of the communities all around the bay area. >> today, a look at filipino martial arts and its long tradition of honoring the language, history, and culture from the philippines. it is not a very well-known form of martial arts, even among filipinos. >> for those who learn, it will give them a chance to connect with their heritage. shawn chitnis shows us how.
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they were joining a community close to her, reminding her of the time she spent practicing the folk dance. >> that's what i noticed is the footwork pattern was similar to dance. i was like oh, this kind of makes sense to me and i know what i'm doing. >> reporter: five years into martial arts, she has earned that title of guru, continuing to learn and also teaches here. >> the filipinos, we were mixing, matching many different cultures, and they will reflect just that. >> reporter: he has been running the martial arts school in the bay area for almost 15 years. it is not often to find a place focused on this style. and unique in their emphasis on weapons. >> they will come from your own culture and your own ancestors
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or whatnot. and all around our reminders of that culture to help their students appreciate the language and history that will go with this style of fighting. >> and i think for people to have a better understanding of what they identified and with a they want to do themselves. >> and that chance is what will keep them and others going. they are both able to share this piece of their identity with others. >> i feel like it was what i needed in that moment. you can find all the stories on and also watch our hour long aapi heritage month long special, roots and resilience on friday, may 24 at 4:00 p.m. straight ahead in sports. more of the 49ers 2024 schedule
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the fog and the low cloud cover spreading back out over san francisco. and we were ready to go, then realized nope, just looks like a big gray monitor. it's firmly
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shrouded in that cloud cover. we are in a consistent weather pattern that will persist for the next few days. the small changes on the region by region basis, but really not going to notice too much of a difference for the middle of next week. it will be widespread. backing up to the coast with plenty of sunshine for much of the bay area from late morning through the afternoons, but along the coast, the may gray will prevail and temperatures will run very close to normal for this time of the year with more of the same as we would head think the weekend. let's switch perspectives to find a little bit of sunshine. a look out with plenty of sun right now. high temperatures today, anywhere from the 50s to the coast and around 80 degrees. concord got up to 79 degrees and they saw they did hit 80 degrees. upper 70s for san jose. not quite that warm for santa rosa and fremont. but temperatures are in the low 70s, which is normal. as we would head through the rest of the evening and tonight, it's not going to be san francisco that will get the fog. it will be spreading out, pushing far into the inland valleys by
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early tomorrow morning. so like the past several mornings, kind of the gray start to the day, but the fog won't last long inland. and all the way to the coast as we would head towards lunchtime. temperatures tonight will drop down to what's normal for this time of the year at least close to it and slightly above. low to mid-50s for most of us. just the coolest spots, dipping down into the upper 40s. let's check out tomorrow's forecast. high temperatures and those will reach up to, pretty close to what's normal for this time of the year. above normal. you'll get one more day where we will get to around 80 degrees in san jose and in los gatos. temperatures inland in the east bay, flirting with 80 degrees. maybe further into the low 80s. the temperatures in the 70s for fremont and upper 50s for half moon bay and it won't change much. about a degree above average for san francisco and oakland, but very close to what's typical for the middle of the month. and temperatures are cooler because
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they will make their way through the gaps to keep you air-conditioned for free and pretty much everybody will be on an even playing field throughout the rest of the workweek. the winds will pick up once again tomorrow and they will be in the late afternoon and early evening hours. across the board, not changing much in direction during the day tomorrow, but more of a tilt towards the straight westerly winds as we finish the workweek. further down the line, the beta breakers this weekend. pretty much the same forecast that we've seen every morning this week. a cloudy start to the day in san francisco and cool temperatures, good running record. just make sure you are layered up appropriately for the run. we will start with the warmest parts of the bay area after a couple of hours of the morning cloud cover and fog. temperatures are running in the upper 70s for at least the next seven days. not much changed in
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the long range data either and that means they are running in the mid to upper 60s, giving way to the afternoon sunshine. the morning cloud cover is giving way to afternoon cloud cover along the coast. temperatures are not changing much, possibly adding up along the coast, but not much more than a trace and just enough to make you fiddle with the intermitten settings on the early morning hours. >> thanks, paul. a time for what's ahead at 6:00. >> thank you. coming up at 6:00, it's a wake up call on the bay, the feds are taking san francisco to court. accusing the city of dumping an alarming amount of raw sewage into our local water ways. i got a close up look at the health concerns for the people who live right there along the area and along that creek where all that sewage will end up. and plus it is a lot of effort to get away with absolutely nothing. a concord business owner, wondering why these suspects went to all the trouble to ram his storefront and he wasn't the only one
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hit. all right, the news at 6:00 coming up in ten minutes. but let's get to vern in sports. we've got the nfl up top and the 49ers. you've got to love nfl marketing. here we are in may as they will start trickling out, hosting aaron rodgers and the jets. and that is week seven. the niners will have six right here. the niners will host the cowboys and play at buffalo, both on sunday night football. it will be against the lions on monday night football, december 30. the giants that will close out the game series tonight, time for them to put a stop to a
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five-game losing stretch. he hopes to return later this week. shohei ohtani hit his first home run as they won 10-2. is tonight the night for san francisco moving pictures on the late show? golf, tiger woods, on the eve of the pga championship. this will be the first time we'll see him compete since finishing 50th last month. scottie scheffler is the person to win. his wife gave birth to their first son earlier this week. by the way former player max holma gave him some sound parenting advice. >> be really nice to your wife. find a thing that you are good at to help as best as you can,
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watch your back. it's a real thing. i'm sure he'll be giving me advice soon because he's so good at everything. >> that's a guy who knows what he's talking about. de la salle is going across the bond on october 8. the spartans are going to play in london against the team of european all stars. try to field them during spring training. now the point is to field it cleanly, but what happened here? they open up in june. coach snow hit them. >> that's the first one, but i've got the next two and i
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hit them right at you. but in your range, it is a little suspect. >> and you made me lung to my right. i almost picked it. well, almost. >> maybe they would have the ball and maybe it will be a celebrity at that point to fill in. >> and that i can do. >> you know how to do that really well. >> so conditioning, flexibility, more conditioning, then more conditioning. that's my checklist moving forward. >> you kept them in check too? >> that's right. >> you've got something that they don't have though, style. >> i love that. still ahead here - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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well a big addiction coming to the cove. >> we spoke to the giants fans about the change. >> baseball on the water, only in san francisco. fans say a new change to their viewing experience is not only making it more enjoyable to watch from some of the unique seeds, but safer to watch from the water. every mlb season for 58 games would paddle out to the cove and will come back empty
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handed. and the two times they will usually retrieve the splash hit are addicted. >> you don't realize this and then two seconds later, it is holy crap and it is only so many of them. the only way you could become a number is to get a splash hit. >> reporter: it is not just about chasing that goal. his time on the water has helped him conquer a history of depression. >> when i hop on that cove, i don't know if there is any worries today, then it's gone for the three to four hours. >> reporter: for seven seasons, mark has patiently listened to the radio, taking guidance on each left-handed batter. but thanks to an investment from the giants that reportedly cost $100,000. he now has a 12-foot screen to watch from the water. >> and we're not used to it yet. not knowing or seeing it
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that we are all excited. and it was like yeah. that it will change quick. he says that the new screen is taking them into the modern era. >> and it is kind of like a black and white tv at home in 1965. i couldn't live without it. >> it is expected to attract more for a splash hit. >> and what is happening is the more casual fan that doesn't bring the radio that they are watching the tv and it is an early warning system. >> and a splash hit from the left-handed japanese player and dodgers. >> and we are all giants fans. if it goes out there, we have
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no control and if that will go to the cove, then we want it. >> keeping them out on the cove. and standing 12 feet by seven feet, this is what it is all about, but they tell me that they have become like the second home. the excitement for these don't stop here that they are investing in the ramp down on pier 48 to make it easier for them to paddle their way into the cove to keep doing what they love most. thank you so much, it is a wastewater wakeup call, taking san francisco to court over the alarming amount of raw sewage spilling into the bay. >> you better take a shower afterwards. >> it is the dirty side to that life on the water. >> and everything will get dumped out. >> i got an upclose look.


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