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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  July 11, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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we offer expertise hand tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news america." >> this is "bbc world news america" reporting from washington. no backing down in egypt. the muslim brotherhood vows more protest. passengers on the plane that crashed in san francisco say that help was slow to arrive but officials say that emergency vehicles were nearby. as the world appears to we see the day, plight of girls still trying to get an education there.
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welcome to our viewers on public television in america and also around the globe. today in egypt, the muslim brotherhood has pledged to continue their peaceful resistance to the countries government. supporters are demanding that mohamed morsi be put back in power. it comes a day after arrest warrants were issued for their senior leadership. the un's secretary-general has voiced concern about the military arrest and detention. there is no place for retribution or exclusion in egypt. that sentiment was echoed by a spokeswoman at the u.s. state department. >> the arrest we have seen over the course several days targeting specific groups are not in line with the national reconciliation that the interim government and military say they are pursuing. it is hard to see how egypt will move beyond this crisis. that further emphasizes the
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point i was making about how all would be included in an inclusive process. >> what is the next move for the military, the muslim brotherhood, and the egyptian people? your dramatic cover this week says world best protesters, worst democrats. >> we are looking at the second time in three years the egyptian street has brought down a president. this time, a democratically elected president. we are asking the question, is this anyway way to run a democracy. it makes great news, makes gray television. lots of emotion and excitement. a country with the kinds of problems that egypt has, we run from the street. >> what is the strategy for the muslim brotherhood? .> i think they are really now
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they are reeling from the shock of having lost power. they are reeling from having so many of their leaders imprisoned. and for many of their supporters being shot and killed by the military. they are in organization that is well-known for political discipline among organizational discipline. they will gather their forces and come up with some sort of a plan. the fear is that if the rank- and-file have concluded that democracy is not the way forward for them that they could then radicalized and go back to where they were 40 years ago. >> why is the interim government getting money from saudi arabia amongst others all of a sudden? >> that is an interesting question. saudi arabia and kuwait have promised a white large amounts of money.
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-- promised quite large amounts of money. both say that the muslim brotherhood have their own way overruling. they regard the muslim brotherhood as a dangerously moderate force. they are rewarding the military for getting the muslim brotherhood out-of-the-way because they have feared that the success that the success of the muslim brotherhood in egypt might inspire a similar movement in their own territory. two-monthas only a supply supply of imported wheat left. how dire is the economic situation which led to those protests against mohamed morsi? >> the millions of dollars that the saudi's and the uae are offering would be helpful. this is where bread is not just a foodstuff but they politically
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motivated thing. can be raisedty and bring down government. i would imagine that they are directing their greatest attention to quickly getting enough grain in the granaries. >> when you interviewed mohamed morsi, you offered that he was a new pharaoh and he denied it. was he? that was not the pharaoh he was not a natural democrat. this is not just him. many in the brotherhood, many in the liberal camp don't anerstand what winning election actually means. winning an election is terrific but it does not mean that you only rule for the people. that was the problem with morsi.
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that theye attitude won the election, so what they say goes. >> thank you so much. pope francis now he laws working in the vatican. this includes a broader definition of crimes against minors. early this year, he said that dealing with sex abuse is vital to the catholic church's wettability. the longest-serving minister of luxembourg has resigned following a scandal. -- he said that dealing with sex catholicvital to the church's viability. fromr executives glaxosmithkline have been investigated for suspected bribery and tax violation. this allegedly happened in china. a large bribe has said to be
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given to officials, medical associations, and doctors to boost drug sales. the company said they found no evidence of corruption. passengers on the flight that crashed landed in san francisco airport on saturday said emergency vehicles were slow to arrive at the scene. that is according to 911 calls released today but officials maintained that ambulances and fire trucks were there within minutes, they were just cap in a nearby staging area to avoid more chaos. >> i was on the plane. >> a friend called by a female at saner after the crash francisco airport last week. >> there are people waiting on the tarmac with critical injuries. we're trying trying to keep our lives. >> questions are swirling around how it came to crash. the pilots were approaching too
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slowly and too low. walllane clipped the sea which separated the airport from san francisco bay. seemsssenger recollection to back up that series. >> we are so close to the water. i realized that this is totally wrong. questions remain about whether emergency evacuations rules will follow properly. some reports say that they did not want to evacuate the plane when it crashed to a standstill despite the pleadings of the flight attendants. investigators will look at why there was a delay. >> they had to show that a fully loaded aircraft can be fully evacuated within 90 seconds. what we saw here was that the first doors and slides were not open for about 90 seconds. >> the cabin crew has been appearing in public clearly traumatized by what has happened to the plane they
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worked on. 3000 remain in hospital, having been flown from the wreckage. -- 300 remain in hospital, having been flown from the wreckage. still amazing that so few people were killed in such a catastrophic crash. >> those questions continue. in moscow, a court has convicted a russian lawyer more than three years after he died in prison. this is the first ever post to ms. prosecution in their history. he is accused a group of officials of massive tax fraud and then he was charged with fraud and was detained. this caused diplomatic tensions between the kremlin and western countries. he has been dead nearly four years from the but that has not stopped russia from putting him on trial. the dog was empty again,
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like it has been every day of this bizarre court case. was empty again, like it has been every day of this bizarre court case. the trials boycotted claiming it was illegal. the state appointed a defense team. here they are. when the verdict came, they did not seem too interested or at all surprised. thejudge ruled that defendant was guilty of tax fraud. what just happened is unprecedented in russia will stop a man who died four years ago has just been convicted of economic crimes. his supporters say that this case is like a dance on a dead man's grave. he was a lawyer turned whistleblower and he claimed that he had uncovered a web of corruption. he alleged that police and tax officials had been stealing
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millions. was thewent public, he one arrested. he died here. the kremlin's own human rights council says there is evidence that he had been beaten to death. to critics of the kremlin, his fate has become a symbol of the absence of rule of law in russia. the authorities reject that. last year, president cute and said that he was no human rights activist. he had simply been a lawyer working for a british hedge fund manager and was under suspicion for economic crimes. that manager was william browder. he was also convicted of fraud, but mr. browder is in america and he has no intention of serving a nine-year prison sentence he received today. a criminalfectively regime. you had a young man who
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uncovered an enormous corruption, to the tune of 230 million dollars. he exposed it and instead of going after the people involved, they arrested him him a tortured and killed him and prosecuted him. >> the court says that justice has been done. putting a dead man in the dock and declaring him guilty, it is hard to argue that that is a fair trial. now to greece, there is evidence that the struggling economy is getting even worse. figures released show that total unemployment is at a record 26 .9%. the highest in the eu. the government in athens says they have to press on with austerity measures including more cuts to public sector jobs and healthcare spending. we went to greece to investigate claims that these cuts are making it harder to get medical treatment. >> kristoff is to seven, but he
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is already in a delicate state. he suffers from a rare inherited disease, and illness that can slice several times a month. every time he falls ill, he needs an injection costing 600 euros. if he does not get one, his life is in danger. the healthcare cost are covered by work-related insurance. lose your job, lose the cover. when the hard times hit, they had to close their business in athens. >> whenever he needs an injection, i have to lie. >> nearly a third of the greek workers are unemployed. is a common predicament. state health care cannot revive treatment.
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many turned to voluntary clinics like this. >> we are in a crisis. we are in a humanitarian crisis. >> greece has had to impose tough austerity measures. health services in particular have borne a heavy burden. >> he was emitted to the hospital but he has no health insurance. he was given a 6000 euro bill for the operation. unable to pay that amount, it was transferred to his tax bill. the greek ministry of health told me the system is coping with the increased demand and that that everyone is getting the care they need.
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thehere is an effort by people to help one another. this is the sign of society operating in austerity and difficulty. this is a positive sign for utilization, not signs of disintegration. >> for families, there is no other way. whatever the rights or wrongs of the austerity measures increase, the impact and health of the nation are plain to see. >> greece's woes continue. you are watching "bbc world news america", still to come. we will look back at a time when hijacking was an epidemic and sometimes little was done to stop it. to barbados, a country which is consistently at the top of the list of least corrupt nations.
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the latest part of our series from of the caribbean islands are plain to the rest of the world. >> barbados welcomes millions of visitors a year to the island. it is a key to the economy. its financial sector. it is a country that is open for business. the countries leaders of say that laws are important but they are not everything it comes to tackling production -- comes to tackling production. >> more important are the rules that are not written down. >> this report was sent to real people and it is about their spirit is of corruption. in barbados, people say that -- in this fishing village on the coast, everyone, local centaurus come here and people chatting .bout life in barbados
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gosh locals and tourists come here -- locals and tourists come here and people chat about the life in barbados. >> it is ok. .> corruption i don't know the white collar guy, the bigger guy. i would not know about that very much. arehe countries politician looking at corruption at every level including here at parliament where campaign donations, the next thing they want to be transparent. for a country that has made its reputation on its pristine beaches, is working to make sure that the rest of the country remains clean and corruption free.
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>> tomorrow, the world will be day, named for the pakistani teenager, malala yousafzai, who was targeted by the taliban and for advocating teenage education. she will address the u.n. tomorrow on the need for better access to education. that is still a struggle for girls in pakistan. >> following in the footsteps of malala. rushing to school, hungry to learn. the nationals with anthem. these little girls in northern pakistan have already learned hard lessons. they know that the televangelist like to silence girls voices. they are not far away. malala yousafzai
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changed the equation here, but not in the way the would expect. this last term is packed now but teachers tell us that the school was empty. for about a month, parents were too afraid to send their daughters here. ande has been a big change enrollment is actually up. teachers and aid workers lobbied parents to educate their daughters and because malala inspired them. ,e met some of the new pupils like this one, who would like to be a policewoman. >> my mother saw what happened to malala on tv. that made her think. she decided that her girls should also be in school and should get a good education.
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we should all follow her example. who were trapped at home by conservative social values, now have plans and opportunities. many children in pakistan never see the inside of a classroom. their childhood looks like this. full of backbreaking toil. entire families make bricks. even the youngest have to pull their weight. pakistan has millions of child laborers, born into poverty and often into debt. this is one of them. she is 10. she is desperate. if we earn, we eat. otherwise, we go hungry. my big brother was hurt and he cannot help our father making
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bricks. , so now make any money it is only us younger ones who are working. >> and they work from morning until night. the only lesson here is that life is a test of endurance. >> the need for children education in pakistan. now, a look back at what has been called a hijacking and the democrats to more than 150 flights were taken over in american airspace. that is almost one per week at the height. the motives varied. some wanted ransom money, others wanted a political call. of a new book called "the skies belong to us" tell us what got it off of the ground. is a victim of
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hijackers. >> the best way to conceive of this as an epidemic and that the behavior was a virus. it was people that wanted to escape to cuba. all they were interested was getting access to havana. instead, most of them ended up in prison in cuba. fidel castro was not very excited to see them come. after theiriami unexpected side trip, the crew and passengers of the hijack incident involving a u.s. airliners. >> you had people starting to go different destinations other than cuba. italy, the bahamas, algeria. finally you had people asking for money at the tail end of the epidemic. time when people kind of embraced outlaws because there was so much distrust of the establishment.
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they had not managed to stop the vietnam war. there was a lot of rage floating around. of course, very little security at airports by the airlines. the airlines had a policy of total compliance. to cause did not want mass destruction, they just wanted to negotiate. they wanted the passengers to be safe and they want to get their airplanes back intact. they instructed their flight crews to do everything they're hijackers asked. first of all, they were pretty scared that if they put in metal detectors at every airport and forced every single passenger to walk through it, that people would choose to drive a set of five. -- would choose to drive instead of fly. up withngers might end
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dangerous levels of radiation if they are checked every time. >> they also said it would cost untold millions to buy all of this equipment and hire the personnel. we can pay that all we can pay the relatively insignificant sum of getting our planes hijacked 30 or 50 times year. in 1972, they were growing more bizarre, more audacious, and more violent. you had a lot of deaths associated with this, often .hrough fbi firefights in november of 1972, you had an incident where three hijackers threatened to crash the plane into a nuclear reactor in tennessee unless they were given $10 million. that was really the tipping point in which the airlines realized the liabilities and the risks associated this work too severe to ignore. were too severe to ignore. but the huge numbers of hijackings in the 60's and 70's. we would like to congratulate our teams in egypt and syria who
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were nominated for u.s. news and the awards today. we wish them the best. to congratulate our teams in egypt and syria who were nominated for u.s. news emmy awards today. >> make sense of international news -- at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions.
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we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles.
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hi, neighbour! you're invited to a tea party at katerina kittycat's house! then we're going to play with o the owl. he has lots of books. this is going to be tiger-tastic. be right back! is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you.
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in the neighbourhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ could you be mine? ♪ won't you be my neighbour? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ (trolley dings.) - hi, neighbour! we're playing at katerina kittycat's house today. - hello, daniel tiger, meow, meow. hi, neighbour.
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- hi, katerina kittycat. - hee! hee! hee! goodbye, trolley. (trolley dings.) - meow, meow, daniel tiger, wonderful to see you. and hello, meow, meow. - hello, henrietta pussycat. - daniel, come inside. i have something to show you. i made it all by myself. - ok, katerina. - meow, meow, we'll be upstairs, mommy. - oh, ok, meow, meow. - come on! (daniel and katerina laughing) hello! - i have a surprise for you, mr. bear. (both laughing) see? we're having a birthday tea for mr. monkey. - well, happy birthday, mr. monkey. - thank you. hee! hee! hee! - a birthday party? i love birthday parties. - yes, meow, meow. and... beary bear is coming to the party. grr! and...


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