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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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and right now in the afternoon edition. breaking news a federal judge has sent david too. pat the 3rd. years. in prison. the 44 year old was convicted of attempting to kidnap former house speaker nancy pelosi. and attacking her husband, paul pelosi, with a hammer. this happened inside the pelosi's san francisco home back in october of 2022. during
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trial testimony to pap admitted he intended to hold the speaker hostage and quote break her kneecaps if she lied to him. a 2nd trial in the state court will start in the coming weeks. also at noon, the number 1 ranked golfer in the world the rest of just hours before the start of round 2. of the pga championships. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto scotty scheffler is now back on the golf course in louisville, kentucky. following that incident that delayed the start of the tournament. and this morning, scheffler was taken to the custody after allegedly injuring a police officer. while trying to drive past the scene of a deadly crash. michael george on the charges that scheffler is now facing. video. from espn shows masters champion scotty scheffler being led to a patrol car in handcuffs early this >>morning. right now he's going to jail, okay? he's going to jail. and it ain't nothing you can do about >>it. he was on his way to the valhalla golf club. when police say he failed to follow an
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officer's orders after a shuttle bus struck and killed a pedestrian e spe. says scheffler drove past a police car and was chased down and taken into custody. >>believe he attempted to explain who he was and why he was trying to get onto the golf course. but i'm not sure that that information quite got to the police >>said in a statement that he was proceeding as directed by officers that it was a chaotic situation and quote. a big misunderstanding of what i thought i was being asked to do i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. the 27 year old golfer was booked for 2nd degree assault of a police officer, third degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals. >>just let it all play out. that's the extent of what we know it. moving pretty fast at this time, but we'll litigate too. the case as it comes. >>begins the day 5 strokes off the lead at the pg hj. championship. well, the president sonoma state announced he is retiring after being placed on administrative leave. this all comes after mike lee sent a controversial
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campus wide email. announcing a deal with pro palestinian protesters on campus without the approval from csu chancellor's included an advisory council for justice in palestine. a boycott of academic research institutions sponsored by israel and calling for a permanent cease fire in gaza. and uc berkeley. police cleared out a group of pro palestinian protesters who occupied by the anti ahead complex. yesterday after an hours long standoff, right police broke down the doors and arrested at least 12 people. the university says they were taken into custody at their some people started hitting officers with a crowbar to san francisco now where the newest trader joe's in san francisco. finally opened for business and a neighborhood that was known as a bit of a food desert employees cut the ribbon at the stories grant opening this morning of fulton and laguna. this is in hayes valley. so neighbors told us they've waited all along. time for an affordable grocery store. but then walking distance. >>i cannot. it could not be more thrilled. i love trader
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joe's. we've never had a big grocery store in this neighborhood. it's tough to get to the grocery store a lot of the time and it's so nice. i live like a block away. >>trader joe says it hired more than 70 employees where its new store, it also continues to promise to donate unsold products to community based on profits. the stores open from 9 a.m. to 9:00 pm every day, also in san francisco. 1000 people dressing crazy costumes will take over the city. the bay to breakers race returns this sunday. i'll be there and that means several street closures. gianna franco has more on what you need to know. wasn thousands of runners will be heading to san francisco on sunday for beta. bay to breakers plan for some delays in street closures. the race starts on the east end of the city near main and howard and travels west, ending over towards the great highway. closures are planned some start as early as saturday night at about 7 the race begins at 8 a.m. on sunday. the rest of the closures. along the course will begin several hours before that, and hopefully wrap up by 4:00 pm howard market new
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montgomery all affected multiple entrances to golden gate park as well. re routes from uni so just a heads up and check that schedule. maybe consider using bart, if you're coming into san francisco. graduation. season and during the time when students are facing a lot of uncertainty about colleges and finances. 1 group of small businesses and san jose stepping up to help pay the bills. despite falling on some tough times themselves, they're giving away scholarships to some very deserving high school graduates. but in a twist one of those recipients decided to pay it forward and give his check away. ramirez has this story. >>the stone. he started so small. but he has grown bigger and bigger every year. it was a small gathering with a big purpose to honor >>11 high school seniors >>with $1000. >>scholarships. >>to >>help them >>jumpstart their >>futures. >>studying at uc davis. scholarships were sponsored by small business owners. many of them along east santa clara street. need to help each other out. but 1 of the recipients
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over felt high schools tyler gordon told the organizer's to give his scholarship money to another student. there is a lot more than i don't think you can benefit. and that's because it's 17. tyler is already a millionaire. i'm trying to figure out what i'm >>trying to do. >>is an international known artist. his distinctive portraits often done in a matter of >>minutes >>are sought after by famous >>athletes. >>celebrities and politicians. his mother, nicole kindle, says his >>talent >>turned on like a switch when he was 10. he woke me up 1 night said he wanted to paint because god he had a dream. god told him he could paint. yeah. and i told him to go back to bed. painting. 10 >>months. >>persisted and became famous as a prodigy and the best selling author. but despite the fame and fortune he remains very humble, partly due to his background as 1 of 5 kids being raised by a single mom and partly because he stutters and was bullied throughout his
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childhood. in fact, he still has a difficult time expressing himself with words. but he wanted to say something about the scholarship. >>it was amazing to recognized by my community. >>community. that has had struggles of its own 1 of the scholarship sponsors is luis munoz, who runs address and tuxedo shop on the santa clara luiz worked to other jobs as a delivery driver and overnight assembly line worker at tesla to keep his small shop opened during covid, but he didn't stop supporting the students because he remembers what it was like when he got scholarships. his senior year at yerba buena high school have received at in my life. one nike back to the community again. and ever since that time since 2018 i being involved with this program, which is really good. i feel happy that i doing something back for the communities nationally. is not just something like that giving me to me but also giving them back to them. the program awards scholarships to students based on an essay and improving grade through high school, not
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their final gp, a founder founder and business leader hemant decide how do we push that child? the college. and help him become more productive. and more educated person in the a society which will help him. and his family in the future. wants to take a gap year >>before >>moving on to >>college >>to work as a full >>time artist >>and support his mom and >>siblings, >>he told me, mom, you do not have to work another day in your life program, known as local community heroes was named for the students. like >>tyler. >>bart. it could easily described the small business owners who keeps sponsoring and giving even during hard times. >>since 2017 the scholarship is raised $55,000 100 percent of the funds go to the students. still ahead here at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area could be the latest fashion trend. how clothing made out of human hair sweeping the runway and challenging our sense of style. plus, just in time for
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the weekend as scenic stretch of highway 1 and finally opened after being shot. down for weeks. >>a beautiful weekend expected ahead of us when it comes to the forecast all time that out for you coming up in just >>a bit. of a live look outside before we head to the break. look at that blue skies and sunshine on friday. we'll be right back.
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well, believe it or not human hair. could be the next big thing. in tackling. issues linked to climate. change is a lot of hair there. one company has come up with a unique invention to mop up spills, using hair and doesn't end there. this afternoon's project earth and mackovic shows us how our locks could be the next fashion. trend. is a quiet move going on. in the fashion world. it's less about what's trendy and more about the material at the root >>of it. >>human >>hair, >>it's sweeping the runway and challenging >>our sense >>style. >>even if it's on here. you don't even want to look at it on the floor. you know you don't even want to touch >>it. zofia cola runs a startup called human material loop. she goes to salons and barbershops. scooping up discarded hair with the help of scientists and engineers. those strands are turned into this sturdy the fibers that gets sewn into
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couture pieces. >>we have developed unity. needed pieces. also woven pieces so that we can really also shockey. this can be an alternative to actually fibers or wool fibers. >>effort is an attempt to reduce the environmental impacts of the fashion >>world. >>massive >>amount. what gallon >>cotton >>shirt compared >>to the human hair method, which uses no >>water. >>from the runway to a sheikh haircut in san francisco. >>i've been cutting hair for about >>20 years wielding the scissors creative stylist lisa >>poma. >>client, philip lamb, but this is no ordinary >>haircut. the hair usually goes to oil spill cleanup maths. >>haircut from phillips head are careful. early collected >>hair is spread >>out and then turned into a hair mat. thanks to a san francisco nonprofit called matter of trust. >>first thing we can do with this is felt that these fibers
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into mats that can go into storm drains and contaminated reservoirs and filter out all the petrochemicals, >>the hair mats were invented by stylist phil mccrory. who will washing the oily here of a client saw a tv report on the 1989. exxon valdez. oil spill in alaska. >>it just clicked for him. wait here. collect soil. oil cut hair every day. my garbage looks like this. it's just all hair. and it could be going to use to set the ball skills. this is an entire ragged hairs b#13. here. we just have long hair. and it's all loose. it's not stuck together at all. you can just pull it apart, >>matter of trust. trust collects >>hair >>for wool and fleece, then uses a special felt ng machine to create incredibly strong hair >>man. and just like that, we have a completed here, matt well, usually put it through once or twice more >>maths. are used to clean up hundreds of oil spills in u. s.
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waters, including the 2007. incident involving the costco bustan cargo ship that accidentally hit the bay bridge and spilled 58,000. gallons of fuel into the bay. the oil industry is 1 of the major contributors to global warming and climate >>change. is good, and it's good cause totally >>awesome, awesome in that, instead of ending up in a landfill, the free hair is the newest sustainable. >>fabric. >>saving water and also cleaning up the environment. one lock at a >>time. >>and hair can hold up to 5 times waiting oil to find out how you can donate your hair or pet for learn how to register. bar to highway 1 near big sur is back open right now. this is new video from caltrans, showing the 1st cars driving earlier this morning. a section of the scenic highway shut down back in march after a storm triggered a landslide. appropriate open. that's 630 this morning, 8 days ahead of schedule. traffic signal has been installed the guy cars through the road, allowing north and southbound lanes to
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alternate. traffic. turning into our 1st alert weather right now, let's give you a live look outside, little bit shaky, little windy out there, but you can see some of the blue skies a little bit of sunshine. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch. >>as we take a look at our weather headlines. we still have made grace sticking around for us as we head into the next couple of days, but mostly in the morning hours into the afternoon skosh it's been beautiful this week. blue skies all throughout our inland areas will continue to see more of the same as we head into the next couple of days. very little changes as we head into this weekend forecast, which is perfect because there's plenty of things happening for us this weekend. if you were considering doing bay to breakers by all means the weather is going to be beautiful. nice and cool in the morning for the run, and then a little bit sunnier into the afternoon hours, will actually hit the 60s for daytime highs. justin san francisco. and if you are considering going over to the contra costa county fair beautiful conditions there. it's actually 1 of the best forecast that we have all throughout the bay area with 70s and 80s, all weekend long over in antioch better yet, let's take a look at those temperatures throughout the bay area as we head into this afternoon. we're expecting 70s,
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all throughout the santa clara valley. a little bit of an onshore wind as we head into the afternoon hours today, i will say that but nothing as bad as just a couple of days ago it max. we'll see about 15 to 20 mile per hour. wind glass close to separate cisco. with 60s in the forecast for us heading into this afternoon. as we stretch all the way up past the golden gate bridge into areas nevado, petaluma in santa rosa. will see 70s and 60s in the forecast for us today, just near napa. it's a mild forecast for us this afternoon, but take a look at what's happening for us as we head into the next 7 days. beautiful weather around the corner for us, really? i'm talking about upper 70s just into sunday with sunny skies. and then 80s with high pressure building its way in from offshore in a monday, we'll hit the 80s lasting into tuesday and wednesday, cooling down just a smidge more as we head into late next week, but notice how there's not a drop of rain in the forecast for us, it remains dry. rice throughout the next 7 days. the climate prediction center showing drier than normal conditions for our region to so beautiful weather to get out there. find a new trail find a new outdoor hobby. this is definitely the week to be doing that.
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>>well still ahead, 2 actors suing the a bay area company claiming and a i stole their voice. the new concerns over the technology and what's being done to protect artists. and remember, you can watch us anytime anywhere in our streaming service, cbs news bay area catch all of our live newscast, news and weather updates throughout the day, you can find us on the free ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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well to voice actors are leading a class. action. lawsuit. against berkeley. based ai. startup. lovo. parallel to company used recordings of their voices to create a i bots a replicate their voices without permission or proper compensation. that suit seeking $5 0 in damages. we reached out for lobo for a statement, but i have not heard back the case is the latest in a growing wave of high stakes lawsuits in which tech companies are accused of misusing content and just this week the ai company. very tone announced a partnership with the agency. a to protect performers names, images and likeness. shawn chitnis spoke to a voice actor based right here in the bay area on the continuing challenges that ai does present.
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>>listen well, well. i'll show you >>how to book. blacktop hoops is a vr video game now available. and that's the voice of joyo photo you here in 1 of the game's players, the full released this week for play on vr headsets comes years in the making well after joy voice to this character. >>record. whether you're recording in person or at home voiceover takes time. >>as a professional voice actor based in the bay area. she's keeping a close eye on the latest developments for all things a. >>i interest interested, excited. a little bit nervous, scared and as someone who has publicly spoken about a i and my concerns, as a voice actor, i knew a lot of those alarm bells will be ringing >>as well. this week's announcement that very tone and c a have created the cia vault to store and protect digital assets caught her attention. she's cautiously optimistic about steps like this to secure any work that uses her >>voice. come in, and they can make sure that their scans
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their recordings. everything is being done. is there's >>the 2 companies say the vote will ensure an artist voice is only used when they wanted to be, and they're getting paid for >>it, okay? >>but voice actors like joy say. a cybersecurity is a growing threat for her line of work, and it's too early to know if anyone can truly store voices safely. there are always legal and ethical concerns with a i n voice work. and now there could be an issue of access. who will be able to use this technology to protect their >>voice? anytime that i see developments in ai, particularly as they relate to voice concerns me for independent artists for those of us who are professional working artists and actors. sorry, dude. i can't hear >>you. joyce says she's fortunate in these uncertain times to keep getting more >>work, >>whether it's in the animated series the sales >>off >>or the independent, hand drawn film, beverly >>bunny murder what murder when was >>the murder beyond the concerns over ai, creating an
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unfair landscape for a voice artist. she also worries about it, moving the craft away from the art of performing >>act. not because we just want to receive a check every now and again. the the check is nice was acting isn't the most lucrative industry and it's not the most lucrative kind of acting per se. we do it because we love the performance. >>well up next. a fight over butter chicken. by this popular just is now the center
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yeah. coming up at 3:00. is 10. mount on campus. over the war. in israel. we look at claims of anti semitism, a bay area schools and the royal school should or shouldn't play. presenting what's going on overseas. that story much more at 3:00. finally at noon, it's creamy. it's delicious. we're talking about, butter chicken, but this popular indian dishes now at the center of a spicy legal battle. two indian restaurant chains are fighting over credit for it in the delhi high court. 1 restaurant chain claims they invented the dish in 1930s, but its rival restaurant says they're the ones who created it, so we'll see how this tasty court battle does play out. well, that's it for the afternoon edition, remember, we're streaming the 24 7 right here on the free cbs news app. our next newscast. at 3:00 when ann makovec we'll see you back here at 5. have
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[ upbeat music ] >> deacon: think how great it would be if you were actually in the wedding. you could be sheila's maid of honor. finn could be my best man.


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