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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 17, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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f0 now at 11:00. >> open corruption. a billion dollars. >> he says he's not running for president, but what happened today at the vatican is making people wonder if he has his sights on the white house. plus it's a type of pollution we often overlook, and this man's solution is basically a giant vacuum cleaner. >> almost instant gratification. >> how he's using it here on the bay area on a mission against emissions. and this silicon valley home is as big as a garage. but wait until you hear the price. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. and good evening, i'm
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juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. you know, governor gavin newsom has been insisting that he does not have his eyes on the white house. but for the first time in the past two years, he's been taking out billboards and putting out ads in other states. these in particular slamming restrictions on abortion policies. so in november, he even went head to head in a televised fox news debate with florida governor ron desantis who was running for president at the time. and he's been promoting the state as a global leader on climate change. also making a rare trip to meet with the chinese president xi last fall. and then today, newsom was at the vatican. and as steve large shows us, he took the opportunity on the world stage to take shots at former president trump. >> my name is gavin newsom. i come from a state you may have heard of. california. >> reporter: politics with the pontiff. governor gavin newsom called to the global headquarters of the catholic church for a climate
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conference, touting california's aggressive green energy goals and going all in to blast donald trump. >> open corruption. a billion dollars to pollute our states, to pollute our country, and to pollute this planet. >> reporter: the governor calling out candidate trump over a report he held a mar-a-lago meeting with oil executives asking for massive campaign contributions in exchange for relaxed regulations. >> and he openly asked them for $1 billion to roll back the environmental progress. >> and you're like oh my god that's partisan pandering, no, it's campaigning. >> reporter: congressional democrats have launched an investigation. >> it's also kind of insane that the man who can't, who still is more than 60 days late in providing any state of the state report to the public flies all the way to italy to
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talk about climate change. >> it doesn't end the speculation about his political future. >> reporter: political professor david mccewan says newsom wants to be seen as a leader on the world stage. he flew to israel after the october 7th attack and met chinese president xi over climate concerns. >> he's playing a prominent role beyond the borders of california to stay relevant. >> reporter: governor newsom's ambitions and policies, now even preaching his politics at the vatican. >> the polluted heart of the climate crisis are the fossil fuel companies. >> so the professor says newsom was painting climate change as a moral issue at the vatican, something that pope francis has also expressed. when it comes to cutting down on pollution, there's a type of pollution that's often overlooked, but has a huge impact. emissions from ports. but one man on a mission to
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fight climate change is making waves at the port of oakland and beyond with a device that's basically a giant vacuum cleaner. >> reporter: for more than two decades, mike walker worked his way to the top of the tech world, earning a mid-six figure salary as the ceo of several successful start ups. but even though he was living the dream, something was missing. >> it's super important to find the reason you want to do something. >> reporter: his latest venture, stacks, might just be the holy grail of business. making money out of thin air while also saving the planet. for the last couple of years, mike and his team have been on a mission against emissions. his company builds green barges like this one that essentially serve as giant vacuum cleaners,
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capturing exhaust from container ships while they're berthed as port. >> this is our boom. it's 245 feet. it extends itself up and over the vessel where a long elephant-like trunk comes down, and we put that over the top of the stack. that's where the emissions are gathered. >> reporter: a 2020 study done in spain showed 265,000 premature deaths were attributed to global shipping emissions. state regulations require vessels to plug into an electrical grid known as shore power, which allows ships to turn off their engines while at berth. but that's not always possible. >> any given year we see over 8,000 vessel visits. >> reporter: angela is the air resources supervisor at the california air and resources board. she says the problem is many of the ships are too old and don't have the infrastructure to connect to a
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power grid. >> we do see as a very good alternative for vessels to use it if they don't want to invest in shore power. >> reporter: today mike and his team are helping a vessel whose electrical outlet is too far to reach. a massive bendable arm is deployed from the barge and hovers over the ship. an engineer then connects it to the smokestack like a giant range hood. within seconds, the black smoke is gone. >> we get to see in very clear terms the smoke going away from being distributed out into the air and being captured into the system. so it's, it's a really, you know, almost instant gratification. >> reporter: sailing towards a sustainable future while trying to keep our planet on course. on to berkeley now. police just cleared out a group of pro palestinian protesters that
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occupied a burned out building near peoples park. they took over the complex yesterday, putting up flags and makeshift barriers to make a statement. [ chanting ] >> but tonight, riot police broke down the doors and end up arresting 12 people occupying the building. they cleared it out, put up new barricades, and a line of protesters have been facing off with police for hours but the crowd has now thinned out. and in alameda county, tonight it's a story of hope and success out of a city that's really had its struggles with crime and violence. tonight, more than 1100 oakland students received a gift to help change the course of their lives. it's expected to be oakland's largest scholarship give away. andrea nakano talked to one young man who will be the first from his family to attend college. >> reporter: these young students are the future of oakland. they are leaders and role models in their community.
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you won't find a more positive and inspirational young man than 17-year-old royal hubbard. >> my mom, auntie, family, my dad. everyone just put their time and work into me, as a community in me. i want to bring it right back to the world. >> reporter: royal is a senior at oakland tech high school and one of the recipients of the oakland promise scholarship. he's 1 of more than 1100 students getting a share of nearly $5 million to help them go to college. for royal, it's a dream come true to be the first in his family to get a college education. >> my dad didn't have much, my mom didn't have much, my family didn't have much. i learned from their mistakes, i'll take their mistakes and drive from it. >> reporter: these students not only receive financial support, but resources such as mentors to guide them in the next chapter of their lives. oakland promise was created in 2016 as a way to reinvest in the city's youth. >> really our students in
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oakland, they are the stars. they are excellent, and they have the opportunity to really change the trajectory of their zip code. >> reporter: royal is going to csu north ridge in the fall to study business and marketing with an emphasis on fashion. he's already had a chance to be a part of new york fashion week and hit the runway. he's on his way to turning his dream into reality, but he also knows his journey is not just about him. >> i don't want to think about it too much because it makes me shed a tear. my little cousins are looking at me, like i have to do this to change their mind set. >> reporter: and royal is creating the path for his family to now follow in his footsteps. still ahead tonight, a storm so powerful it actually blew out the windows of downtown high-rises. the destruction left behind in texas tonight. our weather has been the opposite of that, just a normal, tranquil may weather pattern. the fog rolling back in, and as it did so, we saw
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plenty of droplets accumulating on the mark hopkins hotel camera. little drizzle, especially closer to the coast. and take a look at this, this silicon valley house doesn't even have room for a stove or a full sized fridge, but wait until you hear how much it costs. and then how one south bay city is trying to bring people together all summer. and then one of the latest michelin star spots is the ultimate underdog. we're talking a tiny taco stand.
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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i'm with paul now. now, you have a lot of personal experience with all of this crazy weather that's getting on in texas happening there, and we're seeing a lot of videos out of there too. >> yes, i went to graduate school about 90 miles up the road from houston where all sorts of bad stuff happened this evening. >> yeah, we have video to show you. violent hurricane force winds slammed the city bringing in flash flooding, tornado warnings, knocking out power to thousands of people. then pummeling power transmitters. >> yes, a building just collapsing, the side just torn away. unfortunately we're hearing at least four people were killed in the storm. one died after being hit by a falling crane. >> oh, man. and check this out. the windows of the downtown sky
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scraper were just completely blown out and the side of the building was peppered with damage. two men inside the high-rise described it have as chaos that unfolded and how they may have saved a man's life. take a listen. >> we're in the restroom and hear people screaming and everyone coming toward the restroom. there's dust blowing down from the ceiling tiles. >> a guy had had something fall into his car outside and came in with a gash about eight inches. we had to put a tourniquet on it. >> frightening. and you would think a costco would be the best place to shelter in a storm, but the lights went out with just everyone stuck inside. >> and everyone on their phones. looks like a concert almost if not for the chaos happening outside. >> do you recall that living in the area? >> oh, yeah, i remember waking up in the middle of the night
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hearing a rumble and it was softball sized hail. >> so when you hear us talking about rain and how hot it was, you're like you have nothing to sweat out. >> well, i was an actual storm chaser. but fortunately our weather has been much calmer and remains so throughout the rest of the week. tomorrow and then into the upcoming weekend, just a generally tranquil weather pattern in place. the storm track pushed up well to the north. the temperatures very close to what's normal for this time of year, so let's take a look at the high temperatures that we had across the bay area today. which, in the north bay, we're a mix of a lot of 70s and a few 60s in some of the schooler spots. 63 for san francisco, 67 at oakland. now, along the coast, temperature in half moon bay only up to 62 degrees. only one degree cooler than san francisco. and 62 is actually close to average for this time of year. low to mid-70s for fremont and redwood city. almost up to 80 in livermore, and some of the warmer spots also in the santa clara valley
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up to around 80 degrees in san jose. into the upper 70s for los gados. things shift slightly heading into the next couple of days, but really we'll see the fog still being the dominant feature in our weather pattern throughout the weekend. right now it's just swallowed up the the top of salesforce tower. temperatures in the mid-50s and low 60s in san jose. everyone else has dropped significantly lower than that. the fog is going to spread across the bay into the inland valleys by the morning. gray skies to start the day. plenty of low clouds overhead, but those back up out of the inland valleys pretty quickly, retreating toward the coast by noon. but it may take until after lunchtime for the sun to really emerge, even in san francisco. the sun will be in short supply, especially on friday. temperatures tonight not dropping a lot. low to mid-50s by early tomorrow morning. but temperatures, despite the cloudy start, warm
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up to around normal this time of year. right around 60 degrees along the coast. low to mid-70s down the peninsula, and upper 70s in the santa clara valley. upper 70s and low 80s especially in the eastern part of contra costa county. around 70 for oakland. see the sunshine peeking through early enough to push up to 70. and 70s for the north bay until you go farther north where temperatures warm up to a much greater extend with highs in the mid to upper 80s. the breeze will pick up as it has every afternoon. the gustiest conditions in the mid to late afternoon hours with 25ish mile an hour wind gusts. and the on shore breeze stays with us for the next several days, including sunday. beta breakers happening sunday, so a lot of clouds to start the day. as you get closer to the coast, the
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temperatures are still going to be stuck in the middle portion of the 50s, and you'll be running right into the may gray which really isn't going anywhere. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we start with coastal parts of the bay area, which really aren't going to change much at all over the course of the next several days. just stuck around 60 degrees. plenty of clouds. an occasional glimmer of sunshine, but those are few and far between. a little more sunshine, quite a bit more sunshine breaking through over the bay. start with clouds in the morning, end up with sunshine in the afternoon. temperatures not changing by more than a couple of degrees. upper 60s to near 70 with a baby warm up by next week. high temperatures around 80 monday and tuesday, and then back to near normal temperatures by wednesday and thursday. might be on a cooler note to start memorial day weekend, but that's still a little beyond the scope of the seven-day forecast. >> thanks, paul. so we've been closely
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following ballooning bay area real estate prices, and just yesterday we told you the median home price in santa clara county hit $2 million. so the latest listing in cupertino really drives that point home. the house is less than 400 square feet, roughly the size of a two-car garage. then guess how much it costs. you ready? according to the zillow listing, the house on carmen road is on the market for about $1.7 million. it only has one bedroom, one bathroom. there isn't even room for a full-sized fridge or stove, so no cooking. but as realtors say, it's the potential that's probably driving the price up. it's on a cul-de-sac in a top notch school district and sitting on almost 8,000 square feet of land. san jose's urban vibrancy institute kicked off their summer block party series tonight as they join the number of bay area cities using
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outdoor events to try and lure more people downtown. the mayor and other city leaders joined dozens to enjoy the music, the food, and stalls from businesses. >> it's all about creating a space for people to come out and enjoy downtown. i'd like to see more of it. anything that brings the community together, brings people and vendors out, and the weather is perfect. it's cooperating! >> the mayor says many of the businesses featured in the block parties are able to make their entire month's profit in one night. there will be a new block party in a new location downtown each month through october. and still ahead, you can call it the ultimate underdog story. there are no tasting menus or linen napkins at this spot that just received prestigious, award winning recognition. i'm getting ready to
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purchase a 15 square foot of grass perfect for hosting. hope you can make it. coming up, special night for the niners family. plus, the biggest name in the sport all playing in the pga championship, but it's a golfer eyeing can down his first major title that made the biggest statement in the opening round.
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so if you're looking for something to do this weekend, the contra costa county fair is back in antioch at the event center, and judging from what they are offering this year, it will be pretty much impossible to be bored. >> lots of great family entertainment. cheese carver, camel rides, pony rides, chain saw wood carving. >> i love chain saw wood carving, matt. >> can't get enough. >> all guests under the age of 18 need to be chaperone bid an adult age 25 years or older. so my kid can't run wild. >> poor cameron.
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>> so the fair runs through sunday. all right, come hungry, really hungry. expect the usual fried fair food. just don't eat too much before you get on the gravitron. speaking of food, matt, do you like tacos? >> yeah, not before the gravitron, but i like tacos. >> the first taco stand just got a michelin star. fine dining restaurants like the french laundry are equivalent to that. i'm looking at the video trying to decipher, i mean they've got something to it. that's the grill sizzling at tacos el khalifa de leon. >> i was hoping it would be local. >> but it's in mexico. the chef says the secret is in the
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simplicity of their tacos. they only have a tortilla and red or green sauce. a single taco costs $5, which is high in the area, but customers are lining up to get a bite of that. >> $5 is okay with me. >> i'd pay $10, probably at 2:00 in the morning. come on! i'm younger than you! now we're not talking baseball, but football right now? >> yeah, football is not entirely back, but it was a great night for the 49ers and their fans. seriously, if you were in san jose tonight and grew up loving the ninners, you probably felt like a little kid because of the star power at the fourth annual dwight clark series event. it raises money for the golden heart fund, and it's a chance for the past and present to get together. they got steve young, brock purdy, alex smith, and jeff garcia, and i had a chance to ask
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garcia about the ninner's current quarterback. >> very mature, cool, calm, and collected. some of that joe montana feel to him in the sense of how joe was on the field. the young man plays the game with somewhat of an effortless feel for what he does out there. he's got a composure that's well beyond his 24, 25 years of age that he is. all those things that he does out there are very special, and we hope to have him for a long time. >> garcia three pro bowls here in san francisco. to baseball. a's and astros, that's insane weather outside and inside the stadium in houston, but it cleared up by game time. astros, bottom of the third, loper with his first home run. a six run inning for houston. they won 8-1 to sweep the series. oakland has lost 10 of their last 12. and first round of the pga
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championship. tiger woods won here 24 years ago, but he ended today with back to back bogies leaving him one over par. scheffler took three weeks off because of the birth of his son, but on the first hole she got a 67. and schauffele hoping to win his first major title. he has a three-shot lead. his 62 is tied for the lowest round ever in a major. nba playoffs, anthony edwards and the timber wolves needing a win to force a game 7 against the nuggets. edwards blows by the defender, the two hand slam. he scored 27. minnesota won by 45. 115 to 70. can you believe it? best two words in sports, game 7 coming sunday in denver. all right, back to the
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niners for a moment. >> yeah. >> drae greenlaw was given the dwight clark ahead tonight. it's given to the player that represents the ultimate teammate and ultimate comradery. he walked on the stage with no boot. that's a great sign after an injury. >> that means he's done his rehab. >> yes, he at one point said i'll be ready for the start of the season. he's kind of tapered off that and said he'll let it take his time, but great for niner fans to see him. >> that's the most painful injury. >> i don't even want to think about it. it was brutal. >> we were in vegas, we saw it. all right, the deep sea is full of mysteries and creatures that glow like this squid flash its headlights. scientists just got a rare video of that squid that might make you feel
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this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ so let's talk deep sea, shall we? full of mysteries. creatures that could really give anyone nightmares, and scientists just got some rare footage of a deep sea creature. they ended up seeing a pretty
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disturbing angle. it's pg-13, don't worry. researchers captured this footage of a squid latching onto the camera. and this isn't even the creepy part. they say the squid believed the camera was prey and tried to capture it with its ten at tentacles. and then a head on look. >> i guess it's not teeth, but suckers. >> yeah, suckers. they use that to scare off the prey. show that a million times over before you sleep. >> it's 11:34, sweet dreams. >> then they completely smother it. something to think of the next time you want to order calimari. >> the squid are coming. >> usually we end with something funny. >> the five-year-old that crawled out of bed and is looking behind the couch at mom and dad watching the news probably wishes he stayed in bed. >> go to bed! thanks for
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