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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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club from cbs news bay area , this is the evening edition. now at 11:00 and we're hitting the streets of san francisco where thousands of others from bay to breakers, and we will have the highlights. >> plus oakland has roughly a $170 million budget deficit residents are concerned cuts to vital programs in the short term will lead to long-term problems. we i mean, it is a
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very stark deficit. >> we are concerned about oakland today . and oakland tomorrow. also how an east bay athlete and his family found purpose following a dramatic health scare and what they're doing to try to help. good evening, i am ryan hackley. >> i moderna connell. a man is in the hospital tonight with life-threatening injuries after being shot by san jose police. investigators say the shooting happened while officers were responding to a call about someone firing a gun in the area of colmar drive this afternoon. sometime after officers got to the scene, and circumstances that remain unknown, the suspect was shot and taken to a nearby hospital. investigators say they did recover a gun that they say belonged to the suspect. no officers were injured. a federal judge has moved to reopen the sentencing of david depape. this is a man convicted of breaking into
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nancy pelosi san francisco house and attacking her husband with a hammer back in 2022. he was sentenced to 30 years in prison two days ago but there was a court error . the judge didn't offered depape a chance to speak during his sentencing. so a new hearing is slated for later this month. demonstrators worried that the city's multimillion dollar budget shortfall will mean cuts to public safety programs. although the city hasn't said how they plan on making up that shortfall, demonstrators tell our da lin that any cut to public safety would set the town back more than any deficit. >> reporter: $177 million, that is the projected budget deficits the mayor and the city administrator are working on plans to close that gap they have not announced anything yet. >> show us the budget! show us the budget! >> reporter: edits of mayor sheng thao say this will worsen public safety. >> worry about oakland today and oakland tomorrow
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>> reporter: a large deficit could result in less police officers in their neighborhood. >> the police officers that are usually here during the busy season are doing overtime so if they cut back , then there's a good chance we won't have those resources. >> reporter: in alameda, the chair of the community alliance, she and neighbors often have to call for officers to open up lanes on lakeshore avenue and nearby streets on recent weekends, large parties along the lake led to drivers double and triple parking. some people double parked on the grass. >> emergency vehicles couldn't get through . reside firetruck get stuck on bellevue . couldn't get through because of all the illegal parking. it was completely backed up. people couldn't leave her come back home. >> reporter: neighbor says of the parking issues have led to confrontations like this. leanne says many city workers have come to address these problems with police escort due to safety concerns. >> i am really worried if we go to the budget deficit and they decide to pool the resources we
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are going to back where we were during the pandemic. >> reporter: she is referring to this mass shooting on lakeshore avenue. while the mayor says she will it has public safety, the concern is she will cut back on police overtime. >> before we were at rock bottom so anything that has to do with security is cut, it does get worse. >> reporter: rampant car break-ins forced him to close his downtown sports bar in march. he says customers stopped, and he ran out of money. >> you pay everybody before you pay yourself. i have to drive uber just to pay my staff. that is how hard it has been. >> reporter: there are no easy solutions and any cuts will hurt the city's progress. >> i don't know how -- it is a very stark budget deficit. >> reporter: others demanded no cuts to homeless programs or mental health services different groups with different priorities say that the mayor has tough decisions ahead.
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>> at the same time, the people behind the effort to recall mayor sheng thao, in order to get the recall on the november ballot. the next step is validation of the signatures. sad news to pass along tonight for raiders fans, jim otte, also known as mr. rader passed away today at the age of 86. he was the first center the never missed a game in his 15 year career . that is 210 consecutive league stars playing through what he estimated was 30 concussions, holding down the raiders offensive line from 1960 to 1974. the raiders made the announcement just a few hours ago, calling him the original raider and saying he was, quote, the foundational piece of a transcendent offensive line that not only prepared the raiders to success on the field but resonated with fans and helped build the raiders persona and mystique.
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well, that is the soundtrack of san francisco remembering one of the legends tonight. the san francisco lesbian friend dance celebrating harvey milk day at harvey milk plaza. would have been 94 today. was shot and killed inside city hall in 1978 but his legacy lives on. >> so many actual friends of harvey milk can continue to be sure that his legacy is not forgotten , used as a beacon of hope for future generations to come. >> reporter: meanwhile, sfo's harvey milk terminal is scheduled to open in june. the other big event happening today in san francisco was the bay to breakers. thousands of people out early this morning for one of the cities most colorful events. max darrow caught up with the participants. >> 10 , nine, eight --
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>> reporter: the sound of the horn officially kicked off another edition of the san francisco tradition, bay to breakers. more than 21,000 people signed up for the seven mile run and fun this year. some participants are competitive runners , majority show up in costumes some crazy, some fun. and there were also some people who chose to show up in nothing at all. >> 113 years, started in 1912. so it is one of the oldest running races in the united states. >> reporter: we caught up with several runners during the unofficial ceremonial tortilla toss that marks the start of the race. we met kathy redden and marie arroyo. >> this is our fourth year, we are chickens. didn't come this year we made it. and here is our newest chicken ! >> reporter: then we met jason, karina, and anaya on abby road. i mean, howard street. >> we are the beatles. >> reporter: batman and robin
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were there, and historically, this batman has really embraced some of the fun that some choose to have during the run. >> the bar is open. the moment we start >> this is great, man. i love it. >> this guy, a first timer really leaned into a unique and creative costume. >> bring out the creativity in people here. what it is like to run in this. we will see if i make it. >> reporter: if he did, he probably would be the first time the man has ever finished bay to breakers. but it wasn't the first time for women's champion, julia vazquez, a competitive runner making her return to bay to breakers. >> was not able to race last year, i was having my bridal shower but it is great to be back i went in 2022 so it is fun. i got to win again. a lot
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of these bigger races, you know, it is pretty intense and people are very serious. it is really fun to have everyone kind of having one out there and also just the people on the sidelines. it is really motivating. it is really fun, of course. >> the classic may great day at the finish line, where runners were greeted with cheers, congratulations, and a nice ocean breeze. for many now, it might be time to ice their knees. still ahead tonight, he is one of the top football recruits in the country and now he is on a mission to help kids struggling with a condition that could have kept him from playing high-level sports. and then hip-hop mogul, p diddy, speaks for the first time since video surfaced him showing him hitting his one-time girlfriend. a shift in political power in san francisco, how the cities asian-american community is getting its voice heard loud and clear. and the first alert forecast, it was gray at the breakers. but from the bay through most of the city it was
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actually sunny and it was mostly for your part of the day, too. what happened to the marine layer? got pushed away today and is staying this way for a few
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we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything!
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check out this rescue footage from the county sheriff's helicopter to a cliff off highway 1 north of jenner this morning. the driver went over the edge in their vehicle. they found the car wreck and then they found the victim over 100 yards away. the victim was in critical condition but they are expected to survive . celebrations continue this aapi month pick san francisco's yerba buena gardens hosted the island by the bay festival. it is an annual event spotlighting various cultures and traditions of the asia pacific islands. bringing together bay area aapi dancers, musicians, speakers, comics, and poets. a celebration of pets at the annual joy abound around town event. the day began in downtown walnut creek with a golden ticket path, pet walk and it continued with the pet wellness festival. proceeds go toward food joe bound rescuing
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pets and finding that feline. to your house. >> the cats are taking that scene in stride. >> [ laughter ] >> can i go home now? you could to see it in his face. an interesting day today in terms of sunshine for the majority but that one little bit there where we were seeing the end of bay to breakers there were some clouds there. let's go to the big ask her and get some perspective on this because no doubt you noticed for your part of the bay, we've got a lot more blue sky then you had over the last few days and that is what we look like today on high-resolution satellite in the afternoon. that is a clear view down to the ocean normally inmate it is all great and it perfectly outlines the coastline. we need a break right now from the marine layer. we will for the next couple of days. there was something we could go back and i will show you what it looked
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like on the future cast . you can see the marine layer building along the coast and we will likely see that again. just that very little narrow ribbon. he will probably get some breaks possibly there. so this has implications for daytime highs you get rid of the marine layer and you turn off that pattern, the numbers go up today it was already like 10 degrees warmer in the north bay said yesterday you are already going to make it up to about 80 through the warmer inland east bay in the mid-70s. watch tuesday, we will advanced this now. tuesday is the warmest day of the week and now it is mid 80s for the north bay and the east bay and you will get up into the low 80s in san jose. after this things will change marine layer will start building and for the second half of the week but a quick review on what is happening here. how is the still playing out? when you look at the regular satellite you don't see a thing. watch what happens when we visualize that same view but now we are looking at the water vapor and all kinds of things start showing up the
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most important one here is that so you got this trough that is digging down the west coast. wouldn't have seen it otherwise because it is is not strong enough to develop a storm or clouds but it is an important feature in terms of why the marine layer got wiped away. think of it as like a squeegee coming down and pushing everything out of the way. you can see on the future cast, there is that patch of clear that trough pushes the marine layer down and we will go monday and tuesday like that and then watch what starts to reappear here when we get into wednesday. the nice new batch of marine layer gray moves in as the pattern changes and the trough moves on you can see by wednesday morning we even got a little bit of the marine layer turning back into the media bay . that pattern will grow with intensity. so much so that by the time you get to saturday, we are going to have enough marine layer it will probably start missing at the coast and it could be great for a good part of the day next week and it is a little too early. it is
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already starting to look like we will be right back into may great for the weekend. but for the next couple of days you do get a nice warm-up. north bay , san jose, going to the mid-80s and for the weekend you are back down to 70 or the mid-60s and the inland bay does the same thing. tuesday, 68 degrees on saturday. okay, back to you. >> thanks, there. class san francisco's next mayor, coming up after the break, we will look at what the candidates are doing to cities large aapi voter bait. on game day, kyle harrison has been showing out for the giants. his brother, bear, hopes to join him in the biggs one day. >> thought about it, for sure. clearly caught up with a former niner who has high praise for qb one. >> all those things that he does out there are very special. we get closer to the season opener and sit down with coach jt snow. >> goi
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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will come back on this sunday night . asian americans make up a third of san francisco's population . despite that, there were perceptions that the group wasn't an important part of the political landscape but that changed in 2022. ryan yamamoto looks at that pivotal year.
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when lily walks through san francisco's chinatown she sees power in numbers . >> the aapi community is 30% of the population of san francisco. so if it is not important it would be a really problem. >> reporter: when hate became part of the problem for the aapi community, it was lily and other community members who became part of the solution. especially during the rise of attacks on elderly asian seniors. >> it was anger, it was frustration. it was carelessness. it was shock. like how can this even happen? >> reporter: at the time the community felt their concerns were being ignored by then district attorney chase a dean. they believe was not doing enough to protect them. >> it was outrageous and we were seeing it and then allowing it to happen. >> reporter: in 2022, the power of the asian folks led the charge to recall the former
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d.a.. and that was just the beginning. because during the same year, the same voting bloc of asian americans frustrated with the direction of san francisco's education system. >> actually insulted the entire chinese community. >> reporter: sent a clear message by recalling three members of the school board. >> education and public safety were two things that the aapi community rally behind. what happened was we succeeded in winning historical recalls against elected officials. click covers both the aapi community and now politics for the sf standard. he says the school board and district attorney recalls changed the political landscape forcing city hall to take notice. >> this community has become increasingly outspoken and also influential politically. >> reporter: candidates from mayor london breed to those looking to win her seat at city hall, you can easily spot them at asian-american functions,
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courting the asian-american boat. behind the scenes, their campaign teams have become more diverse. >> it is very intentional that they look for chinese speaking staffers who are familiar with the community to do the community outreach. >> reporter: other candidates are taking it even one step further. >> for example, running for district three, supervisor which includes chinatown, right? he was learning cantonese for years and now for political debate, he is showing office cantonese speaking skill. >> reporter: hoping to organize the aapi vote may be an awakening of her own. this past march, she recently won an elected position on the democratic county central committee. >> there is still a lot of voters in the aapi committee that aren't engaged, that aren't voting, that aren't registered.
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>> reporter: inspired to step into the political arena with more work to do to highlight the power of the asian-american boat. >> community recognizes that elections are truly important to the things that they cared about. but also to amplify the power of representation. >> the chinese community in the bay area makes up the majority of the aapi voting block, representing more than half of the aapi residence. asian communities will play a big role in that hotly contested race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. parts of san mateo and santa clara county which are 33 and 41% asian-american respectively. be sure to watch our special roots and resilience and aapi celebration friday at 4:00 p.m. on kpix and streaming on
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! i make no excuses, my behavior on that video is inexcusable. >> sean diddy combs hosting this apology video today for his behavior in a los angeles hotel in 2016. the security video first obtained by cnn and released friday shows combs, grabbing, throwing, and kicking his then girlfriend casey venter the video seems to corroborate some of the
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allegations detailed in a now settled civil suit falling venter in november. the l.a. district attorney's office says combs will face charges because of the statute of limitations has expired. in march, department of homeland security agents raided his miami and los angeles homes as part of a federal investigation being handled by a team that deals with human trafficking several pending civil lawsuit accuses combs of sexual abuse allegations he denies. >> looking at this video it would be hard to see why he would ever want to proceed in a civil case particularly because i think there is a good chance that the video would come in as evidence and other civil cases. >> take full response ability for my actions. i am disgusted . i was disgusted then when i did it and i am disgusted now. please casey venter's legal team say after his apology video, quote, no one is swayed by his disingenuous words.
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coming up next, he has been recruited by more than 30 colleges but today, the football star took a field to reach a different kind of goal. if you need an uplift in any way to start your monday, david beck now has you covered on cbs morning and the story of two restaurants, one of whom was willing to do whatever it took to save the others life. everything that happens in my life from here on out, you are a part of it. like all the memories i share with my family, all the experience that they have with my wife and all of that is because of corey. >> and david has an emotional surprise for them. that is tomorrow on
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charity ford park that is the slogan toward a pier in southern california. volunteers hopped on stationary bikes overlooking the pacific, peddling to raise money for cancer research. since the event started in 2013 has raised more than $12 million for cancer charities . over 100 kids came out to san ramon valley high in danville today for a free football camp with one of the best high school athletes in california. marco jones, all-american host the camp as a way to raise money to buy helmets with kids with epilepsy. johnson himself had it when he was a kid and he grew out of it and now he is partnered with an organization that donates helmets and protects kids with epilepsy during seizures. >> now if they see that someone like marco, that everybody knows, oh, i had epilepsy, too. it made me feel a little bit more normal. lee john paul , a four-star recruit other linebacker apply for some of
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the best college football programs in the country. many plans to hold his free skills camp every year. that will do it for us for this sunday night. appreciate you watching, a game day is coming up pier news and weather updates are always coming up on and enjoy your monday because it is supposed to be a beautiful day. tuesday, the warmest day of the week. a very good. >> i have been listening and then saturday and sunday it is going to get cool again [ laughter ] i could do a recap of whether . all right. that does it for us. good night.
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welcome in to game day. we've got a lot to get to tonight, but we're going to begin with some sad news. nfl hall of famer, raiders legend, jim otto passed away on sunday at the age of 86. he was the raiders very first draft pick back in 1960. he anchored the offensive line for the next 15 years, taking out his device to heart. he never missed the game the entire time with the silver and black. >> and he says you can't come off the field. you have to get off and keep yourself going. i've been doing that ever since. i have mentioned that to mr. davis in the past too that i will continue


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