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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  September 10, 2014 3:59pm-4:31pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc world news america." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. newman's own foundation,
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giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years. kovler foundation. union bank. and beijing tourism. ♪ >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? ♪ ♪
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>> discover the best memories of your life. >> and now, "bbc world news."
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>> bringing troops home and he argued to the american people where action needs to be taken and taken now against isis in syria and iraq. and for the polls, it looks like the american people are behind him.
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>> their only complaint is that the president should have acted sooner. hawkish senators like bill nelson says the mood of the nation has changed. he wants action and action now. >> when you see a group that is savage, it is and for us to leave eliminate this savagery. these aircraft have been restricted to hitting targets in iraq. it seems certain to change. the president has the willingness inside syria and devoting considerable resources for opposition there. and the timing of this announcement, the flags at half mast.
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a date that will forever be associated with the ability to terrorism and its fight back against it. >> president obama has organized $25 million in the media system to help with military education. for more, i spoke a brief time ago. >> what were you hoping to hear from the president tonight? >> i want to hear the president make the case of how threatening this group is to the united states. it is a threat to the national security. this is what the president needs to make that case. it has an obligation.
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the option to defeat and destroy isis. to protect the american citizens and eliminate the threat. we don't need to hear from the president what he's not going to do, we need to hear what he is going to do. we really need to not just kick the can down the road. this is something that needs to be addressed immediately. >> if you don't go after the islamic state into syria, we will address and eliminate and destroy the threat. containment is not enough. support, ifor that would hope he comes to congress asking for a vote to support the efforts. it is the way to rally the
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american people. >> arming the rebels within syria against the islamic state. >> i have met with a number of those individuals. that is a necessary part of the plan. >> i need to know what that strategy is.
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>> the leadership, the strategy as it contains and crush and destroy and eliminate isis and that threat. >> you actually help the president stay in office. >> to eliminate this threat by isis, it is a threat to the homeland that he will need to put together a coalition of people. are they concerned about being dragged into another military extension? are they just recovering? >> i believe they are and that is why the answer to the first question was, what the president
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needs to do today is outline that in the united states. the video that came out was called a message to america. it is important for the president to lay that out. you for joining -- thank you for joining us. they transfer a known vote. he said he would be heartbroken if the union was torn apart. is it too little too late? >> political careers may be on
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the line. a vote which could redefined scotland in the u.k.. the westminster party leaders. >> ecd excitement and the people here. firms have concerns about independence. i see them shake their heads. scotland have the ability to create jobs. it is now attracting fairly
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significant media attention from all over the world. it is seen as a bit of about for a tension between the yes campaign and their opponents. minister addressed putting party politics aside. >> this is totally different from a general election. this is a decision about not the next five years, but a decision about the next century. >> he traveled to the scottish heartland and knows that it is disillusioned tabor voters. >> we are stronger together. we can change britain together. message from the
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rest of the united kingdom to the people of scotland. way or the other, it will be a big decision. >> for more on how this is shaping up, i spoke a brief time ago. what have you seen from the people you're talking to? it is a remarkable day and turning into a remarkable referendum campaign. .ot very well received we don't need him coming up here a days before polling day and telling us how to vote. there is only one conservative
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mp up here in scotland. it is not popular here. it is a bit of a cynical ploy. >> it is a large number of undecided. have we met one that is truly undecided? >> here in edinburgh -- , everybody has an opinion and very clear on what to do. 18% have not yet decided. wearing t-shirts and what they are voting for.
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they are crucial. we are at a point where the voice -- the votes are so close. those votes really do matter. >> eastern ukraine for next month. reported in the five days since it began. they impose new sanctions against russia. it will spend $50 million. of $10 million.
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there are increasing concerns about how to contain it. how is this money going to be used to fight the ebola outbreak. >> we expect them to be used emergent lee -- urgently. us and we knew that urgently.d money to contact the patients so we can protect them from the epidemic. >> how do they respond to this deadliest ebola outbreak ever? like my colleagues, ebola had
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only been seen as occurring very in frequently and affecting small outbreaks in world settings. this is the first time we have seen ebola in an urban setting in a crowded area and have seen it spread this quickly. the first is recognition that we have a serious epidemic on our hands. and secondly, the health systems have really not been up to what the people in these countries need. >> are they really doing enough, do you think? we have heard approximately $600 million is needed. with united states, european countries, the african union,
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everyone is coming in in a very concerted way now that we have all heard more is needed. what we hope is our funds ready now, very flexible. in the front lines and to help with new technologies, vaccines. >> and the vaccine would be preventative. we are very eager to see the vaccine. the first volunteers have been treated with vaccines. it would be preventative especially to help health-care workers. accessnt health care and
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to good health care providers. they are most urgently needed. >> you're watching bbc world news america. they visit one colorado town. >> how often do you think about your nation's economic future? public opinion on this varies greatly from country to country. they think their own country is not doing so well. >> the great recession may be over but the economic recovery around the world is uneven. and so are people's perceptions of how things are improving. they made close to 50,000 people.
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and about the current economic conditions, countries with high unemployment are most pessimistic. expectations obviously matter. unemployment is down and the stock market has been booming. can you guess which three countries were most popular? it was china, vietnam, and germany. they expect global economy growth to the 3.4% this year and slightly faster than in 2013. economy improves
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national morale, look at the number of britt satisfied with the direction of their country. it's not the only factor at play. russians may be struggling, but they are more satisfied with where he is taking the country. >> one year ago tomorrow, for a small community in jamestown colorado, they were almost wiped out by a flood. killed very by a landslide and another seven people died. telling stories from across the area, remarkable stories of survival.
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>> it had been raining for days. >> raining and raining. >> a landslide of the road. exit was afraid train. -- >> it was a freight train. >> i had a hard time going to sleep. the creek fills up with water and it makes the sound of thunder but coming from underneath you. >> at least that size and bigger, just flying down the river. >> he was yelling, you don't want to hear this. the best friend joey had already died in a mudslide.
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i grabbed the children, took one last look at the dead and new things were about to change. i could not see anything. debris.n ocean of it was a raging machine out there. time, his roommate climbed out the window. wallld see the living room bowed out towards us and debris all the way up. >> when the sun came out in the rain quit, it went back to where it belonged and we saw what was left. weeks ago, the water was reestablished.
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we developed, if it was possible, a greater sense of community. lost our way of life and we lost our neighbor. >> we knew that we would be better, certainly. >> jamestown, colorado there. of much more on our website.
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if a misty chore. it stood in splendid isolation. secrets.e still every four years, the project to map what lies in the deep is everything from the existence and actually a very short one. nobody knew it existed.
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the ritual and religion. manyere have been so investigations of this landscape and the lands depending on now. >> to chart the evolution. >> we have found something new. they are calling it super.
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>> it started in britain. in a drive to build ever more incredible monuments. duncan kennedy, bbc news, stonehenge. >> that brings today's show to a close. thanks for joining and tune in tomorrow. ♪ >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years. kovler foundation, beijing tourism, and union bank. and charles schwab. >> there is a saying around here. you stand behind what you say. around here, you don't make excuses.
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we make commitments. you own up and make it right. think the kind of accountability that thrives on so many streets in this country has gone missing, but i know you will still find it. if you know where to look. if you know where to look. >> bbc
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[ female announcer ] fun together is the best fun of all. ♪ chuck e cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. and by contributions to your pbs station from: ♪ every day, when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ everybody that you meet has an original point of view ♪ (laughing) ♪ and i say, hey hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day ♪ if we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ ♪ you got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat ♪
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♪ listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ open up your eyes, open up your ears ♪ ♪ get together and make things better by working together ♪ ♪ it's a simple message, and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ believe in yourself ♪ believe in yourself ♪ ♪ for that's the place to start ♪ ♪ place to start ♪ ♪ and i say, hey ♪ hey! hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day♪ ♪ if we can learn to work and play ♪ ♪ and get along with each other ♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day♪ hey! ♪ what a wonderful kind of day♪ hey! arthur (on tv): hey, d.w.! hey! whoa! (loud thud) (letters shattering) sometimes it's easy to know when you've outgrown something. okay, push me. not now, d.w. can't you see i'm busy? so? you can still introduce the show while you're pushing. (sighs) (struggles)
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but sometimes it's harder to tell. like with stuffed animals. when are you too old to... faster. i'm pushing as hard as i can. you're too big. you're just weak. where was i? stuffed animals. oh, yeah. is eight years old too old to play with... where's my ba-ba? i want my ba-ba! your what? ba-ba! it's baby for "bottle." boy, you're terrible at this game. so when do you know when you're too old to do something? this is empty. where's the juice? that's it, i'm throwing a tantrum. (fake wailing) i quit! just watch the show and see how binky deals with this question. (gasps) don't you say another word! what are you looking ' at? scram!


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